The Superior Sex

By Pat Mallon


WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.


Chapter 1:  Five young women take a very special class. 


It’s time for Linda to select her classes for the next semester at Fox University (AKA FU).  She is browsing through the school’s schedule of upcoming classes for upperclassman and sees a class entitled “Women, The Superior Sex”.  The schedule’s fine print reads, “A class designed to assist those special women who believe they are the superior sex in both emotion and strength.  The class is limited to only five students and the professor will interview all candidates and select five superlative students.  The class is 4 credit hours and will meet twice a week during the day and three times a week at night.  The class will be under the guidance of Professor Caroline Everson, the world’s foremost expert on women’s strengths.  Please submit your written request to the school if you plan to apply for this class”.


“MMMMM! This sounds like an interesting class”, Linda ponders to herself, and “I need to get a more positive attitude about myself and its 4 credit hours towards my degree”.


Linda writes her request to the school that night and within three days receives a letter from Caroline Everson that she has been scheduled an interview.  Linda is delighted and responds via the e-mail address in the letter that she will attend the scheduled interview.


The interview is scheduled in an old shopping / office complex just outside the school grounds and it’s not the best location for a young woman by herself.  The area is rundown and only has some bars, pawn shops, and some very cheap stores.  And as Linda walks up to the small office front where her interview is schedule, she notices a few bizarre things, but probably normal for this area.   Several steel parking signs post are bent and twisted into knots, a number of cars have their front bumpers just twisted like a pretzel and laying on the ground in front of them, and the steel bars that cover some of the unused stores front windows are bowed apart or broken and bent outward.  Linda just shakes her head as she enters the small office and says to herself, “What a neighborhood”.


Upon entering the office, a small door bell signals her entrance, and from another room appears an extremely attractive and very physically fit women.  “Hi, I’m Caroline, and you must be Linda”, says the tall, attractive, and physical fit woman.


“Yes, I’m Linda and I’m here for the interview for the “Women, The Superior Sex” class”, says Linda in a very excited voice.


“And what are your expectation from this class”, asks Caroline as she directs Linda into a room inside the office.


Linda enters into the small office room and she continues small talk with Caroline and takes a seat at a table in the room. Caroline also takes a seat on the opposite side of the table as she listens intensely to Linda.


Linda carefully explains the reasons she would benefit from taking the class, “Women, The Superior Sex”.  She goes into details on how women are much stronger emotionally and just because men have more muscle mass on their body, doesn’t preclude that women cannot also be physical strong.   Linda even attests that most men enjoy strong and physical fit women, “It’s enhances sex”.


Throughout this time, Caroline is attentively listening to Linda. And after Linda is finished, Caroline smiles as she stand up from her chair and flexes all her bodily muscles.  Linda falls back in her chair as she witnesses Caroline incredible body as she stretches every inch of the already tight skimpy clothing on her body to the bursting point.  Caroline’s shoulders and arms elongate her blouse causing the sleeves to pop some threads.  Her chest thrust outward, forcing her large breasts to separate the two sides of her blouse and the two top buttons to rip through the material.  Caroline’s massive cleavage explodes through the opening in her blouse and it obvious to Linda that Caroline is not wearing a bra.  And as Caroline flexes her muscles further, her large engorged nipples punch through her blouse with the authority of two large caliber bullets.  This also causes her blouse to rise up above her thin waist to reveal a super flat and muscular stomach.


Caroline then twists her body slights and flexes her long legs.  Her thigh muscles detonate and force her already short shirt to slide up her legs until every millimeter of her legs are exposed.


Caroline glances at Linda and says, “You are absolute correct Linda.  Men transform into pure jelly when they are up against an emotionally powerful, physically strong, and intelligent woman.  And this is the objective of this class.  Are you interested”?


“Oh Yes”, replies Linda, “But I doubt I can be as physical healthy and fit as you Caroline in just one semester”.  To which Caroline replies as she glances over to a pile of large metal scraps in the corner of the room, “Linda, it’s your female attitude that matters the most in this class. If you believe you can achieve my physical fitness and strength then you will have highly benefited from this class.  Now look at that pile of scrape metal over there and tell me what you see”?


Linda looks over at the pile of scrap metal and replies, “Caroline, there seems to be three large pieces of iron, in fact one appears to be a large metal anvil that has been crush and bent in half.  Then there seems to be a long section of train track that has been tied into several knots and crumbled up into a globe.  Then there is a long thick steel “I” beam that has had one side reshaped into long deep flowing curves”.


“Your correct on all three Linda”, replies Caroline as she walks over to the long thick “I” beam, picks it up with her one hand and hold it vertically next to her body.  “These are just stage props that I use in class Linda”, says Caroline as she continues, “If you believe you are strong enough to bend, crush, twist, and reshape solid steel, then there is nothing that can stop you from being the superior sex”.


Linda smiles back as Caroline as she notices the deep curves and indents in the “I” beam exactly conforms to Caroline’s body. It’s almost like she had the “I” beam shaped to her fabulous body.  Linda then says, “Stage props, they look so real”.


“Well Linda, are you interested in my class”, ask Caroline as she smiles and Linda immediately replies, “Oh Yes, this is one class that I will both benefit and enjoy”.


Caroline then gives Linda a brochure and a folder, and says, “I have selected you as one of the five students in my class, just full out the paper work, turn it into the admissions office, and I will see you next week”.



Caroline escorts Linda outside the office building and Linda says “I wish someone would clean up this neighbor, everything is so destroyed”.   Caroline replies back as she walks a few steps with Linda, “If you achieve all the objectives from my class, you will be able to clean up this neighbor hood in a single evening”.  Linda walks backwards as she waves goodbye to Caroline and watches as Caroline turn around and walks back to the office.  And as Caroline walks past a steel post with a sign on it, she reaches out with her hand and twists the steel post around.  Caroline knows Linda is watching as she easily twist the steel post with her one hand so Linda can read the sign and the sign reads, “Parking for women only, all others will have their vehicle destroyed”.    Linda laughs as she believes Caroline had this little trick setup for the students she interviews, but when she went back to the steel post, she tried to bend it back but was unable.  Linda was puzzled, how did Caroline bend the steel post.  “Oh well”, Linda thinks to herself. There’s always an answer to every puzzle but I’m not sure on this puzzle”.


