The Superior Sex

By Pat Mallon


WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.


Chapter 2:  Strength times 10 for the five young women.  


The pep rally has already started and the band is blitzed, the bonfire is roaring, the football team is crocked, the students are smashed, and a variety of events are taking place.


The six women walk onto the field with an air of haughtiness.  The girls strut their sexy bodies with positive energy and everyone surveys the six goddesses as they stroll across the field.  Caroline then says to her students, “Girls, have fun.  I have something to accomplish and schedule for our upcoming classes. I’ll see you next week in class”.


The girls say bye to Caroline and Cathy then yells, “WOW!  Where do we start”?  Linda replies, let’s go over to the bon fire, where they are ready to really stack on the fire wood and get it blazing”.  So the girls stroll over to the bonfire and watch as several big guys are attempting to throw logs on the fire.  This entails several guys to lift and place a log upright next to the bonfire before letting it drop into the fire. Cathy turns around to the girls and says, “At the rate those guys are tossing wood on the fire, we could freeze in this night air.  Come on Linda; let’s give these weaklings a helping hand with those logs”.


The mammoth logs for the fire are of two types, old railroad ties about 3 meters long and weighing about 200 kilos each and sections of old wooden utility poles, each about 4 meters long and weighing over 400 kilos.  It takes three guys to lift and carry a railroad tie and toss it onto the fire, but they can’t toss them very far.  For the utility poles sections, it takes six guys to carry the pole to the edge of the fire where the raise the pole and let it plunge on the fire.


As three guys pick up a rail road tie and hold it up to their chest, they walk towards the fire.  Cathy sees what is occurring and jumps over the rope barrier and walks quickly to intercept the three guys.  She positions herself directly in front of their path, places her hands on her hips and smiles at the three approaching guys.  Linda in the mean time proceeds directly to the large pile of railroad ties.


The three guys carrying the tie reach Cathy, who is blocking their path, and the one guys says to Cathy is a pleasant voice, “Please move Miss, this log is extremely heavy and we don’t want to drop it on ourselves or you”.  Cathy stares all three guys directly in their eyes as she wets her lips with her tongue.  She then says very softly and sexy, “OOOH!!!  Is that log heavy; let me relieve you of that unnecessary burden?”  So Cathy reaches out with her arms and places her hands under the center of the tie and lifts the tie over her head.  The three guys attempt to hold onto the log as a basic instinct to prevent it from falling, but soon realize Cathy is holding the heavy log over her head and she appears to be doing it with absolute easy.


Cathy then thrust out her chest, and lets her tits just about explosion through her halter top as her chest and shoulders muscles expand.  The three guys basically stare at Cathy as she turns around and walks towards the fire. She also glances over her shoulder with her deep eyes and smiles at the crowd behind the rope barrier.  About 5 meters from the bon fire, Cathy tosses the railroad tie onto the top of the fire.  She then turns around and struts her sexy body over to the Linda and the large pile of tie, as the male student body that is watching applauses and cheers her every step.


As Cathy arrivers at the pile of large wooden ties, Linda has already pick up a tie and easily tosses it onto the bon fire from twenty meters away.  “They are not very heavy”, says Linda to Cathy as she picks up another tie and tosses it on the fire.  Cathy also picks up another tie and tosses it on the fire from 20 meters away.  The two girls continuing picking up tie and without difficulty toss them on the fire.  They soon learn they can pick up the 200 kilo ties with one hand and chuck them underhanded or over handed on the fire and at the same time flaunt their sexy and muscular bodies. It only takes about five minutes for Cathy and Linda to toss over 200 of the heavy rail road ties on the fire, in fact for the last minute; the girls were able to toss two ties at a time into the fire.  Once Cathy and Linda have finished pitching all the ties of the fire, they turn to the crowd and again flaunt their sexy, shapely, and firm bodies.


Linda observes the six chaps who were placing the utility pole sections on the fire and strolls towards them, purposely swaying her large breasts and curvy hips.  Linda then says to the six chaps, “Well guys, let’s see you place that long hard object on that fire, maybe it will get me turned on sexually.  You understand, showing me your muscles and your technique on how to handle long hard objects”. 


Cathy snickers in the background as she catches up to Linda and says to her in a quiet voice, “Let’s impress the guys with our sexy bodies and our strength and maybe we can meet them after the pep rally and really get serious with long hard objects”.  Both Cathy and Linda giggle as Linda says to the six chaps. “OK, guys, you go first and place a log on the fire, and if you can do it in less than a minute, Cathy and myself would like to demonstrate how we handle long hard object.  We could show you chaps both now and after the pep rally how we handle long hard objects”.    


