Superwoman for Christmas By Lark6019 This story published with the gracious consent of Jeremy Wilson. I saw the contest on the Xtreme Strength website, and decided to enter it even though I have no luck at all. It certainly seemed interesting: to have an Xtreme Strength woman come to your house for a day. I had thought that the woman would be Caroline Everson, since Paul Smith was running the contest. The e-mail from Paul was a real surprise; I had won the contest! Arrangements were made, and the woman was to arrive on Christmas Eve. ********************************************************** Dec 24 was cold and clear; the snowfall of the previous day had finally stopped. I still wasn’t sure about the contest; I mean, the stories on the website were all fictitious, so wouldn’t the contest also be fictitious? After all, where could Paul find a woman with xtreme strength? I was pondering this over coffee when the doorbell rang. I opened the door to reveal quite a sight: a woman only 4’9” tall, with short blonde hair, dressed only in shorts and a small top that left her belly exposed. Her proportions were odd: her chest was enormous, but it was all muscle, with no breasts. She seemed wider than she was tall! Her legs were like tree trunks, but her feet were delicate and feminine. Her arms were the same way; massive upper arms, with biceps enormous even at rest, Popeye-like lower arms, but small fingers and hands. Her exposed belly was solid muscle, not a six-pack, but more like a whole case. “Hi, I’m Shelly,” she said in a feminine voice totally inconsistent with her size. “Did Paul Smith send you?” I asked. “Yes he did. I take it I’m at the right house then?” “Yes indeed. I’m just surprised, I was expecting Caroline Everson. You seem to be one of Jeremy Wilson’s characters. Please come in.” “Caroline wanted to spend the holidays with Paul. You’re correct, Jeremy Wilson thought of me, but he hasn’t put me in a story yet,” Shelly said as she entered the house. Her shoulders were so wide she had to walk sideways through the door. “Can I get you something? You must be cold, just wearing those clothes.” “No thank you, I’m quite comfortable. Temperature doesn’t affect me. What would you like me to do?” To tell the truth, I hadn’t really thought much about it, since I was sure the contest was fake. “Tell you what, there’s a dead tree on my lot that’s still standing. Let’s go outside and I’ll point it out to you.” Shelly followed me out of the house. “That’s it over there,” I said, pointing to the tree. It was a large one, nearly 50 ft tall, with a diameter of nearly 3 ft. “What do you want me to do with it?” she asked. “Shear it off near the bottom, then carry it out of the woods vertically. Then you can lay it down in the yard and break it into smaller pieces that will fit into my wood stove.” “Sure, I can do that,” she agreed as she walked up to the tree. She stood beside it, then she gave it a swift kick, her foot easily penetrating the trunk. Splinters and dust flew in all directions as the tree was cleanly sheared. She then drove her hand into the side of the trunk and lifted up. She was raising the entire tree with just one hand! She then walked into the yard and laid the tree on the ground. She began snapping off sections of the trunk with her hands. “Can you break off the trunk between your legs?” I asked. “I’ll try,” she said as she got into position. She spread her legs wide open, but her legs were so short and so large that the trunk wouldn’t fit. When she tried to place the trunk in position, her feet started cutting into it. “Sorry.” “That’s all right, just do it any way you like.” She resumed snapping the trunk with her hands. She then drove her fingers into the trunk sections and pulled her arms apart, splitting the wood into smaller pieces. “Where do you want these put?” “Just put them in the garage. I’ll burn them later as needed. Then join me in the house.” She came in moments later. “I made some hot chocolate for you,” I said as I handed her a cup. “I think it’s quite nice to have a cup after being outside in this weather.” “Yummy, it’s delicious!” she exclaimed as she looked around. “This house is a mess. And where are your Christmas decorations?” “I’m single and alone. No one visits. So why bother?” “But it’s Christmas!” She quickly went outside and soon returned with a cedar tree in her hand. “This will be your Christmas tree,” she stated as she put it in a bucket of water. Then she picked up a lump of coal from the pile near the stove and wrapped her hands around it. She pressed her hands together. I heard the coal lump cracking and breaking, and some dust fell from between her hands. But instead of parting her hands, she instead began pressing them together much harder. I could see that see was starting to strain, her arm muscles were bulging obscenely and the veins were really standing out. Sweat started coming from her brow and running down her face. It didn’t make sense, but I could swear that her hands started glowing! Then she opened her hands, and there in her palms, instead of coal dust, were diamonds! She tossed the diamonds at the tree, embedding them in the branches and making the tree sparkle in the light! “There, isn’t that much better?” she asked. “It’s beautiful, thank you so much!” I exclaimed. We both looked at the tree for a bit. I also looked at her, her face was actually quite beautiful. But then she seemed to lose her balance, and began to fall to the floor. I reached out to grab her, but then she started to fade away. “What’s wrong?” “Jeremy is starting to write a story with me in it,” she explained. “He’s putting me in a different location, where I’ll soon appear. Goodbye for now.” “Goodbye,” I replied as she faded completely away. “See you in the story.”