Linda then walks happily away from the steel post and back to the school, unaware that Caroline is watching her through the office window.  Caroline relaxes as she contemplates to herself, “I’m going to absolute enjoy teaching these women in this class”.


It’s the first day of class, and five young women arrive at the class room.  The classroom is very large for only the five students; it’s basically an old gymnasium.  There is one teacher’s desk and podium, and five chairs for the students.  The middle of the room has several heavy table, lounge chairs, sofas, massive exercise equipment, and immense free weights.  The back of the class room has about twenty extra student chairs stacked against the back wall.


It’s still 10 minutes before class starts, when the five young women hear the sound of a high power automobile through the open window facing the parking lot.  Linda goes over to the window and recognizes the driver of the Viper convertible.  “Hey everyone, it’s Caroline, she’s here”, yells Linda as the other women all dash to the window.  They watch Caroline drive to her reserved teacher’s parking location, but just before she gets there, another car pulls into the reserved stop and forces Caroline to slam on the brakes.  It’s a couple of senior jocks and they laugh as one guy get out of the car and walks over to Caroline’s car and stands by her door.  He has a baseball bat and two baseballs in his hands. And as he stares down into the car, he says to Caroline, “Would you like to play with my B  A  T  and B A L L  S”.  He says the words “B  A  T  and B A L L  S” very slowly with a gulp in his voice and the reason for the slowing and slurring of his speech is Caroline.  For as the male stud glances down into the Viper convertible, he get an excellent gander at Caroline muscular body and she is exposing a hefty quantity of muscular tanned skin. 


Caroline is sitting low in the Viper, her long muscular legs stretch straight out, one on the brake and one on the clutch and her short skirt is hiding only a millimeter of her long tanned legs.  In fact, the young stud can even see her tight white thong pressing against her crotch.  And as the eyes of the young student meander upwards, he notices a set of knockers that resembles twin mountains peaks as they shape and stretch her tight low cut top.  Caroline’s cleavage resembles a deep canyon and her nipples were poking prominently through the material. It’s obvious her muscular chest doesn’t require a bra to keep her firm massive breasts in place and her top is as tight as a banjo string.


When the young stud’s eyes finally gaze into the absolute beauty of Caroline’s eyes, she replies, “Of course I would enjoy playing with your bat and balls”.  Caroline then quickly grabs his baseball bat with her right hand and the two baseballs with her left hand.  She takes the bat and places it down between her breasts, handle end first.  She pushed it down until the handle just comes out the bottom of her cleavage.  The baseball bat stays in place as Caroline lets go with her hands and takes a baseball from her left hand.  With a baseball in each hand, Caroline gently rubs her fingers over the outside of the baseballs and tears off the outside leather like its onion paper.  She continues rubbing her long finger and finger nails across the baseballs and within a few seconds completely shreds the baseballs into a mass of broken pieces of string and crushed material.


Caroline then uses her right hand to clasp the handle of the aluminum baseball bat which is protruding from the bottom of her cleavage and begins to pull it down through her large firm breasts.  She slowly twists the bat as she pulls it through her breasts and with each half twist of the bat, she takes a deep breath and allows her firm breasts to crush the aluminum bat.  The young jock watches and hears the aluminum bat as it is crushed between Caroline breasts.


Caroline then gently begins to bend the aluminum bat as she spreads her leg apart in the seat of the Viper and directs the bat towards her pussy.  She uses her left hand to grab and pull aside her white thong and slowly inserts the aluminum bat into her hot juicy pussy.  She continues to insert the baseball bat; about 25 centimeters at a time into her body and thrusts her hips with each insertion.  It only takes 30 seconds for Caroline to completed pull the bat through her breasts and inserts it completely into her hot pussy.  She then closes her legs, turns to the young jock and says, “Thanks, I enjoyed that, now step aside and let me out of my car”.


The young student, who is now holding his swollen cock with both his hands, steps aside and allows Caroline to exit her car.  Caroline strolls over to the car that took her reserved parking location and the driver of the car just gawks with his mouth wide open at Caroline.  Caroline is 5 foot 10, blond, young, very muscular, her skin is deeply tanned, and with her tight skimpy clothing, she is showing off most of her tanned skin.  She struts her muscular body to the driver’s side of the car and she takes long authoritative stride with her powerful legs. Her high heels are accentuating those powerful muscles in her calves and thighs.   Each long convincing step of her legs also causes her large breasts to bounce with authority as they attempt to leap out of her scanty tight top.


Caroline’s rocks her shapely hips from side to side as she strolls and this only amplifier her super flat stomach muscles as her top rises up and down with each sexy sway of her well-formed hips.


Once Caroline reaches the driver’s side door of the vehicle, she takes her hands and places them on the door’s window frame.  She wraps her fingers across the top of the metal door as she sticks her head inside the open window.  She leans inside the car until her massive breasts are also resting on the door frame with her nipples lodge in the channel for the door’s window.  The look on the driver’s face tells everything.  His eyes are bulging out of their sockets as she watches Caroline’s breasts explode outward from her stretched top. Her muscular shoulders completely fill the window frame and her biceps are bulging to the point of bursting open her sleeves.


Caroline looks at the driver, eye to eye, and in a soft tone of voice says, “This parking location is reserved for the superior sex”.  She then flexes her super sexy and muscular upper body as she squeezes her hands.  The results are instantaneously, the fingers of her hands dig into the car’s door and flatten the sheet metal, her shoulders push outward against the sides and top of the door frame.  The steel frame croaks and moans as Caroline’s shoulder’s and arm’s tear into the metal until the welds break.  And her ample breasts push down into the door and crush the sheet metal and the glass window downward.


