MUSCLETOPEIA BY MUSCLEBOUND It was late in the evening on Earth as Nikki Ford was driving her car along the M4 from her studies at the University of Western Sydney to her home at Hazelbrook in the Blue Mountains. There was a bang and the car gave a lurch to the side “Damm a flat tyre” thought Nikki. The 19 year old student drove her car off the motorway and out of the way of passing traffic. The car springs gave an audible groan as Nikki climbed out of the vehicle. The girl was big, really big and powerful looking. Nikki took out the spare tyre and carried it easily with one hand. Discarding a jack and wheel brace, the muscular female lifted up the car with one hand while taking off the nuts with the other. In a few moments Nikki had the tyre replaced and was putting the punctured tyre in the boot when rustling of bushes was detected behind her back. Turning around Nikki was surprised to see three puny males waving some sort of gun. The men looked like males before the great enhancement had developed the human race to extraordinary size and power. The men shouted a strange dialect and appeared agitated. Nikki knew the little pop gun couldn’t hurt her and moved forward. The gun fired and the projectile bounced off her tough skin without the big female feeling a thing. Nikki grabbed the gun and mangled it to scrap in seconds. With one swipe of her fist Nikki knocked the three males out cold. Laying the men down on the ground Nikki grabbed hold of a ‘NO STOPPING’ sign, deforming the metal with her powerful grip, with little effort the big female cracked the concrete and broke it by pulling the sign completely out of the ground. The concrete stub on the base of the sign crumbled to dust as Nikki brushed off the residue. In an act which would astonish people from times past Nikki bent the steel pole around the three males securing them tightly. The steel pole had bent as easily as a plastic straw and now Nikki lifted 500 lbs of male flesh with one hand and put them in the back of her 4-wheel drive vehicle. Walking into the gym Nikki, with muscles bulging with power, headed straight for her friend Carley who was in the corner of the room bench pressing just over 10 000 lbs of weight. Nikki sat down and started to do one arm shoulder warm up presses with a dumbbell weighing some 900 pounds. Because the human race had developed such huge physiques and incredible strength metallurgists had to develop super heavy steel to stand up to the strength of human beings. But they failed completely; no steel could withstand even a young boy or girl so the steel’s only use was to produce super heavy weights for bodybuilding. The whole of society changed, banks were made obsolete as no steel could produce a satisfactory vault. All money was now handled electronically. War was obsolete as it was impossible to kill anyone cheaply. War was now too expensive to wage in the new world and crime had disappeared completely. The addictive effects of insidious drugs had no effect on the human body. Likewise perpetrators of crime couldn’t hurt or intimidate other humans so it became useless to try. Nikki watched as Carley’s massive barbell clanked up and down as she counted off the 300 th rep and as the heavy iron smashed back down the extremely powerful Carley sat up and spied her friend. Carley’s muscles rippled and flexed stretching her t-shirt to the extent that the seams started to open across her shoulders. The muscular teenager moved her pumped arm so ever slightly, splitting open the seams as her massive shoulder and arm muscles tore apart the material. Carley looked down at her ripped top and laughed “Damm I’m getting big” Looking back at Nikki Carley flexed her mighty arms bursting her sleeves to threads. Nikki picked up two 2000 lb dumbbells and started shoulder pressing. Looking at her friend changing her shredded top the muscle goddess told her friend of her strange encounter “Carley and won’t believe this but three of the puniest males I have ever seen tried to molest me tonight and get this, one tried to shoot me WITH A GUN!!!” After Carley stopped laughing she looked at her friend “Really a gun! Don’t those fuckwits know that guns can’t hurt us? I mean guns are obsolete. What did you do with ‘em Nikki?” While still pushing up the dumbbells Nikki gestured towards her car parked outside “One punch knocked all of them flat. I tied them up and put them in the back of my car. Originally I was going to take them to the police. But since they tried to molest me I thought about having some fun with them” Carley thought about a contest using their natural abilities “How about a strength contest like say arm-wrestling? If they win, which I doubt, we let them go” Nikki dropped her gargantuan weights and flexed her obscene biceps, bulged up to thirty inches. The muscle goddess ran her fingers over that huge mountain of power and looked at Carley “I’d like to see those puny males out muscle this!!” After their workout the 6 foot, 397 pound Nikki and the 5ft 11in, 390 pound Carley walked outside to view the puny males held captive in the back of the car. The hugely powerful chest muscles of Nikki meant that she did not need to wear a bra so for the lack of suitable undergarments she had ripped her denim pants to shreds to stuff in the mouth of the males. Carley ran her fingers over their puny bodies and the steel pole wrapped around them “There’re so small Nik, I haven’t seen such small men in a very long time. I wonder why they haven’t grown like us or other guys. What are you going to do with them Nik?” Nikki had thought of just the right place “That deserted factory at Wentworth Falls next to the car wreckers. If you want to come with me we’ll shove them in there” Arriving later at the factory Nikki came up to padlock “Look at this an old fashioned lock. Do they think this will keep us out?!!” Nikki put two of her fingers in between the specially hardened steel loop and casually pushed her fingers apart. The steel started to bend like putty, stretched and deformed and then snapped. Grabbing hold of the steel chain Nikki stretched it about an inch before it broke. Inside Carley led the way with Nikki carrying the 500 lb load of three males under her arm. Carley came up against a steel security door, one swift punch and Carley’s fist had penetrated the ½ inch plate, then she ran her fist down through the steel splitting it like paper. Carley stood up and moved forward, the steel buckling as her mile-wide muscle packed shoulders burst through the door. The powerful females came into a stairwell which was narrow and winding. Nikki looked around and said “Carley go straight ahead, through the wall” Carley’s fist smashed into the concrete blasting out a great gout of rubble, her next blow shattered the wall in a cloud of dust sending it crumbling like a pile of broken rock. Emerging into a large room Nikki pulled redundant steam pipes off the wall, tearing the steel and ripping off the hangers. Nikki pushed the ends of the pipes into the wall and bent them around the males and pushed the other end into the concrete. Having secured her prisoners Nikki went next door, the eight foot high security fence posing no problem to her powerful leg muscles. One leap she was over the fence and strangely enough into the teeth of a guard dog. The dog’s teeth were unable to piece Nikki’s tough skin and one slap on the head put it to sleep for a couple of hours. Nikki lifted up a car and tossed it over the fence into waiting arms of Carley who then ploughed through the brick wall of the factory with the car. Sounds of smashing and the crumbling of brickwork echoed through the building as every wall and structure succumbed to Carley’s overwhelming strength. Nikki climbed under a truck and with her mighty muscles flexing with power she lifted the heavy truck up onto her back. Walking to a set of cars piled on top of each other Nikki climbed up onto the cars and then jumped over the fence. Her mighty legs pulverized the cars to scrap and then supported her body and the truck when she landed on the other side. Nikki carried the truck to the large hole in the wall and sat in down. Climbing up on front the muscular female tore off the engine cover and then straddling the heavy 16-cylinder diesel engine placed her hands on either side. Snapping bolts and bending the drive shaft Nikki started to rip the engine out of its housing. Lifting up the bulky engine the drive shaft could no longer take the strain causing it to break off with loud explosive retort. Nikki carried the engine into the room, returned outside and dragged the truck to cover the hole in the wall. Carley released the prisoners and at once they tried to escape for the door. Carley’s much greater lung capacity and much greater muscle power enabled her to move at a speed of 150mph, at such pace Carley moved in front of the door causing all three of the males to bounce off her towering muscular body. Nikki returned and saw Carley carrying the men like rag dolls back to the centre of the room. “What’s up Carley? Did they try to escape?” Enquired Nikki, as she moved to the front of the car. Carley dumped her charges and turned to demonstrate her mighty body “They’ve surprised. They didn’t know how powerful we are compared their puny physiques” To the wide eye stares Carley flexed her immense upper body, muscles upon muscles flexed and rippled as they bunched up into huge mountains of pure power. Carley had taken off her top to prevent it from being torn to pieces; she had shredded one top that night and had nothing left to wear. After flexing Carley pulled her top back over her huge muscles as they stretched the material to its absolute maximum extent. Nikki lifted up the front of the car with one hand and tore off the front axle with the other. Letting the car crash back down Nikki placed the axle on the ground and then sank her fingers through the tyre. The material, which was unable to stop her from piecing the wall and started to rip as Nikki ran her fingers around the wheel. With a bang the muscle maiden punctured the tube and then tore the material off the rim. Nikki then ripped up the inner tube letting the pieces drop to the ground. Nikki tore the wheel off the axle with sickening groan and brought it up to her chest indicating to the men that she wanted them to crush the wheel. Each of the men pushed, squeezed, puffed and sweated, all to no avail. The puny males no impression at all and were pushed aside by Carley who picked up the wheel and started to squeeze. Monstrous chest muscles rippled with power causing the wheel to groan in protest. The metal surrendered to Carley’s incredible strength. The wheel bent, buckled and compressed as the muscle goddess squashed it flat. To the astonished looks of the males Carley lifted the mangled wheel and took a bite, her teeth cut through the steel and then impossibly began to chew the steel into small pieces. After swallowing the steel snack Carley casually dropped the twisted remains of the wheel to the ground. Carley again flexed her gargantuan muscles in triumph exploding the material of her shirt. “Fuck there goes another top. Round One to the girls” Nikki indicated to the men that she wanted them to lift the heavy diesel engine. The three puffed and sweated but once again could make no impression. Nikki came across and leaned over and placed her hands on the engine, mocking the efforts of the men “Poor, poor little men can’t you lift the big bad motor?” Nikki started to apply pressure and the engine started to distort, crack and groan. The cylinder head started to bend, warp and collapse. Clangs and groans heralded Nikki’s victory over the weakening metal engine block. Mangled, twisted and strained the block broke in half as Nikki continued to smash it down into the floor, the pistons started to poke out through the breach. Picking up each half Nikki began to crush then together until the cast block shattered into many pieces and the head and pistons dropped to the floor in a twisted mess. Nikki flexed her mighty muscles, split the sleeves and tore the back out of her shirt “Damm I wasn’t going to rip this one but guys if you have muscles like these, FLAUNT THEM I SAY!! But now; Round Two to the girls” The huge teenager looked around for more fragile steel to punish with her mighty muscles. Walking up to the car Nikki ripped off the bonnet of the car with such force that it blasted into the ceiling causing dust and concrete fragments to shower the room. Nikki gestured to the males to try and rip the engine out of resting place. Puffing and straining the males tried to pull out the engine but it resisted all their efforts until the monstrous Carley sent them flying across the room with a slight brush of her hand. Carley placed her hands on either side of the motor and started to pull, the bolts stretched and under tremendous strain broke with a loud snap. Exhaust manifold and gearbox broke off as Carley lifted up the motor. But the muscular female wasn’t finished with the flimsy motor, holding the motor with one hand Carley punched her other fist completely through the engine block impaling it on her arm. The block cracked even further as Carley pulled the motor over her massively developed bicep. Groaning under tremendous pressure the engine block split as Carley began to flex her bicep. As the huge muscle began to expand, rising like a giant mountain the internal components started to bend as much stronger muscle fibre pushed them out of the way. With a loud blast the engine exploded into thousands of pieces as Carley’s huge muscle ruptured the engine. Again it was Round Three to the girls. Nikki started to rub her inflamed pussy “I’m getting horny, how about we rape them?” Carley looked over the pathetic men “Didn’t you listen to your parents Nik? Don’t talk to strange men. They could be full of disease, but since I feel so healthy and strong these days I doubt any thing they might have would hurt us. But I don’t fuck strange men so I say we arm wrestle them” Carley started to walk towards the shivering males. However the car sat in her way. In no time Carley smashed, twisted and mashed her way through the body of the vehicle, leaving it in a mangled mess. Walking up her play toy Carley cooed as she flexed her monstrously powerful muscles “My, aren’t I big girl. So much bigger and move powerful than your puny body” Carley grabbed hold of the male and forced flexed his arm. The resulting bicep was almost comical, completely overpowered by Carley’s mighty peak. Like a tiny peanut the male bicep wasn’t even a quarter of the size of Carley’s mountain of power. Knocking him flat Carley’s monstrously developed body quivered as her rock hard brown bugling muscles lifted up the male. Setting down the puny man Carley rested her monstrous arm on the top of another engine and commanded “Come on squirt lets WRESTLE!!” The male’s hand was engulfed in Carley’s giant palm and try with all of his might he couldn’t move it at all. Carley looked totally bored with this useless display of power and after causally glancing at her scratched nail polish slammed her fist down with such force that she smashed down through the top of the engine literally cutting it in two. The male’s arm was smashed to pieces during his wild ride through the defeated metal Carley tore apart the remains of the engine as she extracted her hand from the wreckage. Just then the words “We’ll take over from here” echoed from the doorway. Carley and Nikki spun around to see two tall muscular (less muscle than the Earth women but muscular nevertheless) with the most beautiful faces ever seen. Carley looked over the newcomers as she pulled off bits of tangled wreckage from her hand “Who are you chicks?” The black beauty stepped forward “Those morta…..those men are criminals. We are bounty hunters and they will fetch a fair price when we take them back to our land” Carley was nonplussed “What are you chicks? With faces like yours, you look like every girl’s dream” The brunett picked some steel scrap and crushed it to liquid “I am Pyrrha and my friend her is Tethys and let’s just say girls we don’t come from your world” Nikki was excited “You are ET’s, aliens, travelers from another world?” Carley stood rooted to the spot “My god!!! I thought we were strong. Look Nikki, shit what strength!!” The black goddess pulled a mini cash computer out of her pack “I can pay you for those men in Australian Dollars. How about $2000 to each of you, for each man?” Nikki was stunned to say the least “How did you get an account? Pyrrha smiled “We have ways of acquiring money accounts. But it is legal” Nikki jumped up and down and shook the whole building “Wow!! $6000 for you and me, Carley. You’ve got yourself a deal, sister” The men started screaming hysterically and tried to huddle against the wall and then all of a sudden they went very quiet as if someone took control of their minds. Turning around they started to walk into a capsule which had suddenly appeared, the blonde goddess answered the inquiring stares of the Earth girls “You know men, no brains, no willpower” With the men safely inside the goddess lifted off towing the capsule and then blasted through the roof of the factory. Nikki turned to her friend “No one will believe us if we tell them this story” Carley shook her head “I don’t believe it” The End.