Ann Chapter 5

By Pat Mallon

WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.

Ann and Kathryn update their pool shooting techniques at a parking garage.

Now that the 1000-ton drawbridge is completed destroyed, Ann and Kathryn decide to practice some pool shots before going to the 5th Street Bar. The multi layer-parking garage, which is across the street from the destroyed drawbridge, is completely full, and the two super shaped and super strong teenagers believe this would be an excellent time to hone their pool shooting skills. The exception is that the two utterly fantastic super strong girls would use cars as pool balls and utility poles as "Q" sticks. And after Kathryn says that the first one through the concrete wall of the parking garage with a 50-foot utility pole would get break shot, both young girls race to acquire a 50-foot utility pole. Ann sees the top of a tall wooden utility pole about 100 meters away and scamper in a straight line towards the pole. The reason she could only see the top of the pole is a large concrete mixer truck is blocking her view. As she runs for the utility pole, Ann has two options she can execute; she can run around the large truck or through the large truck. For Ann, this is clear-cut, she run completely through the center of the concrete mixing truck. And she just slices through the core of the concrete truck where her 48-inch long bouncing and swinging tits just mangle the 24-inch steel frame of the truck to utter shreds. The hopper on the truck is full with several cubic meters of concrete, which Ann just grabs with her hands and rips the hopper from the steel frame of the truck. She continues her run towards the utility pole, carrying the 10-ton hopper. And when she spots a convertible with its tops down, she rip off the 2-inch thick steel back end of the hopper with her hand and empties the entire load of concrete into the convertible without missing a single stride in her dash for the utility poll. Ann’s next obstacles are a series of concrete road barriers that have been set up to divert traffic through a construction zone. Ann is running at full speed and when her legs meet the 1-meter high solid concrete barrier, the barriers explodes and are blasted into chunks of concrete about the size of bricks. The utility pole is now just on the inside of a 3-meter high chain link fence that is topped with barb wired. However, this doesn’t deter Ann in the slightest, as her massive tits soon make contact with the chain link fence.

The super hard nipples of Ann’s powerful and firm tits contact the chain link fence and with the back and forth swaying motion of her tits, easily snag a large section of the metal fence. And by the time her legs push through the fence, most of the chain link fence is torn out of its foundation and is trapped in her breasts. The barbwire on top of the fence on also wrapped around Ann’s tits but the super sharp barbs cannot place the slightest scratch on her super strong breasts. And just using her one hand, Ann brushes away the chain link fence and barbwire from her nude body as if it is excess body power. Ann finally is at the base of the utility pole and clasps the 20-meter pole with both hands and pulls the pole out of the ground and shakes the pole to remove the high voltage electrical wires at the top of the pole. Ann then holds the pole as if it were a lance and charges back towards the parking ramp. And as always, she doesn’t take the same path back, she wants the extreme pleasure of destroying something new with her super strong and perfect body. She again blasts through a section of the chain link fence but this time, pounds down the fence with the utility pole she is carrying and lets her legs and thighs mangle and mutilate the chain link fence and the barbwire. She especially enjoys the barbwire being stripped of the sharp bards as it passes through her legs and rubs against her soft moist pussy. And as she approaches the concrete road barriers again, she coordinates her run so perfectly with her tits that are bouncing up and down that her super massive tits are on their downward phase just as she arrives at the concrete barrier. Her 48-inch long nude super tits smash into the top of the concrete barriers with the force of a nuclear blast and crumble the concrete into million of pieces of pea gravel. The super teenager continues straight for the parking ramp and directly through a series of ten parked cars that are slice in half as her power legs act as a super metal shearing machine when she is running at top speed.

Her equally strong and gorgeous sister, Kathryn, also runs for a tall utility pole that she sees behind a combination convenience store, carwash, and gas station. Kathryn runs directly for the utility pole behind the store, but in her path are the large advertising sign for the gas station, the steel support for the covering over the gas pumps, a corner of the convenience store and the car wash. And at her full speed, the 2-foot thick steel post of the advertising sign quickly snapped from its foundation and is bent upwards by her gigantic 52-inch long super tits. The sign then just falls to the ground and shatters into thousands of small pieces. The "I" beam that supports part of the covering over the gas pumps is snagged by Kathryn’s long legs and is quickly ripped from the top of the covering and slams into the pavement of the gas station. The covering then falls down into the pavement and on top of Kathryn. She just continues to race at a fast pace and run straight through the steel supports and rafter of the covering. Her titanic tits punch holes through the steel as easily as a sharp knife through paper and her legs cut the steel as easily as a lawnmower cutting grass. Once Kathryn exits the steel covering for the gas pumps, the concrete block wall of the convenience store is only a few meters away and her swinging breasts first make contact with the concrete block wall. Her gigantic tits not only punch a 2-meter diameter hole in the block wall but blast most of the concrete blocks of the wall into dust as her tits sway from side to side. Her long slender legs then carve through the remainder of the wall and crumble the concrete foundation into rubble. Once her tall, nude, lushes body is inside the building, the doors of the storage cooler are the next items to be demolished by her running effortlessly through the store. The cooler doors just shatter into a mess of broken glass and twisted metal. Shelves full of cold soft drinks and alcoholic beverages are mangled and shoved aside and anything remaining is crushed into the concrete block sidewall of the convenience store. Of course, this is until her bouncing breasts and outstretched legs again blast a large hole in the store wall as she exits the far side of the convenience store.

With Kathryn’s long legs, it’s only a few steps from the concrete block sidewall of convenience store to the side of the car wash. And as the super teenager continues to run in a straight line, she simple brushes the remnants of crumbled concrete and twisted steel from her body before she explodes through the carwash. The brick wall of the carwash vaporizes as her young body pushes through the red brick and steel frame of the building and her long slender legs easily twist and bend the steel frame and pipes of the cars washing mechanism. However, Kathryn thoroughly enjoyed the sensation of have the large rotating bristle brushes rub between her long legs and her sensitive pussy. But the simple running motion of her long slender legs tears the brushes from the motors and easily strips the shafts of the bristles. Kathryn’s run through the carwash only lasts about 5 strides of her long legs and she exits the far side of the carwash by again blasting through the brick wall with her tits and legs. Her young female body is covered with the steel frame, pipes, rails, and sprayers form the carwash, but a gentle swipe across her body just crushes the tattered equipment into tiny bits and pieces that fall to her side just as she reaches the utility pole.