The driver’s eyes slowly scan the door frame as he takes a gulp of air.  He surveys the bent, squashed, and crushed steel door frame of his car and says to Caroline, “I’ll back out”. Caroline recedes from of the car’s window frame, turns her body around and notices the students for her class are watching the little incident in the parking lot.   Caroline just continues to turn around and heads for her Viper.  She jumps in her car and pulls in her reserved parking location now that the other car has backed away.


Caroline parks her car, and starts to walk to the front door of the classroom building, she walks with absolute authority and she stares at the vehicle that blocked her parking spot as it quickly speeds away and she thinks to herself, “I would have really enjoyed dismantling that vehicle with my body, but that exercise will come later in my class”.


Caroline enters the classroom and the five young women have already taken a seat.  They all smile at Caroline as she walks to the front of the classroom.  “Hi everyone, I’m Caroline and we need to get started.  This class will require a lot of time to prepare you both mentally and physical for the outside world.  Let’s begin with introducing ourselves and I’ll go first”, says Caroline.


“I’m Caroline Everson, and I’m a world class female body builder, but there is much more to me that my physical attributes.  I also believe in a sharp, well focused mental attitude.  The objective of this class is for each of you to develop both your physical superiority and your mental supremacy.  It will require total dedication to this program, and I will be here to assist you throughout the class”.  Caroline then nods to Linda and says, “Linda, please tell your class mates about yourself and your expectations from the class”.



Linda explains to Caroline and her classmates the expectation she has for this class, and the other four young females also tell of their expectations.


After all five have completed telling their own reasons for the class, Caroline smiles and says, “I personnel selected all of you for exactly the reasons you just described to me”.  Caroline then scans each young woman and says, “This is going to be a great class and I know each of you will enjoy the outcome.


The five young women are all sitting in their desk as they listen to Caroline explain how she will increase their mental superiority by the following techniques; personality profiling, listening skills, positive thinking, etc.


The five young women all have the same basic characteristics but are slightly different. They all are slender, but physical energetic, and wish to complete college in their chosen field.


Linda is quiet, about 5 feet 10 inches, and conservative, with a proportional shape to her tall body.


Patty is also quiet, about 5 feet 5 inches, and is somewhat shy.  She also has a set of knockers about the size of volley balls and she tries to hide them with very restrictive clothing.


Kathy is talkative, about 5 feet 6 inches and is not shy.  She likes to have fun with everyone.  She also has a long set of legs and firm rounded back side.


Amy is a listener, about 5 feet 7 inches, but will tell you off if you irritate her. She has a set of breeding hips that full out her jeans to perfection.


Natalie is also talkative but always serious, about 6 feet tall. She is tall with a solid body from top to bottom.


Caroline continues on the requirements of the class and says to the students, “There will also be the physical requirements to round out your superiority training.  Notice the exercise equipment in the back of the room.  I will personally demonstrate my techniques to everyone in the class and by the end of the first month, you will all notice a great improvement in you womanly shape and your physical strength”.  Caroline then poses and flexes her body to show her great shape and powerful muscles.


All the women stare at Caroline and her fantastic body and Linda finally asks, “Caroline, how can we increase our strength and develop a firm muscular body in such a short time”.  Caroline replies softly to everyone in the class, “I’ve personally select each of your because I know I can develop both your mind and your muscles. Believe me, at the end of 8 weeks your will be amazed at your physical fitness if you follow my plan”.


“Now to get started” says Caroline, “Today I plan on spending 2 hours on personality traits and 2 hours on the exercise equipment”.  So Caroline go through the four personality traits associated with every individual and at the end of the two hour lecture, asks the girls to go to the exercise equipment.  Once by the exercise equipment, Caroline says to the five young women, “I’ve personnel select this equipment for the class.  There are special exercise equipments for you shoulders, for your chest, for your waist, for your arms, and for your legs.  There are also plenty of free weights”.  The girls are all staring at the equipment when Cathy says, “Well, I don’t believe Patty will need the chest exercise machine”. Everyone including Patty snickers and Patty laughingly replies, “Those free weights, that larger one on the end, I don’t believe even superman could lift”.


Caroline holds back her laughter and replies, “Let’s go examine that “HUMMMMM” large free weight as she walks to the end of the free weights. This particular free weight is resting on the concrete floor and once at the free weight, Patty stands at one end of the weight and says, “These round metal things are taller than I”, and Kathy adds, “Each of these metal plates are about 10 centimeters thick”.  Kathy then begins to count the shiny chrome plates, and says; there are 25 plates on this side and the other side looks identical”.  Natalie then says, “The center bar between the plates is about 10 centimeter thick.  I also agree; Superman couldn’t pick this thing up”.


Caroline proceeds to the center of the massive barbell, places her right hand under the steel bar and with absolute ease lifts the massive barbell over her head.  The extreme weight of the massive plates cause the bar to arc about 20 degrees   She then turns to the 5 women and says, “You are correct, I doubt if Superman could lift this heavy weight, but remember, he’s a man and we are the superior sex in both mental and physical abilities”.  Caroline twirls the massive weight as if it’s a baton for a few seconds and then places the massive weight back down on the floor.  Patty shakes her head and walks up to the massive barbell and attempts to just roll the weights and she can’t.  “How much does this thing weigh”, says Patty in a puzzled tone of voice.  Caroline response in a plane tone of voice, “It’s not a question of how much it weights, it’s all in your frame of mind and if you believe you can lift it with ease then you will be able to lift it with ease”.   She then says to the group, “Let me explain the purpose and the proper technique of each exercise machine”.   Patty then says softly, “That thing must weigh several 100 tons”. Caroline hears Patty but only smiles back at her.




