Classic Weight Lifting Chapter 1

Ann and Kathryn discover new weight lifting techniques.

By Pat Mallon

WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.

Ann and Kathryn gracefully stroll into the local fitness gym and flash their membership cards past the detector that allows the turnstile to open and permits fantastically shaped super girls to enter the gym. The two Goddesses then proceed passed the attendant and in a quiet voice request that they have the far corner with the two large mirrors so Ann can practice her routine for the upcoming FBB competition this weekend in town. The young male attendant smiles at Ann and Kathryn and says "Of course you can have that corner, especially since you are representing our gym in the competition. And by the way Ann, you sure have developed your muscle tone over the past 2 months, must be all the weight training you do at the gym on a daily basis". Ann smiles back at the young man and says to him, "Yes it’s the dedication that I have given to lifting weights that has allow my muscles to developed". Ann then laughs and says to herself, "It’s not the weights in this or any other gym that has caused my muscle development, it’s the bridges, building, aircraft carriers, old world war 2 battleships and other object that weight millions of tons that have caused by muscles to develop.

Ann and Kathryn are special sisters. Ann is 5-foot 10 inches with short sassy blond hair and has developed her slender young 19-year body into an accumulation of firm solid muscle and extremely well defined body tone. Kathryn, her 18-year-old sister is a 6 foot 4 inch, with long brunette hair, long long legs, and a slender but very sexy shape. The two special features that both girls share is they are incredibly and unimaginably strong. And they both have a chest set that can make a railroad freight train take a detour down an old dirt road just to get a gander at the magnitude of their tits. Ann had breasts, that when she thrust forward to confirm her muscles, consumed 48-inch of space in front of her body and a width of 36-inch at the end of her boobs. Kathryn being 6-inch taller, had breasts the extended 52-inches straight out from her body and finished in two perfectly masses of soft feminine tissue. Both young super girls have never worn a bra, not because they didn’t want to ware one, but because they didn’t need to be clothed in a bra to support their large breasts. Kathryn breasts bounced with a firm motion as she walked and her clothing just seem to flow around her tits. Ann tits, with much more muscle tone, just stood straight out, and she had to be careful not to expand her chest muscles since her solid chest could rip any clothing off her tits with nothing more than a deep breathe.

Ann and Kathryn proceed immediately to the woman locker room and change into their respective workout clothing. Kathryn’s exercise clothing is a spandex suit that covers part of her ass; some of her waist, and about 10% of her chest, and most of that material is the strings that hold small triangles of cloth over her inch long nipples. Ann is dressed in her competition two-piece suit that revels almost every part of her muscular body. Her top barely covers her nipples and when she pushes her tits forward, the thin spaghetti straps are drawn so tight they are almost invisible. If her super hard nipples become erect while she is in this suit, they can poke right through the material and rip her top apart.

Ann and Kathryn leave the woman’s locker room and slowly slither their perfect bodies past all the men and continue to the corner of the gym where there are two large mirrors and an exercise floor area. The only weights in this area are some small hand weights on a small rack. Ann starts to warm up by stretching, she also warms up every hot blooded male in he gym as she expands her muscles of almost twice their normal size and her 48-inch tits stretch her thin top to almost the breaking point. Kathryn, in the mean time, goes over to the main weight section of the gym and starts to collect as many 100-kilogram disks as she can find that are not in use. Actually, most of the men freely give up their weights because they all know what is about to happen. Kathryn picks up the several 100- kilogram weights disks with her fingertips as if they were sheets of paper and stacks them evenly on either side of a steel bar. She stacks the bar completely full, leaving only a 6-inch space in the middle of the 8 foot long bar and a 3 inch space on the ends of the bar for the securing clamp. By the time Kathryn is completed assembling the weights on the bar, she has stacked 28 of the 100 kilos disk on the bar for a total weight of over 2800 kilos. Kathryn construct two of the massive weights and when she is finished, just picks up the weights, one in each hand, and lifts the weights over her head and strolls back to the exercise floor area where Ann is still warming up. Kathryn wiggles her tight ass, struts her long legs and sways her huge tits back and forth, just to flaunt her stuff, as she carries the massive weights across the floor. Several older men in the gym pass out from loss of blood in their head because 50% of their blood was used to harden their long unused dicks.

By this time, Ann has finished her warm up stretches, and Kathryn hands the weights to Ann in an unusual manner. Kathryn stands tit to tit with her shorter sister and then places one of the weights on her tits and allows it to roll down her breasts and onto Ann’s breasts. And when the 2800-kilos weight falls from Kathryn breasts onto Ann’s breasts, neither of the super strong young woman’s breasts budges a micro inch. Ann receives both weights in this manner and places one in each of her hands and starts her sexy routine. She lifts, spins, rotates, twirls, and moves the weights around her body as if they were feather. The only reason she used the weights was to ensure her motion was fluid and not jerky, for if she were to jerk her body or not be fluid in her motion; the 2800-kilos weights and the bar would simply bend in half from her infinite strength.

Ann is about a minute into her body building routine and most of the gym is watching her exercise with almost 6 tons of weights and the onlooker are enjoying every stretch, flex and muscular pose of Ann’s superb body as she performs flawlessly in preparation for the upcoming competition. Even people on the sidewalk are gawking through the large windows on the front of the gym in disbelief as the young teenager displays her body and firm solid muscles in such as sexy manner.

Then, from out of nowhere, there is this very loud blast in the front of the gym as the entry door to the gym is blasted open with such a powerful force that the steel door is torn off its hinges and smashes into a million pieces against the back wall of the gym. And standing into front of the doorway is Gloria. Gloria is the scourge of the planet and nothing can stop her from destroying anything she pleases to crush into her huge body. No one knows of Gloria origin, but the rumor is that the Incredible Hulk raped Wonder Woman one night 20 years ago and this was the result. Gloria was pure muscle, stood over 6 feet tall and was 4 feet wide at the shoulders. When flexed, her biceps measured over 40 inches and her thighs measured over 50 inches. Her breast her also very large and resembled two large beach balls. Although she was definitely female, there was absolutely no softness or bounce to her solid muscular body. And she was strong, strong beyond any imagination. Even Superman could not stop her and in fact Superman has not been seen since Gloria has a small entanglement with the man of steel. Gloria threw Superman around like a stuff doll and enjoyed her brief encounter with him. Someone reported that she sat on top of Superman and crushed his hips between with her massive thighs and then pushed her tits down onto his chest and broke everyone of his ribs. The evil female menace of the planet then placed Superman’s head in her arms and crushed his jaw with nothing but a simple flex of her monstrous bicep.

Gloria looks into the gym and stares directly at Ann and gives her mean, nasty look. The huge muscle bound female then walks through the door and her 48-inch shoulder muscles quickly and unconditionally destroy the doorframe by blasting the 36-inch wide doorframe aside with the force of several hundred locomotives. The steel doorframe is viciously pushed outwards and the windows on either side of the door shatter from the blast of the steel doorframe being obliterated.