The six guys stare at Cathy and Linda, their mouths and eyes wide open.  They are not sure of what Linda just said and one guy says, “Define long hard things”.   Cathy shakes her head and says, “Let me explain” as she walks over to a utility pole log and straddles her long shapely legs over one end of the log.  She then bends down and picks up the log and easily lifts it up until it wedges tightly between the muscular thighs and her crotch.  Using her hands, she then lifts the log up until it pointing up about a 45 degree angle and squeezes her thigh muscles tightly around the utility pole and let’s go of it with her hands.  And to the amazement of the six chaps, she is able to hold the utility pole up at that angle with nothing but her thigh muscles.  She also places her hands behind her head and thrusts out her large breasts and says to the six chaps, “Any questions guys about after the pep rally”.  


Cathy is enjoying the fact that she can hold the massive log upright between her thighs, and begins to take deep breaths as her nipples become engorged and her hot pussy becomes extremely wet.  She moans and purrs for a few seconds as her nipples poke through her skimpy top.   She finally realizes she better wait for later on in the evening or she will have every guy watching her exhibition playing with their cocks.  So Cathy releases her log muscles and lets the log fall to the ground and says to the six chaps, “Guys, put this log on the fire, and you have one minute.  Now GO”.


The six chaps race to the log, position themselves equal distance on one side and pick up the log.  The carefully walk to the bon fire, place one end of the log on the ground and slowly raise the log vertically until it upright and then let it fall on the fire.  The six guys then stagger back to Linda and Cathy and they are panting and exhausted.  They all glare at Linda and all have the look on their face that says, “Did we make it in time”.


“GREAT, that was 55 seconds”, yells Linda, “We will meet you guys after the pep rally, but for now let Cathy and I demonstrate how easy it is to get a bon fire roaring”.


Cathy and Linda position themselves on either end of the utility pole logs and each lifts up their respective ends and leisurely fling the massive logs for about 25 meters and onto the fire.  Log after log is tossed and after about 50 logs have hit the fire, Linda attempts to pick up one of the logs by herself and to her delight, discovers she can pick up the log with easy and tosses it on the fire by herself.  Cathy also begins to lift the logs by herself and she flings the logs onto the fire like the logs are wooden baseball bats.  Cathy and Linda take about six minutes to throw all the utilities pole logs on the fire and it’s blazing.  All the chaps then walk over to Cathy and Linda and one guy says, “Will you meet us here back here after the pep rally”?  Linda flexes her chest muscles, rocks her hips to one side and replies, “You can put good money on that, see you later”.


Natalie, Amy, and Patty in the meantime, wondered over to the car smashing event, where there are several scrap cars, painted in the colors of the opposing school and with the opposing school’s mascot painted on the doors.  The purpose is to let the students use baseball bats, crow bars, and sledge hammers to beat the cars into a pile of junk. There are several guys and two girls beating up on a car, and they seem to be enjoying themselves.  So Natalie goes to the person running the event and politely asks if she can also beat up on a car.  The guy ogles as he fastens his eyes on Natalie’s large breasts and bulging cleavage.  “AAH, AAH, Yeah, here are three bats for you to use on the cars”, says the guy as he grabs three plastic baseball bats and hands them to Natalie. 


Natalie shifts her heads slightly sideways as she replies, “Your joking” as she hands the plastic bats back to the guy. “Let me have those sledge hammers, we should be able to do some real damage with those things”.


“OH NO, women can only have the plastic bats, we don’t want anyone to get hurt” replies the guy.   Natalie closes her eyes, shakes her head and then takes three sledge hammers and gives one to Amy and one to Patty.  Patty says to Natalie, “I’ll watch both of you for a while; there is another event I want to participate in and it’s just over there”.

Natalie replies to Patty and says, “OK Patty, not a problem, I’m sure I can handle two hammers”.  Natalie and Amy begin to walk through the gate but the guy operating the event blocks their path and says, “Rules are Rules, Women must use plastic bats”.  Natalie just stares at the guy as she cups her left arm under her large breasts and sort of squeezes her massive tits together, causing large amounts of firm flesh to literally explode out her low cut dress.  She then takes the sledge hammer and places the steel maul down into her deep cleavage until the steel maul is completely immersed in her large breasts and the handle is pointing straight up n the air.  Natalie thrusts out her chest muscles, places her hands behind her head, and stands there holding the sledge hammer between her tits with nothing but her chest muscles.  Natalie then looks at the guy and says, “Any questions about woman and sledge hammers”.  The guy allows Amy and Natalie through the gate and they proceed to a car that has not yet been smashed.


