Ann Chapter 6

By Pat Mallon

WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.

Break shot for Ann and Kathryn:

Kathryn exit the large white van after screwing the young investment broker almost unconscious, and laughs at the extraordinary ease her monstrous tits and slender thighs just shoved aside the sheet metal siding of the van. Her tits open the sheet metal as if it’s thin tin foil and her thighs slice the steel like a razor through rice paper. She then calls for her sister Ann by yelling, "Sis, it’s your BREAK SHOT". Kathryn then sees a large automobile moving towards her and since it’s almost scraping the ceiling of the parking garage, she knows that Ann is carrying the vehicle over her head. Kathryn finally recognizes her sister, but that’s not until she trots through two parked vehicles where her powerful legs simply crush the vehicles into the concrete floor of the parking ramp. Ann replies in a sorrowful tone of voice, "I actually feel sympathetic for the method these cheap cars are manufactured. It’s so easy to pull these cars apart". And to prove her point, Ann clutches the car just at the junction under the steel frame between the front and back doors of the car with her two hands and says to Kathryn in an upbeat laughing tone, "It’s a absolute joke. If I just spread my arms apart, this car rips into two separate pieces". And as she is saying these words, Ann simply sinks her fingers into the steel frame and pulls her hands apart. The steel starts to stretch and sever and it only takes a fraction of a second for the car to split open from one side to the other. And in less than a second, Ann is holding two separate halves of the large vehicle, one in each of her hands and then wiggles her 122 centimeter long massive tits between the two halves just to cut the cables or metal tubes that survived the initial laceration.

Kathryn just snickers and proceeds to tell Kathryn about the young handsome stud and how he showed her an interesting feat with those puny thick iron bars. "Sis, it was terrific fun. He just placed his hands on top of mine and I simply followed his guidance. I did all the bending and twisting but it must have given the young investment broker the thrill of actually bending the irons bars". Ann looks back at Kathryn with wide-open eyes and says, "I’ll bet he aimed those iron bar to some interesting places on your body Sis". "Oh, you be sure of that Ann, and it was definitely exciting. It turned me on just as much as it turned him on sexually". "OOOOOOOOOH!!! I think I will give that so consideration the next time I’m alone with a man", replies Ann is a slow sexy tone of voice.

"Now for your break shot Ann, what do you have planned", asks Kathryn. "Well Sis, as I told you, I plan to blast this large 4 wheel drive truck directly at you with my utility pole "Q" stick. But there may not be sufficient weight in the truck to do any damage, so lets just remove about two dozen engines from other large vehicle and compact the engines in the bed of the truck". "Ok Sis, you start with that row of cars and I’ll start with the row over there", Kathryn relies to Ann. So the two super Goddesses immediately start collecting automobile engines. Kathryn places her tall nude body in between the front fenders of two parallel-parked cars and with a casual swipe of her hands across the hood of both cars, sends the hoods of both cars careening into the front windshields. She then takes her long legs and forces the front tires of both cars deep into the reinforced concrete of the parking garage floor. The tires instantly explode and the steel of the wheel rims and disk break rotors ooze out from between her toes. Kathryn then reaches into the engine compartment and shoves her long delicate fingers deep into the cast iron block of the motors, completely mutilating the intake manifold, lifters, and the camshaft as she grabs the harden steel crankshaft. And with one easy upward pull of her long arms, she tears the complete engines out of the car. A simple twisting back and forth while lifting the engines complete amputates the exhaust pipes, break lines, electrical wiring, and miscellaneous hoses. Kathryn then takes the engines and most of the transmission back to the pickup truck and crushes the metal with her tits until it about ¼ the original size and then starts on the next set of cars.