The young male attendant, in a foolish effort, asks Gloria to swipe her ID card pass the detector. Gloria looks at the young kid, laughs, then punches her fist completely through the concrete block wall next to the card detector and then brings her hand behind the card detector and tears out a concrete block and the card detector and crushes both items into the side of her left breast with the palm of her hand. The metal card detector and the concrete block are reduced to a crush blob of smashed particles the size of fine sand grains. Gloria then takes a step forward and places her right leg over the steel turnstile and then turns her massive body side ways and lets her massive legs rip the turnstile out of the wall. The human muscle monster the closed her legs and allows her thigh muscles to slices the 3-inch metal tubing of the turnstile into several compacted pieces that fall to the floor of the gym. Gloria continues to walk across the concrete floor of the gym in a piss off disposition and slams her feet into the floor with every step and crumbles and cracks the concrete floor with every step. The steel railings of several rowing machines are pushed several inches into the concrete by Gloria feet and toes, as she walks over the heavy exercise machines.

Ann just stands still in the exercise area and watches as Gloria approaches and just before Gloria is in her face, Ann places the two massive weights against the side of her hips and stands almost at attention. Gloria slams her massive body into the end of the weights that Ann is holding straight out from the side of her hips but the only thing that happens is Gloria stomach muscles crush the 2-inch thick steel bars and the locking collars back into the massive iron disk of the weights. Several of the steel weight plated are also crushed between Gloria’s stomach and Ann’s arm.

"Well bitch, I’ve been waiting to bump into you ever since I’ve been told that you are the only person who can even come close to challenging me in the up coming FBB and weight lifting competition", Gloria says with a smirk on her face and continues with. "I can lift more weight with my left nipple on one attempt that you and your ugly skinny sister combined can lift over a period of a year". Ann doesn’t say anything but stares Gloria right in the eyes. However, Kathryn doesn’t like to be called ugly skinny, especially since her measurements are a 140-inch bust, a 26-inch waist, and a set of 38-inch hips on her 6-foot 4-inch frame. So Kathryn jumps forward, pushed Gloria on her broad shoulders with her right hand and cause Gloria to lose her balance and at the same time yells at the over muscled young woman and screams, "Fuck you, you muscle bound bitch, your tits look more like the two solid concrete pyramids on your chest that they do the soft firm flesh of my fun bags. I can lift more weight with my cunt than you could lift in your lifetime, which could be very short if you mouth off one more time".

Gloria had never been shoved by anyone or anything that has ever caused her to lose her balance. Not even stepping in front of a speeding freight train could knock her off balance. And this was definitely a new sensation for her and she had trouble trying to regain her balance. She stumbled backwards into a large exercise machine and her tight ass landed on top of a stack of 20 rectangular steel weights used as resistance for the exercise machine. Gloria’s massive legs and shoulders just collapsed the 8-foot high steel framing of the machine as if it were constructed of straw. Her ass however did push most of the steel rectangular weights into the concrete floor and the top 5 weights just squashed down and formed into the shape of her ass and her tight muscular cheeks. However, when Gloria pushed and then crumbled the remaining steel framing out of her way and stood back up, you could see the anger in her face that she was directing towards Kathryn. Gloria just waded up the angle iron frame of the exercise machine in her hands and crushed the steel until it oozed out between her fingers. However, everyone in the gym started to snicker, because four of the 2-inch thick steel rectangular weights had wedge them self into the crack of Gloria ass and as she walked towards Kathryn, you could see and hear the thick steel blocks being scraped apart by the motion of her tight ass as the muscular Gloria paced towards Kathryn and Ann.

"Lets not wait for any competition, you phony bitches. Right here and right now, toe for toe, tit for tit, tongue for tongue, thigh against thigh, and cunt for cunt", Gloria yells at Ann as she grabs one of the weights that Ann is holding. The poor weight did not have a change, for with Ann holding the steel bar in her hands and Gloria pulling the weight forward with her hand, the 2-inch thick steel bar just snapped apart just in front of Ann hand. Gloria takes the set of 14 3-inch thick disks and wraps her left arm around the weights. The simple matter of Gloria wrapping her left arm around the massive set of 14 steel disks each a 1-meter diameter and pushing the pile into her stomach causes several of the 3-inch disks to just warp. And as she pulls on the section of weights to get a better grip, the middle section of 6 disks are reshaped and crushed as her left breasts pushed several inches into the steel. Gloria’s left tits crushed the thick steel like a sledgehammer hitting an egg.

Gloria then looks at Ann and blears out, "Let me show you a little of my strength". Gloria then takes her right hand, points her fingers out straight and easily pushes her fingers, hand, and arm through the center of the 14 steel disks. The finders of her right hands follow the path of the center steel bar while her left arm holds the massive weights securely against her powerful body. Gloria’s fingers, hand, and arm push aside the steel as if she was pushing her hand into a basket of feather. Gloria continues to tenderly push her hand into the steel weights until her arm is completely immersed into the steel weights, and up to her right shoulder. Gloria, with an absolute stare of authority, looks and Ann, doesn’t say a word, but just extends her right arm out sideways to show Ann that she has just push her hand completely through the 42-inches of steel. Then, slowly, very slowly, Gloria starts to curl her forearm upwards and starts to expand her massive biceps. The middle 8 steel disks of the weight begin to moan and expand as Gloria’s biceps expand from normal (30 inches) to their fully expanded circumference of 50 inches. The 2 outside heavy steel disks are sliced apart by the upward scissors motion of Gloria’s forearm. And just as Gloria’s biceps reach maximum size, the 8 middle steel disks explode like a volcano, splitting wide open, and fall off her arms and drop to the floor with a loud crashing noise. Gloria then just grabs the remaining disks on her arm with her left hand, squeezes the 3-inch thick steel until her fingers punch holes through the steel and rips the 4 remaining disk off her arm with on quick pull of her hand. Then the powerfully built super female just steps of the pile of scrape steel on the floor and users the toes of her right foot to push the steel deep into the concrete floor of the gym as if she was putting out a cigarette butt.

Ann’s not the least impresses with Gloria’s unsophisticated and crude example of strength. Just using her massive muscles to tear and shred apart thick steel is not inspiring to Ann. Ann and Kathryn like to demonstrate their extreme strength in a more delicate and feminine manner and use their sexy bodies to both show their extreme strength and watch feeble men simply beat their meat senselessly.

Gloria then says to Ann, "Let’s start a simple contest to see who is the strongest woman on Earth and can lift the most weight and her are the rules".

  1. We cannot use our hands or feet except to guide object into position, every other parts of our bodies are legal for lifting.
  2. You must call your lift in detail before performing the lift.
  3. We take turns (I go first) and the next person must lift more weight than the previous person.
  4. We must absolute destroy whatever we lift once the lift is completed and do this in less that 10 seconds.
  5. The loser must leave the planet. Which means I get to pound you and your ugly skinny sister into another world.

Ann just glares at Gloria and says to her, "Your on bitch, which outer planet in the solar system would you like to call home". Kathryn then whispers in Ann’s ear, "Let me do this contest, I’ve love to crush her body and fling it into the sun". "No sis, this will be my pleasure. I cannot beat her in a fair competition because if a judge doesn’t give her a perfect score, she simply visits his house the next day and destroys everything he or she owns", Ann replies back to Kathryn quietly.

"Ok", Gloria then says with heighten excitement in her voice, "You don’t stand a fucking chance, but just to let you have some cheap fun, and show how pitiful frail and weak you are compared to me, I’ll start out with some simple lifts before I advance to heavy object like buildings, bridges, freight trains or all of them together." So Gloria walks over to a weight bench where a young stud is laying down on the bench with a set of 200 kilo weights that he just use to bench press. And on her path to the weight bench, Gloria just kicks a treadmill with her foot and sends it flying through the side of the concrete block wall of the gym and into the third floor of the building across the street.

Once Gloria is at the weight bench, she just stares at the chap lying down on the bench and says to him as she places her legs over his body and positions her thighs between his waist and says. "If I were to merely flex my thick thigh muscles only vaguely, your hips and ribs, along with that steel bench would be fully crushed between my thighs and I wouldn’t even feel a thing. My expanding thigh muscles would simply think its air that they are pushing against. The only way I’d know I’ve crushed your scrawny weak body is from the sound of your bones cracking and the look of serious pain on your hideous face. And I adore the mind-blowing sound of men’s weak skeleton snapping, cracking, and twisting into by superior muscular body". Gloria then pounces her 115 kilos of body muscle on the young chaps groin and says to Ann, "I’m just going to lift this 200 kilo weight with my nipples and it won’t even place any strain on my big breasts". So Gloria, who is wearing a XXXL sweatshirt over her top, just start to flex the upper section of her body. And almost immediately, the entire sweatshirt is being stretched to the point of bursting. Her pectoral muscles expand and push her massive chest out almost two feet and her nipples just rip through her sweatshirt with the power of two high power rifle bullets. And once her nipples pierced the material of her sweatshirt, her 2-inch long just shredded the cloth off her chest as Gloria continued to expand her muscles. The young chap, lying on the bench, definitely got a snakes eye view of the underside of Gloria massive tits as her top is just evaporates into rags and fell off her body.

Gloria then laughs out loud, leans forward and places her 2-inch long nipples under the 2-inch thick steel bar and takes a deep breath as she leans back. The 200-kilo weight is easily lifted and is suspected between Gloria two nipples where it just seems to float in the air. Gloria then stands up and shows everyone in the gym that her tits can lift the weight with her chest muscles and her tits don’t show any sign of sagging. She bounces the weights around to verify this is no magic trick. "And now, to destroy this hopeless less than zero weight", Gloria yells, as she reaches out with her right hand and places it under her tits and grabs the steel bar lying between her nipples. Gloria simply begins to pull down on the steel bar with her hand and the 2-inch steel bar immediately bends. Gloria’s hard and expended nipples act as pivot points as the massive weight and steel bar just continue to bend inward until the massive steel plates of the weight are forced against Gloria massive breasts. The steel bar or the thick steel plates can’t push Gloria’s nipples or tits apart even a micrometer. The 2-inch thick steel bar is effortlessly pulled through the steel plates of the weight and the plates just fall to the ground one by one. Gloria again laughs as she flings the bend steel bar behind her back and then just wads the steel bar up in her hand crushing the steel with such a force that the steel just oozes out her fingers.

The young chap that was lying on the bench manages to escape by scooting out backwards between Gloria legs just before Gloria crushes the bench in half by a quick and hard flex of the leg muscles. Gloria then turns around towards Ann, ripping the remains of the weight bench apart with her body, and screams to Ann, "Your turn, you scrawny slut and skinny excuse for a female".

Ann wanted to start of cat fight with Gloria right then but knew the consequences of the fight would be half the city would be destroyed, so Ann kept her composure and just walked to another weight bench. Kathryn also anticipated the move and began stack large iron plates on the bar. Kathryn manhandled the 50-kilos weights as if they were lifesaver candy pieces and filled the bar until it was over 700 kilos total. When Ann arrives at the bench, she stands next to the bench and ask is a sexy tone of voice, "would any of you gentlemen be interested in having me sit on top of you while I disrobe and then watch me lift this massive weight with my right nipple"? Six young men instantaneously jumped up and ran for the bench. Four of the men tripped over themselves trying to get there first, one couldn’t run fast because he was holding his super hard cock, and the man the made it to the bench has a pulse rate of over 150.

Ann just smiles at the young lad on the bench as she gently pushes on his chest to move him to a horizontal position and says softly to him, "You’ll enjoy this and I promise I won’t hurt you". The young lad replies back to Ann, "Oh please hurt me and use every part of that fantastic body of yours". Ann straddles the young man and begins a set of poses to show off her firm, shapely muscles and at the same time says to everyone in the gym, "Lets see if I can force my top off my itty bitty chest with nothing but muscle control". So Ann shakes her head and fluffs her hair as she starts to thrust her 48-inch forward. She also places her hands on her slender hips and forces her elbows backward to help enhance her chest muscles.

The poor material in the strings that hold the halter top on Ann’s tits cannot take the stress and pressure being applied by Ann’s chest muscles, as her gigantic tits expand to a colossal size. The truth is, not even steel cables or carbon fiber material could survive this extreme stress as Ann’s chest muscles expand with nothing more than a simple thrusting of her chest forward. Ann finally wiggles her tits to add that final stress and the elastic straps that hold her top over her nipples all snap at once and her top goes sailing across the room, hits a guy in the face, who is sitting in a chair, and knocks him backwards. Ann just giggles as she shows off her nude breasts to the gallery at the gym, for Ann’s tits are perfect; extremely large, stretching straight out from her chest, firm, with 2 inch erect nipples, and not a millimeter of sag. The unfortunate young guy lying under Ann is about to go crazy from the site of her tits as he is observing everything from only a few inches away from his eyes and mouth.

Ann then looks at Gloria and says, "I’m going to lift this paltry 700 kilos with my right nipple as if it doesn’t even exist". Then the 19-year old blond cups her left breast and begins to leisurely massage and stroke her breast to show everyone how soft and feminine her overripe fleshy breasts can be as she leads her nipple up to her moist open mouth and begins a slow suckle of her left nipple. The blond super Goddess then positions her body so her right nipple is directly under the center the 2-inch thick steel bar and slowly begins to raise her right tit upward. The steel bar at first simply starts to bend as the 700 kilos of steel resists any upward movement, but the force of Ann’s 2-inch long nipple soon overcomes this insignificant obstacle and the heavy weights lifts off the bench as if they were helium balloons. Ann right breasts doesn’t sag a micrometer and she then leans the upper part of her firm young body backwards so she can suspend and display the weight about two feet above the weight bench with nothing but her right nipple. Ann, to overcome boredom, yaws as she takes several deep breaths and moves her body from side to side to keep the 700 kilos balanced on her nipple. She also rocks her shapely hips back and forth; cause the cock of the young stud under her body to explode in his pants.

Ann, having proved her point of strength, stands up and walks off the bench with the massive weight still balanced on her nipple and reached forward with her right hand to the end of her breast. The gorgeous teenager then takes her right thumb and second finger, separates them by about 3 inches and placed them on top of the 2-inch thick steel bar directly above her nipple and smoothly presses downward. The 2-inch steel bar immediately bends and wraps around Ann’s super hard nipple like apiece of string and her fingers slide past the steel and press it into her nipple. The heavy steel weights slam into each other at the bottom of her feet with an enormous bang, scaring everyone in the gym. Ann then takes her right hand and wraps her palm and fingers around the two sections of the bend steel bar, just below her nipple and squeezes then gently together, pressing the two sections of steel bars into one. The extremely strong Ann then just pulls down on her right hand and causes the thick steel bar to rip apart at her nipple. Ann tosses the weights aside and crushes the steel in the palm of her hand, grabs her right tit and strokes her nipple and says, "Bad Bad nipple, you just tore that thick strong steel bar apart and you didn’t even show any sign of struggle". Ann then releases her breasts, looks squarely at Gloria and says, "Ok! You overgrown excuse for a woman, what’s next".

"Fuck you bitch", Gloria yells back to Ann, as she heads for a large exercise machine whose purpose is to increase leg muscles. The machine is manufactured of heavy gauge rectangular steel framing that measures 15 centimeters by 10 centimeters, and likes like to could support King Kong. Gloria walks through the machine directly to the center as her huge body pushes the rectangular steel aside as if it were hanging strands of beads. Once in the center of the exercise machine, the female Hulk clasps the main steel rectangular support about 3 feet off the ground and with a hard squeeze crushes the steel between her fingers until its complete crushed out of existence. She then pushes her enormous upper chest against the upper portion and the steel frame bend like grass in a strong wind. Gloria then users both her hands to reshape the bottom section of the steel frame into a point and then screams at Ann, "Watch this boobs for brains, as I lift this entire machine, including the 5500 kilos of weights with my cunt". Gloria then spreads her legs wide, steps over the bottom section of the destroyed frame and pushes her body down onto the crushed steel frame. The pointed top of the steel frame cuts through her shorts and enters her awaiting cunt. Gloria places her large hands on her hips and swivels her hips as she applies a quick downward motion against the steel. The rectangular steel framing doesn’t have a snowballs chance in hell, as it is force to crush together to enter her cunt. The super muscle girl squats down and forces over 2 feet of the steel frame into her hot, wet pussy. Gloria then just stands up and the entire exercise machine is lifted off the floor of the gym. She just stands there for a few seconds laughing, until she closes her legs together and permits her thighs to crush and mangle the steel frame until it cannot support the weight of the exercise machine and the machine falls back to the ground. Gloria then reached down with her hands, grabs the steel frame with her hands and lifts the entire exercise machine over her head. The machine is ripped apart as if it were made of toothpicks instead of steel. The steel frame is caught between her legs and ripped in half, and her massive arms just mangle the frame as she brings her arms over her head and crosses her chest. The 5500 kilos of weights just fall and bounce off her chest like raindrops.

Gloria looks at Ann and yells at her, "You probably never have had anything in your cunt before, this should be a new delight for you". Ann stares back at Gloria as she strolls over to a large exercise and says to a group of guys watching the competition, "Her fucking biceps many be 50-inches but that’s definitely higher than her IQ".

Ann, who is parading across the gym’s floor just to show off and bouncing her gigantic tits, finally arrives at the large exercise machine. It’s a large square that has four workout stations, one on each side, and four sets of weights in the middle connected to an array of cables and pulleys. The sassy young blond carefully maneuvers to the center of the apparatus, making sure her body doesn’t destroy any of the intricate infrastructures of the exercise machine. However, she does pat her tits slightly against several pieces of steel and bends the steel bars just enough to remind herself and everyone else in the gym that even her soft, youthful breasts are no matches for the world strongest steel bars. Once Ann is in the center of the apparatus, she swipes her right around and collect the four steel center posts and crushes all four post against her right tit, completely slicing the steel post in half. The extremely strong and playful Ann then pushes the upper part of the steel posts off to the side and then starts to slowly twist the four lower sections together in a clockwise direction. Ann carefully twists the 4 steel posts around each other until they are about a meter off the floor and about 10 centimeters in diameter. The four, twisted together steel posts, resembled a large inverted screw stick out of the base of the exercise machine. Ann looks at the twisted assembly and declares her lift to Gloria and everyone else. "I’m going to lift this apparatus with my hot box". Then Ann turns around to everyone in the gym and yells, "Everyone, please come and stand on the outside frame of this exercise equipment and bring as much weight as you can possibly carry". Well it didn’t take very long for every red-blooded male in the gym to scamper for weights and position themselves on the outside of the frame. Ann looks around and says to everyone, " Thank you very much gentlemen, this should add several tons to the total weight that I’m about to lift with a very sensitive part on my truly female body.

Ann looks at the twisted and jagged spike of steel she just created with her elegant fingers, then removes the small piece of exercise clothing she has covering her bottom, looks sarcastically at Gloria and says, "Let’s see, I’ve twisted these thick steel bars tightly together in a clockwise direction. Now, if I sit on top of these twisted metal bars and rotate my body counter clockwise, I wonder if my hot tight cunt will cross thread these steel bars and strip the threads or will I screw myself down into the metal bars. Oh well! This is probably one of those dumb blond jokes, however, it doesn’t really matter. For my hot cunt is going to rethread the steel bars and accomplish it with utmost pleasure". It doesn’t take long for Ann to spread her firm thighs over the twisted steel bar, sit on top of the steel and start to spin her body around. And after about 5 rotation of her super sexy body, 24 inch of the twisted harden steel bars are absorbed into her slender body and Ann screams with pure pleasure. Her tight hot cunt is seizing the steel bars so tightly that they again begin to easily twist around like soft pretzel dough. Ann then places her petite feet on the concrete floor and slowly begins to raise the entire exercise assembly off the gym floor. Once she has the exercise assembly, which weighs over 20 tons and has the 16 young studs standing on the perimeter frame, about a foot off the gym floor, Ann again begins to rotate her firm but slender young body around in a circle. This time, the entire exercise assembly begins to rotate with her and it doesn’t take long before she has the 20-ton assembly spinning at a high rate of steed. The entire exercise assembly resembled a merry-go-round at a playground and the 16 young studs can barely hold on due to the centrifugal force of the rotating motion. In fact several of the young studs could not hold on to the frame and were flung off the rotating assembly. Then, just for fun, Ann decides to quickly stop the spinning assembly and watch how many more of the young men lose their balance and fall off the rotating assembly. Well, you just don’t stop at rotating 20-ton device on a dime as Ann soon discovered, for when she stopped her spinning, the exercise assembly continue to rotate at a high speed.

Two separate but equal effects occurred immediately. First, the steel bars in Ann cunt, twisted and jammed even more and this sent a column of unadulterated pleasure into her young sexy body that resulted in a earsplitting scream of joy, and secondly, Ann’s massive 48-inch long tits just shredded the steel and cables of the assembly to pieces as the rotating assembly came into contact with her stationary young chest muscles. The cold hard steel bars, angel iron, and steel cables all slam into Ann’s firm rounded tits and simply reshaped themselves to the soft curves of her gigantic breasts. Once reshaped and bend around the young Goddess’s breast, the steel frame of the exercise machine simply gets pulled and twisted into her body as it self-destructs. The entire steel frame is bent and wrapped around Ann’s tits after only two completed revolutions of the exercise frame. Ann then takes her soft hands and places them deep in the cleavage of the breasts and pushes her hands outward towards her nipples. She cleans and scrapes off the steel, cables, and framing from around her mammoth mounds with a simple push of her hands as easily as if she was wiping off water. The entire exercise assembly is nothing but a pile of scrape metal at her feet and then she walks through the scrape metal pile with an air of arrogance as her feet just drive the scrap steel deep into the concrete floor of the gym. The 24-inches of twisted steel bars in her cunt are instantly vaporized into a super hot plasma gas once Ann closes her legs together and starts to walk forward towards Gloria. "So far bitch, you are losing your ass at this game", Ann yells at Gloria, "You better have some more exhilarating feat of strength than the few you have shown me so far".

Gloria flips Ann the finger as she yells back at Ann, "I’m not very impressed with your mediocre toying with that exercise equipment, let’s get started with real weight lifting". Gloria then turns around and starts to walk unswervingly towards the side of the gym and the concrete block wall that border’s the parking lot. A row of treadmills and stationary bicycles are directly in Gloria path, but they don’t stand a chance of survival. Gloria massive muscular body just pushes against the treadmills and stationary bicycles as they collect in front of her legs and super powerful chest. Gloria’s leg muscles act like two massive pile drivers as they crush and tear the exercise equipment apart, and as the crushed material heaps up against her immense body and her chest, her massive chest and beach ball size tits just recycles the ravaged material back down into her legs for additional grinding by her thighs. Gloria finally pushes all 8 treadmills and 4 stationary bicycles into the concrete block wall were they are flattened into a mass of crushed steel. And Gloria does miss a single step as her massive body and chest reached the concrete block wall. The powerfully built Gloria then slams her fists into the concrete wall and sends a large section of the wall flying into the parking lot just outside. The remaining section of the wall then just crumbles as her super strong muscles and rock hard chest muscles simply push the concrete blocks and mangles exercise equipment into the adjoining parking lot. Gloria walks through two parked cars and tramples both cars into the ground with her feet. Three other cars are merely picked up with only her one hand and tossed aside as if they were matchbox toy cars. The cars landed several city blocks away, after smashing into the 60th floor of a 75 story tall building. Gloria continues unabated through the parking lot and finally arrives at her prize, which is a very large SUV in the back of the parking lot. She goes directly to the back of the SUV and looks around the parking lot. She then seizes the car directly behind the SUV and picks it up via the front bumper with her one hand and lifts the car over her head. Gloria shakes the car violently, showing off her arm muscles, before slamming the car back down to the ground. The force of the slam by Gloria quickly bends the entire car in half and she then just rolls the car over onto itself using her enormous arm and chest muscles. . These simple but brutal tactics, reduces the car to a lump of crushed steel about the size of a trashcan. The extremely strong and muscular Gloria then pushes her hands completely through the back door of the SUV and laughs as her hands just pierces into the door and pushes the steel aside and tears open the door with a flick of her arm. Gloria then tosses the crushed car into the back of the SUV where it tears through the seats until it’s resting in the front of the SUV. Gloria then starts on a rampage throughout the parking lot, crushing, folding, demolish, crumbling, and smashing cars and trucks with her mammoth and muscular body until about 10 car are stuffed inside the SUV. Gloria then walks to the driver’s side of the SUV and picks up the SUV with one hand and places it on her shoulder and walks back into the gym, where she just slams it down precisely in front of Ann.

In the meantime, Kathryn, who is Ann’s 6-foot four tall 18-year old sister with a set of firm young knockers that extend 52-inch out over her slender body, is watching the activities with shear boredom. Kathryn would enjoy punching Gloria to the outer limits of the solar system but know that no man made material or structure is strong enough to budge Gloria. For Gloria’s muscles are so developed and powerful that thick steel beams appear to dissolve into vapor whenever she flexes her body to absorb the impact. Kathryn once watched Superman try to prevent Gloria from destroying the world longest railroad bridge and it was a useless jester by Superman. The Man of Steel used a 25 meter long steel shaft that was over 1 meter thick from an electrical generator station and slammed it into Gloria’s chest muscles at over 10 times the steed of sound. Gloria didn’t even flinch as the thick steel just bent innocently around her taught muscular body. Then, Gloria pulverizes and crushes the shaft into small chunks of metal and used only her flexing and bulging biceps, pectorals, and thighs muscles to do the total destruction. She then brushed Superman aside as if he were a mosquito and then uses her one hand to lift the million-ton bridge via its massive foundation and throw it upside down back across a mile wide river.

Kathryn didn’t want to get involved with the contest between Gloria and her sister Ann, at least not yet, for Kathryn had an idea on how to transport Gloria to another planet but the timing has to be perfect and it would take some time to develop this scenario. However, in the interim, Kathryn was getting seriously bored. And with all these young men standing around watching Gloria and Ann use their bodies to playfully torment steel and lift tons of metal with sensual parts of their body is starting to get to Kathryn. All the young physical build men had cocks as hard as granite and could barely keep their stiff male organs in their gym shorts and Kathryn finally decide it is time for her to have some excitement.

Kathryn, who was dressed in a pair of gym shorts and an halter top that reveal most of her cleavage, stood up and walked over to the two fitness instructors sitting behind a rack for hand weights. Kathryn personally knew both of the young studs and walked up to the opposite side of the weight rack and says to the two young instructors, "Enjoying the contest between Ann and Gloria". Bill, the younger instructor says to Kathryn, "Wow, I’ve never seen anything as sexy as this battle and its about to drive me crazy" as he rubs his erect cock.

Kathryn then clasps the outer steel frame of the weight rack with both hands and leans forward over the weight rack. And with a sympathetic grin on her face, wiggles and shakes her massive breasts until they rest between the front and back rails of the weight rack and her deep soft cleavage is directly between a 50-kilo solid chrome steel hand weight. With her hands positioned next to her overflowing breast, the tall Kathryn smile at the two instructors and says in a sexy voice, "Do you like the design on my halter top"? Both of the young men’s eyes pop wide open as then stare at almost 40-inch of firm cleavage trying desperately to escape the confines of her halter. And the design on either side of her halter is very original. The design consisted of a two-foot long beer tap with the spout directly at her inch long protruding nipple. The beer tap’s designs was neatly embroidered into the thin nearly see through material of her halter. "Nice rack Kathryn, I mean tits, a, a, a, top ", says one of the instructors as he fumbles through his words. Kathryn just smiles and looks both young studs directly in their eyes as says to them, "Please untie my halter and position it to the sides of my big tits, I don’t want to ruin this top". Both young studs immediately reach for her top and quickly untie the knot holding her halter over her tits and gently pull her halter away from her breasts.

Kathryn then positions her long slender thighs solidly against the steel rack, and begins a long slow pull of the outer steel rail back towards the rear rail of the weight rack. Kathryn hands slowly crush and bend the angle iron like soft warm butter as she pulls backwards and soon her hands have bent the outer angle iron into the rear angle iron. Kathryn then takes her hands and wraps them around both the outer rail and the inter rail of the weight rack and she begins a leisurely upward pull with her hands. "Kathryn next whispers in a sexy voice to the two young studs, "I’m as extremely strong as my sister Ann and twice as sexy. Now watch my big firm tits effortlessly crush into extinction this solid chrome steel hand weight that is wedged in the cleavage of my breast as I lift up on this weight rack with only my velvety hands". And as Kathryn hands pull effortlessly upward and bend the steel rails of the weight rack like they are strings, the 50-kilo chrome steel weight is forced further up and into her deep cleavage. The 18-year old super brunette then starts to rotate her titanic tits around on the rails of the weight rack and her breasts begin a steady, relentless, and iron-crushing journey through the upper rails of the weight rack. The massive 16-inch diameter ends of her tits easily push apart the 10-inch width between the rails and her cleavage soon surrounds the entire hand weight. The tough steel angle iron of the top rails is pushed aside like it made of Styrofoam as Kathryn’s tits press deeper and deeper into the steel. Kathryn continues to thrust her breast almost 2 feet down into the weight rack. And a few relaxing deep breath by the tall Goddess is all that is required to crush the chrome hand weight, that is wedged in her cleavage, into a silvery paste that extrudes between Kathryn’s tits like jelly overflowing from a squished sandwich.

Kathryn is just warming up for an afternoon of fun and games as she stands straight up and stretches her long slender body and thrusts out her bare breast. "Let’s see what a pair of inch long nipples can accomplish if I lightly scrape these babies across these thick steel rails", Kathryn says as she places her hands on her hips and leans forward. Kathryn has side stepped down a few feet so her incredible body is directly in front of a series of large hand weights. This ensures that she has some new things for the breasts to torment. Then the young sexy brunette leans forward and teases the large hand weights by moving then around with her enormous breasts. Kathryn just bumps her tits into the weights and they respond as if they are ping-pong balls. She snickers at the ease her swaying breasts can shove the heavy metal object around in the rack and how undemanding it is for her nipples to gouge long deep slits into the metal by just swiping her boobs across the top of the weights. Kathryn finally just pushes the steel weights out of her way and directs her nipples into the channel of the thick angle iron rail. And by using her hands to secure the flimsy steel rail, because her extreme strength would simply push the rack over, Kathryn rub her nipples into the channel of the angle iron. The firm rounded ends of the super girl’s tits spread the angle iron apart like as if it were on a hinge and as she swings her tits from side to side, her inch long nipples pierce the center of the angle iron as easily as an ice pick through paper. The sound of her super hard nipples scraping against harden steel causes a screeching sounds over 150 decibels that cause everyone in the gym to place their hands over their ears. Kathryn doesn’t care about the horrible sounds, all her concentration is focused on how easily her tits are tearing thick steel into ribbons of thinly sliced steel that look like garland.

Kathryn then looks at the two young instructors and says in an absolute commanding but soft tone of voice, "I’m going to fuck the brains out of your young physical fit bodies and there is absolute nothing you can do about this fact. So let me carry both of you back to the sauna room where I will commence an absolute journey of pure sexual pleasure". Both young men are speechless as Kathryn places her right leg over the weight rack and straddles the iron rails. And as she lowers her long slender leg over the weight rack, her inter thighs stroke against the rails and effortlessly curve the steel rails into each other. You could hear the angle iron bending and pleading for mercy as Kathryn thighs tenderly push the rails together. Kathryn is still staring at both men and says to them, "Now let me demonstrate the effectiveness of my firm young thighs and give both of you a petty taste of what to expect in the sauna room". The young super strong teenager then reaches for another 50-kilo hand weight, picks it up with one finger, spreads her long legs apart, and places the weight on the rack exactly between her youthful thighs. Kathryn then closes her legs and crushes both the 50-kilo steel weight and the steel rack with a soothing squeeze of her powerful thighs. The steel weight oozes from around Kathryn’s thighs and the steel rack is sliced in half as easily as a sharp pair of scissors cuts paper.

"Enough foreplay guys, let’s go enjoy the finest sex you will ever have from a female", Kathryn says as she steps through the weight rack and grabs both guys around their waist, picks them straight up and start walking towards to sauna room. "The one instructor then says to Kathryn, "Can we each take a hand weight or two with us so you can tease us with your ability to rip apart harden steel with your bare hands, and crush steel between your awesome tits, and squeeze iron with your firm thighs". Kathryn just smiles as says back to the two men, "Why take one or two weights, let me pick up an entire weight rack with my tits and carry it back with us to the sauna room". Kathryn then walks to the center of another 30-foot long weight rack, which holds three tiers of weights and squats down. She then places the ends of her 52-inch long tits under the top tier of rails and leisurely stands back up. The entire 5-ton rack of weights first starts to bend across Kathryn’s tits until it is finally lifted off the ground and suspended in mid air by her powerful tits. Kathryn doesn’t even realize the rack was bolted to the concrete floor until she hears the unmistakable sound of metal and concrete cracking and looks down at the floor to witness the large holes that were torn in the concrete floor by her lifting the weight rack.

Kathryn prances over to the sauna room, puts the weight rack and the two men down on the floor next to the sauna, rips the pad lock off the sauna room door with a flick of her finger, and says, "Guys, grabs some weights, and call 911 because when I’m finished fucking your brains out of your body, you will need to be on pure oxygen for the next 24 hours to recuperate.

With Kathryn deeply occupied with the two fitness instructors, Ann needs to stall long enough until her sister finishes her duties with the two instructors, which shouldn’t be too long. For Ann doesn’t aspire to challenge mighty Gloria by herself, because if the huge muscle Goddess goes on one of her rampages and starts to destroy tall buildings by lifting several at a time and tossing then around like little balls of dust to prove her strength, Ann by herself, can’t stop the destruction of the city. So Ann looks at the SUV that’s directly lying in front of her and starts a long slow sexy walk around the vehicle. Ann is just flaunting her totally nude body and swaying her hips as she walks past the side of the SUV, and she accents the movement of her shapely ass as she turns and pushes her ass into the site of the vehicle. Ann’s tight round backside gingerly creased the sheet metal of the SUV inward a few inches and the long arcing sways of her hips produces a series of perfectly rounded dents in the side of the SUV. The smooth skin of Ann’s ass doesn’t even scratch the paint as she presses her backside into the side of the SUV. It takes Ann about 5 minutes to leisurely circle the SUV but it’s perfectly obvious when she is done that her tight ass had absolute no problem producing a perfectly curved crease that’s over 6-inches deep completely around the SUV. "Sorry if I took all you thunder Gloria", Ann says to Gloria, "I presume you will just quickly crush this big bad vehicle into your big bad body using your big bad muscles and exhibit no sign of any soft caressing of your female body".

Gloria is pissed and yells back to Ann, "Caress this bitch, as she picks up a huge barbell with her one hand and tears the end clamp off the bar off with a twisting pull of her hand and takes one of the a 100-kilo plate from the bar and flings it at Ann like it’s a Frisbee. The 100-kilo plate immediately reaches mach 2000 speed and slams directly into Ann’s titanic tits. And with that much energy spun in the steel plate by Gloria’s quick fling, the steel plate has the destructive potential of an atomic bomb. However, Ann anticipates what Gloria is going to do and just as the steel plate reaches her body, Ann takes a deep breath, thrusts out her chest muscles and allows the large steel disk to strike her directly between her tits. In less that a nanosecond, the spinning plate reduced itself to a super hot plasma vapor in the cleavage of the chest and Ann enjoyed this slight warming effect on her soft tanned skin. Ann just looked at Gloria as she caresses her breasts with both hands and says, "Oooooooooooooooh that felt wonderful on my soft womanly body".

