The Death of Lois Lane-Kent During a return trip from a mission in deep space, Kar-El noticed a planet in trouble. At first glace at the planet Kar-El just seen a giant volcano about to erupt. On a closer investigation to the near by area, he noticed a small village that is in the blast radius of the eruption. Acting at near light speed, Kar-El dug out and reinforced an area of 2 miles by 2 miles by half mile thick of land with the village in the center. Then moved the land mass to a warm and safer area of the planet. Kar-El landed and tries to talk to the leaders of the village. Key word tries. He explained as best as he could what has happened, but all that they understand was that the new God Kar-El came down from the heaven and saved them. The leaders decided it would be best to give an offering to the new god. The offering that they decided to give was the most desirable single lady of the village, Sthir. Before Kar-El knows what was happening, he was in a hunt with Sthir. Kar-El was about to leave, but then realized that it’s been decades from the last time he was with Lois as a husband and wife. She has just been too old and sick to do anything but hold her. As he gave into Sthir advances, he noticed Sthir put a black stoned ring on her left ring figure. Kar-El pointed at the ring, but she replied in a language he did not know or cared to figure out at the second. The night was the best that Kar-El has had in a long time. The night keep getting better and better as the night goes on and on as Sthir learned quickly for what and how to please Kar-El the best. The next morning Kar-El got up from the floor where he and Sthir spent the night. Sthir beamed a smile at Kar-El sculptured marbled body as he floats over to his cloths. She marveled at how he put on his clothes. She never seen a man or a God put so much care on putting on his clothes while spinning about. The flowers moved around almost as if there was a strong breeze coming off of him while we spin. She felt the little wind, but it only felt like a light summer breeze to her naked body. Between the gentle breeze and more so how his clothes clung to him like a second skin, Sthir was getting excited all over again. Sthir removed a beautify black ring from her figure and gave it to Kar-El “Please keep this black ring as a way to remember me.” Kar-El smiles and flew out of the hut and returned seconds later with a very large piece of iron ore. Using a combination of Heat vision, cold air and his super strong hand, he flattened and polished a vanity mirror out of the now super hard processed metal. As two lovers exchanged their gifts to each other, Kar-El said “Like I could ever forget you, Sthir.” right before he kissed her passionately. As they kissed Sthir reached up and slipped her long sexy figures in to his pants. She started lightly but playfully teased at his crotch. Kar-El slowly started to notice that his hands were massaging her large firm young breasts. What he did not notice was that both of their light sensual touches would have shatter diamonds. As Kar-El desire grew by leaps and bounds for Sthir voluptuous body he thought “Lois needs me and if I don’t leave know, I will never leave.” “Good bye Sthir for now. I will return one day” “Until your return.” As he started to fly form the planet he made a mental to be able to find this place again. Lois has been fighting a losing battle with cancer for sum time and does not have much longer left. This place will be a good place to call home after Lois leaves me. Sthir watched as her Kar-El flew off from her for many minutes, and then realized that she was still in the hut with the door closed. Has Kar-El granted me more then just one gifts with his passion last night? Sthir glided across the dirt floor hut to stand in front of the mirror that Kar-El made for her. Upon looking at herself in the mirror she noticed that Kar-El has indeed given her much more of a gift then a mirror and a night to remember. She now stood at 6’7” with youthful flawless skin. Her hair ended just short of the small of her back. She turned her head a couple of times to let her hair whip around her head. Anything in reach of the beautify hair was cut in half, including the mirror. The mirror was just in range of the tips of her hair. If the mirror was not made of super hard metal, it would have been surly cut in half. As it was there were deep cuts in the mirror from just the tips of her hair. With a quick glance at the cuts they were gone. Without thinking Sthir just used her heat vision and hands to remove the cuts and polish the mirror as Kar-El did a short while ago. During the heat vision burst Sthir seen that her eyes turned blood red, but with in a sec after it was the deepest blue she has ever seen. Her hands and figures are now much longer and incredible sensual looks. She giggled at the thought of what an oxymoron her hands are now. Long and sensual, but held the power of a goddess. She kicked her left leg up to her