


Fun Night, Bad Next Day

By Pat Mallon

WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.

Ann has fun during the night and pays the next morning.

Ann’s is at the Irish Pub and celebrating her recent job promotion with all her friends. The blond super Goddess has only been working at the financial firm for only a few months and she has advance to office manager. Every employee from the office attended and it’s not hard to understand the reason. Ann is a 5 foot 6 inch tall sassy blond with a set of jugs that extend 48-inches from her chest and each breast is over 16-inch in diameter. The fact that she is extraordinary intelligent, witty, and has a wonderful personality also add to her being liked and admired by all her coworkers. The men in the financial office also enjoyed the fact that no matter how hard Ann attempted to cover her breasts with proper business attire, she always showed off about 3 feet of her deep, soft, and bouncy cleavage. However, there was this other little attribute of Ann’s that everyone in the office suspect but could never comprehend or understand. There was a rumor that Ann was extremely strong. However, her body shape and structure was firm and slender, not heavily muscular.

Everyone at the Irish Pub congratulated Ann on her new position and bought Ann fancy cocktail drinks to celebrate the occasion. But, since Ann’s usually choice of beverage was a pint of Ale, it didn’t take Ann long to start feeling no pain and become quite risqué. And as the DJ started to play some old time rock and roll music, Ann started to have some real fun. She danced with everyone at the Pub and finished drink after drink. She was having an excellent time and was starting to act uninhibited. She opened her tight fitting white blouse completely, to reveal her enormous tits and when she sat down at a table would place drinks on her tits. And without thinking, would allow beer cans to fall down into her deep fleshy cleavage. When the sassy blond stood back up to dance, she would accidentally crush the beer cans to zilch and it didn’t matter if the beer cans were empty or full.

The young super girl danced all over the Pub and was starting to cause some problems. She accidentally sways her curvy hips into a cast iron ornament by the fireplace and crushes the 2-inch thick iron disk several inches into the stonewall. And when she tries to walk back to her table, she tripped over a metal chair and Ann’s super strong calf and thigh muscles tear, grate, and crush the metal chair to a pile of scrape metal. Any piece of metal from the chair that got caught between Ann’s thighs was pulverized to metal filings. Ann stumbles back to her table and sits down on her seat and lets her large tits flop down on the tabletop. Well the wooden tabletop is immediately blasted in half and reduced by a pile of toothpicks by the shear impact of Ann’s massive chest muscles and 5 young men are just staring at Ann’s titanic tits from across the table. Ann looks at all 5 men who are standing around the table and smiles back and say, "Gents, I’ve had to much to drink and I’m starting to lose my self control. I better go home and get a good night sleep". All 5 young men continue to stand there with their beers in their hands and they just stare at Ann’s tits. They can’t believe that Ann just destroyed a large thick wooden table with nothing but her enormous breasts. "Guys", replies Ann again, "Your dicks are super hard from staring at my tits and my watching my little feats of girlish strength. Now let me show you one last feat of strength and at the same time give you a better look at my sexy and deep cleavage".

Ann then stands up and asks the 5 young studs to turn around so she is facing their backs. The sassy young blond then squats down on her knees and pushes her 48-inch tits through the middle guy’s legs and stretches out her arms just under the asses of the 2 guys on each side of her arms. Then, with one simple lift, Ann lifts all five guys off the ground as she stands straight up. All five gents struggle to keep their balance but they manage to hold on and they all stare straight down at Ann’s massive tits jutting out from between the middle guys legs. Ann then begins to wiggle and giggle her massive tits and says to the 5 guys she is holding, "Place your beer cans down into my super cleavage and watch my breast muscles dissolve those aluminum cans into a soft metal paste. And beside, that will give you a free hand to hold those super hard cocks that all five of you have developed." And one by one, the five guys, who are sitting on Ann’s outstretched arms and tits, place their beer cans down into her pulsating cleavage and watch in amazement as the super powerful breast of the young blond just annihilate the metal cans and explode beer over everyone.

Ann then slowly lowers the 5 guys to the floor and says in a slow tone of voice as she massages her super large breasts with her hands, "I would enjoy fucking each and everyone of you fine young studs until you totally useless. But I’m afraid that in my present condition, my little titties most likely would crush your frail, puny and weak bodies through the concrete floor and I don’t want to hurt anyone. I’ll just get a cab and go home for the night". Ann gives each of the 5 guys a kiss, sinks her massive chest into their bodies and says "Goodnight" as she heads for the front door of the Irish Pub.

