Ann Chapter 1

By Pat Mallon

WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.

A fraudulent auto repair centers learns about Ann.

Ann has just finished shopping in the special clothing boutique called "The Body Shop" that she and her sister Kathryn have been patronizing for several years. The boutique is extremely special because it designs and sells the very special clothing that both women require to look very sexy. With her hands full of shopping bags, Ann opens the door to her 1963 Corvette Stingray with a 327 cubic inch fuel injected high compression engine. The car has been completed restored to showroom condition and is a classic and one of the fastest street cars ever produced. But as Ann gently sits behind the steering wheel and turns the ignition key, she knows that she has car troubles. The engine turns very slowly and does not start. She knows she should have replaced the battery, but she just didn’t have the time. She tries once again to start the engine, and this time it starts, but just barely. With the engine running, Ann looks up and down the boulevard attempting to locate a service center because she knows if the engine stalls again, she will not be able to restart the car. There is some Irish luck for Ann today, for notices a service center about 300 yards from her present location and proceeds up the boulevard and parks her Corvette in front the auto service centers office.

"Lee brothers auto service center, we perform all major and minor auto repairs at a reasonable price", reads the sign on the office door. So Ann decides to have the battery replaced in her Corvette, that her sister recommended weeks ago. Ann turns off the ignition and steps out of the Corvette and walks towards the glass office door. The two mechanics in the office are looking at the classic Corvette; it’s a true piece of art, when all of a sudden they see another true classic, Ann. Both of the mechanic’s mouths open wide and their tongue fall out as Ann walks towards the office door.

Ann is a 5 foot 4 inch picture of female perfection. She is 19 years old with shoulder length blond hair and deep blue eyes. Her deep tan would rival the Aztecs Gods and she was adorned with an outfit the displays most of this gorgeous tan. Ann is dresses for a summer’s stroll with a pair of white cutoff jeans and a light blue halter top covering very little of her tan body. Ann’s vital statistics were amazing, with a 34 inch set of hips and a backside that shaped her cutoff jeans to perfect roundness, a 24-inch waist that was completely bare in her outfit and a bust that was outstanding. Outstanding was the only description that could apply, for her bust measured 124-inch and the ends of each of her over ripe breasts measures 48 inches in circumference. And as she walks, her tits bounce with excellent authority and muscle control as they return to their outstretched position after each step. The halter-top that she was wearing was made of 2 square feet of thin fabric and it was attempting to contain the over 8 square feet of soft, overripe, bouncing, and giggling flesh of Ann’s tits. Ann’s objective with her bust development program was to lie down on her back and thrust her titanic tits out and have them stick straight up over 5 feet 4 inches from the ground, which also was her height.

Ann finally arrived at the office door and as she reached for the door handle, her massive breasts pressed tightly against the glass. About 2-feet of her perfectly shaped cleavage spreads out and fills most of the glass door. The Lee brothers could not believe their eyes as they also observe her inch long nipples attempting to free themselves from Ann’s tight halter-top. As Ann entered the office she knew the two mechanics were gawking at her breasts, but ask in a polite voice "Gentlemen, the battery in my Corvette has died, can you replace it with the best original type available? I like to maintain my1963 Corvette in perfect mint condition with all original equipment."

"No problem honey" says the first mechanic, "But first we need to test your starting system, just to be sure".

"That will be excellent", Ann replies, as one of the Lee brothers grabs a special voltmeter and starts for the Corvette parked outside the office. Ann gets into the Corvette and the two mechanics open the hood and place the voltmeter on the battery and ask Ann to start the engine. Just as previously, the engine fails to turn but just groans as the starter motor tries to turn. Then the starter solenoid starts to click in and out from the low battery voltage.

"Yea, you got big problems", says one of the Lee brothers, as he shows Ann the voltmeter". "Your starter is shorted and caused the battery to fail". And as he places the voltmeter close to Ann’s gigantic breasts to show her some reading, he get a quick feel of that immense flesh bulging out of her halter top. Ann pushes his hand and voltmeter out of the way and gets out of the Corvette and asks, "Can you also replace the starter motor for me and remember that I want original GM Corvette equipment".

"Yea, no sweat", says the mechanic, "we can do that. Let’s go inside and call our parts dealer and get you a cheap price." So Ann and the two Lee brothers go inside the office. The one Lee brother makes a phone call and talks to someone about auto parts while constantly staring at Ann’s titanic and firm breasts. The other Lee boy just stands there with the voltmeter in his hand and his tongue hanging out.

Ann has reservation about the two Lee Brothers but is without transportation and needs to have her Corvette repaired. She did not like the looks of either of the brothers. Both were over 6 feet tall and about 100 pounds overweight and hadn’t seen a razor for a few days. But, maybe they were good mechanics.

"Ah, we found the parts, and they are original GM for a Corvette." Says the one Lee brother, "But they cost a bunch and will be $900.00 to have installed, total".

Ann questions the Lee brothers on the repair time and the taller one says, "The parts can be here in half hour and it will take an hour to put in". "Great, I’ll do some shopping across the street and return in about 2 hours. Please do an excellent job of replacing the parts for that is a classic Corvette and I’m very proud to own that car.

"Don’t worry your little heart honey, we do you right", replies the mechanic as Ann starts to walk out the office door. The two Lee brothers then press their face against the office door and stare at Ann as she wiggles and bounces her boobs and ass when she strolls to the shopping center across the street.

About two hours later, Ann returns with her arms full of packages from shopping and sees her Corvette facing in the opposite direction in front of the repair center’s office. She knows that the Corvette has been repaired and places her packages in the passenger’s seat and walks to the office. And just as predictable are the two Lee gawking at her through the door.

"Where there any problems repairing my Corvette and getting the proper parts ", ask Ann. "Nope, and she starts easy as new", replies one of the Lee brothers. "That will be $900.00 dollars", quotes the mechanic, and Ann simple reaches into her small handbag and counts out 9 one hundred dollar bills. "I knew this would be expensive but owning a 1963 Corvette is well worth the cost. I’ll just need to reduce my wardrobe shopping for a few weeks", Ann tells the Lee brothers as she places her massive breasts on the top of the counter and reviews the receipt for the work. Ann’s tits covered most of the counter and they were pushed back and up. To the two Lee brothers, Ann’s cleavage and tits resembles two very large firm pillows. The only cloth from her halter that is visible is the knot that she ties in the halter at the ends of her tits.

"We can knock off a few hundred from that here bill if you let me and my brother play with those knockers of yours in the back room", says one of the brothers in a shaky voice. "In fact, we’ll give you your money back if you let us fuck your titties", says the other brother as he smiles and shows his one good tooth.

"You two perverts", screams Ann, as she reviews the bill for her Corvette repair. "According to this receipt, I’m entitled to have all the parts that were replaced returned to me for inspection", says Ann in an authoritative voice. "Let me see the defective starter motor that you replace on my Corvette", Ann demands of the two mechanics as she stands straight up and thrusts her breasts straight out.

"Well honey, its this way, we throw the motor in the trash cause you most likely would not know what one looks like’, says the one brother with a big smirk on his face. He then takes the 900 dollars and waves it in front of Ann’s face and then places it in a slot of a thick steel safe that is build into the concrete wall behind the counter.

"You two assholes have better not defrauded me off with this car repair" Ann says as she starts for the office door and outside to inspect her car. Ann opens the hood of her Corvette and sees that the battery is a new GM Delco but the starter motor has definitely not been replaced. She stands straight up, places her hands on her hips and starts to walk towards the office door. This time her body is tense, every muscle is starting to show it potential and her nipples are poking through her halter-top. The pace of her walk causes her breasts to swing back and forth with each step and as she approaches the office door she can see the two Lee brothers staring at her body.

This time when her overripe massive melons reach the door, they don’t push up against the glass, they inilalate the door as she walks through the doorway. Ann’s swinging breasts also shove aside the steel frame like it was hanging beads and when she places her titanic tits on the counter; a large gaping hole is blasted through the top. The stapler, PC, monitor, and the telephone sitting on top of the counter top are completely crushed by her tits as she leans forward.

