Graduation Day 

Tina celebrates her graduation from High School.  Part 2

By Pat Mallon



WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.



Alexia is first at the goal post and torments the steel post with her muscular nude body. But with the strength of Tina, Alexia is just showing off her firm body as she strains to topple the goalpost.  And after teasing the goalpost with her body she turns around and backs into the goalpost with her ass firmly pressed against the steel.  The young muscular teenager then places her hands behind both her head and the goalpost and begins to stretch her finely developed young body.  She holds onto the goalpost so tightly with her hands the she is able is lift her legs off the ground and straight out.  Everyone gawks at Alexia as perfectly symmetrical muscles bulge from are arms and shoulders, and her chest and breasts expands to the point that her nipples appear to be ready to explode off her tits.  You could her the chatter from Alexia her classmates as the girls all wished they had her body and the guys all wished they could screw her.


Alexia finally releases her body from the goalpost, and says to Tina, “Would you just reshape this steel goalpost to the outline of your fantastic body.  I’d like to see a life size silhouette of your shape and a memento to the school as to who destroyed their stadium”.


“WOW, I like that idea”, Tina says as she backs her soft feminine body against the cold steel goalpost. “And with the size and shape of my boobs, there will be no question about who is responsible for this mayhem”.   So Tina backs her firm rounded ass into the steel goalpost and almost topples the goalpost.  Then, she places the back of her right leg squarely against the post and with an open right hand firmly presses the 25 centimeter thick steel post into her slender leg.  She begins at her ankle and continues up past her shapely calf and high up onto her firm thigh.  The thick steel just seems to melt and mold into her body as if it were soft foam rubber.  Tina’s fingers gently crush, twist, squeeze, and caress the steel like modeling clay and she moves her hand slowly upward.  And just for a little extra emphasis, she pushes her firm rounded backside to one side to amplify her curvy female shape.  Tina’s hands continues up her nude body, compressing the steel goalpost into the right cheek of her backside and forcing solid steel to follow the curves of her perfectly round ass.  Once passed her backside, Tina just quickly squeezes the puny steel into her back and then her neck and finally over her head and bends the goal post with her one hands and brings the entire goalpost down past her gorgeous face.  Tina uses both hands to straightforwardly squeeze the steel post down to about 3 centimeters thick before she presses the steel into her face. And as the young super strong teenager presses the steel into her face, everyone stares in amazement as the steel takes the shape of her petite nose, her soft lips, her smooth chin, and the front of her neck.  Everyone can tell Tina is having fun and she is bending and crushing steel with an open hand as if it were a piece of string.


Tina doesn’t say a word, for she doesn’t want to distort the facial features she has already impressed into the steel.  So she continues to press the steel down her chest and out the distance of her enormous breasts.  The super girl merely uses her open hand to pat the steel into the soft ripe flesh of her tits and is carefully not to push her hand into her own flesh, which would distort the perfect outline of her breasts.   Finally, Tina reaches the end of her breasts and folds the steel goalpost over the ends of her tits and down past her nipple and back onto the underside of the tits and onto the mid section of her belly.  Then, she takes her petite hand and places it on the end of her right tit and slowly kneads the steel goalpost around her nipple.  This causes her nipple to harden and expand and also allows Tina to shape the steel to the same thickness as her nipple and show off her nipple’s exact size.  Tina finishes the artwork by squeezing the steel past her narrow waist and, down the front side of her hips, and onto the front side of her legs.


Tina carefully slips out sideways, takes a few steps back to observe her artwork and says, “Wow, am I that shapely”?  Alexia replies, “You’re that shapely, and it’s very obvious your shapely body is the model for that sculptured artwork”.  And then everyone heard one of the guys mutter, “You could fly a fucking jumbo jet plane through the area that outlines her tits”.  The young group of classmates laughs and then huddles together to decide what’s next. “There were so many options”, Tina states, “and so little time, the stadium itself, the schools buses parked nearby, the press box high above the stadium, the locker room under the stadium, and we need to finish quickly so we can start a party”. “Lets begin with the press box, high above the stadium, I think that would be entertaining”, replies Alexia, “and then the locker room.  I personally would like to watch Tina effortlessly bend, crush, mangle, and twist those steel girders and then remove the entire press box from the stadium, then demolish the locker room.  And then fling those ugly yellow school buses around like they are plastic play toys”.


“Well, we better get started if we expect to start partying before nightfall”, says Tina as she strolls straight for the 2-meter high brick wall that partitions the playing field from the stadium.  The girls walk towards the steps at the one end of the brick wall and the guys run and jumped onto the brick wall, over the metal railing and continue up the stadium until the reach the top of the stadium just at the entrance door to the press box.  The guys turned around just in time to observe Tina’s body collide into the brick wall.  The force of Tina’s breast against the solid brick wall was totally lopsided, for her breasts penetrated the bricks with a force of several billions tons of energy and sent the bricks exploding in every direction.  Her slender thighs then demolished the lower section of the brick wall and transformed the bricks into a fine red power.  And as she continued through the wall and jumps onto the stadium itself, she grabs the steel guard railing with her hands, first, ripping the steel railing apart with a simple outward jerk of her hands and secondly by pulling her hands inward and tearing 20 meters of the railing on either side of her out of its foundation and tossing it aside as if it were made of thin strips of paper.


