Ann Chapter 4

By Pat Mallon


WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.


Ann and Kathryn travel to the 5th Street Bar.


After Ann and Kathryn playfully destroyed the old railroad bridge and the utility company’s large truck, the two extreme strong females continue on their walk to the 5th Street Bar.  Kathryn is in one of her sexy and sassy moods where she positively fancies to show off her unbelievable extreme strength and her sexy body. So as she walks along the sidewalk, the super strong Goddess demonstrates her superior strength on every object she encounters.  “NO PARKING” signs are rip out of the concrete sidewalks and crushed to nothing in her hands, “STOP” signs and the steel support posts that support them are shoved deep down into the concrete pavement.  She walks straight through street name signs and allows the cleavage of her chest to push over the steel posts and watches as her titanic tits tear off and mutilate the street name sign beyond recognition. Tall wooden utility poles are ripped out of the ground and broken into a million pieces of kindling by an insignificant pull of Kathryn’s long slender arms.  The high voltage power lines from the destroyed utility poles are tied around her supper hard nipples so she can savor the tingle of several thousand volts of electricity in her fantastically superb body. She wraps her long slender leg around the steel posts of advertising signs and tears them to bits and pieces using her powerful thigh muscles. The attached advertising signs usually fall on top of Kathryn’s body and she just shreds them to scrape metal by walking right through the steel framed signs.  Steel lampposts are wrapped around her tit and tied into knots as easy as tying her shoelaces.  Fire hydrants are squeezed into oblivion by Kathryn’s 52-inch long tits as she leans over and drapes her enormous tits around the 12-inch diameter metal hydrants and empowers her tits to crush the thick metal into extinction. Sometimes Kathryn just smothers her big tits slightly onto the fire hydrants and then tears the hydrants and the thick cast iron water pipes completely out of the ground with nothing more than the cleavage of her mighty melons and leaves a massive crater in the sidewalk.  The young super girl kicks gaping holes in 2-inch thick iron manhole covers with her feet and then sends then sailing into the air like Frisbees.  At an intersection of two busy streets, Kathryn one hand grabs hold of a traffic light post and she sinks her long delicate fingers into the puny metal post.  She then easily twists the steel post 90 degrees around causing all sort of mayhem in the intersection when the traffic signals are reversed for this traffic light.  The result of this action causes a 20-car wreck in the intersection.  Kathryn laughs to herself and start to promenade through the intersection.  She always walks in a straight line and simply pushes any feeble vehicle that is in her lane out of her way with her hands, long legs, or swaying hips.


The beautiful and super strong Kathryn is most of the way through the intersection and free of all the crashed vehicles, when she hears the loud squealing of car tires.  She quickly turns her head around and notices a small two-seater sport car skidding directly at her physique.  Kathryn, with all her beauty and grace, quickly jumps sideways and spreads her long slender legs wide apart, places her hands on her thin waist, and thrust her gigantic tits forward and anticipate the impact of the small sport car.  The sport car crashes directly between Kathryn’s long legs and wedges itself several feet into the spread open long legs of Kathryn before it comes to a crashing stop.  The side fenders of the car are stripped back to the front wheels and the hoods is peel back and crushed against Kathryn’s thighs.  Her spread out long legs are straddling the front wheels of the car and her enormous breasts are directly over the windshield of the small convertible.  “You should watch for people crossing the intersection and drive more carefully, you could seriously hurt someone”, Kathryn says in a soft tone of voice to the driver of the small sports car.  “You stupid fucking bitch, look what you did to my new car”, the driver yells back, not comprehending the situation correctly.  “Are you going to pay to have my new car replaced or will I have your ass sued for all the damages”, he continues to yell at Kathryn as he stands up in the front seat of his convertible?


“Now just for those foul remarks, I’m going to demolish your little toy sports car”, Kathryn yells back at the driver.  The driver is standing up in the front seat looking at Kathryn’s unbelievable 6-foot 4-inch tall body with 52-inch long tits that are being thrust straight out over the windshield of his car.  Kathryn then simply bows over at her thin waist and allows her monstrous melons to blast through the windshield, then into the dash board, then the gearshift, then the console, then the transmission, and finally into the concrete of the street.  All the driver can see are two fantastic tits just pushing everything out of their path and crushing everything they touch deep into the ground.  Kathryn’s isn’t finished with the small sports car, for she then stands straight up again and starts to slowly close her long slender legs and firm taut thighs.  Her long stretched out legs are located just outside the front wheels of the sports car and as Kathryn closes her legs the wheels start to crush inward.  The driver can hear deafening sounds of metal crushing as Kathryn’s long lengthy legs draw together.  The wheels are slowly mangled and pushed into the steel harden disk brakes, then into the suspension, then into the metal frame, and then into the engine.  Kathryn takes her time bring her long exquisite legs together, for she wants the driver to remember this scene.  It takes about a minute for Kathryn to complete the squeeze of her long legs, but once she is done, the entire front section of the car is sliced in half.  The hood is completely crushed up against Kathryn’s thighs, but she just peels it back like it’s a paper candy wrapper. She wants to show the driver the crumbled metal of the engine as it pushes up into her moist cunt and oozes from between her powerful long legs.  The driver eyes cannot believe that a slender pair of long legs could so easily crush that amount of thick steel to zilch without even taking a deep breath.


 Kathryn just steps back from the demolish sports car and continues to the 1000-ton drawbridge that Ann and her are going to use for some serious weightlifting.  In the mean time, Ann is having some merriment of her own.  Instead of walking down the sidewalk like her sister Kathryn, Ann, a 5-foot 4-inch extremely strong and busty blond, is walking down the center of the street.  Ann also likes to exploit her extreme strength and her sexy body, which consists of massive tits that extend 48-inch from her chest and a 34-inch steel smashing, concrete crushing, and bridge busting set of hips.


Both Ann and Kathryn enjoyed crushing cars, vans, and trucks to the size of a pinhead, but this is so easy that it’s no longer a challenge.  The challenge the super girls enjoy the most is reducing any vehicle to absolute nothing without using your hands, but to only use other parts of their bodies such as their breast, legs, thighs, or hips.   Ann knew she could unequivocal crumble any of the parked vehicles with absolute ease but that would be to routine and predictable for both her and Kathryn.  So, as the extreme strong blond walked down the street she contemplates on some antics.  She locates a small subcompact car parked next to a large pickup truck.  The pickup truck is of the 1-ton capacity and has dual wheels at the rear.  “Hum! This situation could be extremely interesting” Ann ponders to herself.   “I wonder what the effect would be like if I reversed the rear wheels on these two vehicles”.


So Ann walks to the rear to the large pickup truck and with just the open palm of her left hand lifts the heavy truck over her head in one continues motion. Her 48-inch long magnificent melons just slice through the tailgate and mangle the diamond-plate bumper of the truck as if they were tissue paper.  Ann then pulls the thick trailer hitch deep into the cleavage of the gigantic tits and crushes the steel hitch out of existence with a slight forward thrust of the mighty chest muscles.  And while holding the monstrous vehicle over her head with her left hand, Ann reaches in with her right hands and clasps the 6-inch thick rear axle with her fingers.  After Ann sinks her fingers through the metal casing of the axle, she gently pulls her right hand back and violently separates the huge rear axle from the frame of the truck.  The inch thick steel U-bolts that secure the axle to the frame and leaf springs just snap like toothpicks and the steel frame is bent like a piece of thin wire.  The Ann then drops the truck back down to the ground and walks over to the subcompact car while carrying the axle.


Ann gently raises the subcompact car and places the rear bumper on her titanic tits and tears the rear axle off the small car with just her one finger.  She then places the large axle with dual 24-inch rims and tires from the truck under the sub compact and places the subcompact down on the large wheels.  Ann starts to laugh but soon realizes something is incorrect.  The wheels from the large truck just stick out to far on each side of the subcompact car.  The truck has a width of almost 10 feet, where as the subcompact is only about 5 feet wide.  “This will be easy to correct”, Ann thinks to herself.  So she removes the truck wheels from under the subcompact and hold the large axle assemble directly in front of her with her hands spread out and clasping the ends of the axle nearest the wheels.  Ann simply users her extreme strength to bring the ends of the axle together and crushes, bends, and twists the 6-inch thick steel axle as if she was adjusting one of her string bikini straps. With the wheel axle assemble crushed to a width of 5-feet, Ann again places the huge wheels under the rear of the subcompact car.  “Now doesn’t that look great”, Ann shouts to her sister Kathryn who is busy mangling a 6-inch thick piece of harden steel with her tits that she has recently detached from the night deposit vault of a bank building she just walked past.  “It’s very cute Sis, but what are you going to do about rear wheels for the truck.  The owner is going to be very upset” Kathryn replies to Ann.


Ann takes the axle assemble of the subcompact car and places it under the truck.  However, when she places the truck back down on the small wheels, the tremendous weight of the truck just crushes and blows the tires apart.  Ann laughs and then jumps in the back of the large pickup truck and ponders what’s in the large locked toolbox bolted to the pickup trucks bed.  Ann takes the large padlock that is securing the lid of the box and quickly rips it from the steel box.  The latch on the steel box is cruelly torn along with the pad lock and a large chunk of steel from the box by a simple pull of Ann’s hands.   She then just closes her soft feminine hands and reduces the padlock, latch and chunk to steel to a paste that squirts out the sides of her closing fists.  Ann then bends over and uses her two hands to secure the ends of the steel box and is ready to tear the box off the pickup truck when an 18-wheeler truck comes speeding down the street.  The truck driver sees Ann’s firmly shaped legs and smooth ass as she leans over from her waists and the truck driver gives a long loud blast on the air horns of his truck.  Ann is startled by the sudden loud noise and she instinctively stands straight up.  The toolbox is ripped out of the pickup with such force that it’s bent completely in half and all the parts and tools inside the toolbox are sent scattering like pieces of shrapnel.  And as Ann turn around to see who tooted the horn, she sees the truck and watch as the truck driver just waves his hands.  “You asshole”, Ann yells as she thrusts her massive 48-inch long breasts out towards the street.  The 18-wheeler truck passes only a foot from the side of the pickup truck where Ann is standing in the pickup bed.  The math is simple; 4-feet of Ann’s indestructible 16-inch diameter tits are jutting out with only 2 feet of space between her and the 18-wheeler.  As the truck speeds by Ann, and makes contact with her massive outstretched tits, the side of the truck’s cab and the entire length of the trailer are sliced wide open by Ann’s breasts like a razor knife opens cardboard boxes.  Two feet on Ann’s massive 16-inch diameter tits cut through the steel frame of the cab and the trailer and peel back the metal with ease.  And one side of the rear doors is completely torn off the trailer. All Ann’s does is brush the crumbled remains from her tits. Which consisted of the side mirror, part of the windshield, the cab door and frame, the air intake stack, the exhaust pipe, 42 feet of the steel siding of the truck and the rear door as she watches the trailer collapses over on its side before it reaches the next intersection.