Once at the car, Natalie and Amy swing the sledge hammers with easy, just to loosen up and when Natalie finally swings both sledge hammers into the hood of the car, the sledge hammers blast through the hood and slam into the motor.  The force of her swing is so great that both wooden handles break off at the steel maul and Natalie is left with nothing but two wooden handles.  Amy luck is just as appalling as she also swings her sledge hammer into a front wheel, breaking the steel rim of the wheel but also breaking the wooden handle of the sledge hammer.  Natalie grabs the two wooden handles and breaks both handles in half by slamming them across her outstretched right thigh.  The wooden handles snap like tooth picks and Natalie just tosses them away.  Amy simply breaks the handle in half by flexing her leg and thigh muscles, placing the handle between her thighs and snapping the handle to one side with a flick of her hand.


“Well Amy, looks like we will need to smash this car with just our female strength. Are you ready”, says Natalie.  “I’m ready, lets begin with tearing off the hood of this car”, replies Amy as he turns around to gander at the gathering crowd of guys.  Amy then massages her ample breast and her muscular thighs, flaunting her sexy and shapely body as both girls stroll up to the front of the car.


Once at the front of the car, Amy and Natalie stand in the center and each place their hands in the front grill and tear out chunks of the plastic and metal grill with a quick pulls of the hands.  After discarding the broken pieces, both girls place their hands under the front edge of the metal hood and begin to pull upward.  The girls pull with all their strength, but the hood latch holds and the two young girls actually succeed in lifting the front of the car off the ground.  Finally, the girls put the car back down and then give the hood a sharp quick jerk with their hands and the hood latch breaks apart to the sound of metal tearing. Amy and Natalie then twist and bend the metal hood and pull it off to the one side of the car.  And as they pull the metal hood to the one side, the metal hinges and spring mountings are bend, severed, twisted and torn from the frame.  And all of this to the cheering of the ever growing crowd of over active and blitzed students.


With the hood rip off the car and tossed aside, Amy and Natalie position themselves on the far side of the engine compartment and bend their sexy bodies over and peer down into the engine.  Both girls make sure their large firm breasts are well exposed to the crowd just a few meters away.  Then they begin to tear out everything from the engine they can get there hands on and toss the broken parts aside.  The battery and cables are torn out by Amy and Natalie rips out the windshield washer and the wiper blades with yanks of her hands and arms.  Spark plug wires, fuse boxes, hoses, cables, and wiring are yanked out by the girls. Natalie tries to tear out the alternator, but only succeeds to bend the steel brackets.


After the girls are finished tearing out everything possible in the engine compartment, Natalie and Amy stands back up and Amy backhands the side view mirror and snaps it off the side of the car and sends it sailing across the field.  Natalie then ambles over to the other side of the car and does the same thing to the driver’s side view mirror.  Natalie then tries to open the driver’s door but it’s locked.  She just stands there with her hands of her hips and yells to Amy, “The dam door is locked. I suppose we will have to tear it open”.  Then from somewhere in the crowd, Natalie hears a guy yell, “Hey babe, use those nice shapely hips of your to pound the door open”.


Natalie leisurely but sexually turns her curvy and firm body around and stares at the crowd.  Then she glances at the car door and smiles as she positions her hips in the center of the door and directly against the painted emblem of the opposing school’s mascot.  Natalie’s not entirely optimistic with this maneuver and cautiously thumps her hips into the center of the car door.  And to her delight, she notices that her hips deposited a substantial dent in the metal door and all this to the cheers of the watchful students.  Natalie laughs as she swings her hips back and away from the car door, stares at her audience, and then slams her well-formed hip with serious authority into the car door.  The sound of the thump and the crimpling of metal permeate the air as Natalie plunges her hips sideways into the car door.  She dents and crushes the metal door inward with such a force that the outside frame of the door bends away from the car’s main body.  Natalie steps away from the door to display her workmanship to the encouraging crowd as Amy comes around to inspect the damage.  “WOW! All this damage from just a swing of your hips”, shouts Amy as Natalie replies, “Amy, try your girlish hips on the back door”.  So Amy parades her sexy body over to the back door, swings her hips in a circle a few times and then slams her hips into the back door.  The force of her hips slamming into the back door bends the door inward and tears open the door’s lock, leaving a jagged slash where the lock once held the door closed. 


“Let’s see if we can remove the front door Amy”, says Natalie as she grabs the bent out window frame of the door and begins to pull the metal frame outward.  Amy also assists by grabbing the frame and both girls pull with all their strength.  And to their surprise, they easily bend the frame outward and tear open the door by wrenching the metal lock from the door.  Once the door burst open, Natalie and Amy continue to open the door and pull it fully open and past the stopping points if the hinges.  They continue to push the car door towards the front of the car, bending and tearing apart the steel hinges of the door.  Finally, the front door hinges tear free of the frame and the front door falls to the ground.  The cheering crowd then begins to chant, “TURN IT OVER, TURN IT OVER”. And Natalie and Amy cheerfully oblige.  The two girls place their hands under the bottom of the car and begin to lift the car.  The car raises slowly as the two girls are not sure of what’s going to occur, but once the car is up to their chests, it’s is simple matter to just flipping the car over on its roof.


With the car on its roof, Natalie and Amy walk around the car and slam their hips into the car, breaking the headlights and the taillights.  The also notice that the car begins to slightly spin so they begin to whack their hips into the car in sync and manage to spin the car like a top.  Their hips smash and dent the car each time it passes their bodies as they get petty good at swinging their hips.   The crowd cheers and hollers as Natalie and Amy continue to smash the car and after a minute, they stop and walk into the crowd of young male students.  It takes Natalie and Amy only a few seconds to accept an invitation from several guys to come over to their Frat House after the pep rally.  Natalie then says to the young guys, “There is a third girl friend and she is over with the football team, lets go see what she is doing and I’m sure she will also except you gracious offer.


A large group of students wonder over to the picture taking event, where you can have your picture taken with members of the school’s football team or the cheerleading squad.  It’s easy; just select what team members you would like to be photographed with and you have a keepsake.  And as Natalie and Amy walk up, they see Patty sitting on a bench with four members of the football team, two on each side of her.  The football players have their helmets on their laps and Patty is smiling as she thrusts out her magnificent boobs.  Natalie then hears one guy in the group say in an exhilarating tone of voice, “Look at the breasts on that girl, their larger than their helmets”.  Natalie turns to the guy and says, “That’s Patty, our girlfriend”.  The guy sort of apologizes as she says softly, “Sorry. But is she as strong as you two, this is not an event that require strength”.  Natalie stares at the guy and says, just wait a minute, I’m sure she will think of something to demonstrate her strength”.


The cameras start flashing as Patty flaunts her young well developed body, showing off her breasts as much as she is capable.  Then Patty stands up and goes to the back side of the bench where she places her arms around the center two football players and leans forward.  Her large breasts bouncing against their head like two gigantic balloons. Patty then looks at Amy and Natalie, moved her hands from around the two guys and positions them under the bench.  She proceeds to lift the bench and the four guys up to her chest, and then with one quick push of her arm and shoulder muscles, lifts the bench straight over her head and holds it there.  Every film, video, and cell phone camera at the event begins to take pictures, and everyone with a zoom lens focuses directly on Patty’s breasts.  Holding over 400 kilos over her head, flaunts every muscle in her body and with her chest and shoulders muscles bulging, her massive tits are about to burst out of her super stretched out  top.  She holds the position for about a minute and then puts the bench and the four guys down.  The four football players just stare at Patty as they watch her walk towards Amy and Natalie.


The five girls have fun all night long and when it’s time to leave, they keep their promises and go with their respective group of guys.  However, the girls are back in the class room Saturday afternoon and again are exercising on the equipment.  They also were chatting about their exploits the previous night.


Natalie is exercising on a piece of equipment and she uses her one hand to effortlessly complete about 100 reps with the 200 kilo weights and says to the other girls, “We are between a rock and a hard spot. The 200 kilo weights are so easy but the 10 thousand are impossible.  Cathy looks at Natalie and says, “Let’s improvise, I’ll get that 200 Kilo free weight and place it on top of the equipment weights”.   “Great”, replies Natalie as she watches Cathy easily pick up the 200 kilo free weight with one hand and place it on top of the other weights.  Natalie immediately begins exercising with both hands, but it’s still petty easy, she barely breathing above normal.  So she begins to exercise with one hand and the 400 Kilos are a challenge.  She can barely pull the weight down but manages to complete 10 reps with her right arm and then 10 with her left arm.  “WOW, that tough”, says Natalie, “but worth the effort, let’s place an extra 200 kilos to all the exercise machines”.  It doesn’t take long before all five machines have an extra 200 kilos of weight loaded on top of the original 200 kilos. 


Linda they says, “I’ll make a few free weights that should help us get stronger, Cathy, would you help me load as many plates on this barbell as possible”.  So Linda and Cathy collect iron plates and begin to load them on a barbell that already weights 200 kilos.  The two girls handle the individual iron plates as if they are Frisbees, loading almost another 300 kilos on the barbell.  Linda then stands over the massive barbell, spreads her legs slightly and with both her hands, lifts the 500 kilos up to her chest in one continues motion.  “OH YEAH”, exclaims Cathy, “now lift it over your head”.  And Linda complies as she lifts the 500 kilos over her head and just stands there and smiles.  She then begins to do reps with the massive barbell and after about 20 reps; she puts the weight down and says to Cathy with a positive giggle, “Your turn”.