Ann is not as gentle and kind as her younger super sister to the vehicles, as she strolls between two vehicles. She starts at the rear and proceeds to the front vehicles and swings her massive tits back and forth. Her gigantic tits slam into the roofs and doors of the cars and blast away the steel with incredible ease. Her swinging breasts crush the doors and peel apart the scrawny steel and glass with the force of a million bulldozers. When Ann reaches the front on one of the vehicles, she stands directly in front of the hood and pushes her powerful legs slightly into the front bumper where her moist cunt and pussy hair leave an unmistakable imprint in the sheet metal of the car. She then places her left hand under the car and grabs hold of the steel frame. And with one easy and continues lift of her hand, she raise the entire car up and over her head. Regrettably, her super sized tits are in the direct path of the rising car and they obliterate the entire front of the vehicle. Her twin turrets of destruction smash through the hood of the vehicle, tear out the radiator, and slice the front steel frame into useless twisted metal. Her mighty melons crumble the front bumper as if it were a ribbon of cloth and her inch long super hard nipples carve a large gouge through the front of the engine. She then lowers the vehicle to about a meter off the ground, makes a tight fist with her right hand and slams her fist through the center of the hood and down onto the engine block. The engine block takes a direct blast and her fist sinks two feet into the cast iron block before it and the transmission are sadistically detached from the car and blast down into the concrete floor. Ann then takes the remaining shell of the vehicle and tosses it aside as if it were a feather. The steel shell of the vehicle seems to float through the air until it hits the concrete wall on the far side of the garage where the steel shell of the car literally explodes into a billion pieces of scrap.

Ann then picks up the blasted remains of the large engine and stands it up vertically and straddles the engine with her legs. She innocently closes her shapely legs and allows her powerful thighs muscles to crush the cast iron engine up and into her hot cunt. She allows the 2-inch diameter steel shaft for the transmission to enter her pussy, but this only excites Ann and after letting out a loud scream of pleasure, simply crushes the harden steel inside her cunt into a grayish super hot liquid that flows down her legs.

After the girls have crushed about 24 automobile engines into the back of the pickup truck, Ann grabs the utility pole in her one hand and the pickup truck in her other hand and carries them to the far end of the parking garage and places the pickup truck down in the middle of the ramp. She then goes behind the back of the truck and plays with the utility pole as if it were as light as a normal "Q" stick. She points it at several cars and smashes the cars to pieces. She taps the concrete floor a few times and rolls the utility pole around as if she was checking the straightness of the utility pole. The totally nude super built Ann, then yells to her sister Kathryn, "stand in the middle of the ramp, face the pickup truck, and spread your long legs wide apart". Kathryn obliges her sister Ann, but not before she picks up a large car and carries it out to the center of the ramp. Kathryn then turns towards her sister, spreads her long legs almost two meters apart, thrusts out her nude 52-inch long breasts and with one hand holds the car over her head and slowly crushes the car down into her massive cleavage. She deliberately taunts the car as she slowly twists and grinds the steel, tires, engine, frame, transmission, and sheet metal into her vast cleavage. Her sister Ann just watches from about 25 meters away as she sees a large automobile simply disappear deep into Kathryn’s massive melons. It takes about 5 minutes to Kathryn to completely push every part of the car down into her cleavage but both young girls enjoyed watching how easy the car vanished into Kathryn’s tits.

"Ready Kathryn", screams Ann, "I’m going to shoot this pickup truck through your legs, and them into the sidewall where it should bounce off and ram into the elevator shaft." Kathryn yells her reply. "I’m ready Sis but please be sympathetic on the sidewall", as both girls start to laugh. Ann holds the utility with her right hand and cups it over her left hand and taps the pickup truck a few times to get the feel of the utility pole. She then pulls her right hand back and with a powerful burst of energy sends the utility pole forward where it contacts the pickup truck and sends it at over 5000 miles an hour towards Kathryn. The shear force of the impact between the utility pole and the truck causes the utility pole to splinter into a million pieces.

