A big strong backside?

Cris lives in another universe, she likes to be stronger than her male counter parts and likes to crush things with her bodasiously big booty , she also loves to sit on and crush males with little hinnies. When she heard a rumor that on her college campus they had a machine that could open a gateway to another world with a much less dense matter makeup known as earth where she could live as a goddess she conned one of the professors into giving her the necessary information on how to operate the portal machine. With her looks and fantastic rear end it was no problem to allure the professor into her desires and then she was gone.

She is just arriving here via a worm hole from another universe where all matter is much much more dense. And suddenly as I am walking to my car I see her appear out of no where, she immediately starts to sink into the ground quickly but then she uses some unseen force she controls to support her mass upon this world and immediatley stops her downward track.. She walks over to me and the earth trembles, looks me over from head to toe and goes you skinny little wimp why your little ass cheeks are just a fraction the size of mine and by the calculations that I have performed before I arrived here my body should possess powers beyond your world's comprehention. She then says lets fool around and find out just what the limits if any there are to my powers. This women was the most extreme pear shape I had ever seen with haunches wide enough to accomadate three men easily. I pray it will hopefully be love at first site I say to myself and little do I realize it is for I possess a cute little rear end and she loves dwafing little male cheeks with her tremendouse ass!.Then I say to her, could we go somewhere to where you could demonstrate the powers you claim to possess. She then replies ok you little wimp, but I will warn you up front my favorite thing to do on my world was to try and crush things with my body and tremendous haunches.

Then she says where would you like to go for me to demonstrate my feats of power, I respond I know a place just up the road. Then we walk over to my car and as I get in my mid sized sedan and close the drivers door, I suddenly feel me and my automobile start to raise up slowly to about 7 feet in the air off the pavement. The vehichle is lifted off the ground and over her head with just one arm with me in it. I hear a voice from under me saying what direction is this place and I say foward and then I feel a slight rocking back and forth as I move foward at a brisk pace.Then I can hear her say quietly from benath me" I can already tell this is going to be good", after ten minutes we arrive at our destination the local railroad switching station. I still could not believe I just went for a ride in my car for over a half mile being held in the air with one arm by a beautiful women, I say "put me down please" thinking quietly to myself I am scared and then I realize at that point I am moving a few inches at a time with the vehichle being lowered towards the ground and I see her start to appear beside me out side the drivers door as I sit in the car going down. I take a look at her beautiful face then she lowers me more to see her pert medium sized breasts and then a small thin waist and then lowered even more to where I see her hip line explode in size.

I mean this women was so thick through the rear it was totally out of perportion by far with everthing else on her body. I look at her hips and haunches out the window of my car in a fixed awe and she notices my eyes are just fixated on the enormous width of her hips and the amount of real estate area her haunches occupy under her extremely over sized skirt , so then she leans over and looks at me gawking at her tremendouse haunches and says" yohoo yohoo "with a big smile saying hey honey I am up here OK". Then I come out of my bewildering stuper and look up at her beautiful green eyes and she says, don't worry I will show you what my midsection can do in time but first things first and I listen to the suspension of the car compress as she casually lets go of the vehicle and it rests back to the ground..

Then I say in a shy timid voice overcome with fear, you see that machine over their can you show me some tricks with that. She says why sure you wimp what is that vehicle called, I say it's called a locomotive and it's a real big one too. I say it with a tone of dought in my voice for I believe that will be to much for her abilities to chew on. Then she says it is very big and sturdy looking but that is of no matter, {I say to myself yaa right there is no way in hell she can lift that thing like she did my car the EMD DD 40X locomotive is probably 16 ft high over 90 ft long and more than 270 tons of hardned steel and it could flatten my lexus like a pan cake instantly } then she goes but first I am going to start with your vehicle and then we will move to that locothingy over that way. Then she says in a stern voice we start small and work our way up ok, then I reply "yes ". Then she askes What's this smaller vehicle I am sitting in is called and I say it's a car, please be careful with it. I worked hard for it , she smiles and says "don't worry with me around you will have no need for these less than fragile contraptions."

Then I say would you like me to step out and she goes no let me do the work for you and at that point she reaches into the car and grabs the front post of the roof detaches it with a couple of her small fingers cutting it like scissors and starts to pull the roof line back and up with her right arm and hand folds it over and back like a piece of wet tissue paper on the drivers side ever so cautiously as to not injure me . The roof is making a tormented sound while being pulled back and up several feet on my side from the front corner. She then looks in and notices I have an erection and she says "I feel the same way about you". She reaches in and grabs me by my belt and raises me out of the car with one arm over her head and says you are to cute to ever hurt and walks 20 feet or so away from the car carrying me 3 ft in the air and then lowers me softly back to the earth. Then she exclaims this is all new to me I would'nt want you to get injured, then she says if you behave and let me have my way with you I will let you ride me with that little erect thing of yours.

But first some foreplay is in order she says, and then she walks back up to the car and to the opposite side of where she dismantled the top. She then grabs the beam that seperates the front and back doors that supports the roof in the middle of my sedan and starts to lift my Lexus once again with one arm to a height of about 4 feet off the ground.right to her upper hip level. Then she takes her left arm and lowers it under the car and grabs the frame solidly and brings her right arm under as well. She then says hold your ears because this vehicle is going to have it's porosity removed from its material make up and this more than likely is going to be real noisy. At that point she starts to fold her arms up and bend the light weight car in the middle and the vehicle folds into a V on her side and more like a 180 degree half rounded cone on my side. After that with no effort she starts to draw all the metal into her hip region a little at a time from her bottom corner of the V.I am on the other side of the car watching my vehicle just crinkling and crunching, metal strecthing like rubber all over and then shredding like cheap toilet paper and my lexus is starting to give the appearance of someone pulling an open dinner napkin through a napkin ring. The body and roof are compressing in on the interior all slowly moving inward towards a goddess as I watch the interior, seats and dash crush in on each other as the visual air gaps inside the passeger area of the sedan just seem to become smaller and smaller and quickly disappear. All the glass has shattered and most of it has fallen to mother earth and the remaining glass in the Lexus looks as though it has no choice but to be fused together along with the other elements that make up the sedan. From my eyes from this side and from this view I can barely see Cris at all she is on the other side bringing the vehicle to its inevitable end. I hear a tire explode and listen to the sound of metal crackling and shearing and see her hands moving back and fourth from the bottom of the focal point she has created just forcing the vehicle into her hips. I hear another tire explode and watch as the trunk and motor section start to turn into one another and be drawn into her grip,everything is just being funneled down to a small point into her apparrently much harder than steel hips. Then I am able to finally see a glimpse of her beautiful face again with a big smile, she is just enjoying her self while she appears to be effortlessly condensing the iron and steel of the car to her chosen focal point, she purposely leaves the engine compartent for last so she can see the expression of my face up close and personal when the slightly heavier components of the car are up for their reduction to obllivion. I was thinking to myself the steel engine block should slow her down a little but I was mistaken and realized I had alot to learn about this godesses physical powers. The goddesses hands just drawn the steel engine block, front bumper, rear bumper, remaining wheels as well the remains of the trunk into her hips as though they did not even exist. Finally I see her whole body start to reappear from behind the compacted mess of metals ,rubber ,glass and plastic and she continues the process until she is working a small globe of steel with her hands into her hips that just turns to molten fire and flows onto the ground. Unfortunetly for me her clothing material from the other universe is super dense and would not tear off and reveal her, so I would have to wait for that privledge. I can't beleive it, two minutes ago I owned a automoblie now my vehicle was just a smear of molten steel perculating on the ground, she laughs and says" this world sure is a fragile place isn't it"!


Then she exclaims, I need to develope a better way for my body to minipulate the physical surroundings of this world, using my hands all the time will take to long for larger jobs and besides it is far to dirty for me . Then she goes why don't I try to do something else on the other larger vehicle, what was that you called it a locoo-motive or something. How bout if I try and bring it to us rather than us walk to it. I go "huh"! Then she starts to bend over slowly and lowers her skirt and panties just enough to expose her bottom and then this big huge beautiful round white rear end comes popping into view as she continues to bend over. Her ass appears to exspand to the point to where the crack just seems to stretch forever before me, her ass crack must be at least 20 inches long and you could only guess how deep it was to the bottom. I stand their transfixed completely and watch the rear width of her bottom exspand to the point to where a litter of partners could ride comfortably at once, as she contiues to bend over her globes appear to be practically solid muscle highlighted with a few good layers of soft round feminine padding on Top.

She then looks over to me and says, I hope some light nudity doesn't offend you. Then she goes on to say "did you know a womens glutes are the most powerful thing on her body". She focuses her gargantuan derriere in the direction of the huge pulling machine while she is bending over and says to me "check this out". I am glancing directly at her massive white butt and then I see her two huge cheeks flex oh so practically non decernably. Then instantly and with out hesitation the 270 ton machine starts to make an errie creak of metal flexing, I observe the wheels start to lift slowly off the tracks and hear a slight squeal and knock of the wheel trucks rocking to the side. The metal beheamoth is rising at about the rate of an inch a second until it's around 10 inches above the tracks. She asks "what is happening back there" and she then claims with a smile "I cannot feel a thing". I reply you are doing just fine,then she says I believe I am getting the hang of this and then says If the weight I feel by lifting this locothingies mass is any indication of my powers this world should be a real interesting place for me to rule she claims, and " I say rule", and she says oh don't worry I promise I will not hurt anybody but I was watching a view screen in my world about your world before I entered the worm hole and according to what I saw your world needs to be cleaned up. She is saying this to me while casually holding 270 tons of steel and iron in a fixed position hundreds of feet away from us in the air with just a miniscule flex of her buttock muscles.

. Then she says what would you like me to do with this vehicle and I reply "how bout some foreplay of your powers", she replies no problem but do you mind if I fix my makeup while I am fooling around with this locothing. That car thing sure was messy, she then pulls here compac from her purse that is around her neck and opens it and turns her head towards me and winks. Then she starts to apply some eyeliner and at that very second I see her huge white glutes flex just a tiny sliver more and instantanously I hear the moan of metal being compacted upon it self off in the distance. The crumpling sound is defeaning and my wally just rises even harder as I watch 270 tons of man made steel just start to twist,compress, and smear ever so slowly crinkling like cheap aluminum foil being crushed in a giant hand closing getting smaller and smaller from all directions as it starts to glow cherry red in a very slow gradual state and becomes a touch less signifigant in size and structure every second. I whisper to her in her ear to take her time with her makeup and she isn't even paying attention to what is going on to the rear of her. She is just appyling her lip stick at this moment and the fact that she is crushing over 270 tons of locomotive with less than a slight flex of her glutes is just a very distant after thought of her real desire to look good for her mate.

At this point, after about 3 minutes of the compaction process that is taking place on the railroad engine you can hardly make out what it was, you say to yourself that looks like part of a wheel assembly or is it, mabey that was a coupler who knows, but one thing was unquestionably certain the process upon which the destruction of the locomotive took place was simply beyond comprehension and reason with the diesel engine just continuing to shrink in size n scope which went on and on and on down to the physical description she desired. The reduction n volume and size upon reduction in volume and mass that was being enacted was completely steady and continuous with a seemingly predetermined precise rate of compaction with absolutley no variances at all in the speed upon which the crushing process was happening and taking place. The whole torrid scene of physical power she was displaying left you without the slightest bit of dought that the torturously slow and obviously complete controlled rate at which the steel and iron of the huge locomotive was being tormented, teased, condensed and minutely compacted was taking place on her preordained terms only. This incredibly massive display of power continues to go on and on for several more minutes until the 545,000 pound vehicle is reduced in size and structure so small you cannot make it out from a distance. All I see is something that is tiny and glowing white hot off in the distance and then I observe the white hot piece of what ever it is or what I am unable to believe are the remains of what was a very large diesel train engine comming closer to us from a distance of around 300 feet. It takes what seems like an eternity for the remains to come within our grasp, like at the pace of a toddler crawling. . It starts to cool minute by minute as it slowly draws nearer to me, she is really taking her time bringing what ever it is or was to us, I look at her and say to myself this beautiful entity is a goddess and she is paying no attention at all to what she has just done to several hundred ton's of steel and iron with a slight twitch of her glutes, she just continues applying her makup bent over like what's going on to the rear of us is of absolutley no concern to her and apparently no effort to her at all as well.

The bar of heavily compressed steel arrives levetated in the air ever so slowly in front of me with heat radiating from it, then I start to realize it is the size and shape of a small penus. I stand there in total awe and bewilderment, gawking and observing what I believe to be the compacted minuscule carcus of over 270 tons of crushed locomotive but I am losing touch with reality in disbelief. I say to my self what kind of physical power can reduce matter to these depths, then I incoherently hear a voice "excuse me, excuse me"as I stand there in a trance at the moment, my eyes fixed on her ass and the small remant that hangs in the air before me of what's minutley left of a piece of what used to be some massive railroad hardware. I finally respond and look over towards her beautiful face, she is puckering her lips while appyling lip gloss and looking into the mirror of the compac and tries not to giggle but she cannot help it and does and then she starts to laugh and says "is it the right size to fill my long butt crack" and I say "not even close it's way to small". Then she goes "I told you this was new to me" while she's applying gloss and continuing to pucker her lips," I guess I used just a touch to much ASS on this project wouldn't you say," she proclaims this as she licks her lips while lightly frolicing her glissning dirty blonde hair gazzing into the compac. She then turns her gorgeous face to me and blows me a kiss. Then she says in sweet tone of voice," well let me know when you're done investigating this small sample of my work so I can rid us of that trifling mistake so we can move on to something a little more challenging".

She then turns back to the mirror of the compac and starts powdering her nose while she is holding the equivlent weight and mass of over one hundred and fiffty full size auto mobiles in a stationary position in front of me crushed to the size of a small dildo by using nothing more than some kind of tractive power generated by a slight muscle flex of her huge derriere.

I say to her in a subdued shaky voice, "what ever you have planned for this object you may precede, I have seen enough to know you are a goddess and I nothing compared to you". She smiles lightly and says your learning., Then I observe the completely compacted engine just moving ever so closer to her monstrously powerful rearend inch by inch as it slides into her crack length wise under the guidance of her tractive force, I say to myself in a tranciful daze looking on to the massive buttock "I never would of thought I would see a day when a huge ass crack makes 270 tons of solid steel look small in comparison", she then whispers to me and brings me out of my trance again and says "that heat feels so good in my crack but all things must come to an end and this little metal trinket that you were so fond of will be leaving us now so I suggest you stand back ok", and I do so immediately.

She then closes her compac while looking ahead and at the same time slightly tightens her overwhelmingly powerful tush just a touch more and I observe what is left of 270 tons of one of man's heaviest toughest machines make one last groan in defiance protesting what has happened to it at her leisurely discretion as it meets it's end by a gigantic ass which dwarfs and compresses the remains of the locomotive as it disappears from sight in her gully of destruction as she then holds that position of the flex for about 10 seconds. Then she totally relaxes and losens her rear up and reaches back with a hand and opens her giant crack so I can observe the contents inside, I walk over and look inside the massive canyon that appears to be 10 or 12 inches deep of pure muscle and beautiful white flesh, I then realize the EMD metal trinket is gone. Then she asks me whats left of that thingie and I reply nothing the locomotive has vanished completely from the face of this world, then a light grin comes across her pleasing demenored face as she turns towards me and says "presto whats next"?