Tina continues to stroll unabated up the stadium and towards the press box. However, she takes the direct route and doesn’t use the appropriate aisle.  And as she walks up the stadium steps, her super powerful and shapely legs rip, grind, slice, and tear into the long metal benches and slashes a trail of absolute destruction through the stadium’s seats.  The guys at the top of the stadium all glare in amazement as Tina never slows down as her super strong legs muscles methodical smash, crush, tear, and amputate the metal benches from the stadium’s concrete steps as if they were made of smoke.  The sound of steel bolts being ripped from the concrete and 30-centimeter wide steel plates being slices as easily as crackers in a high speed blender, sent chills and thrills into the hearts and cocks of the young men. And as Tina reaches the top of the stadium at the steel door leading to the press box, she turns her nude body around and looks at the route she took through the stadium’s seats and says, “Oh yeah, a lesson from geometry, the shorted path between two places is a straight line”. 


The girls haven’t reached the top of the stadium yet because they walked the long way around, so Tina says to the guys, “If the five of you can open this door to the press box, I’ll fuck your bodies until you scream for mercy. And in fact, I’ll give you a slight handicap”.  Tina then turn around to steel door which is secures with a massive steel bar over 10 centimeters wide and 5 centimeters thick and using only her one hand twists gently at the bar until she bends it around her fist.  Tina then steps back and says, “Have at it guys, try to remove the bar”.  All five guys grab the steel bar with both hands but can’t pull the bar out and it would only require a few centimeters more to free the bar from the hold down clasps. Tina finally says, “Let a woman show you how to open the door”, as Tina grips the steel bar again with her one hand and yanks the heavy steel bar which causes the steel bar, the lock, the steel clasps, and the large bolts that secure the clasps to the steel “I” beam frame to break free of the steel framing.  The mighty Tina then holds the steel bar in her outstretched hand and starts to squeeze her fingers around the solid steel bar.  The guys watch as her long slender fingers crush into the steel as if it were made of soft foam and ponder the strength necessary to squeeze the steel so tight that the thick steel bar begins to sag downwards and with the final squeeze of her fingers, the two ends of the bar just fall off the ends of her hand and the remains of the steel bar oozes out from between her fingers.  “Sorry guys, I knew you couldn’t remove the steel bar so it was an unfair bet.  However, as the night goes on and the party gets into full swing, I’ll make other bets and before the night is over, you should be able to accomplish at least one feat of strength.   Oh, and then I’ll let you fuck me”, Tina says as she places her hand on the door to the press box and pushes her fingers through the steel door as if it were wet tissue paper and swipes her hand sideways and completely crushes the steel door into and through the steel frame of the doorway.  The steel door resembled more of an accordion after the gentle persuasion of Tina’s one hand.


About this time, the girls arrive at the mutilated entrance to the press box and Alexia says to Tina as she observes the damage, “Were the guys any assistance on opening the door”.  And after a few snickers, Tina replies back to Alexia, “Just be patience and you will soon realize how weak men can be compared to women”.   Alexia looks back at Tina with a puzzled look but doesn’t say anything”.


Everyone runs up the steps to the press box office and gathers at the center of the press box and looks down onto the field. “Sort of insignificant says one of the guys, it’s a nice view but no one is playing football”.  Then Alexia says to Tina, “Let’s make a sport of the press box.  Tina, would you just tear the press box from its foundation on the stadium, bend it into the shape of a horseshoe and throw it across the field and make a ringer around that far light tower, just like in the game of horseshoe.  “Great idea Alexia”, Tina says as the guys all run for the exit door.


Tina and her classmates proceed to the one side of the press box and looks through the thick iron bars that keeps everyone from going under the press box.  The press box is over 25 meters long and is support by three massive steel “I” beams over 3 meters long that connects several steel beams which constitutes the floor of the press box.  The entire structure weighs over 20 tons and the press box is 3 meters above stadium’s highest seats.  However, to keep the spectators from going under the press box, massive steel bars, 3-centimeters in diameter were installed around the end sides of the press box.  The steel bars are about 12 centimeters apart from each other. And the front section that encloses the underside of the press box is a solid concrete block wall. 


Alexia sways her nude body in a sexy manner as she strolls up to the iron bars and grabs then with her hands and attempts to shake and pull the steel bars out of the concrete base.  She laughs and as she turns around, she sees Tina approaching and she steps aside.  Tina grabs one of the thick steel bars with her hand and turns around to her classmates and says, “Well”.  You could hear the comments, “Just bend them apart like Wonder Woman”, or “pull three bars out and braid them together as if they were locks of hair”, or “use your nipples to slice the bars to pieces”, and “push your tits through the bars and crush the steel in your cleavage”.  Tina chuckles as she looks at Alexia as says, “Those guys only have one thought on their mind”.  Alexia looks at Tina and replies, “Why don’t you just attempt to gently slide your firm, slender female body through those bars”, as she places her leg through the steel bars all the way up to her thighs and flexes her leg muscles.  It was an incredible sight, for although Alexia could not in any way bend the steel bars, you could tell her muscles were trying as they pressed into and surrounded the cold round steel bar.