Kathryn grabs the tall utility with her hands and innocently pulls the heavy pole completely out of the ground and gently shakes the pole to remove the electrical wires at the top of the pole. However, a large transformer attached to the top of the pole cannot take the shaking and snaps free of the pole and falls down onto Kathryn’s large tits. The super Goddess just laughs as the massive metal transformer slams into her 52-inch long tits and crumbles around her mountainous mounds. Her bodacious breasts don’t surrender a micro meter, in fact the massive transformer has a substantial gash in its casing. Kathryn modestly finished gravities work by allowing her massive tits to open and lets the transformer plummet into her cleavage. She then mashes the metal casing and internal parts of the transformer by simply taking deep breaths and allowing her mighty melons to kneed the transformer into a hot oily paste between her breasts. At the same time she takes the 60-foot utility pole and lowers it to the horizontal position, places the thick bottom section around her left arm and starts to race back towards the parking garage.

Again Kathryn sprints through the carwash and destroys another segment of the building and also the rear of a large van that is in the carwash. When the young super girl exits the carwash this time, she is carrying a large utility pole in one hand, half a van crushed around her tits, the steel rails of the carwash dangling from her legs, and a section of the building’s steel frame interlaced around everything. Kathryn simply uses her free hand to push everything into her bouncing and swaying tits, which instantly reduces the metal parts to a substance that could be used as glitter in costume makeup. As Kathryn races down the street towards the parking garage, she sees a large backhoe digger and several men from the city’s water works department attempting to repair a main water pipe break in the street. The men are all standing around the large hole in the ground and when they hear the crashing noise of Kathryn destroying the carwash, they all look up the street and cannot believe their eyes. A young teenager girls, who is completely nude and carrying a utility pole is running very quickly towards them. All the workers freeze in their position as Kathryn races past them and she shows the men a smile and says, "I would like to stop and assist but I have much more important matters to address at this moment". The men just stare at Kathryn and watch as her 52-inch tits bounce up and down. Unfortunately, Kathryn is watching the facial expressions of the workers and the bugle that is developing in their work jeans and not what is directly in front of her body. Kathryn’s bodacious bouncing breasts slam into the 20 foot long steel boom of the backhoe digger and completely amputate it free of the main section. Her titanic tits immediately bend the 24-inch thick steel boom as if it’s a flower stem. The entire deformed boom then flies several meters into the air from the impact force of Kathryn’s sexy body. As Kathryn continues to run at a very fast pace towards the parking garage, she decides to toy with the 20 foot long steel boom. She uses the unbelievable muscle control in her breasts to catch and toss the 8-ton boom and bucket back into the air. It’s an excellent display of muscle control and juggling as Kathryn uses her magnificent melons to bounce the large steel boom around as if it were a cheerleader’s baton. And everything in Kathryn’s path is blasted aside as she zigs and zags to catch the steel boom on her extremely large and muscular tits.

Finally, Kathryn flips the steel boom up into the air with a slight twist so the boom would rotate around. The super teenager has decided that she is done toying with the steel boom and catches the 24-inch thick steel boom between the massive cleavages of her breasts. She then simply allows the natural forces of her bouncing tits to crush the thick steel in half and mangle the remaining pieces of the steel boom, chrome hydraulic piston, and the scoop bucket into piles of unrecognizable rubbish. Kathryn was so obsessed with bouncing the 4-ton steel boom of the backhoe on her titanic tits, that she never realized she ran completely through a string of 10 parked cars and her long slender legs and extremely powerful thighs sliced all the cars in half lengthways.

Just as Kathryn arrived at the concrete wall of the parking garage, she hears a thunderous explosion and feels the ground beneath her feet shake. She also notices tons of debris flying through the parking garage. Kathryn thinks to herself, "It’s either the explosion from two 1-ton shells of the16-inch primary guns of a battleship or the 16-inch diameter super tits of her sister Ann. And as the smoke and rubble clear, it’s obvious that her sister Ann created the explosion by running full speed through the reinforced concrete wall of the parking garage and allowing her 48-inch long mighty melons and powerful thighs to blast the concrete wall and about 20 automobiles into oblivion.

Kathryn stops short of the parking garage wall and says to herself, "I guess Ann gets break shot, I sure hope she doesn’t annihilate the entire parking garage on her break shot for I would like at least one practice shot". So Kathryn, in her disappointed mood, lifts the utility pole over her head, thrusts out her enormous tits and walls slowly into the reinforced concrete wall in front of her body. Kathryn watches as her tits slowly close the distance between herself and the concrete wall. Her inch long nipples soon touch the harden concrete and grind deeply into the concrete, without the slightest flexing or compression of Kathryn’s massive tits. And as she moves forward, Kathryn full size breasts start to puncture the meager concrete and cause the concrete wall to crack and crumble. The inch thick steel rebar easily separates from the concrete as Kathryn massive melons push the rebar in all direction. Any puny steel rebars the contacts Kathryn super hard nipples are instantly hacked in half. Large sections of concrete start to fall off and slam on the parking garage floor as Kathryn’s tits pop through the far side of the concrete wall. Kathryn’s ultra power body pushes the steel rebar up, down, and forward, and the harden concrete crumbles for several feet on either side of her body as if it were dry rotted paper. Kathryn long slender legs next ram through the remains of the wall and the bent and twisted steel rebar snags on her soft and moist pussy and send a message of delight through her body and her firm thighs and soft pussy turn the harden steel and concrete in a ground up combination of dust and scrap metal.

Once inside the parking garage, the two extremely strong and beautiful super sisters discuss their tactics. Kathryn says, "Let’s block off the entrance so no one can get in the garage, then bring the elevator to the ground floor and tear it out of the shaft, and then blast a hole in the elevator tower wall facing the parking garage floor, and before your first break shot, lets crush a car of each color of the 16 pools balls down to regulation size pool balls". "Ooh that sounds like fun", Ann replies, "but how are we going to make the stripe pool balls with two colors"? Simple", Kathryn replies, "we will just have to crush two cars of white and the necessary primary color together to create the stripe pools balls. Ann then grabs her gigantic tits with both hands and places her long fingers between her nipples and pulls her tits back into her body and kneads the soft overripe flesh of her tits together and says, "Ooh tits, you are going to have a wonderful time tantalizing and destroying the cars in this parking garage". "Lets get started" Kathryn says, "I’ll block the entrance and crush a solid white vehicle into the "Q" ball".

Kathryn start to walk towards a large white car that is parked directly in front on one of the 2-meter thick concrete support columns of the parking garage and stands directly behind the rear of the car. She laughs out loud and says, "this is going to be so easy" as she steps forward and starts to shove the white car into the concrete pillar. Kathryn’s long legs crinkle the white car as if it’s made from thin rice paper. Her gigantic tits crumble the roof of the car down into the seats as she advance forward. The super Goddess uses her long slender arms to push items like the wheels and the frame back into her legs, and her titanic tits just coil the material of the car into a ball as the puny steel pushes into the underside of her breasts. And within a few long struts of her lushes’ legs, Kathryn has crushed the entire frame, body, wheels, transmission and engine of the white car up against the 2-meter thick concrete wall. She keeps walking forward until her firm hips are pushing up against the concrete wall and the white car is only a few centimeters thick. The mighty melons on her magnificent chest, piloted by her super hard nipples just grind and pulverize a cavity in the concrete pillar that is 4 feet deep and over 24-inch in width and height. Kathryn then lifts the compacted 2 ton metal mass in her soft feminine hands and folds it over a few times and rounds the edges until it’s the size of a beach ball. Then she rolls the metal ball over her breasts with the palms of her hands and reduces the mass to the size of a basketball, and then into a volleyball, and again into a size of softball, then a baseball, and finally into the desired size and shape of a "Q" ball, except it weighs 2 tons.

Kathryn now advance towards the entrance and the cashier’s booth which is occupied by a older gentleman who just about has a heart attack when he see the totally nude and remarkably shaped Kathryn approach his booth. Kathryn’s looks directly at the older gentleman and says in a serious tone of voice, "I’m going to piling up that row of expensive cars that are in the VIP parking section and block the entrance and exit ramps to the parking garage. My sister and I don’t desire to be disturbed while we practice our pool shooting techniques and utterly destroy all the automobiles in this parking garage". The old gentleman does nothing but stare at Kathryn’s huge tits, which are pushing against the steel bars of the cashier’s booth and starting to curve the bars inward. Kathryn then proceeds to the row of parked cars in the VIP section adjacent to the exit ramp. There were about 20 very expensive cars ranging from BMW’s, Porsche’s, Mercedes’, and Jag’s all in a row and Kathryn easily pushes all 20 cars to a position near the front of the exit and entrance ramp. She then picks up two of the cars, one in each hand and aligns then across the entrance and another two cars across the exit ramp. The super-sexy and strong Goddess then grabs two more cars and piles then upside down on the existing smashed cars across the exit and entrance ramp. To the old guy in the cashier’s booth, it looked like a nude young girl is building a wall out of interlocking plastic "LEGO BLOCKS", except she is building the wall with 2-ton automobiles. After Kathryn completed piling up the automobiles 5 high, she starts back towards the cashier’s booth and takes a direct path to the automatic ticket machine. And as she approaches the automatic parking ticket machine she takes hold of her enormous breasts and spreads her breasts apart with her hands. Kathryn walks directly up to the ticket machine and as soon as her breasts are encircling both sides if the ticketing machine, she removes her hands from her incredible tits. Her super tits slam back together and crush the ticket machine into oblivion with a very large explosive bang.

The older gentleman is still standing there with a dumb expression of disbelief on his face when Kathryn says to him, "Don’t worry about the ticket machine, it will not be of any value after my sister and I destroy this entire parking garage. Your best option is to immediately leave and watch our exploits from across the street". The cashier just stares at Kathryn’s enormous breasts and reaches for his two way radio sitting on the counter top. Kathryn not sure if the old guy could even talk into the two way radio at this time, but to be sure, she reaches through the steel bars of the booth, grabs the radio and squeezes it into a black paste which oozes from between her fingers. She then smashes the desk phone down and through the counter top with a simple splat of her open hand. And to assist the old gentleman in his decision to vacate the building, she easily removes the entire side of the cashier’s booth with a quick and firm swipe of her hand. The older gentlemen immediately runs for the exit door of the parking garage but does turn his head to get his last glimpse of Kathryn’s fantastic body.

Kathryn starts to walk towards the elevator shaft, but cannot resist a stroll through the cashier’s booth. She uses her bare left foot to squash the 4-inch thick steel post of the ticket machine deep into the concrete floor and her right foot to blast an opening into the steel base of the booth. The thighs of the super Goddess then reduce the countertop and cabinet to a pile of fragmented scrap and her firm slender waist crushes the cash register back into the steel bars at the rear of the booth. The cash register is carved into thin slices as it’s pushed through the steel bars of the booth as easily as a hard-boiled egg is cut with a sharp tool. Her fantastic breasts slice and shatter the inch-thick steel bars and the bullet proof glass into small fragments in less than a second and her long legs burst through the rear steel wall of the booth and push the steel aside like it’s made of thin paper.

Ann, in the meantime has proceeded to the front side of the elevator shaft, but not before finding a large black pickup truck that she is going to utilize to create the "8" ball. And as she strolls past the all black pickup truck, she picks the truck up with one hand and lifts it over her head and crushes the truck into the concrete support beam overhead. The cab of the truck and most of the hood compress with astonishing ease as Ann just raises the black truck over her head with one hand. The super blond then rotates the truck and continues to press the sides of the truck into the overhead concrete support beam. Ann then grasps hold of the rear of the truck and raises the front end of the truck into the concrete and again crushes most of the truck into the 2 meter square overhead concrete support beam. And by this time the black truck has been compacted and reshaped to a block of metal 1 meter square. "Either this truck is made of extremely substandard and thin steel, or this concrete is ultra strong. I better analyze the hardness of this concrete", Ann thinks to herself. For she noticed that when she pushed the truck into the overhead concrete support beam, not a speck of the reinforced concrete show any sign of stress or fracture. Ann walks over to a reinforced concrete column 2 meters in diameter, holds the 2-ton block of metal in her left hand, and makes a fist with her right hand. She then smashes her right fist into the massive steel reinforced concrete column clear up to her elbow. Ann’s dainty fist only produces a small hole in the front side of the concrete structure, but the force of the punch blasts a cavity on the backside of the column that is almost 2 meters wide and a meter deep. The resulting blast sends chunks of concrete hurtling through the parking garage, which rip through park cars like a blast from an army tank’s primary gun. The steel reinforced rods are all bent and pointing in the direction of the rear of the column. "Ann then mumbles to herself, "I really cannot tell if the concrete is super hard, the truck is extra weak or I’m just that strong".

When Ann reaches the doors of the elevator, she gently presses the up indicator and waits for the elevator to arrive at the ground floor. The elevator finally arrives at the ground floor of the ten story parking garage and the doors open only to reveal two gentlemen ready to exit the elevator. One of the men is tall, young, with a muscular build, and dressed in a tailored business suit and the other is in maintenance uniform. Both men’s eyes are open wide and their mouths drop as they see Ann standing in the open doorway. Ann is completely nude, with an indescribable feminine shape and is holding a block of steel with her one hand. Ann then reaches in with her free hand and sinks her fingers several inches into the control panel of the elevator and starts to pull the control panel, the interior door, part of the steel frame, and the outer door away from the elevator. The steel doors simply bend in the middle and in less that a second are torn completely from the elevator and tossed aside by Ann.

Ann looks at the two men and says, "Gentlemen, please exit to the left, my sister will be walking through the rear of the elevator shortly and I don’t want anyone to get harmed".

The maintenance worker immediately run from the elevator and disappears into the adjoining building. The other gentleman looks at Ann and says in a curious voice, "I definitely would enjoy observing your sister walking through the rear of this elevator, especially from this vantage point. And, also, if yon don’t me asking, what is that mass of metal in your hand and what are your plans for that block of metal"

Ann smiles at the young gentleman and says, "This mass of metal is the remains of a large black pickup truck that I crushed and plan on reducing it even further to the size and shape of an "8" ball. "I would enjoy analyzing your technique" the young man replies.

"Would you like me to use my soft dainty hands and fingers or large firm breasts to create the "8" ball. "Yes" is the answer from the young man in the elevator.

Ann obliges the request by placing the mass of metal into the cleavage of her breasts and simply users her hands and finger to press the metal mass into her breasts. From the viewpoint of the young man, all he sees in steel being compacted into Ann’s gigantic tits. And as Ann pushes down on the mass with her hands, the steel oozes from between her fingers. It only takes a minute for Ann to squeeze the steel into a glob the size of a soft ball, and then she places the highly compressed ball of steel between her breasts. Ann then takes her hands and firmly holds her breasts and slowly rolls the mass between her titanic tits. Her long dainty finger sink deeply into her soft breasts as she holds her tits firmly and gently kneads the steel mass in a circler motion between her tits. The steel mass that was a full size pickup truck a few minutes ago is now a black ball of highly compresses steel, 6 centimeters in diameter.

"Very impressive", says the young man just as her hears a voice from the parking lot yell. "Is the elevator empty", yells Kathryn to Ann? Ann replies in that special female tone to Kathryn, "Walk through the wall of the elevator very slowly sis, there is a young gentleman in the elevator who would like to meet you and he is definitely tall and handsome".

"Ooh, I like this developing situation", Kathryn yells to Ann. "I’m going to take my sweet time walking through this concrete wall and the rear of the elevator, sis. Would you please describe in detail to the young man all the sounds that my body produces as it advances through the concrete and steel and into the elevator". "With pleasure and in exquisite detail sis", yells Ann back to her sister.

"Sir, please keep your eyes on the back wall of the elevator", Ann tell the young gentleman and I will narrate the progress of a tall, young, 18 year old Goddess walking through concrete and steel".

All of a sudden there is a small tremor and the elevator shakes. "That shaking is the effect of my sister’s inch long super hard nipples making contact with the concrete wall on the outside of the elevator shaft", Ann says.

Then there is a loud grinding sound that is low pitched and continuous, and Ann states, "That’s my sister rotating her large breasts in a circle and allowing her two inch long nipples to scourer the concrete out of the wall.

The elevator shakes again and there is a loud dull thud that echoes through the entire elevator. "That sound and shaking is produced by a set of 52-inch long breasts pounding through harden concrete and crumbling as if it were rotten plaster.

A high pitched shrieking noise now fills the air and Ann smiles as she rubs her nipples with the palms of her hands and says, "My younger sister’s nipples have located the reinforcing steel rods in the concrete and are twisting and grinding the steel rods into small fragments. The noise is caused by the steel scraping against the much harder breasts of Kathryn’s body".

Then there are the sounds of several dull and repetitive thuds and objects falling into the elevator shaft. "I believe my sister breasts have penetrated the concrete wall and are crushing and pushing large chunks of concrete away from the wall. There is most likely a hole in the concrete wall that is almost a half meter square, about the size of my sister tits" Ann says in a sexy voice.

A crinkling sound and a bulge in the stainless steel wall of the elevator starts to develop. "Ooh! My sisters extra large firm breasts are starting their final assault on the back wall of the elevator". Ann utters in a soft voice as she starts to push her own tits against the left side of the front doors of the elevator.

The crunching sound of metal being distorted continues until there is a bulge almost half a meter long and two sharp points form at the apex of the distortion. Ann says in an excited voice, "My sister nipples are about to violate that stainless steel and punch through it like armor piercing bullets".

Two sharp loud popping sounds permeate the elevator and Ann yells, "look at those nipples tear through that stainless steel like it’s flimsy dress material. I’ll bet my sister is starting to get sexual excited". Ann also continues her fun as she lets her large breasts twist and tear the left side of the elevator doors as she narrates the progress of Kathryn. The heavy steel frame of the elevator shaft is pushed and bent inward by Ann’s massive tits with astonishing ease.

Then there is this thunderous metal tearing sound as Kathryn’s titanic tits penetrate through the stainless steel and peel back the metal with the apparent ease of a electric can opener taking the top off a thin tin can. And Ann shouts, "Look at those fantastic breasts of Kathryn’s shove aside that super tough stainless steel and rupture it apart with absolute grace and precision".

As Kathryn’s 132-centimeter long tits continue unabated through the walls and push the stainless steel aside, a deafening thump is heard as the bottom of the rear elevator wall and the wall is starting to thrust outward. "Wait to you see the long slender leg of my sister that is producing that distortion at the bottom of the wall", yells Ann, "her long leg will channel through that steel easier that a sharp razor can cut paper".

The stainless steel at the bottom of the elevator wall splits open with an earsplitting snap and Kathryn’s dainty foot appears through the stainless steel. The calf of her left leg continues effortlessly through the wall and just slices through the stainless steel in a faction of a second. Her powerful firm thighs soon appear and push the remains of the elevator wall aside as if it were aluminum foil. "Get ready", screams Ann "Here’s Kathryn".

And at that moment the totally nude and shapely body of Kathryn bursts through the stainless steel wall of the elevator and pushes the stainless steel wall aside likes it’s a shower curtain. "Sir", exclaims Ann, "I would like to introduce my younger sister Kathryn". "Hello, I’m Matt and I glad I have finally meet you, the anticipation was well worth the wait", states the young gentleman in a positive tone of voice.

"I could have arrived much sooner", responds Kathryn, "but I like to watch my soft sexy body slowly decimate steel and concrete; it definitely turns me on".

"Well, from what I have observed, I believe I can assist both you and your sister", states Matt. "I can imagine from your recent demonstrations of unbelievable strength, that you probably have some extra money that you would like to invest without the money being traced. I’m an investment consultant and specialize in off shore banking and investments".

Kathryn smiles as she brushes the remains of the steel and concrete from the elevator wall off her body and says to Matt in a very sexy tone of voice, "I know you can assist me immediately and it has much more to do with investing in that bulge in your trousers than with any off shore finances.

A smile comes across the Matt’s face but before he can respond, Kathryn looks him directly in his eyes and says is a soft tone of voice, "are you a leg man, an ass man, a breast man, or do you just like extremely strong young females who can crush solid steel with the muscles in her bare tits"? Matt looks Kathryn straight in her deep blue eyes and replies in relaxed tone, "I hope this is a multiple choice question because the answer is all of the above".

"Well let’s experiment and discover your true sexual preferences by me demonstrating my girlish strength using all the sexy parts of my body. I’ll just locate some extra thick and heavy steel, use my splendid strength and various female parts of my body to torment the steel and judge by your response your true preferences", Kathryn says to Matt as she reaches down and rubs his already stiff cock.

Ann says quietly to her sister "I’ll go complete that set of pools balls sis, but you better divulge to me the results of your experiment in exquisite detail". "Ok sis", responds Kathryn, "but don’t destroy this parking garage until I’m finished with Matt". Both super sisters laugh as Ann turns for the parking ramp and leaves her sister alone with the young gentleman.

"I need to locate several heavy steel beams to demonstrate by skills", Kathryn says to Matt. And Matt replies, "the counter weights of this elevator consists of about 20 extremely thick and heavy steel bars connected together by large steel rods and bolts". "Absolutely fantastic", yells Kathryn, "but how do I retrieve the weights".

"Just follow my instructions Kathryn", Matt says in a very confident voice. "First, tear open this side of the elevator wall but don’t disturb the steel framework of the elevator shaft yet. "Not a problem at all", responds Kathryn as she uses her two hands to candidly peel back the sidewall off the elevator and toss it aside. " Great job Kathryn, now secondly, reach up and jerk the ceiling of the elevator off and bring down the large pulley system and cables attached to the elevator", Matt says to Kathryn. And with Kathryn’s 6-foot 4-inch tall body (193 cm), she effortlessly reaches up and removes the ceiling from the elevator and reveals the cable and pulley system. And then with only one-hand grabs a 6-inch thick steel beam and pulls the entire cable and pulley down bending the steel beam as if it were a rubber toy. "Dam, your strong Kathryn, now thirdly, bend those thick steel "I" beams inward so the elevator shaft won’t fall after you release the cables", instructs Matt. So Kathryn reaches out to the corners of the elevator shaft and with one and stretches the 6-inch thick steel beams several feet into the elevator. She also swings her large tits into the steel "I" beams and gives the beams that special round shape as she shows off her special talents to Matt. " Wow, that was an impressive display of the power of your tits Kathryn. Now when you slash the steel cables free from the pulley system and let them disengage, the 5 ton counter balance weight will come crashing down between the steel guides on this side of the elevator shaft", Matt says to Kathryn. "Matt, you better step outside the elevator, because I’m not sure of the results when that 5-ton weights slams into my super breasts", Kathryn replies in a serious tone of voice.

After Matt steps outside the elevator, Kathryn spreads her long slender leg across the entire side width of the elevator. She needs to have solid footing when the 5-ton steel weight slams into her titanic tits. So the super Goddess sinks her feet into the front and back of the elevator and allows her toes to cut through the flooring of the elevator until they find the steel framework of the elevator shaft. Her super breasts are pointing at the concrete wall on this side of the elevator shaft and her nipples are just touching the concrete. Kathryn calculates from the position of the steel guide rails for the counter balance weights that the 5-ton weight will slam into her tits about 30 centimeters from her nipples and the weight will be traveling over 300 kilometers per hours.

With the elevator locked in placed by the bent steel beams, Kathryn uses her one hand to simply sever the 4 cables that are an inch thick by gently squeezing the steel cables in the palm of the hand until the steel is crushed to nothing between her fingers. And as the steel cables tear free and fly upward, there is the sound of rushing air inside the elevator shaft along with a clanging and rattling of a large metal object against the steel guide frame of the elevator shaft. It takes almost 6 seconds for the 5-ton counter weight to free fall the 10 stories of the elevator shaft before it finally plows into the incredible strong and powerful breasts of Kathryn. The iron mass strikes Kathryn’s tits with a thunderous boom and shakes the entire building. And when the 5-ton weight careened into Kathryn 115 centimeter long by 60-centimeter wide breasts at over 300 kilometer per hour, they don’t budge or indent her behemoth breasts a micrometer. The massive iron weight however is wickedly deformed and completely bends around Kathryn’s breasts. All 20 of the iron bars, which are 4 by 6-inches thick, bend in the middle and the lower 5 iron bars are warped completely around the sides of Kathryn enormous tits.

"Look at these fucking iron bars" Kathryn screams, as she clasps the ends of the massive counter balance weight and calmly yanks it from the confines of the bent and twisted guide rails. She holds the 5-ton’s of iron like it’s a sheet a paper and jumps out of the elevator shaft and says to Matt, "Lets find a nice comfortable van where we can have a adult discussion about your sexual preferences. And I’ll illustrate my extreme strength and playfulness on these puny and frail iron bars". Matt has a difficult time in responding because he has a lump in his throat and his cock is so hard it’s ready to tear through his trouser, a fact that Kathryn has also noticed. But Matt relies to Kathryn, "Yes, Goddess Kathryn, let’s discover my true preferences and quickly".

Kathryn wastes no time and grabs hold of the massive weight with one hand and gently takes hold of Matt’s hand with her own feminine and elegant hand. "Just follow me Matt", Kathryn says in a quick and lively tone of voice, "I’m going to ensue the shortest and most direct path to that white full size van parked a few row from here. So Kathryn starts to walk towards the van with Matt and uses the 5-ton iron weight as a shield and a battering ram. She walks through the doors of the elevator lobby and punches a 6-foot wide pathway through the glass and steel wall with the 5-ton weight and then walks towards a set of steel cable barriers between two of the concrete support columns. There are three strands of 1-thick steel cables with the top cable about a meter off the ground strung tightly between the columns and anchored with steel bolts that go completely through the columns. With Matt in one hand and holding 5-tons of iron in her other hand, Kathryn simply steps over the three steel cables and straddles the steel cables with her long curvaceous legs. She then starts to rotate her entire body and wrap the cables around her powerful legs. It only requires about a half rotation of the Goddess’s tall slender body to remove all the slack from the steel cables and an additional half rotation to produce sufficient force to violently sever the steel cables and their supporting bolts from the 2-meter thick concrete support columns. To finish the task and dislodge the cables from around her legs, Kathryn slowly closes her powerful thighs and crushes the three cables tangled in her thighs in half and let’s the ends of the steel cables just fall to the ground. Matt looks directly into Kathryn’s blue eyes and remark, "You just squeezed three cables into zilch with your exquisite thighs and you accomplished the feat with a smile and a dazzle in your eyes".

Kathryn looks back at Matt while giggling and says, "That was so effortless and so much fun for my thighs, now observe what my big, soft, and pert breasts can do to that "NO PARKING " sign attached to that concrete column. And as the super girl walks past the concrete column, she directs the super hard nipple of her right tit to the center of the "O" in the word "NO" of the sign. Then, with a forward leaning motion of her soft rounded shoulders, shoves her right tit through the metal sign and about 2 feet into the reinforced concrete. When Kathryn removes her super sized tit from the concrete column, the word "NO" has been completed obliterated from the sign. Matt looks at Kathryn as says, "I imagine you don’t have problems parking a car". Kathryn replies with a silly smirk on her face. "If I require a parking location for my Corvette, I resort to some subtle persuasion. Now suppose I want to park my Corvette where this SUV is parked, it’s a simple matter of placing my hips next to the side of this SUV and giving the SUV a gentle nudge". And with that said, Kathryn raises the 5-ton weight that she has in her one hand over her head and places her hip next to the SUV. She then swings her curvy hips into to side of the SUV and rockets the 3-ton vehicle into the air at the speed of sound. The large vehicle then bounces and ricochets around the parking ramp like a steel ball in a pinball machine before in imbeds itself into a wall at one end of the parking garage. Matt looks at Kathryn and asks, "I suspect you have never paid a parking fee or a parking ticket"? Kathryn answers Matt in a joking tone of voice, "I pluck parking meters out of the ground with my tits and grind them to dust in my cleavage, I smash the barriers across the exits ramps of parking garages with my legs and pound them deep into the ground. And once I had to go to jail for not paying my parking tickets, but I showed the judge my displeasure my removing all the steel bars from the entire jail facility. No, I have never paid for parking or parking fines".

Kathryn then looks at Matt and asks, "Are you sure this massive iron counter balance weighs 5-tons, it feels like it’s make of Styrofoam and weighs less than a gram", as she holds the iron mass straight out with only one hand? Matt answers, "It looks and feels like solid iron". "Well let’s test this chunk of iron on this car", Kathryn says to Matt as she places the 5-ton slab of iron on the roof of the car. The roof of the car instantly collapses down as the 5-ton weight crushes the car down to about a meter off the ground. The 6-foot 4-inch tall super girl than places her one foot on top of the iron mass and presses down. The iron mass instantly obeys the powerful legs muscles of Kathryn and crushes the remains of the car down into the concrete floor of the parking garage. The steel of the car has nowhere to dissipate so it oozes up through the small cracks and crevices of the iron mass as a black tarry substance.

Kathryn leads Matt to the back of the large white van and slams the 5-ton iron counter balance about 30 centimeters into the concrete floor of the parking garage so it’s standing vertically. She then takes her one hand and pushes her long thin fingers through the lock of the rear door of the van and then pulls the entire lock mechanism out of the door. Then she swipes the back of her hand against the door and completely tears the door from the van and sends it sailing to the far side of the ramp. Kathryn then looks inside the van and says to Matt, "This is excellent, this van is equipped with large soft fold down seats", and then Kathryn uses her free hand to pull the seats down to the horizontal position. Kathryn doesn’t even bother to release the holding clamp for the seats and easily ruptures the seat back clamps from the frame of the van.

Still holding Matt’s one hand, Kathryn steps into the van and kneels down and rest her firm backside on her feet. She leads Matt to a position directly across from herself and asks him to knell next to her with their legs interlocked. Kathryn then looks the young stud directly in his eyes and say's to him, "You are overly dressed; let me assist you in removing all your clothes. So the tall, young, extraordinary strong Kathryn reaches for his silk necktie and loosen it slightly from around his neck. She then just shreds it apart with her two hands and throws it to the front of the van. Next, she grabs his finely tailored suit coat by the backside of the collar and easily tears it off his shoulders as she rips the suit coat in half. Kathryn then rubs her gigantic tits into Matt’s muscular chest and lets her inch-long nipples catch on the open seams of his white shirt. Her super powerful breasts and nipples shred his shirt to tatter rags with just a few wiggles of her breasts across his chest. Kathryn then pulls the remains of his custom fitted shirt out of his trousers and rips it completely off his young physically fix body. Kathryn then reaches back and slides her fingers under the cuffs of his pant legs and slits his pants open from his ankles all the way to his leather belt.

Matt is breathing very deeply and Kathryn is starting to moisten her red lips with her tongue when she says to Matt, "And now for your belt buckle". And as Kathryn leans forward she focuses her long moist tongue in the direction of Matt’s super hard cock and his belt buckle. Kathryn uses her right hand to grab Matt’s hot and swollen manhood and positions it so her long tongue can reach around to his belt buckle. She then just curls her moist long tongue back into her mouth and crushes his belt buckle into a glob of gold color metal with her soft and moist tongue.

Kathryn finishes the task of disrobing Matt by pulling the remains of his trousers and brief off his body and listens to Matt as his breathing is becoming very intense. Matt looks back at Kathryn and utters a few indiscernible words to which Kathryn replies, "All goods thing in time Matt, I still need to do my experimenting with you and get myself super excited. And don’t worry about paying for your clothing because if you’re an investment consultant and know of offshore banks that have untraceable money in their vaults, I can be of valuable assistance on an investment partnership. Just let me know when one of these off shore banks has a substantial amount of currency in its vault and I’ll personally make a private and anonymous withdrawal from the bank". Kathryn reveals this information to Matt as she rubs her monstrous 132-centimeter long tits into his bare chest. Kathryn then reveals her special strategy for withdrawing currency and remaining anonymous. "First, I’ll disable all the electrical power substations in the area by turning the huge electrical transformers into piles of scrap with my dainty fingers, which should disable all the alarms". She says this as she massages her hands all over Matt’s body. "Then I’ll use my long legs to collapses bridges, cause traffic jams, and gouge out deep crevices in streets to prevent anyone from getting to the bank", Kathryn discloses as she strokes her firm thighs muscles against Matt’ legs. "And lastly, I’ll let my large, soft, firm tits terrorize the massive steel bank vault door until it’s mangled into a glob of scrap metal and scattered all over the bank floor. Then I’ll take all the currency, gold, jewels from the vault and we can share the bounty". "Great idea Kathryn, but for the present can we proceed to your strength experiments", Matt’s utters in a quick tone of voice.

"Ooh! Yes" cries Kathryn, I want to see that cock of your get even harder as I use my superior strength against those insignificant iron bars", Kathryn whispers to Matt as she reaches for the massive counter balance weight and users her thumb and middle finger to squeeze the 3-inch thick bolt heads off the weight. The bolt heads offer the resistance of a cotton balls to Kathryn thumb and fingers as she squeezes all four bolts and forces the steel bolts to squirt out her fingers as hot liquid metal. She then picks up one of the 2 meter long, 10 by 16 centimeter thick iron bars from the stack and holds it straight out between her hands. Kathryn just smiles at Matt as she innocently bends and twists the bar in half in less than a second and then repeats the process a second time. She immediately finishes the destruction of the iron bar by squeezing it in the palms of her hands and reduces it to the size of a golf ball. She then drops the 500 Kilogram crushed iron ball betweens her legs and laughs as it blasts through the floor of the van and cracks the concrete on the parking ramp below.

Matt glares at Kathryn with a surprised look on his face and says. "That’s not the proper way to conduct an experiment, Kathryn, let’s do this slowly and scientifically so I can judge when you’re at the height of your sexual appetite and then we can screw until total exhaustion".

Kathryn looks back at Matt with her deep blue eyes and whispers in a soft voice, "Teach me".

Matt then makes a request to Kathryn, "Kathryn, please hold another iron bar just above your fantastic breasts". So Kathryn gets another iron bar and places her hands at the outer ends of the bar and holds the bar horizontally about 50 centimeters over her breasts. Matt then takes his hands and places them on top of Kathryn small hands and says to Kathryn, "Let me guide your hands and you supply the infinite force necessary to torture the iron bar". Kathryn eyes open extra wide and she says to Matt, "Be my guide". So the young stud gently pushes down on Kathryn’s hands and she response by gently lower the iron bar until it rests on her massive tits. As Matt continues to gently push on Kathryn’s hands, the bar just bends around her gigantic tits and assumes the smooth rounded shape of the mouth-watering melons. Matt rocks his hands back and forth and Kathryn super strong hands follow his every move. The thick iron bar is twisted, bent, and reshaped as Matt guides Kathryn hands around and under her massive tits and wraps the iron bar completed around her breasts. Once the iron bar is oriented back on the top of her breasts, Matt pushes Kathryn hands down into her valley of her cleavage and watches as the iron bar is crushed flat by Kathryn dainty hands. From both the viewpoint of Kathryn and Matt, it appears the Matt has just wrapped a massive iron bar around Kathryn tits.

"Oh Yes! I like this", screams Kathryn as she flips her long brunette hair over her shoulder and tears the iron bar away from her tits with just a simple tug of her hand. "What’s next on the experiment list", Kathryn says as she reaches for another iron bar. Matt then requests Kathryn to fold the iron bar in half and place it tenderly between her firm slender thighs. Kathryn obliges Matt and with a sparkle in her eyes, starts by folding the massive chunk of iron in half and places it between her thighs. Kathryn then quickly grabs Matt’s hands and starts to move his hands towards her thighs when Matt’s says in a soft tone, "You’re forbidden to use your hands on this experiment Kathryn so place your soft hands on your slender waist and only use those ultra power muscles in your thighs as directed by my hands". Kathryn moistens her lips with her wet tongue, places her hands on her waist and says to Matt in a firm but sexy voice, " Lets see you annihilate that puny iron wedges in my thighs by just massaging my firm powerful thighs". Matt takes a deep breath, places his hands on Kathryn’s thighs just above her rounded knees and starts to massage her slender upper legs. He pushes upward towards her waist in long steady strokes and he pushes harder with each successive stroke. The 20 by 32-centimeter iron bar is gently crushed and squeezed with each stroke of Matt’s hands against her commanding thighs. Kathryn power leg muscles can easily reduce the solid iron by a centimeter or two with each stroke from Matt hands. Kathryn’s thighs muscles are so powerful, that she easily crushes the iron on the inside of her thighs while allowing Matt the pleasure of squeezing the warm, soft, but firm outside muscles of her thighs. Matt is massaging and caressing her thighs slowly but always pushing towards her waist. The effect is that the iron is being crushed in her firm thighs but also is being pressed into her moist pussy. Kathryn finally realizes from the taste of pleasure in her pussy what Matt is attempting to accomplish. She leans back slightly from her waist, open her legs even more and uses the muscles in her thighs, as guided by Matt’s hands, to force the thick iron against her moist pussy. Kathryn screams with pleasure as she takes Matt’s hands and pulls then away from her thighs and finished the total destruction of the iron between her thighs with a quick snapping together of her legs. The thick iron is instantly crushed and is just a blob of metal that Kathryn scrapes off the top of her thighs and throws out the back of the van.

Kathryn is starting to become very sexually excited, but she is also interested in the next experiment so she says to Matt, "I hope my firm round ass is next on your schedule Matt" as Kathryn knells up and slaps her hands on her bare backside. "Place another iron bar across your backside Kathryn, and position your hands next to each other at the center of bar directly over those rounded cheeks of your backside". Kathryn doesn’t hesitate a second as she selects another of the iron bars and positions the bar across her firm ass. Matt then leans forward and presses his face into Kathryn’s enormous breasts. And as he reaches behind Kathryn to hold her hands, his face sinks over two feet into the firm overripe bulging breasts of Kathryn. The super built teenager eagerly responds by thrusting her breasts forward and lets Matt’s open mouth taste her over abundant boobs. With his face deeply entrenched in mountains of flesh, Matt places his hands on top of Kathryn’s hands and starts to press her soft hands into her firm ass. Kathryn immediately translates the soft inward press of his hands into the extreme strength of her muscles. The long fingers of her hand instantaneous force down on the 16-centimeter iron bar and crush the iron to half its original thickness. Matt then takes his hands and begins to guide Kathryn’s hands around the firm curves of her ass and Kathryn simply multiplies his feeble strength by several billion times. This extra force bends and crushes the iron bar around her backside with absolute grace and majesty. As the bar bends completely around her backside, Matt directs only his right hand to guide the iron bar between Kathryn’s open legs and up into her moist cunt. He then pulls his hand away from between her legs and directs his other hand that is still on the iron bar towards Kathryn now super hot cunt. Kathryn immediately understands Matt’s sexy intentions and allows Matt’s one hand to push her hands and 32 centimeters of iron into her now overly excited cunt. Matt pushes and rotates his one hand harder and harder onto Kathryn’s hand and watches as solid iron is molded into a glob of paste between Kathryn’s hands and her soft moist cunt.

Kathryn takes Matt hand that is between her long legs and gently moves it aside with her free hand. And within a second, annihilates the remains of the iron bar by pressing her hand and fingers against her soft cunt and turns the iron bar into a hot metal liquid that burns through the metal floor of the van. Kathryn screams with pleasure so loudly that she blasts the front window completely out of the van. She then looks at Matt and says loudly, while tearing the remnants of the iron bar from around her shapely ass, " This experiment is terminated. We will now conduct a live exercise on your manhood". So Kathryn quickly and firmly presses her large breasts into Matt’s chest and gently forces him down to the flat deck of the van. Kathryn then places her long finger and hand on Matt’s waist and lower her hips and super sensitive cunt on his unnaturally hard manhood. She then starts a relentless and rhythmic rocking of her extremely strong body as she sits on top of Matt. This powerful pounding and grinding of Kathryn’s firm young hips sends both Matt and Kathryn into supreme ecstasy. The van rocks up and down with a steady force the causes the shocks and springs to bottom out on each pounding of Kathryn’s hips down onto Matt. Kathryn then picks up several pieces of the iron bars and places them in the deep cleavage of her breasts and screams at Matt to play with her titanic tits and pretend to crush the thick metal between her breasts. Matt, whose heartbeat is already doubled, obliges the sexy desires of Kathryn’s and places his large hands on her gigantic breasts and starts to massage the firm flesh of Kathryn breasts. His fingers submerge 15 centimeters into her massive female flesh, but Kathryn users her extremely strong chest muscles to playfully squeeze her tits together and crush the iron to zilch once Matt’s finger depress about half way into her enormous breasts. Matt works his hands and fingers up and down the 132 centimeters of Kathryn tits and absolute enjoys the unreal sensation of his hands and fingers crushing solid iron. Kathryn also immensely enjoys this new feeling as she lets the young stud manipulate her breasts as she controls her extreme strength and muscles and kneads the solid iron into a useless paste.

Ann can hear the resounding screams, moans, and whines of her sister Kathryn reverberating throughout the parking garage as her sister is absolutely fucking the young stud’s body into complete submission. Ann imagines that the young stud will need about a month of rest and recuperation after her sister is finished with her sexual exploits and fantasies. This gives Ann a playful idea for Kathryn’s break shot. For she believes her sister can use her body to demonstrate her extreme strength with metal items and keep that cock of the young stud hard and erect for about 15 more minutes. So Ann quickly finishes the construction of the 16 pool balls by crushing at least 23 2-ton automobiles into the desired color and shape of the pool balls. She then uses the powerful muscles in her leg to jump upwards and through the 10 floors of the parking garage. Her unbelievable and extremely strong body blast through the 10 floors of steel reinforced concrete and automobiles to produce a hole this is almost a meter wide and 2 meters long. Ann’s 122-centimeter long titanic tits cut through the steel reinforced concrete floors like an artillery shell through the air. Once on the top floor, Ann thinks to herself as she brushes off 9 layers of reinforced concrete and the 9 automobiles that are sandwich between the concrete from her enormous tits. "This should be interesting, for my sister will not be paying any attention to the details of the parking garage when she is finished screwing the life from that young stud".

In the meantime, Kathryn is using every bit of knowledge and experience at her disposal to keep Matt’s cock hard and excited. She knows that her feats of strength are his weakness, so she takes the remaining iron bars and demonstrates her unbelievable strength while still screwing the living daylights from the young man. Kathryn uses her long wet tongue to slice the iron bars into smaller fragments. She uses her super hard and erect 5-centimeter long nipples to gouge the iron bars into long thin ribbons of metal. And she squeezes the iron in the palm of her hands and allows the iron to ooze between her fingers and she closes her hands and screams with sexual delight.

The constants pounding of Kathryn’s superior body onto Matt’s body has left the young stud totally exhausted and barely conscience. And after five complete organisms herself, Kathryn realizes that Matt is now completely exhausted and finished. But Matt looks at Kathryn and says in a low voice, "Please call me in about a month and we can discuss your investment portfolio and strategies and perhaps fuck again. And this time will you demonstrate your unbelievable strength with thick steel bank vault doors". Kathryn looks and Matt and says in a soft and sexy tone of voice. "If you assist me in improving my financial portfolio with off shore investments, I’ll gladly call you in a month. And I’ll screw your fucking brains out of your body while demonstrate my extreme strength by toying with 20-ton bank vaults doors and their steel frames as if they are foam rubber trinkets.

Kathryn quietly stands straight up and stretches her long arms over her head and lets them slice through the roof of the van. She then thrusts out her enormous tits and walks through the steel side of the van as if it wasn’t even present. Kathryn tits act like a super powerful can opener that cut the side of the van and blast it open with utter impunity. Once outside the van, Kathryn turns around to Matt, places her super soft tits in his face and says, "I’ll contact you in a month, then we can discuss our investment strategies, screw until you are absolute useless, and demonstrate the utter uselessness and deficiencies of 2-meter thick steel bank vault door with nothing but my nude body". Kathryn then kisses Matt goodbye, turns towards the parking garage and yells, "Sis, where are you, it’s your break shoot".

To be continued:

Next chapter: "Break Shot".