Massive Potential Part 4 Written and Illustrated by Scoundrel Jessica explores her powerful new body, as the Repo Men ascend from the otherworld to reclaim her power. Okay, here it is. Yeah, yeah, I know it took forever for me to do, but the next chapter in this saga is finally here. I even went and threw in a couple of pictures. For the record, this is a mildly "adult" story, so if you are unable to handle the thought of an extremely muscular young woman with an enormous chest, perhaps you should avert your eyes. However, if you enjoy this story, you might also want to check out all the other illustrated stories by me (and CanCuz, Coyote, and Mr. Shhh) available at "Massive Productions". Drop an email to for info. Enjoy! Massive Potential Part 4 by Scoundrel The slight form of Jessica Norris stood and looked out the window of her newly-acquired corner office. The office was expansive, finely furnished, and had a spectacular view of the city. She grinned to herself, and she allowed her gaze to fall to the ring on her finger. The ring, with its large azure gemstone, concealed a fantastic secret. It had been given to her by the genie only three days earlier. One twist of that magical stone would quickly reveal Jessica in all her new glory, filling her body with immense power - - and the muscle to go with it! She still wasn't sure exactly what had happened that fateful evening. All she had wanted was to join a gym, get some professional advice and training, and change her body more to her liking. Then she discovered Grimaldi’s Gym where she met Eugene... Indeed she got what she wanted, and boy had her body changed! A knock at the door broke her train of thought. "Um, Jessica?" came a man’s meager voice from the other side of the door. "Come in, Parker," Jessica called to her former boss as she smiled with satisfaction. Parker Winston tamely cracked the door and stepped into the room. "Um, h-here’s the reports you wanted on the Wallace account," he squeaked as he gingerly set the files on her desk, then quickly retreated as if it would give him a shock. "Thank you, Parker," she said. "And please... call me Ms. Norris." She could see his face flush with anger for a moment, but it instantly faded as if he abruptly recalled what she was capable of. "Of course... Ms. Norris," he gulped, and hastily turned and exited the office. No wonder he’s terrified, she thought. After all, the first thing she had done with her newfound power was to teach a good lesson to Parker and his bitch fiancée Kimber. She had to admit, she thoroughly enjoyed razing Kimber’s workplace, the Naked Eye strip club, right down to the ground. That was followed with stopping by Parker’s home and... rearranging his car collection. And when she’d returned to work, she found that CEO Rinkus himself had offered her the well-deserved position of account rep. Parker’s old job. In Parker’s old office. She grinned again. Oh, how things change. In a secluded area of Garrison Park, the serenity was abruptly broken. A flock of birds, unsettled by something in the air, suddenly took flight from the trees. A moment later, in a cloud of brimstone, appeared the demon Aboroth. Standing to his full ten feet in height, the coarse-skinned monster stretched his meaty limbs and surveyed his surroundings. His mission was simple: locate and eliminate the human female, and return Paymon’s ring to his dread lord Agog. He and his two brothers, Skourge and Nekron, were each to be dispatched equidistant from the target, then would converge on her like a pack of wolves. Here on the material plane, Aboroth and his brothers possessed vast strength, near invulnerability, and an array of mystical powers. Among their demonkind, these three Byth brothers were known as the "Repo Men"- - their retrieval record was flawless. A simple mortal woman should pose little challenge to their unsurpassed skills. A sharp yapping noise gained Aboroth’s attention. Peering down with his burning red eyes, he noticed an elderly woman staring wide-eyed up at him, speechless. From a length of leash was a small poodle by her foot, angrily barking at Aboroth’s ominous form. Aboroth bent down and snarled at the dog, and the woman suddenly snapped to life. "Please!" she cried. "Don't eat my Muffy!" Aboroth grinned; it was a giant, fanged grin nearly too big for his head. "I would never dream of devouring such a small defenseless animal," he rumbled. Then he scooped up the old woman, stuffed her in his gaping maw, and swallowed her whole. Glowering down at the still-yapping poodle at his foot, he drew back a hoof and punted the animal. It landed softly in the river, some two miles away. "Ah," he belched as he began to make his way through the deserted park. "That was satisfying." At the end of the workday, Jessica collected her files to take home and review. From the corner of her eye she noticed Parker hunkering meekly toward the elevators. "Well," she smirked to herself, "I sure did take the spring out of his step." For a moment she almost pitied him - - then she remembered what a total shit he was, and she reconsidered. The file for the Roughwork Construction Company slipped from her hand, spilling its contents onto the floor. As she gathered the papers and photos of earthmovers, it reminded her of her activities the previous evening... (Look out! Flashback Sequence!) She had been sitting around her apartment late in the evening, pondering the events that had transpired and the incredible power that had accompanied them. Admittedly she was rather curious to discover exactly what her new capacity was, what her strength limits were. In a moment of inspiration, she decided to head to a nearby construction lot. The site of the New Roanoke Building was deserted at that time of night, and had plenty of huge objects that she could use to test her strength. Slipping her slender frame through a pair of loose fence boards, Jessica entered the large construction area. The site was unlit, but the lights of the city and the near-full moon gave her ample illumination. After checking quietly around to ensure she was indeed alone, she removed her coat and jeans, prepared herself, and twisted the gemstone on the ring. Instantly her head spun as the intoxicating growth process began. Muscle fibers began to swell all over her entire body. She could feel her heart thudding harder as it pumped blood to her rapidly expanding physique, her skin stretching to contain the powerful muscle exploding from within her. Twin mounds of pectorals formed on her chest, rising and growing until they were each bigger than her head. As her shoulders and back broadened, her arms bloated with rippling sinew, and thick veins began to come to the surface of her skin. A crisscross of deep abdominals rose to sharp definition on her stomach, and her thighs and calves bulged and formed into giant chiseled muscle. In a moment it was over. She let out a breath, wiped the rapturous perspiration from her brow and considered where to begin. Eyeing a stack of large iron girders, she approached and grasped one from the pile. The solid metal I-beam raised up in her hands as if it were a foam movie prop. Slowly closing her grip, the metal let out a groan as it crumpled like clay in her grasp. Flexing her gargantuan arms, she began to bend the heavy girder into a U-shape. The sensation of power was getting her aroused, and the exertion was causing her already-impressive pectorals to expand even further. Pulling the hard steel firmly against her chest, she licked her lips and moaned in ecstasy as her bullet-like nipples pierced the solid metal of the girder. Her rippling arms and chest flared with muscle at the struggle, and the metal I-beam shrieked as it fought a losing battle against the solid power of her body. Before she knew it, she had bent and stretched the girder completely out of shape, until it finally gave way and tore loudly apart. "Mmm, that felt good," Jessica purred as she tossed the pieces to the ground with a loud thunk. Her pumped-up chest gave her another idea, and she grabbed another heavy beam from the pile. Holding it vertically before her, she placed it firmly into her muscular cleavage and released it, where it was held suspended between her massive hard globes. Then she began flexing. Slowly her chest filled with powerful expanding muscle, pinching the girder in her rippling cleavage. The metal howled as it was crushed thinner and thinner by her vast converging pecs. [Image] With one last flex, she squeezed the I-beam in two pieces, using nothing but the power of her awesome chest! "Oooohh!!!" she sighed, stroking her enormous pumped chest and erect nipples, sending tingles of lust firing through every synapse in her body. "What a feeling!" Looking down at the mangled girders, she giggled to herself. "Man, are they gonna wonder what happened here..." Glancing around, Jessica approached a nearby earthmover. It was quite imposing in its proportions, but she was feeling fairly confident in herself. Stepping up to the rear of the great machine, she grasped under the frame with both hands. Preparing herself, she pulled up and tried to lift it. Instantly her arms nearly doubled in size, and thick veins leapt to the surface of her skin. With a grunt, Jessica curled her mighty biceps, raising the back end of the vehicle off the ground. "Hmm, that wasn't too bad at all," she breathed. "Well, might as well try for the whole ball of wax..." Maneuvering herself further under the monumental vehicle, Jessica found a decent grip on the frame. She took a deep breath, and with one motion, hefted the vehicle off the ground and pressed it over her head!! [Image] As she stood holding the multi-ton vehicle over her beautiful face, her body brimmed and pulsated with brute strength. Every muscle on her body tensed and expanded with pure rippling power, and her mighty chest rose up to her chin as she flexed. She was astonished that even such a heavy weight was not truly challenging her fantastic body! "Good evening, Miss Norris," came a voice suddenly, snapping Jessica’s mind from her flashback and into her office. At the doorway was her new secretary, Gina Waffle. "’Night, Gina," Jessica replied, concentrating once again on collecting her files. As she watched thin, meek Gina leave, she thought to herself, that used to be me... "But not any more," she smirked, and headed toward the elevator. Skourge grinned madly to himself in the dark alley where he had materialized just moments earlier. The transition to the physical plane was gloriously painful, as always. Stepping from the mouth of the alley onto the deserted street, he stopped in front of a closed breakfast diner and gazed at his reflection in the large glass window. His lithe, reptilian form was wonderfully appalling. Scaly hands ended in talons, rows of needle-like fangs filled his tremendous mouth, and large spherical eyes bulged from his head. He smiled, flicking his forked tongue. The sound of an approaching vehicle drew his attention. Turning, he noted a police cruiser pulling up to the curb. A man’s voice called from the car, "Everything all right there, sir?" With lightning speed, Skourge crossed the distance to the squad car. He grasped a handful of the officer’s uniform and yanked him out the window. "Why yesssss, officccccer," he hissed, holding the cop helpless and horrified before him. "I wasss jussst admiring mysself in the window. Here, try it." With that, he hurled the policeman full-force at the large pane of glass. The policeman shrieked as he sailed through the window, shattering it into a million pieces with a loud crash. What was left of him landed wetly inside the diner. Skourge climbed into the cruiser, then turned to delight in his handiwork. "Flesh-sacksss," he cackled through his fangs as he peeled away in the car. "They’re ssso much fun." After a late dinner that evening, Jessica