Ann stands on the curb and looks for a cab she can hail and it doesn’t take to long. For with her super shape, a cab driver can see her outstanding figure at least 5-city block away. A cab quickly pulls over to the curb and the cab drivers asks Ann where she is going and Ann tells him, "The Residential Tower". "Ok" replies the cabby, as he stares at Ann gigantic tits and her open blouse. Ann reaches for the rear door handle of the cab and stumbles as she steps off the curb. Her small dainty hand falls forward and it’s pushed completely through the metal door as if the door was tissue paper. Ann then quickly pulls her hand back but it’s too late. The extremely strong young girl completely rips off the rear door of the cab. The metal hinges and the lock are simple torn away from the steel frame as if they didn’t even exist. Ann then just flicks her wrist and sends the door sailing off into the stratosphere. The cabby just looks at Ann and doesn’t say a word. All he does is shake his head and stare at her might tits. Ann does get into the rear seat of the cab and watches as the cab driver adjusts his rear view mirror, not to see what is behind him but to watch Ann’s magnificent tits as they bounce around inside her open white blouse. The driver is so intent on watching Ann’s tits as he drives that her almost has an accident. So Ann just reached forward and grabs the rear view mirror and tears it off the windshield and squeezes it in the palm of her hand until it oozes out from between her fingers as a hot pasty substance. She then looks at the cab driver and says, "Keep your fucking eyes on the road and not my big tits, you asshole".

Ann finally arrives at her apartment, lies across her bed and falls asleep.

"DING DING DING" goes her alarm clock at 6:30 in the morning. And Ann reaches over and gently taps the "off button" on the alarm clock. However, Ann’s head is pounding with the worst hangover know to mankind and a gentle tap with her hand sends her alarm clock through her knight stand and shatters both item into a million pieces. "O Great", screams Ann, "This is going to be one of those fucking days". Ann slowly get out of bed, cleaned up, and dressed in her professional attire, which today is a baby blue blouse that has the buttons stretched to their limit and a short black skirt. Ann leaves her 40th floor apartment and begins her trip to her office as she has done every day for the last several months.

The elevator arrives at Ann’s floor and she gets on and pushes the ground floor button and leans against the side of the elevator. The rapid fall of the elevator doesn’t help Ann’s hangover and she closes her eyes. When the elevator stops, Ann hears the doors open and she starts to walk out of the elevator but her judgement is off slightly as her left tit simply pushes the side of the elevator’s steel frame and door several feet out into the lobby. Ann is so extremely strong that she bends and slices the steel frame and door with her tit and didn’t even know she did any damage. Once in the lobby, Ann goes to her favorite coffee shop for a large cup and some hope that it will help her spinning head. And while standing at the counter, Ann leans slightly forward and does not notice that one of her super hard nipples pierces into the metal frame of the counter and when she receives her coffee she turned sideways to go to the cashier. That slight body turn, and the fact that her nipple had pierced about an inch into the metal frame of the coffee shop’s counter cause a chain reaction of events to begin. First, Ann’s nipple tears the metal counter away from the frame and caused the entire counter to collapse. Second, Ann natural reaction is to back away, which she does, but it’s into the metal hand railing along side the counter. Where her compact hips and tight thighs quickly tear the metal hand railing out of the concrete floor and bend the 3-inch metal railing into the shape of a pretzel. Third, still trying to hold her coffee and not spill it on her new baby blue blouse, Ann again turns quickly sideways and her swinging 48-inch long tits slam into the side of the self serve cabinet that holds all the freshly baked rolls and muffins. Ann’s super powerful breasts gash and chop the metal and glass cabinet completely in half. And with all this confusion, Ann simply leaves the coffee shop and into the street.

The coffee is great but Ann still has the "Mother of all hangover", as she leans against the steel post of a traffic signal at a busy intersection. The sassy blond takes a drink of coffee and brushes some debris off her blouse with her other hand but doesn’t realize that this arm is also wrapped around the thick metal post of the traffic light. And when she starts to walk away, she accidentally tears the traffic signal and steel post out of the concrete foundation and bends the 3-inch steel post to the shape of her sexy hips and waist. She lets the steel post fall to the ground but continues across the street towards the subway entrance. The traffic light being completely torn out of the ground causes an electrical short and all traffic signals go haywire and cars are flying uncontrolled through the intersection. Ann is not paying any attention and just as she steps off the curb and into the street a small sport car slams into her left leg. And to make matters worse, several cars plowed into the rear of the small sports car. Ann just shakes her head and looks down and all she can see is about 3 feet of the sport car wrapped around her left calf and thighs. Ann’s slender calf and thigh are totally surrounded by crushed steel, metal framing, and the suspension. Ann then simply pushes her free hand down through the crumbled back steel hood of the car and grabs hold of the steel frame with her finger and gently crushes the steel frame to get a solid grip. She then lifts the car from around her curvaceous leg and tosses it up on the curb as if it was a toy and then she flips the driver the finger.