Tina looks at Alexia as Alexia removes her muscular leg and Tina places her right leg through the same opening in the steel bars.  And just as Alexia did, Tina pushes her leg through the bars until it’s high on her right thigh.  Tina, however, being firm but slender did not have the outstanding muscle development of Alexia.  So Tina’s leg has no problem fitting between the steel bars.  Then, Tina attempted to slide her firm round ass through the steel bars and the thick steel bar only has one option and that is to bend into the curve of the perfectly shaped cheek of Tina’s ass.  Tina moved slowly and from the way she was moving her body, everything though she was actually sliding her body through the steel bars.  However, the sound of cold hard steel bending is unmistakable, and everyone is watching first one bar and then another steel bar simply reshape itself as Tina’s ass slides across the steel bars.  Finally, the right cheek of Tina’s tight ass slides past the bent steel bars and the bars rest in the crack of her tight ass.  And with a smile on her face, Tina just bends over slightly at her slender waist and she pushes her bare ass back into the bars.  The crack of her well-formed ass pushes back several more of the bars and when she wiggles her ass sideway, the bars are simply torn from their concrete foundation with a loud popping noise that sounds more like an explosion.  Tina then stands straight up and pushes her hips forward, again bending the steel bar that is tightly presses against her pussy and the sound of solid steel being rasped into fine slivers of metal by her cunt hairs causes everyone to put their hands over their ears.   Tina then pushes her upper body backwards and bends the top of several steel bars with the back of her head and shoulders.  The powerful teenager then grabs the ends of her super tits and pulls her gargantuan breasts back into her chest.  She pulls her breasts back far enough so they can pass between the bar in front of her without touching the steel bar and when she has her super sized cleavage directly between the bar, she slowly releases her breasts with her hands.  Her enormous globes surround the first bar and the bar sinks into her soft cleavage and bends outward with absolute ease. Then the second bar is caught between her tits and it also bends outward as the first bar is sliced in half.  A third steel bar, a fourth steel bar, a fifth steel bar, are sequential captured in her expanding cleavage. And as the steel bars are captured by her massive tits they are pushed outward, twisted, sliced in half, and the sections captured between her super tits are crushed into a super hot liquid metal that falls to the ground and burns through the concrete.   Finally, Tina’s enormous tits stop at the eights steel bar where her massive cleavage only bows the steel bar out slightly.  But, when Tina turns her body sideways to look at her classmates, her nipple catches on the eights bar and violently twists it like a piece of string and slashes the steel bar from its concrete foundation and its welded connection at the top of a steel beam of the press box.


After amusing herself and her classmates with the steel bars, Tina enters the underside of the press box and goes directly to the first massive steel “I” beam and stands directly behind the 60 centimeter wide steel beam.  Tina then yells to her classmates, “Watch this”, as she reaches forward and clasps each side of the steel “I” beam with her hands and pulls back on the thick steel with her fingers.  Tina’s fingers bend and wrench the steel back around her body as easily as if she is opening a silk blouse.  And the center of the steel beam begins to thrust forward as Tina pushes her massive chest muscles deeper into the steel “I” beam.  Then with an ear piercing “PING” sound, Tina’s nipples puncture through the steel plating, immediately followed by her massive tits.  The mighty Tina just slices the bulky steel “I” beam in half with nothing but her firm massive feminine breasts.   Tina then just pulls down on the upper half of the “I” beam and with a twisting motion of her hands tears the “I” beam off the underside superstructure of the press box.  The 3 centimeter thick harden steel rivets connecting the two steel beams together burst open and cause a sequence of popping sounds that resembles auto weapons fire. The young super girl just stands there holding with a large steel beam in with her one hand and displays the steel beam to her classmates, just before she folds the massive steel girder in half with her hands as if it were made of a thin sheet of plastic wrap.


“Hey guys”, shouts Tina as she positions her hands behind her head and sticks her elbows straight out in front of her head.  “ I’ve heard you all chat about the “Elbow Test” for girls. Now let’s see if I can pass your test.  I’ll walk straight up to that concrete block wall and let’s see what touches the wall first, my elbows or my TITTIES”.  Tina walks directly to the wall with her elbows extended and her chest thrust straight out and every one of Tina’s classmates can easily see that her tits are going to collide with the concrete wall long before her elbows.  It only takes a second for Tina to reach the concrete wall and her tits plow into the concrete block wall and immediately blast out several of the sizeable concrete blocks.  She continues to walk forward until her elbows are just gently touching the wall, then turns around to her friends and says, “Did I pass”.  Bill looks at the outside of the concrete block wall and says to the other classmates, “Her tits are protruding through the outside of the concrete wall by half a meter”.  Then he turns towards Tina and replies, “You passed the “Elbow Test” with an A+”.


Tina has to eliminate the concrete block wall if she was going to lift the entire press box and bend it into a horseshoe shape, so she just turned sideways and pushes her strong body into and through the concrete block wall.  The end section of the large wall essentially collapses as her long legs, shapely hips, slender arms, rounded shoulders, and large breasts simply demolish the concrete blocks as if they were a child’s toy blocks.  Tina then marches forward with her incomparable body, trampling lengthwise through the entire 25 meters of concrete blocks.  Tina’s titanic tits begin the destruction of the wall by pushing and pulverizing the concrete blocks forward as her breasts bounce up and down.  And her legs continue the absolute annihilate as her thighs chew up the lower section with a grinding action as her legs move back and forth through the concrete wall.  Tina only used her hands to push falling concrete blocks away from eyes so she continue to see and walk directly through the entire wall.  And after walking the 25-meter and completely destroying the wall with her nude body, Tina goes directly to the massive “I” beam at the far end of the press box.


