
Story by Larry, including art by Marco

It was a hazy hot summer Saturday afternoon.

I was alone in my health club's free weight room mindlessly lifting some light weights and relaxing in the nice cool air. My air conditioner was on the fritz and all I could think of was not having a date for the evening and what film I should rent. Then, all of a sudden I looked up and the most beautiful women I had ever seen walked into the room. She was asian and must have been about 5' 8'', she had lots of curves, long legs and gorgeous silky jet black hair. I did a double take cause if I wasn't mistaken her figure must have been 36D-22-34 and a generous D at that. She had a beautiful smile and with each step her butt gently moved from side to side.

I stopped curling my 25 lb. dumbbell in mid rep and watched as she went over to the dumbbell rack. She reached over to the 150 lb. dumbbells and went to pick them up. I was about to yell out that she must have made a mistake when before I could say anything she casually picked one up in each hand and started curling them. She did ten reps with each arm and it didn't even look like she was straining at all. I was frozen, I couldn't stop staring at her. She turned around, glanced at me, smiled, and then went over to a chin up bar. She stood under the bar and grasped it with the index finger of her right hand. Then, I couldn't believe this was happening, she did ten pull ups using just her one finger. She switched hands and then did ten more reps with her left index finger.

And then, she started walking to me. That's when I noticed she was wearing a knotted t-shirt with a Superman S on it. She said "Hi, I'm Leanna and I couldn't help notice you staring at me". I didn't know what to say and all I could utter was, "I'm s-s-s-s-sorry your beautiful". "What", she said jokingly, "you're sorry I'm beautiful". "No, no" I said, "I'm sorry I can't stop staring at you, you're so beautiful, and so strong, too." "Do you like strong women?", she asked. I don't know how I managed to say this but all of a sudden I said, "yes, yes, I've always fantasized about strong women, but you're incredible."

I couldn't believe I was actually having a conversation with her. She asked me my name and I said Larry. She then told me that every so often she liked showing off her strength and would I like more of the show. Of course I said yes so she asked me to help her put some 45 lb plates on a bar. When I asked her how many she just said "fill 'er up". There must have been seven plates on each side and all I could think of was seven times 45 times 2 plus 45 for the bar, oh my god, that's 695 lbs. We couldn't fit collars on each end of the bar, but Leanna said not to worry, she could hold the bar steady. Then with one hand she lifted the bar off the ground and started curling it. Then she turned the bar around and lifted it over her head and did it again and again. She wasn't even breathing heavily. Without putting the bar down she switched hands and did the same routine again.

Next, Leanna asked if I wanted to see a movie and have some dinner with her. I must have said yes before she even finished asking. I quickly went into the locker room and switched into a pair of shorts and a clean t-shirt. I figured I must have been hallucinating, but when I came out Leanna was still there. Leanna said she was going to keep her supergirl t-shirt and short shorts outfit on and have some fun with it. We went outside and she said we should hop into her convertible and drive to the theater and off we went. When we got back behind the theater she parked the car by a meter. Leanna looked at the meter and said "too bad, no quarters". I said I might have some, but Leanna said not to worry. She reached down and grabbed the pole the meter was on and just crushed it. The pole must have been 2" in diameter and made of iron but Leanna didn't even seem to notice. She shook the pole from side to side a little and then just pulled it out of the ground. She walked over to a nearby dumpster and threw the pole into it and came back and said, "oh well, I guess the meter's broken.

We decided that we were going to see this weekend's hot flick but I told her that I thought it was going to start in a few minutes and was probably sold out. Leanna just smiled and said follow me. We went up to an emergency exit of the multiplex and Leanna looked at the steel door. With one punch she tore a hole right in the door. She reached around and grabbed the emergency alarm box and ripped it right off. Then she crushed the box. I could hear the metal crumple.She wanted to make sure the alarm wouldn't sound. She then grabbed the door and jerked it open. The metal bent like it was aluminum foil. Leanna politely held the door for me and we climbed up a flight of stairs to where the movie screens were. I looked down and the alarm box had been demolished. We went into the right theater and Leanna said that we should sit in the back row just for fun. There weren't any free seats in the back row, but I just followed her. When we got there Leanna bent down and whispered something to two teen age boys sitting there. Next thing I know the teenagers got up and we took their seats. As we were relaxing before the film started I had to ask her. "What did you say to them?" "Nothing", she said,"I just told them that if they moved, I'd massage their faces with my tits after the show. Of course, I thought.

This seemed corny but as the film started I wrapped my arm around her neck. I think I looked at her more than at the film, whose name I still can't remember. After the film and true to her word Leanna found the two teenagers and we went out behind the theater. I watched as Leanna rubbed their faces in her magnificent chest, gave them each a kiss and thanked them. The boys high fived each other several times and ran off.

Off to dinner. Leanna picked a casual neighborhood spot, we sat outside and ordered a couple of margheritas and some food and started right back into a conversation. Leanna was so easy to talk to, but I started with the obviously questions. How'd you lift that, how'd you lift that other thing, how'd you crush that, why me? Well let's start at the beginning she said. My father was a power lifter and my mom was an incredibly strong gymnast. They told me that when I was a year old I was playing in my metal crib and wanted a toy on the floor. I grabbed the crib's bars and bent them apart. When I was six one of my dad's friends, one of the world's strongest men came to visit. He was teasing me and hiding one of my toys when I got pissed off, grabbed his hand and crushed it and then picked him up and threw him across the room. When my breasts started to develop that's when I got really strong and they got bigger and bigger and I got stronger and stronger. "Every so often", she said, "I like having fun with my body and seeing what it can really do. The way you were staring at me, I knew you were just the right person." All I could say was "thank you, thank you."

"Why don't we go to the park and stroll around", she said. The park was dangerous, especially at night but I wasn't going to let this evening end if I could help it, besides I was with Leanna. We drove to the park and started walking around. As we got further into the woods, Leanna said, let's see what else this body can do. She walked over to a big rock, it must have been a foot wide, and picked it up. Then she picked a another rock held them one in each hand. Then she smashed the two rocks together. When I looked down, there was nothing left but dust and some pebbles. Then she she walked over to a eight inch thick maple. After a few shakes she just ripped the tree out of the ground. The maple must have been twenty five feet high and Leanna held it in her arms. Then she bent her arms together and folded the tree in half.

We were talking about life and walking down the path when out from the bushes two muggers jumped us. They had masks, one had a gun and the other had a knife, but I was with Leanna. Leanna smiled at the muggers and asked them how they were doing. The muggers just said, "we're going to have some fun with these two. I was supposed to be scared but one look at Leanna and all I could think was I wished I had a movie camera. Leanna walked slowly up to the two, accentuating every curve of her curvaceous body. When she was a foot away from them her hands shot out and grabbed their wrists. The muggers started cursing that they were going to mess her up, but Leanna started squeezing their wrists and said "I think it would be nice if you dropped those weapons, please." The muggers resisted for a few seconds but they were no match for Leanna.

After the gun and knife fell, Leanna grabbed one guy by his shirt and with just a flick of her wrist launched him thirty feet into the air and right onto a branch. I didn't worry about how he was going to get down. Leanna looked at the second guy and said "what should I do to you?" She released the mugger's hand and went down to pick up the gun. As she stood up the mugger hit her as hard as he could. He must have been 6' 2" 220 lbs. but when he connected with Leanna's stomach there was just a dull thud. One more time he punched her in the stomach and I could tell that Leanna didn't even notice. Finally, he cocked his arm back for one last mighty blow right to Leanna's face.I could hear the crunch as every bone in his hand broke.

Leanna grabbed the mugger by the shirt, lifted him off the ground, reared back and tossed the mugger in the air. I watched him soar past his friend, soar past the tree tops and just keep soaring higher. I bet he easily flew more than a mile. Something told me his mugging days were over.

Afterwards, Leanna smiled and started twisting his gun like it was putty. She put the gun in between both her hands and crushed it. Then she cupped her hands and crushed it some more. With one final squeeze, Leanna grunted and opened her hands. I looked over and couldn't believe what I saw. The gun had been crushed down to the size of a large golf ball. Leanna said, "would you like a souvenir?" I didn't have to answer, I did have to wait a few minutes for the gun to cool down, though.

Leanna said "that was a nice warm up, don't you think we should go back to my place now?" "If you pleasure me, I'll put on a real show for you, tomorrow." This was one challenge I wasn't going to fail.

That was the most incredible night of my life.