Computer Toy  Chapter 1

A strange advertisement on the Internet leads to some real fun.

By Pat Mallon


WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.


Sitting at my computer late one night, an advertisement pops up on my screen and I was ready to automatically click it to the trash can when I caught a phrase that reads, “You can even adjust the strength of this party doll from 0 to infinity”.  Well, that caught my attention and I started to read the advertisement.  “For only $59.99 you can connect this female super party doll to the USB port on your computer and adjust the following to your every imaginable desire.  Color of hair, skin, and eyes; you can adjust the height, weight, and age; you can adjust the breast, waist, and hips to any dimension imaginable, you can set various personalities and attitudes, and you can even adjust the strength of this party doll from 0 to infinity”.    This was an offer I could not refuse, so I got my credit card and ordered the party doll on line.  What the hell, it’s just like any other computer game or adapter I’ve ever order, just another toy to entertain me for about 5 minutes.  My on-line order was confirmed, and I shut down my computer for the night thinking that it would be several weeks before anything arrived at my house.


The next morning I open my front door to go to work and there was this package on my doorstep.  It was a plain brown box with only my address and a return address with some strange writing and the only words I could understand were Nebula and Galaxy.  I brought the box inside my house and continue on my way to work.  That night, after work, I open the box and it was my order from last night and this was really strange.  But, as soon as I examined the component of the strange package, I knew I got ripped off.  All that was in the box was a plastic doll about 12-inches high with various colored fiber optic light terminating at various parts of the doll’s anatomy, a CD, a USB cable to connect to my computer, and a power supply.  There was some documentation, a warning message, but nothing else.  My curiosity got the best of me so I connected the doll to my computer, connected the power supply, and installed the CD.  The setup was automatic and I logged on as a player with my nickname and entered start.  “Fan-Bloody-Tastic”, I screamed, as these computer graphics were unbelievable.  It showed the party doll in real life size and with hundreds of pull down windows, and I could adjust any attribute or variable imaginable with the computer-generated girl on the screen.  The entire little plastic doll, that is standing on my desk did, was blink lights and wiggle.


“WOW” The computer graphics were the best I have ever seen on any computer.   I gave the computer generated girl various body shapes and adjusted the strength and watched with utter amazement as the girl on the computer used her body to absolute destroy everything she encountered.  Cars, trucks, trains, constructions equipment, buildings, factories, bank vaults, army tanks, entire armies, dams, cities were all destroyed with perfect graphics.  I had an excellent time watching as I made her breasts go from a 32A up to a 500XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and the program automatically compensated on how the young girl in the program destroyed objects.  Give the “Game Girl” long long legs and she used her legs to crush everything between her thighs.  Big breasts resulted in everything being destroyed with her enormous tits.  If all dimensions on the computer girl were proportional, she acted accordingly in the method she obliterated objects and buildings. Or you can select the percentage of legs verses breast.


This game was the most fun and entertainment I have ever had with computer software, and I played for hours.  This CD was worth every dollar I spent. With the strength setting at 0%, the computer girl was a normal girl with no extra strength.  However, with only 1% strength, the young girl on the screen played with life size cars as if the were matchbox toys, trucks were Tonka toy as she crashed the trucks together, and she lifted army tanks with only one hands and exercised her muscles.  When I set the strength setting to only 5%, it was spectacular.  Cars were crushed out of existence by the dozen’s, with the now super strong computer girl. Trucks were eradicated to piles of scrap metal and tossed around like pieces of popcorn.  Army tanks were destroyed from the inside out as she walked through the 12-inch thick armor and reduced the heavy tanks to Swiss cheese.  There was even a setting on one pull down window that cause the computer girl to restrict the use of her hands and she was forced to simply destroy everything using only her feet, legs, thighs, hips, tongue, or breasts.  I finally set the party doll program to auto select and just watched as it selects the various options and the computer-generated girl absolute annihilate object after object with only her young sexy body.  One option under format allow for “Time to Destroy”, and I could set this option from 1 second to 12 hours and I watch as the super girl took 1 second to destroy a car or 12 hours to toy and play with the car.  There was even a drop down window to select now sexy and the amount and type of clothing as attributes.


