Ivory Iron Chapter 4 Frank was driving his friend’s Jeep down the road. It was a two-lane, narrow, and twisting road, but at least it was paved. It was also deserted, at least until he spotted her. ******************************************************** Bored Walk By Joel She was walking along the deserted road, obviously bored, when Clive drove by. Obviously bored, because she was kicking gravel with her toes as she walked, barefoot. She was a beauty for sure, with long blond hair, and dressed to show off her curves: hot pants-type Daisy Dukes, showing off her legs; and a blouse tied in front showing off immense cleavage. Clive slowed to a crawl to get a better view. As she continued walking, Clive had to marvel at her. The temperature was over 100°F, and the concrete pavement had to be much hotter than that. Yet, she was walking barefoot, and was quite comfortable. Then he noticed the gravel; it wasn’t gravel that she was kicking, but rather chunks of pavement that her toes were digging up! What was going on here? Perhaps he would stop to give her a ride. ******************************************************* Frank blinked and looked again. There was no girl there! HONK!!! Frank snapped his head around and looked out of the windshield, to see a large truck heading straight for him! He immediately steered towards the edge of the road, but cut the wheel too sharply. Before he could correct, the Jeep went into the drainage ditch by the side of the road and abruptly stopped. In the meantime, the truck he had barely avoided, continued barreling down the road. Frank tried to drive out of the ditch to no avail. “Oh well,” he thought, “this Jeep is 4-wheel drive. I’ll just engage it, then drive out.” But even in low-range and with hubs locked, the vehicle would not move. “I must be high-centered. So I’m balanced here, with the two tires off the pavement, and the two tires on the other side off the ground in the ditch also. There’s no way I can drive out of here, I’ll have to get help.” Frank started to get out of the Jeep to go for help when he heard a voice. “Hey! Are you all right?” He turned to look into the face of a girl with long blond hair, wearing a blouse tied in the front, showing immense cleavage. He blinked and looked again, she was still there. Considering what had just happened, he had to be sure she was real before replying, “Yes, I’m all right, but I’m stuck here.” “Well, you’re all right, that’s the main thing,” she replied. “You’re lucky. With the way Bart drives, it’s a wonder no one has gotten killed.” “What do you mean? Who’s Bart?” “He drives the propane delivery truck out here. He’s always drunk, and he always drinks behind the wheel. It’s a wonder he can keep the truck on the road at all.” “I don’t understand. If he’s a drunkard, how can he drive a truck?” “No one else wants the job. Look at the road, how narrow and twisting it is! And to drive a propane truck on it? A moving bomb? No wonder he drinks!” “I’m sorry, excuse me. I’m Frank.” “Hi, I’m Mandi.” “Do you know where I can get assistance to get out of this ditch?” “Hmm, looks like you are high-centered. I’ll just lift up the Jeep on this side, that will bring the tires on the other side down to the pavement and you can just drive out.” “How can you lift a Jeep?” “I don’t have to lift it, silly. I just need to change the balance point. Like this,” she continued as she leaned against the vehicle. Frank felt the Jeep move down on his side. He shifted into gear and the Jeep began to move. He turned the wheel and drove onto the pavement. “Thank you. Can I give you a lift anywhere?” “No thanks, I’d rather walk,” she replied as she headed away. “Wait! Where are you going? There’s nothing out here!” “I live in a house just beyond that hill,” Mandi said as she pointed. “Technically, you’re on our land.” “I guess that makes us neighbors then,” Frank replied. “I’ll be staying in the Holbrooke cabin nearby.” “Well, if you need anything, just let me know,” Mandi said as she continued to walk away. Frank watched her go, her ass swaying in the Daisy Dukes she was wearing. Daisy Dukes? And she was barefoot. Barefoot? Had he seen her earlier? Or had he just imagined seeing her? “Time for a drink,” Frank thought as he drove away.