BARDA 2. The snarling Hybrids jaws clashed together on empty air with a cracking sound, as Barda moved forward to grab The creatures head, matching the hybrid snarl for snarl Barda’s hands gripped the head in a tight grip, saliva dripped in pools over the large females strong hands. Baring her strong white teeth, the awesome woman squeezed, the Hybrids head became soft, its eyes bulged out from its head, and its teeth broke from its jaws one by one under the tremendous pressure, just as an egg Splatter’s when impacted with a hard surface, so did the Creatures head, its “yoke” spread out over the armored woman face and body. ‘Bah!”, the word came out of Bardas mouth like a spit of venom, wiping the gore from her face and body she kicked the gory carcass hard crushing its body as it was sent flying through the air out of sight, a flash of bright light rendered Barda back to her awesome muscled Nakedness, turning around the wet woman wiped her hands on her full muscled ass and walked back to the hot bubbly pool. On the dark world of hate and fear, Apocalypse, a dark green caped man thumped a desk top with glee, rubbing his gloved hands together and smiling broadly the man known as Gakk sat watching the unfair confrontation between the former Female Fury and his trained killer he spoke to himself in a murmur. “ He he he My dearest Barda, a true sight of destruction if I say so myself, Lord Darkseid has truly lost one of if not his best Fury, such strength and,….and a hard muscled strong wet body with those twin full or,….”. At this point a booming knock shook the steel door, causing the perverted red faced voyeur to jump forward to switch the scene on a viewing monitor to a more serene image. “Come in,…enter, Gakk shouted out angrily, and be damned”. The metal door opened and in entered a brown armor plated woman, a droid in female form standing six feet tall and full bodied with all the curve’s and roundness of a human female with equal proportions, this artificial female severed Gakk as personal attendant and body guard, deadly as poison and as powerful as a thunder storm the droid moved like a breeze, softly and quietly. “Master, I bring you a summons from the lady Granny Goodness, she demands you stop you’re perversity and tend the classroom of correction immediately”. The last word was followed by a slight bow. “Tsk, can’t that vile woman not leave me lone for a few hours?, I’m doing very important research on our world’s greatest enemy, and I must not be interrupted”. The Female droid replied, “ I understand Master the woman Barda is indeed a dangerous enemy that needs to be watched”, “do I hear a tone of sarcasm in you’re cold lifeless metallic voice?, I hope not”. The droid bowed again in apology, if it was capable of grinning in a sly way it would have, as its Master passed it on his way out of the room, when it stood up a sparkle Lit both of its orange flashing eyes