Kathryn is standing in the middle of the ramp, legs spread, breast’s pushed outward, hands on her thin waist, and a smile on her face and anticipating the impact. It takes only a tenth of a second but the impact is particularly violent. The sheet metal of the truck simply collapses onto Kathryn’s super body and is crushed to the thickness of thin gold foil. The engine, transmission, frame, and the 24 engine blocks go through her legs like a cannon shell through paper. However, Kathryn long slender legs don’t move an inch so everything is reshaped into an inverted "V". Kathryn legs can feel the metal being reshaped and her cunt feels the scraping of the metal as it collects up into her body. Kathryn then screams, but not from pain but from the pure pleasure her body is receiving as hot twisted solid steel and iron is viciously forced between and through her legs. The "V" shaped chunk of crushed iron and steel continues through Kathryn legs and into the concrete wall and ricochets off the wall and bounces through several cars until it comes rolls up to the elevator shaft and falls into the deep shaft. "Top that shot Sis", Ann yells as she raises her hands over her head and tries to make a muscle with her biceps. Kathryn turns around to observe the damage and the path of destruction the iron and steel block created and at the same time, brush the remains of the metal off her tall nude body. The tall Goddess rubs her hands over her body and turns the crushed sheet metal into a vapor as she massages her soft flesh with her hands. Upon turning back to her sister, who has her hands raised over her head in a muscular pose, stop dead and stares at her Ann. "Look at your biceps Sis, lifting all those bridges has had an effect on your muscles. Your biceps muscles are definitely developing". Ann looks at her arms and see her muscles and screams with delight and says to Kathryn, "Your were correct, lifting bridges that weigh thousands of tons has definitely influenced by muscle development. And you promised me that I could continue with lifting gigantic railroad bridges fully loaded with freight trains and suspension bridges that weigh millions of tons. I want my muscles so large and developed that my biceps alone can slice an anvil in half when wedge in my arms". "I will gladly assist you Sis, as soon as we visit the 5th street Bar".

It’s now Kathryn’s turn to make a pool shoot and she can barely stop laughing at the shot that her incredibly strong sister had just completed. Ann stares at her tall younger sister and says to her in a mysterious voice, "Why don’t you just use your utility pool "Q" stick and propel the white van into my immense tits and see if you can split the van in half and have it bank off the back wall and into the elevator shaft. Kathryn looks around and see the white van in the middle of the parking garage floor and says, "With great pleasure sis, but why are all four tires crushed down so far into the concrete floor"? "My big tits got lonely while you were fucking the brains out of that young stud, so I just use my tits to crush the scrawny tires and rims into the garage floor every time I thought you had a full organism. And by the way, I also crushed the spare tire for a full count of five times.

Kathryn was skeptical but believed her sister and asked her sister to stand in the middle of the ramp and place her hands straight up over her head and thrust those magnificent breasts straight out. Ann runs about 100 meters in front of the while van, turns towards the van and with elegant grace, stretches her hands over her head, pushes her shoulders back and allows her 122 centimeter long tits to thrust forward and invites the van to try to depress her nipples a micrometer. Kathryn takes hold of her 20-meter long utility pole and swings the 3000-kilogram pole as if it were a light "Q" stick. She swings and spins the pole with only one hand as if it weighs only a gram. The tall brunette then spears a car and lifts the car and places it on the ramp directly in front of her. She then yells to her blond sister, "A practice shot sis, I’m going to place some reverse English on this car to get a feeling for this "Q" stick. Kathryn holds the utility with her right hand and users her slender left forearm as a guide and smacks the "Q" stick utility poll with a downward tilt into the back of the car. The puny car instantly flies into the air and starts to spin at several thousand RPM in a backward motion and towards Kathryn. The energy from the smack that Kathryn gave the vehicle caused it to come bouncing back towards the super Goddess. And just as the spinning vehicle arrives back at Kathryn, she swipes her hands into the vehicle and sends it sailing into the far wall where it disincarnates into rubbish. Both Ann and Kathryn chuckle as Kathryn again positions the utility poll at the back of the white van, lines up the shot perfectly, and use her incredible strength to slam the utility poll into the lower part of the van. And with the energy of over a 1000 locomotives that Kathryn just unleashed on the van, it should have rocketed the vehicle at several thousand kilometers per second towards her sister.

There is this large and loud explosion and the 20 meter utility poll that Kathryn used to slam into the while van just disincarnates into a billion pieces of wooden splinter, no piece is larger that a toothpick. And when the smoke and rubbish clears, the white van was still there and did not move an millimeters. Kathryn could see where the initial punch of the utility pole slammed into the van but the only result was a discoloration of the paint on the van.

"What the!!!" screams Kathryn as she looks up and sees her sister Ann leaning over forward and laughing very loudly. Kathryn walks quickly up to the van and forces her big breast into the rear panel doors where the metal doors are just crushed by the force of her tits as they sink the full 132 centimeters through the doors. Kathryn expected to see both of the van’s doors just push inwards as her affluent set of massive 132 centimeter longs tits should have bend the doors wide open. The super strong girl then uses her hands to peel both doors off the back of the van by simply pressing her fingers into the gap between the doors and pulling her hands apart. The flimsy metal doors tear apart like a wet tissue paper and are torn off their hinges as Kathryn extends her arm their full length. Kathryn looks into the back of the van, as it’s completely full with a substance that is unknown to her. This substance fills the van from the bottom of the parking garage floor to the roof and all the way throughout the van. The substance is a grayish white material that has speckles and streaks of some metallic material dispersed throughout the substance.