I was so intent on watching the computer that I did not realize my girlfriend arrived at my house and walked up behind me.  She just stood behind me and did not say a word until all of a sudden she blasted out. “You pervert, you were so interested in this sick, stupid, game that you didn’t even notice me”.  My girlfriend then reached out and grabbed the plastic doll on my desk and tried to pull it out of the computer.  I’m not sure what happened, but as soon as she touched the doll, she froze solid, no a single muscle in her body moved.  She was still breathing but she was a zombie.  No matter what I did, my girlfriend remained in this suspended state of animation. 


I finally looked on my desk and at the warning message that came with the CD and the party doll.  I read the message and could not comprehend the meaning of the warning.




Well, I pressed the “ESC” key and the program started its exit procedure.  It displayed a screen of statistic for the player logged on about the amount of destruction, type of destruction, pleasure of destruction, tonnage of steel and concrete obliterated, and so on.  It also gave me a score and in its rankings system it also indicated I was at the bottom of the ranking list with a rating of “DUMB – STUPID – MORON, WITH NO IMINAGATION”.  Also, it freed my girlfriend, Mindy, and she is now coherent, but slightly dazed and confused.


Mindy has been my girlfriend off and on for a year and she can be best explained as a “PLAIN JANE”.  She stands 5 foot 4-inches, weights about 120 pounds, short brown hair, slender built with a small bust (32A) and is 18 years old, her basic personality is easy going until she get this mean streak that is always triggered by something sexual.


Since I wasn’t going to get any sex from Mindy tonight, I decided to start playing the game again and this time I was going to set the strength to “Infinity”.  I clicked on the ICON and the standard opening window for the game appeared and I entered by nickname for player “1” and pressed enter.  This time a new window open on the screen and it contained a perfect picture of my girlfriend Mindy and requested the following information, “Name of new girl character for the game”.  So I typed in “ Mighty Mindy” and hit the enter key.


The startup window for the game appeared but this time I had a choice of  “Game Girl” or “Mighty Mindy”, so I clicked on Mighty Mindy and was ready to begin.  However, the screen now was divided into several windows and one window again was a perfect full-length picture of Mindy, the other window was a live picture of Mindy in my bedroom sitting on the bed watching TV.  I just stared at the picture of Mindy in my bedroom because it was so real, it truly was my bedroom and I could see Mindy moving around on the bed.  This was definitely from the “Twilight Zone”.  Then all of a sudden Mindy got off the bed, and came to my den and stood beside me but did not utter a word, and I observed it all happen on the one area view window of my computer. 


I just looked at the Mindy and my computer screen and went blank with thought.  Then to do something, I clicked on the “Dimensions – Breast Size – and entered 48FFF”.  The computer picture of Mindy immediately expanded to show her body measurements as “48FFF, 22, 36”.  “AMAZING”, I thought to myself as a grabbed my hardening cock. This is terrific.  Then I entered “64MMM” and immediately the computer picture of Mindy shows her with this enormous set of tits and a blouse and bra straining to keep them from exploding.  I clicked on “ZOOM” to show a full screen of nothing but Mindy’s breasts and it was awesome.  I could see her blouse straining to keep the button’s from ripping apart the material and her 32A bra just overflowed with excessive super ripe and giggling tit.  This was downright magnificent, now I can play this game with Mindy as the main character instead of “Game Girl”.   I hit “Main Page” and the screens were back to normal and I was about to hit “Start Game” when I turned around to ask Mindy a question.


“Oh My, Oh Boy, What the Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” was all I could say.  There was Mindy, in real life, standing behind me with a “64MMM, 22, 36” body, and it was identical to the generated image on the computer screen.  Mindy was just standing there, silent, and with a pleasant and sexy smile on her face.  I just stared at those magnificent tits and the highly restrained flesh her blouse and bra were attempting to restrict.  It took a few minutes for me to analyze the situation, but there was insufficient data.  There were definitely sufficient breasts on Mindy and the only conclusion I could ponder is that I was having the world most fantastic dream.


