Heavy Planet

Chapter 11

The four women made their way down the mountain and began walking towards the animals.

"Do you think that these snakes are venomous?" Sharon asked.

"What difference would it make if they were?" asked Caroline. "I'm totally invulnerable!"

"Well, you are to Earthly things, but we don't know about alien poisons."

"Believe me, I'm not worried. Besides, the snakes didn't act as if they were venomous; they didn't bite the centipede, they just ate it."

"Good point," Amazon Girl agreed.

Caroline approached the plants. She observed that the plant appeared to be like a cactus on the outside, with no visible leaves. But it was like a stunted cactus, with just a trunk and no branches. "Why don't you get a sample of the plant?" Sharon suggested.

"Sure," Caroline agreed as she stooped down. Grasping the plant in her hand, she pulled it out of the ground.

"That's odd," Sarah said. "The roots look like a carrot."

"What's odd about that?" asked Sharon.

"It's just that they don't spread out any. Normally, roots grow outwards to better get nutrients and moisture."

"So what does it mean when they're this shape?"

"Just that the ground must be quite moist here. There may be an underground stream nearby."

Sharon felt what seemed like sleet on her head. "What's this?"

Amazon Girl held out her hand. "It's raining," she said. "Or actually just misting. The gravity makes it feel like hail."

"I wonder what a severe storm would feel like then?" Sharon asked.

"I doubt that you'll see anything more severe than this," Amazon Girl responded. "The gravity makes the water vapor so heavy that the clouds can't hold actual droplets."

"Gosh, this gravity makes things fascinating!" Sarah said. "Now that we're actually here and experiencing it, we can explain everything. But yet no one could foresee any of this?"

"No one has had any dealings with gravity this high before," Sharon pointed out. "It's causing all sorts of effects."

Caroline placed the plant in one of her sample containers and pinched the open end closed. "How about the centipede and the snake? Do you want to take them back also?"

"I would suggest against it," Sharon responded. "If they can handle this gravity, what would they be like on the ship?"

Caroline reached down and picked up the snake by its neck. "Its skin feels like a normal snake's," she said. "Oops!"

That got the girl's attention. They saw the snake disintegrate in Caroline's hand, as its head tore loose from its body.

"Why did you kill it?" Sharon asked.

"I didn't," Caroline replied. "I just picked it up. Its spine must not be able to hold its weight vertically."

"This whole thing isn't right!" Amazon Girl exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" Sharon asked.

"Animals shouldn't be this fragile. And they shouldn't be moving so slowly."

"Gravitational effects?"

"No, they should have evolved better than this."

"Maybe this is proof that the theory of evolution is wrong," Sarah suggested.

"No, that's not what I was getting at," Amazon Girl responded. "Whether evolved or created, they should be sturdier to cope with the gravity. Which actually makes me wonder if they weren't perhaps placed here."

"So you mean maybe they're not native to the planet?"


"But why would anyone put them here?" Sharon asked. There was no response.

Finally Amazon Girl spoke up. "The better question would be, who could have put them here? And even better, are they still here?" Again, there was no response.

Chapter 12

Finally Caroline spoke. "Why don't we continue exploring? Maybe those animals were just anomalies."

"It's not just the animals," Amazon Girl said. "Those plants were certainly odd too. Also, where are the rest of the animals and plants? I still think that it makes no sense that the grays were unable to find any life whatsoever in the air and sand samples."

"Actually," Sarah responded, "maybe they did find life but didn't tell us. I just don't trust them at all!"

"I think you're becoming paranoid," Sharon replied. "I don't trust them either, but why would they lie about finding life forms?"

"Why don't we discuss this as we walk?" Caroline suggested.

"Fine," Sharon responded. "Which direction?"

"This way. I think I spotted something from the mountain."

"Lead on."

The four began walking in the directiion Caroline had indicated. After about half an hour, another grouping of plants became visible, along with centipedes and snakes. But there was
something else in the distance as well.

"Last one in is a rotten egg!" Sharon squealed with delight as she saw the pool of clear blue water.

The four ran towards the pool, Sharon leading the way. Suddenly, she began sinking into the ground, up to her knees and then up to her waist. "Quicksand!" she yelled.

"Everyone stop where you are!" commanded Amazon Girl.

The three stopped in their tracks. "What do we do now?" asked Sarah.

"Rescue me, of course!"

"Hold on, Sharon," Amazon Girl said. "We need to determine the extent of the quicksand first." She began slowly walking towards Sharon. As she walked, she began sinking into the ground, until she was up to her knees.

"I don't think this is quicksand," Amazon Girl said. "I think it is regular sandy ground that is moist from the water and can't support our weight."

"Whatever it is, I'm still sinking!" Sharon responded as she sank in up to her shoulders.

"Can't you just walk out?" Caroline asked.

"No, I can't. I can't get traction."

"Caroline, see if you can find anything we can use to reach her with," Amazon Girl said. "Like a tree branch, maybe."

"On this planet? You've got to be kidding!"

"Well, anything will do! A rope, maybe."

"How about my sample container harness?"

"Sure, that should do."

Caroline took off her harness. She grasped the cable in both hands and began pulling it apart. The sound of screaming metal filled the air as the cable stretched to its limit and then broke apart under the inexorable force. Caroline then removed the containers from the harness and set them on the ground. She then threw the harness to Amazon Girl.

Amazon Girl caught the harness and threw the free end towards Sharon. But the harness was too short, Sharon couldn't reach it.

Caroline was observing the proceedings. "I can stretch the cables," she said, "but not enough to reach Sharon. Amazon Girl, why don't you climb up and lay down on the ground? That should reduce the pressure on the ground so you won't sink in so far."

Amazon Girl did as instructed. "Okay, now what?"

"Crawl towards Sharon," Caroline instructed. "Try to get close enough to reach her with the harness."

"Got it!" Sharon exclaimed as she grabbed the end of the harness. By now, she was buried up to her chin.

"Sarah, lie down and grab Amazon Girl's ankles," Caroline instructed. "Then I'll grab your ankles and pull."

Caroline's feet dug deeply into the ground as she gave a mighty heave. The harness screamed as it stretched, but it held and Sharon was pulled free.

"Wow!" Sharon exclaimed. "That was close! Thank you!"

"Sure, no problem," Caroline responded. "I'm sure you would have done the same for me."

Sharon didn't reply. She knew that she wouldn't have lifted a finger for Caroline before. But now? Maybe the General had been wrong about her?

"What were you saying earlier about the ground being moist?" Sharon asked.

"Think about Earth," Amazon Girl responded. "You can walk on solid ground, but you'll sink in mud. But the only difference is in water content."

"Oh! All right, it's like saying you can walk on ground but not on water. The more water in the ground, the more you'll sink."


"But then how is it that on Earth you can walk right up to a lake without sinking into the ground?"

"Because on Earth, lakes are surrounded by sand, which is able to retain its consistency better than soil when exposed to water. This pool is more like a marsh on Earth; there you will sink into the ground."

"Why is there sand around lakes on Earth? Isn't it hauled in to make a beach?"

"Some resort areas do bring in sand and groom it to make the area look good. But it's not really necessary, the natural action of the waves causes rocks at the edge of the water to erode into sand."

"Then why is there no sand around this pool?"

"That's a good question. It may be a gravitatiional effect; there are no waves because the gravity is overcoming wind and tidal forces, therefore no erosion at the edges."

"Is that why the water is so clear?"

"Yes, we're used to seeing suspended solids in the water on Earth, as buoyancy overcomes or at least competes with gravity. But here, gravity is so strong that nothing floats."

"You said it may be a gravitational effect that there is no sand. What else could cause it?"

"I'm not sure, but I think that this planet is relatively new. So that there hasn't been enough time for erosion to occur."

"What makes you think that it is new?" Sarah asked.

"Look at the areas of life that we have seen. They are small and isolated. Over time, life should cover the entire surface. Also, look at the lack of variety; there should be many more different types of plants and animals."

"But didn't we decide that the animals and plants were placed here rather than native? Wouldn't that explain the lack of variety?"

"No, once placed in an environment, life will tend to adapt. We've seen none of that, so the placement must have been recent."

"Recent enough that they are still here?" Sharon asked.

Chapter 13

"Only one way to find out," Caroline said. "Let's keep exploring."

"Hold on there. I'm too tired to go any further," Sharon pleaded.

"I'm with her," Amazon Girl agreed. "Between the gravity and the heat, I'm pooped."

"I have to agree with them," Sarah said. "And I'm thirsty too. It's too bad we can't reach that pool, that water would sure taste good."

"Actually, if you're thirsty, I'll get you some water," Caroline replied.

"But how? You can't walk to the pond."

"I'll just jump in."

"All right," Sharon said. "But first, try jumping that same distance on the ground, just to make sure you know how much force you need."

"Okay, I'll jump 40 ft, that should be enough." Caroline leaped into the air, but thudded down barely 10 ft away.

"Ooh, I see what you mean. That would have taken me at least 500 ft on Earth."

"Now that you have a feel, try it again."

Once again Caroline jumped. This time, she landed 40 ft away. But the landing was hard; she sank up to her waist. She climbed out of the hole she made and walked back over to the women.

"Okay, hand me the sample containers. I'll use them to hold the water."

Sharon picked up the containers. "Wow, these things are heavy!"

"Yea, I made them out of hull-grade metal," Caroline said as she took the containers from Sharon.

Sharon slapped her forehead. "God, how could I have overlooked that!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Remember? I said earlier when we landed that the capsule was too close to the planet; that it should have pulled the cable away but the cable wasn't moving? Well, this is why. I didn't take the weight of the samle containers into account when I tested the capsule."

"It wasn't just you," Amazon Girl consoled. "I was there too."

"You two can discuss all you want," Caroline said. "But I'm going in to get your water."

Caroline took a running start towards the pool. Then the women saw her leap into the air. The jump was good, she landed in the water, sending up a huge wave. The women watched in fascination as the wave just died even before it reached the shore line.

There was no sign of Caroline for what seemed like hours but was actually less than a minute. Finally her head broke the surface. "Gosh, I'm sinking like a rock! It's taking a lot of work just to stay afloat. It's like swimming uphill!"

"Uh, Caroline, how are you going to get back?" Sharon asked.

"I...I didn't think that far ahead," Caroline replied. "Any suggestions?"

Sharon's face was ashen. "This is what the General wished for," she thought. "But she saved my life. I can't just leave her there!"

"Caroline, swim towards the shore. See how solid the bottom is," Sharon suggested.

Sharon watched as Caroline swam. She finally started to stand up. "I'm not sinking much, just up to my knees."

"Throw the sample containers to me," Sharon said. "That will reduce your weight some."


"Got them! Good throw!"

"Now jump out of the water. Use the same amount of force as you did before. Oh, and grab a handfull of the bottom and bring it out with you, so we can compare it to the ground sample."

Caroline jumped out of the water. But the water added drag and she only went 25 ft. She sank deeply into the ground when she hit, but then did something amazing to Sharon. She immediately bent over at the hip as she began sinking. As soon as her breasts contacted the ground, she kicked her legs out straight, so that she was lying on the ground. She then crawled towards firmer ground. But it wasn't very efficient; her breasts were plowing huge furrows as she went.

Finally Caroline stood up. She looked back at her path and noticed the deep crevices. "That's one disadvantage to having such big boobs." she grinned.

Chapter 14

As the women rested, Caroline spoke. "Sharon, you're new to this invulnerable superwoman life, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I am. Unlike you, I didn't become super all at once. I've just slowly gotten stronger over time. It's the same way with invulnerability, slowly becoming more so. What gave it away?"

"It's just the concerns you raise. If you're totally invulnerable like me, nothing can hurt you and you know it, so you're not worried about snakes or sinking in quicksand. You know you'll survive no matter what."

"That may be true," Amazon Girl said, "but even for someone like me who was born super, I can understand that she would be frightened at the thought of being trapped in quicksand."

"Granted," Caroline said. "I didn't mean to be harsh on you. By the way, what have you decided on the capsule?"

"Well," Sharon replied, "before we built the capsule, you were saying that we could just jump back to the ship. Do you still believe that?"

"Considering the effort it took to jump in the pool, it will be far more difficult than I thought. I will be able to do it, but I doubt that the rest of you could."

"Here's what I'm thinking then. When we get back to the landing site, I'll have you jump to the capsule with your sample containers. Once on the capsule, you can press the button to bring the reactor to full power. Since it is holding position at 98%, the increase should make it begin to pull away from the planet.

"In the meantime, the rest of us will be on the ground watching the cable. When we see the cable start to move, we'll begin climbing the cable one by one."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Caroline said. The others all agreed.

"Now there's something else to discuss," Amazon Girl said. "Does anyone have any ideas as to where to begin looking for whoever placed the plants and animals here?"

"I would think that there would be tracks in the ground around these oases," Sarah said. "But I can't see any."

"Good point," Amazon Girl agreed.

"Perhaps they were brought in by air?" Sharon suggested.

"No," Amazon Girl replied, "I don't think so. The snakes are way too fragile to withstand being dropped."

"What can we say about the time frame?" Sarah asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Was everything placed here at once, or were there several trips made? In other words, were the plants put here as seeds, or were they put here as fully grown plants?"

"What difference would that make?"

"If the plants were put here as seeds, then whoever put them here would have had to make another trip later, after the plants had matured, to put the centipedes and snakes here. If the plants had been put here fully grown, then the animals could have been put here at the same time."

"You know," Amazon Girl responded, "if the plants were put here fully grown, that would explain their roots. They were probably grown in some type of nursery with limited ground space."

"Hold on," Sharon cautioned. "There has to be an atmosphere for the animals to survive. So the animals must have been put here later than the plants, to give the plants time to produce oxygen for the animals to breathe."

"Well actually, the plants need carbon dioxide to grow," Amazon Girl said. "It's like the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg."

"According to the Bible, God created the animals, then gave them the command to multiply and replenish the Earth," Sarah said. "So the chicken came first, then the egg."

"True," Amazon Girl replied, "but this isn't God's doing here."

"I think we can agree that the atmosphere had to be present here before either the plants or the animals could be introduced," Sharon said. "And that once there was an atmosphere, that the plants and animals could have been placed, both fully mature, in one trip."


"So now the question becomes, how do you create an atmosphere? Or did an atmosphere already exist here?"

"Well," Amazon Girl repled, "the only planets I know of that have a breathable atmosphere are those with life on them. Most other planets have no atmosphere at all; the few that do, usually have poisonous gases."

"Can you use a chemical process to convert these gases into something breathable?" Sharon asked.

"It depends on the specific gas," Amazon Girl replied. "I know some have methane, for example. You can get carbon dioxide and oxygen from it, but the problem is that once you start mixing methane and oxygen, you wind up with an explosive mixture. Also, of course, on this planet you run into the problem of the gravity. How could you transport a chemical plant here?"

"Maybe this is what the grays are looking for," Sharon suggested. "Someone has terraformed this planet."

"They don't impress me as that sort of race," Sarah said. "They are more likely to be interested in the technology used to transport a chemical factory into a planet with this much gravity. Although for them, they would be more likely to use it to transport a weapon."

"Which means that if we are able to find out anything, we should keep it from the grays," Sharon said as she thought of her mother's words on the tape about technology.

"What about the samples?" Caroline asked. "Do we turn them over to the grays?"

"I would say no," Sharon replied. "If the plants have been placed here, then the grays could determine their natural planetary home and from that determine who put them here. It would be better to leave the sample containers here and say that they were destroyed during landing."

Chapter 15

"You know," Caroline said, "I've been thinking. What if there were no atmosphere here? How would you create one? Perhaps the best way would be by using exhaust?"

"Excuse me?" Amazon Girl blurted. "Exhaust? From where?"

"Sure. You would start out with a small enclosed area with plants and animals in it. The area would be small enough that you could bring air with you from a distant planet. As the plants and animals multiply, additional air would be created and could be vented or exhausted onto the rest of the planet. Eventually you would have created an atmosphere for the entire planet."

"Over a long period of time, that would work. However, we said that the plants and animals here were recently placed."

"But couldn't the small pilot area have been here for much longer?"

"We decided that the planet itself was relatively new. We used the lack of erosion of the shoreline, but also there is a lack of craters from meteor hits. Considering the gravity, that is highly anomalous."

"How about if this isn't a planet at all?" Sharon exclaimed.

"You've been out in the sun too long!" Amazon Girl rejoined. "What else could it possibly be?"

"What if it is actually a spaceship, and what we're seeing here is camouflage?"

Amazon Girl thought for a moment before responding, "That would explain quite a bit. Caroline's theory of exhaust creating the atmosphere would work. The lack of craters would be because the ship was maneuvering to avoid meteor hits. The animals and plants would have been brought here to further the illusion of this being a planet. The high gravity could be an effect of the ship's propulsion unit. Finally, that would explain the interest of the grays, if whoever is on the ship is an enemy of theirs."

"That certainly wraps everything up into a neat bundle," Caroline said. "But how do we test it?"

"Well, you were the one talking about exhaust," Amazon Girl pointed out. "Where would the exhaust opening be?"

"If it's camouflage," Sharon said, "maybe we can use Earth military practices. We can rule out an underwater outlet, since the water is still, with no bubbling. Also, it shouldn't be at ground level, to avoid dust entry; if there's exhaust, then there must also be supply. The best way to hide something extending up in the air is to put it beside something tall. Therefore it must be in the mountains."

"That narrows the search quite a bit," Sarah said, "but how many mountains are on this planet, er ship? We've only just begun exploring it!"

"Maybe there's a quicker way to test the theory," Caroline said. "If the ground is just camouflage, then it shouldn't be that deep. Why don't we dig down and see?"

"How deep was the pool?" Sharon asked. "That might give us some indication."

"Not more than 10 feet. I hit bottom when I jumped in."

"Could you tell if the bottom there was any different, harder maybe, than the bottom when you approached the shore?"

"No, it seemed the same, but I couldn't really tell for sure."

"All right, why don't you and Sarah start digging then. I'm still too depleted to be of much help," Sharon ordered.

Sharon and Amazon Girl watched as Sarah and Caroline dug. It was fascinating, Caroline dug easily, using her bare hands to move dirt at an astounding rate. Soon she had burrowed out of sight, and a huge mound arose behind her. Meanwhile, Sarah spread out the mound to avoid cave-in. They continued to dig, with only the sound of dirt being tossed breaking the silence.

"How does she know to dig like that?" Sharon asked.

"She's been super a lot longer than you have," Amazon Girl replied. "It's something that will come with experience, just give yourself a few more years to become more accustomed to being all-powerful."

"All powerful? I'm not at all comfortable with that. That's a characteristic of God, not women."

"I'm not saying that you're the equal of God. But you most certainly are a goddess, at least compared to every other human."

"A goddess, huh? I kinda like the sound of that!"

Chapter 16

Just then, the silence was broken by the sound of Caroline's fingernails scraping across metal. She quickly uncovered a 4 ft square area.

"What have you got there?" Sharon asked.

"Come take a look," Caroline replied. "I think I've found what we were looking for."

The three other women quickly jumped into the hole and surveyed the scene. It was definitely metal of some type, but without markings of any kind.

"Ready for me to open this tin can?" Caroline asked.

"We don't know what's underneath," Sharon cautioned.

"Only one way to find out," Caroline replied, as she sank her fingers into the metal.

"What does it feel like?"

"Harder than steel on Earth, more like the hull-grade metal on the ship," Caroline replied as she began to peel the metal back. The sound was deafening as the heavy metal easily yielded to her efforts.

The women all peered into the opening. It was a vast room, with an extemely high ceiling, hundreds of feet above the floor. There was movement at floor level, the women could see humanoid figures walking back and forth. Some had evidently heard the noise and were looking up. Caroline waved to those and received a wave back in reply.

"They seem friendly enough," Caroline said. "Why don't we drop in and say hello?"

"Why not?" Sharon agreed as she jumped into the opening, followed closely by the others.

The four landed on the floor in front of the aliens. The landing was soft; the gravity was no higher than on Earth. To say that the aliens were shocked would be an understatement.

"Hi, I'm Caroline." No reply.

"xzzx," said Sharon. A relieved smile of recognition crossed the alien's faces.

"xzzx," they replied.

"What are they saying?" Caroline asked. "And what did you say?"

"I just gave them a greeting. They responded and welcomed us to their ship. Naturally, they are curious as to how we got here and what happened to our clothes."

"Oops. I forgot about that," Caroline said as she tried in vain to cover her breasts with her hands. Even hands 10 times as big wouldn't have been up to that task!

"xzzx," Sharon said. "Take us to your leader."

The women followed as the aliens led them into an area equivalent to a clothing store. The aliens spoke to Sharon and she conveyed their message to the others, "We can select whatever clothes we wish in here. The aliens would be more comfortable if we were dressed."

"I feel like I'm going to a toga party," Caroline exclaimed as the women left the store.

"There wasn't much of a selection of styles, that's for sure," Sarah agreed. "But at least they had our sizes."

The women followed the aliens to a different area of the ship. The ship fascinated the women, it looked like the surface of a planet rather than the inside of a ship; there were plants growing on the floor, and the ceiling was painted like a sky. Overhead lights in the shape of stars gave the entire area a soft glow. Eventually, the women were led into a large office and told to be seated. The aliens left the room.

"Well, what do you think?" Sharon asked.

"I like the feel of this ship," Amazon Girl said. "It's got a good vibe."

"Agreed," Sarah said. "And I like it that the aliens said they would be more comfortable if we were dressed. That shows class to me."

"We broke in," Caroline pointed out. "If they don't try to confine us, that would be a good sign."

The aliens re-entered the room. "xzzx."

"They want us to go in to the inner office," Sharon translated.

The four women got up and went through the indicated door. They entered an area similar to a conference room, with a large table. A group of aliens was sitting at the table, all stood up when the ladies entered.

"xzzx" said one alien. "Please be seated."

"xzzx" replied Sharon. "Thank you." The ladies sat.

"xzzx" "Who are you and how do you know our language?"

"xzzx" Sharon told the aliens her mother's name.

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