Kathryn also notices that the void created when she pushed her gigantic breasts through the rear doors was also strange. Her gigantic breast pressed into the material but it did not respond like any other substance she had crushed before. The material just oozed out and melted into a super dense glass like glob.

Kathryn steps back, looks at the strange substance and ponders. She looks at Ann who just looks back with an innocent glare and says to Kathryn, "Lost your strength Sis, can’t you even push a 3 ton van". Kathryn takes her hand and digs out a handful of the material from the van and starts to push it down onto her enormous tits. The strange material just starts to ooze between her fingers the instance she applies pressure with her hand. And as she rubs the material into her ultra power breasts, it just turns to a glassy colored liquid that runs down to her nipples and onto the ground. This material was 1000’s of times more dense that steel and weight several tons per cubic centimeter. The entire van, which was full of this material, must have weights 50000 tons.

"Let me guess", Kathryn yells at her sister, "You were very imaginative during my 15 minute absence". And Kathryn then walks over to one of the massive 2-meter diameter reinforced concrete pillars of the 10 story parking garage and presses her tall slender body into the pillar. Her super powerful tits just sink completely into the concrete and reduce the harden material to bits of rubble and dust. She then wraps her long arms around the pillars, sinks her hands about half a meter into the pillar and with one easy pull, tears the entire concrete pillar away from its foundation. The pillar breaks away as if it where a paper straw and the massive concrete rafters of the second floor supported by the column collapse onto Kathryn. The super strong teenager then just pushes the huge concrete beams off to the side like they were feathers. Kathryn then looks up into the hole in the ceiling that she just produced and notices only blue sky and some clouds. She then turns around to her sister Ann and says, "You crushed all 9 upper decks of this parking garage, including all the cars and the concrete, into that van". Ann responds with a silly giggle, "It was SOOOOOO easy and by body loved the pleasure".

Kathryn then strolls back to the 50000-ton van and asks her sister Ann to go back to the center of the parking garage. And once Ann is centered in the parking garage, Kathryn slams her firm sexy nude hips into the back of the van and sends it on a trip towards the two moons of Mars. However, it must first go through her sister Ann and before Ann can react, the 50000-ton van slams into her enormous tits and is immediately sliced into two separate 25000-ton chunks of super dense material. The two parts blasts through the garage wall, exit the earth’s atmosphere and cause considerable damage on the two moons of Mars. Ann’s only response is, "That gave my super sensitivity nipples a slight moments of delight". Both girls start to giggle as they walk to the exit of the parking garage and decide to buy some sexy cloths before they continue to the 5th Street Bar.

The two girls decide to go into the small shopping center on the ground floor of the building next to the parking lot and follow the signs to the exit. And as normal for Ann and Kathryn, they walk in a straight line collecting over a dozen cars in front of their nude super bodies, which are pushed into a concrete wall. The two girls continue walking and talking about the number of fright trains it will take to add about a million tons of weight to that half mile long bridge over the bay and simple push the cars in front of their bodies into the wall. Their super bodies didn’t even realize they crushed over 12 cars into and through the 2-foot thick reinforced concrete wall.

Once through the concrete wall, where Ann’s and Kathryn’s super powerful tit and thighs muscles ruptures the concrete and steel as if it’s a mirage, the girls spot a small boutique called, "Fit and Firm". The sisters then walk into the clothing boutique and are greeted by a sales representative who is a young 17-year-old redhead. The young girl comes from behind the counter and looks at Ann and Kathryn and stares straight at both sisters. Ann looks at the young redhead and screams out loud. "Look at the fucking muscles on this young girl, and I don’t believe she’s a day over 17 years old. I’ve been lifting thousand to tons over and over and she has muscles all over her young body that are 10 time more defined that mine". The young sales representative is startled and doesn’t know what to say to the Ann and Kathryn. Finally, Ann replies again, "Do you work out daily with heavy weights to obtain that excellent muscle structure"? The young redhead replies back in a shaky tone, "Yes I do, eight hours a day, and someday I hope to compete professionally in woman body building. I have already won many junior competitions and I work here part time to get a discount on my clothing".