Tina yawns as she looks at the thick steel column and says, “Oh well, I need to remove it, it’s just a question of what part of my body do I want to use”.  Tina then hears some yell, “Your legs, use your long sexy legs. Wrap those long slender sexy legs around that beam and crush it flat”.   Tina doesn’t even have to think, for she sits down at the base of the massive “I” beam and stretches her long legs out and wraps them tenderly around the 60 centimeter wide steel beam and then lays her back down on the ground. Tina then begins to rock her curvy hips up and down and slowly begins to close her long legs.  The thick steel “I” beam screams with horrible sounds as Tina’s thighs crush the steel together and force the steel into her now wet pussy.  The steel doesn’t have any hope of surviving as Tina’s calf muscles begin a slow pull of the steel into her inflexible thighs and her thighs crush and smash the massive column into her pussy.  The rocking action of Tina’s firm round hips causes the cold hard steel to be sliced, torn, and hack away by her hot pussy as it rides up and down against the cold hard steel. And finally, just as the massive steel beam is crushed in half by Tina’s legs, the mighty Tina lets out a scream of passion that is most likely heard all across the school complex.  One of the guys then makes a subtle comment; “ I hope see doesn’t perform that way when she’s fucking a normal guy”.  Bill then answers, “Actually it worst, somehow she knows not to crush your bones, but she still get that passionate and doesn’t quit until she’s satisfied. And there no way you can get out of that leg hold”.


Tina stands up, shakes her head and says, “Sorry, hard object against my soft warm pussy cause me to become a little rowdy”, as she reaches out with her one hand and grabs the steel beam and begins to wraps it around her body likes it’s a soft bath towel.  Tina’s hand rub and caress the thick steel over her tits, down her hips and onto the legs and the steel just folds and molds to the shape of the curvy body.  Her hands sever and slice the thick steel column to hundreds of fragments that just fall off of Tina’s unbelievable nude body. And again she just twist off the top of the beam from the underside of the press box and tosses the remains of the steel beam aside like it was a wash cloth.


Tina then proceeds straight for the center and only remaining steel column of the press box and grabs the massive steel beam with both hands. Her long thin fingernails slice through the thick steel like a shape knife through soft bread and her fingers push aside the steel plates with extreme ease.  And as Tina pulls down on the huge steel column, it instantly bends and cracks the concrete foundation under it and her fingers begin to shred the steel column apart.  Tina continues to pull the solid steel beam down and crushes it into the concrete foundation with only the strength of her fingers until she can reach the steel support beam on the underside of the press box.  The super strong girl then clutches the steel beam on the underside of the press box with her left hands and pushes her fingers deep into the steel and softly squeezes the beam to get a solid hold of the entire press box.  And with her right hand, she squeezes the steel of the support column little by little until she severs the connection between the two steel beams.  Every one of Tina’s classmates watches in amazement as hot liquid steel squirts out from her right hands every time she squeezes her hand closed and cuts away more steel.  Tina then simply pushes the remains of the support column out of the way with her hips and then uses her foot to press the beam deep into the concrete decking of the stadium.


The super Goddess looks over at her classmates and just stands there and holds the 20-ton press box over her head with only her left hand.  Then, Alexia motions with her arm for Tina to do some reps with the massive structure, and Tina obliges Alexia’s request and starts a series of about 500 reps with only her left arm.  Tina does the reps at an every increasing rate until the press box starts to shake apart.  At this point she maintains this steady rate of reps and just to prove a point about her strength, Tina starts to yawn and brings her right hand up to cover her mouth.  And once Tina has completed her little exercise, she brings the structure down and rests the underside steel beam of the press box across her breasts. And while balancing the 20-ton structure on her chest, Tina extends her hands out sideway and reaches as far out as possible and clasps the steel beam with her hands.  Then, with a simple squeeze of her hands, dig her fingers deep into steel beam and starts to bend the steel beam on the underside of the press box upward.  The entire press box starts to bend as Tina slowly and steadily raises her arms and at the same time forces the steel beam against her indestructible chest muscles.  The press box folds as if it were a piece of paper and the front glass panels just burst out of the frame, the roof caves inward and the side crumble onto themselves.  It only takes Tina about 3 seconds to bend the 20-ton press box into the shape of a horseshoe and as she looks over to her friends, gently tosses the bent structure towards a light tower at the far end of the football field.  And with perfect accuracy, Tina’s toss lands dead center at the base of the light tower.  Alexia raises her hands and yells’ “A ringer, a dead ringer, nothing can top that”.


So Tina says to Alexia, “What’s next on your list for me to torment with my body”?  And Alexia responds as she strikes a nice muscular pose with her nude body, “The school buses, there a fucking parking lot full of useless school buses, and I hated riding in those ugly buses”. So all the classmates run down from the top of the stadium, the guys running over the stadium seats and the girls using the steps. Tina, however, strolls through the metal seats and enjoys the fact that her slender legs and thighs chew up the steel seating and post of the seats as if she was walking through a meadow.  Metal is torn, ripped, sliced, bent, and crushed by her ultra powerful legs and thighs and her bare feet simply push steel posts down into solid concrete and then gouge out chunks of concrete with her toes as if she is walking on moist sand.  All of Tina’s classmates watch intensely as the super goddess marches diagonally through the stands, destroying everything in her paths with both grace and unadulterated strength.  The girls all wished they had Tina’s body and strength; the guys just wished they could fuck Tina and help relieve their raging hormones.


Once everyone is at the bottom of the stadium and onto the field, Alexia says to Tina, “ I would love to use my shapely body to tease those schools buses as if they were just a child’s toys and completely obliterate those buses. I hate those ugly buses because they are so disgusting, and just as Tina was about to answer there is this loud crash on the opposite side of the football field.  Everyone turned around to see what cause the thunderous blast and it’s a full size school bus, bent into the shape of a horseshoe, and it landed directly on top of the twisted press box that Tina has tossed just a few minutes ago.  Everyone just stares at the school bus that topped the ringer by Tina.   Then Tina yells in an excited tone of voice, “Ann’s here”.