The exercise apparatuses are monsters, 4 times the size of devices in a typical gym. The steel frame for the apparatuses resembles more of the foundation for a skyscraper or a long bridge than an exercise machine. And it’s over 5 meters in height.  Natalie looks at Caroline and asks, “This thing is monstrous, and how did they get it in here”.  Caroline replies immediately and simply, “Oh, I carried them in here yesterday”, as she directs the five young women to the first exercise machine. “Now girls, this device is designed to help your shoulder muscles and is simple.  You sit upright on his bench and wrap your legs around the bench for support.  Then you take this steel bar that is over your head and just pull down.  You should pull down several reps behind your head and several reps in front of your body.  You can adjust the weights behind you from 10 kilos to 200 kilos in increments of 10 kilos by placing the pin through the desired weight. I recommend you all begin with 10 kilos and work up to 200 kilos.  Amy laughs as she utter, “Sure, I doubt if I will ever get past 20”. 


Caroline replies back to Amy, “Now Amy, think positive, think superior, think strong, think super strong.  Now Amy, would you please sit on the bench and I’ll help you get started with the proper techniques”.  Amy sits down on the bench and Caroline pulls the steel bar down and lets Amy take hold with her hands.  Amy starts to exercises with the weights set at 10 kilos and Caroline assists her with proper breathing, exact form, correct speed and extension.


Amy does about 40 reps total and Caroline indicates that’s sufficient for her first time.  She then suggests to Amy that later today she should do another 40 reps at 20 kilo and if she comes back tonight for some additional exercise she should try 30 or even 40 kilos.


“Are there any questions?  OK, Linda, your turn”, asks Caroline, and Linda sits at the exercise machine and Caroline again helps Linda with the proper techniques.  Caroline assists all five girls and when they are all finished, Caroline again asks, “Any questions”?


Natalie replies, “Yes, one question Caroline.  There are two steel bars on this machine.  One is about 3 centimeters thick with only one thin steel cables connect to the weights.  There is another steel bar next to it and it’s about 10 centimeters thick and has 4 massive steel cables connected to it.  The cables run over the top through those massive pulleys and down behind that curtain in the center of the machine.  What’s it for”?  


“I’m glad you asked Natalie”, replies Caroline as she reaches over and pulls the large curtain aside.  Inside the curtain are 20 massive metal square plates, with each plate measuring 2 meters square by 20 centimeters thick.  The four thick steel cables connect through the center of the weights.  And just like the smaller weights on the front of the exercise device, they are marked in increments of 10, from 10 to 200.  There are 4 thick steel bars that go through slots in the massive plates to select the desired weights.


All five girls just gape at the massive weights, thick cables, and the mechanism to support the weights.  Finally Natalie speaks to Caroline and inquires, “What are those number suppose to representative on each plate.  Caroline relies in a soft tone of voice, “Oh, they representative increments of 10, ah 10 thousand kilos each”.


Natalie eyes and mouth open wide as she asks, “Who’s going to exercise with those babies; Super Girl, Wonder Woman, or the Bionic Woman”.  All the girls snicker and Caroline replies back to Natalie, “Natalie, you are beginning to think like the superior sex already.  You named all women and yes, each of those women would have no problem exercising with those massive weights”. Then Linda asks Caroline, “Caroline, obviously we will never be able to exercise with those 10 thousand kilo weights”.


 Caroline then smiles at all the girls and says, “Just be patient and ask me that question again in a few weeks girls, this class is demanding but your personnel rewards will be incredible”.   Caroline continues to demonstrate each piece of equipment to the five girls and each piece has two sets of weights.  One set of weights from 10 to 200 kilos and another set from 10 to 200 thousand kilos.  All five young girls pay strict attention to Caroline’s detailed instructions and when finished, Caroline says, “That’s it for today’s class girls; I’ll be here for another couple of hours updating my course outline.  You are welcome to stay and study.  And remember, we meet again tomorrow night”. 


All five girls stay and use the exercise equipment, however, since they are no dressed in gym clothing, they take it easy and get familiarize with the equipment.  Caroline also notices that each girls pays special attention to the massive weights of each machine.  Even to the point of rubbing and banging the massive metal plates to see if they are real.




This is an evening class, and Caroline arrives about 10 minutes early.  She walks into the class room and she is delighted to see all five girls working out on the weights.  This time the girls are dressed more appropriate for exercising.  Caroline requests the girls take their seats and she again begins to lecture subject related to personalities and how to define and use this ability to your advantage.  The five girls are extremely attentive during the 3 hour lecture and role playing.  But as soon as the class is over, all five girls are back on the exercise equipment.




This is a day class, and again Caroline arrives and finds the girls all exercising.  The five girls have become good friends and assist each other with their exercises.  Caroline’s class outline today consists of lectures on understands the strengths and weakness of people and how to use this to an advantage.  It’s four hours of tough mental understanding and role playing for the girls but they are totally devoted to Caroline’s class.




Another evening class and it is identical to day two.  When the class ends, Caroline says to the five girls, “Since tomorrow is Friday and an evening class, let’s go out after class and celebrate our first week together.  I’ll have a one hour lecture and then a little demonstration of my superior abilities, after that if party time”.  The five girls all cheer as class ends and they all go back on the exercise equipment.



Caroline enters the class and the girls just stare at her in awe, “She’s dressed to party and is flaunting her muscular sexy body.” Her shirt is short, very short and every inch of her muscular thighs are visible.  Her top barely covers her nipples and her entire abdomen is showing off her incredible flat stomach.  She walks with supremacy, flaunting her body and when she gets to the lecture stand, she informs the girls that today subject is “How to dress for success”. 


Caroline hears Kathy softly say, “If I had that body, I know how to dress”.   Caroline just snickers as she repeat what Kathy says and reminds the girls, there Formal Dress, Business Dress, Causal Dress, and Party Dress.  Each requires it own distinct attention to detail and knowing how to flaunt in each and every situation.   Caroline goes into detail on what to wear and what not to wear, but always comes back to one common theme, “Its how you full your clothing out that counts in all situation”.  After an hour of lecture, Caroline says, “Since its almost party time, I would like to work out on the weights to get my body in party shape”. 


