H-Girl The brave warrior woman stood her ground as he approached. He came up to her and looked down at the tiny figure before him. “God, he’s huge!” she exclaimed as she looked at the giant, over 100 ft tall, dressed in shiny armor and brandishing a mighty sword at least 20 ft long. Just one nick from it and she would be dead, her invulnerable body no match for the magical metal. As the giant raised the sword in preparation for striking her, she knew she had only one option – to retrieve the power crystal from the forehead of the giant! But how could she do that? She stamped her foot impatiently, waiting…waiting. “Helen! Put that video game down and clean the garage! Your mom will be home soon, and you don’t want to disappoint her!” “Just a minute, I’m almost done. I only need one more level to win!” “Helen! Now!” “Oh all right!” She relented as she turned off the game, the warrior woman still stamping her foot. Dad was right, she thought, it would definitely not be a good idea to disappoint mom. She walked to the door and opened it. Barry was standing at his daughter’s door when she came out. He gasped as he saw her, he still couldn’t believe how big she had gotten. He barely made it to her chest! And she was only 14, she was still growing! And where had she gotten those breasts? She shouldn’t even have any yet, and already they were bigger than his wife’s. And G-Girl definitely had nice ones! Helen walked past her dad and headed down the stairs. She had to wonder as she looked at him, holding his usual beer in his hand, what did mom see in the guy? He was short, and grossly overweight; he certainly wasn’t anything to look at. Still, mom seemed to like him. Oh well, her choice! Helen walked through the living room on her way to the detached garage. The living room was its usual cluttered mess, with empty beer cans all over the floor. It seemed to be all dad did any more, eat and drink; while mom held down her job at the museum and also found time for her other job. But while the world knew her as G-Girl, she still knew her as mom. Of course, for mom, cleaning the living room would be a breeze, literally a breeze; she could use her super breath to blow all the trash away! That made Helen wonder about the garage. She walked up to the garage door and opened it. The sight that greeted her was disgusting! One car, dad’s, was parked under a mound of trash that had fallen down from the attic area above. The car always leaked; oil, water, transmission fluid, gasoline, grease, break fluid, and who knows what else, were all on the floor underneath it. Tools and equipment were strewn haphazardly around the walls and floor; they had to be dad’s, she thought, mom wouldn’t need them. If mom couldn’t loosen a nut with her fingers, then nothing could loosen it! As she looked further, she realized that all of this was dad’s; it was all his mess and he should be the one to clean it up! Then she got an idea; she wasn’t sure if she could do it, but it was worth a try, she had continued getting stronger and she thought she might be strong enough! Helen went to the electrical disconnect box outside the garage and turned off the power. Then she drove her hands into the ground behind the garage until her elbows were buried. That seemed easy enough for her to do, giving her increased confidence in what she was about to do next. She then crouched down and brought her hands and arms up. It was initially easy, as her arms moved through the ground. Then her arms stopped as they contacted the building footer. She increased the upward force, more and more, until her muscles were bulging and straining. Sweat began pouring off her forehead as she put maximum effort into the lift! And then it happened! The entire back of the building began lifting out of the ground! Dirt stuck to the bottom fell off as she raised it higher. When her arms reached shoulder height, she stood up straight and then brought her arms up over her head. She had done it, she had lifted the building! She stood there shaking from both exertion and exhilaration, and then gently lowered the garage back down onto the ground. She withdrew her arms and clapped her hands in celebration. Mom would be so proud! Barry heard a crashing sound just as he was lying down on the sofa to drink another beer. He got up and went to the window to see what the commotion was. He was dumbfounded! What was going on out there? He had sent Helen out to clean the garage, and now, as he looked, he saw the building seemed to be on a tilt; everything inside had fallen out of the open door and onto the ground! What was Helen doing out there? Helen walked to the front of the garage. There, on the ground outside, was everything that had been in the garage. Dad wanted it cleaned, she thought, and now it is; there is nothing left inside! “Hey!” Barry screamed as he ran out of the house. “What the hell are you doing?” “Looks clean to me,” Helen responded as she pointed to the inside of the garage. “Why you…” Barry was cut off as his wife arrived. “What do we have here?” G-Girl asked. “Dad told me to clean the garage, and that’s what I did,” Helen replied. “Only this time, I did it your way.” “My way?” “Yeah, I picked up the back end of the garage and let everything fall out.” “Wow. I knew you were getting stronger, but I hadn’t realized just how strong you have become,” as she gave her daughter a hug. “But why was she out here?” G-Girl asked as she turned to her husband. “It was your mess, and I told you to clean it up!” “Well, I…I” “He was too busy drinking beer!” Helen finished. “You know,” G-Girl mused, “All of this stuff is his. And it’s all trash. I don’t want it lying here. Maybe we should get rid of it.” G-Girl picked up the car and crushed it into a lump. “Now watch, Helen. You want to throw it into the air as hard as you can. That way, it will burn up in the atmosphere and not become space junk.” Helen watched as mom threw the car. The metal quickly heated with air friction and a shower of sparks flew from it. It was like fireworks! Then the gas tank ignited and exploded. It was better than the Fourth of July! “Now you try it,” mom said. “Pick something small to start with, then work your way up. And stop your whimpering, Barry!” “But you just destroyed my car!” he protested. “How can you call that piece of junk a car? And how can you call yourself a man, sending our daughter out to do your work for you? I’ve been way too easy on you, and that’s going to stop! Get off your lazy ass and find a job!” Barry slinked away. Mother and daughter took turns throwing the trash into the air and watching the display as the items burned. They also had an excellent talk, and reached interesting decisions.