Skylar College By Lark6019 Disclaimer The following is total fiction. I do not know if there is an actual school named Skylar College, but if there is, this story has nothing at all to do with it. Likewise, the Alpha Omega sorority referred to in this story is fictitious and has nothing to do with any actual sorority or fraternity. Finally, the memos themselves are also fictitious and were never sent or received. MEMO To: Paul Smith From: Xtreme News reporter Subject: Skylar College Paul, I've heard of this school. Although it only has a few thousand students, it has the best women's athletic teams in its conference. Its men's teams, on the other hand, rank dead last and have for years. I think it bears investigation, especially since the women's teams do not recruit heavily, whereas the men's teams do. MEMO To: Xtreme News reporter From: Paul Smith Subject: Re: Skylar College I don't see what this has to do with xtreme strength, but I will allow you to start an investigation. But unless you can show some link within one week, I'll have to pull you off. MEMO To: Paul Smith From: Xtreme News reporter Subject: Skylar College, initial findings I arrived six days ago and have started my investigation. So far, I've uncovered a number of anomalies: 1. The college was founded in 1900, the first Chancellor was Linda Westlake, and her assistant was Carol Chapman. The present Chancellor is also Linda Westlake and her assistant is Carol Chapman! I viewed a photograph taken at the opening of the college, and both the current Chancellor and her assistant look exactly the same! 2. I reviewed men's athletic team member current statistics and compared them to their high school statistics. In the case of every team's member, the men were taller and heavier in high school than they are now! 3. I reviewed women's athletic team member current statistics and compared them to their high school statistics. In the case of every team's member, the women have gained an exceptional amount of height and weight since high school. 4. Although none of the female athletes were highly recruited, by the way the teams are victorious, it is obvious that these are superb athletes. In gymnastics especially, each year a series of new records is set by this college. There is no way that all of these girls could have been overlooked by other schools. 5. I reviewed the men's athletic team records. All of the men's teams are plagued with injuries and have been badly beaten, even overwhelmed, by their opponents. But highly recruited male athletes like these, with outstanding high school records, should be far sturdier and should have no trouble in beating some of these other teams. In consideration of the above, I'm requesting another week here. I really think there's a story here. MEMO To: Xtreme News reproter From: Paul Smith Subject: Re: Skylar College intial findings I agree with you that something strange seems to be going on there. But I'm still not convinced it has anything to do with xtreme strength. You need to stay on subject here! Nevertheless, I am willing to grant you one more week. MEMO To: Paul Smith From: Xtreme News reporter Subject: Skylar College scoop I was able to surreptitiously view a rite performed at the Alpha Omega sorority house last night. All female athletes at this school are members of this sorority. The rite was performed by Carol Chapman, with all members in attendance. I have never seen anything similar before during my days in college. The rite was conducted in Latin, which I haven't studied or read in years, and I've never heard many of the Latin words used Nevertheless, I was able to understand enough to determine that the rite was a power transfer rite, and that the power of the male athletes was being transferred to the female athletes. I had personally met with several of the male athletes the day previous, and met with them again the day after. I couldn't believe it! One guy was a head taller than me the day before, with solid black hair. But the next day, he was barely half a head taller, and his hair was salt-and-pepper! He was also obviously not feeling well, and looked pale and frail. I had also personally met with one of the female athletes the day before. She was my height then, but the next day, she towered over me! And she had gotten huge! Judging by the size of these females, I strongly believe that the records that they set are being manipulated, that the women are deliberately holding back and not fully exerting themselves. I witnessed a track meet with another school, and one of the Skylar runners allowed the player from the other school to beat her. This was a relay race, and Skylar won But this same runner, I had seen earlier in the day practicing, and I had timed her at TWICE the speed she ran at during the race. And during practice, she was not running at full speed! I definitely think there is xtreme stength here in droves. I also think the Chancellor and her assistant are making use of the power transfer rite for longevity. MEMO To: Xtreme News reporter From: Paul Smith Subject: Caroline Everson I agree with you that Skylar College is certainly a strange and wonderful place. But right now, I need you back here to write another Caroline Everson story, she's starting to bug me about it. You know how much she likes seeing herself in print. Maybe later I can send you back to Skylar.