Cathy stands behind the massive barbell and is ready to lift the weight when Caroline walks into the classroom.  “Hi girls, I see you are improvising on the weights, that great.  Oh! And by the way, campus security indicated there were wild parties at two Frat houses last night; you girls know anything about these wild parties”.  The girls all snicker to themselves as Natalie replies, “Wild Parties, us”.   Caroline then walks over to Cathy and says, “Ok, Cathy, show me your sexy technique for lifting this massive weight”.  So Cathy grabs the weight with her two hands and lifts it up to her chest, just under her large firm breasts.  She holds the weight there for a few seconds and then pushes the steel bar up into her tits.  The steel bar forces most of her large breasts to explode out of her skimpy top, and when she does raise the massive weight over her head; her large luscious breasts bounce around.  Cathy stands there with a smile on her face as holds the 500 kilos and forces out her tits. 


“Nice technique”, says Caroline as she watches Cathy do several reps with the weight.  But then Caroline turns her head quickly to one side.  She holds her head there for a moment before turning her head back to Cathy, and Caroline has a pondering look on her face.  She then walks over to Patty and says, “Can I observe your technique on this piece of equipment with the additional weights”.  So Patty cheerfully obliges, sits on the apparatus, leans her upper body forward and rests it on the support.  She places her massive breasts over the top of the inclined bench and reaches down with both hands and grabs the bar and begins exercising by curling her arms.  Even though it’s over 400 kilos, Patty has no problems lifting the weights, and with each lift by her arms, her massive breasts push aside most of her skimpy top and expose her deep firm cleavage.  Patty even begins to exercise with only one hand as Caroline assists her with the proper technique.   Caroline then quickly turns her head to the side and looks to the front of the classroom and in particular to a location just above the supply closet.   Caroline then notices that part of the sign above the door seems to have been repaired with a black shiny tape.  She turns back to Patty and says, “Great technique, now keep on exercising and develop those chest muscles of yours”.


Caroline slowly walks to the front of the classroom and request that Cathy comes to her desk.  Both girls go to Caroline’s desk and Caroline writes on a piece of paper. “Don’t say anything, but I believe there is a video camera behind that sign over the supply room door. My extraordinary hearing detected the turning and zooming of the small motors”.


Cathy eyes Caroline with suspicion.  Caroline starts to walk towards the supply room door and opens the door.   She retrieves a pad of paper, but carefully scans the ceiling and notices a self with a cardboard box.  The cardboard box also has a power cable and what appears to be a computer cable coming out the side and both cables are tucked in the ceiling and run through the insulation. 


Caroline then goes back to Cathy and whispers very quietly, “Yes, we are being watched Cathy, please go exercise and give our uninvited guests something to delight their eyes. I have an idea on how to capture the assholes”.   Cathy smiles as she shakes her head positively and returns to the exercise equipment in the back of the class room. And does she give a show this time.  She  parades up to the 500 kilo barbell weight,  faces the back of the room and leans over at her waist, making absolute sure her solid long legs and shapely ass are well exposed. She even raises her short shirt to flaunt every millimeter of her legs and her firm backside.  Cathy wiggles her ass as she easily elevates the barbell up to her shoulders.  She completes several lifts, and with each lift, she moves her legs and ass to different positions. The lifting of the 500 kilo barbell only accents the firm young muscles of her legs and her tight ass.


Cathy torments the unauthorized intruders with her shapely rear end for a minute before standing straight up and flexing her shapely body.  She teases her body with the 500 kilo barbell as she turn around to face the front of the room.  She lifts the barbell up to her chest, rubbing and chaffing her breast across the steel bar as her large firm muscular breast bugle out of her scanty top reveling deep long cleavage.  Cathy bends over at her waist and places the weight on the floor, raises her head as she purposely slides the straps of her scanty top down off her shoulders to reveal every centimeter of her firm breasts.  She again picks up the barbell and effortlessly lifts it up to her hanging tits.  Cathy never puts the barbell down, but slides it across her breast, flaunting her natural assets to the delight of the onlookers.


Caroline in the meantime returns to the closet, and she can hear the camera panning back and forth and zooming in and out.  She easily uses her strength to pull herself up to the ceiling and looks into the cardboard box.  There’s the camera and it’s panning between Patty and Cathy, with the small len zooming in and out.  So Caroline takes some of the fiberglass insulation and drops it over the lens, just as the camera makes a sharp scan between Cathy to Patty.  The fiber glass insulation covering the lens but doesn’t stop the camera from moving, it simply causes to image to be highly blurred.  Caroline figures that someone will be back to correct the problem as soon as the classroom is clear.


Caroline returns from the closet, goes to her desk and says to the class, “Girl, class is over; let’s go over to the dance club and relax for a few hours”.  The girls all leave the classroom and walk across campus.  As they walk to the dance club on campus, they notice someone following and observing there every move and talking on a cell phone.   And once they enter the dance club, the girl scamper out the back door and head back to the class room, but conceal themselves behind various barriers.  They watch intensely as several young guys carefully sneak up on their classroom building and enter the front door.  They leave two of their group outside to guard the entrance.