The redhead introduces herself by saying, "Hi, I’m Bridget and I personally witnessed both of you lift that drawbridge over your heads and tear it out of this concrete foundation as if it were a feather and then you played with large trucks, concrete barriers, building, and utilities poles as if they were toys. I don’t understand". Well Bridget, both my sister Kathryn and I were given a unique trait by our grandmother. For some unknown reason, we are unbelievable strong", states Ann in a serious tone of voice. "However, there is a serious down side to our extreme strength", Ann says with a sigh, "I also want to compete in woman’s bodybuilding, but even if I exercise with object that weigh thousands of tons, these objects seen to weigh only a gram to me. I wish I had your muscular shape and body tone. Yours thighs are almost twice the size as mine and they are shapely and with solid muscular definition". The young redhead replies as she strikes an upper body fitness pose, "If I only had a fraction of your strength, I would go down to the 5th Street Bar and pay back some long overdue vouchers." Ann can’t believe her eyes or ears. Her eyes, because the 5-foot 7 inch Bridget just about shreds her blouse off her arms and shoulders from her expanding muscles with this simple pose. And her large firm breasts increase from a firm 48-inch bust measurement to almost 60 inches of solid firm muscle that strains the buttons on her pink blouse. And Ann can’t believe that she know about the 5th Street Bar.

"The 5th Street Bar", Ann says to Bridget, "How does a young girl like you get into that bar, the legal age is 21 to enter a Bar"? "It easy", replies Bridget, "If you look under 48 they want an ID. However, that 48 refers to your bust size, not your age and I pass with high marks and outstanding credentials, and both of you would have no problem getting past the stupid bouncer".

"Bridget", says Ann, "Kathryn and I also have a debt to be collected at that Bar. Let me talk to my sister as you select several sexy and skimpy outfits for us to purchase". "Will you go with me to the 5th Street Bar and completely destroy that garbage dump", asks Bridget?

"We will do much more than escort you Bridget", replies Ann, "But give me a moment with my sister". So Ann and Kathryn start to talk quietly together for about a minute and return to Bridget and Ann says to the young redhead, "My sister and I have agreed to something very special. We will share our extreme strength with you provided you will completely and utter destroy the 5th Street Bar, slowly and with only the muscles in your superb young body". Ann is holding several sexy outfits and as she hands the clothes to Ann and Kathryn she says, "I’m strong, but I’m no match for the ugly discussing brutes in that Bar". Kathryn receives the clothes from Bridget and Ann says to the young sales girl, "Please give me an emotional hug to show our friendship". Bridget responds with a very friendly hug and says thanks to Ann for understanding her situation. However, Bridget feels a strange sensation throughout her firm muscular body as her large tits touch Ann’s massive breasts and their nipples push into each other’s. Young Bridget dismisses the strange sensation to the emotional feeling at the time. And as soon as the two girls break their hug, they look at Kathryn, who has just finished dressing in a short sexy outfit and both Ann and Bridget yell, "WOW". Kathryn smiles as she looks into a mirror and likes the fit of her new clothing. The short skirt shows off 99% of her longs legs and the top only covers about 1% of her enormous breasts. Kathryn then asks the other two girls to be excused as she need to go to the cash machine in the mall to withdraw funds to purchase the clothing. Bridget looks at Ann with a puzzled stare and asks, "How is she going to withdraw money, you were completely nude when you came into my shop and you don’t have a bankcard"? "My sister has one of those new universal withdrawal ID microchips imbedded in her finger tips, it’s accepted at every location in the world", Ann says jokingly, "Just watch Kathryn and she will demonstrate how easy it can be used this new ID microchip".