Gloria then tosses the remaining weight aside like it’s made of thin cheap plastic. The weight blasts through the back wall of the gym, destroying the wall and buries itself several feet into an adjoining concrete wall. Gloria then stumps over to the front of the SUV and screams to Ann, "I’m going to press my chest muscles so hard into the front of this thing, that I’ll be able to pick up all 25 tons with just my chest muscles". Ann snickers at Gloria as Gloria walks past her to the front of the SUV.

Gloria’s position her 6-foot well-developed bodily frame directly at the front of the vehicle, flex her arms in a muscles pose to show everyone her 50-inch biceps, and bends over at her waist forcing her massive chest into the hood of the SUV. Gloria’s mammoth chest muscles instantly cover the entire width of the steel hood of the SUV and push the hood deep into the engine compartment. Gloria chest is so wide when her muscles are flexed that they cover the motor completely, so when she continues to push downward, her massive breasts push everything in the engine compartment down into the concrete gym floor. Gloria doesn’t even take her time with this show of strength; it’s less than a second, the entire engine, radiator, and front wheel drive components are driven over a foot into the concrete floor. The remnants of the thick iron block of the massive "V8" are tightly compressed and wedges between her powerful and massive cleavage.

Gloria then stands back up and is holding the SUV and the 10 other crushed cars inside the vehicle straight up in the air. The iron block of the engine is mangled and wedged so tightly in her rock hard cleavage that it can support the 20 tons Gloria is lifting. After a display of strength by making a complete 360-degree circle, a fast jerk of Gloria’s pectoral muscles pushes her breast together eliminating both the spaces between her breasts and the cast iron of the engine block. The SUV falls back to the ground with a thunderous bang and Gloria begins the ends the reign of the SUV by picking it back up. She spreads her huge arms wide apart and reaches across the crumbled front of the SUV until her large thick hands grab the front wheels. Her fingers tear through the cord and sidewall of the tires and rip them off the steel rims like stretching a rubber band. She then pulls the two wheels together, lifts the SUV over her head with her arms, and then extends her arms directly in front of her body and begins to quickly crush the SUV between her arm. Gloria delights in the sight of the large vehicle being readily crushed between her arms, especially since she is only using the pulsating muscles of her massive biceps to crush solid steel. To the spectators watching the show, Gloria’s grinding of the SUV with her enormous muscular body resembled a meat grinder as the 20 tons of SUV collapses into her arms, and is crushed by her massive 50-inch biceps. And the substance that is extruded from her chest muscles resembles raw hamburger as it falls to the floor of the gym.

20-tons of steel, iron, glass, rubber, and the other materials of the SUV descent through Gloria’s flexing arm and chest muscles in about 2 minutes with the grace of a bull in a china shop. When Gloria is finished toying with the SUV she just laughs and looks at Ann and says, "Nothing but muscle. Your turn, skinny, to beat that lift".

Then, just as Ann is pondering her next strength feat, there is a loud piercing noise from the back of the gym and everyone turns around to determine what could be causing this horrible sound. The sidewall of the sauna is bulging outward and the thick wooden sidewall is beginning to split and crack. Then in the blink of an eye, the entire top section of the wall burst open as Kathryn is making a spectacular exit from the sauna. Kathryn magnificent 52-inch chest rack obliterates the top section of the sauna’s sidewall as she gracefully walks through the wall. The effect of her large firm tits on the thick wooden wall of the sauna is equivalent of several tons of dynamite and the top half of the sauna easily explodes into billions of fragments the size of toothpicks. Within the next second, Kathryn long legs and firm slender thigh muscles overwhelm the bottom section of the sauna, thus completing the total destruction of the wall. And as Kathryn parades her nude body into the gym area and towards her sister Ann, She turns around to observe the damage and the remains of her handy work inside the sauna. With the entire sidewall of the sauna blasted all over the gym floor, it’s easy for everyone to see what Kathryn has accomplished inside the sauna. The two young instructors are lying on their backs with their clothing torn off their bodies and totally exhausted and almost comatose. Both had a smile on their face that extended from ear to ear. The one instructor however, did have a white flag in his hand and the other had his cell phone flipped open and trying to dial. The floor of the sauna is also littered with several hundred pieces of steel weights that have been mangled by Kathryn super sexy body. Some of the chrome steel hand weights were just torn in half, other were twisted and squeezed into strange shapes. A few others were simply pushed together and mangled with holes formed in them by Kathryn long thin fingers. Most however were just reduced to blobs of crushed metal that looked more like cow manure and solid steel. Everyone in the gym just stares in awe and uses their own imagination as to what occurred in the sauna.

Kathryn walks over to her sister and says to Ann in a soothing female voice, "That was enjoyable sis, however, both guys were somewhat wimps, their manhood was extinct in a matter of minutes. Now Sis, where are you with the strength contest against Gloria". "Well sis", Ann replies as she looks around the gym, "It’s my turn but I believe there is nothing remaining in this gym that I can utilize to improve on Gloria’s last lift." And just as Ann finishes speaking, she notices a large trash truck across the parking lot from the gym. "OOOOOOoooh, look at those big thick steel mechanical arms on the truck across the street just reach and maneuver around, then pick up those large trash dumpster, easily lifting them over the top of the truck, and whip them around likes a child’s toys. I wonder how heavy that truck weighs and how powerful those steel arms are". "Why don’t you go over and politely request the truck driver to utilize those big thick hydraulic arms to play with and feel up your soft sensitive super sexy body. You could have him massage those cold thick steel arms across your breasts, fondle your nipples with the ends of those steel arms, and experience if they can lift and separate yours tiny tits. And then, you could have the truck operator place those solid steel arms between your thighs and spread your legs apart and then massage that thick steel against your wet pussy." "Oh YESSSSSSSSSS!!!! Sis, but my tits aren’t tiny", Ann replies, "and I’ll allow those steel arms to frolic with my body for a short time. That is, until I wish to display a little sexy muscle and a little superior strength, and then I’ll lift that truck off the ground and straight over my head. Of course, without using by hands; I would want to get my hands dirty or scratched".

"Will you squeeze the steel arms between your big firm tits or will you force those thick steel arms into your love hole to lift the truck", Kathryn asks of Ann?

"Well sis, there are two large steel hydraulically operated solid steel arms on that truck. I believe I’ll clamp one of the arms between my little itty-bitty 48-inch chest muscles and the other steel arm I’ll reshape with my hands to resemble a large cock and gently place in inside my hot cunt. Then, I’ll just fool around with the truck by moving my body into some sexy positions until the steel arms can’t take the stress and strain of my muscular super body any longer. Then I’ll just fold the truck in half several times and squash the truck with my body and stuff it inside one of those trash dumpsters", Ann says to Kathryn with a little snicker in her voice tone. "Do you think the truck driver will comply with my little request, sis", Ann asks Kathryn. "Well if he doesn’t cooperate, I’ll climb into the trucks cab and "Make him an offer her can’t refuse". Both girls start to laugh as then start to walk out the side of the gym and towards the trash truck. Ann turns around to Gloria as says, "My next lift will show you how athletic and flexible my seductive body is compared to yours".

Gloria stares at Ann, says nothing, but follows her out the side of the gym, but not before tearing apart a treadmill with her bare hands and punching another gigantic hole in the concrete wall of the gym and sending concrete flying for several city blocks.

