Ann Chapter 7

By Pat Mallon

WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.

Ann, Kathryn, and Bridget relax at the 5th Street Bar.

The trio of young, beautiful, and extremely strong girls are standing a few meters inside the smashed main door of the 5th Street Bar. They are standing side by side, or depending on your reference point, tit-by-tit, and this trio consists of a fiery redhead, a tall brunette, and a sassy blond. Ann and Kathryn are extraordinary built with breast the stand out for 48-inches or more from their bodies and Bridget has a solid shape with every part of her body rippling with firm muscles. The fat overstuffed bouncer, who is sitting next to the main door can’t believe his eye and says in a staggered voice, "I need to see some ID". All three young super girls turn around in sequence and the bouncer’s eyes almost pop out of his head. Bridget then thrusts out her extra large tits and says to the bouncer as she grabs hold of the table he is resting upon and says. "You don’t need to see our ID". She then pulls the heavy steel table out from under the bouncer with a quick pull of her one hand and the bouncer falls flat on his face against the dirty floor. And with a simple twist of her wrist, Bridget bends the round steel table top in the shape of a Taco. The girls all laugh as they turn around and start to walk to the back of the bar where a series of 4 regulation pool tables are located. And as they strut their bodies past the bar, everyone is silent. Three young innocent girls with skimpy tight clothing and revealing most of their young, firm, and flawless flesh promenade with unmitigated authority to a section of small round tables along side the pool tables. The super girls place two of the small round steel tables together and move three chairs behind the tables and all three girls sit down behind the tables and face the pool playing area. Ann and Kathryn’s gigantic tits take up the entire tabletops and extend over a foot past the far side of the table. Bridget forces her 48-inch bust into the edge of the table and permits most of her muscular chest to bulge out of her small bikini top. The guy shooting pool is so engrossed at staring at the trio’s breasts, that he misses his break shot and sends the "Q" ball flying off the table and to the far end of the bar.

The bartender finally comes over and glares down at the three girls sitting at the two tables and all he can see through his popped out eyes are the massive firm giggling breasts of Ann and Kathryn and a set of knockers on Bridget that looked more solid that the Rock of Gibraltar. The only material covering their breasts from the Bartender’s point of view are two thin pieces of string that are connected to a small triangle patch over the girl’s nipples. The obnoxious bartender then says in a loud slurred voice. "What do you want"? Kathryn responds in an elegant and upbeat tone. "I would enjoy a pint of Guinness Stout please". The bartender yells back to Kathryn. "Where the fuck do you think you bitches are; this is a bar". All three young women immediately stare intensely at the bartender and Kathryn screams back to the bartender, "Please use proper language if you are going to speak to us". And as the super shapely and muscular girls lean forward in a silent protest to the bartender’s rude remarks, the steel tables that are supporting the massive tits of Ann and Kathryn start to bend downward as their tits easily press into the steel tabletops. Bridget arcs her muscular shoulders back which forces her steel hard tits to push into the tables edge and she tear two gaping gashes into the steel table top easier that a sledge hammer into dry rotted plaster.

The bartender, who is already dazed and confused, cannot comprehend the sounds of the steel tabletops being tortured out of shape by the Goddesses breasts. He just stares at the Goddesses tits until Kathryn breaks the silence and says. "Please bring us three tall mugs of any beer that you have on tap". The bartender walks back behind the bar and begins to rub his swollen dick and the three girls just look at each other and quietly snicker.

About this time, the guy shooting pool has regained his composure and walks over to the table and says to Bridget, "Your back Bridget, and I see you are with some impressive looking girl friends". And he says this while looking directly at Ann’s massive 16-inch diameter tits that are hanging firmly over the end of the table. He then takes his pool stick, places one end on the ground and begins to rock the pool stick back and forth past Ann’s nipples. The firm rubbing of the pool stick against Ann’s nipple causes her nipple to burst out almost two inches through her thin top and her eyes to beam directly into the guys face. Ann just looks intently at the guy and doesn’t move any part of her body. The guy then takes the pool stick and slides it between her massive tits and about a foot into her fantastic cleavage and starts to wiggle the pool stick into an ever-expanding circle. Ann just wants to squeeze her titanic tits softly together and shatter the pool stick into a collection of a billion wooden splinters. And as the guy moves the pool stick, Ann’s massive tits roll around on the table and resemble the world’s largest Jell-O mold as her 48-inches of super ripe flesh just giggles on top of the table.

Bridget finally breaks the tension in the air by saying to the slob with the pool stick "Let’s shot a game of pool, say, for a beer". "Sure Bridget, if you win I’ll buy all three girls a beer. And I assume you know the rules if I win the game of pool". Bridget replies back to the guy in a serious voice, "Oh yes, I definitely remember "your fucking rules" from the last time I challenged you to a game and lost". The pool hustler then takes his stick from between Ann’s super tits and proceeds with Bridget to a pool table. "I’ll give you a fair chance and let you break", the guy says to Bridget. The fiery redhead turns around to Ann and Kathryn and says in a soft tone, "The real fun starts as soon as I loose this game of pool".

The bartender, in the meantime, brings 3 tall mugs of beer and sets then down on the table next to Kathryn’s overflowing breasts. And then slides his hand across the top of her tits and squeezes a handful of her super ripe flesh as her moves one of the beers across to Ann. Kathryn then asks the bartender to bring over the large metal icon that’s in the shape of a "SKULL" on the bar because she thinks it cute and would like to examine it more closely. The bartender doesn’t understand why Kathryn would want to examine a solid chunk of iron that’s in the shape of a SKULL but he complies and heads back to the bar to get the 60 pound solid iron SKULL.

Bridget is about to break on the pool table for a quick game of "8" ball and flexes her shoulder and arm muscles to the point where her halter top splits up one side and stretches the strings on her bikini top until one snaps apart. Her skimpy top then falls off when she bends forward to make her first shot on the pool table. Bridget hits the rack of 15 balls with a solid smash and sinks about 4 balls on the break. Unfortunately, she also sinks the "Q" ball for a scratch. The guy then takes the "Q" ball and quickly runs the table and sinks the "8"ball and declares out loud, "I beat your ass again Bridget and that entitles me and everyone else in here to a piece of your firm young ass". And then two overweight slob’s who appear not to have taken a bath for a month, jump down from their bar stools and waddle back to the pool table where Bridget is standing. The two fat guys grab Bridget by her arms and legs and place her face up on the pool table. Then the guy who won the game simply reaches up and tears off the remainder of Bridget’s clothing, revealing her perfect nude body. He then pulls his pants down and climbs up on the pool table.

Ann and Kathryn are enjoying the scene that Bridget is setting up and can’t wait for the moment when Bridget reveals her true strength to the guys at the pool table. And about that time the bartender brings the solid iron SKULL icon over to Kathryn. The bartender holds the heavy SKULL out with his two hands and presents it to Kathryn who takes the SKULL with only one hand and places it down into her massive soft cleavage with the face pointing up. Her overflowing flesh smothers the SKULL except for the very top of its face. She then reaches out for the soiled shirt of the bartender and grabs his shirt and pulls him down to the floor with a simple lowering of her hand. Kathryn then grabs his long hair with her left hand and forces his face into her gigantic tits. The bartender’s face is just above her deep cleavage and only a few inches from the iron SKULL wedge in her tits. The bartender is trying franticly to rise back up but it’s a useless and pitiful attempt. Kathryn is just too powerful. Kathryn the raises his head so she can see his eyes and says, "If you ever touch my breasts again, I’ll place your ugly fucking head between my tits and crush your ugly fucking head as easily as I’m going to crush this solid iron SKULL that is lodged between my breasts". Kathryn then moves his head back down so he can see the SKULL between her massive tits and gently and slowly thrust her breast forward. The solid iron SKULL wedge between Kathryn titanic tits is unmercifully reduced from its 8-inch diameter round shape to a blob of molten iron that pools in her cleavage as her enormous tits rock back and forth and close tightly around the iron. The solid iron icon is squeezes between Kathryn tits as if it were a marshmallow. The expression on the bartender’s face shows he is in a state of sheer terror and there is nothing her can do about the situation. The Goddess then releases the bartender from her powerful grip and flings him back across the room and into several bar stools. The bartender shakes his head and then runs back behind the bar and hides in a corner.

Another guy, who was also shooting pool, walks over to Ann and places his pool stick down through her magnificent tits and starts to stroke the stick up and down. Ann lets him play for a few seconds and then locks her 48-inch breasts into a firm position. The jerk holding the pool stick can’t understand the simple problem and gives the stick a sharp pull. The pool stick remains firmly wedged between Ann monstrous breasts. And Ann then looks at the guy and says to him, "You placed your pool stick down into my breasts, now you will have to resolve the riddle of how to remove your pool stick without breaking it". "Look bitch, if I break this $2500 stick, I’ll split your head open with a pool stick". Ann laughs and says back to the guy in a sassy tone. "Do you hear that crushing sound, well that my breasts slowly crushing your pool stick between my tits. And I’m enjoying the feel of that cold brass and hard maple wood being flatten in my cleavage". The guy finally realizes that he can’t pull his pool stick from Ann’s tits without breaking it in half, so her yells to someone in the back to get " Big Bertha". Someone runs to a closet in the back and returns running with a shotgun and hands it to the guy whose pool stick is lodge in Ann’s tits.

"I’m not sure how you managed to get my stick stuck in your tits. But if you don’t give it back, I’m going to blast half of your big tits all over this bar, you fucking whore", the guy screams at Ann as he points the shotgun directly at Ann’s left nipple. Ann then just leans forward and crushes his pool stick in half and watches as the two halves just fall to the floor, and says to the guy, "For that comment, I believe we now have the right to absolutely destroy this fucking bar". And about this time, Kathryn reaches out and grabs the steel barrel of the shotgun with her right hand about an inch back from the muzzle and says, "A 12 gauge semi-automatic, with a 10 round magazine, nice weapon". Kathryn then easily positions the muzzle of the shotgun next to Ann’s left nipple and starts to rotate the muzzle of the shotgun around her sister’s nipple. The effect on Ann’s nipple is immediately as the cold steel barrel rubs against her extremely sensitive nipple. Ann’s nipple becomes super hard and erect and pops out her thin bikini top. Kathryn then says to Ann, "lets see if this shotgun is really loaded and capable of blasting your skimpy top off your body".

The big tough looking guy, who is holding the shotgun, is trying franticly to pull the shotgun from Kathryn’s hand but its impossible. No matter what he does with the shotgun; twist, yank, pull, or pry, he can’t move it an inch as Kathryn continues to massage the cold steel muzzle of the shotgun against Ann’s inch long nipple. Kathryn then slowly pushes the shotgun back and away from Ann’s nipple for about 10 inches but still has it pointing directly at Ann’s left nipple. The super strong Kathryn then quickly jerks the shotgun forward and since the guy had a firm grip on the trigger; this causes the guy to accidentally pull the trigger of the shotgun. "BOOM!" The shotgun discharges and the steel pellets strikes Ann directly in the left breasts and blasts her thin skimpy bikini top off her breast, along with 2 mugs of beer sitting on the table. "OoooooooooH, look at my nipple" screams Ann as she lifts up her other breasts and says to Kathryn, "Please employ that same pleasure technique to remove the little bit of clothing covering my right breasts. Kathryn obligees Ann by moving the shotgun to point and Ann’s right nipple and again jerks the shotgun and it discharges again directly into Ann right breasts. "OH YES! That felt great", screams Ann, "That actually tickled my nipple". Kathryn then moves the muzzle of the shotgun towards Ann right nipples and pushes the muzzle over her now super hard and erect nipple. The steel muzzle of the shotgun rips open as it tries to fit over Ann’s nipple and with a simple rotating of the barrel of the shotgun, Kathryn elongates the muzzle as she gently massages Ann’s super sensitive nipple. And after a few seconds of rotating the steel muzzle over Ann’s nipple, the muzzle is elongated and rounded to a diameter of several inches. The tough guy holding the shotgun finally releases the weapon and just stares at Ann’s breasts as she sexually brushes off the power burns from her soft tan body. Ann then asks Kathryn for the shotgun and says to her, "Let’s save this weapon for later when I can demonstrate it true potential on how to sexually excite a young woman in front of everyone in this bar". Both young girl then start to giggle like two young teenagers and Kathryn says to the frozen in time tough guy, "Would you happen to have another shotgun, perhaps a 10 gauge with some extra shell that I could borrow to pamper my body. And, by the way, would you please step aside, I want to concentrate on the predicament that is developing on the pool table".