Just to reinsure myself that this is a dream, it grabbed the computer mouse, select “Options – Strength - and clicked on 1%” as I kept my eyes on the real Mindy. “YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS”, I screamed as an attribute of 1% of maximum strength immediately made Mindy so strong that her blouse and bra just exploded off her young sexy body and into torn rags that fell to her side, exposing her perfectly shaped set of 64MMM tits. And they were perfect tits; firm, round, fleshy, pert with inch long nipples, and they did not sag a micrometer.  Again, I looked at the computer screen and the two windows and saw the following, an exact image of Mindy with her clothing rip to shreds on one screen and an overhead area view of Mindy, my den, and me.   I looked at the screen that showed my den and I used the mouse to select an old steel saber sword on the other side of the room.  I then clicked on the sword and immediately Mindy went over and picked up the sword and turned towards me.  I turned to the keyboard and selected,  “Actions – Play – Hands”.  Mindy began at once to bend and crush the sharp steel saber with her one hand. She easily crushed the 4-inch wide steel blade with one hand and folded the blade in half several times without even blinking an eye.  I allowed Mindy about a minute to play and crush the steel sword and then changed the variables to “Actions – Play – Breasts”.  Mindy then placed the folded sharp metal saber between her breasts and played with the steel as is if it were Jell-O. Her 64MMM tits taunted and teased the steel and me as she bent it across her breasts and sliced it into thin strips with her nipples.  She then crushes the steel between the palm of her hands and the soft fleshy tissue of her breasts until the steel rolled into hot round balls.  After rubbing my cock for a minute, I finally changed the strength variable to 5%.  And with Mindy still rolling the steel across her magnificent chest as I changed the option, I realized that all changes take place immediately. Because the hot steel balls were immediately transformed into super hot gaseous plasma as Mindy palm immediately crushed the steel into her tits with the force of 100 billion tons of pressure per square millimeter.


The next hours were truly serious fun and satisfaction as I manipulated many of the option available on the computer.  I transformed Mindy from 5 foot to 7 foot tall, from blond, to redhead, to brunette, and everything in between.  Her legs varies in proportion from short to very very very long, and her breasts, well once they became over 4 feet long, it was then only a matter of how big in diameter I enjoyed creating these fun bags.   At one point I made her breasts over 8 feet long and each tit was 4 feet in diameter and pondered what would happen if she placed these gigantic melons on top of a poor old car.  Then a thought hit me.  I wonder if I could export this program to my laptop.  Well it only took about 5 minutes to get the program on the laptop and running and I set Mindy’s options back to default or the original Mindy. Then I walked outside my house and down the street and Mindy followed me and it was amazing that a window image of Mindy and a window image of the area Mindy was located were always on screens.  I didn’t know the technical details of how this was happening, but I didn’t care.


I walked down the street with Mindy close behind and stopped at a neighbor’s car that I hated because it needs a muffler and he’s to cheap to get it replaced.  So I leaned up against another car, opened the laptop, and rotated the area image of Mindy to “Side – Horizontal”.  I then placed the mouse on the very front of the car and clicked the mouse button.   Mindy walked directly to the front of the car and just stood there, dead silent, and looking straightforward with her eyes.  I then clicked the following options “Options – Strength - and clicked on 1%”, then “Action – Lift – Hands – Play”.  “Plane Jane” Mindy they used her one hand to grab the steel bumper and lift the front of the car off the ground and over her head. And with her other hand she grabbed the under frame and crushed several inches of steel with her fingers and played with the 3-ton car is if it were a cheerleader’s baton.  The next command was “Go Back” and Mindy put the car back down in front of her body and again just stand there in front of the car.


