Administrative Assistant A secretary's amazing secret is dramatically revealed. By Musculo X ( It was late when the doorbell rang. I looked through the peephole and sighed. It was Carlie, my secretaradministrative assistant. She'd been flirting with me since she was hired, but nothing more than that. I wanted nothing more than that. We had a good, professional relationship. Hopefully, this visit wouldn't jeopardize that. I opened the door. "Hiya, honey!" she said, slurring slightly. She was drunk. This was not good. I said 'hi' as she walked into my apartment and closed the door. "Nice place you've got here." She was wearing a trench coat. Baggy clothes were the norm for her. Probably she's got a few extra pounds she's hiding. Without a word of warning, she took off the coat. I only had a few seconds for my mind to register what I saw before she grabbed me. Naked. Tits. Muscles. Big tits. Huge muscles. Her breasts were bigger than my head. Much bigger. And those muscles. They were everywhere. She looked like one of those over muscled cartoons they used to advertise gyms with. "You ARE cute!", she said; her breath smelling like bourbon. "Uhm, Carlie, we really shouldn't." "C'mere and gimme a kiss" She grabbed the back of my skull and pulled my head towards hers. Her mouth was open; clearly she wanted an intimate kiss. I tried pushing away from her, but it didn't seem to slow her down at all. Damn, she was strong! Who would've known? Failing to break free, I clenched my lips and jaw shut. She just pushed her tongue between my lips, and then - did she really do this? - used it to lever my jaw open. It hit me like a punchmy teeth were loose for a week. Suddenly, I was scared shitless. I tried to break free. I pushed, pulled, and tried to gain leverage, but to no avail. It was like trying to break away from a statue. Only the statue was hugging me. If I weren't so freaked, I'd really be enjoying this. Then I heard a rip, and felt a coolness below the waist. With one hand, she had ripped my pants, underpants, and belt off. I doubled my efforts to break free - pushing harder than I ever had in my life. About that time, Carlie broke off her kiss and noticed the strain in my face. "Ooh, honey. Are you fighting me?" She said it like she just noticed. "That's sooo cute!" With a twinkle in her eye, she let me go. "We uh, shouldn'tit'syou're my secretaradministrative assistant, and we shouldn't do this. Please." "Ooooh, baby", she said sweetly. Then more sternly, "I don't recall giving you a choice." "eep." At that point, I made a run for it. I ran into my bedroom and locked the door. Fortunately, I lived in an old building with solid wood doors that were a good three inches thi *SMASH!* Two of the most gorgeous breasts in the world just bashed through the door. They were sticking through the hole and protruding a good eighteen inches. From behind the door I heard, "Oh hoooney. My boobies wanted to come in and play with you. I hope that's all right, becauseIREALLY..CAN'TSTOPTHEM!" She punctuated the last words by swinging her breasts from left to right, ripping apart the sides of the door. Then she stepped through the remains. Not even thinking of the futility of my actions, I ran into the bathroom and again, locked myself in. "Mmm, another big door." I heard. "What can I wreck this one with?" I shivered, but I also watched with anticipation. Being stalked by a drunken supergirl is an incredibly scary and yet provocative thing. Wood started splintering around face level. Then I saw her stronger-than-oak tongue crash through the three-inch board. "Mmmmm" she hummed, as she erotically licked and splintered the wood in front of her. I heard her take a deep breath. Then the wood at chest height exploded as her breasts once again came through a door. "Oopsie. Didn't mean to do that. Guess I really can't control my boobs." I could almost hear her smiling behind the door. I was amazingly turned on by now, but I was still scared about the consequences. With my last bit of self-control, I half-whispered, "please.don't.breakmydoor." "Oh.OK, lover. Anything for you." She pulled her breasts out of the hole. Immediately, I wanted them back. I wanted her back. I wanted *KERRRRRASH!!!!* The wall next to the door literally burst apart. Standing in the wake was Carlie. She had just simply walked through it. And she was beaming. "Helllllo, cutie! I didn't break your door." A large chunk of plaster fell from the ceiling and hit the back of her head. She didn't even notice. In front of her lay the sink, resting on its side. She picked it up and put it between her thighs. She was grinning like a naughty schoolgirl as she said "Look at this!" In a flash, she flexed her thigh muscles, making them go from huge to gargantuan. They had been as thick as telephone poles before, now they were about the size of barrels. The sink didn't have a chance as it exploded into a thousand pieces. The pieces that were trapped between her steel thighs were crushed into a fine powder. I mean, she didn't even move her legs. She just flexed them. Jesus, her thighs had to come together a good five inched to crush through the sink and touch each other. "Oh, dear. I'm all dusty now" was her only comment about this feat. With that, she reached over and ripped the hot water main out of the wall. The iron pipe was old and thick, maybe two inches in diameter, but she handled it like a garden hose. She ripped it in half, then started washing herself as the water gushed out. "Mmmmm, niiice and waaarm." Warm? It was scalding! In my apartment you could make tea directly from the tap. The water was literally steaming off of her body. Her whole, wet body. Making her look.oh, wow.heavenly. "Mmmmm. waaarm water is making me hooorNEY!" There was a crinkling noise as she crunched the pipe with one hand, bending it like clay and choking off the water supply. "Mmmm. Looks like you're horney, too. What shall I do about this?" She reached over and picked me up like a toy. I did not resist - I didn't want to. But then, she probably wouldn't have noticed if I did.