It didn’t take the group long to determine the direction Ann is approaching the football field, for they could see cars in the school parking lot being heaved around as if they were plaything.  For Ann, just like Tina, always walked in a straight line, her fantastic body and pure strength pushed, crushed, squashed, and sliced through the rows of cars like a sharp razor through paper.  And as Ann exited through the rows of cars and pushes over a light post with her massive tits, she sees Tina and Alexia and starts to jog.  Ann’s blond hair swings from side to side and her massive tits swing is step with her hair.  Her extra small and super tight halter top can barely maintain her super sized breasts from popping out and as she reaches the chain link fence to the football field, Ann’s long nipples at the end of her titanic tits are first to begin the shredding of the metal mesh fence.  And without slowing down a step, Ann’s nipples slice long horizontal gashes in the chain link as they swing from side to side, followed by her tits blasting open the metal mesh as it’s made of cobwebs.  Next, Ann’s right foot smashes into the metal fence and slices a long vertical gash that is followed by her long slender calf and firm thigh and carve open the lower part of the fence as if they were a surgeon sharp scalpel.  The thick chain link fence offered negative resistance to her shapely body and the fence explodes open with a violent metal ripping sound as Ann’s powerful and sexy body continues in a direct line towards Tina.


Tina also dashes to greet her cousin Ann and both super girls embrace in a friendly hug, as they are extremely delighted to see each other.  Tina thanks Ann for coming so quickly and both girls start to walk back towards Alexia. Tina again politely request that Ann transfers a little extra strength to her best friend Alexia and as the two girls approach Alexia, Ann shouts out loudly, “WOW, you weren’t joking, she absolute perfect.  Her muscle tone and development are incredible”.  So Tina introduces Ann to Alexia and after this short introduction Ann says to Alexia, “How did you develop all the muscles in your body in such a short time, you can’t be a day over 18 years old. I’ve been trying to firm and develop my muscles for several years and you are much more developed than I”.  Alexia response back to Ann in a true professional manner as she takes her nude body through a series of poses, “By lifting weights religiously for 6 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the past 4 years”.


“How much weight can you lift”, asks Ann and Alexia replies. “I work out with weights from 20 kilos to 100 kilos, but it’s the constant repetitions that has developed the muscles on my body”.


“Well, your dedication to muscle development has truly made you a professional body builder. Do you expect to enter professional competition”, ask Ann?  “Oh yes”, replies Alexia, starting this fall when I’m attending college.


Ann then says to Alexia as she unties the thin straps of her halter and slowly removes it from her enormous breasts, “Let me reveal my muscles and we can compare mine to yours. That way I’ll have an idea of how much I need to improve”.  Both Ann and Alexia begin to flex and expand their muscles, but is not a fair comparison, for Alexia’s muscles are much larger, firmer, and shapelier than Ann’s.  So Ann begins to gently rub and massage Alexia’s muscles with her fingers starting with her arms and shoulders and working her way down past her firm pert breasts and her solid abs and then to her tight backside, her rock-hard thighs and finally her shapely calves. Ann takes her time inspecting Alexia muscles and Alexia responds by expands each and every one of her muscles as Ann explores her superb body.


“You have the most perfect muscular body for a female I have ever seen, and I’m jealous, looks like I’ll need to start working out for several hours a day”, Ann admits to Alexia.  Ann then says to Tina and Alexia, “Well, I have to be going, I have an appointment with the bank loan official in an hour, don’t want to be late and not get that loan”, as both Tina and Ann snicker.  Alexia then takes hold of Ann’s hands and says, “I hope you get that loan, and I wish I had your strength and half your bust measurement”.  Ann just smiles back at Alexia then says goodbye to everyone and walks with her cousin Tina as she leaves the field.


Tina looks at Ann as says, “Just how strong did you make Alexia. Is she as strong as I”?  “Of course not Tina, she is only a millionth of your strength and a billionth of my strength”. 


Tina replies, “Ok then, can she lift a car”, to which Ann says, “Yea, she can probably lift a car. And as Tina and Ann walk together, the conversion goes back and forth as to the strength of Alexia.


Tina, “Can she lift a truck”.  Ann, “Perhaps”.

Tina, “Can she lift a bus”.  Ann “Should be able”.


Tina, “Can she lift a army tank”.  Ann, “I think she will be able to do that”.

Tina, “Can she lift a train”.  Ann, “She should be capable”.

Tina, “Can she lift a battle ship”.  Ann, “Probably”.


“Well Ann, please tell me just how strong did you made Alexia”, Tina inquires?  “Oh, how strong is Alexia?  She not very strong at all, but she will be able to lift that entire concrete stadium that probably weights 100000 tons, and balance it on her left nipple.  Then, place a small feather on her right nipple and most likely she will not be able to tell which one is heaver.  Does that answer your question Tina”?


Great, and thank you Tina.  We should have a blast tonight.  We are going to party well into the night and call all our friends to join us.  Then we are going to call everyone we don’t like, and we have special plans for that group”.  Ann replies back as she laughs, “If you get thrown in jail, don’t expect me to bail your ass out”. To which Tina replies as she thrusts her gigantic breasts forward, “I believe these two assets of mine should be able to bail my ass out of any jail.  Again both Ann and Tina laugh at the thought of being arrested and taken to a jail.  “One more question Ann”, asks Tina, “Will Alexia have breasts as large as mine”.  To which Tina replies, “The more Alexia users her breasts to crush solid objects between them, the larger her breasts will become until they are as large as your breasts.  So tutor her immediately so she will be ready tonight for your graduation party”.  Tina and Ann bid farewell and Tina runs back to Alexia and her classmates.


Alexia says to Ann is a soft voice, “ I appreciate your cousin Ann taking time to come over and visit you, and she is very beautiful and shapely and has excellent muscle tone.  However, I felt something very mysterious when she was touching my muscles.   The feeling was fantastic and was sort of sensual, it was a sexy tingling sensation that penetrated deep into my muscles, I’ve never felt anything like that before in my life”.   To which Tina replies, “Oh that tingling sensation is just some of Ann’s strength rubbing off onto you. Come on over with me to that solid thick concrete wall and I’ll demonstrate how you can reproduce that tingling sensation in your muscles”.  Alexia looks at Tina with a puzzled stare but walks over with her to the solid concrete wall at the bottom of the stadium.


Tina walks over to the meter thick solid reinforced concrete wall and stops just a few centimeters from the end of the massive wall and says to Alexia; let me show you how you can reproduce the sexy tingling in you body.  Now watch closely”.  So Tina thrust out her monstrous tits and forces her erect nipples and the end of her sensitive breasts about 10 centimeters into the solid concrete.  Then she takes a short step forward, blasting her breasts all the way into the concrete causing the concrete to transform into a crushed chalky power and the steel reinforcing bars to flatten into thin strips of metal.  Tina then places her arms around the concrete wall and plunges her fingers and hands into the rock-hard concrete and breaks off a large chunk of concrete and shears off the reinforced bars.  The super powerful teenager then turns around to Alexia and says to her, “I just had that same sexy feeling through my arms and tits”, as she stand there holding the 500 kilo chunk of solid concrete with steel reinforcing bar protruding out of the block.   Alexia just stands there not knowing what to do or what to say, so Tina says to her, “Close you eyes and extend your arms out Alexia”. And Alexia enthusiastically obliges Tina’s request and closes her eyes and holds out her arms directly in front of her nude body.  Tina then places the large chunk of concrete in Alexia arms.  The young muscular arms of Alexia don’t move a micrometer as the heavy block is placed in her arms and then Tina says, “Open your eyes Alexia”.  Alexia scream as she opens her eyes and sees the block of concrete in her arms and immediately pulls her arms back and lets the heavy chunk of concrete fall to the ground.  The large chunk of concrete falls straight down, hitting Alexia firm thighs and bounces off her legs and rolls of few feet in front of her attractive body.


“Alexia, is that any way to show how strong you are to your classmates”, says Tina with her hands place firmly on her hips, “Now please pick up little piece of concrete, press it into your chest, and crush it with your muscular arms”?  “Tina, I, I, I can’t lift that block of concrete, let alone crush it, that’s impossible, the most I have ever lifted is about 150 kilos”, says Alexia in a confused tone of voice.


“Trust me Alexia, pick up the huge block of solid concrete, lets your tits gouge, hollow out, and claw at the concrete and then crush it with your arms into a million pieces.  The only problem is believe there will be is how to stop you from crushing all those schools buses, this stadium, and the cars of everyone you would like to get even with for all the insults you have taken in the last year. Especially after your experience that sexy tingling sensation in your body again”, says Tina as she points to the block on concrete on the ground.


“I don’t understand Tina, but I will experiment with anything to get that sexy tingling in my muscles again, I just wish fucking men would give me the same as pleasure ”, says Alexia with a confused look on her beautiful face as she reaches for the huge concrete boulder.


“Oh just you wait until you get to screw 4 of your classmates tonight and at the same time tease them and yourself by using your body to bend, crush, squeeze, and torment solid steel object. Now believe me, that’s exciting and will bring your sexuality to a rage”, says Tina.  To which Alexia says, “OOOOOOOhhh”, as she leans forward and reaches for the chunk of concrete and the steel reinforcing bars that are extruding out of the block.  Alexia, not being sure of what to expect, first wraps the soft fingers of her hands around two of the 3 centimeter thick steel bars and squeezes down on the steel bars.  “Whoa”, screams Alexia as she soon realizes that she squeezed the steel bars so tight that the steel oozed out the top and bottom of her hands as she completely crushed the steel bar into a white-hot paste.  The heat of the steel is over 1000 degrees centigrade and the extreme heat had no effect on her hands.  In fact, Alexia just rubs her hands together and uses the super hot metal liquid as if it’s a hand lotion.  Alexia just smiles and looks Tina straight in her eyes and says, “Thank you Tina, this is going to be a fun night”. To which Tina replies back to Alexia, “You have absolute no idea of how much fun we are going to have tonight during our graduation party”.


Alexia doesn’t hesitate another second as she again bends forward and lifts the large block on concrete off the ground with both her hands and holds the entire chunk over her head with just one hand.  Then she bounces the massive block around as if it were a balloon filled with helium.  And while she is juggling the concrete block between her hands and getting experience with her new strength, her classmates all gather around and just stare in awe at Alexia.  Then, one of the girls says, “You have Tina’s strength, how did that happen and what are you going to do with your new strength”.  Alexia answers in an upbeat note, “I don’t understand how I got the strength, but I understand how I’m going to enjoy using it”. 


