Ann Chapter 2

By Pat Mallon

WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.

Ann and Kathryn at the local Pub.

Ann enters the local Irish Pub with the box containing $50,000 dollars she confiscated from the fraudulent auto repair center across the Boulevard and asks Michael, young waiter behind the bar, who she knew personally, if she could hide the box until tomorrow. Michael knew Ann is up to something and advised her to hide the box down stairs under the old cast iron furnace. So Ann goes down the steps and sees the old iron coal furnace, which has not been used for years, but was to big and heavy to have removed from the basement of the building. So Ann bends over at her slender waist, showing the taught thigh muscles in her legs to Michael and with one effortless pull of her hand on the thick iron base lifts the 3-ton iron monster several feet into the air. And then places the box with the confiscated money in a special hide away beneath the furnace.

"Thanks Michael, I own you a special favor and please start a tab for me that indicates I’ve been here for over two hours." Ann asks Michael in a soft sexy tone of voice. "For you Ann, I’ll do anything", Michael replies, "but for now could you carry a large keg of the stout Ale up the stairs for me. There was an upsetting brawl in here last night and I took a shot to my shoulder with a pool stick. Also, Maureen, the firey redhead, is in the hospital because of the brawl. Someone hit here in the back of the head with a heavy object.

"What cause the brawl", Ann asked in a somber tone? "Well the pool league from the bar over on 5th street lost a close match here last night, got very furious and started to swing pool sticks at everyone. They destroyed a good bit of my dad’s Pub before we could stop them and many of us were badly injured because they got in the first couple of good swings with the pool sticks." "Don’t worry, Kathryn and I will visit that fine establishment this evening and review their pool and Pub etiquette. But first lets get this keg of Ale and you upstairs so we can watch the excitement across the street", Ann tell Michael as she picks up the large keg in one arm and Michael in the other and carries both up the steps.

Ann sits down at a small round table that overlooks the Boulevard and she can see the auto repair center that she has just annihilated. A full size Cadillac sedan quickly arrives at the auto center and slams on the breaks, and then four rather well dresses copious guys jump out of the sedan and run into the auto service center. "I must have tripped a silent alarm", Ann says to herself just as two police cruisers also arrive at the Auto repair center. Michael looks at Ann and asks. "Did you just have your car repaired at the Lee Brother’s center? They are known to rip people off big time. And there is a rumor they work for the mob". "Your correct Michael, I had my Corvette repaired and they were fraudulent in their business practices, so I demonstrated to them my sincere displeasure with their service and obliterated their fucking garage and office area". And just then, one of the garage doors of the auto repair center was manually lifted and Michael starts to laugh as he sees the two Lee brothers chained to the hoist.

Ann then hears the reverberation of a high performance engine and the squealing of tires. It’s her younger sister Kathryn and her 2002 Corvette. Kathryn smokes the tires making the left hand turn into the parking lot and looks for a free parking location, but all the free

parking locations are occupied. So she backs into a location with a parking meter and exits her Corvette. No one can miss Kathryn, a 6-foot 4-inch tall brunette with massive 52-inch long tits and she likes to show her tits off in small bikini tops. She prances up to the parking meter and reads the sign on the meter, "50 cents per hour". "Bullshit", exclaims Kathryn as she grabs the 3-inch thick steel post of the parking meter and sinks her fingers into the steel and with one simple lift of her hand, excavate the entire meter post from the concrete sidewalk. She then walks over to one of the free parking spots and rams the parking meter back into the concrete sidewalk. The meter’s steel post is crushed and bent downward but the parking meter is still functional. "Somebody else can pay that stupid parking fee", Kathryn mumbles to herself.

Kathryn sees her sister’s Corvette in front of the Irish Pub and looks across the street and can only imagine the antics her sister has crafted in the auto repair center. So she enters the Pub and immediately sees her sister seated at a table by the front window. "A pint please Michael", Kathryn says as she looks at her sister and asks, "did you have some amusement across the street and how much money did you confiscate". "Oh yes, I did have some fun, and I retrieved 50,000 dollars of mob related money and its all untraceable", Ann relies. But just then Ann spots two to the muscle men coming across the street and heading for the Pub. "This will be interesting"; Ann says to Kathryn, just as Michael places a tab on their table that shows both have been there for over 2 hours.

The two hit men instantly recognize Ann from the description the Lee Brother supplied and advance briskly to her table. And what a table it is to behold. Both young super girls have breasts over 48-inch long and are showing most of their soft flesh, Ann is a pink halter and Kathryn is a white bikini top. Their tits hang over the end of the three feet diameter table and occupy all of the surface area. They have their pints sitting on one side table because there is no space on the tabletop.

The two goons stop dead in their paths, for they can’t believe the fabulous sight before their eyes. They pause for a few seconds to collect their senses. "Ok, give us the money back and we won’t harm you", says one of the goons as he pulls out 9 millimeter automatic and points it at Ann’s tits. "Believe me bitch, I’ll blow a hole clear through your big tits if you don’t tell me where the money is located", the thug repeats. The goon is so dazzled by Ann and Kathryn’s gigantic tits that he doesn’t see Ann reaching for the weapon in his hand. Ann grabs the gun and gives a smart snap to her wrist, which easily forces the gun from the thug’s fingers. Ann laughs and giggles as she places the barrel of the weapon down into the cleavage of her breasts. The second thud starts to reach for the weapon inside his coat, but Kathryn quickly stands up and thrusts her 52-inch long breasts into the thug’s chest and pins him against the brick wall. Since Kathryn is so tall, her mighty melons are pressing deeply into the goon’s shoulders and neck and he is starting to gasp for air. His only interest is trying to push away her massive melons but he couldn’t budge her tits an inch. Kathryn then reaches inside his $1000 suit and takes his handgun from his holster and his wallet from his vest pocket and swings her hands outward, tearing the one side of his suit to shreds. She then sits back down at the table and places the barrel of his gun deep into her tits and tells the goons, "One chance only guys, try to dislodge your cheap weapons from our breasts and it you can’t, we’ll tear your balls from your ugly bodies".

The two thugs immediately grab hold of their automatic weapons and attempt to remove them from Ann and Kathryn’s massive cleavage. It’s a hopeless task, they try to twist, bend, yank and pry the guns from between the super Goddesses breasts but the weapons will not release. The goons even try with both hands but Ann and Kathryn just look at each other and start to laugh.

Bam, Bam, Bam!!! Three rounds fire very rapidly from one of the weapons and Ann and Kathryn look at each other and Ann says, "Was that the weapon in your breasts or mine that discharged, I can’t tell"? So Kathryn reaches into her cleavage and retrieves three flattened round and tells Ann, "Must have been the weapon in my tits", as Kathryn crushes the slugs in the palm of her hand with her long delicate fingers.

The two muscle men are in total shock and panic, so they fire the remaining rounds from both weapons into the cleavage of Ann and Kathryn. The two super girls then just pick up their pints and quench their thirst with a sip of Ale and Ann says to Kathryn, "There something about having a automatic weapon discharge in the cleavage of your breasts while enjoying a fine Ale. Lets analysis these weapons to verify they are not some cheap toys with play bullets. You test the weapon in your tits Ann and then I’ll test mine".

Ann removes the nine millimeter from between her cleavage and with two fingers of her right hand gently bends the cold blue steel barrel of the gun in half and then with her thumb pushes and crushes the grip and the magazine into the palm of her hand. She then closes her hand and softly squeezes the metal between her fingers. When Ann opens her hands to show the goons the remains of the weapon, all they could see is a distorted mass of metal the resembled a crushed cigarette pack. "Your turn sis to do a little showing off", Ann says to Kathryn. So Kathryn takes hold of the gun in her cleavage by the grip and raises it to her open and awaiting mouth. She places the entire 6-inch steel barrel into her mouth and softly closes her lips down on the steel. She then pulls the weapon out of her mouth slowly and with a rotating motion. The steel is crushed and twisted as it leaves Kathryn mouth and resembles a soft and melting ice cream bar. After Kathryn has completed teasing the gun with her lips, she again puts the weapon back into her mouth and by using her long moist tongue she completely licks the entire weapon into her moist mouth. She then uses her mouth and tongue to transform the cold steel gun into a blob of hot metal that resembles used chewing gum. After a few seconds, she takes the crushed blob out of her mouth and gives it to the one thug, who burns his hand when he tried to hold the hot blob.

Ann stands up directly in front of the two thugs in a causal posture with her hands on her hips and says to them in a jovial voice, "The two of you are dresses to formal for this occasion. Let me assist you in looking much more casual in your attire". And with that statement, Ann curls her fingers in her hands and reaches out and tears the $1000 suit, shirt, and tie of each goon to tattered rags with her fingernails. "Don’t come in here an intimidate anyone ever again, for if you do, Kathryn or I will remove your balls, slowly, one at a time. Now vacate this Pub immediately", Ann shouts to the two thugs. The two muscle men for the mob are not sure what to do, however, when Kathryn reaches for their crotches, both thugs race out the door and back over to the service center where they start to talk to the police officers.

