Ivory Iron Chapter 5 Frank arrived at the cabin and went inside. He needed a drink, needed it bad! He opened the bottle of Scotch and poured a glass. It tasted like another, and another after that, and another after that. By the end of the bottle, he began considering the day’s events. Mandi was real enough; after all, she had gotten the Jeep out of the ditch. He realized that, although he didn’t think about it at the time, she couldn’t have just rebalanced the Jeep. No, if that were all that she had done, then he wouldn’t have been able to drive out of the ditch; she couldn’t have maintained her position. But what had she done? ******************************************************** Bored Walk part 2 By Joel Clive stopped the car and called out to the girl, “Hey! Need a lift?” She looked up, staring at him for a minute before slowly walking over to the car. “Where are you going?” She asked. “All the way, I hope,” he leered. She leaned down, giving him a perfect view of her huge tits in the window of the door. She took a deep breath, causing her chest to expand and her tits to move along with it. Before, she had filled the window completely, but now, Clive heard and saw the metal door frame buckle and bend! She stepped back, ripping the door off. It was quite a sight, the door was still stuck to her chest! She pulled the door off her tits and cast it aside. Then she leaned over again. “I’ve heard about guys like you,” she said, “who pick up girls by the side of the road and have their way with them. Do you think I’m that kind of girl?” “No, of course not. And I’m not that kind of guy, I’m married.” That seemed to annoy her. “What? Don’t you think I’m attractive?” “Yes indeed. It’s just that I don’t cheat on my wife.” “Get out of the car and fuck me now!” She demanded. “No!” Clive yelled as he hit the gas. “Fuck you!” She screamed as she drove her fist into the hood of the car. It immediately buckled and the engine block broke in two, sending a cloud of smoke and steam into the air. Then she reached into the car, tore Clive’s seat belt in two, and dragged him out. ********************************************************** “God, that’s disgusting!” Frank thought. “What a psycho bitch! Why are the women in my stories so awful?” He mulled it over for a bit, then thought, “Maybe it’s not the women. Maybe it’s Joel. Yes, that’s it! I’ll use another name, maybe Jared. Let’s see what his women are like.” *********************************************************** Bored Walk part 2a By Jared Clive stopped the car and called out to the girl, “Hey! Need a lift?” “No, but I could use some fun. Why don’t we race?” “What!?! But I’m in a car and you are on foot!” “So? Your car doesn’t look that fast. Are you afraid you will lose?” “Is this girl nuts or what?” Clive thought as he replied, “Ready when you are!” “Go!” She shouted as she began running. Clive started the car. He had decided to just drive slowly so she could keep up with him, but she had put on a burst of speed and was rapidly pulling away. Clive shifted gears and gave the car more gas. The girl looked back over her shoulder as she yelled, “Slowpoke!” “This girl is fast!” Clive thought as he again shifted gears and put the petal to the metal. He was in shock as he looked at the speedometer: He was going 40 mph and she was still pulling away! How was this possible? Clive shifted again and gunned it. Finally, he was catching up with her. Of course, he was now going 70 mph! Clive pulled up alongside her. They were now neck-and-neck; she was looking at him through the window on the passenger-side door. “How can you run this fast?” Clive asked. “This fast?” She replied, not at all out of breath. “This isn’t fast at all!” And she proved it by putting on a burst of speed, leaving him as if the car were standing still! Clive had the petal to the metal now, in top gear. Still, the car struggled to catch up to her. But finally, they were again neck-and-neck. She again looked over at him and smiled. “Is this as fast as you can go?” “Yes, that’s it,” Clive responded. This isn’t a high-powered car.” “Well that’s not good enough. I want to go faster!” She said as she put her arm through the window and began running faster. But now, she was pulling the car along with her! Clive was astounded, and watched as the speedometer rapidly rose. But this was a twisting road, and a curve was fast approaching. Clive took his foot off the gas and began applying the brake. But the brake was having no effect, so he mashed the brake petal with all his might. The tires began smoking as they locked up, but still the speed was increasing! How could this be, she was overcoming the brakes, pulling the car along with all four tires skidding! “Let go!” Clive screamed. “I’ll never make it around that curve!” She just smiled, and with a flick of her wrist, sent the car airborne! It sailed over the ditch and over a fence, landing in the field half a mile away. Clive was shaken but unharmed. The girl seemed to just appear at the window again. Maybe she had jumped with the car, but then Clive realized that she was now on his side of the car. She reached out and tore the door off, then reached in and ripped his seat belt in two. She picked him up by the belt, then tossed him onto the ground, where the two of them made wild passionate love. ******************************************************* “That’s better,” Frank thought, “but she still destroys the car. That’s not good enough.” He would have tried again, but the bottle of Scotch was having its effect, and he passed out.