 I now selected the following options “Dimensions – Breast Size – and entered 8-feet long by 4 –feet in diameter”, and Mindy breasts instantly grew to his size and completely crushed the roof of the car down into the seats.  The front windshield, metal roof, and rear window offer less than zero resistance to Mandy’s super tits.  A simple click of the mouse for options “Action – Crush – Breasts – Slow” produced a situation that caused me to cream my jeans.  Mandy simply started to giggle her monstrous tits and let the natural action of 8-feet of bouncing tit slowly crush the large vehicle into the ground.  She even used her hands to separate her breasts and allow the entire engine compartment to be swallowed up between her breasts.  Metal was being bent, twisted, compressed, squeezed, wedged, and ripped apart, and as a final act, Mindy pushed her sexy monsters into the street where they effortlessly sank 4-feet into the ground and crushed the entire car below street level.  It was a sight to watch as steel and iron ooze up from around the sides of Mindy’s tits as they slowly but constantly crushed the vehicle deep into the ground.  Not being used to this much command and control, I decided to return Mindy to the “Default Setting” and walked back to my house with Mindy close behind. 


Now that I’m back in my house, I started to look over some of the hundreds of options and came across this one under “Format – Attitude – Personality”.  The options ranged from “Most Heavenly Angel”, to “Angel”, to “Good Girl” “Neutral” (default), to “Bad Girl”, to “Absolute Bitch”, and finally “Absolute Queen of Evil Super Bitch’s”.   I just put my computer down, started to rub my cock, and contemplate the possibilities.


It’s been a long first day with this new game so I pressed the “ESC” key to exit and reviews my score, statistics, and rating.  My score had jumped over a million points, however, my rating still remained “DUMB – STUPID – MORON, WITH NO IMINAGATION”.   About this time I heard Mindy says something and I turned around to observe her and she utter, “How did my blouse and bra get torn to shreds and I had this peculiar dream where I picked up a car with my one hand and then my tits grew to this gargantuan size and I squeezed the car between my cleavage and then crushed the car deep into the ground with only my breasts. Now this dream has me all worked up and I’m ready for some serious sex”.  I responded back to Mindy in a soft mellow tone as I shut down my computer, “Let’s go to bed and you can describe to me all the details in this strange dream”.


“I just can’t believe this game, and who wrote the code, and how does this fantastic technology operates”, I thought to myself as I started up a new session with “Game Girl”.  And after experimenting with the hundreds of settings and options, I finally decided on a 6-foot tall Goddess, waist length blond hair, with gigantic breasts, a strength setting of 10%, and an attitude of  “Bad Girl”.  And from all the choices on the screen for a normal city, I found the perfect setting to satisfy my frustrations for today, a parking lot full of vehicles. For the auto dealer who sold me a used car last week called me back and said that the engine was not covered by a warranty because the car was sold “AS IS”.  And considering the engine of this used car was covering most of my garage floor because it blew a rod through the crankcase, I pondered the perfect revenge.


From all the tool bars around the graphic window, I select Action, Obliterate, Body, Fast.  And the destruction of the parking lot was swift.  In less that a minute every car, truck, vehicle, concrete barrier, and the toll booth were obliterate to a pile of trash in the center of the lot and crushed into billions of pieces the size of fine grains of sand.  And while watching the action, I just had to give “Game Girl” a name to stop those annoying pop up windows requesting a name for the game character. So just for fun, I gave her the name of  “Sindy”.  For all I had on my mind was Cindy.  Cindy was my girl friend’s best friend and she was definitely bad.  She was the biggest tease I have ever met, and I knew I could not get her in the sack, at least not yet.


The speed set to “Fast” is just not what I desired to see and appreciate.  Fast was too abrupt to enjoy the extreme strength of Sindy as she obliterates everything she touches with her body.  I positioned her across a busy street from the parking lot so she had to walk through traffic to get to the parking lot. And as she walked into the street, speeding cars just bounced off her legs and  split in half. She walked through a semi truck and just bends the trailer’s steel frame into a “U” shape across her enormous 50-inch tits and then rips the tires and steel wheels to threads with her fingers.  The 2-inch thick chain barrier stretched across the parking lot entrance is burst open by a snap of her long legs.  And the first car in the parking lot Sindy came in contact with set the tone of all destruction.  The extremely strong girl in the computer game just slammed her right thigh into the front of the car and produced a gaping fissure almost two feet deep.  He then reached down with her hand and with only one finger placed under the crumpled steel frame, flips the car over likes it’s a card from a playing deck.  And with the car resting on its smashed rooftop, backhands the front wheel and starts the vehicle spinning at several thousand rpm’s.  Sindy then sticks out her massive chest and allows her super hard nipples and massive tits to grind their way into the spinning car.  And for about 5 seconds there was nothing but fire and sparks as the super strong “Game Girl” used her tits as a gigantic lathe and shredded the entire vehicle into a pile of ground up metal filings.