took a long relaxing bath. Upon returning to her bedroom, she paused before the floor-length mirror in her room. "Ugh," she said, scrunching her nose at the naked body that stared back at her. The virtually nonexistent breasts, that emaciated ribcage, those spindly arms, those bony legs... She considered herself unsightly. Then a smile spread across her full lips. "Well," she said as she twisted the gem on her ring. "I’m glad this body is optional." The magical effects of the ring were immediate. She swooned as she felt blood pumping furiously to generate the pounds of muscle that were appearing on her body. The change was subtle at first, but became more apparent by the second. Her tiny breasts expanded, forming into two giant globes of solid pectoral muscle. Her once-slender torso broadened and thickened, while individual muscle groups appeared and developed beneath the stretching skin. Her striated arms thickened to the circumference of utility poles as they swelled with power. Balls of muscle filled out her calves, as giant thick knots of sinew formed on her thighs, expanding her legs into solid pillars of strength. Her butt transformed into hard rippling glutes. As the exhilarating rush of the growth subsided, Jessica stood admiring her physique in the mirror. A satisfied grin spread across her face as she planted her hands on her hips. The body she had acquired (albeit through mystical means) was simply extraordinary. Nothing like it had ever been achieved or witnessed before. It was something impossible in nature. Her pretty face sat atop a literal army of musculature, an overblown anatomy chart of pure feminine power. She found the feeling of might to be quite fascinating, and strangely arousing. Placing the palms of her hands on her strong glute muscles, she let out a sigh and flexed. Deep grooves instantly formed in her shoulders, and giant horseshoes of muscle flared from her triceps. Thick veins sprung to the surface of her taut skin. She tensed her colossal legs, causing bulky cords of solid striated muscle to bulge forth from her thighs, as football-sized calf muscle formed and danced below. Finally, Jessica flexed her massive chest muscles, making the twin mountains perched on her chest expand upward and outward, until they reached nearly twice their original size. She peered wide-eyed at her reflection through the rippling cleavage of her supreme muscle breasts, which had risen up to her nose. For good measure, she alternately tensed each side separately, causing her breasts to dance up and down. "MMM..." she conceded, more than happy with what she saw and felt. As she relaxed her pose, her body returned to its "normal" monstrous size. She found the sight of herself to be wholly erotic... her nipples had sprung to attention, and moisture began to form between her legs. "God," she buzzed, "I love this feeling of power!" She slowly curled her arms into a double-biceps pose, watching intently as twin mountains of muscle bunched and rose on each arm. A network of veins began to surface across the expanding peaks. As she reached the top of her flex, her biceps looked as though they would genuinely explode from her arms! [Image] "WOW!" she marveled at the sight of her ultra-pumped arms, as the wetness at her crotch increased. And she thought her nipples were going to burst! Running a hand over her inflated chest, she caressed a large erect nipple, sending a powerful shock of sexual stimulation through her entire body. Dizzily she ran her other hand down over her sharply defined abdominals, which felt as though they had been chiseled from living granite. Inexorably, her fingers reached the warm moistness of her crotch. Running her fingers over her swollen labia, she inserted her fingers and began pleasuring herself. She licked her lips in ecstasy as she fondled a sensitive steel-hard nipple, as her breathing became shallow and rapid. Spreading her labia, she swirled and massaged faster, moaning with self-gratification. A moment later when she merely brushed her finger over her clitoris, she climaxed on the spot right then and there. Her entire body tensed and shuddered with the ferocious orgasm. The conclusion was so sudden, so potent, so euphoric, that she had to set herself down on the floor. "Good lord!" she exclaimed once she caught her breath, sitting in the afterglow. "That was exquisite!" Apparently, somehow her new musculature had also increased her body’s sexual awareness. Every nerve and fiber of her being was like an erogenous superconductor! She’d never really been a horny girl, but for some reason that had changed as her body had. It had been a long time since she’d had sex with a man... she wondered if they were now obsolete! After she regained her composure, she stood and once again twisted the stone on the ring. Her body immediately began compressing itself, quickly returning to the skinny Jessica that she had come to know. Hmmm... she thought. "For some reason I’ve got a craving for some double-chocolate ice cream." She glanced at the digital clock by her bed: 11:42 PM. The little convenience store a couple of blocks down would be open for another few minutes. Quickly Jessica threw on some clothes, scooped up her keys, and headed out. Approximately a half-mile away from Jessica’s apartment building, a dumpster rolled loudly away from the rear doorway of Lago’s Italian Cuisine. The massive demon Nekron stood and examined the area with his luminescent green eyes. The rear door of the restaurant suddenly opened and a young chef peeked his head out. "What the hell’s all the noise out here?" he said as he glanced around. His eyes then fell on the humongous horned form of Nekron, standing just a few feet away. "Eep!" he chirped, and quickly ducked back inside. Ignoring the interruption, Nekron raised his snout to the air. After a moment of sniffing, he purposefully ambled off into the darkness, heading toward his quarry. End part 4