Caroline proceeds to the first machine and sets the smaller set of weights to 200 Kilo.  Her first 10 reps are with both hands, her second set is with one hand and her third is with one finger.  Amy stares at Caroline and says, “You’re a tease; now please show us what you can really do with those weights”.  Caroline doesn’t say a word, but get up and grabs the other bar, the bar with the 4 massive cables that connect to the plates that weight 10 thousand kilos each.  And again her first 10 reps are with both hands, her second set is with one hand and her third is with one finger.  Finally, Kathy says, “If you go through each of those plates one at a time, we will be here all night”.  Caroline looks intently at Kathy and says, “You definite want to party Kathy, well let’s go for max”.  So Caroline set the weight for 200 thousand kilo and again begins to exercise and there is no difference.  Her first 10 reps are with both hands, her second set is with one hand and her third is with one finger.  Then Caroline proceeds to each machine and exercises for about 10 minutes with the weights set to max.  When she is finished all the girls are in “AWE”.  Caroline’s body is superb; all her muscles are pumped up and she is stretching her already scant and tight clothing to their limits.   She looks at the five young women and says, “Soon girls, soon”.


The girls all smile as they proceed to a large luxury SUV that Caroline had obtained and Patty asks, “Is this yours Caroline”?  Caroline responds with a smirk and says, “It’s mine now, for I incorporated my abilities as the superior sex to convince the auto dealership to give me the vehicle free of charge for a full year”. 


“WOW!  That’s impressive, how did you achieve that kind of a deal”, replies Natalie. To which Caroline answers, “His dealership showroom used to face a major shopping avenue, now it faces an unsightly land fill”.  The girl all laugh and do not know whether to take Caroline seriously.


Caroline starts to the vehicle and says to the girls, “Let’s go to the “Field House Club”.  However, Kathy replies, “Caroline, we are all underage for that place and because it’s so popular, they check everyone”.  Caroline intently looks at Kathy and says delicately, “Remember, we are the superior sex, believe me, we will get into the club”.


Once at the “Field House Club”, Caroline searches for a parking location and there are no parking locations in front of the Club.  So Caroline drives past the front of the club and sees a parked car with the driver sitting behind the wheel.  She backs her SUV just past his car, get out of her vehicle and walks up to the driver’s side window.  The driver roles his window down and says something to Caroline but Caroline cannot hear him because he has his stereo blasting.  The five young women are all watching Caroline and all they notice is Caroline pointing up the street.  Then a few seconds later, she places her hands and head inside the window and the stereo abruptly stops. Within a second, the driver starts his vehicle and leaves the parking location for Caroline.  All the girls observe is Caroline brushing off her hands of crushed metal and plastic parts as she walks back to her vehicle.


Caroline then requests Amy to park the SUV.  Amy attempts to Parallel Park the huge vehicle, but there is insufficient space between two already parked vehicles.  Amy looks and Caroline, and says, “This SUV is too big; we will need to find another parking location”.  Caroline shakes her head as she proceeds to the parking space and walks up to the vehicle on the back side of her parking location and simple walks into the vehicle with her powerful legs.  The car’s metal bumper is immediately crushed inward by her legs, and her thighs crumble the grill.  The vehicle then moves backward and into the vehicle behind it. Both vehicles’ tires skid across the pavement as Caroline pushes the vehicles back about 3 meters with her legs.  She then turns around and does the same thing to the vehicle in the front of her parking location, except since it’s a truck, she whacks her hips into the rear steel bumper launching the truck about 3 meters forward and into another vehicle.  Caroline’s powerful legs, thighs, and hips dent and crumble the front and rear of the vehicles as if they were tissue paper.  Amy then proceeds to park the SUV with easy and she only bumps the other vehicles several times in her attempt.  All the girls applauded Amy parallel parking ability as they pondered Caroline’s true power.  


All six women head for the front door of the “Field House Club” and just as predicted; there is a bouncer who is slightly larger than and just as ugly as Godzilla inside the door.  The six women enter and the bouncer says loudly, “I D”.  Caroline goes up to the bouncer and sexually pushes her muscular shape into his body.  She backs him up to a steel railing and forces her body harder into his body and whispers into his ear.  Then the girls hear from the bouncer in a laud voice, “NO, need ID”.  Caroline then proceeds to place her one hand on the steel railing and crushes a section of the railing in half with a slight squeeze of her fingers.  The sound of the steel crushing causes the bouncer to look down and all he can see is Caroline bending the steel railing around his upper right leg, up through his crotch, and back out his ass until it touched the railing again.  She wraps the one end of the steel railing around the original steel railing and then smiles at the bouncer.  She then begins to twist the steel railing, causing it to tighten around his leg.  Finally, the bouncer says, “Ok you’re in”.  Caroline then uses her fingers and crushes open the steel railing around the bouncer leg, which releases the bouncer.  He just gawks at Caroline eyes as he grabs his balls to make sure he still has a pair.


The girls enter the “CLUB” and are escorted to a large round booth and they immediately start chattering to Caroline.  “How strong are you? Is there anything you can’t do? Will we become muscular? What happens if the police come?  Question after question the girls ask until Caroline says, “OK, one question at a time, but let me ask this first.  Did you enjoy your first week of class and let’s start with you Linda”.


Linda responds, “It’s was great, I feel more confident, stronger, and much sexier”.  And this is the feeling that Amy, Cathy, Patty, and Natalie also stress to Caroline.  Then Amy asks Caroline softly, “Are those massive weights in the classroom real, they must weigh tons, hundreds of tons.  And what you did to those vehicles outside the club.  The pushed them aside like they were toys”. 


Caroline smiles as she says, “Ask me again in about two weeks”.


Cathy then chimes in, “I’ve already went from 10 kilos to 80 kilos on every machine and added some nice firmness to my body and a few centimeters in all the right places”.   Patty then says, “Yea, I’ve added some nice firmness and 10 centimeters to my chest” as she pushes out her breasts to reveal her cleavage through her tight top”.  “Wow, that’s a change for you Patty, showing off cleavage”, replies Linda.


The girls continue to chat about their new body experiences and their confidence.  They laugh, show each other some of their new muscles, and talk about their boy friends.  They also become the highlight of the “CLUB”.  Every guy in the place is trying to hit on the 6 girls, buying them drinks, asking for dances, and the girls are taking every advantage they can of the situation.  After an hour or so of having a good time, a young stud asks Amy for a dance and she accepts.  They dance for about a minute and then he stops dancing and shakes his fist at Amy and punches her in the shoulders.  Amy in self defense pushes the jerk away with her hands and the guy goes sailing backwards until he trips over a chair and lands on his ass.  Amy goes back to the table and explains the situation, “That jerk, he wants me to pay for the damage to his truck, he claims I smashed into it while parking”.


Caroline looks at Amy and says, “See, women are superior if given the proper training”.


Patty they ask, “Amy, how hard did you push him” and Amy replies “Oh, Ah, not too hard, I think”.


The guy who hit Amy gets up, and he and a friend run over to the girl’s table.   Once at the table the guy’s friend, who must weigh well over 120 kilos, yells “BITCH” to Amy but Caroline immediately stands up and positions herself between the guy and Amy.  The overweight guy looks at Caroline and says, “Get out of my way bitch or I’ll knock you on your ass”.


Caroline just stands there as she places her hands on her hips and flexes her muscles, and they says to the big guy, “You will have to go through me first asshole”.


The big guy stares at Caroline as he surveys her muscles and her tight top. And as Caroline flexes her upper body muscles, her skimpy top raises and reveals most of her super flat stomach.  With Caroline’s arms raised above her head to show off her upper body muscles, the big guy yells at the top of his voice, “Ok  bitch you asked for this”, as he rears up and slams his closed fist into Caroline’s stomach. 


There is dead silence in the club after the big guy yelled at Caroline and the only thing everyone hears after that is the sound of breaking bones.  Then the big guy screams in excruciating pain as he pulls his hand away from Caroline stomach and holds it against his body.  Every bone in his hand is broken or smashed, for hitting Caroline’s stomach was identical to hitting a thick solid steel wall.  By this time, the bouncers have arrived and Caroline says, “This guy hit me for no reason except her wants free sex”.  The bouncers escort both guys to the nearest exit and toss them out.


Caroline turns to her five students and says. “We better leave”.  The girls all look disappointed as Cathy replies, “But we are having fun”.  Caroline then answers back in a motherly voice, “In a couple more weeks you will be able to be by yourself, please trust me”. 


The girls all leave the club and walk to their SUV and past the truck that Caroline rammed with her hips.  The two guys who caused them trouble are also standing by their truck but say nothing.  Caroline stops in front of the truck and just scans it with her eyes as she flexes her muscles.  Amy then turns to Caroline and says softly to her, “What are you contemplating Caroline”.  To which Caroline answers, “Amy, how I would absolute enjoy watching you slowly rip this truck apart with your body”.  Amy just shakes her head as they go to the SUV.


When Caroline lets the girls out at their dorm she ask if they are going to exercise on Saturday and all the girls happily indicate they will be at the class room early to continue their exercising.




Week two continues where week one left off.  The girls arrive early and exercise before class.  This week’s lectures include negotiating skills, understanding the male ego, and effective meeting proficiencies. But after two hours of lecture, Caroline requests that each girl take their body measurements.  She requests each major muscle be recorded each week for the remainder of the semester and gives the girls a spread sheet with the information to be recorded and the date.  She recommends that they help each other with the measurements to make it simple and that they measure their muscles at maximum.  The girls energetically comply and begin to record all their body measurements.


Caroline recommends they measure their body and muscles both at rest, exercising, and while flexing.  She informs the girls she will assist and demonstrate the proper techniques for posing and flexing their muscles.  The girls begin to act silly and girlish as they measure each others muscles and body stats.  Natalie is assisting Patty with her “AT REST” measurements when she hollers, “Hey, anyone have a much longer tape measure.  This one comes up far short when I attempt to measure Patty’s chest”.  Patty then giggles and pushes out her enormous breasts.  Natalie snickers and says “Better get two tapes and connect them together, if you want Patty’s expanded chest measurement”.


Caroline is pleased with the progress of her young female students and for the remainder of the week she both lectures and assists her students with personality skills and muscle development.  Most of the muscle training is with the exercise equipment and by Thursday’s evening class; all of the girls have increased the weight setting to the max (200 kilos) on all the exercise machines. And the girls can easily accomplish over 100 reps per machine in a short period of time and they exercise 6 times a day. Natalie has even started to do her workouts with just one hand or one leg and has no problem with the 200 kilo max weight.  Every once in a while Caroline observes the girls going to the massive bar bell and smiles as they try to just roll the massive weight. Even all five girls together cannot budge the barbell but Caroline knows it’s just a matter of time before they can lift the massive barbell as if it’s just a helium balloon.




The five young students are all in class when Caroline arrives for her evening lecture and they are exercising hard.  Natalie is even trying the second set of weights (the 10 thousand kilo plates) on one of the machines but its useless; however, all five young women get together and they can lift the 10 thousand kilo weight as a team but only a few centimeters.


Caroline starts the class by saying, “It’s Friday evening of the second week girls, instead of lecturing, and I’d like to know if you have any questions or comments.  Then we can decide what to do tonight as a group”.


Linda responds to Caroline and the class and says, “Since tomorrow is the big football game against “STATE”, there is always a pep rally on the field next to the stadium for the team.  It’s always a wild time for everyone.


