While Stacey James was having fun kicking ass using her supermind and body, her supersisters were also developing powers beyond human comprehension. One of her sisters was Scarlet. She had the same powers as Stacey, such as awesome strength and brain power, enhanced senses, invulnerability, and flying ability.

But the likeness ended there. While Stacey was blonde and had a somewhat kind and forgiving nature, Scarlet was brunnette and a royal bitch most of the time. And as evil-doers around the world were going to find out, she could be extremely cruel and unforgiving.

Her crime-fighting career had started with, of all things, a comic book. Scarlet was envious of her sister Stacey, who always seemed to be in the news. Stacey was always showing off her powers by forming planets or some other incredible feat of strength.

"It's time the world discovered a new superwoman," thought Scarlet.

But she wanted some kind of direction, some sort of gimmick. One morning as Scarlet was walking down the street wearing a skin tight T-shirt, she passed by a comic book store. The brightly colored covers caught her eye, so she went in.

The clerk almost fell over when he saw super-endowed Scarlet walk in.

" Mmmay I hhelp you," he managed to stammer out, as he stared at her huge chest.

" No thanks, I'm just looking ," replied Scarlet.

"Yeah me too," the clerk answered with a grin.

Scarlet decided to have some fun, so she put her hands on her hips and faced the clerk.

"I notice you like looking at my incredible breasts. Let me show you what I can do with them."

With that, Scarlet took a huge breath that swelled her chest so much, that her massive tits touched her chin.

She smiled as the clerks eyes and crotch were both bulging.

"Now watch what I do now. Watch real close."

Scarlet placed her powerful arms behind her head and looked down at her gigantic jugs.

The clerk creamed his jeans, as Scarlet first flexed her right tit, then her left tit, then alternated back and forth.

"Stttop. I cccan't hhandle thiiisss," he gasped then passed out.

"So much for him," thought Scarlet with a smile.

She then turned her attention to the display of comic books next to her. She used her powerful eyes and brain

to scan through them at blinding speed until she came to a title that made her look more closely.

It was "SUPERGIRL". Scarlet liked the artwork and story very much. She was immediately inspired. This is the direction she wanted to go! Scarlet thought the only thing wrong with Supergirl was that she was much too soft on criminals.

"The bad guys are going to find out you don't mess with SuperScarlet," she thought proudly. She also enjoyed

the fact she was much bigger and stronger than Supergirl could ever be." I have more power in one of my boobs than Supergirl has in her whole body," she said to herself.

Over the next few days, SuperScarlet gathered various materials and made her costume. When she tried it on for the first time, she couldn't help but think how great she looked! It was so tight on her body, it looked like it was painted on. Over each of her giant tits was an "S"; one for SUPER and one for SCARLET. She also wore a cape that came down to her waist, a wide belt with a big buckle, and knee-high boots that made her a couple of inches taller than her already 6' 4".

" I'm so fucking awesome ," she said aloud. The thought of her defeating evil with her amazing powers turned her on intensely. At last she would be the center of attention. Her and not Stacey!!

She opened the window, crouched for a second, and then with a leap thanks to her mighty legs, was flying over the city. She looked great as her powerful arms were stretched out in front of her, while her cape flew in the wind. The force of the wind hitting her body felt so good, she began rubbing her hands all over her abundant chest, feeling her awesome nipples growing harder by the second and all the while using her eyes and ears to search for trouble.

Soon she found it! Her hearing had detected a silent alarm from a bank 10 miles away, followed by gunshots and screams. Two beams shot out like searchlights from her eyes. The bank came into full view.

Squinting her eyes a little, the walls of the bank vanished as her X-ray vision took over. Inside, she could see four men, each wearing all black outfits and armed to the teeth with with knives, pistols, assault rifles, and even grenades!! On the floor were two security guards dead with multiple gunshot wounds.

"Now I can show the world just how "super" I really am," SuperScarlet thought as she headed toward the scene.