Caroline says to the girls, “Linda and Natalie sneak around to the back door of the building and block their escape.  Amy and Patty, you rush the two guys guarding the front entrance and drag their dumb asses into the class room. Cathy and I will enter the building and trap the others in the classroom.   Then we can have some entertainment”.


The plan work perfectly as Linda and Natalie enter a back door to the building.  The fact that the door is locked is irrelevant to the girls as Linda simply thumps her hips into the door and breaks open the dead bolt lock as it rips off the frame.  Amy and Patty rush the two guys guarding the outside and easily grab their arms before they can use their cell phones to warn their friends.  Cathy and Caroline then rush into the building and into their classroom.  The catch three more guys in the class room with two of the guys in the closet where the camera is hidden. The two guys are attempting to find something to climb up to the camera in the closet when they see Cathy and Caroline.  They stop dead in their tracks; especially as they see Amy and Patty also enter the room carrying two of their friends.  Linda and Natalie then enter the room and the six girls just stand there and laugh.  Amy and Patty push their two guys into the center of the room as Linda walks over to the closet and grabs the two guys by their belt.


Linda easily lifts the two guys over her head by their belt and says, “Here, let me assist you in determining the problem with your camera”.  She lifts the two guys straight up in the closet until their heads are above the cardboard box and says, “See the problem”.  She then lowers the guys down and lets them go and they run and huddle with their friend in the center of the classroom.


Linda sexually strolls over to a massive 500 kilo barbell, picks it up and strolls over to the five guys.   The five guys are all huddled together and Linda can tell they are scared.  She begins to exercise with the 500 kilo barbell, easily taunting her breasts as she raises and lowers the massive weight. 


“Well guys, what have we here?  A group of guys who enjoy watching us exercise”, says Linda as Cathy also picks up a massive weight and joins her. 


Cathy has the massive barbell swung over her shoulder like a baseball bat as she replies to Linda. “I believe we have the Geek Squad here”, and Cathy answers, “Or the Nerd Herd”.  All the girls laugh and begin to circle the five guys. 


Finally, one guy says in a stuttering voice, “You girls are so beautiful, you’re muscular, and you appear so strong, it’s impossible for those weights to be real”.


Cathy walks over to the five guys, flings the massive barbell off her shoulder and onto the floor and says to the group of five guys, “Lets see if all five of you can lift this barbell.


The five guys line up in front of the barbell, three in the middle and two on the ends and they give a consorted effort to lift the barbell.  And they cannot even lift one end off the floor, even after a number of futile attempts.  Cathy eventually reaches down with her one hand, grabs the massive weight and raises it over her head.  The two guys on the end of the bar are still holding on and Cathy also lifts them off the ground.  They are too scared to let go of the ends of the barbell.


Cathy puts the barbell back down on the floor and says “Caroline, they are so cute, these guys are like little puppy dogs, can we keep them”.  Caroline laughs as she replies, “Yes you can keep them but remember you have to take care of them, and train them, and clean up after them,  The girls laugh as Cathy walks up to one guy and gently pets his aroused cock and says, “Wow, they do get excited easily”.


Caroline then promenades her muscular body up to the five guys, turns to her students and says, “Girls, I have an idea.  I’ll let you keep these guys as pets under certain conditions.

First, you will have to keep track of how easily your strength can get their cock aroused.

Second, you will need to fuck them and calculate how fast you can get them explode their manhood.

Third, you will let them take your weekly body measurements and provide your muscle gain percentages and increased strength statistic that I require for the class.


All five girls smile as Patty replies, “You mean I don’t have to measure my breast increase any more, they will”?


Caroline laughs, turns to the five guys and says, “If you guys are interested in assisting my strong young muscular female students, go get your laptops, your books on statistics and metallurgy, measuring tapes, AHH, long measuring tapes and report back here immediately.  Also, I want all recorded media you have from that camera”.


The five young male students all nod their heads positively and dash out the door.   They quickly return and they all have their laptops, measure tapes, and several CD’s with an assortment of statistical programs.   The also have a metal box of CD’s and video tapes that are recording of Caroline’s students.   One student walks up to Caroline and gives her the metal box and says, “This box contains all the recorded material from the camera we installed in your class, Honest”.  


Caroline takes the metal box; then raises her blouse to expose her super flat and muscular stomach and using her hands, crunches the metal box into her stomach.  She completely flattens the metal box, crushing the metal, CD’s and tapes until it small ball of white hot metal.  Caroline continues to roll the hot metal around her stomach muscles until it a small glob that fits inside her navel.  She then blows gently on the metal, cooling it until it solidifies in her navel.  She then says to the five males, “Any questions if you are lying to me about all the recoding material”?  Silently, all five guys’ sake their heads to indicate they have no questions as they stare at the crushed steaming metal in Caroline’s navel.


Caroline says to the five young male students, “Please have a seat and I will provide you with my requirements. My students are very busy with this class and their time is limited.  You can assist by measuring and calculating the necessary statistical information on my girls muscular and strength improvement.  Now here are the requirements and I expect you to take exacting measurements twice a week”.  Caroline then goes into great detail on the information she requires.


Please measure my students’ muscles at the following location on their young, muscular, and sexy bodies.  You will need to measure my young students, before they begin their exercise regiment, during their exercising when they reach their maximum weights, when they are posing to show off their young muscle, and when they are done their exercising.   The measuring points are as follows:


1.      Their calves. In three places.

2.      Their thighs. In three places.

3.      Their hips. Record their maximum measurement.

4.      Their waist.  Record their minimum measurement.

5.      Their chest.  Just under their breasts.

6.      Their chest.  Across their breasts.

7.      Their shoulders.

8.      Their biceps.

9.      Their forearms.

10.  Their neck.

11.  Their weight.

12.  Their height.

13.   Any other measurement you believe is important in this project.


You will also record the following as my students exercise.


1.      The maximum weight on each exercise apparatus the girls can lift.

2.      The number of repetitions each girl can do with the maximum weight.


Also, you will need to test the hardness and strength of specific metal bars, steel beams, iron plates, and calculate the required force necessary to bend, break, tear, twist, and crush the various metal objects in one second.


The five guys are all looking at Caroline with their mouths wide open.  After a few seconds one of the guys asks Caroline in a stuttering voice, “Bend, twist, break, rip, and crush metal”.


“YES! BEND, TWIST, BREAK, RIP, AND CRUSH METAL”, replies Caroline loudly as she walks over to a large iron plate from a barbell set that weighs 200 kilo.  The iron plate is a meter in diameter and about 10 centimeter thick.  She picks up the iron plate by squeezing the outer rim of the plate with her thumb and one finger of her left hand.  Her thumb and finger sink into the iron plate like it’s a slice of angle food cake.  She holds the plate in front of her body and by using her hands; she effortlessly bends the iron plate in half and yells “BEND”.   She then twists the folded iron plate by rotating her hands as if it’s a piece of tissue paper and screams, “TWIST”.  She flattens the bent and twisted iron plate with her hands which causes the thick iron to fracture and break apart.  Caroline smiles and shouts “BREAK”.   She then takes her hands, positions them on the edge of the plate and rips the massive iron plate in two with a gentle pull of her arms as she screams “RIP”.  Finally, Caroline basically squeezes her hands together and crushes the solid iron into a mass of metal the size of a golf ball and hollers, “CRUSH”.


The five guys are dead silent. They are only staring at Caroline and her super muscular body.  Cathy strolls over to Caroline, gazes at five guys, turns to Caroline and says, “Not bad Caroline, you caused all five guys to creams their jeans in less than 15 seconds”.


Caroline places her hands on her hips, looks at the five guys and says in a sexy voice as she flaunts her muscles, “OK guys, get started measuring my students.  I require your initial body measurements within one hour after my girls stop exercising.  The five guys all look at each other and then look up at Caroline.  By this time, Caroline’s five sexy young strong students have joined her and are standing in a straight line beside her.


Linda is first to walk up to one of the guys and she does this in a slow, sexy, stroll; flaunting her tall shapely body.  She grabs the tape measure the guy is holding, lets it unravel to the floor and says, “Let’s start from my bottom and work up.  And as soon as you’re taken my initial measurements, I’ll start my workout on the first piece of exercise equipment and sweat by body through the other four.  Then I’ll exhibit my muscles as I pose with those 500 kilo weights.  Then I’ll rest for a few minutes and you can take my final “EXPANDED” measurement”.  The guy’s eyes and mouth open wide.  He cannot say anything as he gets his laptop and tries to open it and power it on.  Caroline turns to the guy, hands him a pen drive and says, “I have already developed spreadsheets for each of my students with all the rows and column labeled. Last week is already completed.  Just copy this to your laptops and fill in the correct information for this week”.   The guy gracefully takes the pen drive from Caroline, copies the spreadsheet to his laptop and then hands it to the next guy.


Linda then places her hands on her hips and says to the guy she has chosen, “You can start anytime, and if you do a great job of measuring my muscles, I’ll see what I can do to measure the only muscle on your body that is of any interest to me”.


The guy begins to measure Linda’s muscles from the bottom up, inserting all the data into the spreadsheet on his laptop.  In the meantime, the four remaining students all select the guy directly in front of them and they also begin to measure the girl’s bodies and muscles with incredible enthusiasm.  But the fun really starts when the girls begin to exercise on the equipment.  Linda eagerly begins her exercise regiment on an apparatus and the weight is set at the maximum of 200 Kilos plus an additional 300 Kilos are piled on top.  Linda sits on the apparatus’s bench, raps her long muscular legs around the bench, reaches for the overhead bar with just one hand and with little effort pulls the bar and 500 Kilos down and does 30 reps.  She repeats the process with her other hand as the guy attempts to measure her biceps, her shoulders, her chest, and all her other muscles.  Linda just teases his hard cock with her free hand by stroking is cock with enthusiasm.  Linda and the other girls continue their vigorous exercise regiment, teasing their male attendants with joking zest. And the girls are having fun.


Linda teases her subordinate by rubbing his cock with her hands, feet, and breasts, depending on her position as the subordinate attempts to measure her body.


Cathy taunts her aide with sexy moves and sways as she stares at the guy while wetting her lips with her tongue after each and every rep on the exercise machine.

Amy heckles her guy by constantly moving her body as the helper attempts to measure her power leg muscles and her shapely hips.


Natalie flaunts her physical superior body over her junior.  She selected the shortest of the guy’s and her body is twice his mass and over 25 centimeter taller.  She constantly pushes her breasts into his face as she easily lifts, presses, and flexes the 500 kilo weights with ease.


Patty tantalizes her helper by constantly forcing her massive breasts up and through her skimpy top as she exercises.  Each time her helper tried to measure her chest, she would expand her chest muscles and adds over 25 centimeters to her measurement. 


Once the girls are finished their so called strenuous exercise regiment, they all pick up two massive 250 kilo barbells, one in each hand and begin to pose their sexy bodies.  They twirl, spin and whirl the heavy free weights like batons as they pose.  Linda does a cheerleading routine and twirls the weights around with ease.  Cathy does a stretching routine with the weights as she shows off her firm young muscles.  Amy takes one of the 250 kilo weights, places one end of the plates between her calves and holds the weight outward while flexing her leg muscles.  Natalie just plays with the weights, acting bored as she does several muscular poses with the two 250 kilo weights.  Patty taunts her gigantic breasts with the weights, rubbing and stroking her swollen nipples with the hard steel weights.


The five young strong students of Caroline’s finish their posing and let the guys take their final measurements.  The girls flaunt their sexy muscular bodies as the guys attempt to get exact measurement and the girls sexually tease the five guys as they remove their clothing.  All five girls are in the buff when the guys finish taking their measurements and Cathy says to her helper, “Put your laptop on my desk and come over lay down on the exercise bench.  It’s my turn to measure a muscle of yours”.  The guy is hesitant but does place his laptop on Cathy’s desk.  He slowly begins to walks to a workout bench when Cathy grabs his hand, pulls him quickly to the bench, lifts him up in her arms and places him face up on the workout bench.  She then grabs his belt and pants with her two hands and tears open his pants.  She then looks at the guy and yells, “DAMM! You must have creamed you jeans several times and your cock is asw imp as a wet noodle”.


Natalie replies, “Cathy, all five of these young boys have lost their wad several times, they won’t be of any value to us.  And yes, I’m horny as hell”.


The girls all snicker and Caroline claps her hands to get everyone’s attention and says, “Girl, these five your guys are only freshman and much less mature than you.  Give them a chance.  Guys, please go back to your dorm, calculate your statistics and e-mail your results to me.  Oh yes, report back here next Wednesday evening for the next measurement session of my young students”.  The five young boys grab their laptops and immediately return to their dorm.


In the meantime, Natalie goes back to the first exercise machine, sets the heavy secondary set of weights of 10000 kilos and attempts to exercise with the super heavy weight. Even though Natalie appears to be the strongest of the girls, she can only budge the weight less then a centimeter before giving up.  She looks at Caroline and says, “There is a void in the weights, I can lift the lighter set of weights, the 200 kilos plus 300 kilos piled on with not problem, except we cannot pile on any more weight, because the steel cables keep breaking.


Caroline smiles at the girls and says, “That is how my class is planned girls, you are just beginning to feel your strength.  This void between 500 kilos and 10000 kilo is purpose.  For what I need you to do is discover how to tear and bend metal and steel while it still takes two hands and some effort.  This way when you get super strong, you can relate to your strength.  What you need to do is go out and have fun.  Try lifting various autos, bending metal poles and street signs, ripping apart steel grates, tearing up barriers, and perhaps even smashing a large truck to pieces I’m positive you will enjoy this.  And by next week, you should be able to exercise using the 10000 kilo weights. Also, don’t forget to add a little sex n the mix”.


Linda snickers as she says, Girls, I have the perfect idea for tonight and it’s definitely not going to include a little sex, it’s going to be sex, strength, and more sex.


“Go have fun girls, see you tomorrow”.


To be continues.