Kathryn walks out the door of the "Firm and Fit" Boutique and towards a cash machine that is secured to a concrete column in the center of the walkway of the mall. The tall sexy brunette stands directly in front of the cash machine and places her open hands on either side of the thick metal cabinet and gently pushes her hands inward. The thick steel case instantly conforms to the shape of her dainty hands and her fingers punch through the steel case as she curls her finger inward. Then, with one simple and easy pull of her arms, Kathryn separates the cash machine from the concrete column and tears out twenty foot long steel bolts that secured the steel frame to the concrete pillar. The one-ton cash machine is then placed horizontally on her massive tits and allowed to rest in that position. The heavy weight of the cash machine has no effect on Kathryn firm fleshy breasts and she turns around towards the boutique to display her strength to the young redhead. The young redhead is completely mesmerized and stares at Kathryn and the cash machine on her 52-inch long tits. Kathryn smiles at Bridget as the super Goddess takes her hands to the top of the cash machine and peels back and opens the outer steel case, the steel frame, and the 3-inch thick harden steel safe of the cash machine as if she is peeling back individual leafs on a fresh head of lettuce. Kathryn then reaches into the ripped open steel safe and takes sufficient cash to pay for their new clothes, plus an additional amount for Bridget to close the shop for the rest of the evening. She then pushes the cash machine into the cleavage of her breasts and crushes the entire cash machine into nothingness as she walks back to the shop. The only evidence that a cash machine every existed in the mall are the blasted and torn out bolt holes in the concrete pillar.

Kathryn hands Bridget the cash and says in an upbeat tone, "Let’s proceed immediately to the 5th Street Bar. There is sufficient cash for several set of clothes which we will need and for you to close the shop Bridget". With a slight hesitation in her voice Bridget says, "Great, it’s time to close the store anyway, but I’m not prepared to take on that rough crowd". "Please be patient Bridget, you are much stronger that you can possible imagine", replies Kathryn.

Bridget closes the boutique and the three super sexy young girls start to walk to the 5th Street Bar. The three young girls are a spectacular setting to behold. A tall slender super built brunette, a super busty blond, and a muscular but shapely redhead all walking down the street next to each other have an excellent time together. Car horns are blaring, construction workers gawking and adding compliments, everyone is staring at the trio but the girls quietly ignore all the attention. The subject that keeps the girls attention is Bridget and her new strength. Bridget insists she doesn’t feel any different, but Ann and Kathryn keep reminding her that she is almost as strong as both of her new friends.

About this time a wreck of a car pulls up next to the super trio, blasts its horn, and the passenger in the front seat yells out the window, "Hey it’s Bridget and some fucking friends of hers, and look at the fucking tits on those bitches. Why don’t you bitches jump in the back seat where I can squeeze, suck, and fuck those great big tits"? Bridget says to Ann and Kathryn, "Another idiot from the 5th Street Bar, I’d like to take that car of his and shove it up his ass". Both Ann and Kathryn laugh and Ann says in a soft serious voice, "Bridget, it time you use this repulsive situation to discover your new found strength, however, I recommend you just dissemble his car with your excellent muscles. Also, shoving the car up his ass would be a bad idea, he would probably enjoy having it done". Bridget looks at Ann and Kathryn and is not sure what to do next and it’s evident from the blank look on her soft smooth face. Ann reassures Bridget by saying to the young redhead, "Bridget, please go over to the passenger side and follows the simple and strait forward instruction from my sister or myself". Bridget turns around towards the car and looks straight at the dumb idiot in the passenger side of the car and screams loudly, "You fucking asshole", and starts to walk to the side of the car. Ann then says to Bridget, "don’t be afraid and do exactly as we tell you until you feel confident about your new strength.

"OK Bridget, here are the instructions", Ann says.

"One: Extend your left hand and arm completely into the passenger’s side of the car and place it next to the roof and smile at the idiot in the seat". Bridget complies absolutely and also observes the guy in the seat as he watches her muscular arm extend straight out and she display her firm taught shape.

"Two: Now pose to show off that huge bicep muscle in your left arm". Ann’s not sure of this instruction since her entire arm is in the car and up against the steel roof, but complies with the simple request of Ann’s. "Son of a bitch", screams Bridget in a loud and surprising voice as her left hand and forearm tear through the steel roof of the car. And after Bridget hand is completely through the steel her forearm slices through the steel with the ease of a sharp knife through a fresh tomato. The steel of the roof gathers and crumbles back onto her forearm as she slowly continues to pose and show off her enormous muscles. And the 16-year old redhead, along with Ann, definitely enjoys the site of her bicep expanding upward for almost 5 inches and crushing the steel that is trapped between her forearm and her bicep. Young Bridget’s bicep muscle innocently smears the steel of the roof against her forearm and turns the steel in to white-hot paste that drips off her forearm. The muscular redhead turns to Ann and yells, "Yes!!!!!! I truly enjoy this".

The guys in the car resemble two scared ghosts and were speechless.

"Third: To keep the car from driving away, lift your powerful right leg over the top of the front tire and push it down through the drive train". Bridget immediately obeys Ann’s command and turns sideway, lifts her right leg and guides her foot and leg between the front fender and the tire. The fiery redhead then slowly pushes her leg down into the drive train behind the front tire and rim. She twists and flexes her leg to allow her calf and thigh muscle to bulge to their full potential and watches as her calf muscles mangles the steel frames and inch thick steel shafts without the smallest strain on her body. Bridget’s now highly expanded upper thighs push aside the cheap steel fender and part of the hood as they slide down over the tire and her inter thighs crush the upper half of the tire and rim as her muscles reach their maximum size which is over three times from their relaxed state. The entire sequence takes almost 10 seconds and finishes with the front tire exploding apart and the front drive train being grind into the street by Bridget’s leg muscles. And from the smell permeating from the front seat of the car, the two morons have shit their pants.

"Fourth: Position yourself in front of the car and gently swipe your open hand across the hood and crumble the puny steel hood to one side of the car. Then find the first large solid object that is attached to the accessory belt, place your hand under the object and gently remove it by lifting your hand and removing it from the engine. Then take the useless object and place it between your breasts and then flex your shoulder and pec muscles and observe the results. Bridget quickly runs to the front of the car and slams her washboard waist into the front of the car and starts to exercise her muscular stomach. The upper steel section of the hood and frame easily crumble back as Bridget’s solid muscular waist rubs up and down against the steel. She then swipes her right hand against the side of the hood and crumbles the entire hood to the left side of the engine compartment. It only takes a second for the young redhead to find an object connected to the accessory belt and violently removes the air conditioner compressor from the motor with one pull from her right hand. Bridget then turns around and faces Ann and Kathryn and pushed the 12-inch long steel compressor down into her breasts. The redhead then bends over slightly at her waist, and takes a pose that expands her shoulder and chest muscles. And within a few second, Bridget’s shoulder, upper back, and chest muscles become massive. Muscles bulge and full every opening in her top to a point where her top is ready to explode off her body. Her 48-inch chest again expands from the normal 48- inch bust measurement to over 72 inches and her nipples protrude over an inch through her top. And while all this is happening, Bridget forgets to watch the compressor lodge between her breasts but only notices that she has completed obliterated the steel object with her expanding chest muscles when she sees a white-hot liquid percolating from the fantastic cleavage of her breasts. Ann looks and the 16 year old redhead and says to Kathryn, "I wish I had those muscles Sis, so we will definitely need to find some massive bridges that I can use for exercising weights".

"Fifth and final: Work your hand deep into the engine block and remove the useless block of iron from the car. And as a special favor to me, please perform your body building competition routine, but do it while teasing the steel and iron of the car engine in your hands, arms, and legs as if it wasn’t even there. Bridget smiles back with a wide smile and thankful appearance on her face and says. "For what you have given to me, I will gladly do this special request. It didn’t take Bridget any time to sever the hot running motor completely free from the car and start her competitive routine. Every huge and expanding muscle of her young body mangles the iron motor as she poses and Bridget puts every bit of professional effort into this routine and expands her muscles to massive proportions. Her arms and forearms chisel the steel apart, her chest bends and smothers the steel, her thighs twist and split the metal apart, her calves dig gouges into the metal, her shoulders stretch and then compress the steel and her firm backside turn the steel into a putty like substance. When Bridget finally finishes her best routine ever, the once powerful motor has been transformed into a mass of goop with the consistence of cookie dough and this feat was completed with nothing more that the massive expanding muscles of her young body. Ann and Kathryn applaud the performance and thank Bridget. The two clowns in the wrecked car pound their manly meat raw after watching the body building routine of Bridget.

