Nanny Fit for a King By Manley Peter Dedicated to all my fellow erotic strength fantasy storytellers and artists. I owe you much more than this feeble effort, and hopefully more will be forthcoming. NOTICE: THIS STORY MUST NOT BE READ BY ANYONE UNDER 18, or 21, or individuals of any age, sex, "race," religion, class, caste, etc., that are forbidden to purchase erotic art (so-called "pornography") under local laws and/or customs. IF YOU ARE SUCH AN INDIVIDUAL, YOU MUST STOP READING NOW! It is also not suitable for those who are offended by anything involving sexuality, or topics related to sexuality which are at various times and places considered "immoral." My friend Manley Peter basically believes that morality is a crock designed to keep people from harmless pleasure such as fantasy and force them instead into lifestyles of endless pain and suffering, or at least not having as much fun as they might have, which is what he considers the greatest sin. He thinks it's all quite simple, really, whatever causes pleasure is good and what causes pain is bad. I don't quite agree, but I think it's a good place to start. Although asked to edit this, I haven't actually read this story, I'm too busy doing something else right now, but I am posting this on his behalf to an "adult" site because he is a very good friend of mine. It is not to be posted elsewhere without his permission. It is also not suitable for people who might feel insulted by stories suggesting arguably improper things about their national heritage. Get your own life, he says. Of course, everything below should be understood as pure (OK, mostly pure) fiction in every way, and any similarity to actual science, or living or historical situations or individuals is purely (OK, mostly) coincidental, even if it seems otherwise. And, besides, he's tried to make the story have a certain kind of poetic justice that ought, in his view, make anyone proud to be alive, and part of this infinitely strange yet often wonderful tapestry we call "humanity," even though quite often he himself doesn't feel that way. And there might be a mistake made here or there in the telling, besides. But he asks that you not get hung up on details he doesn't consider important, whatever those are. Now, if you're still eligible to read this, and you're like Manley, and want to skip straight to the part that's most fun, scan down to the five 1's (11111). -- Carmen Goode ***** We now know about several genes involved in making humans relatively weak compared with what would be physiologically possible, and there is, no doubt, much more to learn. It seems we humans evolved under conditions of such food shortage that it was a disadvantage to carry around calorie-burning muscle, and rather an advantage to store extra calories for later use in relatively inert but otherwise useless fat. Also, some of this evolution may have occured as we were becoming the most outstanding social animal, in complex social systems where intellect is generally more important than strength, and in which it was more important to "fit in" with society than to physically dominate others; the latter possibly leading to ostracism and thereby being selected against. It's interesting that a Great Ape can bench press 3 tons, and bend iron bars, but rare indeed is the human that can bench a measly 500 pounds. But it's quite possible that at times and places there have been people not saddled with such genes, whose metabolism did not give priority to burning muscle and building fat, but instead tended toward the reverse, perhaps in a big way... ***** By the time she was 3, her parents knew that there was something quite exceptional about their daughter, Mary Elizabeth. She was very big and strong for her age. She just loved to eat, but never seemed to get fat, just more and more muscular. Although not very tall, she was already strong enough to wrestle a teenager to the ground. Her father, James, himself was a very strong man, probably the strongest man in town. It was only natural that he had become one of the King's guards. It was a good position, because he was pretty much guaranteed as much food as he wanted, and he had quite an appetite himself. His wife abstained from eating very much out of modesty, but for her relative slenderness it was clear she was quite strong too, and had very strong bones as well, and bones that seemed to be able to rebuild themselves very quickly. But there had never been anyone quite like Mary Elizabeth. By the time she was 5, she was stronger than a lot of men, being able to lift a stone weighing a hundred pounds. By the time she was 15, a tragedy struck. She became pregnant. She could easily have stopped the young man, or in fact any man, from getting too close, but curiosity had taken ahold while her mother was busy taking care of grandmother. It was not unusual in these medieval times for such a young woman in their early teens to become pregnant, and the the infant mortality rate was very high. But with Mary Elizabeth's vast weight of huge muscles, over 400 pounds, it as hardly a surprise that it become a disaster. Heavy people often have trouble with pregancy and childbirth, and it was no exception for Mary Elizabeth. She was not to have a living baby. At least, not this time. But during pregancy, her breasts began to grow and make her bosom even larger than her already large pectoral muscles had made it. Her mother had to keep expanding her already large shirt to contain a huge bust which stood straight out with a circumference of more than 80 inches. And growing. And she began to produce milk. Though this led her to a new occupation, which was for the good of all. ***** In these times, it was considered unfit work for a Queen, or any lady of nobility, to bother with nursing a baby, even the Royal one. Instead, a nanny was procured for that "unimportant" job. King Henry had very demanding requirements. There was constant danger, because the castle had been constructed right in the middle of what used to be the "enemy" territory that his father had conquered. Just to show who was boss, the new castle had been built right on top of the enemy's old castle. But the King was not quite maintain the unity that his father had. Or, at least, that people imagined that his father had. His father was a master of subtle politics, while King Henry was rather more of a simple brute. Things were constantly slipping out of control, and there was an often a rebel or two who tried to stick it to these tyrants and usurpers. And King Henry's tendency to show no mercy or restraint didn't seem to improve things, it only seemed to create martyrs who gained support in some invisible "underground." And meanwhile nothing was learned about the rebels either. They would rather die of serious torture than reveal their secrets. They had the courage of their convictions, however misguided they might be. So the King was looking not just for any old Nanny, but a powerhouse who could defend his scion against any such terrorists. So when Mary Elizabeth appeared during the interviews, he immediately knew she was the one. More than he could ever have hoped for, actually. 11111 By this time, Mary Elizabeth had grown to an impossible size. Her bust had become so large, she could barely reach her own nipples. (Which she did, anyway, quite often, to release milk and let out the pressure.) This was going to be a problem for the Nanny-to-be. But her older sister, Jane, volunteered to be a helper. She would hold the baby to be nursed by the giant nipples of her sister. She herself was also quite strong, but somehow very masculine looking, and seemed also to be infertile. The deal was struck quickly. In exchange for being the Nanny, Mary Elizabeth and Jane would have as much as they wanted to eat. "Forever," the King added (trying to contain his excitement, he was getting a little stimulated just looking at the oversized in those days didn't have to pretend to prefer thin girls they way they do now). It was a deal cut in heaven for Mary Elizabeth. Although her father provided plenty of food from the royal supply, her mother never quite let her eat all she wanted. Her mother was having a hard enough time keeping her growing daughter in modest clothes. Now, Mary Elizabeth could eat all she wanted to, and she wouldn't have to worry about the future either, such as finding a man, and all that stuff. She was so exited, in fact, a slight tensing of her arms caused them to exceed the 40 inch expanse of her sleeves, without even being bent. Then she bent them a little, and her shirt ripped in two. Simultaneously, the King started sprouting an erection. His helpers began to step back; by custom the King could have who he wanted, whenever. But this situation was a bit embarassing, even for the unrestrainable King. "And the services of all the royal tailors," he added, as he turned away, quickly, for his chambers. "Be back tomorrow for the initiation" said a counselor, trying to restrain a smile. Mary Elizabeth was so excited, she nearly ran for the door. Unfortunately, a slight tap caused the 300 pound wood door to apart and then rip off its massive iron hinges. She picked it up and tried to squeeze it together, but this just made it break apart worse. "Don't worry about that, either," said the counselor, now practically laughing. "We have many carpenters." Mary Elizabeth then ran home with her sister following behind. Some people felt the ground shake. ***** Baby Prince Henry was not hard to hold, but Jane, and not Mary Elizabeth, was the one to have that responsibility, as by this time Mary Elizabeth could barely reach her own 14 inch areolae. Her breasts stood straight out four feet. She was in the habit of sitting down on a solid block of wood (anything else would collapse) while her sister, sitting five feet away, held the baby to a nipple which stuck out two inches and was nearly an inch thick. Mary Elizabeth had so much extra milk she often filled a few jars beforehand (to relieve some of the pressure which otherwise might drown the young prince) and afterwards too. (This extra milk was sold as magic syrup, and actually became a major source of revenue for the King.) Then she would go back to her favorite hobby, eating. In this wing of the castle, there were no doors (for obvious reasons) and the passageways were a minimum of 5 feet wide. Sometimes the King would peer in for a few seconds, then rush hurridly to his own chambers. The King was in no hurry to end the nursing, nor was anyone else, so the baby was still being nursed at the age of 3, though he was also eating solid food. By this time, the Prince could stand up to and get his own nursing without being held. The breasts of Mary Elizabeth now stood eight feet straight out. She would bend over a little to stick a 3 inch long and more than 1 inch thick nipple right into the Prince's mouth. Or he could sit on a chair or in bed while she did this. Mary Elizabeth had to weigh a ton, or quite possibly a lot more. Her biceps could stand out nearly as far as her bosom when she bent her arms. No one wanted to find out how strong she was. So the Prince was safe. And also, it seemed the milk was making him much stronger than the average child. ***** It was a bright shiny morning, and ten year old Prince Henry ran out to the field to play cricket with his pals. The ground shook noticeably as Mary Elizabeth followed, breasts now standing twelve feet straight out, just a few feet behind the prince, even though her head was four yards behind. The Prince and his Nanny shared a huge bedroom in a specially built wing of the castle. No one dared to bother them. The Prince often got his breakfast in bed from a giant nipple. Mary Elizabeth would be sitting and standing in front of the bed, her breasts reaching clear to the headboard. She had to stand back quite a bit so as to put her nipple in the Prince's mouth. But today, some rebels had finally decided to take some action against the Prince. They thought this might be their chance to end the succession. They knew the prince was several times stronger than an average man, and that Mary Elizabeth was stronger than an entire army. But the believed ten men could steal the Prince, and outrun his huge Nanny. They had mapped a getaway path through a very narrow canyon as well, which, being more than five feet wide, she wouldn't be able to squeeze through. That was not the way it worked. As they tried to grab the Prince, large mounds of solid irresistable flesh seemed to come out of the sky knocking most of them a dozen yards away and passed out on landing. As she bent her arms, Mary Elizabeth's biceps shot out twelve feet with the power to knock down the walls of a castle moat. The leader of the resistance was pinned beneath a muscle weighing tons. It took great restraint not to kill him, but Mary Elizabeth carefully applied just enough pressure to keep him pinned, but not crushed. Guards came and carried him away for an interrogation. The tortured rebel revealed nothing to them, and ultimately escaped, but gained great grudging respect, and maybe a bit more, for Mary Elizabeth. After the rebel leader was carried away, Mary Elizabeth tensed her pectoral muscles, causing her shirt to burst at the seams. A huge nipple rose out toward the prince, and he gleefully sucked down more than a pint of milk as everyone watched This milk seemed to be even more special than usual. He could feel his arms growing, and his shirt sleeves burst right then. Now he was at least as strong as ten men himself. To let off some steam afterwards, Mary Elizabeth pointed her massive biceps at a ten foot boulder that must have weighed fifty tons. Bending her arms, her biceps shot out seven feet and the boulder was launched into the sky. No one was sure where it had gone down, but it had to have been about a mile away. Actually, it landed right in the canyon the rebels had planned to escape through, making it now ten feet wide. At some time in the past, thirty men had tried to move that boulder with the aid of ropes and winches but hadn't even been able to budge it. Henceforth, the Nanny's shirts were made with seams that would open up when she tensed her pectoral muscles or biceps. In frone of each breat, mirroring the size and shape of her areolae, there was a royal coat of arms that said "By appointment to His Majesty." When she tensed a pectoral muscles the coat of arms would lift, revealing a 36 inch aroelae, and it was considered quite proper for her to feed the Prince with her nipples at any time. ***** The Prince gently knocked at the door of a small hut. Any harder and he might knock it off its hinges, or knock the whole hut over, since he now had the strength of 20 men. But he had never felt quite like this before, weak in the knees. He had been very reluctant to come here, but still he wanted to very badly. Twenty feet behind stood his mighty super Nanny, or at least that was where her head was, surrounded by a sea of muscles, so what did he have to fear? As he stood, waiting for the response, her breasts gently swayed a few inches in every direction, with coat of arms gleaming at the end of each one. As they expanded slightly, her nipples rubbed his back. It felt good. As it turned out, the house was empty. The rebel girl and her family had run away to a foreign land. They didn't want to bring infamy to their neighbors. He walked back to the castle feeling very sad. He lay down in bed. But he was glad when a huge breast reached across to him from across the room. He sucked a bit on one nipple, then the other. Mary Elizabeth needed only to turn very slighty to present on nipple or the other. His penis started to rise, getting caught in between her mighty and magnificent breasts. After a few minutes, he had his first ejaculation. It was not to be the last like this, however. ***** The Prince had barely turned 19 when his father, the King, died. Now he had to take over his father's job. He was not ready for it. It was full of complications that even his father hadn't been able to handle very well. He had to procede with a marriage that had been aranged long ago for reasons of international politics. His most important priority was to father a son to be the next prince. But his wife-to-be was thin, and not that thrilling to the Prince who had been so spoiled by having a super nanny. But as much as he tried, which wasn't that much, but should have been enough, he never fathered a son. No one knew it at the time, but he could never have fathered a son anyway because of a defect in his Y chromosome, resulting from generations of royal inbreeding. And even most of the daughters he fathered, by several women, most of them Queens, didn't live long. Except for one. One grim day, not having had sex for a week, the young King was very horny. But he knew what to do. He went down to the huge basement where his Nanny now lived. She had become too heavy to stand on any upper floor. Only solid rock could hold her now. And even the solid rock, supporting the entire castle, shook as she walked. As the King approached, she turned, directing her thirty foot breasts into his face, for their familiar dance of nursing, affection, and more. He could stand in between the breasts and get lifted up, or lay down underneath them as she would gently wave tons of flesh above him. But this time, that was not to be enough. "Turn around and bend, this time I'm going in" he commanded. The gentle giant obeyed. She could easily have overpowered all the earth's armies, but she obeyed. She had been feeling lonely too, and that there might just be one more thing she needed to do. This daughter of Mary Elizabeth was, miraculously, to survive, and ultimately become one of the most powerful monarchs of all time. Though in a different way than her mother. And loved, feared, and respected as well, even though her father died in infamy. Somehow, she brought peace, culture, enlightenment, and even unity, to the troubled land, or at least most of it, during her lifetime at least. But that is quite another story. Bearing and safely birthing a child was to be nearly the end of Mary Elizabeth. Not from lack of power, she could lift a mountain now, but something else was quickly getting ahold of her. Some disease, perhaps, from the King himself. She began to shake constantly, shaking the entire castle. Bending an arm, her bicep pierced through forty feet of solid rock, or several castle floors, with impunity. She feared for the effect she was having on others, including her own daughter, who she had only nursed for a couple months, with the help of a dozen assistants. But now, she could no longer do that. It was too dangerous. So Mary Elizabeth ran away, far to the north, faster than any locomotive. Trees, boulders, mountains were pushed out of her way by her strength unimaginable. Feeling impossibly warm, like the Sun itself, she dove into a huge lake, waves splashing for hundreds of feet into the air. She must have died from lack of oxygen. But strangely, people still think there is something very strange about that lake. Sometimes fish that live there can jump twenty feet out of the water. And sometimes people imagine something else, too, a huge form of some kind. But I think that is just their imagination. The End.