The Seven Sirens-- Part I by Miguel Knox It wasn't supposed to be like this. Four, soon to be five starlets in waiting at a house miles away from the luxurious confines of the Hollywood hills. Instead, they sat in a well kept living room, spacious enough to resemble that of a TV-sitcom set. Despite not making the big money all the top actresses made, Cassandra Peterson still found ways to make a living and survive, despite having a daughter and being repeatedly stiffed by Tinsletown. She, like her other three friends Michelle, Brinke, and Linnea were all supposed to be on the cusp of stardom in the late 80s and 90s. Unfortunately, they all hit the inevitable wall that's stymied many a career no matter how successful or lucrative. The wall that cancelled out a generation of black actors and actresses before they could get a firm foothold in the industry during the 70s, despite saving it from bankruptcy. The wall that's stopped many successful stars from finding other challenging and equally rewarding roles. The wall that makes the jump from TV to movies a very dangerous one and vice-versa. The wall that can be described in two ominous and insidious words that still strike fear today: TYPE CASTING!!!!!!! Type casting is the be all and end all to those trying to make the jump from low-budget actor to megastar. For Cassandra and her friends, this was the glass ceiling that kept them down to the point of disillusionment and utter frustration. At times, even quitting the business altogether was a very viable option for the "Mistress of the Night," As far as she was concerned, she might as well as been known as "BIMBO of the Night." In Cassandra's mind she was sure that was the case in a lot of Hollywood and social circles, but she could care less. If you haven't figured it out by now, Cassandra Peterson is better known as her sultry alter-ego ELVIRA. Everyone's familiar with the vivacious gothic babe with the long sleeved Lilian Munster dress, vampire/zombie paled skin, luscious black lips and those Dolly Parton-like breasts!!! No silicon. For Michelle Bauer, Brinke Stevens and Linnea Quigley, history has been both kind and unkind to them. They are collectively a footnote in B-movie history, responsible for carrying the Scream Queen torch during the 1980s. They received it from the likes of 70s icons Jaime Lee Curtis and Linda Blair. They also starred together in a number of movies including "Sorority Babes in the Slime-Bowl-O-Rama" and "Nightmare Sisters." They also worked other notable titles separately. Unfortunately, the bridge that allowed Curtis to cross into mainstream film successes such as "A Fish Called Wanda", "True Lies" and "Drowning Mona" crumpled to intraversible dust. That fact wasn't lost upon them. **************************************************************************** "Girls, do you realize that it's only been 20 YEARS since Jaime Lee Curtis FIRST starred in Halloween?" Asked Michelle in a concerned yet sarcastic expression. "Yeah 'Chelle, " responded Cassandra, "and she just did H20 a coupla years ago..." She added. "What no bad joke or pun?" Said Michelle, astonished at Cassandra's abrupt silence. "Nope." She responded while sitting in a lounge chair across from the other three ladies with her legs crossed. Michelle peered at the woman known as Elvira, trying to get used to the image. Cassandra looked totally different with her hair in a ponytail, short shorts, flip-flops and a black T-shirt with a picture of herself as Elvira on it. Meanwhile, Brinke and Linnea contined conversating with each other about family and other non-Hollywood girl stuff, which had already been the topic of conversation before Michelle posed the question. She rejoined it and enjoyed the humor and laughter from it until a sudden knock interrupted the flow. Michelle proceeded to excuse herself, pop up and head to the front door. However Cassandra, who was closer beat her there. Brinke grabbed hold of Michelle's arm and soothingly said "Stay awhile.." Michelle looked back down at the seated 6+foot tall raven-haired bombshell and quipped, "Ain't gotta tell me twice honey-child," and plopped back down on the sofa with a smirk, causing Brinke and Linnea to burst out laughing. Cassandra scooted to the door and looked through the peephole to see a slender brown-skinned woman leaning into the door, appearing to be looking back at her. She unlocked the door and twisted the knob, but she didn't open it, walking away instead saying, "Stay out!!!!" There was a pause as Brinke, Michelle and Linnea stopped their conversation. "Who is it?" Asked Brinke, but before Cassandra could even respond there was a loud BOOM, and the door flew open with serious force, causing everything in the room to sway slightly from the wind. In walked Marjean Holden. Marjean was practically as tall as Brinke with similar colored hair. She wore a long-sleeved FUBU sport top and knee-length baketball shorts and three-quarter high-top sneakers. Holden enjoyed slightly better TV