Cathy replies to everyone by saying, “Yes, the pep rally is always a blast, but the football team hasn’t won a game in two years. But I always go to meet guys and party.  Oh, that brings up a special question Caroline.  Since I’ve started this special program, I have noticed a definite increase in my sexual appetite, and I can exhaust my boyfriend long before he can completely satisfy me”. Carolina notices by the nodding of the other girl’s heads that they also agree.


Caroline then articulates to the five young girls, “As you become physical stronger, more emotionally charged, and mentally sharper, your sexual appetite will also increase and I will transfer all my knowledge and experience to you in the next couple of weeks. Believe me, your sexually desires and your sexually pleasure will both be highly elevated and high satisfied, just as your physical strength will be”.


Cathy replies in a highly excited voice, “I’m definitely going to enjoy this class”.


Caroline says to the five girls, “OK, let go to the pep rally. But I recommend attire other than your workout clothing. Let’s all meet back here in one hour”. Caroline dismisses the class and the girls all meet back in one hour.


The five girls are dressed to party.


Linda’s clothing is showing off her tall slender body. No bra and her low cut jeans are exploiting her flat slender muscular waist.


Patty is showing off most of her large breasts and her flimsy top cannot stop them from bouncing around. Her newly developed chest muscles thrust her pert breasts outward with authority.


Cathy’s clothing, or lack of, consists of a skimpy halter and a short skirt. Every muscle in her body is firm, solid, and exposed.


Amy has a loose fitting short blouse that is fastened by tying the bottom together and her cut off jeans showing off all of her powerful muscular thighs and shapely hips. 


Natalie is sporting a short summer dress that displays most of her breasts and all of her solid legs muscles. Her shoulder and arm muscles are very evident as she flaunts her new body.


Caroline is dresses in a very tight low cut halter and a set of shorts that are definitely short.



The six girls leave the class room and begin to walk down the street to the pep rally when Caroline says, “Girls, where’s the pep rally”?  Kathy replies as she points with her hand in the direction of the stadium, “It’s at the field on the other side of the stadium.  We have to walk all the way around the stadium, the parking lots, and other building to get to the field”.


Caroline stops dead in her tracks, puts her hands on her hips and says to her five students, “Girls, the shortest path between two places is a straight line, and I don’t want to walk all that distance when we can take the shortest path”.  The five girls glance at Caroline and then at the straight-line path they will need to take to get to the pep rally.  Natalie says quietly to the other four girls, “There are guard rails, fences, the stadium, and parking lots full of cars between here and there.  OOOOOH!!!!  This could be fun”.  The five girls start to walk in the direction of the stadium with Caroline catching up from behind.  Then the girls hear a loud metal ripping, bending, and crushing sound behind them and they all turn around.  There is Caroline, jogging to catch up to the girls, with large chunks of metal caught between her powerful leg muscles.  The metal is from the guard rail that separates the street from the stadium area and Caroline walked through the guard rail as opposed to the five girls who has to step over the guard rail.


The five girls watch in amazement as Caroline’s muscles legs and thighs, chew, grind, and shred the thick metal guardrail into scrap.  By the time Caroline reaches the five girls, her legs have completed destroyed the metal and Caroline just brushes off some small leftover debris from her leg.  Caroline then says to her students, “Stupid location to place a metal guard rail”.  The five young women simply smile and continue walking to the chain link fence surrounding the stadium.  They arrive at a tall heavy chain link fence and gate but the gate is secured with heavy chain wrapped about 10 times around the gate and a large steel post.  There is a massive pad lock dangling from the chain.  Caroline simply places her opened right hand under the pad lock and begins to lift up.  She clutches the pad lock and some of the chain and begins to wiggle her fingers.  The padlock and links of the steel chain crumble like dried crackers and scraps of metal begin to fall to the ground.  Caroline continues up through the steel chain, breaking and crushing the steel chain effortlessly until all the chain is broken and the gate is open.  Amy goes to push the gate open but Caroline stops her by grabbing the gate with her hand.  Caroline then says to Amy, “It’s just not correct to open the gate when with the same effort; you can tear it off its metal hinges”.   So Caroline clasps the outside metal frame of the gate and pushes it back into the inside metal frame.  She then crushes both round steel frames into her hands and yanks the gate off the steel hinges.  The hinges protest at first, but the puny metal bends and rips like paper.  But before the metal hinges give, the gate’s supporting steel post is also bent and twisted like a pretzel.  Amy simply suck in some air as she grabs her legs and squeezes her muscles and says, “WOW, now that’s a superior women”.  The girls all pass through the now open, actually removed gate, and proceed straight to a door at one end of the school’s stadium.


Arriving at the door into the stadium, there was a sign that read, “Maintenance entrance only”.  The door itself is protected by a gate made of steel bar bars and secured with several locks. Linda is first at the door and stands directly in front of the steel gate and grabs one of the vertical steel bars and begins to pull the steel bar outward.  She pulls hard and uses her legs and feet for additional support and actually bends the 3 centimeter thick steel bar slightly.  But it’s still strong steel.  Finally Caroline says to Linda, “In time Linda, but first let me show you how useless steel bars will be to women who take and pass my special class.  Linda steps aside and Caroline positions herself directly in front of the steel bar gate and grabs the two center vertical steel bars with her hands.  She then moves her hands outward and simply bends the center steel bars into the 4 remaining steel bar on each side of center.  And after Caroline has five steel bars tightly in her hands, she easily rotates her hands, bending the 5 steel bars in each hand as if there were string.  The steel moans, groans, and the steel gate is quickly bend and twisted out of shape until it pulls itself out of the concrete walls of the stadium.  Linda just observes Caroline and notices that she seems to be enjoying crumbling and crushing the steel gate.  Linda actually begins to take deep breaths as she get herself excite at the sight of Caroline bending steel so easily. Linda’s nipples also become aroused and poke through her top.