head to get a better view of her very shaply legs. Then it dawned on her, that she was agile but never like this. The muscles dance under her skin as she flexes them. The only word she could think of that could describe her legs would be prefect. Her hands glided across her legs as it slowly swung to the side and down to the ground. She know, she now had unheard of level of control and balance as she lowered her leg. When her feet were next to each other she saw that she was 4 inches off the ground. “Well I guess I’m 6’3” and not 6’7”. Being the same height as Kar-El is just fine with her.” she giggled. Her hands started to move from her legs and up her midsection. She counted 6 well defined hard plates of muscles just under her skin. She flex her abs for a sec and was reward with a 6pack. As her hand continued their move up, they come across what was just the day before hills compared to the mountains they are now. They cupped the underside of her breast and gentle caressed them. Gently being a relative term. The same gently touch would destroy most thing. The hands that once were able to encompass her perky B size breast could not encircle her now DD feminine beauty. When her delicate figures stroked her nipples a yearning come over her for the day Kar-El will return. As she looked at the reflection of herself in the mirror, the sound of a whip can be heard as her hand shot out to lift the mirror by its edge. The incredible heavy looking mirror felt as light as single snow flak in her palm of her hand. With the closing of her fist as fast and as hard as she could, she was rewarded with 2 things, first was the sound of thunder coming from her delicate hand and 2nd the sound of the super hard mirror crashing to the ground. She opened her hand slowly and carefully to keep what in her palm from falling. There in the middle of her delicate hand was a pool of white hot metal. The villages heard the sultriest and most powerfully voice they ever heard roar. “KAR-EL HAS GRANTED ME HIS POWERS! I AM NOW A GODDESS! HEHEHE!” Any one standing with-in 10 yards of the hut, their ears stared to bleed. Anyone standing with-in 100 yards, fell to the ground. Luckily no one was standing in the hut with her, if there was someone they would not have to worry about having another birthday. Kar-El felt much weaker then he should have after a short trip away from Earth. It felt more like being away for 2 years then 3 weeks. “Oh well I will soon be on Earth” Landing at the Kent’s remote country side home, Kar-EL does a quick switch into his Clark persona. Clark entered his home and was greeted by one of many robots that are common at homes now a day. Granted the robots in the Kent home was far beyond the most advance robot on the planet. “What is the day and time? And where is Lois? Clark asked. “It is 11:21 AM on March 17th 2056. Lois is at the hospital getting the radiation treatment.” “When should she be returning? And how did the treatment going today?” The robot connects to the hospital system for a second then answers “The treatment is over for today. She should be home at noon.” “So can I assume by your misdirection of your answer, that the treatment went as well as it has for the last 2 months?” said Clark with a sad sound to his voice. “Yes sir” “I understand. Thank you.” Clark proceeded into the kitchen, where he made Lois favorite meal. Just about the time he was finished and has set out the meal for lunch he heard Lois car pulling up. Clark greeted Lois at the doors as the robots helped her from the car into the house. “Hello love” Clark said as he kisses her gently on the lips. He noticed that the years and cancer has not been kind on his 87 year old wife. She was a shadow of her formal self. Her sprit was still the same, but her body was at the edge of giving out. Lois returns the kiss. “Hey fly boy.” Clark does a quick scan of her body and noticed that her body is full of radiation and not just in the area of the cancer. “I made us some lunch.” “I’m very tired, but maybe a small bite before a nap would be nice.” “Sure, let me help you into the dinning room” As Clark helps Lois into the chair, Lois spots a box next to her plate. “What is this?” “It’s just a little gift for you that I got while on the mission in space.” Lois kissed Clark and turned to open the gift. Upon opening the box, she discovers a ring that is made fully for a black gem. It was the most beautify ring that she has seen in a long time. Clark helped place the ring on Lois right hand. During lunch Lois told Clark that doctors don’t think I have much more time. After lunch, Clark helped Lois to bed for a nap. Glancing a Lois, Clark thought “She is no Sthir, but she is the woman that I love” and smiled at her. “The trip from deep space has also made me tired, so I will take a nap too.” Lois smiled at Clark, because she knows just fine that he was not tired. “Thank you.” They both slept much longer then they thought they would have, because it was the next morning when Clark woke up. When he turned over to kiss his wife good morning, all he found was a note on her pillow. The note read: Meet me by the boat house. I have a surprise and breakfasts waiting for us sleep head. Love Lois PS. Come in your swimming trunks. “Hmm so what does she have planned now?” Clark smiles widely as he thought ‘Even after being together for 52 years, she still plays games.” As Clark about to turn the corner around the about house he hears “Close your eyes before you come around that corner Clark, and no peeking with your eyes mister!” He smiles as he hears Lois voice, but it did sound a little strange. Almost like it did 50+ years ago. Very odd, but he did as his wife demanded. As Clark turned the corner, Lois said “Now keep your eyes closed and stop right there.” The next thing Clark felt were teeth nipping at his nipples and hands running over his wide chest. Sweet apple scented oil was being rubbed into his chest. Clark had no idea what to make of this, the hands were most defiantly of a young woman, but it was Lois scent and heartbeat right in front of him, with no one else for miles around. This went on for a good 10 minutes. It was driving Clark crazy with desire and need to see who was doing this to him. A couple times at the end, the hands who he can only assume was Lois’s, went into his trunks to rub the oil in a more private spot. At this point the woman in front of Clark took a step back and said “Open your eyes my love, it’s my turn.” As Clark opens his eye, he beholds a sight he would not except to see. It was a nearly nude 22ish year old version of Lois. No, correction, she was a 22ish year old version of Lois with a super model body. Lois always had a firm good looking body, but never, even from pictures of her when she was 22, did she have a body and skin as prefect as she does right now. “So what do you think, Love? Surprised? You can close your mouth now hun.” Lois says as she spins around slowly for Clark. “Ah .. Ah .. Ah.. What happened?” ‘I don’t know. I went to bed in your arms yesterday after lunch and wake today in your arms like this.” “Wow.” “That’s not much of an answer to ‘What do you think?’, but I will take it that you like it none the less.” “Is there anything else? You know like power?” “Sorry to say, no. I’m stronger and heather then I ever was. Hell I’m stronger then most men I know, but nothing that would be in the super range. Considering what shape I was in yesterday at this time, I will take it!” “Give me a second Lois” Clark says as he as looks Lois over from head to toe. “Wow. The radiation that was attacking your cells all over your body yesterday is now healing it from the inside out.” “Well that’s nice and all, but like I said in the note, ‘I have a surprise and breakfasts waiting’ well you seen the surprise, now it’s time for breakfast” Lois says this as she puts whip cream across her chest and a cherry on top. “Breakfast is served Clark!” Clark never did mind taking orders from Lois, specially ones like this They ravished each others body from early dawn to late afternoon when finally the two naked loves fall asleep in each others arms. Lois was surprised when she woke up before Clark. This last trip in space must have taken more out of him then he thought. But the last 36 hours have been the best of my life. I have never felt this good. While Clark sleeps some more, I’m going to go for a swim. Lois dived into the water, but Clark was in range of the splash. He kicked up to his feet ready for a fight, but then realized where he is and relaxes. Scanning the water he noticed Lois in the middle of the lake. As he floats to the location that wife is swimming at, he lost control of his floating as he watches Lois floats out of the water to meet her husband 2 feet about the water line. As Clark regain control of his flight, he noticed she looks different yet again. Her body is more streamed line and well defined muscles all over her very sexy tan body. While a couple hours ago she had the looks of a world class super model, she now have the looks of a world class super model plus the body of an international fitness star. Clark thought “Only 2 other people had looks half as good as Lois does now. That would be Kara his late cousin and Sthir. Wait, Sthir looked good when they meet, but no where near as she did when I left her. Did I make her super as well? Either way Lois looks plus body beats anyone I have meet hands down.” Looking Lois up and down a couple times made he realizes that she was 6’6”, 3” talker then himself. Her chest was easily GG, but stood high and proud on her chest. At the sight of her erect nipples made a part of him stand up and take notice. Her whole body was in proportion with her height. With how her muscles dance under her skin while she is relax, gives her the look of a tiger about to attack her prey, which was not far off from the truth. Like most prey they did not know it. “Well I see at least one part of you likes the new and improved model. I always guessed you liked big chested muscular strong women. I’m assuming that’s why you always gave Diana sideway looks. While compared to my incredibly powerful voluptuous body now, Diana is a 3rd string water girl.” Trying to find out how these changes happen to his wife, Clark tries to scanner Lois, but got nothing. Even on Dooms Day, I was able to detect a heart beat with my hearing and organs with my vision, but Lois I can detect nothing. It’s as if her skin is too dense for my senses to pass by. “Clark, stop scanning me with your eyes or I will make you stop!” With a quick flash of Lois eyes, Clark trunks are gone. “Yes, I can feel when you are trying to scan me.” Clark stops his scan of his wife as she requested. Clark opened his mouth to say something, but then Lois had disappeared. Before Clark can fully understand that his wife was gone, he felt pleasure like he never felt before coming from all over his body as once. There was someone sensual nibbling on his ear lobe, while there was a hand wrapped around his left side messaging his chest, plus another hand was giving him the best hand job he ever got, even better then Kara hand jobs. Then he noticed a leg wrapped around from behind his leg. Finally he noticed two very firm round objects with a point each slightly digging into his back Clark tries to turn to around to return the pleasure she is giving him, but as hard as he tired he found that the lightest sexual touch of her was too much for him. Clark could not say a word all he could do enjoy and look down at the hand on his chest. Lois had the ring on the Sthir gave him. Doing a quick scan of the ring showed him the cause of everything that has happen. It was Kryptonite. The ring was made of a version that we never ran across before, Black Kryptonite. The Black Kryptonite did not do this to Sthir. It must have been the mix of the radiation plus the Black Kryptonite must have made Lois mo….. A thought in Clarks head in Lois voice cuts his thought off in the process “Lois Lane-Kent is now died; Kar-El. If you want to move, then let’s move to back to the bench so you can meet your wife Los-El or would you care to explain who Sthir is?” Then everything went black to Kar-El. That night Kar-El dreamed was more then he could have wish his life could have been. Los-EL, Kar-El and Sthir was moving sweet tender love under the full moon. When Kar-El wake the next morning, he cursed himself that last night was just a dream. A dream that he would have to remember. “Your right Kar-El, you will have to remember that dream.” Kar-El head snapped to look at Los-El. Oh yes she can now read my mind. “Last night was wonderful my love?” Los-El asked to her lover. Before Kar-El answer, A voice replied “Yes it was Los-El my love.” Kar-El snapped his head to the other side of him where the voice come from. “STHIR” “Correction. As Lois is dead, Sthir is also died” Los-El replied. “I would you like to you introducted Tir-El. I knocked you out and returned with Tir-El in a minute later.” Kar-El just lied there with his mouth wide open as he watched Tir-El float over to Los-El and passinatly kiss her. After they ended the kiss the ladies turned to address Kar-El. “As I said earlier, you will have to remember what you called a dream, for the next 6 months.” “For punishment on not telling us about each other, you will not touch or be touched by each one of us.” Tir-El said. “Also you will be made to watch us, but never will be able to release the pressure that will surly be build.” Los-El said. “If you try to release the pressure yourself, you will be punished.” Tir-El explained. “Also as you know, but most likely forget in your ‘dream’ last night, Tir-El is much stronger then you. For the same reason the Kara was stronger. Her body developed without super powers.” Los-El said. “Then there was also last night with you and this black ring on my hand.” Tir-El told Kar-El. Tir-El started to flex he body. “It is true her body is not as good as mine, but it beat Kara hand down. Your right about the radiation that helped my ‘enchament’.” Los-El reached for Tir-El and pulled her close to her and made started to make love to her. “One more thing, Kar-El my ‘God’ you better not shoot your load. If you do you will not like happens next.” Kar-El heard in his heard. “Yes I can also read your mind, how do you think I learned English in one night.” Kar-El watched as the 2 lovlyish women he have ever know have sex. “This will be a very long 6 months.” Kar-El thought. “You better believe it. HEHEHE” Kar-El heard both of the ladies in his life say the same thing at once in his head. The next thing Kar-El knows was Los-El was riding him deep and hard on the beach. With the pleasure Los-El was giving him right now and taking from him, he barely noticed as the last rays of the sun over the horizon and the waves, which are being created from the shockwave of their love make, crashing on the most powerful being to live. His wife.