Chapter 2 Frank was riding on the train, Amtrak’s “Southwest Chief,” when the conductor came through to check tickets. She was a short, stocky woman, not pretty, but not bad looking either. He leaned back in his seat as the train’s speed slowed as it began encountering grades. It would be slow going through Raton Pass, the highest point on the railroad. As the train rounded a sharp curve, he could easily see the two locomotives on the point. He closed his eyes as he began thinking. ************************************************************** Home for Graduation By Joel Annie was a big woman, not tall, just big, Tom noted as she took his ticket. He was aboard the “Southwest Chief,” heading for northern New Mexico. The train began slowing as it encountered the steep grades of Raton Pass. From his seat, Tom could see the two locomotives on the point, belching diesel smoke as they struggled to maintain speed. Suddenly, there was an explosion inside the lead unit, followed by an immense cloud of smoke coming from the engine compartment. The train quickly came to a halt. Annie soon appeared, running through his car as she shouted into her hand-held radio. “Damn it, my daughter is graduating from High School today, and I’m not going to miss it!” Tom soon saw her outside the train, standing beside the lead locomotive, talking to the engineer and fireman. He watched as Annie opened a service door on the unit and retrieved a large logging chain. She attached the chain to the front coupler on the locomotive. She then wrapped the other end of the chain around her waist. Tom was fascinated. What was she doing? He soon found out, as Annie dug her heels into the ballast and began towing the train! And not just towing it, either; the train began picking up speed as she began running. Soon, the train was moving faster than it had before, the scenery was zipping by! They were now ahead of schedule! **************************************************************** Bah! Frank thought, that would never work. She could never get enough traction on the ballast. She would have to brace against the ties, and they would crack and break with the strain. And once the ties broke, the rails would separate and the train would derail. Not only that, but if she pulled the train faster than the speed limit, it would never make it around the sharp curves on the line. Another thought entered his mind. What kind of conductor would endanger their train and its passengers just so she could be home on time? Why were his super women always so unthinking, so cruel? Oh well, he thought, maybe I’ll have better luck after I’m settled into the cabin.