success than her girlfriends, having made a number of appearances including guest roles on such shows as "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air." She also had roles on the short outer space Sci-Fi series "Crusade" and "Tarzan." Marjean also played in the box office films "John Carpenter's Vampires", and the mulitarmed Outworld beast Shiva in "Mortal Kombat:Annihilation." Today, she was stopping in to see her friends for something special. "Traci just called, she and Julie are on their way over. They'll be here in about 10 minutes." Said Marjean. "You mind closing my door Kung-Fu Louie!" Exclaimed Cassandra, "you trying to break down my door with those vans you got for feet?!" Marjean slowly walked towards her causing her to back away. However, Marjean continued into the kitchen and emerged shortly after with an apple in her hand, taking a bite out of it and then saying, "So you guys ready to ring in the New Year right?!" Cassandra gave her a crazy and astonished look. She then looked at The other girls and snatched the apple out of Marjean's hand, took a bite and proceeded to close the door. The girls spent time talking and snacking away on fruits and Cheese Its provided by Cassandra. Suddenly, Marjean got a call on her cell phone as she stuffed her face. After she finished her call, she went to unlock the front door. Cassandra walked idly around the living room, occasionally conversating. When she saw Marjean unlock the door, she walked over to her and asked "What's up Marjie?" "That was Traci and Jules, they'll be here in about five minutes," Marjean said. "Didn't they say that about 20 minutes ago?!!" Asked Cassandra. Marjean simply smiled and handed the cell phone to her. Cassandra took it and redialed the previous number. Marjean rejoined the other girls who were now gushing in anticipation for what was to transpire that night. As the girls went into who their favorite superheroes were both male and female, Cassandra was only a few feet away when she said, "Will you two get your slow *@#*$$ over here!!!? You're taking too long and you're causing the damn story to drag!!!" She hollered through the cell phone. Everyone burst out laughing as Cassandra ended the call. Marjean, Michelle and Brinke all extended high-fives as she sat down. ***************************************************************************** Traci Bingham rushed through Cassandra's front door. "Sorry we took so long girls," she said out of breath. "Hey Trace," started Linnea, "Hey girl." Responded Traci, but before Linnea could say anything else, Traci kicked off her shoes and quickly sped to the bathroom. Julie Strain later followed into the house after a couple of minutes, and when she entered, everyone was instantly slack-jawed. The girls' eyes were about to pop out of their heads: "Holy--" started Linnea. "-*/@!!" Finished Michelle. "Dayyyyuuuum!!!" Exclaimed Brinke. Marjean summoned the courage to get up and slowly walk to the awesome sight before her eyes. She got face to face with Julie and gave her a thourough once-over. "Hey Marjie," smiled Julie. "Whoa...Julie--your voice, it's so...DEEP!" responded Marjean as she looked once again at her friend's incredible body. It was made even more so as her clothes were doing what her last name suggests, clinging on for dear life. Julie wore a cotton bathing suit that was torn all over. The strap on her left shoulder was snapped and the left side was also torn down near the waist. The right side was torn down the middle, and the same was true for the front area under her huge breasts. Although her chest was originally sizeable, the increase even exceeded her animated self in Heavy Metal 2000!! Marjean squatted to take a closer look at Julie's enlarged feet which destroyed the straps of her sandals, and caused her four-inch heels to snap in half from the increased weight. Her toes, heels and base extended past the soles, which restrained both feet only by a single strap. Her anklet was also grasping for dear life. As Marjean started upward, looking at Julie's huge calves and immense thighs, Linnea inspected her rock solid six pack and impressive midsection. She even playfully tested Julie's breasts by butting them with the top of her head. Julie began laughing feverishly, "That tickles..." she chuckled. Brinke took a look at Julie's left shoulder, the side in which the bathing suit strap was still intact. Brinke gasped as she moved the long strands of hair sitting on top of it. "The strap's about to snap over here too!!!" She exclaimed. "Oh really?" Said Julie, "Let's take care of that shall we?" She then flexed and the girls watched in amazement as her body erupted in muscle, veins and size. Brinke gaped at the huge bicept and her heart skipped a beat when the strap snapped immediately from from the shoulder. Marjean saw Julie's body expand and tighten in massive bulging muscle, and because she flexed BOTH arms, the effects took place everywhere. Marjean was awed watching as Julie's rib cage and hips conspired to snap the left seam of her bathing suit. Marj then heard a snapping, clanking sound. When she looked down she saw that Julie's anklet had snapped, but, she also witnessed her friend's powerful foot bones and arches snap the thick straps holding her feet and shoes together respectively. "Wow..." said Marjean, whose worrisome expression amused both Michelle and Linnea. ********************************************************* None of the movie roles these women ever did could prepare them for what they were witnessing. Even Julie herself was shocked by the effects of a special elixir that Traci and she purchased with all of the girls'--theirs included--combined money at a small shop in a nearby mini-mall. As she had walked down Cassandra's walkway just minutes earlier, Julie experienced intense cramping, follwed by a boiling tingly sensation. As she tried to walk again, her feet began hurting more than usual. She unsuccessfully tried to get Traci's attention because her words were replaced with groans, and Traci was rushing to get inside to relieve herself. Presently, Julie relived that experience and how she initially felt. Unlike Traci who was willing to wait, she was all too anxious to see if they'd been cheated. Now she was growing and feeling the power. As she stood and flexed in front of her friends, Julie began experiencing highly erotic sensations that overrode any photos she posed for or any softcore movie she ever made. These feelings were REAL and Julie believed she could control them at first, but as she flexed out of the garments that were often worn to arouse others; including her black skirt torn to shreds on the walkway outside, she was about to explode. The girls continued to watch Julie tear out of the remains of her clothes. Her right lat finished off the other side of her suit, causing it to fall. To make sure that it fell to the floor, she spread her legs while grasping her deep curly hair. She then took deep breaths, trying to slow down the sexual eruption that was about to go off inside her. As she did this, she began sweating profusely, her breaths taking place in faster intervals. Michelle began having the same anxieties while watching Julie's torso heave up and down. Like an animal smelling the pheremones of another and tracking it down, she could sense that it was only a matter of time. Marjean quickly moved away and headed towards the other end of the living room where Cassandra stood in admiration from afar. As Marjean looked at her, trying to read a reaction, she said "Whooa, this is gonna be good!!! She's gonna have an orgasm and she's not even doing anything!!" Marjean stood terrified at Cassandra's admission. Brinke, meanwhile, also tried to get away but Julie somehow sensed it and grabbed her by the arm, startling her. "What're you doing're going to break my arm!!!" exclaimed Brinke who was now trying to pull away. "Brinke baby, this feeling is incredible!!!! Touch my arm, girl." cooed Julie. Michelle proceeded to feel Julie's breasts to see if they were real. Linnea already convinced, inspected her massive left leg which was throbbing with power. As Linnea put both her hands on Julie's leg, she immediately noticed that it was barely as wide as SHE was!! To say that it was rock hard is to say that tortoises are slow moving creatures. She then looked up and saw her massive right arm, which Brinke was now caressing. "Good Lord!! It feels like a river of blood flowing through this arm!!" She blurted. Linnea then went back to looking over the tree trunk that was Julie's leg, looked at the diamnond-shaped calf muscle and then continued down to her huge foot which had now crushed the sandal flat, breaking what was left of the heel. Not only that, but it was making impressions into the wooden floor. Julie was still gaining weight, and the floor she was standing on was starting to give way. Cassandra's entusiastic anticipation of Julie's orgasm was replaced once again with the same impatience that she had waiting her and Traci to arrive. "What in the world is she doing in there?!!" she wondered to herself. "I can't wait any longer, Marjean I'll be back." She said. "Take your time girl," said Marjean, whose heart was still racing over the nearly seven-foot amazon just a few feet in front of her. She simply folded her arms and watched the spectacle standing, frozen in her position and unable to move. Cassandra raced through a small room and to the adjacent bathroom. As she knocked on the door, she heard the toilet flush, which made her sigh with relief. She then heard the faucet, indicating that Traci was now washing her hands. The next and most important sound was that of the door clicking, Cassandra relaxed a bit knowing that she was finally coming out. However, as the door opened and she sarcastically stated "It's about time Traci, I thought you drow---" she was snatched into the bathroom, and let out a loud scream. "AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" End of Part 1....