The Lee brother cannot believe their eyes, this lovely female just inilated the office door and blasted her tits through the counter top. They step back with a confused look on their face as they stare at Ann. "What do you want", says one brother in a frighten voice.

"I want to see the starter motor you replace in my car, NOW! And I want my 900 dollars back", Ann screams in a strict tone of voice." Then one of the brothers runs out to the shop and quickly brings back a metal motor and places it on the counter top. "Here is the motor we changes in your car", he says. And as Ann picks up the heavy motor with one hand she instantly recognizes the object as an air conditioner compressor and squeezes the thick steel case of the compressor in half with her one hand. The two destroyed halves of the compressor fall into the deep cleavage of her breasts without causing the slightest dimple and then roll onto the floor.

"That was not my starter motor you two perverts, and you have defrauded me and I want my money back", Ann, tells them in a laud voice.

"Fuck you bitch, the money is locked in the safe and there is nothing you can do about it", screams back one of the Lee brothers while the other brother picks up a 5-foot long steel bar and slams it into the side of Ann’s beautiful face. However, the only thing that occurred when the steel bar hit Ann’s face was the sudden vibration of the steel that recoiled back down the bar and caused the goon at the other end to drop the steel bar. Ann face was not hurt in the least but she was extremely furious because if it had been for her unbelievable strength, she would have been serious injured.

"You shouldn’t have hit me with the steel bar"; Ann says in a quiet but determined voice, "for you two assholes are going to have the unique pleasure of watching me completely annihilate your business using by tight muscular thighs, my bodacious boobs, and my firm round ass". Ann then steps completely through the thick wood and metal counter and shatters it into a million pieces.

With both the Lee brothers mesmerized by Ann’s beautiful body and enormous strength, it was easy for her to quickly grab both of the 250-pound men by their belt buckles and lift them completely off the ground. And then she marches over to the entry door for the garage area. Both of the Lee brothers are punching Ann violently, but is has no effect on the Goddess. In fact, they both stop punching her after they realize it like punching a solid steel beam and all that is being accomplished is the skin on their knuckles are being ripped open. Ann reaches the heavy door and lifts up her right leg, showing off the excellent shape of her thigh and calf muscles and thrusts her leg into the doorframe. The door and most of the steel frame are set flying to the opposite side of the 5 bay garage and explode as they collide with the concrete block wall. And as Ann walks through the open doorway, her massive 48-inch long chest muscles swing freely and blast several concrete blocks to dust on one side and crush 16 inches of reinforced concrete to power on the opposite side of the doorway.

Once inside the garage area, Ann looks for something to hold the two goons and quickly sees an engine hoist. She carries the Lee brothers over to the hoist and takes the one brother in her right hand and places him tightly between her powerful legs. With this goon held securely in her heavenly thighs, she takes the other goon and lifts him up to the top of the engine hoist. Ann then takes the 2-inch thick chain that would normally bolt to an engine block and wraps it around the goon’s waist and secures it back around the hoist. It’s a simple task for Ann to split open one of the 2-inch thick chain links and clamp it back on the hoist, and crush it close again with only 2 of her longs feminine fingers. She lifts the other brother from between her legs and chains him to the engine hoist in the same manner. Ann then bends the solid steel frame of the hoist to a position where two idiots are hanging about a foot above the floor.

Ann laughs at the dire situation of the two Lee brothers, who are kicking and screaming every possible four letter at her. "You two ripped me off on the car repair and then you wanted to play with my tits", Ann tells the brothers. "But first I’m going to give you two Lee brothers an appropriate first name, your Ug and your Home", Ann tells them as she looks around the shop for an acetylene torch.

Ann finds the acetylene torch tanks on the back wall and quickly moves them towards her prey, but the tanks and dolly that supports them are secured to the concrete wall with several feet of 1-inch thick stainless steel chain. This is not a problem as Ann just grabs hold of the mounting hook and tears it out of the concrete wall, leaving a 6-inch hole in the pulverized concrete. Ann places the acetylene torch near Ug and Home and adjusts the valves to light the torch. She sets the controls for the acetylene and oxygen mixture to produce an extremely hot blue blame that could slice any steel in half and waves the flame in front of the two goons. "What are you going to do with that torch", Ug screams in a trembling voice, "Your going to get burnt".

" I don’t believe I’ll get harmed with this torch, but since you two assholes wanted to see my tits and body, watch this demonstration of my strength", Ann hollers as she places the 3000 degree flame in the cleavage of her breasts. Nothing happens, its like there was no flame at all, but when Ann moved the flame close to her halter top it just vaporized the material. "I’m going to cut away small pieces of my clothes with this torch until I’m completely nude. And then I’ll destroy every tool, piece of machinery, the Mercedes, the lifts, and your tow truck with my muscular, firm, nude female body", Ann recites to the Lee brothers as she places the hot torch near her nipples.

The acetylene torch instantly vaporizers the material around her nipple and her nipple protrude straight out through her halter-top. The torch is then passed to the other nipple and the same is accomplished. Both of Ann large excited nipples are poking through her burned halter. She then brings the torch back along the side of her breast and cuts away several inches of material, revealing even more of her massive melons. Ann then turns around and bends over slightly, showing Ug and Home her well-defined and shapely backside. And she uses the torch to delicately remove about 5 inches of white cloth from her cutoff jeans, which reveals the cheeks of her firm ass. She teases and taunts the Lee brothers until she has burned all the clothes off her body with the acetylene torch and she can tell by the bulge in the Lee brothers pants that the are getting excited. Ann then waves the super hot torch in front of the Ug and Home crotches, which instantly brings fear into their bodies and removes any thought of sex from their minds.

Ann is enjoying herself as she yells, "watch this you two dip shits", as she places her hand under her left breast and brings the end of her massive tit back to her face. She places the super hot dense flame of the torch directly on her nipple and presses the lever on the torch to allow the oxygen to flow through the cutting tube. This produces a super hot flame that can cut through a 10-inch thick steel bar in seconds, but it has no effect on Ann super body. She rotates the torch in a circular motion around her nipples, heating the end of her tit to several thousand degrees. Ann then pulls the torch away from her nipple and places her moist tongue on the end of her tit. The moisture on her tongue instantly turns to super heated steam and there is a hissing sound that can only be caused by water being instantly vaporized. Ann continues playing with her breast and starts to turn herself on by placing her moist lips and mouth over her nipple and starts to suckle herself. The steam and the hissing sound continue as her wet mouth and lips attempt to quench the heat in her breast.

Ann takes the hot torch again and heats both of her nipples for a few seconds and asks the two guys chained to the hoist if they would like to kiss her breasts as she lifts her massive 16-inch diameter tits up to their faces. "No, get away", they both scream as Ann turns the torch off and turns around to the side of the white Mercedes.

"Watch this boys", Ann says with a sexy smile on her face as she leans over the front of the full size Mercedes and places her tits on the hood of the car. Both nipples immediately pierce the thin sheet metal and her super hot tits set the enamel paint on fire. And as Ann swings her tits across the tops of the hood, her nipples slice two well defined burning slits through the hood of the white Mercedes.

As Ann turns back around she notices the 1-inch thick stainless steel chain that is holding the acetylene and oxygen tanks to the support stand, and this scene give her a playful idea. So she tears 12 feet of the high-quality harden steel chain from around the two tanks and places it around her long thin neck and lets the chain drape over the top of her bouncing boobs. Taking one end of the chain with her left hand, she places a steel link over the 2-inch nipple of her left breasts and with her right hand she pulls the chain somewhat taught around her long slender neck. And then places a chain link from the other end of the chain over her right nipple. The chain has a little slack and you can hear the chain rattle as Ann bounces her bountiful boobs. So Ann tells the two brothers, "I wonder if this thick steel heavy chain can support my bouncing tits", as she start to bounce her breasts up and down in a rhythmic cycle. And with each cycle, she bounces her boobs just a little more. The Lee brothers and Ann can see and hear the chain straining more and more with each cycle of her bouncing boobs. Each time the chain tightens, the sound of tearing steel echoes throughout the garage and finally Ann bounces her tits past the point of no return for the steel chain and the chain links fracture into hundreds of pieces and go cascading all over the workshop.

Ann looks at the two frighten Lee brothers and yells, "Ok boys, it’s your turn to take revenge", as she walks over to the work bench and finds two large sledge hammer, each with a 5 pound maul. She takes the large hammers back to the hoist and hands each of the Lee brothers one of the hammers and says to the boys’, "if you can put a dimple in my big, soft, breasts, I’ll release you and leave with no unpleasant feelings". For Ann figured that these two overweight bullies probably could swing the hammer with a good deal of force and it would be fun to watch the puny steel hammers compete with her super succulent breasts. So Ann takes her soft hands and lifts her massive 48-inch long tits up towards the Lee brothers and sinks her fingers deep into the underside of her soft, overripe, deeply tan breasts. She begins to caress and massage the 16-inch diameter ends of breasts and observes her cleavage just rise and fall with each inward push of her hands on her titanic tits.

The Lee brothers, Ug and Home, start to swings the sledge hammer violently at Ann’s breasts. Slam after slam, for over five minutes, the hammers pound into her massive chest muscles with no effect. The hammers can’t produce even a microscopic dimple in her super boobs. So Ann laughs at the two and says, "now observe closely this magic trick that only my sister Kathryn and I can perform", and immediately opens the cleavage of her breast and captures the two hammers between her breasts. The two goons try in vain to remove the hammers, but it’s impossible, and Ann simply swipes her hands across the top of her tits and shatters the fiberglass handles free from the cold steel mauls.

With both steel mauls wedged tightly between the cleavage of the muscular breasts, Ann gently rolls her tits together and crushes the thick steel mauls between her breasts. As the hardened steel oozes upward from her cleavage, Ann just rolls her large tits higher and higher until there is nothing remaining of the steel mauls. From the viewpoint of the Lee brothers, all they see is massive tit surrounding the steel mauls and the steel just seems to disappear. Then Ann releases her tits and as her awesome cleavage opens, it obvious that the steel mauls have vanished and she says to the Lee brothers, "Sorry guys, I can’t make them reappear, that’s not part of this magic trick".

There is a large mechanics tool chest on the far side of the Mercedes. It has an 8-draw bottom portion and a 10 draw upper section, and Ann asks, "Whose tool chest is located by the Mercedes"? "That’s mine why", replies Ug with a dumb look on his face. "Well, I hope you have selected high quality tools with a lifetime warranty Ug, because I plan on placing them through a vigorous stress test", echoes Ann in a giggly voice.

Ann walks around to the tool chest and simply picks the entire tool chest off the ground and carries it back to where the Lee brothers are hanging from the hoist and shakes it a few times. "Sound like you have a complete set to heavy gauge tools Ug, lets see what you have for me to stress test". Ann then opens several drawers and soon finds the extra large open-end wrenches. " This one will do fine", Ann says as she picks up a 38 millimeter open-end wench. The wrench is about 2 feet long and is crafted of 2-inch thick chrome alloy steel. Ann takes the large wrench and places her hands on the far ends of the wrench and positions the wrench directly under the nipple of her right tit. She then looks at the two brothers and starts to pull upwards on the wrench. At first thought, you would thinks the wrench would easily lift Ann’s tit, but the two brothers soon realize this is not the case. The 2-inch thick wrench starts to bend around Ann’s perfectly shaped nipple and as she continues to pull upward with a slow steady motion, the wrench bends completely around her nipple. Her magnificent melon hasn’t moved a millimeter. And finally the wrench shears in half from the tremendous pull of Ann’s muscles. Ann takes the two ruptured half of the wrench, one in each hand and holds them near the crotches of the Lee brothers and crushes the remains in her hands and lets the chrome metal ooze out between her fingers. The two Lee brothers eyes got so large they almost popped out of their heads.

Ann grabs another large wrench and places it length wise between the cleavages of her tits and lets her natural muscles close down on the wrench. Her cleavage is spread open about 2 feet to accommodate the wrench, but as she relaxes and allows her tits to close, the wrench starts to curve in the middle. As her tits close to about 6 inches the wrench is almost bent in half. Then there is a laud crack; it’s the wrench shattering into several pieces. One-piece blasts through the roof of the garage taking part of a steel beam along for the ride, while another piece rifles between Ug and Home and penatrates the steel frame of the hoist that is holding them secure. Ann laughs quietly to herself as she looks as the Lee brothers and says, "I think you two jokers just shit your pants".

"Would you like me to slip you a little tongue boys?" Ann says in a soft sexy whisper as she grabs a 3-foot long steel breaker bar from the tool chest. She stares directly at the Lee brothers and uses her long wet tongue to moisten her deep red lips and brings the bar up to her silky face. She sticks out her tongue like a defiant teenager and places the cold hard steel breaker bar length-wise across her tongue. And with a simple curl of her long tongue, the inch thick chrome bar bends in half, and as Ann brings her tongue back into her mouth, her lips twist the two halves together. Ann continues to circle her tongue around her lips and twists the entire steel bar into her wet mouth. It doesn’t take long before the entire bar is crumbled and forced into her mouth, where her tongue plays with the hardened steel as if it was a piece of cotton candy. She then blows out the crushed remains of the bar into the concrete floor where it blasts a crater several meters in diameter.

"Lets see what else is in this tool chest", Ann says as she opens drawers until she finds a special tool that looks like a gigantic two prong fork. The forks were about 2-inch thick and over 6 inches long and the total length of the tool is over 3 feet. "That there’s for ball joint on large car, honey", Home says in a creep, drawn out voice. So Ann turns around and points the tool directly at Home’s balls and say, "Don’t call me "honey" again or I’ll demonstrate the improper use of this tool on your balls".

So Ann decides to play with both the tool and herself, and she back her muscular nude body up to the front part of the Mercedes and jumps up on the fender. Her firm round ass compresses several inches in the sheet metal and after she wiggles slightly to get a comfortable seat, crushed down about a foot on metal to the perfect shape of her backside. Ann then takes the forks of the tool and using her long fingers, squeezes them together at the tip. She then leans her head back, closes her eyes, and spreads her tight muscular thighs apart. And with extreme ease, she inserts the forks of the steel tool into her moist cunt and with a twisting action continues to insert the tool until it penetrates 18 inches into her body.

The Lee brother can’t believe their eyes and there’s nothing they can do except watch. Ann starts to moan with ecstasy as she works the steel tool in and out of the pussy and at the same time twists the bar back and forth. She screams with delight, but the puny metal soon surrenders to her extreme strength and turns into a super heated paste that runs down her legs and burns through the side of the Mercedes. "Damm cheap steel", Ann screams as she takes what remains of the tool’s handle and jumps off the side of the car and places the handle next to the mouths of Ug and Home and says while panting, " Would you like a lick".

"I’ll finish sampling this tool chest and then you can observe my technique on disassembling a Mercedes part by part", Ann tell Ug and Home as she positions the tool chest directly in front of them. She then arches her smooth shoulders back and allows her 48-inch long tits to rise above the height of the tool chest and then lowers her boobs directly on top of the tool chest. And as she leans forward, Ann’s 16-inch diameter breasts cover the entire top of the tool chest completely and easily sink into the top section and crush the top 2 drawers. She then places her hands under her breasts and lifts her tits 2 feet into the air and then releases them. Her massive melons naturally fall back down and when they contact the tool chest, they drive the upper section of the tool chest completely into the lower section. And the wheels on the lower section are forced into the metal bottom and the bottom of the tool chest slams into the concrete floor with a laud thud. The muscle Goddess then straddles the crushed tool chest with her legs and shows the Lee brothers the firm well-defined muscles of her thighs and calves when she stretches out on her toes.

Ann slowly starts to bring her legs together and the tool chest has no choice but to crumble under the extreme pressure of her firm thighs. The drawers crush inward from the center and start to bulge out on the ends. Various tools rupture through the side of the metal drawers and Ann grabs them and start to play. A ¾ inch socket set is picked up and the super strong teenager easily pushes the sockets on her fingers like rings and then closes her hands. This causes all the hardened steel sockets to split in half or be crushed in the palm of her hands. Large screwdrivers are pull from the tool chest and Ann jams them into her tight stomach muscles and the screwdrivers just shatter as they meet her tan skin. She takes a large pair of pliers and squeezes her nipple with the jaws until the handles are forced together and then tears the pliers away from her nipple, which rips all the teeth complete from the jaws of the tool. Finally, her powerful sexy legs shear the tool chest in half and the two parts just fall to the side. Then Ann bends over at her waist and allows her extreme large and hanging boobs to crush the remains of the tool chest 2 feet deep into the concrete floor.

"Ok Ug, where do you keep the keys for the Mercedes?" Ann asks and she looks into the window of the Mercedes. "You don’t want to mess with that Mercedes, it belongs to a tough guy that does muscle work for the mob". Ug says in a shakes voice.

"Let me show you some more of my muscles and strengths", Ann responds in an upbeat voice. "Now where are the keys to the Mercedes"? Ann asked again in a more determined voice.

"The keys are in a box on the other side of the wall", one of the brother’s replies, as Ann walks into the office and finds the key box hanging on the concrete wall that separates the office from the garage work area. The office section of the building was once a bank and the reinforced concrete wall must have been part of the old bank vault. So Ann walks back into the garage area and decides to have some fun. She moves the engine hoist that has Ug and Home chained to the boom, to a position next to the concrete wall. Ann then swats the heavy steel work wench located next to the concrete wall with her open hand and sends it flying against the back wall. The steel bolts that anchored the workbench are sheared off and torn from the concrete floor. Ann looks at the concrete wall and thrusts her breasts out until her nipples make contact with the hard concrete and she presses them gently into the reinforced concrete, making two indentations about an inch in depth. "Guys, keep your eyes on these marking I’ve made on this side of the wall and you will be treated to a nice surprise", Ann tells the Lee brothers as she walks around to the other side of the concrete office wall. The opposite side of the concrete wall has a soda machine and a water cooler resting next to the wall, but Ann simply walks through the water cooler and lets her thighs rip the cooler off the wall and blast it into the soda machine. Then she kicks the soda machine and sends it tumbling into the back wall where it burst into pieces, showering broken soda bottle all over the room.

Ann removes the key box from the concrete wall by simply tearing it free of the mounting bolts and then she holds it in her right hand. She then calculates approximately where she made the two indentations on the opposite side of the wall and places her muscular 48-inch long super melons directly at the same location on this side of the wall. Ann places her hands behind her back to protect the key box and thrusts her extra large tits forward and allows her nipples to start penetrating the two-foot thick reinforced concrete. She starts to move her breasts in a circular motion as she inches her flawless body ever closer to the concrete wall. Her massive tits and nipples act as power boring drill bits as they easily excavate the concrete. Slowly but surely, Ann moves forward, allowing her 16-inch diameter fun bags to pulverize the reinforced concrete. The harden concrete is reduced to a fine talcum power by her powerful body. Ann starts to Ooh and Ah as her nipples make contact and grind the inch thick steel rebar inside the concrete wall. She is purposely going slowly, allowing herself about 2 minutes to completely bore through the thick wall. She can only imagine the look on the two goons faces on the opposite side of the wall.

Ug and Home have a front row seat. From their viewpoint, hanging from a engine hoist, they could see the two foot thick concrete wall start to crack and small pieces of concrete flake off the wall. Slowly, the cracks became larger and deeper and larger chunks of concrete started to fall on the floor. They can see the concrete separating from the inch thick rebar. Finally, they see Ann’s 2-inch long nipples protrude through the wall, moving in a circular motion and crushing everything they contact. The inch thick steel rebar coils around each of her nipples until the steel shred itself apart. Soon, the 16-inch diameter breasts of Ann are completely through the wall and projecting two feet beyond the wall. The Lee brother’s then see the lower section of the concrete wall develop a massive crack and blast open, causing large sections of concrete to fall away. Ann exquisitely shaped muscular legs and powerful thighs next appear through the concrete wall as her young sexy body continues unhindered through the concrete. Her body demolishes the two feet thick concrete as if it were rice paper and the steel rebar offered less resistance the plastic string. There is concrete and steel everywhere from the gaping hole that Ann just created and not a scratch on her perfectly tan and nude body.

"Well guys, I can see by the bulge in your pants that you enjoyed that infinitesimal exhibition of my strength. So let me relieve you of the undue strain in your trousers", Ann states to Ug and Home as she clutches the extra large belt buckle of Ug with her left hand. And with a slow squeeze of her fingers, she crumbles his belt buckle into oblivion and uses her little finger to tear open the upper part of his pants and shorts. Ug’s pants fall down to his knees and Home starts to laugh. "Your turn Home", Ann says as she gives him the same treatment. "Now I can uses your manhood as a visual indicator of my performance", Ann says to Ug and Home in a sexy but laughable voice.

"Are the keys to the Mercedes in this box?" Ann asks Ug as she tears open the locked steel box with her one finger. She locates a set of keys with the tag "White Mercedes" and takes them from the box and then throws the metal container against the concrete wall with such force that it just smears itself into the concrete. Ann then goes over to the drivers door of the Mercedes and pushes her fingers through the front edge of the door approximately where the upper hinge is located and pushes the door towards the back of the car. The door crumbles like an accordion as her hand pushes against the metal door. In less than a second, the door is torn from its steel hinges and is pushed into the rear door. Ann then reaches in and starts the Mercedes and then rolls the hoist that has Ug and Home chained, to a position right next to driver side of the Mercedes and says to the two, "What maintenance did you perform on this car".

"The brakes, we fixed the brakes", Home says with a shaky voice. "Ok, I’ll inspect your craftsmanship in a minute, but first lets open, I mean remove this hood", Ann says laughing as she places her hand about a foot under the hood and then raises her hand. The hood, along with parts of the front cross member frame are ripped from the car, and then Ann just pulls the entire hood assembly off its hinges and tosses it to one side. Ann spots the throttle assembly and reaches in and turns the assembly until the engine runs at full speed and then folds the mechanism over with her little fingers to jam it in this position.

Ann goes over to the passenger’s side door and using her two hands rips the door off this side and then collapses her hands together completely shearing the door in half. She enters the passenger side and rips the seat from the floor and wedges it into the back seat. Ann then straddles the center console and pushes her feet through the floorboards while standing up straight. The Lees brother’s watch with wide-open eyes as Ann’s head and shoulders burst through the top of the Mercedes. "Hi assholes", she calls to the two, as she stretches her body and brings her arms through the roof of the Mercedes. "Lets play "Peek a Boob", Ann says as she positions her long arms straight out against the top of the car’s roof and starts to raise her gigantic breast. The roofline starts to swell for 4 feet in front of Ann shoulders and the Lee brothers can easily observe that it’s Ann’s tits causing the distortion. Ann continues to raise her titanic tits and soon the sheet metal of the roof cannot contain her16-inch diameter breasts and they quickly rupture the sheet metal and blast through the roofline. Ann then rotates her body around and allows her magnificent melons to cleave through the entire roof. She then takes the remaining top of the car and pushes it backwards and into the trunk. "Hey guys, do you like the Mercedes as a convertible"? Ann asks, as she sits down just behind the center console. "And also, do you guys have a good view"? Ann says as she grabs the "T" shape handle of the gearshift in her right hand.

The "T" shaped gearshift handle is promptly reduced to a 1-inch round ball in the palms of Ann’s hands and she positions her soft cunt directly over the gearshift. Ann starts to lower herself on the gearshift, expecting a little instance pleasure, but the gearshift for the automatic transmission is made of cheap aluminum and it’s just crushes down to the floor as it attempts to enter her body. "Great", Ann shouts, as she moves her hips slightly back and jams the transmission into drive. With the engine running at full speed, the result in instantaneous, the car vaults forward with a force of 350 horsepower. Ann’s feet are holding the car in place, but the floorboard metal is starting to split around her slender calves, as both of the rear tires were attempting to propel the Mercedes at 150 MPH.

With some quick thinking, Ann pushes her hands through the floorboard, shredding several square feet of the floorboard completely aside with her fingers until she finds cross members of the car’s frame. She then clasps the cross members with both hands and lifts the rear section of the Mercedes off the ground. With the rear wheels of the car lifted off the ground and the danger of the car destroying itself before Ann could finish playing, greatly reduced. Ann smiles as she looks down and sees a rapidly rotating metal drive shaft and the steel universal joint between her powerful thighs and only inches from her moist cunt.

Ann immediately lifts the Mercedes even higher until the spinning drive shaft makes contacts with the upper part of her muscular thighs. Then spreading her legs further apart, Ann lifts the car higher until she can feel the rotating metal shaft on her moist pussy. The rotating shaft starts to send waves of pleasure and delight into her muscular and nude body. She then starts to sway the Mercedes back and forth and is enjoying the pleasure from the spinning drive shaft as she slides it up and down her cunt. But Ann get the Mercedes swaying too much and the hardened steel universal joint jams up against her moist cunt and shatters into several thousand pieces.

"Damm it", Ann screams as she drops the Mercedes and looks at the destroyed drive shaft and universal joint. But just then a smile comes across Ann’s face as she detects the 2-inch thick, heat treated, grooved output power shaft, extending 8 inches from the rear of the transmission, and spinning at a high rate of speed. The super sexy and strong Ann, lays back and destroys even more of the Mercedes as she spreads her thighs, grabs hold of the steel frame of the car with her hands and guides the rotating transmission shaft into her pussy. It’s Ann verses 350 horsepower of metal and machine. Ann screams with pleasure as the super harden, grooved steel shaft sinks 8 inches into her sex organ and with her arms flaying about, she completely destroys the rear section of the Mercedes.

With a final scream of joy, Ann squeezes her legs and lifts her hips to get more pleasure, but all that transpires is the powerful transmission stalls. Her tight pussy has stopped the output power shaft from rotating. And as Ann looks up and tightens her thighs even more, the transmission explodes between her legs and sends parts flying throughout the garage area. She looks up at the Lee brothers and sees that they are not harmed, however, she does laugh because they are covered with transmission oil and its dripping off their aroused cock. "At least you two look like you are having an organism"; Ann says to the Lee brothers as she sits up and tries to calm herself.

With a discussing look on her face, Ann raises the volume on the car’s radio only to hear the song "I Can’t Get No Satisfaction". "Just what I need", Ann shouts, over the roaring of the Mercedes’ engine as she rams her super sized tits over 18-inches deep into the dash of the car and completed obliterate the car’s stereo system. Then the Goddess of strength swings her tits from side to side and creates a void 18-inches deep and 24-inches in height across the dash. There is nothing remaining in the dash of the Mercedes, the stereo, the CD changer, the climate controls, the glove box, the instruments, and the GPS systems are crushed beyond belief. The steering wheel and column are bent sideways and pushed out the driver’s side of the car and the windshield just explodes into thousand of tiny glass fragments. And as Ann steps through the remaining floor boards and steel frame of the Mercedes and slashes them apart with her legs, she looks at Ug and Home as says, "Class is about to start on Engine Disassembly 101".

Ann walks to the back to the garage and finds a workbench that looks extremely sturdy and tears it from the floor and carries it over to where Ug and Home are uncomfortably hanging and places the workbench in front of them. She then leaps on the workbench and sits on the table top and says to Ug and Home while gently caressing her tits and thighs, "Your final exam for this class will be to reassemble the engine of the Mercedes and reinstall it in perfect operating condition". Ann then turns her head to one side and notices an extremely large vise attached to the far corner of the workbench. She slides her fantastic body sideways and carefully leans forward as she separates her over abundant mammarys and allows them to encircle the steel vise. And as she releases her magnificent mounds of flesh, they clamp the vise so robustly that the 2-foot long steel handle surrenders to the shape of her 16-inch diameter tits. Ann swings her nude body back to the front and the vise is completely torn from the workbench. The bolts that secure the vice to the tabletop are shattered into metal splinters.

Their Ann sits, with a 50 pound high carbon steel vise wedged between the colossal cleavages of her breasts, and as she stares at Ug and Home, she dictates to them, "This is my warm up exercise guys". She they places her hands on her narrow hips, rolls her soft shoulders back and directs her soft fleshy tits forward. And as her massive tits thrust outward, the gigantic round ends of her breast start to close inward. The 6-inch thick steel jaws of the vise, that are fully open, start to close inward as millions of tons of pressure are applied by Ann’s breasts. As her tits close tighter and tighter, the harden metal in the vise screams with pain as the 8 square inch steel base bends in half and tries in vain to restrict its unenviable collapse. The 6-inch thick jaws of the vise are crushed together and then start to twist, distort and push upward. The steel jaws have no where to go but up through Ann’s cleavage, for the solid steel base of the vise is being crushed and is forcing everything to ooze upward. The chrome handle and the screw mechanism are being intermingling with the steel jaws and the thick steel base. And with Ann’s final thrust of her breast muscles, the 50 pounds of steel percolates out the top of her cleavage as a blob, that resembles hot oatmeal, and overflows her tits and falls to the floor.

"And now the Mercedes", Ann says as she slides off the tabletop allowing her firm round ass to carve two fantastic depressions in the metal top. She then walks over to the Mercedes and stands directly in front of the engine. And with the engine running at close to 6000 RPM for over 10 minutes, the temperature of the motor is hot. The exhaust headers are starting to turn cherry red from the heat of the engine’s exhaust and everything is rotating a tremendous speed. "This is going to be educational because I’ll remove the engine in a detailed step by step procedure", Ann says to the Lee brother.

"Step 1", Ann says to the Lee brothers, "Carefully remove the radiator hoses, and the air conditioner pipes from the two radiators and gently lift the radiator assembly from the front of the grill". Ann then elegantly bows down from her waist and permits the 36-inch wide ends of her breasts to relax on top of the radiators. And by continuing her bow, her massive tits crush the radiators assemble into the lower steel cross member of the front frame of the Mercedes. Ann bows down even more and her 48-inch long tits are crushing the radiator assembly and the steel frame almost 12-inch into the concrete floor. Ann kneels down and continues to allow her massive melons to blast deep into the concrete floor, which propagates deep cracks across the entire garage area floor. Soon, every inch of her titanic tits are pushed into the concrete floor and the radiator assembly and the front steel frame of the Mercedes are buried 48-inch beneath the floor. When Ann stands up, the Lee brother can’t believe the 48-inch deep hole that is 36 inch long and 24 inches wide that was created by her bountiful boobs.

"Step 2 guys", Ann says, "is to remove the fan blade to prevent any damage to the assembly". So the 19-year old nude ultra powerful beauty walks into the engine compartment and positions her blond pussy hair less than a half-inch from the rapidly spinning fan blade. Slowly, she moves her firm round hips forward and the hair on her pussy start to contact the metal blades. A mist of fine metal shaving is produced along with a laud tingling sound, as the metal is rasped to dust particles by Ann’s pussy hair. It doesn’t take long before the entire metal fan is shredded into a fine metal power.

"Step 3 is straightforward, boys", Ann says to the Lee brothers, "carefully remove the air conditioner compressor and avoid any undue stress on the clutch and rotor parts". And as Ann steps to the side of the Mercedes she takes her left beasts and swipes her 2-inch long nipple lengthwise through the steel case of the compressor. A 2-inch deep gash along the entire length is immediately ripped in the compressor and when her super hard nipple collides with the spinning rotor, the entire clutch and rotor assembly explodes.

"Step 4 is my favorite. Remove the exhaust manifold bolts, the exhaust manifold, and exhaust pipes", Ann says, as she reaches in and grabs the right side exhaust manifold with her left hand. And as she reaches for the extremely hot manifold, Ann directs her hanging tits towards the right front fender and allows her 48-inch long tits to crush the tire, the chrome alloy wheel and the disc brakes into the concrete. At the same time her powerful thighs tear through the steel frame and annihilate the suspension. "Oops, sorry guys, I didn’t intend to do any damage to the tire and the suspension, I’ll be very meticulous where I position my soft breasts and firm thighs from now on", Ann says in a mischievous tone of voice. And as her hands grab the hot exhaust manifold, Ann pulls straight up and shears the hot manifold from the engine block. The 10 steel bolts securing the manifold to the big block engine have their threads just torn from the engine block. Ann continues to tear away at the exhaust manifold and pulls it along with the exhaust headers, that are glowing cherry red from the exhaust heat completely out of the vehicle and walks towards Ug and Home. She then takes the red-hot exhaust pipes and headers and starts to rub them over her body. The sizzling and searing sound is nauseating, as the red-hot pipes vaporize any moisture from Ann’s flawless tan skin. Ann massages her tits, her thighs, her pussy, and her firm round ass with the super heated pipes and not the slightest mark is placed on her body. And as the pipes cool and loose their bright cherry red color, Ann crumbles the manifold and pipes into a crushed ball and tosses them into the large hole she has already made in the floor.

"Step 5 is the last part of the removal process", Ann tell Ug and Home, "disconnect the motor mounts and remove the engine with a suitable hoist". But since the engine hoist is being employed for another purpose, I’ll improvise". So Ann stands in front of the motor, that is still running at full speed, and bends over from her waist and grabs hold of the motor mounts on each side of the engine. Of course, Ann doesn’t pay any attention to her massive knockers as they swing across the top of the engine and destroy everything they touch. The alternator is blasted to pieces, the intake manifold is pushed to the rear and through the distributor, and the ends of her tits slash through two cylinder walls and stop a piston dead in its tracks on the compression cycle. The piston instantly shatters and the piston rod is forced back down through the crank and explodes the lower end of the 350 horsepower motor. Now with her hands on the motor mounts, Ann simply yanks quickly and the entire engine is violently separated from the Mercedes. She shakes the heavy motor back and forth several times to remove any loose wires or hoses that are still connected to the engine and carries it on top of her tits over to the workbench.

Ann sits atop the workbench again and drives her long slender fingers through the cast iron block of the large "V8" engine and lifts it up with one hand and positions the heavy engine so Ug and Home can see the starter motor. "I’m not a dumb blond, and let me demonstrate my knowledge of internal combustion engines", Ann says as she reaches for the starter motor with her hand. "This is the starter motor", Ann tell Ug and Home as she wraps her hand around the starter and starts to peel it off the motor. The two large mounting bolts snap as Ann tears the starter from the engine block. She then takes the entire engine block and places it between her thighs, closes her legs and crushes the engine block inward about a foot to hold it in place. Ann then brings the starter motor up to chest and places it in her cleavage where she grabs the solenoid and tears it off the starter motor. "That was the solenoid", Ann tells the two guys, as she crushed it with her hand into a thousand small pieces. She then lifts the starter motor and holds it between her dainty hands. And when she quickly collapse her hands together, the steel starter motor is reduced to a hot black syrup, that flows from between her fingers, down her cleavage and into the engine block caught in her legs.

The engine block that is captured in her firm thighs is spared no mercy. Ann knows what she is pursuing, as she easily disassembles the engine block. She rips and tears the engine apart, telling Ug and Home each part and its function. Her fingers rip the cast iron cylinders open like they are wet newspapers. She destroys the push rods as if they are straws, the cylinder heads are teased like cotton balls in her fingers and the super hard steel crankshaft is bend into a petty bow.

After removing most of the engine parts, Ann rips away at the center of the engine and finds the camshaft and easily removes it out of the engine and shows it to Ug and Home. "This is the only useful component of this engine", Ann says to the two brothers, as she brings her legs together and slices the remains of the big block "V8" in half with her thighs. She then raises and separates her legs and lies back on the workbench and inserts the 3 foot long, heat treated, steel camshaft into her hot wet pussy. For Ann, this is pure sex and ecstasy as the 2-inch diameter shaft penetrates her luscious body, for she can feel each and every lobe on the camshaft as it enters her pussy. She kicks her legs with pleasure and obliterates the end of the workbench as she continues to play with the camshaft. She is almost to the point of total pleasure, screaming loudly Yes, Yes, Yes", while moving the camshaft in and out of her pussy and rotating it back and forth. When, "Crack!!!" the camshaft shears in half and 18-inches of harden alloy steel is vaporized inside her fantastic body by the powerful muscles of her cunt.

Ann takes a deep breathe, and screams, "Son of a bitch, what’s required to allow me to have a complete organism". Well if nothing else, I can tell my sister Kathryn that the camshaft for a Mercedes is rates a 5.5 on her pleasure scale.

Ann sits up on the tabletop and jumps down next to the workbench and swings her hips into the workbench. The workbench instantly is propelled into the back cement block wall where it blasts a hole in the block wall and destroys two vehicles parked out behind the garage.

"Ah! Another test of strength" Ann says to the Lee brothers as she drags the engine hoist along with Ug and Home over to a car lift that has a large SUV elevated into the air. "What this vehicle having repaired", Ann ask the two goons? "The rear universal aint good", Ug says to Ann as she goes beneath the car and tears the rear universal joint from the drive shaft with a quick pull of her hand. This quick pull also propels the drive shaft up through the floor of the SUV and also rips the pinion gear and input shaft from the rear differential that breaks open as easily as cracking an egg. She takes the harden steel universal over to Ug and Home and squeezes it between her fingers and allows all the needle bearings to fall on the floor in front of them. And as Ann opens up her hand and show Ug and Home the flattened universal joint, she says, "Definitely defective guys, missing some of its needle bearings".

Ann then stares at the SUV on the lift and moves next to the 12-inch diameter cylinder and lift that is supporting the vehicle. She then squats down and pushes her fingers and hand completed through the bottom of the steel cylinder, and starts to raise the cylinder of the car lift out of the concrete floor. The thick cylinder and car lift are just ripped from the garage floor and as Ann stands up, the 3-ton SUV is force up and into the rafters of the garage. The top of the SUV is crushed down into the passenger area by the steel rafters. And as the nineteen-year-old nude blond continues to lift the cylinder over her head, the entire SUV burst through the roof of the garage. Then Ann starts to do some reps, raising and lowering her one arm with about 6 tons of vehicle and car lift. After about 50 quick reps, the SUV cannot take this shaking and falls off the lift and directly onto Ann’s fantastic body. The vehicle is sideways when it contacts Ann’s body, but it has no effect on her; in fact her massive 48-inch long breasts just slice the SUV in half. "What should I do with this SUV", Ann asks Ug as she easily pick up the front half of the vehicle. "This hole where the cylinder lift once was located should make a excellent hiding place for the SUV", Ann says to the Lee brothers as she starts to force the vehicle into the 12-inch diameter hole in the concrete floor. The super powerful young girl forces the steel frame, engine, tires, transmission and everything else of the SUV into the small hole. She uses her feet to start the process of forcing the SUV into the12-inch diameter hole and her hands to bend, tear, shred, and direct the metal monster towards the hole in the floor. And her titanic tits complete the process by crushing everything into the hole as Ann simply bends over at her waist and allows her massive melons to do the final squeeze. Her tits act like a massive meat grinder, turning the metal components of the SUV into a substance that resembles raw hamburger. In less that a minute, the entire 3-ton SUV is force into the 12-inch diameter metal hole in the garage floor by Ann’s super powerful body. Ann then takes the 12-inch diameter cylinder lift and places it back into its original hole and forces it completely back down to the level of the floor. Ug and Home can’t believe their eyes, all they see is steam venting from the floor, and the entire SUV has vanished.

As Ann strolls her magnificent nude body back towards the Lee brothers, her foot catches on an air hose that is connected to a high-speed metal grinder. Ann picks up the air powered metal cutter/grinder and asks Ug and Home. " What’s the purpose of this tool"? "We cut right through tough metal with that", Ug replies in a shaky voice. "Great, lets test its awesome cutting ability on your tow truck and then on my extra super sensitive nipples", Ann says in a joking manner as she picks up the grinder and pulls the trigger. The diamond tipped cutting disk immediately spins at 10 thousand RPM and Ann takes a swipe at the side of the tow truck. The cutting disk instantly grinds a grove through the sheet metal and the framing of the truck. "Ooh!!! This is sexy", Ann says in an excited voice as she walks over to Ug and Home, and again pulls the trigger to the cutter. She then places the spinning diamond tipped carbide cutting disk next to her excited nipple and lets the grinder make contact. Sparks and metal particles start to fling off the grinding disk, and it looks like the 4th of July. "WOW, this is going to get my body excited", screams Ann as she continues to advance the grinding disk into her soft nipple. However, after a few seconds, Ann’s super hard nipple grinds down the diamond tipped carbide disk to nothing. "Damm it, is there anything in this universe that can gives me sexual pleasure and last for more that a few seconds", Ann ponders as she grabs the massive end of her left breast with her hand and allows her long fingers to sink 6 inches into the soft flesh. She brings her breast up to her face and examines her aroused nipple. There’s not a cut or even a mark on her nipple, the grinding disk didn’t have a chance. She looks at her nipple that just annihilated the grinding disk and rubs it with her delicate soft fingers. Ann then places the spindle center of the grinding tool over her nipple and with her right hand, presses the tool several inches into her soft tit. The metal tool instantly turns to a substance that looks like hot maple syrup and runs from under her hand and onto the top of her tit and then onto the garage floor.

Ann then picks up the engine hoist and carries it, along with Ug and Home across the garage floor to the tow truck. On her track across the floor, Ann’s soft feet and painted toenails catch under the steel ramp of a car lift. Her toes easily force the steel beam up and into her thighs and around her long legs. The inch thick steel is brutally tattered to shreds as the back and forth movement of her two long legs renders the steel lift no mercy. Ann didn’t even take notice to the twisted and torn steel around her legs, for she is only interested in the extra large tow truck in bay 5. The tow truck was large, build on a 3-ton frame and deck out with all the trimmings. It has side chrome roll bars, chrome dual wheels on the rear, steel running boards, a turbo diesel engine, and all leather interiors. It appeared as if it never towed another vehicle. Ann places the engine hoist next to the controls for the tow truck so Ug and home can operate the winch and walks up to the driver’s side door. She reaches for the high door handle but her extra large tits reach the tow trucks door before she could reach the handle. This causes the steel door to buckle in the middle and push inward by the force of her mighty tits. So Ann brings her hand back down to her waist and is perfectly content with allowing her massive tits to finish off the door. As she continues to walks into the door, her firm 48-inch long breasts push the door further into the cab. Soon the door is rip completely free of the frame, the hinges fracture in half, the driver’s seat is pushed over onto the far side of the cab, and the steering column is bent into the dash. Ann then reaches into the cab and with one hand grabs and bends the steering column to the outside of the cab. She then rips the ignition switch from the column with her fingers and shorts the run/ignition wires to 12 volts causing the truck to be hot-wired and start.

"OK guys, lets see if this truck and its mighty winch can lift my soft firm feminine breasts", Ann says to Ug and Home as she walks to the back of the tow truck and wraps the steel cable of the winch twice around the ends of her massive tits. She then secures the steel hook back onto the cable and with her one hand crushes the hook closed to prevent it from slipping off the cable. "Ok Home, operate the winch and try to lift my beautiful boobs high into the air," Ann says with an innocent smile on her face. "No way bitch, the boss will kill me", Home replies to Ann.

Ann slides the steel cable off her chest and walks over to Home and grabs his aroused cock with her left hand and wraps her long fingers around his meat. She then reaches back with her right hand and tears out a 12-inch section of the 4-inch thick chrome steel roll bar and starts to crumble it in her right hand. She slowly mangles and kneads the thick metal in between the fingers of her right hand while moving her soft left hand back and forth on Home’s hard cock. Home’s eyes tells the complete story, he is scared and worried. Ann then tells Home, "Operate the controls of the winch or I’ll crush your manhood with my left hand as easily as I’m crushing this steel in my right hand. "Yea, Ok, I’ll lift your big tits", Home remark in a broken tone of voice. Ann then removes her left hand from Home’s cock and closes her fingers of her right hand and completed squeezes the steel roll bar into oblivion.

The super teenager strolls to the rear end of the tow truck again, and places the inch thick steel cable around her tits and gives the thumbs up sign to Home. This time Home obliges Ann and starts the winch. The steel cable begins to tighten and the slack is quickly removed from the cable. The winch screams and whines using all its tremendous energy to reel in the steel cable. But it’s to no avail. Their Ann stands with her hands on her hips, her tits thrust forwards over four feet and a big smile on her face. But the steel cable of the winch cannot lift her tits a millimeter. Home releases the winch for a few seconds and tries again to lift her tits. Nothing but a straining cable and a stressing winch are the result of his efforts. "Try that again, several more time", Ann tell Home, "I like the feel and sound of the winch complaining". Home is not in any position of argue, so he repeats the process several times as Ann starts to laugh. After a series of failures to lift Ann’s boobs, she tells Home, "leave the winch on full power, it will either lift my large tits or burn up in the attempt". The winch screams and starts to produce smoke from the powerful motor. But just when the motor is about to explode, the front end of the tow truck starts to lift off the ground and the boom starts to lower towards Ann awesome and ample breasts. Ann smiles as the winch pulls the boom of the tow truck down. Within a few seconds the boom and the cable pulley are pressing deep into her cleavage. Ann simply smiles, clasps the steel boom with her one hand, crushes her fingers deep into the steel and tears the boom completely free from its foundation, removing a large portion of the truck’s frame and floor. The front end of the tow truck smashes back to the ground with a tremendous thud. And then Ann gingerly folds the steel boom in half and rips it into two pieces and tosses the pieces on either side of the tow truck.

Ann grabs the thick steel rear bumper with both her hands and pulls the tow truck back into her thighs. However, her mighty melons strike first and rip through the steel flooring like a chain saw cutting through soft wood. Her tits push a 4-foot long gash through the floor leaving jagged and sharp edges in the plate steel. The rear bumper is then violently detached from the tow truck and torn in half and the pieces discarded on either side of the truck. Ann swings her powerful breasts back and forth and completely destroys the steel bed of the tow truck, which reveals the massive rear axle. She reaches down with both hands, grabs the axle and bends it in half and sadistically yanks it from the frame of the truck. She continues to bend it around until the dual tires on each side of the axle are touching and places the four tires between her thighs. Using her one hand and slender fingers, she slashes all the tires off the rims with one swipe of her hand and massacre the steel rims with her long sexy thighs. Again, she rips what is remaining of the axle in half and throws a section to both sides of the tow truck.

