Yelena The carnival was in town. I'd always been fascinated by it and made plans to attend. The various sideshows especially interested me, you never knew what to expect. I arrived that evening and quickly surveyed the site. One tent caught my eye, the barker called out, "Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, a show like no other awaits you inside! The fabulous Yelena is performing for you on stage! She will astound you with her beauty, her skills, and her strength! Come one, come all!" I paid the admission fee and stepped into the tent. It was small, wtih a raised platform on one end and seating for maybe thirty spectators. I took a seat among the crowd of maybe ten others. The lights had been on but soon dimmed; it was time for the show to begin. The stage was bathed in a bright light. Then she appeared, a vision in an old-fashioned fancy dress like you see in Western movies. She seemed quite tall and well-built, but it was hard to tell in that dress. She had long wavy black hair and piercing black eyes, mesmerizing almost. I was expecting her to begin stripping, but instead she walked over to a guy in the front row and asked him, "Hey handsome, what would you like from me tonight?" "You know what I want," he replied as he unzipped his jeans. "Let's see it then." She reached for his organ and grabbed it in her hand. She quickly placed her mouth over it and began sucking. It was amazing! I could hear her sounds from my seat twenty feet away! The crowd sat stunned, but only for a few moments. Then they erupted with cheers and catcalls, urging her on. They needn't have bothered, as the guy quickly shot his load with a loud groan. She stood up and licked her lips. Not a drop was spilled. She then went to the next closest guy. He wanted and received the same treatment as the first. The third was different, she bared her breasts and allowed him to suckle before returning the favor to him. As she went from man to man, the remaining crowd got wilder and wilder. I had never seen anything like it before! One guy couldn't wait his turn and ran to her. But when he grabbed and tore her dress, she flicked her arm and seemingly without effort, sent the man sailing thirty feet through the air. He landed on the metal folding chairs so hard that the chairs bent and broke beneath him! He lay there unmoving, but the others could care less, they were more obnoxious than ever. The others began flocking towards her, but I kept my seat. Soon there was quite a bit of space between them and me. That was fine with me, they were acting like pigs, and I was not going to sink to their level. From my vantage point, I also began to notice several unusual things. None of the men she had serviced were moving or showing any signs of life whatsoever. Maybe she had just drained them extra well. Also, she seemed to be getting taller and larger. Maybe she was just getting nearer to me, or maybe I had underestimated her size when she first came on stage. I blinked and squinted, but I was sure that her dress was getting tighter on her. Then it happened She was just finishing up the guy nearest me. When she stood up, her dress ripped apart! The tear started at her bosom, but her sleeves also tore at her biceps. Then the shoulders split open! As she walked towards me, I was certain that she was getting taller and larger with each step! She stood directly in front of me and looked down into my face. She was huge! And her eyes! They were pitch black, and yet they were blazing! They seemed to be piercing right through me! "Well? What would you like?" Her voice was soft but yet it was also authoritative and commanding. "You've given to the crowd," I said. "I would like to give to you, whatever you want." "What?" The commanding tone was gone, and her eyes were no longer blazing. "What is it that YOU want?" I asked. "You're such a giving person, what would you like to receive?" " mean you don't want anything from me?" "Just your happiness." Tears welled up in her eyes. She gave me the most beautiful smile I had ever seen, then sat down beside me and wrapped her arm around me, hugging me to her and kissing me on the cheek. "Come with me," she whispered in my ear. Arising, she took me by the hand and bodily lifted me up from the seat. I offered no resistance; it would have been futile anyway, she dwarfed me! As we walked together down to the stage, I noticed that all the men in the audience looked much older than I had thought and also much smaller. We went up onto the stage, across it, and out the door in back. She led me to a trailer, opened the door, and motioned for me to enter. The trailer was very sparsely furnished, with just a sofa and coffee table, and a large bed in the corner. She motioned to the sofa and I took a seat. Sitting down beside me, she asked again, "What do you want from me?" "Like I said, just your happiness." "But we're here in my trailer now. No one will see or hear us. You can tell me, what do you want from me?" "I've told you already. What would make you happy?" She looked confused but broke into a smile. "No one's ever said that to me." "Well, now they have," I said as I kissed her hand. "I...I'm sorry, this isn't going to work." "What do you mean?" "I'm a succubus," she replied. "When someone wants something from me, I reverse it and take from them. But you..." "A succubus?! That's just a myth!" "No, it's true. I've been one since birth, but my powers are still growing." "All those guys back there, you caused them to age?" "It's a side effect of draining them. Their power and life force goes into me. That's one reason I'm with the travelling carnival, so I can always find more young strong men." "So you are getting bigger?" "Yes, with each man I get larger. And much stronger." I was getting excited now! "Just how strong are you?" "I'll show you," she said as she got up. "Come with me." I followed her out of her trailer and to a large cage holding elephants. I watched as she opened the door and entered. "Now watch this!" She shouted, as she easily lifted one of the elephants off the ground and raised it over her head by its front paws. This was a performing animal: as she held it, it stood up and balanced itself. Next, the animal raised up one front leg, now she was holding it up with just one hand! The show wasn't over, I watched in awe as she easily flipped the elephant, which somersaulted in the air before landing on its feet. "Bravo! Bravo!" I clapped in appreciation. "That was fantastic!" "Thank you," she said as she took a bow. "I've worked with this elephant before, I think he likes being picked up." "You should do a show like that in the main ring." "You're the only one to think like that. Everyone else is horrified at the thought, they think it would drive all the customers away." "Who knows? It's for certain they've never seen anything like it before!" "That's for sure!" she laughed. She left the cage and joined me. We wallked back to her trailer together. "I really enjoy being with you," I said as I rested my head on her shoulder. "I like it too," she agreed, as she leaned down and kissed my forehead. We talked into the night, but then she gave me the news that the carnival would be leaving town the next day. The two of us decided it would be better for me not to spend the night with her, as neither of us knew what might happen. When we parted, I knew I would never see her again.