I didn’t have time to start another great game, so I saved this game as “Sindy-destroys-parking-lot-ver1”, shut down my computer and went home. 


Luck was with me for when I arrived at my house; Mindy is waiting for me so I ask her if she would drive me to the used car dealer.  I told her I needed to deliver some paper work and then we would go to dinner together.  Mindy agreed and we took her car and drove to the used car dealer that would not repair my car.   Of course I took my laptop.


As soon as we arrived at the used car dealership, I asked Mindy to park across the street and as she is busy parking the car, I started the “Game Girl” program and selected Mindy.  Immediately Mindy froze and I switched to the screen that showed an overhead of the current neighborhood.  I used the mouse to point to a position across the street from the parking lot and clicked on the location.  Mindy immediately left the car and stood in the exact location that I marked on the computer screen.  I then imported the saved file “Sindy-destroys-parking-lot-ver1” and clicked on the “start game” icon.


In the blink of an eye, there was Mindy standing by the street and looking towards the used car parking lot across the street.  And she has been transformed into a 6-foot tall extremely strong Goddess with a set of tits that absolutely obliterated the front of her blouse and bra as she went from a 32A bust measurement to an estimated 160ZZZZZZZZZZ.  Her long blond hair was gently flowing from the wind of passing vehicles in the street.  “This is fucking great”, is all I could think as I looked at Mighty Mindy and those magnificent pert tits stretched out for over 4-feet in front of her tall slender super sexy body.  The remnants of her shredded blouse and bra just were dangling from her smooth soft shoulders. And since she was standing next to a 40-foot metal lamppost when she was transformed, her now 20-inch diameter left tit slammed into the steel post and instantly pushed the post aside. The force of her expanding tits bent the steel post so hard that the street light on top of the post blasted into the concrete sidewalk and exploded.   This caused all kinds of confusion in the street and trucks and cars were slamming on their brakes and skidding in all directions.


The computer game automatically detected the used car parking lot across the street and Mighty Mindy started to walk in a straight line towards the lot. As Mindy steps into the busy street, a large full size automobile slams sideways into Mindy’s perfect indestructible body, obliterating the left rear of the car.   Mindy simply shoves the remains of the large car out of her way with her left hand as if it were a piece of paper and sends it sailing up onto the sidewalk and into a department store window.  She then yells to the driver, “Watch where your driving that useless piece of shit”, and flips him the finger using both her hands. And then there is this loud blast from a set of air horns on a 18-wheeler as the large truck stops only a few inches from Mindy sideward facing body.  And as the 18-year blond turns around to face the front of the truck, her magnificent melons slice through the front of the truck and leave a gaping gash almost 4 feet deep into the engine compartment.  Mindy laughs as she gazes at the destruction her monster boobs caused and she sees thick solid steel just pushed aside and crumbled into her soft sensual mounds. And to complete the utter destruction of the front of the big rig, Mindy pushes her hand through the steel chrome bumper and grabs the steel frame and lifts the semi tractor over her head with one hand.  Mindy allows her titanic tits again to slice a long vertical gash through the steel, iron, and diesel engine of the front of the truck as she effortlessly raises the semi tractor with her one hand.   The tall Goddess then drops the truck and easily jumps up onto the engine compartment and walks up to the cab of the truck.  The only thing the truck driver can see out his front window is an absolutely beautiful set of long legs and all I can see from my car is Mindy with her hands on her hips and those magnificent tits.   Then with her right hand Mindy clutches the dual air horns and with a gentle pull tears the air horns off the roof of the cab and then with her left hand, pushes her long slender fingers through the cab where the driver’s door meets the roofline.  Her thin long fingers easily penetrate and push through the steel frame of the door as she curls her finger to get an excellent grip on the steel roof of the truck’s cab.  Mindy then gently brings her hand back and tears off the steel roof of the cab as if she is pulling a napkin across her lap.  The steel of the roof just screams, bends and rips and it’s pulled back and the front windshield shatter as the frame is bent, twisted, and torn from the truck.  Mindy completely peels the entire roof off the cab of the truck and tosses it aside like a tissue.  With this “Bad Girl” attitude, Mindy just looks the truck driver in his eyes as she bends over and allows her massive melons to drape in front of his scared face.  And as she leans over even further, her tits finally rest against the steering wheel where these huge boobs easily push between the spokes of the steering wheel.  Mindy’s breasts gingerly push through the spokes of the steering wheel where they quickly deform, bend and twist the steel steering wheel apart as her tits push almost 2 feet through the steering wheel.  Then Mindy stands back up and since the steering wheel is tightly wrapped around her awesome tits, the steeling wheel and the top section of the steering column are plucked clean out of the truck.   Mindy smiles as she begins to message and stroke her tits with her one hand and enjoys the sight of her tits mangling and crushing the steering wheel into total scrap.


After Mindy’s tits have finished tormenting the steering wheel and column into crushed junk, she reaches down for the overweight truck driver and grabs him by his shirt with her left hand and slowly lifts him out of the front seat.  She effortlessly raises him up in the air to the point that his frightened face is even with her absolute gorgeous face.  Mindy then takes the air horns that are in her right hand, and shows them to the truck driver and starts to slowly crush the air horns in her hand, allowing the chrome steel to ooze out between her long fingers.  She then says to the truck driver in a very “badass” tone of voice, “If you ever blast those horns at me again, I’ll shove these air horns along with the steering column up your fucking ass until your eyes act as turn signals and your mouth has the air horns projecting from your lips”.  Mindy then tosses the driver back into his seat and shouts as she puts her hands on her hips and thrusts out her tits, “I wonder what this rig of yours is transporting, think I’ll amble through your flimsy cab and see what your hauling”.


Mindy jumps into the front seat of the truck and her bouncing bodacious boobs rupture the fragile steel of the back section of the cab like two sledge hammers through rotten plaster.  Her giggling mounds of womanly flesh create an opening almost 4-feet across and 4 feet deep and a simple push against the steel panels with her hands rips the entire back of the cab off the truck’s frame.  “Oh YEA”, screams Mindy, “Look at the fucking size of that roll of steel”, as she walks up to the 12 foot high by 8 foot wide by 4 feet thick roll of 2-inch thick super harden rolled steel.  The roll weighs over 30 tons and is secured to the bed of the truck with 10 massive chains.  Just looking at the massive steel roll causes Mindy’s mouth to water and her nipples to become hard and extend to over two inches in length.  And the view I have from the car of Mindy is perfect; I’m only 50 feet away from the trailer.  However, to savor the best view, I use the “Area View” on my laptop’s screen and set the view for “overhead” and zoomed in on Mindy’s mighty mounds.  The window screen showed all of Mindy’s massive tits and I anticipated that Mindy would use her extremely strong super shapely body to amuse herself with the rolled super hard steel before proceeding to the parking lot.  And I was correct; for Mindy strolled up to the huge roll of steel, placed her hands behind her head, and slowly pressed her 2-inch nipples into the hard surface of the steel.  Her long hard nipples easily scraped two-inch gouges into the steel as she rotates her tremendously large tits in a circular motion across the thick steel.  I could hear the deafening noise of her nipples scraping and slicing the steel apart and I watched on my laptop’s “area view” window, the awesome sight of Mindy’s nipples slicing thick steel into ribbons with a thousand times more efficiency than an oxy-acetylene torch.   And it doesn’t take long for Mindy to thrust out her bare breast as the super Goddess wants to see how leisurely her 50-inch long tits can bore a hole complete through the roll of 4-feet thick steel.  But as Mighty Mindy gently pushes her breast forward, the roll of steel starts to move backwards and the 10 massive chains holding the 30 tons of steel snap as if they were made of cotton candy.  The huge roll of steel starts to quickly move and soon rolls to the middle of the flat bed truck where it immense weight causes the flat bed truck to collapses into the street.   Mindy again walks down to the steel roll, stretches out her long slender arms and picks up the steel as if it were a balloon.  The super strong teenager then places the massive object sideways across her deep 4-foot long cleavage and starts to crush the steel into her tits with both her hands.  The steel totally conforms to the shape of her massive tits as the thick hard steel circles around her outstanding breasts.  Mindy’s super soft overpowering mounds of ripe flesh don’t surrender a micrometer as 4-feet of steel completely encompasses her sensational breasts.


Mindy finally tosses the crushed roll of steel off her body and across the street where it lands on a vehicle in the used car parking lot and crushed most of the vehicle about 2 feet into the ground.  The super girl is then ready to jump off the flat bed truck, when a convertible pulls along side and the guy on the passenger side yell. “How would you like to fuck those tits”?  Mindy hears the remark, turns towards the convertible, puts her hands on her hips, and screams back at the two guys, “You jerks.  Now for that smart ass remark, watch me fuck your car silly, starting with that gearshift”.  Mindy is looking down at the console of the convertible and sees the heavy chrome steel of a “Hurst” gearshift.  The gearshift is 2feet long and made from 1 by 2 inch thick steel with a 3-inch diameter black steel ball on the top of the gearshift.


From my location in the car I can hear Might Mindy screaming at the two guys in the convertible and I knew this would get very interesting.  And to acquire a much better view on my laptop’s screen, I changed the “area view” to front, 45 degree angle, and had a perfect view through the windshield of the convertible down into the passenger’s seats.  I then pondered; I’m I the only person in the universe with this program?  I wondered if I could resell this absolutely fantastic program and make a fortune.  Then I gained my senses back. “I could never sell or give this program to anyone; it’s to great a asset and to much fun.  Someone else could use this same program to destroy both me and the super strong girls produced by this game.  And beside, if I need an extra 100 billion dollars or so in pocket change, I can always set the parameters of the “game” for Mighty Mindy to gently persuade a few bank vaults to open outside their normal hours of operation”.


Mindy starts to laugh and then jumps off the flatbed trailer and directly onto the center console and the gearshift of the convertible and is facing towards the rear of the vehicle.  Her dainty feet are spread apart just far enough to allow her feet to blast through the floor of the car and into the street below at a position on either side of the 4-speed close ratio “Muncie” transmission and just short of the two jokers in the front bucket seats.  And her firm young round ass politely pushes the front windshield down into the dashboard and then her ass presses a perfect apple shape cavity about a foot into the dash of the convertible.   Mindy then smiles at the two guys and gently swings her massive tits back and forth and permits her super soft but firm monster melons to gently slap the side of their faces.  “Don’t worry guys, I won’t hurt you.  However, you better hold onto your cocks with both hands because I’m going to fuck this gearshift completely out of existence, then squeeze the clutch and pressure plate into nothing between my thighs and finally crush the transmission between my tits until its melts into a hot gooey substance.


I could hear everyone of Mindy’s sexy words and when I observed the “area view” on the window’s screen on my computer, it was full with nothing but Mindy’s firm round young ass with bites, pieces, and chunks of crush metal oozing out from around the apple shaped cheeks of her ass that was firmly pressed into the dashboard of the car.  I enjoyed the scene of Mindy’s perfect ass but I wanted to see her from her front profile, so I rotated the “area view” 180 degrees and pulled back slightly to have a perfect picture of Mindy on my screen.  And as Mighty Mindy begins to leans slightly forward, she slips her open right hands down her thin waist and into her tight cutoff jeans until it appears out the bottom of her jeans and with a flick of her hand, tears her jeans and bikini brief completely off her young sexy super strong body.  With her left hand, she clasps the steel gearshift arm and gently bends it in the direction of her super hot and moist cunt until the 3-inch diameter steel handle is pressing securely against her awaiting cunt.   She then looks at the two guys in the front seat and says in a soft tone of voice, “Kiss your fucking car goodbye, you perverted assholes”.


To be continued: