Ann Chapter 3

By Pat Mallon

WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.

Ann and Kathryn walk to the 5th Street Bar

Ann and Kathryn finally leave the Irish Pub and pondered whether to drive one of their Corvettes or walk the 6 city blocks over to the 5th Street Bar. "Lets ride in my Corvette and just show off", Ann says with a mischievous smile as she looks for her keys. "Lets walk and still show off", Kathryn replies, "and besides, there may not be a parking location for your Corvette, the buildings on 5th street are very close together and the parking lots are always full at this time of the day". "I don’t believe a parking location will be a problem, especially since I observed how you solved our parking problem last week at the Post Office. That’s when we went there to pick up a small package and there was nowhere to park", Ann tells Kathryn with a smirk in her voice. "Oh yes, that was hilarious, but you did get a parking spot directly in front of the Post Office after I cleared a small area for you to park your Corvette", Kathryn answers as she continues to tell her story. I simply used my delicate hands and long arms to slice out a 16 foot long by 5-foot high section of 3-foot thick reinforced concrete from the retaining wall at the back of the parking lot. Then I carried the 20-ton block of concrete with one hand all the way to the front of the parking lot and used the concrete block as a simple plow.

"But you leisurely plowed the entire front row of 25 cars sideways into the concrete and granite block retaining wall on the far side of the parking lot. And you added some extra spice by pushing the 20-ton concrete block all the way into the retaining wall and crushing all the cars down to a thickness of about 1-inch," Ann says to Kathryn. "However, I really enjoyed you final touch, when you pounded your powerful but sexy hips into the concrete block about where all the engines blocks were located and crushed the steel and iron of those engines with such a power force that hot molten steel just gushed out from behind the concrete block and splattered everywhere. It looked like someone just smashed a tomato with a sledgehammer", Ann says jokingly and then adds, "you do have a flair for making an impressive statement with your tall strong body".

Kathryn looks at Ann and replies in a soft tone of voice, "I noticed you drove your Corvette directly in front of the Post Office, parked it sideways and retrieved your small package".

Both Ann and Kathryn laughed and started to walk through the parking lot at the Irish Pub on their way to the 5th Street bar, when Kathryn sees a twin parking meter directly in front of her. "I hate parking meters with a absolute passion and this one has two separate meters on top of the steel post and are just pleading for my gigantic tits to collide with them and have teasing amusement", Kathryn says in a sassy voice. So she thrusts out her super large tits and walks directly into the two parking meters and allows her super hard nipples to penetrate into the metal casing. Kathryn doesn’t disrupt her stride and her monster tits just force the parking meters to bend forward. However, the metal casing of the parking meters can’t take the force of Kathryn powerful breasts and her inch long nipples sliced open the parking meters like a 12-gauge shotgun blast opening an overripe melon. Coins and internal parts from the parking meters scatter everywhere, and there is nothing recognizable remaining on top of the steel post. And as Kathryn takes another step forward, the steel post get tangled in her awesome thighs and rubs up against her moist cunt. The puny steel post is instantly crushed against Kathryn’s thighs and cunt and is viciously torn out of its concrete foundation and demolished to a mangled mess of scrap as Kathryn continues to walk through the parking lot.

After the two super Goddesses leave the parking lot, they start in the direction of the 5th Street Bar and continue their discussion about exercising with objects that weigh 1000’s of tons. Ann likes Kathryn’s idea of exercising with large bridges but she tells Kathryn, "Sis, bridges are extremely heavy and could help me develop firm muscle tone, but whenever I lift a heavy bridge they just crumble into million of small pieces". And just at this time, the two extremely strong sisters arrive at a steel and concrete bridge that is 4 lanes wide, and spans 100 meters of a storm drainage system and must weighs several 100 tons.

Ann walks over to the 24-inch concrete retaining barrier / railing on the side of the bridge and says to her sister Kathryn, "Sis, observe how cheaply constructed this bridge is assembled". As she reaches under the massive concrete retaining wall with one hand and lifts the 24-inch high by 12-inch thick concrete retaining wall straight up. A 20-ton section of reinforced concrete that was once the retaining wall and the sidewalk is torn from the side of the bridge and Ann holds it high over her head with only one hand. Ann then pulls the inch thick steel rebar from the concrete like they are dead needles on a pine tree and the 20-tons section of concrete disincarnates into large chunks of gravel and rock.