" O.k. bitch, one last time. Hand over all the dough," snarled one of the thugs to one of the tellers who was shaking badly. He put his handgun to her head and pulled back the hammer.

"I'm giving you until the count of three to hand over the rest of the cash, or else I'm going to plaster the walls with your face," he sneered. His partners all laughed as he quickly counted, then blew her head off.

They quit laughing when they heard a strange whistling noise that became a loud roar outside.

"Hey, what's that sound?" one of the crooks asked his buddies,

Suddenly, there was a blinding flash as SuperScarlet appeared in front of them as if by magic. She stood between them and the helpless victims.

All four men stared in awe at SuperScarlet's magnificent body in her skintight costume. Placing her hands on her nicely rounded hips, she took a huge breath that made her massive boobs expand tremendously.

" Hello slimeballs! You don't know me, but my name is SuperScarlet. I'm sorry, but you are evil and I must destroy you to avenge the people you killed."

"Just how ya figure ya gonna do that?" one of the goons known as Moose asked.

"That's easy. I'm going to crush you with my superior female body and mind," answered Scarlet proudly.

"Hey dudes, listen to this broad will ya," laughed the leader.

All four men pulled back the bolts on their automatics and took aim at SuperScarlet.

"It's too bad you have to die bitch. We would have loved to fuck your brains out before we left with

all this lovely money, but we're in a hurry."

"Hold on boss.We got a few minutes yet. I wanna kill her with a brain shot, then titfuck her," interjected Moose.

"O.k. Moose go ahead. But make it snappy. We'll wait out in the getaway car."

As the hoodlums left the bank, leaving Moose with SuperScarlet, she called out to the leader," This won't take long. And as soon as I'm finished with your chum here, I'll be coming after the rest of you."

"Yeah, whatever you say bitch. Hey, Moose, fuck her good will ya."

They all laughed as they left and went out to the car where a fifth man was waiting behind the wheel.

Back in the bank, Moose aimed his 44 magnum at her head. SuperScarlet just stood there looking at him with her hands on her hips and a bored look on her beautiful face.

Moose chuckled, "Don't worry Superbitch, you won't feel a thing."

"I'm sure I won't fool. Fire whenever your ready."

With that, Moose pulled the trigger. The bank was shook by the enormous report of the weapon. The huge slug impacted right between her eyes and then with a loud KAA-PIIINGG flew back and hit Moose in the right leg, tearing a big chunk out of his thigh.

"YOU BLOODY, FUCKING CUNT," Moose screamed!

"Your right Moose, I didn't feel a thing. Maybe you should try shooting another part of my super body. How about my breasts? I know you love them and maybe the bullets won't bounce back as hard. Go ahead!"

With that, SuperScarlet took a huge breath that made her chest swell to epic proportions. Moose's eyes practically popped out of his skull as Scarlet's boobs became bigger and bigger!!

"DIE BITCH DIE," he yelled over the thunderous noise from the handgun as he fired one round after another at her supertits. SuperScarlet just smiled as the powerful slugs merely bounced off her body. Scarlet took another extremely big breath that made her boobs stretch the fabric almost to the breaking point.

She smiled her sexiest smile at him, licking her lips.

"Mmmm, that feels so good having your big, fat bullets bouncing off my big, fat tits. Don't stop," she taunted him.

But Moose's magnum was empty. In desperation he threw it at SuperScarlet's head, trying to knock her out. He might as well have tried to knock out a tank with a tennis ball! The heavy weapon merely glanced off her teeth as she smiled at him, and then with a loud clang, landed on the tile floor.

"Gee Moose, it looks like your little popgun couldn't hurt me one way or the other. Let me demonstrate to you how powerful I really am. Now you'll see with your own eyes just how strong my superbreasts really are."

With that, Scarlet picked up the huge pistol with one of her steely, strong hands. Moose totally forgot about his ruined leg now as this superwoman showed him the true meaning of muscle power!!

"Now we've seen just how useless your weapon was against my chest. Now let's see what my chest can do to your weapon!"

Holding the handgun above her enormous cleavage, she flexed her breasts so they parted to the sides. Then she dropped the gun into the chasm that had formed. She gave Moose a sexy wink as she then flexed her giant jugs, enclosing his gun in a vise a million times stronger than any trash compacter on Earth.

"Do you understand now Moose how strong I really am? Look closely at what I'm doing to your puny weapon," SuperScarlet said over the loud squeling of gunmetal being distorted and bent between her huge mounds of power!

"I just love my body!" she told Moose, as her tits finished off the gun with one last flex that that made Moose cum in his pants!She flexed her tits open to let the lump of mangled steel fall to the floor with a clang, smoking from the friction of her tit's enormous pressure.

"So much for your little toy. Now it's time for you to die,"Scarlet said smiling.

"HEY GUYS! GET THE FUCK BACK HERE AND HELP ME!!" screamed Moose in the direction his fellow hoodlums were outside.

"Oh Moose, you can forget about getting any help from your little pals," SuperScarlet said sweetly. "My X-ray vision tells me they have left your ass to face me alone. I guess they didn't feel like taking a chance with me or splitting the loot with you. It's so hard to find good friends these days. But don't worry Moose, they only have a little longer to live than you do."

"Oh yeah bitch! Well here's a little something for you to suck on," Moose yelled as he pulled the pin from a grenade and threw it at SuperScarlet. She easily caught it in her hand.

"Your such a fool Moose. Do you really think you can harm me with this little toy of yours?"

Scarlet ran her tongue playfully over the hissing bomb lubricating it, and then with a loud GULP, swallowed the device of death. There was a muffled explosion as the grenade detonated inside of SuperScarlet's amazing body.

"Mmm, that felt good! I could feel the white-hot shrapnel bouncing around inside of my tummy when the grenade went off," Scarlet said as she rubbed her belly-button.


With that, Moose unshouldered his Uzi and began firing at SuperScarlet's vagina of steel. Placing her hands on her hips and spreading her feet apart, SuperScarlet smiled as the bullets bounced off, proving that she was truly bullet-proof.

" Your so pathetic Moose! You can't even harm my superclit. I've given you every chance to kill me, but your such a moron, you still can't figure out that I'm a million times more superior than you are!"

She began to walk over to Moose. Terrified out of his mind, Moose turned and began limping towards the back door, desperately trying to escape.

"Where do you think your going Moose. You can't escape from me," Scarlet called out after him.

"FUCK YOU BITCH," he screamed as he now pulled out his "Rambo" style knife. Waving it in front of him, he screamed a warning,"STAY THE FUCK AWAY, OR I'LL SLICE YOU IN HALF BITCH!!!"

"Your not going to slice anyone in half fool. Your days of killing are over with. I'll see to that right now," replied SuperScarlet.

She walked up to Moose, grabbing the knife out of his hand. Then she began to slowly push the huge knife into her right tit, smiling at Moose as the blade bent back with a loud creak. Then she cupped her powerful hands around the ruined weapon, crushing it until it was the size of a marble.

Moose just stared in total disbelief.

"Now your going to die Moose. You've seen how powerful my superfemale body is. Now your going to experience my supermind. But first your going to tell me where your little gang is going to hide out at."

Moose just stared as SuperScarlet focused her all-powerful mind and began extracting all the information it took him a life-time to acquire. Her superbrain soaked up and recorded all that he knew within seconds.

"Ok Moose, I have everthing I need from your brain. Now let's see what happens when I turn my brainpower up a notch."

Moose screamed in agony as his brain was torn apart by the superwoman's mind. Blood poured from his nose, ears and eyes as the fluids in and around his brain actually began to boil from the sheer power of her mind. Finally his skull caved in with a gruesome crunch.

"So much for him," announced SuperScarlet as she placed her hands on her hips and threw out her gigantic chest with pride.

"Now it's time to take care of his little pals."