BARDA, part 3 Granny Goodness was anything but good, standing five feet tall and built like a block of meanness, the small grey haired woman stood over the room full of people being put through an agonizing series of what Granny called, “ exercise’s to cleanse the body and mind of corruption”, a more corrupt person would be hard to find on apocalypse, (hard but not impossible). The unfortunate crowd ran with black rough sacks over their heads (to block out any distraction or impure sights, since the assemblage ran around the large cold bleak room naked such possibilities were expected, their hands tied painfully behind their backs, (to stop any INAPPROPRIATE TOUCHING), and to stop them from protecting themselves when they crashed into the hard stone wall surface. “ YOU THERE !, MOVE !…. FASTER…”, Granny yelled at a stooped figure bent over gasping for breathe, the figure moved when a long leather barbed lash snaked across its naked and lacerated back, Granny wiped her cruel sweat stained face with a delicate yellow handkerchief, laced with lacy swirls and Little birds, Granny blew her nose with a ruckus sound on the finery, staining it with a thick gooey mucus substance. “ Excuse me Granny, the one you sent for has arrived” The voice of Grannies Aid de camp, Luppos announced bowing low. “About time that sick Gump got here”, Granny retorted as she watched Gakk stroll towards her. “Ahh Granny !.. so good to see you again, Gakk exclaimed reaching out to hug the twisted old woman. “Come give Granny a hug, Goodness replied, a broad smile cracking her cruel mouth, I missed you Gakk” “Did you really? Well…err… I was busy you know err …watching our enemies”. Gakk should have picked up on the warning signs, for Granny never smiles at anyone unless she is beating them to death, (or should I say punishing them severely) When Gakk got close enough Grannies with an amazing turn of speed grabbed Gakk arms and threw them wide apart, she then kicked the surprised man hard between his legs causing him to buckle at the knees and fall to the hard ground moaning. “Listen you dirty little pervert, when it is time to excersie you will be prompt and ready for the class, not watching some woman bath and dress, do you hear me?” This question was punctuated by a severe kick to Gakks head. “ WHO TOLD YOU TO STOP RUNNING?”, the angry pensioner screamed at the crowd, again the barbed whip lashed out cutting and stinging. Far away the object of Gakk surveillance was doing some exercising herself, Dressed in a tight deep blue body stocking that did little if anything to blank out her magnificent body Barda stood with her powerful legs three feet apart a set of metal weights each several ton’s apiece clasped in her mountain crushing hands rising up and down in a steady rhythm matching the rise and fall of her powerful full chest. “One ..two…three…one…two…three, Barda counted out in sinq with the rhythm. “ You know Barda you are some thing else”, came the voice of the powerful woman’s husband. “ARR!,…growled Barda,…not now I’m exercising,… one…two…later, after I’m finished…three” Barda answered. “ Sure , ok..when you’re finished, Scott Free replied grinning, as he thought to himself, ‘great she’ll be at it for hours, I can rest easy’. “Right ! …finished, now what where you saying husband?” Scott‘s eyes widened in shock, horrifying thoughts raced through his fear filled mind, ‘ she can’t be finished, not already, oh no, please no’. This last thought came as Scott Free watched his wife drop the overtly heavy weights down to the ground and began to peel of her body stocking while she gracefully paced towards him, a leer on her beautiful face. “ Come to me husband, we have things to discuss and do” “WHAT!? ..NOW?..Be,,be gentle with me Barda please” The naked woman lifted her smaller husband from the ground and carried him from the room, a loud scream could be heard echoing throughout the building. …..