The super Goddess continues her destruction by advancing towards the winch and lets her tits rip through the steel deck plating as easily as crumpling tissue paper. Her powerful tits finally reach the winch and her 2-inch nipples start to play with the 4-inch thick steel housing leaving larges slashes in the metal. Ann reaches forward with her delicate hands and shatters the winch from the tow’s truck frame. The 20 harden steel bolts instantly shear into metal splinter from the powerful muscles of Ann’s hands. She then simply tears the massive metal winch in half, joyfully watching as the 4-inch thick steel just fractures like a loaf of soft bread being broken at dinner. Continuing into the cab of the tow truck, the sweet innocent teenager swings her one hand over her head and slices the roof of the cab, the front windshield, and the console in half with one easy motion. Her tight thighs crush the transmission into two separate pieces and she gently kicks the pieces to either side of the truck. Advancing still further, Ann walks completely through the cab, obliterating everything that makes contact with her gorgeous body and pushing the remains off to the side. She finally enters the motor compartment and pushes her hips into the rear of the large diesel motor. She reaches forward with her right hand and places her hand around the front of the running diesel engine. Ann then pulls her right hands back towards her slender hips and slices the large engine into two separated mangles masses of crumbled metal and lets then fall to the ground. The front bumper, radiator, and trim are then slices in half by her slender legs as she steps over the front of the truck. And with nothing to hold the two halves together, the two halves of the truck just separate and fall to the floor.

Ann turns around and looks at the sober faces of Ug and Home. They are completed mesmerized by the site of the tow truck. Ann walked completely through the tow truck and severed it in half lengthwise. With the two halves of the demolish truck spread out on the garage floor directly in front of Ug and Home.

"Did you boys enjoy that exercise in strength that I have just demonstrated", Ann says as she walks towards Ug and Home. "Now I would appreciate my $900 being returned to me, would you please provide me the combination to the safe so I can open it and retrieve my money", Ann says to Ug and Home in a soft female voice. "We ain’t got the combination", replies Home, "and the guy who’s got the combo will kill you if you take the money in the safe". "Ooh, a threat, have him bring a large limousine, high power weapons, and lots of 100 dollar bills", Ann replies as she blows Ug and Home a sweet kiss.

"Opening the office safe will not be a difficult problem to solve, for I have a special combination decoder that has always assured me 100% satisfaction", Ann tells Home as she strolls towards the office of the repair shop.

The office safe is well secured. It’s set into a two-foot thick reinforced concrete wall. The safe itself is only 4-feet high by 3-feet wide but is made of 6-inch thick high carbon alloy steel. The safe is impenetrable to any drill or torch.

Ann walks to the front of the safe and carefully pushes her fingers and hands deep into the concrete surrounding the safe and squeezes down onto the sides of the safe. The concrete immediately turns to sand and a fine power as her fingers dig 12 inches into the wall and she enjoys the feeling of her fingernails cutting through the steel reinforcing bars. Then, with one swift and continuous motion, she separates the 2-ton safe from the reinforced concrete wall. Concrete sails everywhere, and steel rebar juts from the wall and resembles overgrown withered vines and an enormous void is left in the concrete wall where the safe once resided. Ann lifts the safe over her head and starts to walk back towards Ug and Home. She walks in straight line and destroys everything in her path. The remains of the customer counter are pushed across the floor and into the concrete block wall, where it’s obliterated by her long legs. Her bodacious breasts then explode through the concrete block wall and into the back of the air compressor. The spinning flywheel is shatter into thousand of pieces as her nipples get caught in the rotating metal. The large electrical motor of the compressor is shoved into the air tank and her thighs and legs mangle and explode the air tank into a pile of scrap metal that resembles crushed aluminum foil. Once through the concrete block wall and past the air compressor, she turns sideways and allows her gigantic tits to rip through the 440-volt electrical panel. The circuit breakers are completely destroyed by her massive tits as sparks and fire erupts from the electrical panel as her tantalizing tits short everything. The electrical wiring then catches on her firm nipples and is ripped from the walls as she continues to walk towards the two Lee brothers.

Ann’s body then makes contact with a steel "I" beam that supports a section of garage roof, and it’s easily bent and twisted as the beam takes the shapes of her fantastic curves. The beam quickly gets wedged between Ann’s legs and is torn from its foundation as she marches in a straight line towards the Lee brothers. One complete section of the roof collapses on Ann as her powerful legs pull the steel "I" beam down. The steel rafters and metal from the roof don’t slow Ann down in the least; she just sways her 48-inch long tits back and forth and lets her tits tear, bend, twist and rupture the steel rafters to a pile of junk. She then steps over the remains of the steel rafters with her luscious long legs and cuts the steel to pieces with her tight thighs as easily as a sharp pair of scissors cuts paper.

Finally arriving at the Lee brothers, Ann places the 2-ton safe down on the floor in front of the two boys with the door of the safe facing upwards. "One last time guys, what’s the combination to the safe", Ann asks Ug and Home? "Don’t know, honest", replies Ug in a coughing voice. "Opening this safe is going to be so fucking easy. This steel looks as pathetic as both of you", Ann says as she leans her nude body over the safe and with her hands spreads her massive 48-inch long breast apart and places them over the safe and down along the sides. The beautiful Goddess then releases her breasts slowly and carefully and allows then to collapse around the harden steel safe. Her magnificent breasts sink into the steel safe 6 inches and cause the sides of the safe to buckle inward. The thick steel door is bend and twisted from the extreme pressure and cracks and fissures start to appear all around the safe. The top of the safe is forced to deflect upward in the middle and a gap is produced between the door and the top of the safe.

Ann then stands back up and displays the partially destroyed steel safe lodged in her tits to the Lee brothers. "Lets see if this handle will open the door to the safe", Ann says out laud as she pull on the metal handle with her right hand. The handle is twisted off the door with a flick of Ann’s wrist and the steel door is left with a lacerated hole about 4 inch in diameter. The metal handle is then slowly smeared onto Ann’s breasts with her hand until it turns into a fiery silver paste. The nude super girl then extends her index finger and gently pushes it through the steel door about 2 inches from the combination lock. She gracefully moves her finger around the combination lock digging out a gouge 3-inch deep which encircle the lock. And with a gentle pluck of her one finger, she rips the entire lock free from the safe door and sends it sailing into the concrete wall on the other side of the garage. Ann finally is done toying with the 2-ton safe and pushes the fingers of her right hand completely through the top of the safe door. The safe door bends inwards and the top of the safe pushes upwards as her hands gingerly sink into the metal. Ann then strips off sections of 6-inch thick steel just like husking fresh corn and bends them across her tits until they tear completely off the safe door. After the 6-inch steel door is mutilated and torn to threads, Ann reaches into the safe for her $900 and stops and looks at the Lee brothers. "You must have some extracurricular activities at this garage", Ann says with a startle stare, "there must be $50,000 in stacks of 100 dollar bills in this safe". Ann quickly looks around the garage and finds a cardboard box and stores the stacks of 100 dollars bills in the box.

"Guys, it’s obvious you’re a front for the mob and your laundering money, and I believe this money is untraceable and I’m going to claim it as my finder’s fee. Would you like a receipt", Ann asks? With the $50,000 tucked safely away in the cardboard box, Ann thrusts her massive chest forward and entitles her tits to the pleasure of crushing the thick steel safe completely in half. And as her massive chest close together, the 12 inches of harden steel is swiftly reduced to a blob of hot paste that oozes from her cleavage. The two halves of the 2-ton safe then fall to the floor and Ann starts to walk towards one of the closed garage doors. With a sexy smile and a giggling of her titanic tits, Ann says to the Lee brothers, "It was a sincere pleasure doing business with you, and I hope you have a convincing excuse for the condition of your shop".

Ann then walks through one of the garage doors, blasting a huge hole in the sheet metal and the steel frame with her 19-year old nude body. She strolls to her Corvette, tosses the money inside the car and dresses with some new cloths that she has just purchased. She then looks across the street and see the neighborhood Irish Pub and calls her younger sister Kathryn. Once connected with her sister, Ann pleasing invites Kathryn to the Pub. "Hello Kathryn, I believe I have located the necessary venture capital to start our business of creating exotic hardened metals. Please meet me at that Irish Pub next to the "The Body Shop" and also, we can watch the excitement across the street that I just initiated", Ann tells her sister. "I’ll be there in fifteen minutes and save something interesting for my tits to destroy", Kathryn replies in a sexy anticipating voice.

To be continued:

Part 2: Ann and Kathryn discuss weight lifting using massive bridges.