"The Memory Remains..." Sequel to "A kind of magic." Well, here we go again. At first I had thought this story to be more than two chapters long, but there are other ideas in my mind, and I hate to leave things unfinished so I made a quick end to it. I hope you like it nevertheless... Enjoy, Anterion (anterion@gmx.net) ---------------------------------------------------------------- "Lets see. What shall we do first my friend? How do you want to explore your new body? Holding a thin elf like me in the air isn't much of a test, isn't it?" Bianca had to agree. She was holding him without any real effort at all. She slowly lowered him to the ground. "I... I don't know. I haven't been in this situation before. How could I've been, anyway? This is just so unreal." "Do you want some advice?" "Yes, please." "Why don't you take it easy for the first time. Do something you really would like to that is not so 'unreal', like you put it. How about those goblin brains back in the alley? They have disbanded for the night after they lost you, but their leader is only a short distance away. I think he would be in for a real surprise, wouldn't he?" Bianca's eye flashed when she thought about the gang leader. He was responsible for the fear that she had endured. Yes, that sounded like a great idea. "So where is he now?" "One block away. In a bar, drinking for all he is worth." She turned to go, but felt his slender hand on her shoulder. "Before you go, let me do this first." he said. With quick motions, he removed the ribbon, that had held her ponytail. Hey brown hair flowed over shoulders, down to her back. It too had become longer with her transformation. When she turned around she saw that Anterion was gone. Like he had never been there. Just to make sure, she quickly checked herself. She was relieved when she still found herself changed. Her breasts sat high and firm on her chest pulling her shirt strait around her bust. Her bra must have snapped and slipped down during her run, because it was gone. Slowly and hesitantly, she flexed her left bicep. She had to bit her lip when she saw a ball of feminine strength raising from her normally slender arm. It wasn't that big but it felt like it was made of marble or steel. She flexed and relaxed it a few times. The feeling making her hot and confident. Yeah, she would show this creep. With a last flex she began to walk down the block. As soon as she was out of sight someone stepped out of the shadows. The person reached down to pick up the distorted door handle. "Interesting." Then the figure faded into the shadows again. At "Finnīs Inn" Jerry, the gang boss, sat at the bar. He was somewhat frustrated. After the chick had got away, the rest of the gang had left for the night. So he decided to get some drinks. "Damn. I still wonder how she lost us." Back at school Jerry had been the top runner at the track and field team. But she had been to fast even for him. "Hey Finn. Give me another one." he shouted to the bartender. Finn was grateful that Jerry was alone. When his gang was around, he often made trouble. But this seemed to be a quite evening for Jerry was his only guest. He put another glass back on the shelves, when he heard the doorbell ringing. Turing to the entrance he saw a young woman entering is bar. His yaw dropped. This girl was beautiful. She was tall and very well built. The way her white shirt struggled to contain her breasts let him forget about any ID. Her black jeans looked like as they wad been washed too hot. They hugged to her shapely legs like a second skin. She gave him a gentle smile as she walked straight up to Jerry, her movements fluid and graceful like a dancer. Jerry was too drunk to notice her approaching. "Hi there cutie. Remember me?" she asked him while she gently slid her hand over his shoulder. Her new self confidence, that came with her new strength had put her in a playful mood. Jerry turned around and smiled. Because he sat on a chair his eyes were now at the same height as her breasts. It took him a few moments before he remembered that the face was a few inches further up. His smile faded as he looked into her eyes. Sure, she had lost her glasses and her hair was now longer but he instantly recognized her eyes. Suddenly he was sobber. That was impossible. That just couldnīt be the girl he had chased earlier but he was so damn sure. Before he could say anything she walked around him. "Looks like you get another chance tonight big man. Want to give it a shot?". Jerry just couldnīt believe what he just heard. He was just about to say something as she kneeled down. "Now for the fun part." Bianca thought. With her left hand she grabbed the chair and stood up. A feeling of power surged through her as she saw the chair leaving the floor with Jerry still sitting on it. Two yaws dropped as she did this. Jerryīs knuckles turned white as she clenched his hands in the chair for his dear life. Bianca closed her eyes and bathed in the feeling of strength. She could feel every slight flex in her muscles. Her body now so sensitive. With every inch she raised her victim higher she felt more and more excited. She didnīt stop until Jerryīs head hit the ceiling. "Hey, howīs the air up there?" "OK Lady. Thatīs enough. Put him down now." Finn stood behind her, a metal bar in his hand tapping her back with it. "Alright." she let go of the chair. Jerry crashed down hard. At the same time Finn swung the bar at Bianca. It hit her on the shoulder and sent her stumbling a few feet to the side. That had hurt. Finn thought her to be out cold, so he dropped the bar and helped Jerry. They both had just stood up when they saw Bianca standing in front of them, holding the bar in both hands. She smiled. "That canīt be," thought Jerry, "she may be able to lift me, but that bar is one inch solid steel." Bianca waited until the two of them looked right at her, then she began to apply pressure to the ends of the bar. The two men saw her muscles tighten held their breath. Then they recognized the look of effort of Biancaīs face. She was pushing with all her might, but the bar stayed straight. Finn and Jerry sighed. OK, she was tough, but not that tough. Together, they could take her. Bianca stopped her attempt to bend the bar. It hadnīt even budged an inch. But Anterion had said she was strong as a Titan. No, she wouldnīt give up so easily. Again she pushed the barīs ends with all her magical enhanced strength. It resisted still. Just as she was about to give up, the familiar warmth flowed from her chest through her body. It just felt so right, so much like an orgasm that she had to moan. The warmth hit her arms and suddenly she heard the sound she had been waiting for. The sound of solid steel bending under her strength. With each inch it moved it got easier and easier until she could hardly feel any resistance at all. Her eyes snapped open as she tied the metal bar into a knot. Both man watched in horror, as this luscious babe did something absolute impossible. The way her breasts were pushed even further out by her flexing pecs and her quiet moanings made it hard to look away. Satisfied with her success Bianca threw the metal knot away. It smashed through one of the windows. "Want another taste?" she breathed, still clenching her fists, just to feel the strength pulsating in her arms. As she tried to grab Finn by his belt, he tried to avoid her so that she only got a hold on his crotch. The way it felt told her, that the barkeeper had liked what he saw. "So, this turns you on, eh? Well then how about this?" Still holding him by his crotch she lifted him up. From his elevated position Finn got a good view down her cleavage. From up here her breasts seemed even fuller and bigger. Bianca suddenly felt Finn crotch twitching and felt her hand become wet with his cum. Disgusted shortly flexed her magical muscles and sent him flying behind the bar. She brushed her hand off on Jerryīs shirt, who was still paralysed by what he had seen. A quick look down to his pants showed that she had the same effect on like she had on Finn. The thought of tearing away his trousers and raping him here flashed trough her mind. For the first moment she found it arousing. A man completely at her mercy, raping the man who had wanted to rape her earlier. But despite her new strength and confidence Bianca was still a kind soul and a virgin nevertheless. She did not want to loose her virginity in a rape, no matter if she was raped or the rapist. A sound of pain reminded her of Finn who just got up behind the bar. Bianca walked over to him and pulled him over the bar by his collar. Then she put him down on the floor. "Didn't you Mom tell you, that it isn't very polite to hit a girl with a crowbar? But I have no business with you. If you leave now, I'll deal with this ass hole here and maybe I'll let this place stay in one piece." To make her point Bianca clenched her small fist and crashed it down on a nearby table. The wood splintered under the force. Her face remained motionless but her thoughts raced. "Wow. That was even easier than I thought. It felt like I had hit a sheet of paper. I seem to get stronger every time I exert myself." In the meanwhile Finn's face had lost all color. "Yes, yes alright, but please leave my bar alone. It is all I have." Bianca brought her face closer to his and whispered. "Then go. Don't come back here until tomorrow." She pulled him a little bit to the door and her almost flew through it. She had to smile. She was no longer the shy little girl that was afraid of every shadow. Her strength made her bold. And without knowing it she showed some hints of a really mean behavior. The sound of a door being closed brought her back to her senses. Jerry had made his exit through the back door to the parking lot. When she arrived there he had locked it from the outside. "Now lets scare him a little bit." She placed her index finger in the center of the door and slowly started to push. At first nothing happened. Bianca had closed her eyes and imagined