The two fat ugly bouncers who are holding Bridget down on the table cannot comprehend what has just occurred at Ann’s and Kathryn table. They just look back at the table and suspect the shotgun blasts was just to scare the two girls. Each bouncer has a hold of Bridget’s upper arm with one hand and her ankle with the other hand. Their massive rough hands easily fit around Bridget’s upper arm and ankle and the bouncer’s have her nude body face up on the pool table with her legs spread wide open and high in the air. Bridget remembers this frightful position from the previous encounter when she lost a game of pool to this guy and she did not appreciate being raped on a pool table. She also remembers that she could not break the hold of these fat overweight bouncers and as much as she struggled to free herself, she couldn’t break their death grip. Bridget looks over at Ann and Kathryn and notices both girls are quietly waiting and very intently looking at the pool table for something to begin. And about this time the, guy with his pants down and his cock hanging straight out and is ready to rape Bridget, when Bridget yells, "Not this time you fucking assholes". Bridget then flexes her arms and leg muscles causing her muscles to expand rapidly. Her biceps expand to over 24-inch in diameter and the death grip that the bouncer’s have on her is instantly removed. The shear force of her arm muscles expanding causes the hands of the bouncers to burst open and their fingers to bend backward. Bridget then snaps and twists her legs and the bouncer’s hands that are around her ankle are violently forced open. Both bouncers step back and are shaking or holding their hands as if they just were hit with a sledgehammer. Bridget then grabs both bouncers’ with her hands by their belt buckle and lifts both men easily over her head, one bouncer in each of her muscular arms. Bridget, Ann and Kathryn all laugh at the sight of the two bouncers being held over Bridget’s head. Ann then yells to Bridget, "They look, sound, and smell like two pigs ready for the slaughter house". Bridget keeps both bouncers over her head as she raises herself to a sitting position on the pool table with her legs straddling the big thick table. And these pool tables were not the normal small pool table found in most bars, but these were full size table with 1-thick slate and massive legs and weighted over a ton.

Bridget’s legs are straddling the width of the table and slightly overhanging the side pockets. And with a simple flex of her thigh and leg muscles, she starts to squeeze the side ends of the pool table. Her massive thighs muscles crack the inch thick slate of the pool table is if it were a dry cracker. Her calf muscles expand and crack open the side pockets of the pool table and continue into the thick wood and metal sides of the table. Bridget continues to squeeze her legs together and crushes the large table in half and she does this while holding the two bouncers over her head and staring directly at the idiot who was going to rape her on the table. The thick hard wood, inch thick slate, metal braces and supports all are slowly crumbled and torn apart by the relentless squeeze of Bridget’s massive thigh and leg muscles. Finally, her legs close completely and Bridget is standing amidst the total ruins of the once massive pool table. The noise caused by the table being crush and squeezed and the annoying squeals of the two bouncers being held over Bridget’s head have caused everyone in the bar to gather around the now destroyed pool table. No one has said anything; they all just look and gawk at Bridget. Finally, Bridget starts to walk forward, stomping through the remains of the pool table and pulverizing the remains into the floor with her feet and says to Ann and Kathryn, "Please guard the front and back doors so no one can escape. I want everyone present in this bar to enjoy my strength and muscle show and there will be no extra charge."

Ann and Kathryn immediately dash to the exit doors and block any futile attempt to escape. Ann quickly and efficiently jams about 5 steel tables into the brick framework of the back door and then tenderly bends a support steel beam over the tables to ensure no on can use this exit. The 6-foot 4-inch Kathryn just stands in the front doorway with her hands on her hips and her 52-inch tits thrust out. Ann then catches hold of three guys trying to escape via the rear door and just places them in her arms and carries them to the bar area. Bridget also carries the two bouncers over to the same area and tosses them behind the bar along with the three goons captured by Ann. Three ugly brutes with pool sticks rush Kathryn at the front door and start to swing their pools sticks at Kathryn. The first stick bashes into her massive tits and snaps in half, not leaving the slightest mark on her bare skin. A second pool stick strikes her in the shoulder and breaks into several pieces. And another slams into the side of her face where it also breaks apart. Kathryn just smiles as she enjoys the sickly attempts to move her from the doorway. Kathryn grabs all three of the half-drunk guys and yells to Bridget, "Bridget, catch these idiots as I toss them to you". Kathryn then picks up the idiots one at a time and with a one-hand push; send the goons sailing into Bridget’s awaiting arms where she then tosses them behind the bar. Ann looks around and mentions to Kathryn and Bridget that several of the idiots must be hiding and Bridget replies, "Good, lets have a friendly game of hide and seek. I’ll check the restrooms". Ann replies back to Bridget, "Ok Bridget, Kathryn and I will guard our prey and watch you play hide and seek". Bridget strolls over to the door of the ladies restroom and with one pull of her powerful hand, lacerates the door from the frame and sends it sailing across the floor. She then turns to Ann and Kathryn and stands sideways in the doorway and poses to expand her super powerful arm and shoulder muscles. Bridget’s muscles expand to their unbelievable full dimensions and the frame of the doorway is quickly pushed outward for several feet by her shoulder and arm muscles. Even her thigh muscles expand and push out the lower part of the doorway. Bridget then turns around and walks into the ladies restroom.

Ann and Kathryn can see and hear the destruction going on inside the ladies restroom. The vanity counter top is torn apart by Bridget’s hands, the partition between the stalls are reduced to scrap, the steel towel rack is punch by Bridget’s fist and is blasted back through a brick wall leaving a gaping hole in the wall. Then there is a sound from the restroom of one of the tough guys pleading for mercy from Bridget. Bridget responds, "I’m not going to harm you, however, when I’m done with you and everyone else in this bar, you may wish you were dead". Then there is this tearing sound and the rushing of water that is a mystery to everyone. And as Bridget back out of the ladies room and blast a hole through the wall, she is holding a toilet in one hand and the idiot in her other hand. The toilet still has plumbing pipes attached and it’s obvious it was violently torn from the floor and wall. Bridget holds the stinky toilet in one hands and is dipping the head of the idiot into the putrid water of the toilet bowl with her other hand as she walks back to the bar.