"Well Ann, I understand you were evicted from "The Fitness Gym". Fill me in on all the sexy and exciting details". Kathryn asks of Ann in an excited tone of voice. "It’s this fitness and muscle crave that I desire, that keeps getting me in big trouble. I want to be on the cover of a woman muscle magazine but I can’t seem to develop the big firm muscles like the other women at the gym. Everything I attempt to lift or the exercise equipment at the gym offers me no resistance and the trainer keeps telling me it’s the resistance in weight lifting that will make the muscles required in competition".

"But how did that get you expelled from the gym", Kathryn asks?

"Well I constructed a special barbell configuration in an vain attempt to obtain some resistance for my exercises. I put every 200-pound plate I could find in the gym on the longest bar I could find and estimated the weigh at 3-tons." Ann tells Kathryn. "I started to do some reps with both hands but after several 100 lifts, I felt no resistance. So I did several hundred reps with just one hand but this was also hopeless, I felt no resistance. I finally resorted to lifting the barbell with just my little finger. This too was of no value, for lifting the 3-tons with my little finger was just so easy", Ann complains softly to Kathryn. "Then I decided to play with the weights and positioned the 3-ton barbell vertically and balanced the bar and the weights on my one nipple. Now that was fun", Ann tells her sister.

However, those two over muscled jerks, who are always at the gym, called me a skinny big-busted bitch and the one told me I would only be qualified for the cover of a cheap girly magazine. Then he said to me in front of everyone at the gym, that the weights I’m balancing on my nipple are as phony as my tits. "That was all I could withstand of his insults", Ann tells Kathryn, "so, I took the 3-tons barbell and tightly wrapped it completely around his neck and twisted the bar a few time to make a secure noose. I then let the barbell fall gently to the floor and I stood directly in front of him and wiggled my gigantic tits in front of his face. The jerk could not move, for he could not get his ugly head out of the twisted steel bar. And then I let my super nipples carve huge slits in the concrete floor directly in front of his face just to make a statement about my tits". "That must have been hilarious, and I wish that I was there to witness the event", Kathryn tells Ann as she starts to laugh. "Oh, it gets much more interesting", Ann reply. "His friend comes over and tries to lift the 3-tons barbell thinking it’s a fake set of weights and almost breaks his back in a stupid attempt to lift the solid iron weights".

"Now to assist his friend, with the 3-tons barbell bent and twisted around his neck, the one jerk realizes that he can easily take the 200 pound plates off the bar one at a time. Well that was easy for me to stop" Ann says. "I just pushed the muscle bound ape out of my way and bent the ends of the 2-inch thick steel bar into a "U" shape". It was now impossible to get the heavy plates off the bar. I was ready to leave the gym when the jerk on the floor called me a "fucking whore and probably did not have enough muscles in my body to lift up his cock".

Now I was truly enraged. So I went and retrieved a sturdy workout bench and placed it directly in front of him and then went over to the rack of hand weights and lifted the entire rack with all the weights and carried the rack back to where the workout bench and he was located. And Sis, honestly, I didn’t know the rack was securely bolted to the concrete floor until I placed it back down and realized that several tons of concrete was still attached to the steel legs. Then I told the jerk, "Ok you muscle bound asshole, let me demonstrate my strength to you using these hand weights, some steel bars, and various parts of my sexy female body".

"Ooh! Ann, tell me all the beautiful details, by every crush, by every squeeze, by every bend, and by each tear", Kathryn says in a soft voice.

First, I stripped all the clothing off my fantastic body to verify to that asshole that I wasn’t hiding anything, and then, I sat down on the workbench and placed my feet directly in front of his face. He had the look on his face of being scared to death. Second, I took one of the 100 pounds weights and violently ripped it in half directly in front of his eyes and then squeezed the chrome steel very slowly between by fingers. Third, another 100-pound weight was placed between the calf muscles of my legs and I crushed that weight with my calves and let it wrap around by leg muscles. Forth, I placed 2 150-pound weights between my thighs and squeezed them so tightly that the shiny steel just oozed out over the top of my legs. Then I told the jerk, "Just think, those chrome steel weights between my thighs could have been your fat ugly head". For my fifth showing, I again took 2 150 pound steel weights and pressed then into my stomach using a circular motion, turning the thick steel into a jelly like substance and spread it all over my body like a tanning lotion.

Next on my tease list was to place a 200-pound weight between by tits. I gently separated by breasts with my one hand and placed the steel mass lengthwise in my cleavage. The natural closing of my tits easily crushed the two ends of the puny weight together. And the sound of chrome steel just surrendering to my soft ripe tits was awesome. I almost had a true organism. Unfortunately, every male in the gym already had an organism from just watching me amuse myself with the weights.

I placed the large steel weights as close to the ends of my breasts as possible so when I pushed my breasts forward and completely crushed the steel, it just ooze out from the front as well as the top and bottom of my tits. The look on that jerks face was priceless.

Then I took an eight-foot long 2-inch thick steel bar and bent it in half, twisted it into the shape of a pretzel, wrapped it around my tits, molded it into a ball, and finally squeezed it between my fingers into nothing. Also, there was another steel bar on the floor and I though to myself "lets have some real excitement". So I took the bar and held it straight out and opened my legs, and said to the jerk, "This bar could be your cock, so let me show you what my cunt muscles are capable of accomplishing, you muscle bound asshole".

So, slowly I inserted the 8-foot long by 2-inch thick steel bar into my moist pussy. I used my fingers to softly stroke the chrome bar and place dimples and ridges in the harden steel so I could get a little extra pleasure. After about 2-feet of the bar was inside my wet body, I started to rock my hips in a circular motion. It’s an awesome sight to watch a 2-inch thick steel bar bend and twist so easily as my hips oscillate and my one hand feeds the polished steel inside my pussy. The mediocre steel workout bench was also taking a battering. My firm, tight ass was crushing the steel supports and the top of the workout bench as my hips rocked back and forth. And after a short period of time, two feet, then four feet, six feet and finally eight feet of steel was crushed, twisted, and squeezed inside my pussy. I enjoy watching the look on that jerk's face, who had 3-tons of a steel barbell wrapped around his neck, and there was nothing he could do about the situation.

The manager of the gym eventually came over and told me to leave as quickly as possible and don’t come back. So I picked up my skimpy gym suit and started to leave.

"I suppose you started for the front door Sis", Kathryn says with an "Ooh" in her voice. Not exactly Kathryn, since the manager stated "quickly" in a laud and mean tone of voice, I headed for the side of the gym building, because that is where I parked my car. Unfortunately, there was a large exercise apparatus with four independent workout stations between the wall and me. So I started to swing my magnificent overripe melons from side to side and walked straight through the apparatus. Oh Kathryn, it was comical, my swinging tits mutilated the steel framework, by thighs and calf muscles crushed the benches and steel weight blocks like they were make of angel food cake. The steel cables and pulleys for the weight systems caught on my nipples and wrapped around my big tits. And once I was completely through the exercise apparatus, I tore the steel cables from my tits as easily as remove cobwebs from a doorway and headed directly for the side of the building.

And Sis, it’s great knowing that my 48-inch long and 16-inch each diameter breasts show no mercy on concrete block walls. For when my bodacious boobs blasted against the concrete block wall, ten concrete blocks went flying through the parking lot. And then as I turned around to look back into the gym, I let my 48-long monster muscle tits destroy another large section of the wall. Everyone in the gym was silent; I flipped them the finger and continued to turn by body towards the outside. Again, allowing my titanic tits to annihilate more concrete blocks and my thighs and calves to turn the bottom section of the block wall into dust.

Once outside the gym wall, I saw one of those new large vehicle’s that can convert from a pickup to a SUV. It was gigantic and must have weighed several tons and was configured as a pickup. And parked directly next to it was this very small subcompact that looked like it weighted less that my one tit. The best part about this situation was the subcompact was owned by one of the muscle bound jerks from the gym. This situation was definitely going to be fun and games.

"You tossed the subcompact into the back of the large pickup", Kathryn asks Ann with a mysterious look in her eyes. "Now Sis, you know I would never do anything that simple and easy", Ann replies with a giggle of her tremendous tits.

I picked the front of the pickup completely off the ground with one hand and lifted it over my head. I then grabbed the steel frame of the pickup and easily lifted the entire vehicle off the ground and position myself directly beneath the center of the vehicle. As I moved the large pickup over my head, I just bent and twisted the steel frame as if it were the strings on my bikini, Sis. And I finally pulled the steel frame together and pushed down and allowed the frame of the monster truck to crush into my 48-inch monster melons that were extending straight out from my slender body. The entire truck just curved in half around my tits as easily as folding a newspaper. I just completed this same process four more time and the entire huge pickup truck is now the size of a kid’s toy wagon. Everything was crushing so easily; my hands were just pushing and bending everything into my knockers. The motor, the transmission, the transfer case, the wheels, the suspension, and steel body parts just folded like a soft bath towel. There I was Sis; standing with a 3-ton crushed pickup in my one hand and looking at the subcompact.

"Let me guess Ann", Kathryn replies with a smile on her face, "you tore open the roof of the subcompact with your free hand and placed the crushed pickup in the back seat of the subcompact". "No Kathryn, I would never tear open the roof of the subcompact with my free hand, I tore open the roof of the subcompact with my super powerful, oversized, over ripe, and pert tits. Then I tossed the crushed pickup into the back seat of the subcompact.

And as I walked toward my car, I heard a laud bang, and when I turned my head around to determine the cause of the noise, I saw that both rear tires on the subcompact had exploded because of the added weight. I started to laugh and turned my head forward again, but since I wasn’t watching where I was walking, I ran directly into a lamppost tower in the parking lot. The metal post of the tower got caught in between the cleavage of my massive 16-inch diameter breasts and it was immediately bent in half and driven into the asphalt of the parking lot. The 4-foot high concrete base for the light tower had the distinct pleasure of being pulverized into powdery gravel by my powerful legs. The electrical wires for the lamppost just shorted out against my body and teased my nipples slightly.

"Oh Ann, it sounds like you had a wonderful time, but right now the goons across the street are talking to the police officers and pointing over here. I’ll bet those idiots will have no problem describing us to the police officers. " I know Sis and the words weak, ugly, and flat chests are most likely not spoken. And here comes one of the offices now, walking straight towards the Pub", Ann says in an anxious voice. "Wow, is he cute, he looks young and physical fit, maybe I can have him take me out on a date", Ann says with a excited look on her face. "Great, it’s Tim", says Kathryn, "That’s the great date I told you about last week, he’s absolute fabulous in the bedroom".

Both Ann and Kathryn look at each other with surprise and wait for the officer to enter the Pub. When the officer does enter the Pub, he talks to the bartender Michael, who quickly brings the officer over to their table.

"Kathryn", the officer says with delight and his eyes wide open, "How have you been". "Hi Tim, I didn’t recognize you, what bring you to the Pub on this nice sunny afternoon". Official business Kathryn, there was a major problem across the street and I need to question some people who may have seen anything unusual at the repair center. "Well, my sister Ann and I have been her for about 2 hours", she tells Tim as her shows him the bar tap, "and we haven’t noticed anything unusual until that Cadillac arrived and almost crashed into one of the garage doors".

"The two mechanics in the building gave this wild story about a young female that resembles your friend, and she used her sexy body, large gigantic breasts, and firm round ass to tear, pulverize, and demolish their garage to utter shreds. And then ripped open the steel safe with her bare hands and took the deposits for the week", Tim states in a mysterious tone of voice.

"Well Tim, let me explain it in simple terms, did you enjoy last weekend with me, alone, and passionate, and playing with those handcuff you bound around various parts of my body" Kathryn asks Tim. "Kathryn, that’s personnel" Tim replies. "Well if you would like to see something sexy and interesting, take those handcuff off your belt carrier and follow my instruction and don’t ask any more embarrassing questions". Kathryn says in a soft, sexy voice. "Ok Tim and Ann", Kathryn says as she looks her sister in the eye, follow my instructions perfectly".

Step one. Tim, take the handcuffs from your belt and throw away the key.

Step two. "Ann, removes your skimpy halter top and expose your super strong, inch long, indestructible nipples", Kathryn asks in a whispering voice. Ann responds in her super sensual manner by picking up two full cans of cold beer and places them on top of her immense breasts. She them pushes slowly down on the two cans of beer causing the cans to easily explode and then crushes them into her breasts as the beer flow all over her large tits. With the cans crushed into the palm of her hands, Ann slides her hands along the top of her 48-inch long breasts until her reaches the ends of her gigantic tits and slips her fingers under her halter-top and removes her top, exposing her nipples. She then sensitively rubs the palms of her hands on her nipples, reducing the crushed beer cans to melted goo and causing her nipples to become erect and over an inch long.

"Step three, Kathryn says to Tim", in an authoritative voice. "Take your handcuff and place then over the ends of Ann’s super sensitive hard nipples and let them dangle between her breasts". So Tim slowly takes his handcuffs and carefully places then on Ann’s aroused nipples and lets them drape between her breasts. Ann sways her tits slightly, just to hear the sound of the handcuff’s chain clang and smiles back at Tim as she starts to Ooh and Ah.

"Ann, show off for Tim", Kathryn says in an erotic voice. So Ann stands up and places her hands behind her head and slowly thrusts her massive breasts forward. Her tits push forward and her nipples slowly start to spread apart forcing the handcuffs tighter and tighter across Ann’s nipples. It didn’t take long before the handcuffs are extreme taught and you could hear the metal chain start to stretch apart. "Snap", the chain breaks with ease and the harden metal cuff are just dangling from each nipple. Ann continues to push her mighty tits forward and reaches out with the middle finger of each of her hands and hooks the round steel cuffs and starts to pull back on the individual parts of the handcuffs hanging from her nipples. The steel cuffs easily bend and become oblong in shape as Ann continues to pull with the one finger of each hand. Soon the hardened metal of the cuff can’t take the force of Ann’s superior strength and they tear in half. Ann than takes the chrome steel cuffs and wraps them around her nipples and ties them in a petty bow with her delicate fingers. Then, to leave no doubt about her super strength, Ann places her hands under the ends her massive tits, immerses her long finger deep into her female flesh and brings both of her breasts back and up to her face. She positions the nipple of her left breast close to her mouth and uses her long moist tongue to smear the super hard chrome steel tied around her nipple into a paste that resembles butterscotch syrup. Ann then moves her other breasts to her mouth and uses her super sensitive lips to push against the steel handcuff tied around her nipple and again reduces the steel to a substance the looks like suntan lotion. Ann releases her titanic tits and lets then fall back to their outstretched position, moistens her lips with her long tongue and says to Tim, "That was as easy as licking soft ice cream on a hot summer’s day".

Tim can’t believe what he just witnessed and Ann and Kathryn can’t believe the bulge in Tim’s trousers. So Kathryn places her arm around the back of Tim’s leg and pulls his crotch deep into the soft and almost completely nude flesh of her massive tits. Kathryn pushes12-inch of her firm breasts into Tim’s aroused cock and says to him, "Please tell those gentlemen across the street that there is no supporting evidence that Ann destroyed their garage. And for our date this weekend, Tim, please bring the following items, leg irons, ball and chains, lots of handcuffs, high powered weapons, shotguns, stun guns, and any other interesting devices police officers carry in their inventory. I’ll uses my super powerful body and my extreme strength to conjure any fantasy your imagination can conceive.

With that statement and an assured date with Kathryn this weekend, Tim says goodbye to both Ann and Kathryn and retreats across the street to his police cruiser. After a short talk with the goon squad, Tim leaves the scene and reports the incident as mod related violence.

"Now that your escapade across the street is finished Sis, lets discuss your objective to develop the shape, firmness, and muscles of a female body builder. That’s going to take sufficient effort on your part to workout 8 hours a day", Kathryn asks Ann is an educated tone. "Your correct Sis, but there are no weights I can use for exercise that will offer me any resistance and build the muscle fabric that I desire. Cars, trucks, army tanks, steel girders, and bridges just crumple when I use them as weights for exercising, Ann explains to Kathryn. "Bridges should offer you the weight resistance that is required for muscle development, they weigh 1000s of tons, millions of tons if you were to exercise with a modern day suspension bridge that is over 2 mile long". "Kathryn, my dear sister, do you have experience lifting millions of tons of steel and concrete", Ann asks in a voice that is very inattentive.

"Yes I do Sis, but right now there is a developing situation across the street that could be a serious problem", Kathryn tells Ann. "That one goon appears to have gone inside the repair center and retrieved what resembles several video tapes. They must monitor the repair center to ensure no one is skimming money from the mod. Unfortunately, these video also could contain a record of you having your fun and game at the repair center", Kathryn explains to Ann. "But don’t worry Sis, as much as I would like to review your method of mayhem, I would like the extreme pleasure of taking those tapes from those hit men for the mod and completely destroying all the evidence". "Excuse me for a minute Ann, while I retrieve the tapes, and also, please judge my technique of retrieving the tapes on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best.

Kathryn quickly gets up from the table and calls to Michael, "Please hand me a full bottle of your cheapest whiskey Michael, I need the whiskey to complete a high profile project across the street. And you can watch the festivities along with my sister from your front window". Kathryn receives the whisky from Michael and run across the Boulevard towards the Cadillac parked in front of the repair center. The steel safety barrier that separates the divided Boulevard is sliced completely through by Kathryn’s smooth, slender leg and didn’t even reduce the speed of her long legged stride. But just as Kathryn is almost across the Boulevard, the driver of the big Caddy floors the accelerator, for he is in a hurry to deliver and review the videotapes with his boss. Kathryn instantly recognizes the situation and adjusts her course to intercept the Cadillac head on. A classic high-speed dogfight, Kathryn is trying to position herself directly in the path of the Cadillac and the Cadillac is trying to avoid Kathryn. This is a losing situation for the Cadillac and the four muscle bound goons inside the car. A quick and precise correction of her path positions Kathryn directly in front of the big car where she places her long slender right leg forward and waits for the collision. The driver of the get away vehicle does not have the brains or the reflexes to adjust his path and the Cadillac slams head on at 30 miles an hour into Kathryn’s right leg. The heavy luxury vehicle does not collide dead center with Kathryn’s leg, but off to the left side of the car. The heavy front end of the Cadillac careens into the long slender right leg of Kathryn and wraps completely around her firm sexy thigh. The steel tubular frame splits down the centerline and the entire left suspension is annihilated by Kathryn’s calf muscles. The 6-foot 4-inch Goddess doesn’t even blink her beautiful blue eyes as several tons of steel crushes into her young body. The Cadillac comes to an immediate and abrupt halt, the air bags discharge and prevents the two front seat passengers from launching through the windshield.

"You pathetic idiots", Kathryn says out laud has she gingerly peels the steel frame, bumper, radiator, and sheet metal of the Cadillac from around her long leg and pushes it aside as if they were a plastic trash bag. She then slides her long finger of the right hand through the crumbled hood and with an abrupt swipe of her hand, smashes everything on top of the large V8 motor to rubble and causes the engine to immediately quit operating. The beautiful super powerful brunette then easily pushes the mutilated front end of the Cadillac away from her body with a gentle enticement from her left hand. Kathryn then struts her long legged body around to the side of the large car, places the whiskey bottle down on the ground and positions herself at the junction of the front and rear doors. She bends over and looks into the side windows, attempting to locate the videotapes but she is not sure which ugly goon has the evidence. But Kathryn can tell by the look on all four of the goon’s faces that something has happened. Their eyes are about to explode out of their sockets.

When Kathryn leaned over to look into the car’s windows, she did not realize her 52-inch long firm young breast has pushed through the center steel support between the windows. And had crushed both doors down into the steel frame at the bottom of the car. Kathryn just smiles back and responded in a soft sexual voice, "Looks like the goon squad is enjoying the sight of my monstrous super tits just showing off some of their natural capabilities". Kathryn they stands straight up and lets her left breast just rip out the back of the front seat. And as she continues to stand up straight, her bountiful breast just bounce upward and rip a gigantic 4-foot long hole in the steel roof of the car.

Kathryn looks around inside the Cadillac but still cannot locate the tapes, so she bends over again and picks up the heavy auto by its steel frame with her two hands. She then separates the steel frame by stretching her arms apart and the Cadillac breaks open like an eggshell cracking on the side of a frying pan. Kathryn slams the car back to the ground and enters the void between the front and back seat, allowing the soft silky calves of her long legs to slice through any remaining steel framework of the car. "Ok assholes, who has the videotapes", Kathryn asks in a firm voice? The one thug in the rear seat starts to move his hand towards the inside of his suit jacket and Kathryn quickly grabs his jacket and tears it open, reveling the tapes. The goon tries to resist but it’s futile, Kathryn just pushes his hand away and takes the videotapes. And as she turns around towards the front of the wrecked vehicle, the goon in the front passenger seat has pulled out a semi automatic weapon and fires 9 rounds rapidly at Kathryn left breast. The bullets just ricochet upward off Kathryn massive chest and punch 9 jagged holes in the roof of the car.

"You fucking bastard", Kathryn screams, "you attempted to kill me", as she grabs the weapon by the steel barrel, bends the barrel backwards between her fingers and pulls it from the thugs hands. "I’ll teach you that it’s not polite to point a weapon at a young lady", Kathryn again screams as she takes the super hard steel weapon and easily crushes the steel between her long fingers and into the palm of her hand. The extremely strong Kathryn knees the steel weapon into a mangle mass causing the temperature to the metal to raise until it very hot. She then squeezes the hot steel into a 6-inch long rod in her left hand and then forces the steel rod down between the goons expensive Italian leather belt, trousers, and under ware of the goon who fired the shots at her. She places the hot steel rod directly next to the bare skin of the goon’s cock and balls and then gently removes her hand. Kathryn then reaches for his seat belt strap and pulls the seat belt tightly across his lap and then uses her hand to crush the seat belt buckle just sufficiently so it cannot be opened. The goon screams and wiggles as he attempts to free himself from his predicament. But Kathryn doesn’t care and goes outside the car and fetches the full body of whiskey by its neck and with her thumb just pops the lid of the whiskey bottle. She then forces the mouth open on each of the goons with just two finger of her right hand and pours a ¼ of the bottle of whiskey down each of their throats.