Ann and Kathryn finally reach the massive drawbridge over the river and Ann says to Kathryn, “Look at the size of those steel trusses supporting the bridge. The steel beams are actually thicker than my 48-inch long breasts”.  And Ann just reaches out with her one hand and touches one of the massive iron beams of the trusses and yanks it into her massive breasts.  The massive 60-inch wide by 3-inch steel beam is instantly crushed around Ann’s massive breasts and the steel beam has a 3-foot deep depression crushed into it in less than a second.  “Ann, be very careful”, shouts Kathryn, “We require this bridge completely intact if you want to use it for weightlifting.  Remember, we can easily destroy anything and everything on this planet with just the muscles in our big gorgeous tits”.


“Ok Sis, I’ll be very careful and follow your advice”, Ann says to Kathryn, “What is the first step”.  Kathryn replies to Ann, “Well, that TV camera on that tower on the far side of the bridge must be removed, we don’t want to be recorded using this bridge for weightlifting, it could disqualify you from all professional competition”.  So Ann looks around and sees the 20-feet steel post with the traffic signal lights for the drawbridge and walks over to the 12-inch thick steel post and with one hand yanks the post and its concrete foundation out of the ground.  She then slings the 20-foot post, and its concrete foundation towards the TV camera on the other side of the bridge. “A direct hit”, screams Ann, as the steel tower hit the TV camera at mach 10 speed and proceeds half way around the world before falling back to earth.  “Now lets walk over to the control house on the other side of the bridge and see what it’s going to take to raise this bridge”, Kathryn says to Ann.


The control house is a building constructed of 12-inch thick granite blocks and is protected by a massive steel door and iron bars across the windows. It’s unmanned, simply because everything is remotely controlled, but it still has the manual controls necessary to raise the bridge.  Kathryn then says to Ann, “Ok Sis, open the steel door to the control house”. “With pleasure”, Ann replies as she pushes the fingers of her right hand through the inch thick steel door as if it were smoke.  Then she pulls her hand back and violently detaches the door from the building.  The massive steel locks and steel bars break, snap, and rupture with ease.  The mammoth cast iron hinges pull several granite blocks with them as Ann simple flings the cold steel door aside.  The steel frame of the door is curved like a pretzel and torn into several jagged pieces. “Ann, did you read the sign on the door to the control building. It distinctly indicated to push the door open, not to pull”, Kathryn says to Ann while snickering. Ann replies back while laughing, “When was the last time you followed instruction Sis? And please enter the control house now that I have unlocked and calmly open the door”.  Kathryn cheerfully replies, “Ok Sis, but I believe I’ll make my own entryway into the building, these cold thick steel bars across this window are screaming to be teased with by my big, soft, and eloquent tits”.


So Kathryn slowly steps forward and presses her massive soft and girlish chest against the inch thick steel bars running across the window and allows her deep cleavage to aim for the center steel bar.  The center steel bar delicately enter into the deep cleavage of Kathryn massive tits and her long nipples gently push against the two steel bars immediately on either side of the center steel bar.  As the super Goddess pushes her tits forward, her nipples catch on two steel bars and easily force and bend the steel bars sideways.  The center bar is starting to buckle straight back and the strain on the bolts securing the steel bars to the granite blocks is starting to show signs of severe stress. Kathryn continues to move forward and her commanding chest muscles show no sign of surrendering.  Her naughty nipples continues to separate the side steel bars apart and the center steel bar is starting to stretch in half as it gets squeezed in Kathryn’s cleavage.  Finally, the steel surrenders and Kathryn powerful chest muscles tears completely through 7 of the inch thick steel bars and the entire frame is ripped from the granite blocks.  Kathryn continues to walk through the building wall and with her right hand just strips the remaining steel bars from around her tits, crushes the steel bars into a small ball as tosses it aside as if it was a ping pong ball.  The super thighs and calf muscles of Kathryn’s long legs are now ready to test the strength of 12-inch thick solid granite blocks.  The test is over immediately when Kathryn takes one long stride forward.  The granite blocks failed the test miserable as Kathryn’s powerful and sexy legs massacre the granite into useless pieces of rubble.


Kathryn immediately recognizes the electronic equipment that is required to operate the drawbridge remotely. It’s stored in a steel cabinet in a corner of the building next to where Ann is standing and Kathryn says to Ann with a big smile on her face. “Ann, please disable the remote control equipment in that steel cabinet next to you. I don’t want someone else controlling the drawbridge.” Ann replies “With pleasure Sis”, as she straddles the 3-foot high cabinet and squats down on the cabinet and crushes the entire cabinet and all the equipment inside the cabinet down into the concrete floor.  The steel cabinet and equipment compress against her firm thighs and moist cunt and are instantaneously transformed into a mangle metal mess that resembles a heap of overripe garbage.


Kathryn then steps up to the control panel and swings the drawbridge control handle to the position marked open and then crushes the handle into the steel face plate of the control panel to insure that no one can undue her setting.  “Ok Ann lets go down the steps to the underside of the drawbridge where the motors and the gigantic mechanical equipment is located.  And by the way, please carefully open the Iron Gate protecting the stairwell and remember, the sign on the gate indicates PULL to OPEN”. So Ann positions herself sideways against the iron gate and swings her sexy hips into the heavy iron gate and pushes the iron gate open with such force that it breaks completely off its frame and careens 2 feet deep into a concrete wall 10 feet away. 


The two super girls are enjoying their little romp thru the street so much that they finally realize that most of the skimpy clothing they are wearing has been torn off their sexy bodies.  Kathryn looks at the remnants of Ann’s white halter-top and her cut off shorts and says, “Let’s just have fun removing the lasts of our clothing, but we are not allow use our hands”.  So Ann immediately looks down the steps and sees a metal railing bolted to the concrete wall and places her young hips next to the start of the metal railing.  She catches the underside of her cut off shorts into the metal railing and just starts to walk down the stairs.  Her shorts and panties are completely removed from her body with just one forward step down the stairs.  Ann then grabs the iron handrail and peels it off the wall like it was a strip of paper and watches all the thick bolts that secure it to the wall just detonate out of the concrete.  She then crumbles the iron railing into a ball of hot metal and places it between her magnificent tits.  Ann starts to thrust her tits forward hoping to turn the iron ball between her breasts into vapor and at the same time rip off her halter-top by just expanding her chest muscles.  As she is standing on the top step and thrusting her tits forward, Ann is deeply engrossed in watching her breast effortlessly crush solid iron into a hot plasma gas when her sister Kathryn pushes her on her back.  Ann loses her balance and starts to trip down the stairs.  Ann stays up straight as she flies down the steps and tries to catch her balance.  But just before she can stop her forward motion, she collides with the 4-foot thick reinforced concrete wall at the bottom of the stairs.  There is no mercy on the concrete wall as Ann’s 48-inch outstretched and taunt tits make first contact with the hard concrete wall.  The super muscle of her monstrous tits instantly penetrates the reinforced concrete to a depth of 4-feet and the entire concrete wall explodes outward.  When Ann steps back from the wall, she starts to laugh as she observers a 4-foot wide by 6-foot high hole in the concrete and a pile of debris at her feet.  The 4-foot thick wall is completely gone and Ann and Kathryn can see the river through the hole. And then she turns around and says to her sister, “Look sis, my halter top is completed off my tits and I didn’t use my hands”.  Kathryn continues to walk down the steps towards the huge hole and looks inside the hole and sees all the jagged inch thick steel reinforcing bars jutting out from the blasted concrete and steps inside the hole.  She then rubs her 52-inch long monumental melons up and down against the broken concrete and the sharp steel reinforcing bars.  Two technicalities happen immediately.  The concrete and steel reinforcing bars are instantly crushed back another 4 to 5 feet into the wall and Kathryn’s bikini top is completely removed from her tall young body.  She then turns around and gives the same sexy body treatment to the other side of the blasted out hole but this time with her hips and firm backside, which removes the remainder of her cloths from her firm ass and hips.


The two super strong and nude young teenagers walk down the narrow corridor that leads to the underside of the drawbridge and Ann stretches her hand out sideways and forces her delicate fingers and hands about a foot into the harden concrete walls on either side.  She then just gauges a foot deep gash in the concrete walls as she continues walking at an easy and steady pace.  Kathryn also starts to show off, by just raises her long arms over her head and allowing her hands to sink into the reinforced concrete roof of the corridor, and scourers out two deep trenches in the roof as she walks merrily along.  The crumbled concrete and smashed iron rods just fall onto the floor of the corridor where Ann and Kathryn just trample the concrete rubble to dust with their feet and legs.


As the two super enhanced sisters exit the corridor and enter the under side of the drawbridge.  Ann takes one more step, stops and places her hands on her hips and screams, “Look at the size and amount of heavy metal, steel beams, gears drives, and motors under this bridge, Oh sis, this is going to be intensely enjoyable ”.  The drawbridge is massive; it is six traffic lanes wide with two pedestrian sidewalks and over 50 meters long.  The center steel pivot shaft is the entire length of the bridge’s width and is composed of solid iron 3-feet in diameter.  There are two complete sets of drive motors and gear reduction assembles at each end of the main pivot beam. The entire bridge weighs over 1000 tons.


Ann starts to walk over to the far end of the drawbridge to examine the gigantic gears that raise the bridge.  The gears are all a foot thick hardened steel and range in diameter from 2 feet to12 feet.  And as always, she walks in a straight line towards her destination.  She walks lengthways down a steel safety railing, letting her omnipotent legs and thighs push the 3-inch steel railings up into her slender waist. The support posts for the railing are just bend against her cunt and are evicted out of the concrete floor when they get trapped in her powerful leg muscles. And just as Ann arrives at the massive 12-foot diameter iron drive gear, the drawbridge starts to open.  A giant gear with 3 inch deep harden steel teeth starts to turn very slowly for this gear is a the end of a gear reduction system powered by 1000 horsepower electrical motors.  “You don’t need to be concerned about any of the mechanical gears or motors Sis, once you start to weight lift the drawbridge, all this heavy metal will be useless litter.  So lets fool around with all these thick gears and motors using our soft, smooth, delicate, and sexy bodies”, Kathryn says to Ann. Ann looks back at Kathryn and says in a sexy tone of voice, “maybe this 12-foot metal contraption of a gear can tickle my twat”.


Ann lies down in the concrete floor with her beautiful face looking up and spreads her legs wide open, and wiggles her firm ass as close as possible to the rotating gear without touching the metal monster.  The 12-inch thick metal gear, with sharp 3-inch deep teeth, is already rubbing against her powerful thighs.  It’s not much of a contest, for Ann’s thighs simply crush the 12-inches of iron down to around 6-inch thick with a rhythmic moving of her leg as the large gear turns downward towards her awaiting body.  The teeth on the gear just deform and actually become deeper in depth and sharper as they start to break open.  After a section of the large gear is crushed between Ann’s firm thighs, the teeth of the 12-foot diameter gear rub against her moist cunt. Ann can count the iron teeth as they slowly collide into her moist pussy, each tooth on the gear gives Ann genuine ecstasy as it breaks off, bends backwards, or is crush into the metal surface of the 12-foot diameter gear. Ann can control everything by the amount of heavy metal crushing her thighs perform or by the rhythmic cycling of her hips up and down.  After the massive gear has been 80% stripped of all its teeth, Ann starts to “COO” with pleasure. “Ooh, this feels so good on my soft body, lets push a little harder and”, but it’s all over and finished instantly, for Ann slides her hips forward and completed destroys the 12-feet diameter gear and shatters it into several hundred pieces.  Ann is very disappointed, for she was just starting to enjoy some pleasure when the massive gear just shattered.  She stands up and precedes to the center shaft and mounting assemblies of the massive gear and with one-hand rips out the three-foot long by 12-inch thick shaft the supported the gear.  The mounting brackets, bearing caps, footings and support frames are violent shredded to scrap.  Ann takes the solid center shaft and in a fit of passion tears it into two pieces and smears them over both her tits until the metal is liquefied and drips onto the floor.


Ann then starts to walk through the complex of massive gears and thick shafts towards the center of the drawbridge; however, she is determined to take her sweet young revenge on the remaining useless steel and iron mechanical structure.  She starts by places her small dainty foot on top of a 6-inch thick bolt in the foundation and presses down on the steel until it oozes from between her toes.  And as she moves forward her knees punch through 4-inch thick steel plates that hold the bearing shafts in place and her powerful calves slice long gashes in the puny metal.  She then takes her hands and wraps the thick mounting plate around the inside of the thighs and allow her legs to slice and dice the steel plate into something the resembled shredded lettuce.  Her still moist cunt easily sheared the top off of any gear or shaft that is still attached to the mounting brackets.  The 3-inch bolts that secured the 1-ton mounting plates are ripped from their concrete foundations like buttons on a cheap shirt.  Ann’s monstrous melons are also extremely busy as she bounces her tits up and down several feet as she ambles forward.  Everything her bouncing 48-inch long tits encounter is instantly bent, savagely crushed, or bulldozed out of her path.  She uses her small hands and fingers to force huge sections of the 12-inch thick gears and shafts into the path of her bouncing tits where the metal is instantly transformed into a substance that takes the shape of her tits and resembles soft putty as it flows over her hands.  Nothing in Ann’s path is spared the complete and total annihilation by her super sexy body.  And as Ann’s exits the massive mechanical maze, she looks back and sees a clear path, 3-feet wide and 24 feet long, through the mangled steel. And can identify exactly where her feet easily crushed solid steel, her legs sliced through massive 2-ton steel plates, her powerful thighs converted 4-inch thick steel into ribbons of metal, her swaying hips easily bent 12-inch steel shafts, and her magnificent bouncing tits transformed 12-inch thick metal into a soft goo.


Ann looks forwards and stares directly at the 1000 horsepower electric motor and says, “Your turn” as she grabs the high speed rotating drive shaft with her hands and uses her fingernails to strip most of the harden 3-inch deep teeth off the 2 foot diameter gear. She then grabs the thick metal gear and shaft and presses her hands against the spinning metal.  In a faction of a second, the shaft and gear come to a completed stop, however, all the torque and horsepower of the motor still has to be dissipated.  The 6-foot high, 5-ton electric motor, shears itself from the concrete and steel foundation and starts to spin around the shaft that Ann is holding in her hands.  The 2-inch thick electric cables are torn from the motor but the motor continues to spin at a high rate of speed due to inertia. Ann takes the shaft and swings it high over her head and slams the large electric motor into the concrete ground in frustration.  The motor explodes and blasts a large hole in the concrete foundation.  Ann continues her tantrum and slams the motor several more times against the floor until the only part remaining is the12 foot long by 6-inch thick shaft that she is holding in her hands.  The Goddess simply bends the solid steel shaft across her tits and then twists the shaft around her tits as if it were a tie wrap for a load of bread. She them throws the 1-ton shaft against the reinforced concrete wall where it embeds itself several hundred meters underground from where it first struck the concrete wall.


“Oh shit”, yells Kathryn, as she realizes that the other electric motor is still attempting to raise the one side of the drawbridge and the drawbridge is starting to shift and distort.  The tall super Goddess scampers over to a location where a 12-foot diameter secondary gear and a 2-foot diameter primary gear are meshing and turning together.  She places her 52-inch long tremendous tits into the junction of the two gears, which are turning downward, and instantly jams the entire gear system.  She can hear the electrical motor straining to turn the gears, but her chest muscles have jammed the gears and they cannot rotate.  The vice like action of the two heavy and thick gears has no effect on Kathryn massive tits. The sharp 3-inch long teeth cannot place the slightest dimple in the soft and overripe flesh of her young pert tits.  After a few seconds and some giggling by Kathryn, she reaches out with her long slender arms and wraps her one arm completely around the smaller primary gear and her other arm around the end of the secondary gear and then squeezes her arms inward.  A 4-foot section of the secondary gear just shatters into metal fragments as Kathryn arm forces the foot thick metal into the side of her breast.  The 2-foot thick primary gear and the 12-inch thick drive shaft starts to crush into the super teenager’s breasts as she slowly brings her other arm into the side of her breast.  Her dainty arm quickly slices through the harden steel of the gear and shaft of the primary gear.  The steel easily conforms to the shape of her breast as it’s pushed into and over her breasts by her one arm.  The steel crushes as if it’s a gigantic soft marshmallow being pushed across her breasts.  Kathryn’s arm finally slices through the 2-foot thick steel and severs the crushed shaft and gear in half. 


Kathryn pushes away any remaining metal scraps from her breasts and walks directly to the middle of the 20-foot square by 15-feet high gear complex. Her long legs, swaying hips, and outstanding breasts shove every piece of metal they contact out of her path.  Once in the center of the massive mechanical maze, Kathryn stands on the toes of her right foot and simply spins her tall body around as if she is an ice skater.  Her massive 52-inch long authoritarian tits carve a 10 feet diameter zone of destruction as she spins.  Nothing in the gear complex is spared the force of her body.  Her titanic tits and long nipples shred steel and iron with unmitigated efficiency. To add to the gigantic mixer like action, Kathryn also extends her hands as she spins faster and faster.  Steel is grind down from huge sections and chunks, into smaller pieces of scrap, into ribbon like strands, and finally to a metal power.  As the lower section of the gear complex is completely pulverize, the upper portions of the gear complex fall onto Kathryn’s body and add fresh ingredients into the whirlwind.  Kathryn spinning body, with her long arms extended and a massive set of tits resembled a electric mixer making a bowl of mashed potatoes.  To complete the destruction of the scrawny steel Kathryn bows at her waist and lets her massive tits hangs down and excavate about a 2-feet into the reinforced concrete floor.  Kathryn finally stops spinning and looks at her handy work and laughs at what looks like a gigantic bowl of creamy mashed potatoes except that a few seconds ago, the mass was a collection of massive steel, iron and concrete.


“Sis”, Kathryn yell over to Ann, as she starts to stroll over to the large electric motor, “Would you assist me with this motor before you rip this 1000 ton drawbridge out of its foundation and use it for weightlifting exercise”.  “Sure Sis, what to you need to do to the motor”, Ann replies. “Please hold he motor down while I use my body to have some fun, it’s not everyday I have the pleasure of playing with a motor this large”. Kathryn says in a sassy voice as she wiggles her tall slender body.  Ann runs over to the 5-ton motor and clasps the 3-inch thick steel frame that supports the motor casing and pushes her fingers through the steel as if she was pushing through a thin cardboard handle on a box.  “Ok Sis, I have a grip on the motor, and believe me it’s not going anywhere”.


Kathryn looks at the spinning motor and the 2-foot thick by 12-inch wide primary gear on the motor shaft and says to Ann, “I’m going to whittle this stupid gear and shaft down to a more productive size for my body”.  She then reaches out with her long arms and grabs the ends of her massive tits with her hands and allows her long delicate finger to sink several inch into her firm flesh, which pushes her tits tightly together.  With her inch long nipples now only about 6-inches apart, Kathryn directs her nipples towards the rapidly rotating shaft and gear of the motor.  As her soft and sensual nipples make contact with the spinning gear they instantly start to shear metal into long thin strips.  And by moving her breasts back and forth, she easily removes metal from the rotating gear.  As Kathryn moves her nipples deeper into the 12-inch thick gear, her nipples rip and tear off the metal teeth of the gear better than any lathe made by man.  Sparks, large chunks of steel, long streams of metallic ribbons all come flying off the spinning gears as Kathryn moves her titanic tits across the face of the revolving gear. It only takes a minute for Kathryn to completed scrape all the metal from the metal gear and to reduce the 6-inch shaft down to a manageable diameter of 3-inches.  The super sexy Kathryn then brings the ends of her enormous tits up to her face and gently suckles on her sensitive nipples and removes the accumulation of red hot steel splinter from around her nipples with her moist lips.


Kathryn looks at the spinning 3-inch diameter shaft of the motor and decides to experiment with the 1000 horsepower electrical motor.  “Lets investigate the power of this motor against a soft, sensitive, and pleasurable part of my feminine body”, Kathryn says to Ann as she looks around for a suitable platform to lay down so she can tease the motor.  She looks around the area but most of the steel and iron that could be used for a suitable platform has been completely destroyed, so Kathryn goes over to a concrete wall and carves out a 3-foot square by 6-feet long section of reinforced concrete with just her one hand. Her elegant hand and arm transforms solid concrete into a fine power and reduce inch thick steel bars to flimsy filings with just a simple passing of her hand through the wall.  She then takes the carved block of reinforced concrete and places it at the end of the rotating shaft of the motor and jumps up on the concrete slab with her long slender legs facing her rotating shaft of the motor.


Kathryn slowly opens her legs and torments the flat end of the spinning shaft with the hairs on her pussy.  She softly and carefully allows the spinning shaft to make contact with the hairs on her pussy, which cause the end of the shaft to be rasp down from a flat blunt end to a smooth bullet shape projectile.  It’s amazing to witness the sparks and metal filing as the hairs on Kathryn’s pussy easily sculpt the harden steel into a bullet shape with absolute precision.  The super sexy female then allows the high-speed rotating shaft to enter her pussy as she advances her hips towards the motor.  In a short period of time, Kathryn has digested almost 18-inchs of harden steel into the most feminine part of her female anatomy.  Two objects start to immediately scream; one with absolute pleasure as the spinning shaft sends ripples of delight through Kathryn’s body, and one with severe pain as the motor struggles to maintain its speed and power as the potent muscles of Kathryn’s vagina clamp down on the spinning shift. This is a winless situation for the 1000 horsepower motor as Kathryn screams for more pleasure, the motor is demanded to give what it doesn’t have in energy.  Soon the powerful motor stalls and doesn’t have the necessary energy to rotate.  Smoke and wild vibrations are coming from the stalled motor and Kathryn is yelling loudly, “More, please more pleasure”, as she rocks her hips back and forth on the shaft.  Finally, she cries out to Ann. “Ann, please rip off the outer shell of the motor and give the internal parts a quick spin”.


“Ok Sis, let me rev this motor up for you”, yells Ann as she is holding the powerful motor in place with her hands.  So Ann takes the fingers of her right hands and easily sinks her hand into the 2-inch thick steel casing of the motor and pulls and crushes the thick iron exterior as if it were a Styrofoam cup.  Ann repeats the process several times until there is a gaping hole in the side of the motor that measures several feet square.   The super strong Ann then grabs hold of the stalled rotor with her right hand and gives the rotor a quick spin downwards.  Ann obviously does not realize her strength as she sends the entire rotor of the motor instantly spinning at over several million RPM.  The motor explodes with such a force that there is nothing left of the motor but the sheared off bolts of the foundation and the portion of the shaft in Kathryn’s body.


“Wonderful Sis, now I’m not going to receive any more pleasure from this motor”, Kathryn says with a disappointment in her voice.  So Kathryn simply closes her legs and crushes out of existence the remains of a 3-inch diameter metal shaft that was lodged in her pussy.  “Lets get down to some serious weight lifting Sis”, Kathryn says to Ann as the two super sister walk to the 3-foot thick main shaft of the drawbridge.


Ann positions herself directly in the center of the main shaft of the drawbridge and stretches her arm out and places them under the 3-foot thick solid steel main shaft.  She then starts to raise her arms and watches as the palms of her hands bore several inches into the shaft.  A smile of anticipation come on Ann’s stunning face as she has all the expectations that this drawbridge will remain in one solid piece and she will be able to exercise and develop the firm muscle tone required for body building competition.  As Ann continues to press upward on the massive main shaft, she sees the shaft is starting to bend.  It’s held in place by massive steel bearings and housings that are connected to steel beams that are anchored deep into concrete footings.  “Easy Sis, lift the bridge slowly”, yells Kathryn over the loud cracking of steel bending and twisting.  Ann does exactly as her sister recommends and continues to lift the massive shaft slowly.  The shaft is bending more and more as the bearing housing refuse to crack.  Finally, the main shaft is freed from its imprisonment, but the massive bearing housings are still connected to the main shaft.  Not only has Ann lifted the 1000-ton drawbridge, but she has also lifted 4 500-ton concrete and steel footings out of the foundation of the bridge.  Ann continues to raise the main shaft over her head and watches as the drawbridge is lifted several feet above the level of the street.  Then Ann notices massive steel and iron blocks pushing up through the street.  She looks at her sister Kathryn with a puzzled look and asks about the massive iron blocks.  Kathryn then tells Ann they are the counterbalance weights for the drawbridge. 


Ann is delighted, for she is holding a 1000-ton drawbridge, plus about 2000 tons of foundation, plus 1000 tons of counterbalances weights over her head with her two hands. “Ok Sis count the reps”, Ann asks Kathryn as she starts to exercise with a total of 4000 tons of iron, steel and concrete.  Ann does a series of several hundred reps, lifting the massive structure from her shoulders to high over her head.  She then looks at Kathryn and says with a tear in her eye, “there isn’t any challenge to lifting this drawbridge, let me try using just one hand.  So Ann balances the 3-foot diameter main shaft on her one hand and again does 300 hundred lifts in less than 5 minutes.  Ann then drops the massive structure on her outstanding tits and scrams, “I’ll never find anything sufficiently heavy to allow me to exercise properly. Why even my tits can lift this structure without any effort”, as Ann easily lifts 4000 tons with her titanic tits by simply taking deep breaths.


Ann then places her massive chest and hands under the 3-foot diameter main shaft for the bridge and jumps up onto the street.  She carries the entire bridge up to the street level and parades around just to flaunt to all the waiting drivers in their automobiles.  Then, in a illustrate of her extreme strength, she lowers the main shaft to the underside of her well-built tits, places her hands under the mammoth main shaft and pulls up with her slender arms.  All the spectators in their cars and the pedestrians on the sidewalk cannot believe that a shapely, nude, blond teenager has just lifted the entire drawbridge from its foundation and is now bending the bridge around her magnificent melons.  Ann simply smiles and continues to slowly bend the 3-foot diameter shaft around her 4-foot long breasts.   The main shaft starts to crack and fracture as the underside of the steel shaft is torn apart, for the radius around Ann’s tits is too tight to allow the steel to bend without ripping apart. The sides of the drawbridge, along with the massive 5-foot thick trusses crumble together around the ends of the thick steel shaft, and the concrete foundations break off and crashes into the river. The counterbalance weights get enveloped into the enclosed structure bridge and are entwined with the main bridge structure.  It only takes a few seconds for the entire bridge to be folded in half and it soon becomes apparent that Ann’s strength is much superior to the iron and steel as the bridge collapses into a pile of twisted metal and falls into the river as she completely wraps the 3-foot thick main shaft completely around her tits.


And just when all the spectators thought the show was completed, one of the 50-meter long, 5-foot thick steel trusses starts to raise itself from the river.  The 50 foot steel truss is standing straight up and appears to be walking from the river to the pavement of the street.  Then the reason became obvious, for Kathryn had grabbed the massive steel beam, placed it straight up in the air, crushed it between her 52-inch long breasts, and walked up to the level of the street.  Now there is a second Goddess, this one is tall, slender, nude, and brunette, and is holding a 100-ton steel truss up in the air with nothing but her fabulous chest muscles.   “Sis” Kathryn yell, “let’s give the people an exhibition of our strength by crushing this massive steel truss between our bodies. But first let me just squeeze the steel between by tits and let it fall to the ground”.  So Kathryn faces all the people gathered around, places her hands behind her head and thrusts out her bodacious breasts.  The last remnant of the 5-foot thick steel truss is easily flattened in her vast cleavage and the 100-ton steel truss falls to the street with a deafening thud.  Ann quickly darts to one end and positions herself at the end of the 10-foot high steel truss.  With Kathryn now standing at the opposite side of the massive steel truss, both Goddess of strength start to walk towards each other. The 50-meter long by 3-meter high steel truss just collapses with utter simplicity.  The steel crumbles, bends, and is compressed as if a trash compacter is crushing a thin paper box. In a few seconds the entire truss is squeezed between the bodies of Ann and Kathryn.  The two super teenagers then give each other a big hug and solid steel is forced to ooze out from between all parts of their bodies.  Solid steel slither from between their calves muscles, seeps from their firm thighs, oozes from between their slender waist, and any piece of steel that get presses into their cleavage is turned into a Jell-O like substance as over 8-feet of soft fleshly tit is pressed tightly together between their two bodies with this simple hub.


When Ann and Kathryn finally separate, all that remains of the 50-meter truss is a blob of steel that resembles a pile of compacted putty.  The two super teenagers then look around and can immediately recognize two distinct facial expressions on the crowd of people.  Every male has the look on their face that indicates they creamed his pants, and every female has a expression on their face that they desire the shapely body and extreme strength of the two young powerful young girls. 


Kathryn looks at Ann and says, “There is a exceptional clothing boutique over there in the River View Mall, lets go directly over there and pick out a new skimpy and sexy outfit before we go to the 5th Street Bar and clarify their pool hall etiquette.  And there is also an ATM cash machine in the Mall that I can quickly withdraw some cash, even though I’m not a member.  “Let’s no go directly to the clothing store Kathryn”, Ann says in reply, “lets go through that parking garage first and practice our pool shooting using utility poles for “Q” sticks and cars as pool balls.  We can slash open the elevator shafts and use them as pockets for playing pool”.  “Should we compress all the cars into small balls first”, Kathryn asks while laughing.  “Actually, my idea is to have you stand in the middle of the parking garage with you long legs spread wide open and I’ll use a 50 foot wooden utility pole as a “Q” stick and call the following shot.  Large white car, through your long legs, off the concrete pillar, into the elevator shaft and splattered onto the back concrete wall”, Ann says in a serious tone of voice. “Ooh, I like the part about through my long legs,” Kathryn says, “and my shot would be, large truck directly into yours massive tits, splitting them into two pieces, through two vans, and everything off the back wall and into the elevator shaft of the building across the street.  “Lets go have some fun Ann”, Kathryn yells, “and first one through the concrete wall of the parking garage with a utility pole in hand gets break shot.


To be continue: