BARDA Barda was a woman of little patience and great temper, a fact that made the seven foot tall muscular female short of friends, but not short of admirer's. Born on a world far removed from Earth, a planet where misery and filth, Suffering and hardship are the main stay of the population, along with food and housing shortage, the things that are taken for granted on Earth are cause's for war and conflict. A bad tempered and arrogant female, Barda favored the challenge of a good battle, and none were more capable of combat than the former leader of the Female Furies, a band of furious female warrioress's formed as the personal guards of the planet Apocalypse's leader,.Darksied. Now an exile from her birth world and a futative, Barda dwelled on a world that she once fought against and considered an enemy, the world known as New Genesis, home of the race known as the New Gods and the Forever People, Barda didn't feel like a god, new or old, as for being A Forever person well Barda always thought that she will live forever. Laying in a large square pit of hot foamy water, the soaking woman wallowed in the relaxing environment as she lay with her twin dark brown eyes closed, while her awesome lightly tanned muscular body Soaked in soapy suds, a sound of a light foot step approaching the bathing pit alerted Barda causing her to open her eyes and sit up, looking about her the woman couldn't see anyone or anything that made the sound. "Lowlies", .. Barda said softly as she stood up to her full seven foot tall height, water and suds ran down her firm tight body, over the hard muscles and full breast that dripped water from their firm points, a movement caught her eye, a bush twitched causing the small leaves to rustle Barda barred her clean strong white teeth in a snarl. With a quick powerful leap the huge woman left the pit, clashing her gold coloured wrist bands together she was bathed in a startling flash of pure white light, when the light vanished the woman Barda was no longer naked , but adorned in a royal blue scaled amour, that was skin tight like a second skin, her massive chest was covered in a golden breastplate with a matching belt and knickers,( under pants) on her feet she wore yellow shin length boots that matched the long gloves on her arms, to finish of the battle amour Barda wore a gold coloured helmet adorned with a set of flat horns jutting out the sides, and a Mega Rod, a weapon of awesome power. "HEAR ME LOWLIE, I AM BARDA, SCORN OF APOCALYPSE, FEARED AND LOATHED BY MANY," the armored woman roared out at the unseen intruder, " STAND FORTH AND SHOW YOU'RE SELF OR BE",... at this point a movement in the bushes give way to a small reddish coloured animal, as it stepped out from the foliage slowly. "Bah !, Barda cursed at being worked up over nothing, just as she was about to undo the change the little animal stood up on its hind legs, looked at the tall woman, and grew, Barda watched perplexed as the animal metamorphed into a medium sized mutant hybrid. " GRRRRR!," Barda growled, " so you are a Hybrid tant then? Have at me then", the Hybrid animal didn't reply Barda's challenge, instead it leaped at her snarling a muzzle of sharpe pointed teeth, and flesh rendering claws..