"Sis", Kathryn says to Ann in a puzzled voice, "of course the bridge crumbles when you play with the reinforced concrete in that brutal manner. You need to remove a section of the 12-inch thick concrete roadbed to reveal the thick steel "I" beams underneath the roadway." So Ann looks down at the roadbed of the bridge and grabs her 48-inch long tits and pulls her massive tits back into her slender body. She then bends over at her slender waist and releases her tits and allows them to plunge down onto the concrete roadbed. The result is instantaneous; her super powerful tits blast a gigantic hole in the 12-inch thick roadbed with more authority than two 500-pound laser guided bombs dropped from an attack aircraft. Ann then looks down and sees the massive steel beams supporting the bridge and screams out laud, "look at the fucking size of those steel beams". The steel "I" beams are 8 feet high and are forged with 2-inch thick steel and span the entire 100 meters of the bridge.

Ann reaches down with her two hands and grabs one of the steel "I" beams and presses her long delicate fingers through the heart of the steel and starts to lift the beam. From Kathryn point of view, who is stand at the opposite end of the bridge", Ann simply raises the monstrous steel beam from below the roadway like it’s a plastic toy bat. And a huge section of 12-inch thick concrete from the roadbed is also lifted along with the steel beam. The concrete roadbed cannot withstand the super strength of Ann and quickly start to fall from the beam. Ann stands at one end of the bridge, and gently swing the 50-ton steel "I" beam with one hand as if it were a cheerleader’s baton. She then notices her sister standing about 90 meters away and facing sideways looking towards the drainage system. It’s an easy sight to recognize, for her sister stands 6-foot 4-inches and has magnificent breasts that extended out 52 inches from her fantastic18 year old body.

Ann swings the heavy steel "I" beam high over her head and slams the 100 meter long steel beam down onto her sister’s outstretched super breasts. The mighty steel beam is participating in a no win situation. The steel beam slams onto Kathryn gigantic breasts with a force of several millions tons of energy and something has to relinquish its power and strength. And it isn’t Kathryn’s 52-inch long super powerful tits. The steel beam smashes into Kathryn outstreatched breasts and immediately folds across and around her enormous tits without causing the slightest giggle to her young soft flesh. The steel beam itself is crushed several feet into Kathryn’s majestic boobs and to finish the task, Kathryn reached up with her one finger and slices the remaining portion of the steel "I" down towards her fantastic chest and severs the massive steel beam in half.

"Having some childish fun Sis", Kathryn says to Ann as she looks at the destroyed roadway and bridge, " now let’s continue over to 5th Street and attend to some serious business. "And perhaps we can go via the old railroad bridge just before the river", Ann replies to Kathryn. "That’s an excellent idea", Kathryn says to Ann, "that bridge is made of solid steel and there is no fragile concrete to crack and crumble as you lift the bridge for some strenuous exercise.

So Ann and Kathryn continue their walk and turn a corner and notice the old railroad bridge elevated above the street. The bridge was constructed in the early years of the 1920’s and was constructed to last forever. Steel, 10 times more dense than necessary was used to construct the bridge and the two sets of train tracks it supported. The 36-inch square columns, that supported the bridge were constructed to 2-inch thick interleaving iron and were placed every 8 feet across the width of the 32-foot wide bridge.

"This must be our lucky day", Ann says to Kathryn, "there are also two locomotives on top of the bridge to add a little extra weight for my exercise". Then Ann quickly scampers to one of the old iron and steel columns and wraps her one arm around the massive steel structure and simple lifts the entire steel column over her head. She plucks the heavy steel column and its massive concrete foundation completely out of the ground. The 15-foot thick steel end support beam on the one side of the bridge brutally bends and warps. The two locomotives on top of the bridge are thrown from their tracks and the bridge is about to collapse as Ann holds the heavy steel column over her head with just one hand and starts to do repetitive lifts.

"Ann, place the column back down before you annihilate the entire bridge, steel and iron can’t survive that amount of abuse", Kathryn says to her sister, "you need to be gentle and kind to this 400 ton bridge and the two 100-ton trains it’s supporting. Let me assist you by showing you my technique for gently lifting this type of bridge", Kathryn explains to her sister. "Now stand next to the middle column of the bridge and I will coordinate the removal of each individual steel column", Kathryn requests of Ann.

So Kathryn takes Ann to the center steel support column of the five columns and tells her to lift the center support gently out of the ground with her one hand and to a height of a few feet above the ground and detach the concrete foundation. And with only her one hand, Ann slowly and tenderly elevates the steel column out of the ground and swipes her hand across the concrete foundation to separated it from the steel column. The simple swipe of Ann’s hand shatters the concrete foundation into a million pieces of rock and gravel. Kathryn then starts to remove the columns next to Ann from the ground, ripping them from their foundation and easily bending the bulky steel columns towards Ann as if they were strands of cotton thread and hands them to her sister with instruction to crush the columns together at the bottom. After all five columns are removed from the ground and handed to Ann; she quickly crushes all the steel columns together into a single focal point. Ann then simply raises all five columns at once with her one hand high over her head. The entire bridge and the two locomotives are easily lifted by Ann’s extreme strength. Ann continues to exercise, first with her right hand and then with her left hand. Each hand lifts the bridge several hundred times. Ann then takes the steel columns and places then on her 48-inch long tits and exercises her bountiful chest muscles several hundred more times. "This is to easy Sis, it like lifting a birthday balloon filled with helium", Ann explains to Kathryn. "Please hold the bridge up for me sis so I can lay down and exercise with my sexy hips to see its effect". Kathryn obliges her 19 years old sister and holds the 600 tons of iron and steel with one finger until Ann is laying face up on the ground with her hips directly under the massive steel column.

Once positioned under the steel and iron mass of the bridge, Ann asks Kathryn to hand her the steel columns, but Kathryn gets her sweet revenge from the incident at the other bridge and slams the 600 tons of steel and iron into Ann’s cunt. "OOOH, that fells terrific", Ann exclaims with a big smile on her face as she starts to push her hips up and down in a rapid oscillating motion. Ann starts to get excited and thrusts her young sexy hips higher and higher above the ground. The 600 tons of steel and iron are pressing hard against her moist cunt. And with each thrust of her ultra powerful hips, she sends the bridge into a violent jerking motion and gives herself a small taste of ecstasy at the same time. The thrusts of Ann’s hips are so powerful and the bridge steel so strong, that it sends the two locomotives bouncing several hundred feet into the air. Ann gets into a perfect rhythm with her upward thrusts and launches the 100 ton locomotives several hundred times high into the air and waits for them to slam back onto the bridge and push down hard on the steel columns and her hot cunt. Ann is enjoying herself immensely and starts to push harder and harder with each thrust of her sexy hips. But the poor humble steel bridge can only take this brutal punishment for a short time and when the two locomotives come hurtling down this last time, they completely collapse the bridge and 600 tons of steel and iron down onto Ann and Kathryn.

A large truck for the local power company arrives at the bridge just as the bridge collapses, and the driver slams on its breaks and stops just short of the fallen bridge. The young driver can’t believe the mangled and twisted mass of steel and iron dumped across the street. But then he sees something extremely strange and possible from the twilight zone. Two distinct ripples of distortion are moving through the steel, it reminded the truck drive of a time warp. How can tons of mangled steel ebb and flow in this unusual manner. The answer was soon apparent, for he sees Ann appearing from the side of the steel mass with her gigantic tits swing back and forth and pushing everything they touch out of their path. Her titanic tits slice through 2-inch thick steel plates like smoke through a screen and shove the steel "I" beams aside like they were tall grass in a meadow. Her legs and thighs carve a path of total destruction as she talks forward through the steel pile with the grace of a ballet dancer. And if that were not sufficient to give a young male an erection, Kathryn’s graceful exit through the steel mass surely would turn the hormones on in any man. Kathryn exits the pile of steel and iron by using her long slender arms to grab every piece of metal in her path and tears the metal to smithereens across her enormous tits. She resembles a metal shredding machine except a million times more powerful as she rips every scrap of steel into small metal bits and tosses them to the ground behind her as she walks forward.

The young truck driver looks down at Ann and Kathryn from the truck’s cab and says, "Goddesses, two heavenly Goddesses, you two must be Venus and Athena with the strength of all the Gods combined, and you are extremely beautiful". "Why thanks you", replies Ann, "and do extremely strong young Goddesses do any thing special for you"? The young truck driver looks down at Ann’s and Kathryn bodies and says. "Watching two Goddesses demolish steel with their gorgeous bodies and doing it with extreme easy definitely turns me on sexually", he replies in a pleasing voice to Ann. "So watching a young girl using her extreme strength to tear steel apart turns you on", Ann says to the driver in a very sexy voice. "Then I will definitely get your cock so hard it will take a week for your love muscle to return to normal", Ann tells the young truck driver as she reaches up with her right hand and pushes her long slender fingers through the driver’s side door and peels the door from the drivers side of the truck with the easy of pushing a sheer curtain aside. The steel hinges and door lock just tear away from the frame and Ann just tosses the demolished door aside. "I just want you to have a better view of my gigantic tits and sexy body as I lift your large truck into the air with just my one hand", Ann says as she uses her one hand to lift the 10-ton truck off the ground. The young truck driver can’t believe his eyes as Ann pushes her one hand into the steel frame of the truck and lifts the entire vehicle off the ground and over her head with one simple motion. The large truck groans and moans as the steel frames bends and twists due to gravity and Ann then says to the driver, " This is nothing, now watch as I lower your truck onto my bountiful boobs and I let the soft girlish flesh of my enormous tits annihilate any steel they touch". And as Ann wiggles her massive tits back and forth, she lowers the 10-ton truck onto her swinging tits; the steel side, frame, fender, and steps of the truck are just severed apart by her ultra power chest muscles.