Alexia then holds the hefty block directly in front of her with her arms and then slowly pushes her firm pert breasts forward and swings her young breasts back and forth at the same time, and as her nipples strike the hard concrete block, Alexia’s nipples slice the concrete as easily as a diamond tipped saw blade cuts through rotten wood.   Alexia’s “OOhs and Aahs” as her nipples and firm muscular breasts turn solid concrete into instant dust and twists and slices steel rods with impunity. And as her last feat against the concrete block, Alexia simply closes her hands together and pulls her arms back into her powerful chest and crumbles the block of concrete into her naked body and reduces it to small bits of rubble that fall to her feet.  “YESSSSSSSSSSSS”, screams Alexia as radiance comes across her face and Tina says to her, “Now use those powerful, shapely, and muscular thighs of yours on a section of this inferior concrete wall”.  Alexia takes a deep breath, nods her head in acceptance, and jumps up on the section of concrete wall that had the huge chunk removed by Tina.  And as Alexia spread her legs and lands on top of this section of concrete, two things happen.  One, her powerful thigh muscles gouge out the upper section of concrete into a inverted “V” shape, and secondly, her now moist, hot pussy scraped, then reshaped the concrete and scourer off the protruding steel reinforced bars as if they were soft flower stems.  Alexia then screams with immense pleasure and turns around to Tina but before she could speak, Tina articulate strongly, “Use only your thigh muscles to torment that concrete, and enjoy the sexual feeling that comes from being extremely strong”.  So Alexia positions her body and legs so a simple pose of her legs causes her thigh muscles to flex and expand.  And the instant her muscles expand and push against the thick concrete, the concrete cracks as if it were a thin dry cracker.  Alexia then swings her one leg outward towards Tina and her approaching classmates and is surprised as her firm, muscular leg slices through the thick concrete and blasts a gorge in the reinforced concrete wall the length and thickness of her leg.  Damm, this is so fucking easy, I didn’t even realize I pushed my leg through the wall except for the sexy tingling in my leg muscles. Will this effect my having sex with the guys”, asks Alexia of Tina?


“I was hoping your new found strength would make you a sex fanatic; I love to get you alone in a bed”, says one of the young male classmates who has a crush on Alexia.  Alexia just looks at the young guy and says, “With my new super strength, I would crush you fragile body into a million pieces with just a thrust of my breasts into your chest”, replies Alexia as she pushes out her chest muscles in an inviting jester to the young man.  OOOOOOh”, says Tina, “Well, I guess this is the appropriate moment to demonstrate the relationship between your new found enhanced strength and your basic instinct for sexual pleasure and to express it in algebraic terms, “Your new strength, times your beautiful muscular body, equals, you fuck anyone you want, anywhere you want, anytime you want”, and to prove this theorem is a very simple matter”.


Tina then looks directly into the eyes of the chap who has the hots for Alexia and says to him in a sexy tone of voice, “Greg, come over here, I need your assistance with this experiment to prove to Alexia that sex and strength do go together”.  Greg, not sure of what’s going on and definitely not going to argue with two super strong Goddesses, obliges Tina’s request and steps in front of Alexia.  “Now Greg”, says Tina, “This is only going to be a little tease for now, but I’m sure Alexia will compensate you totally later on into the night.  Now take your left hand and cup Alexia’s right breast and begin a slow suckling of her nipple with your mouth and place your right hand between her legs and massage her muscular thighs their entire length”. 


Alexia smiles as she cheerfully thrusts her large firm breasts forward and anticipates Greg’s mouth.  And as soon as Greg’s hand cups her breast and his mouth covers her firm young breast and his tongue begins a probing of her nipple, Alexia places her right hand behind his head and softly presses her fingers around his scull.   Alexia “COOS” as she enjoys the feeling of Greg’s tongue pressing deeply into her nipple and his hand rubbing her muscular thighs from top to bottom.  Tina gives Alexia about a minute to show that she can be very soft and very feminine and then says to her, “Now Alexia, with your left hand, tear out some of those worthless steel rods from the concrete and rub them past the nipple of your left breast as Greg sucks on your right nipple”.  Alexia just pushes her left hand down into a section of concrete and her fingers efficiently dig deep into the concrete and when she closes her hand and pulls it back out of the concrete, her hands snags several steel reinforced rods which she then just tears off as if they were toothpicks.  


With thick steel rebars sticking out of Alexia’s hand, she looks at her left breast and slowly raises the steel rebar up to her nipple.  Alexia is certain that the cold hard steel will easily push her nipple aside as she swipes the steel across her nipple, for she can feel the hard working tongue of Greg press deep into her right nipple and know her breast are comparable to over ripe fruit in firmness.  Yet to her utter surprise, Alexia is shocked to see the first of the steel bars bend as it touches her left nipple. “Unbelievable”, screams Alexia as the steel rebar curves under her nipple and the ribs of the thick rebar tickle her nipple.  The super sexy Goddess then tenderly slides all the steel bars back and forth across her nipple and watches in amazement as the cold hard steel bends and folds as they press against her sensitive nipple.  Alexia takes a deep breath as she pushes Greg’s head a little tighter into her right breasts and says to Tina, “This is fantastic, I can feel Greg’s warm tongue and lips sink into my right breasts, and at the same watch my left nipple bend solid steel.  And what’s truly an experience is I’m receiving pleasure form both”.