The super girls again start to walk towards the 5th Street Bar again and chatter about their objectives and strategies. However, Kathryn cannot resist watching one more little show of Bridget’s unbelievable muscles especially since she sees a parking meter and Kathryn hates these steel bandits. So when she walks past the parking meter, the tall slender brunette grabs the steel post just below the meter itself, squeezes her fingers into the metal pole and plucks the steel post and meter out of the concrete sidewalk with a mild twist of her hand. Kathryn then forces the meter section down into her breasts where the cheap metal parking meter is kneaded to smithereens by the simple bouncing of her monstrous tits as she walks along the street. She then stops and asks Bridget to hold her right arm straight out and to remain very relaxed. Kathryn then takes the 5-foot long by 3-inch thick steel pole and starts to wrap it around Bridget’s upper right arm. And after about four complete tight wraps of the steel pipe around the redheads upper arm, Kathryn steps back and Bridget turns her heads and looks directly at her outstretched right arm and smiles. Bridget then starts to curl her right arm and expand her upper arms muscles. All three super girls watch intensely as the steel pole that is wrapped securely around Bridget’s right arm starts to stretch and expand. The thick steel pole moans and groans as the diameter of the redheads arms muscles grow from a firm 14 inch in circumference to an amazing 20 inches with nothing more than the redhead making a tight fist. The steel is starting to crack and small fissures are starting to appear in the steel pole. Bridget continues to slowly raise her forearm up to about the ninety-degree position and her upper arm muscles expand to almost 28 inches in circumference. Bridget is still looking intensely at her right arm and she shows no sign of any strain on her muscles. However, the stress limits of the steel has been well exceeded and the steel pole wrapped around Bridget’s upper arm explode apart and fall to the ground. All three girls laugh and Kathryn says to Bridget, "Don’t get discouraged because the cheap steel pole could not take your muscles. Next time I’ll wrap 100 meters of 6-inch thick solid railroad tracks around both your arms and then watch as your massive arm muscles easily mangle the super hard steel like its cotton candy with nothing more that a simple flex of your arm.

The girls finally reach the 5th Street Bar and look at the old brick two-story building. The building was used as a small manufacturing facility back in the early 1900’s and was constructed with brick almost a meter thick and steel beams to support the machinery. There were two massive doors for the entry into the bar at the top of a few concrete and stone steps. There was a wrought iron railing on either side of the steps and a series of chrome chains hanging from the top of the door and draped down the side of the door. A skull was painted over the top of the chain and indicated that this was the home of the "Iron Coffin" motor cycle club. There were about 10 motorcycles parked next to the side of the building most of which were modified as custom bikes. There were a few cars also parked but most were piles of neglected junk. There was one stretched limo that was modified to resemble a "Pimp mobile".

Bridget then says to Ann and Kathryn, "Lets go inside and relax for a while, It shouldn’t take long before they start something stupid and then we will have an excuse to tear this bar apart". "Great idea", replies Ann as he reaches for one of the wrought iron railing and places her fingers across the top of the railing. She then pulls the iron railing out of the concrete steps with incredible ease, and works the iron into the palm of her hand until it’s a ball of white hot iron and throws it into one of the junk car in front of the building. Bridget snickers and imitates Ann as she also destroys the other wrought iron railing but Bridget uses her legs and thighs to taunt the thick iron. The sassy redhead weaves her left leg through the iron railing, pushing the iron aside as if it were a vine. She then tears the railing out of the concrete, expands her thigh muscles and squeezes the iron railing into several hundred fractured pieces of scrape iron.

The three girls continue up the steps and Bridget reaches the massive doors first and immediately tears the door knob and handle from the door. She then pulls the door open, even though the door was designed to be pushed open to the inside. The steel hinges of the massive door just bend backward as Bridget opens the door outward. "Be gently at first", Ann says to Bridget and Bridget relies back, "I’m being very gently for now".

Once the three super girls have entered the Bar, there is total silence. The three girls just stand next to each other about 5 feet inside the bar. The bouncer next to the door has his mouth wide open and cannot understand how the door opens outward. The bartender allows the glass of beer he is pouring to continuously overflow from the tap. One half drunk character at the bar falls off his barstool. The guy shooting pool is frozen solid as he is preparing to break. And a dart shooter just put a dart through the light above the dartboard. It takes about a minute before someone asks the girls if they would like a table and Kathryn replies, "Yes please, and by the pool tables".

To be continued: