Chapter 26

Two other aliens entered the room. "xzzx."

"These others will accompany grandfather. They never go to the surface alone."

"What are they wearing?" Caroline asked. "It looks like a child's pajamas, with those attached shoes!"

"Those are the anti-gravity suits." Sharon said as her grandfather and the other also donned one. "xzzx."


"I asked how the suits work. Grandfather says the suit generates an anti-gravity field within it and about 6 inches outside it. The field is automatically controlled to give a weight on each foot of the equivalent of 25 lb, and turns on when the weight on each foot exceeds 50 lb."

"Why do you care?" Caroline asked. "We won't be using them!"

"Actually we will," Sharon replied. "I asked for an extra one to use to protect the tape recorder."


"xzzx," Sharon replied. "They're ready to go. I told them that rather than leaving by their normal entrance, that we would leave through the hole we made in their hull when we entered. That way, we can more easily find the capsule."

The group of eight left the apartment and went into the park area. Spotting the hole in the ceiling, Sharon walked over underneath it. "xzzx."

Sharon reached down and picked up her grandfather in her arms. "You each carry one alien," she said. "See you up top."

With that, Sharon jumped into the air. She had judged correctly, and landed easily on the planet's surface. She gently placed her grandfather on the ground.

"xzzx," he said.

"xzzx." "I know, granddad, but I can't help it. Clothes just don't hold up to these conditions!"

The other three women soon joined Sharon on the surface.

"Caroline, can you fix that hole?" Sharon asked.


Sharon watched in fascination as Caroline first bent the heavy metal back into position. Then she ran her fingers over the gap from the tear. Faster and faster her fingers went, until they were mere blurs! The metal began glowing, brighter and brighter, until it started to melt from the heat of friction. Caroline then stopped her motion, and gently blew on the metal to cool it, forming a perfect weld!

Sarah and Caroline then filled in the hole with the dirt they had dug up earlier.

The group began walking towards the mountain range in the distance. The aliens walked easily, leaving no footprints. The women also walked easily, but they sank up to their ankles in the dirt.

As they walked, Sarah asked, "Your grandfather said earlier that our God and their God were related, but how about the grays? Do they have a God and is he related to our Gods?"

"xzzx," Sharon asked.


"He says that yes, the grays have a God and He is related to our Gods.

"He senses from your question that you are wondering how it is that the grays look different from us. There are two reasons. The first reason is related to what we see on Earth. A Scot looks different from an Asian, but yet both are descended from Adam. What that means is that we can have a general feel for what God looks like, with two arms, two legs, a neck and a head; but we don't know any particulars, such as eye color. The grays fall within these general parameters.

"He also says that when God creates an animal or plant, that He creates what is basically a prototype with DNA that is not 'set'. For about the first 10-20 generations, this DNA can change rapidly, but afterwards, seldom changes at all. He says this is an easy way to create, that the basic animals are created and allowed to evolve to an ideal condition. God can keep the big picture, without being bogged down in details.

"The grays come from a very old race. Although after setting, DNA rarely changes, nevertheless, given sufficient time, you will see changes, and that is what has happened to the grays. After eons of having others subjugated to them and performing their work, the grays have atrophied to an extent. They are descendents of a warrior race not know for intelligence, this characteristic has stayed with them. Although they are good at copying, they have great difficulty in coming up with anything new. But their warrior genes still make them a formidable foe."

"Ask him about the life on this planet," Caroline said. "About how it is too delicate."



"He says there is life on the planet because his people like life and enjoy seeing living things when they come to the surface. He agrees that there is not much variety, but that is the best their scientists have been able to do. They have modified DNA, but there is a limit to how much modification you can do and still have a living organism. Once you go beyond that limit, the spirit which causes life, withdraws from the body and death results. They're not sure why the spirit withdraws, but it seems the limit is so rigid that they can only surmise that the spirit must have some type of 'deal' with God to only inhabit a certain type of body."

"Well, we're on the mountain," Amazon Girl said. "Does anyone see the capsule?"

"There it is!" shouted Caroline, pointing the way.

The group quickly proceeded and soon the cable came into view, still lying on the ground.

"xzzx," Sharon said.

Her grandfather held open the spare anti-gravity suit as Sharon began filling the legs with dirt. He started to struggle with the weight, but then relaxed as the suit turned on. Seeing this, Sharon stopped moving dirt and tied the legs so the dirt remained in position.

"All right, here is the plan," Sharon said. "Caroline, take the cable in one hand and jump up to the capsule. Hand over hand the cable as you are rising, to pull yourself into the capsule. Once in the capsule, drop the cable back down to the ground. I will attach the suit to the cable and wave at you. Once you see me wave, pull the suit up to the capsule, place the tape recorder in the suit, and lower it back down to the ground. OK?"

"OK." Caroline did as instructed, and soon the suit with tape recorder was back on the ground. Sharon untied the suit and gave it to her grandfather.

"xzzx." "Just press this button to hear the message. If you want to hear it again, press this button and then the first button."


The two embaced. Tears filled both their eyes, but then Sharon regained composure.

"Sarah, you're next," Sharon said. "Grab the cable and jump, hand over hand it to pull yourself into the capsule. Once inside, press the button and let the cable drop back down to the ground."

"The button?"

"There's only one. It will cause the reactor to go to full power. The capsule should start to pull away from the planet, but it should be slow enough to give Amazon Girl and myself time to grab the cable."

Sarah did as instructed and soon the cable was back on the ground.

"Amazon Girl, you're next," Sharon said. "But wait until the cable leaves the ground. Then jump up and hand over hand the cable to pull yourself inside. Then release the cable."

Amazon Girl did as instructed. But the reactor was producing more power than Sharon had thought, the capsule was pulling away quickly. The cable, instead of falling to within a few feet of the surface, was now hundreds of feet above the surface!

"Oh my God!" thought Sharon. "Can I make it?"

Chapter 27

Sharon looked up at the end of the cable. "Here goes nothing!" she thought as she crouched down and jumped powerfully. But she didn't jump powerfully enough, she topped out dozens of feet too low!

Sharon fell back down to the surface, sinking up to her knees in the ground. She climbed out of the hole she had just made and tried again, this time exerting even more force. She jumped high enough, but her aim was off, and the cable was out of reach to her side. Once again, she fell back to the surface, this time embedding herself up to her thighs.

In the capsule, the three women observed Sharon's efforts with concern. "She needs help," Caroline said. "Let's all climb down the cable together, maybe that will stop the capsule from advancing."

"Good idea," Amazon Girl agreed. "She was always saying that the nearer we got to the surface, the greater our weight."

The three climbed out of the capsule and began going down the cable. Once at the bottom, Caroline waved to Sharon.

Sharon watched as the women left the capsule. At first she didn't understand what they were doing, but then it hit her. They were slowing the capsule for her! Sharon again jumped into the air with force.

As Sharon rose in the air, Caroline saw that again her aim was off, she would miss the cable. As she approached to the side, Caroline expelled a powerful gust of breath, causing the cable to swing like a pendulum!

Sarah saw Sharon approaching to the side. Then she felt the cable start to swing. Soon she was within arms length of Sharon, and grabbed her by the hand.

"Thanks," Sharon exclaimed. "I never could have made it without your help!"

"You're welcome," Sarah acknowledged.

"But now we need to climb back into the capsule," Sharon said. "The reactor will time out and shut down shortly."

All four quickly climbed the cable back up into the capsule, then closed the door.

"We need to get our stories straight," Sharon said. "We'll tell the truth about our clothes, that they could not withstand the gravitational field. We can say that we lost the sample containers. Then we can say that we are tired and need rest, that we can debrief later."

"Will we say anything else?" Amazon Girl asked.

"No, we'll say we need to sleep first. Since we've been here two days, the grays should believe us."

"What's our real plan?" asked Sarah.

"After we go to our stateroom, we'll sneak out and find the transponder. We'll place it on the capsule and push the capsule out of the ship. The gravity will cause it to crash on the heavy planet."

"How will we find the transponder?"

"Grandfather said that the aliens captured one of their ships decades ago and have been copying it ever since. This ship is one of their copies. He said that the transponder should be in the engine room, that it is a logical location since it sends information on the ship's power level and direction."

"How do we take over the ship?"

"I have an idea about that. But let's take care of the transponder first."

Suddenly, the women heard a metallic noise.

"What's that?" asked Sarah.

Chapter 28

There was another noise, then the door opened, revealing the hangar deck of the gray's ship. Sharon quickly hid the maps and photographs. "Gosh, what a smooth landing," exclaimed Sarah.

The women got out of the capsule and were greeted by a gray, "Glad to have you back, we were afraid that we had lost you down there! How was your trip? What did you learn? And why are you naked?"

"Our clothes fell apart under the extreme gravity," Sharon replied. "The field is so intense that neither you nor a brown would have a chance of surviving. Even for us, it was difficult and tiring. We could really use some sleep, we can talk later. For now, may we please go to our stateroom?"

"Certainly," the gray said. "We thought that it would be a difficult trip even for you." He then led the women to their stateroom.

Once inside, Amazon Girl checked for and removed all bugs.

"All right, ready to go after the transponder?" asked Sharon.

"Sure," replied Caroline. "Want me to rip the door off?"

"No, it's alarmed. We'll have to cut our way through."

"With pleasure," Caroline said. "But this time, I'll do it differently."

Caroline approached the door and stuck out her tongue. She began licking the metal, but instead of just moisturizing it, her tongue penetrated deep into the heavy metal, cutting cleanly all the way through! She made a complete revolution, until the metal center fell into the hallway.

"Is anyone staying behind, or are we all going?" Amazon Girl asked.

"We'll all go," replied Sharon. "That way, we should be able to locate it quicker."

"Then I suggest jamming the door closed. That way, if the grays come by to check on us, they won't be able to open the door and may just think that we are still sleeping."

"Good idea," Sharon said, as she reached down and mangled the door track, locking the door closed.

The four women then stepped into the hallway. Caroline sealed the metal center back on the door using her fingers to heat it to melting, then cooling it with her breath to complete the weld.

The women stealthily made their way into the engine room. Hiding behind a panel, they observed two grays and four browns on duty.

"What's the plan?" whispered Sarah.

"I'll handle the grays," Caroline said. "I know what they like."

Caroline arose and went toward the grays. But she didn't walk, rather she sash-shayed, swinging her hips and jiggling her huge tits. The grays saw her and stared as she approached.

"Like what you see, boys?" Caroline teased. "Want a taste?"

She took one gray's head in each hand and shoved them into her vast cleavage, completely engulfing them. She then placed her hands on the outside of her bosom and slowly pressed inwards, increasing the pressure on their skulls until the two grays fell to the floor unconcious.

In the meantime, Amazon Girl quickly tackled and disposed of the four browns.

"Coast is clear," Amazon Girl said.

The women began searching for the transponder. Quickly locating it, they then made their way to the hangar deck.

On the hangar deck, Sharon opened the door of the capsule and retrieved the maps and photographs. She then placed the transponder inside and closed the door. She then pushed the capsule off of the ship.

The women stood by the hangar door and watched as the capsule was drawn by gravity towards the heavy planet.

"All right So far, so good," Sharon said. "Now on to the next part of the plan."

Chapter 29

"All right, I'll bite," Sarah said. "What's next?"

"Now we take over the ship," Sharon replied.

"I assume you have a plan for that too?" Amazon Girl asked.

"Yes I do," Sharon replied. "There is a freight elevator that runs from this deck both up and down, and serves all levels of this ship. We'll disable it, tear off the doors on each level, and force open the exterior doors on this deck. That will expose the interior of the ship to the vacuum of space and suck all the aliens out of the ship."

"But that wil also suck out all of the air," Sarah pointed out. "How will we breathe?"

"Before forcing open the hangar deck doors, we'll each take in a deep breath. After the aliens have been sucked out, we'll close the doors and breathe out. That will provide some air. There is equipment on the shiip to produce air, it will continue to functioin and will soon restore internal pressure. It is designed to supply an entire crew, and there are only four of us."

"But there have to be sensors aboard to detect loss of pressure and close air-tight doors," Amazon Girl protested.

"Yes there are. We will disable the sensor on each level."

"How do we do that? Do we just rip it off?"

"No, the usual design is fail-safe; that if the sensor loses power or output, the circuit deactivates and causes the doors to close. "

Sharon looked about and soon spotted a sensor. "Here is one," she pointed. "We will get a piece of metal and bend it like so, to form an equivalent of a coffee can. Then we will place it over the sensor and squeeze it closed to make an air-tight seal, like this. Just don't squeeze too tightly or the sensor will be crushed."

"Where do we get the metal?"

"Use the elevator doors. Once you rip them off, tear off a piece."

"If the aliens are sucked out, the browns will be also," Sarah said. "Do we have to kill them? They don't seem to be bad types."

"I agree," Sharon replied. "Grandfather and I talked at length about this. The browns have been collaborators with the grays for millenia. They have been taking orders for so long that they would be lost without a master. It's like a faithful butler who works until death rather than taking retirement.

"Any more questiions? All right, since there are thirty levels, we'll split up. Amazon Girl and I will start up top, Sarah and Caroline will start at the bottom, and we'll meet back here when we are done."
The women gathered on lthe hangar deck.

"All right, is everyone done?" asked Sharon.

"All doors are off down below, and all sensors are covered," Caroline said. "What were you saying about the elevator? It is here on this level."

"Just destroy it. I don't want it blocking the shaft."

"With pleasure," Caroline said as she walked over to the elevator. Grasping the doors, she easly tore them from their mountings and cast them aside. Then she stomped her foot on the floor, buckling it in half. She ran her fingernails down the corner of the walls, easily shredding the metal. Reaching in, she grasped the plates and pulled them out. Finally, she reached into the elevator and sank her hands into the ceiling. She began pulling down, the ceiling giving way with a squeal of protest.

"Everyone take a deep breath," Sharon said. "Then Caroline, force open the hangar deck doors. Don't destroy them, you'll need to close them later."

It was quite a sight to see. Four already enormous chests swelling to truly incredible proportions as the women gulped down tremendous quantities of air. Caroline, especially, looked like an overfilled balloon about to burst!

Caroline walked over to the hangar doors. The doors slid on tracks. She forced her hands into the minuscule gap between the doors and easily moved her hands apart, forcing the doors open. The hydraulic system which operated the doors was placed under far more pressure than it was designed to handle, and soon hoses began to burst. Once her arms were fully extended to her sides, Caroline stood aside, as hurricane-force winds assaulted the area.

It didn't take long. Quickly, trash and loose items flew across the hangar deck and out the open doors. This was soon followed by grays and browns, their arms flailling, attempting in vain to grasp anything to hold themselves in the ship. As time passed and the procession of aliens continued, the women began to notice that the aliens were no longer struggling, having already died from the lack of breathable air. Many hundreds passed, their bodies literally exploding ouside the ship from the vacuum effects. Finally, it was over.

Sharon signalled to Caroline to close the doors. She did so quicker than the hydraulic system ever could. The women all let out their breaths.

Breathing was difficult in the thin air, but Sharon managed to take in enough air to speak. "All right. Now the ship is ours. Ready to go home?"

Chapter 30

"You bet I'm ready, I miss Paul so much," Caroline said with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"So what's the plan?" asked Amazon Girl. "And how do we know that there aren't any grays somewhere on board?"

"There may be a few left in various areas," Sharon said. "But it doesn't matter. We will take control from the engine room."

"And how do we do that?" Sarah asked.

"Come on, I'll show you. I discussed this with grandfather and the others."
The four women entered the engine room.

"All right," Sharon said, "this is the reactor and converter assembly. These four pipes carry hydraulic fluid to the control rods, which are used to regulate the power output of the reactor. Each control rod has a piston attached. When hydraulic fluid is applied to the top of the piston, and allowed to drain from its underside, the control rod moves into the reactor and power level drops. Conversely, when hydraulic fluid is applied to the underside of the piston and allowed to drain from the top, the control rod moves out of the reactor and power level rises.

"Two of these pipes are for normal reactor control. This item here is a four-port valve which is controlled to provide either control rod out movement or in movement. The other two pipes are for reactor scram, when rapid shutdown is required."

"I'm not sure I understood all you were saying," Caroline admitted. "But what do you want us to do?"

"The hydraulic system is controlled by the navigation computer in accordance with the codes entered from the bridge. But since I do not know those codes, we have to come up with a different method. Also, since we will not be changing the codes but we will be changing the ship's course, we need to override. The easiest way to do that is to crimp the hydraulic lines. So I need you to do that, crimp all four lines."

"Hold on!" Amazon Girl said. "If we crimp the lines, won't that cause reactor power to stay at whatever level it's at now? Don't we want full power?"

"Yes, you are correct," Sharon said. "Right now, based on what the grays told us, the ship is in orbit around the heavy planet as near to it as they dare. To me, that would indicate that the reactor should be near full power already. "

In spite of the fact that the hydraulic system operated under high pressure and therefore the piping was thick-walled, it yielded easily to the pressure generated by Caroline's hand. Soon all four pipes had been crimped.

"Now let's take a look at the dish," Sharon said.

"This is the dish, " Sharon pointed. "Energy from the reactor and converter channels here and is directed by the dish to a distant object; the resultant gravity force pulls the ship in that direction. So dish position affects the direction of the ship, this is the steering mechanism.

"The dish position is hydraulically controlled, the hydraulics get a signal from the navigation computer based on the codes entered from the bridge. Once again, I don't know those codes and therefore we must override.

"Looking at the hydraulics, however, there are so many lines and 4-port valves, that I think the easiest way to override is over here, at the hydraulic pumps. Each of these two pumps is driven by an electric motor. Let's disconnect the power line to the motors."

"Certainly," Caroline said as she reached for the wires.

"Hold on, Caroline!" Sharon cautioned. "Once the hydraulics are overridden, the dish will have to be kept in position by hand or moved by hand if required. Sarah, take hold of the dish and hold it in position. OK, now Caroline, now we're ready for you."

Caroline grasped the electric wire and snapped it in two, causing a shower of sparks.

"All right. Caroline and Sarah, I want you two to stay down here to control the dish. I'll be in contact with you on this phone over here. Keep the dish in position until I tell you otherwise.

"Amazon Girl, I want you to accompany me to the bridge. I'll need help navigating the ship. By the way, as you can see, we are in full control of the ship's movement right now. Even if there are grays aboard and they have an emergency control station somewhere, they can't do anything."
"Now that we're on the bridge, what do you want me to do?" Amazon Girl asked. "I've never controlled a space ship before!"

"Me neither," Sharon admitted. "Grandfather and the others made it sound easy, but now I'm not so sure."

"What did they tell you?"

"See these two stacks of photographs? The one stack here shows what we should see from here when we look out of the window."

"This one has something drawn on it."

"Yes, if they didn't have an exact duplicate of the view, they modified a similar one. Since all the planets move at different speeds and are in different locations dependent on the time of year, they didn't have exact views."

"What are these arrows for?"

"There are two types of arrows. This type shows in what direction we want to go. This other type shows where we should have gravity lock."

"And the numbers beside the arrows?"

"That is dish position to give the proper gravity lock. I'll have to experiment to see if we can use them, but we need to get out of orbit first."

"How do we do that?"

"This photograph is the first view. We'll just wait until we see it, until then we'll do nothing and simply stay in orbit."

"You said there were two stacks of photographs?"

"Yes, I had them make up these others just in case. These show the view we will see if we miss a turn, so to speak, and get off course. Once we get out of orbit, it will be your job to keep an eye out and let me know if you see any of these views.

"But while we are orbitting, you can sit back and relax."

"Yeah, it'll be a long trip. Nine hours, right?"

"It took nine hours to get here, right. But that was with exerienced navigators and optimized course and gravity lock locations. For us, who knows? Of course, who knows how long we'll have to stay in orbit until the view matches the first photograph?"

Chapter 31

After an hour, Amazon Girl spoke, "Hey, something's wrong here! This view hasn't changed at all!"

"Maybe we need to wait longer?" Sharon shrugged.

"What was it you were talking about earlier on the planet? Something about the capsule in heliocentric orbit?"


"Right. Didn't you say that was a function of the engine? Doesn't this ship use the same type engine?"

"Yes it does. Oh my God! You're right, we're in heliosynchronous orbit too, that's why the view isn't changing!"

"How do we get out of orbit?"

"We need to find out what we are gravity locked on first, then find something else to use instead."

"But if we shift the dish, we'll lose gravity lock while it is being repositioned. Won't the gravity of the heavy planet draw us in?"

"Yes, thats one problem. The other problem, of course, is that I don't know where to go once we have left orbit. God, I've really screwed up this time," Sharon sobbed.

"Calm down," Amazon Girl consoled. "We'll figure this out together."

Sharon regained composure after a bit and started looking around. She slapped her head as she spotted it.

"How can I be so stupid?!"

"What is it?" Amazon Girl asked.

"See this phone? It's the one we use to contact Caroline in the engine room."


"Well, this other phone is also labelled engine room."

"So they have two phones..."

"Because they have two engine rooms!"

"So where is this other engine room?"

"I don't know."

"How do we find it? Is there a map of the ship?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen any map."

After a moment to think, Sharon asked, "How superhuman is Caroline's hearing?'

"I don't know. Why don't we call her and ask?"

Sharon picked up the phone.

"Are you there? Caroline here."

"Caroline, how good is your hearing?"

"Like every thing else about me, it's super."

Sharon picked up the other phone.

"Can you hear another phone ringing?"

"Yes I can, in the distance."

"Great! Can you find the phone?"

"I'll try."

"Good. When you find it, pick it up."


"Now we're getting somewhere," Sharon said to Amazon Girl. "There should be another dish in the other engine room. We should be able to move one dish to a different position while holding ship's positon with the other dish."

"See? You just need to believe in yourself. No one else could have read the inscription on the phone, and no one else could have figured it out anywhere near as quickly as you. You are one smart cookie!"

"Smart? I don't know about that. Lucky may be more like it."

"I don't think luck has much to do with it. And even if it does, I believe you make your own luck."

"Thatnks for the vote of confidence. I'll try to earn it."

"You've already earned it."

Chapter 32

The engine room phone rang on the bridge. Amazon Girl answered. Sharon could see she liked what she heard as she nodded in agreement.

"What was that about?" Sharon asked as Amazon Girl hung up the phone.

"Caroline suggested that we join her as she searches for the other phone. Since we're not moving from the orbit that we're in, I agreed. Come on, it'll be fun!"

"I don't know what the fun is."

"You'll see," Amazon Girl replied as she grabbed Sharon's hand.
Amazon Girl and Sharon met Caroline in the engine room.

"The phone ringing sound is coming from that direction," Caroline pointed.

"I don't hear a thing," Sharon said.

"Me neither," Amazon Girl agreed.

"Well, I hear it," Caroline stated. "I've found that the best way to track the source of a sound is by going in a straight line."

And with that, Caroline walked over to the engine room wall. Sharon watched in awe as Caroline's nipples contacted the solid metal and easily punched their way through! The metal tore like cheap paper as her breasts enlarged the hole, before the rest of her body broke through to the other side. "Follow me!"

Sharon crunched down to ensure she fit in the hole Caroline had made.

"No!" Amazon Girl chided. "Do it like this!"

Sharon watched as Amazon Girl held her arms straight out from her sides and walked through, her arms easily tearing the metal further. "Now you! But you must further decimate the wall."

Sharon thought for a moment, then approached the wall with her arms held at a 45-degree angle. As she walked through the wall, her arms further tore the metal. "How's that?"

"Now you're catching on," Amazon Girl smiled.

The women were now in a machine shop. Caroline licked her lips as she surveyed the equipment. "Oh this is going to be fun!" she exclaimed as she spotted her favorite. But a lathe was in the way. Not for long, however, as Caroline walked right through it. The heavy metal base first bent and then cracked in two, and the thick foundatiion bolts streched and then tore in half under the inexorable force of her advance!

"This is what I want," Caroline said as she looked at a heavy table saw. "Sharon, do you know how to turn it on?"

Sharon walked over and looked at the control panel. "Yes, this is the start button. This knob controls blade speed."

"Turn it on and bring it to full speed."

As the blade spun up, Carolline got on the table and positioned her pussy directly over the blade. Slowly she lowered herself until the blade made contact, causing a shower of sparks to erupt. As the blade penetrated deeper into her nether region, it turned cherry red (the blade, not her skin!). Suddenly, Caroline's pussy spasmed and gushed her juices. But it also clamped shut, causing the blade to screech to a stop. The drive motor overloaded under the strain and began smoking before totally seizing and tripping its circuit breaker.

"Oh yes," Caroline moaned, "that was great! But it didn't last long enough!"

"My turn now," Amazon Girl said as she walked over to a drill press.

Amazon girl climbed onto the press table and positioned herself with her back on the table and her pussy in the air, towards the drill bit. "Turn it on, Sharon, and bring it to full speed."

As the bit came up to speed, Sharon began lowering the bit. Soon it began to penetrate. "Oh yes," Amazon Girl implored. "Deeper!"

Sharon continued lowering the bit. "Wow!" Amazon Girl screamed. "That feels amazing, what is it?"

"The entire bit is in you, now you're feeling the chuck."

"Ohhh!" Amazon Girl's pussy gushed and then clenched, the bit turned bright red before shattering inside her!

Amazon Girl got up, pieces of bit falling out of her. "All right, Sharon, which one do you want?"

"You two are the real super women, not me."

"Nonsense!" Caroline exclaimed. "Tell you what, why don't you get on the hydraulic former and I'll guide you through? Just show me how to turn it on."

Sharon mounted the machine. "Place your pussy directly above the mandril," Caroline directed. Once she was in position, Caroline started the former. The die slowly lowered until it made contact.

"Open up! You want it to go inside you!" Caroline instructed. "Yes, that's better."

"That's great!" Sharon squealed.

"It gets much better," Caroline said. "Now, clench tight."

Caroline began to withdraw the die. Sharon's body began to lift off the table, suspended by the grip of her cunt on the die.

"No!" Caroline corrected, "You need to wrap your legs around the machine table so you are held down."

Caroline lowered the die until Sharon was back on the table. Sharon then wrapped her legs around the table. Seeing this, Caroline once again began to withdraw the die.

But now the die could not withdraw. Indeed, such was the pull of her pussy, that the metal shaft began to groan in agony as it began to stretch, longer and longer until it could stretch no more. Twang! It snapped in two under the strain!

The upper part of the shaft shot skyward. The lower part of the shaft tried to shoot downward, but was still held in place in the pussy. The effect on Sharon was immediate, as her juices gushed and gushed, flooding the machine table and cascading onto the floor!

"Good God! That was incredible!" she screamed.

"See? I told you this would be fun," Amazon Girl smiled.

"Yes indeed," Sharon agreed. "But we still need to find the other engine room."

"All right," Caroline said. "This way."

Caroline walked over to the opposite wall. "It's through here. Amazon Girl, why don't you show Sharon how you go through a wall?"

"Gladly." Amazon Girl approached the wall with her hands out in front of her. She brought her elbows back and then chopped her hands through the metal up to her wrists. Then she spread her hands apart, unfolding the metal as if it were a flower petal in bloom! Finally, she stepped through the opening.

"All right, Sharon, it's your turn now," Caroline encouraged.

Sharon walked up to the wall. "I think I'll make another hole," she said as she butted the wall with her head, plowing right through as though it were tissue paper. She then drove her feet through, and finally pulled her body into the wall and out the other side.

"That's good," Amazon Girl smiled. "You're catching on."

Caroline came through the wall and joined them. "This is the maintenance area I was in when we were building the capsule. That stack of metal is hull-grade. It will be good practice for Sharon."

"What do you want me to do with it?"

"Walk through it."

Sharon approached the stack of metal plates and placed her toe on the side. But when she pushed, the stack of metal slid across the floor.

"Since the plates are not fixed in position, you have to use a different method," Caroline instructed. "First, raise one foot, then bring it down hard on top of the stack, like you are stomping."

Sharon did as instructed. Her foot easily tore through the stack as if she were smushing fresh bread rather than hard metal.

"Now that your foot is holding the stack in place, you can walk right through it."

"Yes I can," Sharon giggled with pleasure. "But how do you know this?"

"That's experience for you. I've done this in the past. You know, it's too bad there isn't a school for this."

Chapter 33

"Hold on," Amazon Girl said. "Yes! I can hear the phone ringing now!"

"I still can't," Sharon pouted.

"Show me where you think it's coming from," Caroline said.

"This way," Amazon Girl pointed as she walked toward the wall.

"Right," Caroline agreed, as she took Amazon Girl by one hand and Sharon by the other. "Let's go through this wall together."

The three women walked through the wall side by side, tearing the solid metal to shreds. On the other side, they found themselves in another engineering space.

"Is this it?" asked Amazon Girl. "That's a reactor, isn't it?"

"Yes it is," Sharon agreed. "But there's no dish. And the converter looks different."

"And where's the phone?" Caroline pointed out. "The sound is coming through that wall on the other side of the room."

"Is this a third engine room then?" Amazon Girl asked.

"In a sense, yes," Sharon replied. "This is a hotel reactor."

"A hotel reactor?"

"Yes, it supplies electricity for lights, ventilation, and auxiliary uses. But it doesn't move the ship."

"Do you want to override it?" asked Caroline.

"No, leave it alone. And go around it, not through it!"

"Ah, you're taking the fun out," Caroline smiled.

As they approached the wall, Sharon stopped. "Hey, now I can hear the phone!"

"Your hearing is better than any man on Earth, then," Caroline said. "No ordinary human could hear that through this thick wall. See, you're super too!"

"But I feel like a wuss around you three!"

"Yes, but we're the only ones who should make you feel that way," Caroline pointed out.

"Let's be careful going through this wall," Sharon said. "If the engine room is on the other side, we don't want to risk damaging anything before we have the chance to override."

Caroline placed her head against the wall and listened. She slowly pressed her face into the wall, buckling the metal. Once her head was on the other side, then she stepped through the wall. The others followed.

This was the second engine room, just like the first. Caroline walked over to the ringing phone and took it of fthe hook.

"So, do we override this one the same way as the first one?" Caroline asked.

"Yes, but I want you on the dish first," Sharon commanded.

Once Caroline was in position, Amazon Girl completed the override.

"Caroline, keep holding the dish in position until I tell you to move it," Sharon instructed. "Amazon Girl and I will go back up to the bridge, we should be getting under way shortly."
"OK, explain it to me again," Amazon Girl said to Sharon on the bridge.

"Think about a playground. Consider the monkey bars, you know, that thing that looks like a ladder held horizontal above the ground. You grab one rung with one hand, and swing, then extend the other hand to grab the next rung."


"Well, this is like that. The ship is like your body. The gravity force is like your arms; we're using it, directed by the dishes, to lock on to the planets, which are like the rungs."

"Oh, so we keep one dish on one planet while we move the other dish to a new position?"

"Right. Just like on the monkey bars, if you let go with both arms, you fall."

"But on the monkey bars, you can grab a rung with both hands."

"If you do that, you will stay in one position. But here, if we train both dishes on a single planet, we should move towards it. And that is what I'll try, to get us out of orbit. Ready?"

"Go for it!"

Chapter 34

"But I'm still not ready," Sharon replied. "I don't know which dish to move."

"Why not? What's the problem?" Amazon Girl asked.

"The problem is that we need to establish a reference point for the dish position. That way, we can tell when the dishes are pointed in the same direction or are different."

"How do we do that?"

"We need to find a marker, then go back down to the engine rooms."

"You still aren't thinking like a super woman. Here's your marker!" Amazon Girl exclaimed as she held up her finger.
"What are you two doing back in here?" Sarah asked.

"Establishing dish position," Sharon explained. "This way, I can tell you in which direction and how far to move the dish."

"How do we proceed?" asked Amazon Girl.

Sharon stood to the side and stated, "For horizontal, let's call zero when the dish is pointing directly at the reactor. Then 90 degrees when rotated a quarter turn in either direction. If clockwise, we'll call positive, and if counterclockwise, we'll call negative."

Amazon Girl used her fingernail to scribe the metal floor. "So halfway clockwise is +45?"

"Right," Sharon replied. "And halfway counterclockwise is -45."

"Got it."

"Now for vertical, we'll call zero when the bottom and the top of the dish are equidistant from the wall, then 90 degrees when pointing straight up or down. If up, we'll call positive, and if down, we'll call negative."

"Got it," Amazon Girl said as she scribed the wall with her fingernail.

"All right, Sarah, now you can see that your dish is at horizontal -40 and vertical +20," Sharon said.

"Yes, I see that," Sarah agreed.

"If you need a break, just let us know," Sharon said. "Now we need to go to Caroline's dish."
Amazon Girl marked Caroline's dish in a similar manner.

"All right, Caroline, your dish is at horizontal +20 and vertical +20," Sarah said.

"Yes, I see that."

"We're going back up to the bridge now. Expect a new direction soon."
"All right," Sharon said. "Now I'm ready. Here goes nothing!"

"I'm keeping my fingers crossed," Amazon Girl confessed.

Sharon spoke into the phone, "Sarah, quickly bring your dish to horizontal +20, maintain vertical +20."

"I'm at horizontal +20 and vertical +20."

Sharon looked intently out of the viewing window. After a few moments, she exclaimed, "Yes! It's working! We're pulling away from the heavy planet towards this other one!"

"Bravo!" clapped Amazon Girl.

"Be careful, this is only the first of many steps."

"But it's a major one. You figured out how to get out of this orbit."

"But now we need to get into another one. We need to circle the heavy planet to find the first photographic view."

"How do we do that?"

"We need to find another planet to lock on to."

"How about that one?" Amazon Girl pointed.

"That should work. But let me try something first. Caroline, Sarah, I want both of you to move your dishes to zero horizontal and zero vertical."

"What's that about?" Amazon Gril asked.

"Since we have both dishes locked on the same planet, the pull must be enormous. I think we will keep the pull, and the ship will change orientation while continuing on course. Going to zero gives us full range of dish movement in any direction."

"My dish is at zero horizontal and zero vertical" Caroline reported.

"I'm at zero and zero," Sarah said.

The ship shifted in rotation and attitude. "Looks like you are right again," Amazon Girl confirmed. "We're still approaching that planet."

"Excellent!" Sharon exclaimed. "Now let's try to get into orbit. Where's the next planet?"

"Over there," Amazon Girl pointed.

"Right, I see it now. Hmm, from our view, I'd estimate we need to move Caroline's dish to about +30 horizontal and +50 vertical. What do you think?"

"Sounds about right to me. Of course,we won't know for sure until we try it."

"Caroline, move your dish to +30 horiontal and +50 vertical."

"OK, it's there, +30 horizontal and +50 vertical."

Sharon and Amazon Girl looked through the viewing window. "We've definitely changed course," Amazon Girl said.

"But not enough," Sharon replied. "The pull from Sarah's dish must be too much. I guess when we change one dish, we'll also need to change the other."

"Live and learn."

"Sarah, change your dish to -20 horizontal and +30 verttical."

"-20 horizontal and +30 vertical."

"Yes, that did it," Sharon confirmed.

"Now that the first one is done, the rest will be a piece of cake."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that."

Chapter 35

After several more course changes, Amazon Girl exclaimed, "Hey! Over there! That matches the first photograph!"

"Wow, you're right! I'll get us heading in that direction.'

After the necessary changes, Sharon spoke into the phones, "All right, ladies, we are now officially on our way home."

It was several hours later when Sarah called, "Hey I'm hungry. Is there anything to eat on here?"

"There should be food in the dining room," Sharon replied. "But since I don't know how to prepare it or operate their cooking equipment, I guess we will just have to scrounge for leftovers."

"That will be fine," Sarah replied. "Will you get some for me?"

"I think we could all use a break," Sharon replied. "Give me a little while, I have an idea I want to try."

"All right, I can see the wheels turning in there," Amazon Girl said. "What do you have in mind?"

"See those two planets up ahead? They're about the same size, and we're passing directly between them."

"Yeah, so?"

"So what happens if we change one dish to pull on one planet, and the other dish to pull on the other planet?"

"Ah, we would be caught in the middle!"

"Right! With equal pull in opposite directions, we would stop and hold position."

"And everyone could take a break."

"Exactly! Caroline, take your dish to horizontal +90 and vertical zero. Sarah, take your dish to horizontal -90 and vertical zero."

"I'm at horizontal +90 and vertical zero," Caroline affirmed

"I'm at -90 horizontal and zero vertical," Sarah said.

"Lock your dishes in position, then go to the dining room. Just lock them in such a way that you can unlock and move them again later."

"Let's go join them."
The four met in the dining room. "Where's the food?" asked Sarah.

Caroline put her nose in the air. "This way." The others followed as she led them into a back room filled with serving trays.

"This must be the staging area," Amazon Girl said as she lifted the cover on one of the trays and peered inside.

The four each loaded up plates and went back into the dining area, where they sat at a table together.

"So how far along are we?" Caroline asked.

"I don't know for sure," Sharon replied, "But we have gone through about half of the photo views grandfather gave me."

"So we should be about halfway then?" Sarah asked.

"I dont know for sure. But I would guess so," Sharon said.

"How are we on trip time?" Caroline asked. "I don't have a watch on me."

"You don't have anything on you," Amazon Girl pointed out as she gazed upon Caroline's magnificent form.

"Neither do you," Caroline returned the smile and the gaze. "And that's the way I like you."

"Let's leave these two to themselves," Sharon whispered to Sarah. "Besides, I would love a cigar. Are there any on this ship?"

"I think I smelled some earlier," Sarah said as she took Sharon's hand. "This way."
Sarah and Sharon returned to the dining room later with cigars.

"Where did you get them?" Amazon Girl asked.

"They were in one of the officer's staterooms," Sarah replied. "The wrappers weren't in this language, so they may have been stolen."

"Looks like you two had fun," Sharon smiled.

"Yes indeed," Caroline smiled back. "Too bad you weren't here."

Sharon blushed. "I need to talk about something else before we get back to work."

Sharon sat down at the table as she continued, "I'm worried about trying to land on Earth. We may cause injury or damage when the ship touches down, I'm not that good at controlling it. If we land too hard, the ship may be damaged and the radiation from the reactors may escape the converters.

"So I'm thinking that it may be better not to land. Instead, we'll just come close to Earth and then jump out. If we jump together, maybe we can control our fall, like skydivers. so that we come down in water."

"If we jump, what would happen to the ship?" asked Sarah.

"Before we jump, I would set it to pull into the Sun."

"Wouldn't the General be interested in a captured ship?" Caroline asked.

"Yes he certainly would," Sharon replied. "But I don't want to take the risk of landing. And I agree with my mother, I don't think Earth is ready for this technology, not that they would be capable of copying it anyway."

"What's this about jumping into the ocean?" asked Sarah. "I wouldn't be hurt at all if I landed on the ground."

"You're right, we wouldn't be hurt. But we might hurt others or cause damage."

"How close to Earth would you come?" asked Caroline.

"I don't know exactly, somewhere between the Earth and the Moon."

"Sounds fine to me," Caroline said.

"Good. Now let's get back to work."

Chapter 36

If anyone had been in the area, they would have seen quite a sight. Four naked women, glowing red hot, plummeting through the air. They would have seen gigantic splashes in the cold ocean water, followed by an eruption of steam as the women's bodies quickly cooled down to normal temperature. They would have looked on in disbelief as the women came back to the surface and began swimming at a speed far in excess of what even the most powerful speedboat could manage, leaving large roostertails in their wake. And they would have heard the women talking as ttey swam.

"Great job, Sharon!" Caroline exclaimed. "You got us close enough to tell where we were going to land!"

"I give," Sarah said. "Geography was never my strong suit. Where are we?"

"That was Greenland just to our north," Amazon Girl explained. "We're in the Atlantic Ocean, heading East to England."

"Why England? Shouldn't we be heading in the other direction?"

"No!" Caroline exclaimed. "Paul lives in England!"

"As long as we reach land somewhere, we can get where we're going," Amazon Girl explained. "All it will take is a collect phone call."

"But we're still naked!" Sarah protested. "We'll be arrested!"

"If the alien cell couldn't hold me, do you honestly believe that a cell on Earth can keep me in?" Caroline smirked.

"No, it can't hold me either," Sarah admitted. "Still. I would like to avoid a criminal record."

"Don't worry about that," Caroline answered. "Paul will take care of that, I'll have him bring extra clothes when I call him."

"Besides," Amazon Girl pointed out, "it's nearly dark here. It will be night in England. No one will see us."
The women continued to swim together. Caroline held back her speed to allow the others to keep up, but she still set a blistering pace that no man on Earth could possibly match.

"Land ahead!" Caroline squealed with joy.

"Are you sure it's England?" asked Sarah.

"No, it could be Ireland or possibly Wales," Caroline admitted. "But it doesn't matter. Paul can reach us anywhere."

"I don't see any lights," Sharon said. "Should we change course now, or do you want to land in darkness and then make our way to civilization?"

"Landing in darkness has its advantages," Caroline replied. "But I see your point, it might be easier to change couse now and swim towards lights on the shore. As a matter of fact, I think that's what I will do."

Caroline changed course and the women followed suit. Soon lights became visilble on shore. "Let's swim just north of those lights," Caroline suggested. "Then we can make our way along the shore towards them."
Caroline stopped swimming and stood up in the water. The others did likewise, the water was only waist deep.

"The lights were in this direction," Caroline pointed with her finger.

The four began walking along the shore. Soon a small village came into view. The women stopped as Caroline surveyed the area.

"I don't see a phone booth, but there should be a phone in that building, it looks like a pub."

"Are you sure we should go in there naked?" Sarah asked.

"I'll go in there by myself," Caroline said. "The rest of you can wait here out of sight."

Caroline approached the building slowly, keeping out of sight. She stealthily moved around to the rear, where she found a service entrance door. Although padlocked, it would present no problem, as she took the lock in her hand and crushed it out of existence. She then opened the door and peered inside.

As the three women watched, a car pulled up to the pub. They saw Caroline dart out from behind the building and get in. The car then approached them. The door opened and Caroline and a man stepped out. "Ladies, this is Paul."
Sharon and the General were in her apartment.

"It's so good to have you back."

"It's good to be back."

"So tell me all about it."

"Sure. Why don't we have a cigar together while we talk?"

"What!? That's got to be a first, you take up smoking while you're in outer space!"

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