With the videotapes in her one hand, Kathryn leaves the passenger section of the car and walks to the front of the vehicle. She then removes the hood of the Cadillac by clasping the one end of the hood’s sheet metal and peeling it back as if it were satin sheets on a bed. Then Kathryn rams her free hand down deeply into the iron block of the 6-liter V8 engine and starts to lift the engine out of the car. However, the engine is firmly attached via the motor mounts and the entire Cadillac is raised several feet off the ground. Kathryn then simply shakes the motor back and forth and the steel motor mounts quickly rupture and the motor frees itself from the confines of the vehicle’s engine compartment. The 3-ton Cadillac then falls back to the ground with a crashing thud. The tall slender young Goddess then places the iron V8 against her legs and peels back the two sides of the huge engine and cracks open the iron monster like it’s a fortune cookie. She then places the videotapes inside the split open engine and then crushes the engine block back closed by forcing the two cylinder banks into each other. Kathryn steps a few feet away from the demolished Cadillac and with only her one long slender arm, fling the iron motor and the videotapes into a low Earth orbit where it reenters the atmosphere after several orbits around the planet and incinerates into vapor. NASA later reports that a large meteorite enters Earth but vaporized before it contacted land.

The super sexy Kathryn isn’t finished yet. She sees a large wooden utility pole several meters away and walks up to the 2-foot thick pole and smartly backhands the pole with her right hand. The 2-foot thick pole instantly snaps in half about a meter above the ground and is left dangling only by the electrical wire connected at the top of the pole. The slender Goddess then returns to the wrecked Cadillac and using both her hands, picks up the car and shoves it hard against the broken utility pole. For all practical purposes, it looks like four drunken idiots slammed their large vehicle into the utility pole. The fact that the engine is missing is circumstantial. Kathryn strolls to the side of the car that is cracked open, swinging her enormous tits to and from, just to show them off. And says to the goon squad inside the car, "you have some serious explaining to do when the police arrive again, but please tell the officers that Kathryn cause all this destruction, they will understand as they take you either to jail or the mental hospital".

Kathryn strolls back to the Irish Pub and upon entering the establishment asks Michael to call 911 and report a serious accident at the Lee’s Brothers repair center. "Well sis, that little escapade rates a 9.0" exclaims Ann. "What, only a 9", replies Kathryn as she ask her sister the reason for the less than perfect score. Ann replies, "you demolished a perfectly good large V8 engine without saving the super hard camshaft that requires our female sampling". Kathryn stands straight up, pulls her shoulders back, and thrust out her enormous 52-inch breasts. Poor Michael can’t believe his eyes as Kathryn reaches down into her overly exposed cleavage and removes a 36-inch long camshaft from between her breast. "Want to change that score sis", Kathryn says in a confident tone of voice. "A big 10", Ann relies.

Kathryn then requests 2 pints of Ale from Michael as she and her sister again position themselves at a table overlooking the repair center. "This should be exciting", says Ann as Michael returns with the Ale. "And Michael, please join us and enjoy the view" requests Ann. And what a view Michael has sitting between Ann and Kathryn, for Ann has massive 48-chest muscles that are tightly packed into a thin pink halter and Kathryn is showing most of her impressive 52-inch long chest muscles that are barely covered with her white bikini top. "The Ale is on me", Michael says is a choking tone of voice, for he did have an excellent view as he watch Ann and Kathryn take turns reengineering the lobes on the super hard camshaft. The two extremely strong young girls reformed the camshaft by crushing and distorting the lobes of the camshaft one at a time between their breasts by only using deep breathing to crush and reshape the harden steel.

"When we finish this Ale sis, lets take a trip over to the 5th Street Bar and have some girlish fun", Kathryn says to Ann. "Oh definitely", replies Ann, "we need to teach a few individual how to respect a young girls body, of course that is before we demolish the establishment with our young girlish bodies".

To be continued: