Alternative Captions

Pictures by Nelson, captions by M.C.

Dinosaurs Beware!

"Doesn't he have the prettiest teeth? It's such a shame I'm going to have to knock a few of them out. But what can I do? These nasty old dinosaurs have to learn to leave us humans alone. I hope that after the beating I'm about to give him he'll remember that."

Pecos Jane, the super cowgirl

"Now where's this nasty old bull y'all been telling me about? Surely you can't mean this pathetic little critter. Heck, on my ranch I usually tame two or three these guys before breakfast."

Trala, the village protector

"All right you bullies, I warned you not to come back here didn't I? Now I'm going to have to teach you both a lesson. How about we play a nice little game called 'let's bang our heads together'? And I hope you boys enjoy it as much as I do."

Don't Mess With Sheena

"Now that wasn't very nice of you was it Mr. Rhino? Sneaking up behind me and trying to ram me with your horn. I've half a mind to take you over my knee and give you a good spanking. But I'll go easy on you this time and just toss you into the river. You'd better behave yourself from now on though, or else I'm going to get rough...and believe me, you don't want to see that. You should have seen what I did to a herd of elephants that trampled all over my flowerbed last week. They won't be doing that again for a long, long time."