Kar-El thought as he stopped and glances across the gym at door to the bathroom. “It was barely 3 months ago when I caught her distressed plane about to crash in the cold waters of Lake Michigan. When I set the small plane safely down, it was the first time I have seen Jessica face to face. I have seen a couple of her movies and TV shows, but the large and small screen does nothing for this stunning beautiful lady. As she stepped out of the plane I watched her legs gracefully supported her body. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Her delicate scent danced across the breeze to me. As the air entered up nose and in to my lungs, it was if a wave of fervor desire traveled with it. When she thanked me with a passionate kiss I know that I must have her. To my shock she asked if she could take me out for a night on the town for saving her life. It was the fastest yes anyone gave without going super fast. It did not take long for us to become an item. I never meet anyone that was I was so taken with. It did not matter what we did she was able to keep up with me with in reason. Sure she could not lift tanks with her figures, but if we went dancing for the night she would be ready the next morning to go Mountain climbing and dancing that night. Without her sleeping! I did not even feel bad about breaking off my engagement with Lois. I wanted her so bad it hurt, but every time sex would come up she would say “Not yet.” Then kiss me deeply and gently play with my sack. “All in good time.” With a smile, he knows without a doubt tonight was a good time.” The new Mrs. Jessica El watched her husband do bench press. “By no means stop because of me! Keep working that muscular chest of your. Let me give you some thing to work for.” Jessica said as she playfully struts over to where Kar worked on his chest. Kar looked at her and felt the same fervor desire he always have felt about her after he meet her, but this time was more intense. For now Jes was swung a leg over his leg and sat on his tights facing him. Jes lend across her husband bare chest husband to plant kissed on each on of his abs. Knowingly, she let her ample breast play with his harding shaft as she would move from one muscle to another. “MMmmm.” Knowing he can handle the weight with no problem with one hand so he starts to rub Jes back of her head. “All in good time my lover! Get both hands on that bar my love.” Jes says as tightened her hold to a point that would have been incredibly painful to a normal man, but it was nothing more then a tease to Kar. So knowing better he returned his hand. Jes reached up his face as she continues her playing, and racked her nails down his chin across his chest down the side of his abs to his knees. As her hands reached his tights she slow started to kiss her way up to his lips. As she sexually kisses her husband she raised her hips into the air to slowly impale herself onto his waiting monster. It did not take long for Kar to realize that Jes has matched her pumping to the pumping of the bench press. Breaking off the kiss, Jes sat up while still pumping. “Kar it is a little cold in here.” Without thinking Kar turned his head to the look at the fireplace in the next room. Using his x-ray vision mixed with his heat vision, the fireplace burst into controlled flames. Then he looked deeply into the eyes of his lover. Jes reached down and kissed his lip. As she rose back up to a sitting position she racked her nails down his might chest again. “Thank you, now keep up my love. E=MC^2.” Jes spoke the words so silently that no one could hear her, no one except for a super lover. With these words spoken she started to increase her pumping. Kar eye rolled up into his eyes as she has taken him to a place he never thought he could never reach. At this point he started to lose control and the weight started to trash down on to his fast, yet before it can land a Jessica hand shot out and caught it like it was nothing. Totally lost in his first orgasm Kar had no clue what was going on around him. Jessica toyed with the massive weights by doing a couple one arm crawls in the left and then switched to the right. “1,000K tons, interesting. Feels like nothing. Oh well still have more to go.” Lightly throwing the massive weights over her shoulder, the weights crashed into the walls and out of the fortress and hit Charon in 1/milltionth of a second. With the whole gym up in flames, Jes removed Kar from her and moved down him until she is kneeing between his parted legs. The super heated flames did not both either of the two lovers as the flames danced across their skin. Sliding one of her hands under his ass, Jes slowly stand and raised his balls to her waiting mouth. Taking his sack in to her mouth she started to suck and play with his balls. Kar sharply inhaled strongly, so strong that all the flames in fortress were put out. Jes removed her hand from Kar ass; without thinking he turned on his flight powers. After a couple minutes of this Jes placed a hand on him and lowered him down to the bench. “Kar can you please cool down this place, It’s a little hot?” Jes asked. Kar blasted the air he has just so sharply inhaled to make the fortress a couple degrees above absolute freezing. “What is color the spot on Jupiter?” Jessica asked knowing everyone knows the answer. Kar-El turns his head and looks at Jupiter. “Red.” “Nicely done, my love.” Jessica said as she rose off the ground. She slowly moved across his lower body to his lips leaving bruises everywhere she kissed. As Kar lost exploded with please he closed his eyes. “Now sleep! We need to talk in the morning.” The next morning. Kar-El awakes in his bed, to hear giggles coming from a somewhere in the building. As he tries to recall last night it was nothing more then a haze of pure pleasure. So knowing there should only be 2 people in the fortress he decided to surprise his wife. Taking a quick glace into the gym, he see a sweet drenched Mrs. El working out. Part of him spring to life with a something he has never felt, pain. Walking a little funny he enters the gym. “Good morning, my love. I’m glad to see you recovered.” Jes said putting down the weights she was using to the side and floated over to Kar to kiss. Kar just stand there confused and incredibly aroused as he watched sweet run down her neck across the bare tops of her very full breasts down he cleaved to be lost in her work out bra. “Oh close your mouth my love or use it on me, but you need to know something’s. I’m what some would call a mutant. I can copy anyone skills or a power by being near people, but it does take some time. If I made contact the transfer would be faster, while more intense the contact was the faster the transfer would be. In addition to contact if the person uses the ability would also speed up the process. So in the case of last night, the process was instant. That was if we have not been speeding so much time together over the last 3 months. I would have to say I had about 50% of your skills and abilities.” “As far as everyone can tell my ability has always been active. It helped greatly as I grow up. I was talking and walking before I was 1. At that age my transfer sphere was very small. Basically to make it work someone would have had to touch me. By the time I got into grammar school the sphere was about 3 feet around me. It did not take long to prove I was the smartest and most athletic kid in class. By 3rd grade the sphere was about 10 feet and I was the smartest and most athletic kid in the whole school. About this time my good looks was also making an impression on some of the boys. By 5th grade, the sphere was 40 feet in all directions. While I was not in super class range, it was easy to out do any of the adults in anything.” “Junior high was interesting, new face, new things to learn and new things to transfer. Up to this point no one had a clue of my powers, but I slowly figured out that I had them. Around the time of 8th grade I could tell when someone walked into the sphere, plus I was also able to detect if they had some skill, knowledge or ability that I did not have. If they stayed in the sphere I would gain it, then I learned if I thought about the person while they are in the sphere I could speed the transfer up. Never to the point of as if I was touching them, but it would still be faster then normal. I loved spending time at the mall. I just wished back then people’s abilities would add to each other. So I was only as good as the best person I have ran across.” “I was all set to go to the local high school, but my parents got a call that changed my life forever. I guess a Professor heard about me and told my parents I could go to a school for the gifted for high school. The first time I meet the Professor, was like getting hit with a ton of bricks. As he entered the sphere I felt all this energy rush at me. This was the first super powered being. You know him by the name of Prof X of the X-men. By the end of the first year I have learned/transfers everything I could. During this year is when I found out about the joys of sex. You should have seen Colossus face when I slammed him back even after he changed to his metal form.” “After that year with at the X school, I want back to normal school. It was nice to see my old friends. It was especially nice and a major shock to see Maria. She was my best friend from the time of 1st grade. I had seen her down the hall. The last year was very very good to her. She could easy be a super fitness model. Her clothes look like it was painted on her. They were to tightly wrap around her incredible body. I was always the looker between us to, but today I could not found a candle to her. I never had feelings like this for a woman before. Then she entered my sphere. Instantly my automatic defensive went up to guard me against new abilities. In Maria case her gift was a passive ability to change her looks to match the deepest wants and needs of the people that see her.” “This was the first and by all means not the last that lashed out with my sphere as a straight beam “attack”. My mind wanted her abilities to badly that it closed reshaped the sphere to be a highly focused beam to duplicate her abilities. By the time Maria was 10 feet away the sphere was back to normal and I also oozed sex appeal like Maria. She was very shocked and pleased that I did not turn into a sex-crazed person. I was the first person in nearly a year that did not bow to what she wanted. We are still close friends to this day, but she sex-crazed around me at times. This is not a bad thing.” “From the time I was a little girl, and I assume like most young ladies, I had a crush on you. I decided I would not go after you until I was worthy of you. So for a couple years’ powers, skills and knowledge just kept on being added to my pool of abilities. If someone or thing shown up with an ability that I did not have, while there would be a visit scheduled quickly. That is if I could find the person. Over the years finding different people became easier and easier and easier.” “One night at a bar by total chance a young well built tall blonde hunk of a man came in. I could feel VIA the sphere that he had gifts, but nothing that drawn me to him like crazy. Either way we were the best looking people there and hooked up.” “That night an explosion happened inside of me. For you see the blonde name was Steve, you know his by the name of Caption America. First just like Steve body was pushed to its most upper limit all of my abilities were pushed to their upper limits, which included all the abilities I gained over the years. Then to make matters worst all the like abilities power levels combined. An example of this would be I had a super solider strength of the Hulk, plus everyone else super solider strength. This was true for all my abilities. Poor Steve. Once I gained his super soldiers abilities and it happen. He died in my arms from the lack of control. So now you know what happen to Cap all those years ago.” “For the next couple years I gained more powers local to earth and beyond. After I learned control all over again after the super solider stuff. To help learn the control that I would need to live, I started doing the super powered TV shows and movies. It saved a lot on special effects when I can actually do the stuff. I knew I was ready to meet you my lover. So I bought a plane and setup a meeting for us.” “What amazed me was that even after everything I have gained and combined, VIA my sphere I could feel you could still easily win in a fight if would lose the Boy Scout ideas and really cut lose. To top it off you’re abilities were too much for me to add at once. I know for a fact if you had cut loses there was no one for a long long way off that could have stopped you. So after 3 months of transfers I was ready for the reset.” “So now I’m an Ultra powered Kryptonian super solider. Now how would you like to arm-wrestle me? The winner gets the lower part.” Before Kar could answer he heard someone behind him. “Ok.” What the hell Kar thought as he spins around to see his wife standing there. “Muti Man abilities do have more use then he could have thought.” All of sudden Kar was wrapped in a fine web from his head down. “Well my love that webbing is strong but you could break out of it.” Kar flex as hard as he could and nothing. “Jes I hate to tell you this but I can’t.” In unisons the twin Jessica said “Oh you can but only if you lose that mental block of the Boy Scout to use your strength. To get a raise out of me of anytime you have to use your full strength. To make you work at it. It is time to give new meaning to playing with one self.” The Jes-1 moved over to Jes-2 and grabbed her full globes of fun. Raised Jes-2 over her head and lowered her into Jes-1 mouth. It took the 2 Jessica just under 23 hours of sexual playing to get Kar to break himself free. Months Later "Cindy, I think there a problem with the Hubbell again." "OK smart ass what is it this time?" "Well you know Charon. Pluto moon." "Yes Mike I know what it is." "Well it is not there." "WHAT? Stop the liquored lunches!"