The young truck driver is ready to go crazy, and Ann knows by the looks on his face that he is ready for immediate sex. He is holding his super hard cock with both hands and trying to still be a gentlemen to Ann.

"Let me assist you with your problem," Ann says to the young truck driver, "and perhaps you can solve my dilemma at the same time", as Ann climbs up into the cab of the large truck. She uses her super large and powerful tits to push away the entire forward side of the truck’s cab and allows her tits to bends the steering wheel off to the middle of the cab. Ann then straddles the young man and with one finger rips his shirt open, one button at a time, completely destroying the fabric of his shirt. She then pushes her tight firm ass backwards and lets it sink into the dash of the truck completely crushing the steering column, gearshift, and the instruments. Ann then wiggles her firm ass back and forth and carves a large cavity of smashed and twisted steel with her super buns of steel.

"Your cock is so hard and enlarged that I’m afraid you will he harmed if I don’t relieve the pressure inside your pants", Ann says to the young truck driver as she grabs his belt buckle with her two hands and rips it in half with a gentle pull. She then takes one finger of her soft hand and tears his blue jeans and underwear easily off his body and then she is delighted to see his manly cock stand straight up at attention.

Ann wiggles her body back and forth, slowly removing all her clothing, and gently straddles the young man, teasing him with her enormous tits and slender legs when all of a sudden there is strange noise on the opposite side of the truck’s cab. The door is starting to push inward and is continuing inward at a steady rate. The metal is protruding inward and is distorted about a foot and then, all of a sudden, the metal of the door just burst open and exposed the reason of the inward push. It’s Kathryn’s gigantic 52-inch long super tits jutting through the metal door, immediately followed by her tall sexy slender body. Kathryn tits and body simply tear the steel door from the frame and as she enters the cabs, and uses her one hand to rip the door off her superbly shaped tits. "Fuck his brains out Sis", Kathryn says to Ann, "I’m going into the rear of the truck and use my super strong body to crush, twist, shred, tear, and play with all this heavy power equipment. And by the way young man, you can watch me use my substantial tits, long legs, powerful ass, and firm slender thighs to massacre the equipment and you can watch everything I do by just looking into the rear view mirror as my sister enjoys your manhood".

Kathryn gives the young truck driver a soft kiss on his lips, stretches her arms straight up and punches a gaping hole in the roof of the cab. She then turns towards the back of the truck, allowing her 52-inch breasts to slash through the back wall of the cab and push away the metal and rear window like it’s a snow flake. She then talks through the remains of the back wall of the cab and proceeds to the large lift mechanism that is used to lift and set utility poles in place and which is bolted to the floor and frame of the large truck. Kathryn then clasps the thick steel frame of the lift and sinks her long fingers into and through the steel frame, insuring a solid grip. And with a smile on her face, just separates the extension lift from the floor and frame of the truck. Twenty bolts, each two-inches thick pop as if they were dandelions seeds pods, the steel floor of the truck peels back as if it was made of straw. Then Kathryn spreads her long, long, slender legs and places the 2-foot thick base of the lift between her firm thighs and closes her legs together, instantly reducing the 2-foot thick steel base to a thickness of 4-inches. Then she bends over at her thin waist and forces the solid steel boom of the lift between the soft flesh of her gigantic breasts and lets the natural force of the cleavage just crush the thick metal between her tits. Kathryn then looks forward and verifies that the young man is looking back through the rear view mirror and then she stands straight up. The thick steel boom lodged between Kathryn thighs and tits is spared no mercy. The thick steel just wrenched apart with a force no steel could ever withstand. The steel boom complained violently with large burst of torture as its stretched apart. The steel boom fractures, rips, tears, splits and severs until it finally breaks completely in half. Kathryn then just closes her thighs entirely and crushes the thick base into zilch, and pushed her powerful chest forward and lets the metal of the steel boom just smear into nothing between her 52-inch long super powerful tits.

In the meantime, Ann has allowed the hard cock of the young truck driver to enter her moist warm cunt and she is in ecstasy. The young stud is completely satisfying all her womanly desires and with a vengeance. For Ann could tell he is extremely enjoying the pounding of her hips into this manhood and he is definitely going to keep his cock hard by watching her sister Kathryn, use her extreme strength and sexy body to torture steel and iron in the rear of the truck.

After Kathryn mutilates the remains of the steel boom by squeezing the tall boom down to the size of a ping pong ball, she simple throws it aside and finds a box of large steel brackets that are used to bolt steel cables together. The harden steel brackets are about 12-inches long and about an inch thick with large holds for bolts. Kathryn picks up two of the brackets and places them over her super hard nipples. The holes in the brackets fit firmly over her nipples and Kathryn proceeds to start playing with the metal brackets. She twists and pulls the steel brackets, which are held in place by her nipples, over and over like it’s soft taffy candy. She continues this slow steady action until the metal becomes so fatigued that her super hard nipples just tear it to shreds. This showing off of her extreme strength with her body is to just tease the young driver who is extremely pleasing her sister Ann.

Kathryn doesn’t let up on her spectacular show, she uses every part of her tall slender sexy super strong body to tears open the steel lockers in the truck and entertain the young truck driver with her super strength. Such as 4-foot long pipe wenches, that she wrapped around her nipple and bends and smears into a paste with the palm of her hand. Inch thick stainless steel utility pole cable is tightly wrapped many times around her enormous tits and then blasted into short pieces as she expands her mighty tits by thrusting her chest forward. She turns super hard ceramic insulators into dust with just the squeeze of her hands. Kathryn huge tits slash gaping holes in the trucks floor when she bends over and swings her tits back and forth. The inch thick steel plate of the truck’s floor surrenders to Kathryn’s massive swinging tits just like a willow tree does to the wind. Then she catches a glimpse of the 24-inch thick steel leaf springs through the hole in the floor that she just produced, and these leaf springs are attached between the rear axle and the frame. And with one hand she reaches down and rips the entire leaf spring from the axle, completely severing the massive steel bolts from the trucks tubular steel frame and bending the massive rear axle almost in half.

Kathryn hears the laud cries and moans from her sister. Ann is in sexual ecstasy and the poor truck driver is being driven beyond his capabilities by the constant thrusting of Ann powerful hips and muscular cunt. Kathryn needs to keep the young stud excite just a little longer so Ann can reach her sexual climax. So Kathryn takes the 24-inch thick steel leaf spring assembly and places if directly on top of her outstretched tits and starts to slowly tear it apart with her hands. The leafs in the springs start to break one at a time as Kathryn’s hands pull the ends of the steel assembly down and around her gigantic breasts. "Ting, Ting, Ting and other metallic sounds are heard as the steel leaf springs break in half one at a time as Kathryn pulls the assembly around her mighty tits. Finally the entire 24 inch thick piece of steel is broken in two as Kathryn pulls the thick steel between her long fingers and the massive flesh of her tits. She looks up and can still see the eyes of the young truck driver watching her every sexy squeeze and crush.

Kathryn then pushes down with her soft hands and crushes the remaining steel into the ends of her enormous breast and lets 24 inches of spring harden steel ooze between her fingers as she pulls her 52-inch long breast back into her young body with her hands. This is all that is required to allow the young driver that one last boost of adrenaline to keep his manhood erect.

"Oh Yes, Yes, Oh, More" screams Ann over and over as she reaches her sexual climax and pounds the hard manly meat of the young truck driver one last time. It was perfect timing for the two sex partners, Ann reached her ultimate climax just about the time the young truck driver was ready to lose consciousness.

Ann, who is now completely satisfied, simply stands up and puts her clothing back on her young body. She then easily and carefully lifts, with her one hand, the exhausted young stud from the cab of the truck and lowers him to the ground. She gives him a sweet kiss on his lips and says to him, "I don’t want you to get into any trouble with your company for the damage we did to the truck. So I’ll just toss it at the destroyed bridge and you can blame the collapsed bridge on the destruction". Ann stands up and easily clasps the steel frame of the truck with her one hand, lifts the 10-ton truck into the air and flings it sideways into the destroyed bridge. Ann makes sure the tires of the truck leave nice skip marks to show that an attempt was made to bring the truck to a halt before it slammed into the pile of scrape metal she and her sister had created.

Kathryn and Ann bid the young truck driver farewell and again start to walk towards the 5th Street Bar. "I’ll bet that young truck driver will have that smile on his face for weeks", Ann says to Kathryn. "You are correct about that Is, you definitely fucked that smile onto his face". Kathryn then says to her sister, "now lets go have so fun with that massive steel draw bridge over by the river, it’s only a block from our final destination".

To be continued.