"I believe another person is hiding in the small kitchen area behind the bar area", Ann says as she points to the area. Bridget says thanks and heads towards the kitchen. And as she enters the doorway, she simply pushes the doorframe apart with a gentle push of her hands. She then stretches out her arms and pushes aside 3 feet of brick wall on either side of the doorway with ease. And as Bridget enters the small kitchen, a goon jumps her with a sharp butcher knife in each hand and starts to repeatedly stab her with the knives. Bridget just stands there and let him try to drive the knives into her body. But is a useless undertaking. The sharp knives cannot penetrate her shin a micro inch and the knives quickly break. She then grabs the goon, and observes a large garbage can that is half full of food scraps. She takes the lid off the garbage can and places the goon face first in the garbage can and gently squeezes the rim of the garbage container around his waist. Bridget then picks the can up with one hand and walks through a foot thick solid brick wall completely destroying the wall and sending bricks flying through the bar. When she arrives back at the bar, Ann is pointing to the garbage can and laughing out loud. She also notices that Bridget has several brick stuck between her tits and asks, "Bridget would you please flex your massive chest muscles and crush those brick lodge in your tits out of existence". "Bridget relies back to Ann as she starts to bulk up her chest muscles, "Of course I will". Bridget flexes her shoulder, arms and chest and expands her unbelievable physical assets to almost double in size. The poor bricks are crushed between Bridget’s tits and are reduced to a fine red power that floats to the floor. Ann looks as Bridget and just shakes her head as she admires the muscles on Bridget’s perfect body.

Bridget then asks where the guy who attempted to rape her is hiding and both Ann and Kathryn did not know where he is hiding. "Well, I guess we will just dismantle this dump brick by brick", Bridget says. And just then a cell phone started to ring and the sound is coming from an inside wall by the pool tables. Ann struts her nude body over to the wall, bends over and forces her right hand through the concrete floor and up under the wall and then lifts her one hand over her head. The entire wall is torn out from the floor and pushed into the ceiling and there, in a secret hideaway in the wall is the asshole Bridget is looking for. He is talking to someone on the cell phone but the call was abruptly disconnected when Bridget takes the phone away from him and crushes it into plastic blob with her one hand and lets it ooze through her fingers. The guy didn’t even have time to pull up his pants so Bridget grabs his cock and says to him in a serious voice, "Follow me or you will have a very difficult time taking a piss". Ann leads the guy back to the bar area and the three super girls start to discuss what to do next. They have 12 morons who think they are tough and strong and like to abuse woman. Ann smiles and says, "Let’s staple them to the brick wall across from the bar and we can show them exactly how strong we are by demonstrating various feats of strength". "Great idea yells Bridget as she again leads the guy she is pulling around by his cock to the brick wall.

The brick wall is about three feet thick and unobstructed for almost 20 feet in length. So Bridget holds the guy up high on the wall and Ann and Kathryn start to find objects that will suffice for staples. Ann sees the metal pipes for the old heating and radiator system and innocently rips the inch thick iron pipes from the wall. She then tears the pipes into 6 foot section and bends then into a "U" shape across her titanic tits. She then takes a "U" shaped section and places it around the guy’s waist and pushes the steel pipe into the bricks and up against his waist. For Ann, pushing the iron pipes into the 3-foot thick wall is as easy as pushing a straw into a glass of water. She takes another "U" shaped pipe, stands on a table and pushes the pipe again through the wall but this time it’s around the guy’s neck. The girls continue the process and staple the guy’s hands and legs to the wall. The girls tear out all the pipes and plumbing in the building and in about 5 minutes, have all 12 of the morons stapled to the wall. They are yelling, cursing, and screaming at the super trio but it to no avail. The three extremely strong and young females are enjoying the site and Ann says, "This reminds me when I was a child and cut out pictures and taped them to a book". "That true Sis, this does remind me of our childhood". Bridget then asks, "How are we going to keep these idiots quiet, they make more noise than a group of old woman at a special sale in a big department store". Ann relies to Bridget’s question while chuckling, "Just pull their pants and briefs down and they will be so embarrassed that they will remain quiet". Bridget’s eyes open wide and she runs to the wall and starts to tear off the guy’s pants and shorts. The muscular Bridget grabs their leather belt, heavy metal belt buckle, and their jeans with her hands and rips open their jeans and brief with a gentle pull of her hands and arms. For Bridget, tearing off their jeans is as easy as opening sheer curtains hanging from a window and all the idiots stapled to the wall were in sheer disbelief at the size of Bridget’s arm muscles as she flexes just before tearing the pants off their bodies.

The three young girls then jump up on the bar and sit on top of the bar facing the 12 morons pinned to the wall. They all start to laugh, snicker, and point at the guy’s with their pants removed. The 12 guys are as quiet as a church mouse and become very still. Apparently, they have all come to realize they are the inferior of the sexes and that these 3 young ladies are a trillion times stronger than any man can even imagine.

The three girls are planning their next strategies while sitting on the bar with their legs hanging down when Kathryn spreads her long legs apart and places them over two steel bar stools. The tall brunette than just slides the bar stools next to one another with her long legs and squeezes the stool together. She then lifts the two barstools with her ankles and forces the metal bar stools up and into her firm, slender, and powerful thigh, where they are crushed into a pile of scrape that looks like a knotted ball of string. Ann also plays around with bar stools but she leans over at the bar and allows her massive 16-inch diameter breasts to rest on two separate bar stools. A simple push downward with her body crushes the seats of the metal bar stools down into the lower part of the bar stool. Ann then jumps down on the remains of the bar stools and drives them into the floor with her dainty feet. Bridget just grabs a bar stool and tears it into a thousand pieces with her hands and says, "I’m going to start showing off my true strength with those pool table. Would you assist me in bring those tables down here and in front of our audience". "I will be delights to assist you Bridget", replies Ann.

With three pool tables still remaining intact, Ann lifts two of the tables and Bridget lifts one and the girls effortlessly carry the heavy tables back to the bar area. Bridget then easily lifts the one-ton pool table over her head using only her one hand and grabs one of the thick wooden legs of the table. Bridget snaps off the wooden leg from the steel frame with the ease of a chef removing a leg from a well-roasted chicken and then Bridget tosses the leg aside. She then raises her left knee and slams the table down onto the muscles of her upper leg and the pool table splits in half and crumbles into a million pieces. The super muscular redhead then places her arms under the two remaining pool tables and lifts the two pool tables lengthwise, one in each hand, over her head and slams then together. She continues to bring her arms closer to her body and lets her arm muscles easily slice the table in half as if her arms muscles were a sharp can opener. Bridget then yells, "What’s next to conquer" and Ann picks up the Juke Box and throws it at Bridget as if it were as light as a feather. The young redhead slams her forearm into the flying Juke Box and the Juke Box shatter into a million pieces. Ann then lifts the cigarette machine, which was bolted to the floor, over her head and again flings it a Bridget. The metal machine is caught my Bridget and she uses her chest and arm muscles to fold the cigarette machine in half over and over until it reduced to a lump of steel this rests in the palm of her hand. She then takes the lump of super dense steel that is in her right palm and places it on her left upper arm. She then makes a nice firm bicep muscles with her left arm and watches as her bicep crushes the metal in her palm into a paste that oozes out between her fingers. Ann continues to toss throw heavy object at Bridget until everything in the back of the bar is completely destroyed. Large circulating fans, pool stick racks, table and chairs, are heaved at Bridget and she lets her body absorbed the heavy objects before she destroys them with her muscles. Ann finally has nothing left loose to throw at Bridget so she tears a large steel beam out of the concrete foundation and jerks its free from the ceiling and throws it at Bridget. Bridget catches the 10 foot long by 6-inch thick "I" beam with her one hand, and places it over the back of her shoulders and along her stretched out arms. She then wraps her arms around the "I" beam and begins a series of muscular poses. The thick steel beam bends, twists, crushes, stretches, and conforms to every muscle shape her young body can produce. The steel beam is so easily reshaped over and over as Bridget poses for her attentive audience. It looks like the steel beam was an imaginary object that was produced by smoke and mirrors. Bridget used her arm, leg, shoulder, and back and chest muscles to reduce the steel beam to a point where it just melts and flows as a hot liquid on the floor.

Ann returns to the bar and again sits on the bar top next to her sister and hands her a few pool balls and says to Kathryn, "Lets have some fun, as she throws one of the pool balls at one of the guys stapled to the wall. A normal throw for Ann however, is about mach 6 and extremely accurate. The ball blasts through the 3-foot thick wall and produce a hole 3- inches in diameter. This hole however, was only a half-inch from the guys hanging dick and his face shows evidence that he is scared. Both super sisters continue to throw the pool balls at the wall until all 12 guys have a hole blasted in the brick wall just below their crouch.

Bridget turns around and looks at Ann and Kathryn, who are sitting on the bar top and says to the super duo, "Both of you young ladies look very thirsty, would you like a small glass of beer". "Yes, I could use a cold drink after that last workout", replies Ann. So Bridget starts to walk towards the bar but instead of stopping, she just walk through the bar and her powerful body completely demolishes a section of the bar to rubbish. A quick side swipe of her hands and forearms turns the massive wooden top of the bar to a pile of toothpicks and her thighs slice the sink stainless steel basin on the inside of the bar to a twisted mangled metal mess. Bridget continues to walk and her muscular chest and tits crush and mutilate the beer taps and her outstretched hands smash over 50 bottles of cheap whiskey on the wall behind the bar. Her thighs and tits punch through the wall behind the bar as if it were made of tissue paper as she enters into the large cooler room behind the bar. Once Bridget is inside the cooler room, Ann and Kathryn can only hear the sounds of total destruction. The sounds of steel bending and twisting permeate the air, and objects being crushed and grinded between Bridget’s powerful muscles are unmistakable in their noise signature. Then all of a sudden, another massive section of the wall behind the bar burst open from the inside, destroying more liquor bottles and a good section of the wall. The large metal cash register is pushed off the shelf and falls between the redhead’s pumped up legs where it’s shredded apart by huge thigh muscles. Bridget then exits the cooler room carrying two full kegs of beer on her shoulders and continues straight through the large wooden bar with her ultra muscular body. The entire wooden bar is now completely destroyed except for the small section that Ann and Kathryn are using as seats. Bridget then places the full beer kegs on the floor and uses her one finger to punch two holes in the top of both kegs. Ann and Kathryn then pick up an individual keg and start to quench their thirsts by drinking directly from the full kegs.

After Ann and Kathryn have a cold drink from the kegs, Ann jumps off the bar top and goes retrieves the 12-gauge shotgun. She walks over to her Sister and says, "Stick em up, I mean, stick em out, those two massive tits of yours Sis and I’ll gently remove that skimpy top that is covering your large nipples". "OOOOOOOH, replies Kathryn, as she puts her hands behind her head and pushes her titanic tits straight out. Ann then points the muzzle of the shotgun at Kathryn’s right breast and places the elongated muzzle over her nipple and pulls the trigger. The rapid discharge sends hundreds of metal pellets into Kathryn’s right tit and blasts her small top clean off her right breasts. "OOOOH, that felt great and it actually tickled my sensitive nipple", scrams Kathryn in a loud and sexy voice. And just when she is reaching for her right breast to massage her nipple, Ann aims the shotgun at Kathryn left tit and again discharges the shotgun directly into her left nipple. "YESSSSSSSSSS", howls Kathryn as she brings both of her breasts up to her mouth where she massages her nipples with her long wet tongue.

Ann then turns around to the guy’s stapled to the wall at screams at them, "That little display of teasing is nothing. Now watch this little exhibition of my true strength", as she takes a bar stool to the center of the floor and peels the metal back off the stool as if it were a cardboard tab on a candy box. Ann then jumps up on the stool and takes the barrel of the shotgun and slides it down her slender smooth stomach and into her pant bottom and panties. And after the barrel is about 4 inch into her panties, Ann pulls the trigger and the blast from the shotgun removes her pants and panties and a section of the barstool. The super sexy Ann the takes the muzzle of the shotgun and with a twisting motion pushes the muzzle and barrel about 6 inch into her super sexy and sensitive cunt. She then looks up at the guys on the wall, who are all staring at her, and pulls the trigger of the shotgun 4 times in rapid secession. Ann screams with sexual pleasure as she twists and rotates the shotgun further into her body. She inserts the entire barrel into her moist cunt and she fires the last shot into her soft body and again she screams with delight as she rips off the stock of the shotgun and crushes the stock of the shotgun into the palm of her hand. Ann relaxes and takes several deep breaths as she rocks her hips back and forth on the bar stool and her super hot cunt turns the metal barrel of the shotgun into a super hot liquid that run down her legs. Ann than brings her legs together and slices the barstool in half with nothing more that a gentle squeeze of her thighs.

Kathryn then asks Bridget to assist her in bringing some of the motorcycles inside the bar so she could play with them as if they were toys. Bridget replies, "Of course I’ll help you", as the two super girls start to stroll past the guys stapled to the wall and over to the section of the wall that contains the darts boards. Kathryn sees two dartboards hanging on the brick wall and says to Bridget as she lifts and separates her massive 52-inch long tits, "Watch those two bulls eyes". Kathryn then walks at a steady pace towards the two dartboards and slams her super hard nipples into the bull’s eyes of each dartboard. Both dartboards are immediately destroyed and pushed back through the 3-foot thick brick wall. Kathryn super dense and massive tits puncture the brick wall with impunity and her legs slice through the brick like a sharp sickle through wheat. In less that a second, Kathryn blasts a gigantic hole in the brick wall and walks into the alley beside the bar. Bridget follows Kathryn but she picks another location in the wall where she just pushes her arms through the 3-foot thick wall and crushes the wall into her fantastic muscular chest as she curl her arm back into her body. The lower section of the brick wall is shoved aside as Bridget’s powerful calf and thigh muscles reduce the bricks to a pile of crumbled rubble. Both young girls then walk over to the motorcycles and each super girl grabs two of the choppers in each hand and walk back into the bar through the massive hole in the wall they just produced.

The two girls pile the choppers on the floor like they were matchbox toys and Kathryn select one of the bikes and clasps the frame of the chopper just below the seat and lifts the heavy motorcycle over her head with only one hand. The 6-foot 4-inch brunette Goddess then asks her sister Ann to start bouncing her massive 48-inch long breasts in all directions. Ann smiles at Kathryn and says, "I’m not sure what you are planning Sis, but I’ll bounce my breast and let them swings high and wide in front of our attentive audience". Ann then turns towards the 12 guys stuck on the brick wall and proceeds to bounce her enormous tits while placing a big smile on her gorgeous face. The blond hair Goddess begins to bounce her massive breasts both up and down and back and forth with a simple wiggling of her shapely smooth hips. And once Ann has achieved maximum giggling, Kathryn hold the heavy chopper vertically over Ann bouncing boobs and says to the goons on the wall, "Have you guys seen that commercial on "TV" where they make fresh juices out of fruits and vegetables by placing them in a special juicer machine. Well, I like to demonstrate the same principal but on a much larger scale. But instead of using fruits and vegetables, I’m going to use your motorcycles. Kathryn then slowly lowers the heavy chopper, which she is holding directly over Ann’s bouncing breasts, down into Ann’s breasts. The wide rear tire of the bike is first to contact Ann’s swinging tits and the rear tire is immediately bent inward. And as Ann’s massive tits open and close, the rear tire is crushed, squashed, torn, ripped, mashed, blended and dices with extreme precision. Kathryn continues to slowly lower the custom built chopper down into Ann’s titanic tits and all the guys who are pinned to the brick wall can see is their bikes being mangles by a set of tits that resemble the world largest JELL-O mold. And from the underside of Ann’s tits trickles the remains of their monster metal machines. The rear tire, sprocket, chain, swing arm, shocks, frame, "V" shaped engine, gas tank, suspension, forks, handle bars and front tire all disappear into Ann’s tits and are transformed into a pulp that resemble a thick vegetable juice. Ann and Kathryn continue their exhibition until all four custom choppers are completely reduced to a thick paste by Ann’s bouncing breasts.

Bridget is enjoying the spectacular display of strength that Ann and Kathryn are showcasing but she also desires to show off her newfound abilities. So the muscular redhead piles four choppers on top on each other and spreads her hands and arms wide apart and pushes her hands through the front and rear tires of all four bikes. And then with one easy lift and bend of her arm into her chest, Bridget crushes all four bikes into a glob of twisted metal that resembles a nightmare and the bikes are squeezed out between her arm and chest muscles like toothpaste out of a tube. The 12 guys on the wall are quiet, scared, and have a hard on that could last a week.

Ann, Kathryn, and Bridget are relaxing and massaging their young soft sexy bodies to remove any of the metal fragments from the bikes they just destroyed when there is an extremely loud motorcycle engine roar coming from the front door. The owner of the bar is driving his chopper up the steps and through the front door and swinging a heavy chrome chain interlaced with barbwire over his head. He and his chopper start to accelerate through the front door and onto the bar floor and he swings the heavy chain at Bridget. The young super strong redhead just holds her right arm out straight and the heavy chain and barbwire wrap tightly around her upper arm several times and her arm doesn’t budge a micro inch. The owner can’t hold onto the chain and barbwire so he lets go of the chain and then continues onto super built Ann. The bike rider tries to slam his fist into Ann face, however, Ann quickly turns sideways and a massive set of 48-inch tits hits the moron on the bike in his chest and he is immediately stopped and left bent over Ann’s fantastic breasts. The bike continues onward until Kathryn catches the bike between her long long legs and the front wheel wedges and crinkles into her slender but extremely powerful thighs and the bike stops dead in its tracks.

Ann lifts the owner up by the back of his leather jacket from her magnificent chest muscles with her one hand and holds him straight out and points his face towards Bridget and then screams. "You fucking asshole, you could have severed poor Bridget’s arm with that chain and barbwire. Now watch Bridget’s humble arm muscles absolutely eradicate that chrome steel chain and barbwire". Ann then pushes the owner’s face to within an inch of the chain wrapped around Bridget’s firm upper arm.

The owner is squirming around like a fat pig but he can’t break the physically powerful hold of Ann and he also can’t believe that the chrome chain and barbwire are tightly wrapped around the young redheads arm at least four times and the sharp barbwire points are not even scratching the surface of Bridget’s flawless skin. Ann then says quietly to Bridget, "Impress this smelly idiot with a friendly display of your female physique". The redhead then shakes her arm and turns her head sideways to observe her muscles as she slowly curls her right arm. The chrome chain starts to immediately show sign of tremendous stress as Bridget’s bicep expands exponentially. The steel links of the chain begin to stretch and pull apart and this is with nothing more that a closing of her fist. As her forearm raises and her arm muscles swell to four times their size, the chain surrenders and several links explode open. The chrome chain stays wrapped around her arm because the barbwire is threaded through the chain and the barbwire is much more elastic that than chrome chain and stretches like a rubber band. And as Bridget completes a full curl, her bicep expands to over 8 times its normal size and the barbwire is about ready to snap into splinters. But by this time, her raised bicep is presses against her forearm and the chain and barbwire are crushed in half between her huge bicep and forearm and the remains of the chain and barbwire fall to the ground. Bridget relaxes her arm and holds it straight out again and looks at the biker, who has panic spread over his face, and says. "Just think that could have been your ugly face in between my arm muscles". And to complete the scare, Ann places the biker’s face on Bridget’s arm where Bridget just teases the biker by flexing her bicep around and allowing her bicep muscle to lightly slap his scared face.