herself getting stronger and stronger, overpowering this metal door with the strength of just one finger of hers. The now familiar warmth washed over her and she could feel the steel giving way to her finger tip. Jerry was outside searching his pockets for the keys to his pickup truck when he heard the feared noise from the back door. Full of fear he turned around. The was a dent in door. As if something thin, yet impossible strong pushed its way through the metal. Suddenly there was a loud "TWANG" when a single finger poked through the steel. "Oh my good. What can stop her?". Finally he found his keys. Jumping into the car he started the tuned up 250 HP engine and floored the accelerator. In the headlights he could see the girl tearing the door apart and stepping out into the yard. With squealing tires tried to escape. Then he saw Bianca stepping into his way. "Crazy bitch. Now I'll kill her." He gripped the steering wheel tight and braced for the impact. Bianca was still somewhat on a high from her latest strength burst. She acted more out of instinct than out of reason. She knew she had to stop this creep from getting away, so she stepped in front of his car put out her hands in front, and braced herself against the tarmac for the impact. When the Pickup Truck hit her several things happened at the same time. In the smallest fraction of a second the magic in Bianca's body increased her strength so much that she could have stopped the incoming car with her pinky and not even noticing it. Her hands embedded themselves into the steel, crushing through it an half tearing apart the engine. Bianca felt like a sexual nuclear bomb had gone off inside her. She screamed out in orgasmic pleasure clenching her fists in reflex now totally crushing the engine between her fingers. Jerry was saved by his seat belts from the impact and was thrown back into his seats. He was on the edge of going insane. This was all impossible. In front of him through the shattered windshield he saw the girl seemingly still engulfed in sexual pleasures. Laughing hysterically he escaped the car and crawled back to the wall trying to make himself as small as possible just to get away from his nemesis. He couldn't see the girl now. But then he saw something else. The car began to raise from the ground, somehow lifted by something that made its massive weight meaningless. "Oh my goodness. NOOO!" he screamed. Now he saw her. The girl had lifted the whole Truck over her head and was now slowly walking towards her with a grace of a someone how walked without any effort despite the fact she was holding his car in the air like it weighed nothing. She had changed again. She had to be 6 feet tall now, her clothes hanging in rags from her body. While she had looked like a fitness competitor last time, she now looked like a lightweight bodybuilder. At least as far a her muscles were concerned. Her breasts had also grown so large that her t-shirt was split apart in the front. Two breasts of soft yet firm flesh, totally defying gravity. Now she stood in front of him. "What is it ass hole?" she yelled. "Am I too much of woman for you now? Now you know fear, don't you? But that's not enough. I will make sure, that fear is the last thing you'll ever feel." With that she reached back to throw the car upon him. "BIANCA. STOP." She turned around. In the remains of the mangled door stood Anterion. His eyes looked like slits. "This wasn't what I gave you this power for. You will leave him alone. NOW." "Or what elf? You'll take my strength away?" "No, I'll make sure I never gave it to you! MORGULA ULTIMASTA HATSERU!" Bianca tried to throw the car upon Jerry, but suddenly everything went white in a big flash. Bianca was on the run. A bunch of guys had intercepted her on her way home. The way they had talked left little doubt about their intentions. because of her thick glasses. The boys had her now cornered in a dark alley. Looking for an escape all she could do was to hide behind a large dumpster. A few seconds later she heard the footsteps of the gang. She dared not to look, fearing to reveal her hiding place. "OK baby. We know that you are in there. Better be a good girl and come out now. Perhaps we hurt you less then. Or.... maybe not." The loud laugh of the gang made her shiver. She was just about to leave her place when she heard the sound of a police car pulling up into the alley. "Shit. The cops. Let's move it..." She heard gang run off into the night. "Miss, are you okay?" Bianca slowly came out of her hiding place. "Y... Yes Officer, thank you." She rearranged her glasses. She was nearly blind without them. While brushing off her shoes, she found something lying next to her foot. It looked like a door handle. She picked it up. There imprints on it, like a ridicules strong hand had crushed it. She put it in her hand and found that the imprints were the same size as her own hand... In the distance a tall but slender figure sighed faded into the shadows for places unknown to mankind.