With the steel gate disposed of so efficiently, the main door is still a formidable obstacle.  It’s solid, no windows, covered in metal, and secured with three locks.  The girls gather around Caroline as she unsnaps her halter and takes it completely off, exposing her large firm pert breast.  She places her hands on her hips and presses her breasts against the steel door. Caroline turns her head from side to side and observers her five attentive students as she slowly rolls her shoulders back and thrusts out her magnificent muscular chest.  Caroline’s nipples are first to slash into the steel covering on the door, puncturing the metal with simplicity.  Her large breasts force the metal to peel aside as the entire door begins to bend inward.  The hinges and locks strain to keep the door secure as Caroline’s breasts power their way through the metal and the door.   A slight wiggle from Caroline’s breasts is all the metal and door can tolerate as her firm breasts bursts through the door like two erupting volcanoes.  The metal folds and bends inward with its sharp jagged edges unable to scratch Caroline’s flawless tan skin.  The solid wood core of the door shatters and splinters into hundreds of little pieces of wood.  Caroline then steps back to let the girls see what the soft breasts of a superior woman can do to a supposedly strong door.   The five students gawk at the hole in the door and then Patty says as she clasps her extremely breasts, “Oh my fucking tits, look at the holes in that door”.


Caroline then walks forward and into the door.  The door immediately bends inward to the force of her muscular body and then the door tears out of the concrete walls, leaving holes where the hinges and locks once secured the door.  The five girls then enter the door and into the stadium.  They are in a long hallway and begin to walk down the hallway and read the signs to all the stadiums amenities. Various food and snack locations, restrooms, offices, and then Natalie see a door marked, “Workout room for football team”, and says to the girls, “Let’s see what the football team uses for weights”.


Natalie walks up to the door and tries to open it but it’s locked.  So she turns to Caroline with a “What Now” look on her face.  Caroline can read Natalie face as says, “Natalie, use those shapely hips of yours to gently persuade the door to open”. 


Natalie turns around and looks at the door, smiles and slams her full figured hips sideways into the door. “BLAMM”, is the only sound heard as Natalie hips swing into the door.  The door immediately blasts opens as the force of her hips tears the lock completely out of the door frame.  Natalie smiles and says, “That was simple and easy.  Now let’s see what’s in the weight room”.


The girls walk into the weight room and observe that it’s fully equipped.  Benches, free weights, leg machines, and all of the pieces of equipment are neatly positioned in the room.  Linda then says, “How can our football team lose all their games with all this training equipment”.  By this time, Cathy has walked up to a workout bench with at least a 200 kilo barbell on it and picks up the massive barbell with one hand, raises it over her head, twirls it around, and looks around for another weight.  She spots another free weight that looks about the same size as the one she’s holding and picks up that weight with her other hand and also holds it over her head with relative ease.  Linda then says, “No wonder the football team can’t win any games, they are using these light weights to exercise, they should get more “girlish” weights”.  Everyone laughs and they begin to play with the exercise equipment, but the equipment is just light weight toys to the girls.  They quickly get bored and decide to continue to the pep really. So the girls walk to the front door of the workout room and Amy is in the lead.  Although she could have opened the front doors by pressing on the latch bar, she also decides to open the doors with her hips.  And Amy has a set of breeding hips.  She smacks her well-rounded hips into the doors with authority and not only do the doors open, they swing back and into the outside walls, bending the hinges and tearing off the damping controls.  All Amy does is brush off her hips and says, “Cheap doors”.


The girls walk down the corridor towards the playing field and there is another set of double doors that must be opened to enter the field.  Linda is first to arrive at the doors and says to Caroline, “One sign reads, “Use Other Door” and the other door has a sign that reads “PUSH”, and I don’t like being told what to do”.  Caroline replies back to Linda, “Your learning quickly, superior women take orders from no one or any thing”.


Linda proceeds to the door that reads “PUSH” and grabs the steel bar that should open the door when pushed down.  But she begins by pull the steel bar back towards her using both hands and slowly the steel bar bends.  It’s takes Linda about 10 seconds but she manages to bend the steel bar back about 30 centimeters before one end of the steel bar tears itself out the door, leaving a torn hole in the door.  Linda continues to pull and bends the steel bar until she completed rips it off the door.


Cathy then proceeds to the door that reads “Use Other Door” and says “Well, since the other door appears to have a mechanical problem, I’ll just use this door”.  The door is secured shut by two steel bars that run vertical near the outer edge of the door.  One steel bar extends to the top where it goes into a hole in the door frame and one steel bar to the bottom where it goes into a hole in the floor. So Cathy clasps the top bar with both hands and begins to pull the bar towards her.  She yanks on the steel bar a few times and it begins to bend and then rips itself free of the door.  She then bends the bar down with only one hand, bending it 180 degrees.  So does the same to the bottom steel bar.  The door then swings slightly open in the outward directional.


Patty walks up to the door and says to Cathy politely, “May I open the door”, and Cathy smiles as she steps back and lets Patty have some amusement with the door.  With the door now unsecured, it would be a simple matter to push it open but Patty grabs the outside of the door with both hands and begins to pull door back.  Unfortunately, the door’s hinges are not designed to travel backwards and Patty has to pull hard.  The hinges hold as Patty uses her strength to pull back on the door.  Her massive tits are almost ready to burst through her blouse as her chest and her arm muscles strain to open the door.  Slowly, the steel hinges cannot take the strain and begin to tear out of the door frame.  The long metal screws are torn from the door frames and the hinges break.  Finally, Patty pushes the door completely back against the wall and the six women proceed through the doors and onto the playing field.   They travel across the field, gabbing to each other, and showing each other their muscles.  The girls continue through the tunnel leading to the outside of the stadium and let Caroline lead the way.  Caroline easily and enthusiastically obliterates a double set of steel doors with her powerful body as she walks authoritatively through the doors.  She continues her stroll and slashes apart a set of steel gates with a swipe of her hand and then tears a gash in a section of chain link fence like its cob webs.  The girls then proceed directly to the field where the pep rally is commencing.


To Be Continued.