Ann is still staring back at the driver of the sport car and taking a sip of coffee while walking through the intersection when she hears this extremely loud metal shredding noise. And as she turns forward, she immediately sees what is causing all the noise. Ann’s monstrous breasts have penetrated over two feet into the steel siding and frame of a speeding delivery truck that passes within two feet of Ann and her titanic tits carve a 16-inch wide by two feet deep gaping hole along the entire side of the truck. Ann just takes a deep breath and another sip of coffee as she pushes the remains of the crumbled steel off her mammoth overripe melons. Ann continues through the intersection and just as she approaches the far side, she drops her small hand purse and she bends over to pick it up. Again Ann hears the blaring of horns and the crashing sound of a major auto collision. And as the young super girl picks up her purse and looks back, she comes to realize that a large 4 wheel drive pickup truck has slammed into her firm, round, sexy, and shapely backside. The chrome bumper of the pickup has completely encircled her ass when she was bending over to pick up her purse. The grill, frame, and part of the motor were also pushed back from the impact with this perfectly shaped backside. Ann stand up, turns around and just uses her right hand to grab the under frame of the truck, lifts it off the ground and shoves it off to the side of the street. Ann did look at the damage to the thick chrome steel and frame and she had to admit to herself that there was a perfect impression of the firm buns of her ass presses deeply into the steel bumper.

Now that she is through the intersection, Ann starts to walk down into the subway but again does not pay any attention to where she is going because of her splitting headache. Her head is still hurting from last night’s party. The 19-teen year old enters the subway but is to close to the side and her upper leg catches the steel handrail that is bolted to the concrete wall and extends the entire length of the entrances. Ann simply continues to walk down the steps and drink her coffee. The handrail is spared no mercy as bolt after bolt is ripped, yanked, and blasted out of the concrete and the metal handrail is bend and torn from the wall. By the time Ann gets to the bottom of the steps, her legs have collected almost 100 feet of the steel railing and her thighs have reduced it to an accumulation of crushed waste material. Ann continues to the turnstile and gets her subway pass out of her purse and puts it in the machine hoping to unlock the turnstile. However, this is not the turnstile day, for Ann put the pass in upside down and it did not unlock the turnstile. Ann continues to walk at her normal tempo and when her upper thigh muscle pressed against the locked 3-inch diameter steel bar of the turnstile, the steel bar is completely bent back and through the turnstile. And her firm curvaceous hips strike the outer portion of the turnstile and rip it out of the concrete floor.

The subway train arrives quickly at the station and Ann proceeds to enter the car. There are no seats available so Ann stands and holds onto the overhead handrail and closes her eyes hoping the pain in her head would disappear. And as the train leaves the station Ann can feel every small bump and sway in her head produced by the train as it accelerates down the tracks. The train jerks severely at one-track crossing and Ann loses her balance and gently pulls on the overhead handrail to regain her balance. In less than one second, Ann tear the metal handrail from the ceiling of the train car and rips open a 5-foot section of the steel panels from the top of the car. The super strong blond then easily bends the 2-inch steel handrail into a knot with a flick of her wrist, and then crushes the steel handrail in half as she squeezes the handrail in her hand. With so many people on the subway car, no one knew exactly what happened, so Ann just moves to another section of the train car. The next stop is Ann’s station and as the train approaches the station, the driver hit the brakes hard and there is a rapid deceleration of the train. And with Ann’s head still spinning, she again loses her balance and falls very hard face down to the floor of the train car. The impact of Ann’s 19-year-old super body on the steel floor doesn’t hurt her in the least, but her 48-inch long super tits tenderly puncture a massive hole in the steel floor of the subway car and peel the thick steel floor apart like wet rotten paper. And as the train moves forward, her dangling tits smash into the 8-inch thick iron train tracks and supporting ties and tears up the iron rails like they were made of thin sheets of Styrofoam. Ann didn’t suspect anything until she stands back up and observed the damage to the rails through the hole in the floor. And when she looked at her fantastic breasts, she noticed the large chucks of the steel train rails are crushed and wedges in her deep cleavage. Ann is also furious because her new baby blue blouse has been reduced to tattered rags on her super sexy body and her enormous breasts were exposed. The train finally stops at the station and as soon as the doors of the subway car open, Ann runs out of the train car and towards the nearest ladies room. However, in her haste, Ann doesn’t realize there is a steel center support between the two open doors of the train car and the 3-inch thick steel post get jammed between her tits. And her swinging tits just brutally pound the steel post back and forth before her young statuesque body just shears the steel post from the floor and the roof of the doorway.