The three super strong girls walk across the parking lot towards the large trash truck. Ann and Kathryn are just talking, but Gloria is pounding anything remaining in the parking deep into the asphalt with a hard commanding smash from her fists or a ground-shaking stump of her foot. Then all of a sudden, Ann yells, "Shit, he’s leaving", and runs directly towards the front of the trash truck. The truck has emptied all the large dumpsters into its storage section and the driver was taking off in a hurry to his next schedule stop.

Ann anticipates the truck driver’s move perfectly and just as he about to enter the street at over 30 miles an hour, Ann jumps directly in front of the truck, places her 5-foot 10-inch nude body directly facing the oncoming truck. She then rests her open hands on curvaceous hips, thrusts out her muscular chest, smiles, and waits for the truck to slam into her nude body.

The truck driver can’t believe his eyes and immediately slams on the breaks and the huge truck skids up to Ann and stops just about 3 feet from her nude body. Of course, a truck that size just does stop without massive dissipation of energy and the huge truck just bounces up and down on its massive springs and suspension. And since the truck stopped 3 feet from Ann’s body and her fabulous breasts stick out 4 feet from her chest, about a foot of Ann tits were rams through the front steel grill of the truck. And as the truck bounced up and down, Ann just laughed at the site of her tits ripping and tearing a 3-foot wide by 5-foot high hole in the front steel grill of the truck.

"The truck driver looks down at Ann from his forward cab, breaths a sigh of relief once he sees Ann is still standing and as a natural instinct put his head out the truck’s windows and yells, "You dumb fucking blond, are you trying to kill yourself". The truck drivers then gets out of the truck and races forward to assist the young girl he almost ran over with his truck.

The truck driver is ready to scream at Ann again but stops dead in his tracks as his jaw just drops and his mouth hangs open. There is Ann, totally nude, with a smile on her face and it’s perfectly obvious that the gaping hole and twisted steel bars on the front grill of his truck were caused by nothing more that the blonde’s titanic tits.

"Hi" Ann says in an upbeat and sassy voice, " I have a favor to ask you? Would you please use those large steel arms of your truck to stroke, rub, fondle, cuddle, and play with my young body". Then Ann takes her hands and starts to massage her own massive tits and squeeze her tight ass. "I just want to have some fun before I have to destroy your truck with my super soft but super strong body."

The truck driver eyes are wide open, his mouth is watering, and he is speechless. Then Kathryn, who is also totally nude, walks over and places herself and her 6-foot 4-inch tall frame along side the truck driver’s. Kathryn presses her massive tits deeply into the truck driver’s shoulders and Kathryn says to him in a soft tone of voice, "I’ll explain the rules and they are very simple rules. Please comply with our requests and instructions and I will fuck you inside out, outside in, upside down, and downside up". The young truck driver raises his head to look up and into Kathryn’s eyes and just nods "Yes". Kathryn then says to the young man, "Let me illustrate our abilities in a simple but efficient manner that you or any man can easily understand", as she places her arms around his wide shoulders and forces her breasts even deeper into his body. Kathryn massive 52-inch cleavage bulges up and almost touches the truck driver’s mouth. And to illustrate her point, the tall slender super Goddess extends the middle finger of her left hand and places it completely into her mouth and moisten it with her long tongue as she slowly removes her finger from her mouth. And after her wet finger leave her mouth; Kathryn drags her wet finger between the cleavage of her breasts and towards the truck driver’s mouth. The young tall teenager continues this movement of her long moist finger across the young stud’s mouth and then she quickly moves her hands towards the front bumper of the large truck.

With a slow turn of her long neck, Kathryn turns her head towards the front bumper of the truck and places her extended middle finger of her left hand under one of the 3-inch thick solid steel tow hooks firmly attached to the truck’s bumper. Then Kathryn just starts to raise her left arm slowly as she delicately and girlishly strokes the right ear of the truck driver at the same time. "Now watch your big truck as I gracefully lift it over my head with one finger of my left hand, and at the same time lets his broad shoulder’s feel the soft firm flesh of my womanly breasts. The young truck can’t believe his eyes as the front of the 20-ton truck is lifted off the ground by Kathryn’s one finger in an effortless move that resembles more of the graceful choreograph of a ballet dancer. After Kathryn has proved her point, and while the truck is still over her head, she slides her hands and finger around the 3-inch thick hood and elegantly bends the tow hook 90 degrees sideways and then 90 degrees vertically with a simple twist of her wrist. Kathryn then lowers the truck until the tow hood is the same height as Ann’s breasts and then hangs the tow hook on Ann’s 2-inch erect nipple of her right breast. Kathryn moved and positioned the heavy trash truck like it was an optical illusion and then says to the driver, "My little blond sister is supporting your oversized truck with only her little luscious nipple on the end of her firm 48-inch chest muscle. And her firm tits didn’t even droop a millimeter. Now let’s go into the cab of your truck and manipulate the controls of those steel arms and pretend you are fondling her innocent young body as if those controls are your hands.

Ann pushes her dominant chest muscles forward and the tow hook is forced from her nipple and the truck is shoved backwards and falls back to the ground with a thud. Kathryn then looks at the young truck driver and whispers in his ear, "Let’s go up to the cab of your truck and have some stimulating amusement". The stunned truck driver just stands there until Kathryn tenderly takes his hand and softly holds his hand with hers. The tall super brunette then leads the truck driver to the side of the truck and says to the truck driver quietly, "Please permit me open the door of your truck". And with the door being located high in the frame of the truck’s cab, even Kathryn with her 6-foot 4-inch tall frame could not reach the door handle of the truck. So Kathryn just turns her right hand over with her palm facing upward and fingers straight out and raises her hand to the bottom of the doorframe. The young teenager then slowly pushes her finger through the steel frame of the truck just below the door until her palm is position directly under the door. The steel frame simply gives way as Kathryn’s fingers slice into the steel frame as pushes the steel aside as if the steel is made of sponge cake. And with a simple upward movement of her arm, Kathryn’s palm smoothly crushes over 2-feet of the steel door into her hand. Next, she just slightly closes her petite hand until the crushed steel is secured with her fingers and she graciously tears the steel door off the truck with a downward pull of her arm. The steel hinges and door lock utterly rip free of the truck’s frame as if they were made of thin wet paper. And when Kathryn goes to climb up the steps of the truck and into the cab, her notices that her long legs and firm thighs have crushed the steel steps back into and under the steel frame of the truck. "Oh well, Kathryn says to the truck driver", as she squats down and places her arm under the truck driver’s ass and lifts him up and into the cab of his truck.

Once in the truck’s cab, Kathryn quickly resorts to strictly business by looking directly into the truck driver’s eyes and says, "Rev up the engine of this truck to deliver maximum horsepower to those steel mechanical arms and I will rev up your engine by tearing off all your clothing". The truck driver immediately sets the throttle for maximum horsepower and Kathryn selects one finger of her right hand, curls it into the shape of a hook and effortlessly begins a slow, relentless stripping of the young truck driver’s clothing. She starting at the top of his shirt, tearing off one button at a time with her finger until is shirt is nothing more than a rag, then his belt is sliced to thin strips of leather by her long well manicured fingernails. The driver’s large brass belt buckle is just waded up in the palm of her hand by only her thumb and his blue jeans are torn in half and off his body by a quick jerk of her two hands on either side of his zipper.

To be definitely continued as chapter 2.