Kathryn then says to the Ann and Bridget, " It’s my turn to show off to our extremely attentive audience and at the same time excite myself sexually", as she pick up and straightforwardly lifts over her head with her one hand the owners motorcycle that was wedged tightly between her firm young slender thighs. The long legged brunette then places the chopper facing sideways to her spectators and straddles the seat. The Goddess of sterenght then leans forward and lets her 52-inch long tits gently slide under the handlebars and then she slowly raises her body. The inch thick steel handle bars are gracefully reshaped by Kathryn’s enormous breasts and once the steel handle bars reach Kathryn’s inch long nipples, the handle bars simple bend straight up as they are forced to pursue the direction of her nipples. Kathryn then takes the handlebars with her elegant hands and bends then back towards her as she shimmies back to a position where her long legs are directly over the real wheel. Kathryn then restarts the power twin "V" engine and revs the motor. Kathryn then pushes her fingers through the seat, tearing the seat to threads and grabs the tubular steel frame with her one hand and lifts the bike so the rear wheel is slightly off the ground. She then drops the chopper into gear and shifts until the motorcycle is in top gear. Kathryn then give the motor full power with a twist of the throttle and lock the throttle into this position by crushing the cable mechanism with her thumb and fingers. With the bike at full power and in high gear, the rear wheel is spinning at 150 MPH between the tall super girl’s legs. Kathryn then uses her free hand to grab her bodacious boobs and begins a soft and sexy massage of her breasts. Then, slowly, she starts to raise the motorcycle’s rear wheel up into her moist and awaiting pussy.

At first, the steel fender is slowly brought up between her slender thighs and starts to gradually crush inward as the soft smooth gap between her thighs narrows. The steel fender bends inward and begins to scrape against the sides of the spinning tire. Soon the fender is raised sufficiently to allow it to rub against Kathryn excited pussy and she can feel the vibrations of the spinning rear tire start to send shock waves of pure pleasure throughout her tall slender body. The rear tire also starts to rub against the fender and Kathryn’s inner thighs and the tires start to produce a white smoke exhausting from around the fender. The poor steel fender is in a no win situation, it’s jammed between Kathryn hot throbbing cunt and the rotating tire. And within a few seconds the spinning tire burns through the steel fender and sends pieces of steel flying out the rear of the tire. Now it’s the oversized tire’s privilege to excite the super sensitive pussy of Kathryn and the large round rubber cleats of the tire don’t disappoint Kathryn. The fine hairs of her pussy quickly and efficiently shred the outer tread of the tire to a fine rubbery dust. And the steel belt of the tire slaps her cunt repeatedly, causing the super Goddess to scream with pleasure. The steel belt only last a few seconds as Kathryn continues her slow relentless lift of the motorcycle up into her long legs. The chrome steel rim of the rotating rear wheel is now pressing hard against Kathryn’s legs and with a gentle squeeze of her upper thighs, the sides of chrome steel wheel are crushed together and the sharp metal vainly attempts to slice into her cunt. The thick chrome steel is peeled off in a long thin ribbon of metal as Kathryn’s cunt slices the chrome metal with the precision of a sharp vegetable peeler on a skin of a firm apple.

The steady upward pressure that Kathryn’s is applying with her hand to the steel frame of the chopper finally causes the entire chrome steel wheel and rim to shred itself apart. And then, the hundred or so wire spokes of the rear wheel start to scrape and strike her moist hot cunt. The pleasure Kathryn is receiving is unbearable as the steel wire spokes whisk past her legs and massage her cunt. And after about 3 inches of the wire spokes are chew and ground off by her super strong cunt, Kathryn lets out a scream of delight that shatter all the glass windows in the bar and the surrounding neighborhood into a million pieces. The next slow but steady hoist of the motorcycle up between Kathryn slender long legs causes the hub, steel sprocket, and metal chain to burst into thousand of metal particles that are sent flying like shrapnel from the rear of the motorcycle. And finally the tubular steel frame and supporting hardware of the rear frame are sliced into several pieces of scrap as Kathryn closes her firm but slender thighs together. The tall Goddess then release her grip on the frame, flings her long brunette hair over her shoulders, thrusts out her magnificent 52-inch long breasts and leans forward bending at her thin waist. Those 52-inch long breasts swing down through the gas tank, and directly on top of the twin "V" engine of the motorcycle. The motor, which is running at full throttle, has never been subject to such an unstoppable force and explodes into a million pieces as Kathryn’s Twin Titanic Tits crush the steel motor and most of the front end of the motorcycle deep into the concrete floor of the bar. Kathryn then looks at the guys stapled to the wall, flips them the finger and says to Bridget and Ann, "Let’s go back to the Irish Pub and tell the pool team that we visited the 5th Street Bar. And we explained the basic rules of etiquette to the distinguished gentlemen in this exceptionally fine establishment".

All three super girls go retrieve their shoulder bag and get dresses and they head for the front door. And just as the girls arrive at the front door, a team of 6 young and athletic build men are coming up the steps to the 5th Street Bar. The 6 studs look at Kathryn, Ann, and Bridget and stop dead in their path and just stare. Ann looks at Kathryn and says with a soft quiet smile, "These guy are the pool team for the Yorkshire House and they must have had a match schedule. And also, they are very nice gentlemen when they are shooting pool at the Irish Pub". All of a sudden, Kathryn get a gleam in her eyes, looks at the stretched Limo parked in front of the 5th Street bar and says to the 6 young studs standing on the steps. "Gentlemen, the distinguished owner of the 5th Street Bar regrets to inform you that his team will have to forfeit the pool match due to an unscheduled emergency. However, he requested in his highest respect, that we entertain you in the rear seats of their stretched Limo. The 5th Street Bar will also supply several kegs of beer". The six young men are still speechless as they stare at the enormous breast of the three young girls. Ann then speaks up in a sassy and sexy tone and says, "Gentlemen, please exploit your imagination and conjure up what three young, sexy, shapely, willing, and extremely strong girls can do to you in the back seat of that Limo". The lead guy and captain of the pool team then speaks up and says in a puzzled tone of voice. "How extremely strong"?