Ann finally finds a small specialty boutique that is open next to the high-rise office complex where she works and does manage to purchase a new blouse. However, the only thing which sort of fits her curvaceous body is a hot pink, low cut, semi transparent, back-less top that is much more appropriate for a hot night out on the town than for office work. Ann leaves the boutique and walks to her office building and is still trying to shake out the cobwebs in her head. And as the bodacious blond comes to the large revolving of the office building, she enters the revolving door the wrong way. At first, Ann thinks that the door is revolving in the proper direction, but all that is happening is the super strong teenager is bending the steel frame in her direction. When after she is almost all the way through the revolving door, the entire door assembly is totally separated from it frame and is shattered into several large pieces of glass and steel. The one panel that Ann pushed backwards just shatters into million of pieces. Ann shakes her head as she starts for the elevator to her office on the top floor of the building.

Ann walks into the financial office and everyone can tell she has had an exceptional night, in fact most of the office employees did not expect her to be in the office today. Everyone is looking at Ann as she walks across the floor to her office and the super sexy blond smiles at everyone and says, "Don’t ask, it’s been a bad morning". Ann arrives at her office, opens the door and enters her office. "Shit", screams Ann as she enters her office and looks at her right hand. Her soft feminine hand is holding the remains of a crushed and bent doorknob and a good section of the lock mechanism. She turns around and looks at the door only to observe a gaping section of the door destroyed and the frame missing. Ann forgot that her office door is always locked and with her extreme strength and a hangover, she can’t tell the difference until she utterly destroys the door with a simple twist of her wrist.

Once Ann is at her desk, she turns her computer on and reaches for her phone to answer her voice mail. And as she reaches for the phone, her round super shapely ass slides across her chair and bends the one side of the chair over and crushes the armrest into a file cabinet. She then stands up to see what has happened and her powerful but slender thighs push the chair backwards with a force that sends the chair flying across the room and blasts a hole through the outside wall of her office. Ann, with her head still throbbing, then retrieves another chair and again sits down at her desk. However, as she leans slightly forward, the inch long super hard nipples at the end of her massive breasts slide down the front of her LCD flat panel computer screen and slice the screen into three broken and crushed sections of scrap. Then her 16-inch diameter breasts squash her keyboard and mouse through her desktop and into the top draw of her desk. The entire top of her desk is conspicuous with this gigantic void that resembles the shape of her fabulous tits.

Ann’s phone rings and the sound sends a sharp pain through her head, and without thinking, she slams her hand on the receiver to pick up the phone. The high tech digital phone shattered into a billion pieces as Ann’s hand goes through the phone and the entire left side of her desk, unconditionally splitting the desk in half.

Ann’s next task is to open the office safe and the safe is massive. The safe only stands 5-feet tall and 4 feet across but is constructed of 6-inch thick harden alloy steel. The young super girl walks to the safe and lays her left hand and arm across the top of the iron monster and leans her soft body against the corner as she struggles with the combination. When Ann thinks she has set the combination correctly, she uses her right hand to grab the opening handle and gives it a soft gentle pull to see if the combination is correct. Well, this gentle pull verifies two things immediately; that Ann is extremely strong and the combination is not correct. With a normal pull of the steel handle by Ann’s small hand, she tears out the steel handle and a 12-inch by 12-inch section of 6-inch steel from the safe door. Then she sees the top section of the safe bend and distorted and as she backs away from the safe, she realizes her massive 48-inch long tits have produced a massive hole in the front and side of the safe. Ann didn’t even feel her super sized tits push, shove, and rip through the 6-inch thick steel of the safe. And as Ann again looks at the torn and lacerated steel just crumbled back into the safe, she recognizes the unmistakable inch deep gouges that her nipples produced in the steel as they slid into and across the puny cheap cold steel.

Ann places her hands on her hips, shakes her head, gets her purse, walks out of the office and says to everyone, "I’m going home to cure this hangover before I do any more damage, I’ll be in tomorrow to complete all my work".