Everyone can recognize Alexia is enjoying this unique sexy experience, for she is breathing deeply, rolling her eyes and heads, and massaging the back of Greg’s head as she pushed his head into her breast.  Then she takes the steel rods she has in her hand and starts to push the unbend ends into the front of her firm shapely tit and directly onto her aroused nipple.  The round steel rods instantly begin to mushroom and flatten out against the soft smooth flesh of her breast.  Alexia’s nipple doesn’t push inward even the thickness of an electron, however, she again receives this sexy tingling feeling in her breasts as she watches solid steel just surrender to her new extremely strong body.  The young high school graduate continues to compress the steel down onto the end of her breast until it oozes out from between her fingers like ice cream on a hot summers day and then she plays with her swollen nipple with her one finger, just to ensure herself of her feminine softness.   Still not convinced of her superior strength and her soft femininity at the same time, Alexia pulls Greg face away from her right breasts and places it against her left breast, for she know she has just crushed solid steel rebars into her left nipple.  Greg could care less; he continues to suckle Alexia’s left tit and her nipple with his tongue and mouth and Alexia can immediately feel her nipple being massaged, pushed in, and pampered by Greg’s tongue.  “I can’t believe this”, screams Alexia as she picks up a chuck of concrete the size of a bowling ball with her right hand and places it next to her right nipple.  Alexia then slowly pushes her right breasts forward until her nipple just touches the concrete chunk and then moves her breasts around in a circle.  Alexia super hard and aroused nipple begins to grind a deep gouge in the concrete with the efficiency of a high-speed diamond tipped grinder.  And after about a minute of teasing the concrete block with her super hard nipple and reducing its volume by half, Alexia finishes the demise of the concrete block by pushing it into her breasts with her one hands and smashing it into useless rubble.  Alexia then laughs as she pulls Greg’s face away from her breast and looks at his hand as it tightly squeezes her firm thighs muscles and rubs against her moist hot cunt. With a simple flex of her leg muscles, Alexia pushes her thighs tightly together and can sense Greg’s hands as he squeezes her expanding thigh muscles even tighter. “Ok Greg, that’s enough taunting around for now”, says Alexia as she pulls Greg’s hands from between her well-developed legs, “I’ll personally take care of all yours desires later on tonight.  For right now, I want to experiment with my new strength.”


Tina looks at Alexia and shakes her head positively and then says to Bill, “ Would you go retrieve the Van and our clothes and bring them here Bill.  And then drive everyone over to County Park, down by the river, and set up the area so we can PARTY PARTY PARTY.  Also, I have a feeling that the police will be here shortly and I would prefer to have only Alexia and me confront the police when they arrive.  Also, call someone to meet us at the Dixie Party Store with a pickup truck at exactly 6 o’clock and we will get the necessary refreshments required for tonight’s PARTY”.  Alexia then yells to Bill, “Make sure it’s a full size pickup truck, not one of those sissy short bed trucks, I expect we will need lots of refreshments for the party”.  Bill complies with Tina’s wishes, goes retrieves the Van, Tina’s and Alexia’s clothing and says to both super girls as he is ready to drive away, “How are you going to get to the party”.  Tina laughs out loud and then says to Alexia, “I think he’s serious”. To which Alexia says as she grabs her breasts and squeezes then together, “I think these babies will get us a ride anywhere we want to go”.   Bill just smiles and says “See you at the party later tonight”.


Tina then glances at Alexia and says, “Are you ready for some real excitement”.  To which Alexia replies “I can’t wait, where and when do we start. I want to discover how much strength your cousin Ann gave me and what is the limit of this pleasure I receive from my strength”.  Tina replies back to Alexia in a girlish giggle, “There is no practical limit to your new strength, your one nipple can lift at least several hundred billion tons and you will discover that the sexy tingling sensation never stops or diminishes, it definitely improves as you learn new methods on how to use this strength to do anything you aspire or desire.  However, there are several rules you must follow”.


“Rules, there’s always rules” says Alexia to Tina, “But to keep this new strength, I’ll follow the stupid rules”.   Tina laughs as she says to Alexia, “You’ll love these fucking rules”.


“Rule 1, Always walk in a straight line to your destination.  If something stands in your way, simply use your body to remove it or push it aside”.


“Rule 2. Always use your body in a sexy manner to show off your strength.  It’s more fun to crush object between your breasts or legs than with your hands”.


“And Rule 3, oh yes, Rule 3.  If a wise ass insults you intelligence, your body, or anything else, use your intelligence and your body to insult the wise ass in return.  There is no exception to Rule 3”.


Alexia smiles and says, “Then, if an asshole thinks he can have my body and makes an improver advance, you mean I can teach him a lesson”.  Tina replies back to Alexia with a giggle, “IO can guaranty you will have over 100 opportunities before the night is over and I expect you to respond with both your fantastic body and your extreme strength to every one”.


“Don’t worry Tina, I have a few paybacks and there are several assholes that I want to personnel express my feelings and my new strength in very special ways”, says Alexia.


“Well Alexia, it’s time to start experimenting with your new strength. And within the next hour, you should be convinced there is nothing you cannot accomplish”, says Tina, “but first I need you to establish a reference point.  Would you please push your firm young breasts into this concrete wall, I’ll like to see if you can make a perfect impression of your tits”.


“O course I will Tina”, say Alexia, “But why”.  Tina replies, “I’ll explain later”.


So Alexia walks up to the thick concrete wall, places her nude muscular body directly in front of the concrete wall, takes a deep breath and tenderly presses her tits straight into the concrete.  And as Alexia presses her breasts into the concrete she watches with a expression of sheer satisfaction as her tits crush the concrete and produce a cloud of fine power that squirt out as her breasts and nipples effortlessly burrow into the solid concrete.  Alexia then carefully backs away, brushes off the concrete dust from her breasts and says to Tina. “Well what do you think”?  Tina looks at the perfectly shaped indentations of Alexia’s breasts in the concrete wall and says to Alexia, “Perfect, this will be a good reference for when we return from playing with those school buses”.


Alexia then looks at Tina with a puzzled stare and says, “I don’t understand”.  To which Tina replies as she places her hands on her enormous tits and begins to slowly massages them, “You will in about an hour, now lets see exactly how strong your are Alexia”.


Tina gives Alexia a soft hug and says. “Use your imagination and remember the rules”.


Continued in Part 3