Kathryn then says to Bridget, "Would you please demonstrate to the young men what we mean by extremely strong". Bridget immediately jumps down from the steps and strolls to the side of the large stretched Limo and stands in the middle of the car. And then leans over and places her right hand under the Limo and clasps the steel frame and pushes her fingers deep into the steel to get a solid grip. Then, with a slow continuous lift, she raises the 3-ton Limo over her head with her one hand and starts to pose to exhibit her suburb muscles to the group of men. Ann then takes the lead by calling out to the men, "Now observe my strength", as she goes down the steps and into the street and with a simple kick of her leg, pushes her toes deep into the street and tears out a large section of the concrete curb. The sassy blond then places the meter thick slab of concrete between her thighs and smiles at the group of six young studs as she crushes the concrete in half by gently closing her soft firm thighs. Kathryn then says in a very soft and sexy tone of voice, "Now observe what I can do with nothing but my bountiful breasts". Kathryn then slides her hands down under her flimsy halter-top and pushes her top off her breasts and exposes her firm hard nipples. She then struts down the steps swinging her breasts back and forth and makes sure each of the 6 young studs get a good feel of her soft fleshy 52-inch long tits. And then Kathryn proceeds to a meter thick utility pool and squats down on her thighs and pushes her tits completely around the wooden utility about a half-meter above the ground. The tall 18-yearold brunette then places her hands on the back of her head and fluffs her waist length hair and pushes her smooth silky shoulders forward. All six men from the Yorkshire House pool team observe and hear Kathryn’s massive tits quickly crush about 20 centimeters into each side of the utility pool. Then the 193-centimeter tall Goddess of strength stands straight up and tears the utility pool completely out of the ground. Kathryn is just stands there with a 20-meter utility pole wedged between her tits and says to the group, "Let me crush this meter thick pole to nothing and then we can all retreat to the back seats of the Limo. And Ann would be so kinds as to bring several kegs of beer from the bar". Kathryn then rolls her bare shoulder back and forces her tits to thrust forward and the meter thick utility pole in immediately crushed into two separate parts which fall to the ground.

Bridget in the meantime has placed the Limo back on the ground and Ann has retrieved two kegs of beer and is carrying them in her arms to the Limo. The 6 young and somewhat confused studs from the Yorkshire House walk over to the back door of the Limo and one of the young men attempts to open the car door. "It’s locked, do you have the keys", he says to Bridget. "Of course I have the keys", responds Bridget as she rubs her one hand on her firm large breasts and tears off her skimpy top with a easy pull of her muscular hand and arm. Bridget then takes her other hand and with seamless effort pushes her fingers completely through the steel of the car door and rips off the door of the Limo with a gentle pull of her arm. Ann is standing there with 2 full kegs of ice cold beer caught between her arms and her massive tits and the young men all notice how the condensation is flowing off the cold metal kegs and onto Ann massive 122-centimeter tits. Her nipples are super hard and erect and have poked through the flimsy material of her bikini top. The three super Goddesses are just standing there by the rear door of the Limo and they watch as all six young studs quickly get into the Limo, and place their "Q" sticks down. Then they all take a seat on the long soft seats the line the side and back of the Limo. Bridget looks at Ann and Kathryn and says, "Their cocks are as hard as their pools sticks", and Ann replies, "And just as long".

Once inside the Limo everyone introduces themselves and then Ann quickly tears open the door to the bar in the Limo with an easily scratch of her one finger and locates some glasses. And with another gentle push of her long finger, punches a hole in the beer keg and pours everyone a cold brew. Kathryn then says in a quick and sexy tone, "Gentlemen, take all the clothing off your athletic build bodies or I’ll have Bridget and Ann rip your clothing from your strong bodies piece by piece. Not one of the young men move so Bridget immediately straddles her legs around the nearest young man and with just her two fingers pulls his shirt apart and she watches as the buttons pop off his shirt one at a time. Ann doesn’t waste any time as she also straddles a young stud and begins to tear his shirt off his chest but she uses her super hard and almost 5-centimeter erect nipples to complete the process.

"Gentlemen", Kathryn recites, "Ann and Bridget will undress you completely using their extremely strong bodies, so just show patience. And in the meantime, I’ll go to the drivers area of the Limo and retrieve some item so I can tease your senses". Kathryn then turns around and bends over and starts to walk hunched over to the front of the Limo. Kathryn uses her hips and ass to crush everything in her path, the barrier between the passenger area and the driver’s area if brushed aside with a simple backhand from Kathryn. And once in the driver’s area, Kathryn turns around to the party going on in the back and watches as Ann and Bridget, playfully, sexually, and with extreme ease, tear the clothing away from the bodies of the 6 young men. Those young studs that were not being disrobed all watched Kathryn as she backed her firm, tight ass into the dash of the Limo and completely crushed the dash and everything in the dash out of existence. The steering wheel, gear shifter, stereo controls, climate controls, and center console were crushed or pushed as Kathryn wiggles her young ass from side to side across the dash. And to add a little spice to this already awesome display, Kathryn allow her titanic tits to hang down and tear through the metal floor, transmission, and drivers seat like a sharp drill through soft wood. Kathryn then turns around and uses her hands to tear open the firewall, and her tits to blast out the front windshield. She then grabs the large "V" 8 motor and cleaves it out from the engine compartment of the Limo with one simple pull. She rips the side fenders to shreds and the hood is bent several times over but that was all collateral damage. Kathryn then carries with her one hand the heavy motor back to the passenger area, places it on the floor and tears off the alternator with a simple twist of her hand. The metal bolts and steel bars that secure the alternator to the motor broke like dry grass, as Kathryn is just too strong for steel and bolts to be of any significance. The tall Goddess then places the alternator between her tits, and users her hands to gently massage her overripe flesh. Kathryn then says to the 6 young studs, "Guys, all my sister Ann, myself, and Bridget want to do is fuck your brains out; over and over until we are completely satisfied. And if you are the type of studs that we believe you are, and you get turned one by sexy acts of extreme strength, just ask one of the girls to assist and we can perform simple feats like this". So Kathryn continues to massage her massive breasts and slowly but surely kneads the steel alternator that is wedges between her tits into a substance that resembled fresh bread dough.

Kathryn then joins the fun of stripping one of the guys, but gets directly to the point and rips all his clothing off his body with her hands in quick and decisive motions. She then gently pushes him down on the seat and straddles his super hard manhood with her super hot cunt and begins a relentless and methodical pounding of his cock. All three extremely strong girls take turns on the 6 young studs only giving each stud a short time to recover before they continue fucking the living daylights out of the studs. The trio of Goddess also take turns playing with the large "V" 8 engine and honoring any request the guys can imagine. The party lasted for several hours but there is a limit to the amount of sexual pounding that any man can take and all 6 young studs were completely exhausted and unconscious from the constant sexual pounding and pleasure. All three super girls were also completely satisfied especially since each girl had received numerous organisms during this encounter.

The girls simply kissed the 6 studs softly goodnight, enjoyed another glass of beer from the keg, got dressed, and started walking back to the Irish Pub for some more entertainment.

The end of this story line for Kathryn and Ann.