Amy walked over and picked up a dumbbell off a metal rack. It had a twenty-pound iron disk at each end. She bounced it in her hand like it was nothing. "Now this..." Amy slowly curled her forearm up. I watched mesmerized as a large lump formed under the snug sleeve of her tight sweater. By the time she got the weight half way to shoulder level the cloth had stretched so taut that I could make out every ripple and bulge of her peach size biceps. Amy saw the look on my face and grinned proudly. "See? I told you! I'm a biceps girl too! "Now watch this!" She dropped the weight back into the rack and turned to me as her large breasts bulged from under her sweater and looked unreal. I was absolutely stunned. Amy couldn't weigh more than 120 pounds and it just seemed that there was no way she could be so shapely. "Well? Wanna see more?" I nodded my head wide eyed. Amy quickly dropped her arms and grabbed onto the bottom hem of the sweater. With one swift pull she popped it off her head and tossed it over on the bench. She had on a little black bra that struggled to contain her tits, and, looking me straight in the eye, she raised her arms again. “Wanna touch”, she said. I walked over and wrapped my fingers half way around her upper arm. I squeezed as hard as I could, but her biceps didn’t budge a trace. It was even more unbelievable. The sharp peaks of Amy's chiseled triceps and biceps looked like they should rip right through the soft pale skin of her otherwise skinny arms. Amy was giggling again. "Believe me now? Don't they rock?" All I could say was "Wow". Amy grinned broadly. "Good, there's something I want to show you." I watched as she walked over to a table and picked up a dirty metal rod. "They use this in construction. I saw it when I was walking by the place where they're building that new shopping center." Pinching it between her thumb and first finger she went on. "The men working there said it's called rebar. It's almost three-quarters of an inch thick. Heavy too. I'm not sure what it's for, except they use it in cement or something. The guys gave me some pieces when I asked if I could have it. "I'm sure they were so generous because of my outfit. You know, short skirt and tight sweater on a young woman. Men seem to like that”. "I wonder what they'd think, though, if they knew why I wanted it." Amy walked back over toward me and stopped about four feet away. She was smiling broadly as she lifted the bar in front of her and wrapped her hands tightly around it. "I've been practicing. Just for you." Then as she slid her hands closer together she winked and purred, "We don't want it to be too easy, do we?" I nodded as I watched her arm muscles tighten and bulk up. "Watch, Larry, so I can show you just how strong I am." Amy scrunched her face as she started to concentrate. I watched fascinated as her forearms rippled with thick twists of muscles. Her biceps grew so hard that I thought they'd split her flesh wide open. "Ugh! Ugh!" But, try as she did, nothing happened. Amy panted hard now as she strained and tried again. "Unnnh! Unnnh!" Sweat was dripping down her face, still nothing. Her jaw muscles stood out as she gritted her teeth and her head started to tremble. "Arrrrgh!" Pieces of dirt and rust started to pop off the heavy rebar. "Unnnnngh!" Amy's strong shoulders lifted, and bracing the small exposed section of the bar against her chin, she started to push down with all her might. "Unh! Ummmmph!" There was a sudden high-pitched squeak of metal. Amy heard it too. Now she was gasping and grunting like an animal as she strained at the heavy bar. There was another tight metallic squeak, then another. Amy was huffing now. The metal squealed in protest as her bare hands twisted and forced the ends of the bar down. She shrugged her muscular shoulders again and I watched wide-eyed as she dominated the hardened iron and bent it even further. Finally, with a deep growl she raised herself on her toes. She teetered there for just a moment, and then with an unintelligible shriek she dropped back down to her feet. I thought her biceps were going to explode as she aggressively wrestled with the big rod. Suddenly, there was an extended groan of metal. Amy pulled back her lips and bared her teeth. Then, with one last incredible display of humongous womanpower, Amy snorted and forced her hands downward again. The thick iron bar gave a final yelping squeal of protest as Amy overwhelmed it with her powerful muscles. A sharp metallic ping ricocheted loudly off the basement walls as Amy finished the job and snapped the rebar right in half. She was still gasping and panting as she smiled and held out the broken iron bar. "Whew! There! Not...bad...huh?" Amy was beaming with pride as she handed me the two pieces. The shattered ends of the heavy rebar were still hot from the force it took to break it. I looked over at Amy with awe. My voice was respectful as I murmured, "Wow. I guess you have been working out." I noticed where Amy was looking. Glancing down I saw that my cock was hard as a rock and sticking way out. She grinned and softly remarked, "I'm glad to see you like it so much. If we had some more time I'd let you show me just how much, but Jennifer will be home soon, and we better get things straightened up. “By the way, I’ve only been working out a few months and only cause you kept pestering me to.” “I bet in a few more months I’ll really be able to give you a demonstration.” I couldn’t wait, but all I said was “yeah, I say there’s gotta be a trick to bending that rebar”. Three months later Amy asked me to come over to her place on a Saturday and she said be prepared. She had been wearing loose clothes at work so I didn’t notice her as much lately, but I didn’t sleep that Friday and on Saturday, I was at her place promptly at noon. When Amy opened the door my jaw fell. Standing in front of me was a goddess in tight jeans and a red sweater that showed off every curve. She said, “let’s go outside, last time I felt wimpy bending that bar, now I’ll see how those workouts have been going. Amy just sauntered out the building and I followed like a puppy dog. In a few minutes we came to a vacant lot where no one would really see us or pay attention to us. There were a few rusted jalopies and some scraggly trees and some boulders and some pipes. Amy said, “hope you don’t mind me warmin’ up a little.” She grabbed a 2” think hollow pipe with her hands and squeezed the ends. In less than a minute the ends were flattened, and then she quickly bent the pipe in half. I said, “you’ve got to be kiddin’.” All she said was “that’s nothin’” Then she flattened the pipe again and bent it in half again. My cock started to rise and Amy saw that look in my eyes and she said “hold it in, this is just the beginning”. As Amy walked over to one of the cars, I just stared at that sweater. Her breasts had crushed it. Large and round and firm, they made that sweater want to beg. Amy grabbed the car’s bumper and lifted the back wheels right off the ground. Then she walked forward with apparent ease. Amy looked back at me and smiled, I melted on the spot. She kept pushing the car until the front bumper was against a tree. I still don’t believe what happened next. When the car reached the tree there was a gentle thump, but Amy kept pushing. Slowly, inexorably there was a groan followed by a crack followed by I’m not sure what. The car started getting smaller and Amy kept pushing. The tree pushed in the hood, and then the engine started to go. Amy didn’t even seem to be straining herself. The car wrapped itself around the tree and shrank even further. I’m sure a pneumatic car crusher was no match for Amy. In only ten minutes the car was two feet long. Then Amy pushed down on what was left of the roof and soon the car was only a foot high. Amy reached down and lifted the two-thousand pound vehicle off the ground. It looked like a toy and to Amy it was. Amy squeezed the ends and turned the poor thing into a cube. Then she pressed the cube against her chest, just to put two beautiful, round dents in it. Amy came over and dropped the cube right in front of. She new I couldn’t contain myself any longer. So she grabbed me and tore my pants off. I was rock hard and Amy bent down and gently opened her mouth and started purring. I’m sure I’ve created a monster, now I just have to figure how to enjoy it before she tires of me and crushes me.