SuperJen pt2: Discoveries

As Jen stepped out of the health club and into the dark lit alley, she was greeted by an explosion of new sensations as a result of her new super-senses. Her superhearing could detect the sound of every person's conversation within a 5 block radius. Her sense of smell could now pick up the pungent scent of the homeless man lying asleep down the alley, and her super-peepers could now read the fine print of the newspaper eventhough that it stood inside a newspaper machine one block away!! At first Jen's mind was overloaded with these sensations, but after a few moments she began to know how to filter them and control them to her desires. As the chaos in Jen's brain began to subside, Jen became enthralled at this new discovery couldn't wait to explore the limits of her powers.

Jen walked to the end of the alley and began walking to the dimly lit parking lot to retrieve her car. As Jen walked up to her SUV, she thought of pitting her strength against the 2 tons of steel that sat before her and see if she could raise the car over her head like all the "real" superheroes did in the comic books. As she crouched down to take a hold of the vehicle, her nostrils detected the foul odor of alcohol. Jen jumped to her feet and spun around to see three young men walk up to her. Jen, at first, was instinctively gripped with fear as she knew the three men were looking for an easy score. Jen suddenly gained her composure as her thoughts raced back to the extraordinary events that had unfolded in the past hour and how she was now embued with superhuman power coursing through every fiber of her body. She was a supergirl now and these guys couldn't do anything to her if she didn't want them to!

"Now, now....what's a fine thing like you doing in a spot like this?" asked one of the men.

Jen smiled at the men and folded her arms. Jen voice now resonated with supreme confidence as she replied "Guys, trust me, you don't want to do this. I think it'd be better for everyone if you guys just turned around and walked away."

The men almost dropped dead laughing at the woman's veiled threat. "Didja hear that, Mike? The lady has some spunk!" said one of the men.

Mike, the largest and appraent leader of the men countered with "Yeah, I'll take that into account as I'm ramming the fucking bitch with my cock! Buddy, grab her!!"

One of the men stepped behind the young woman and wrapped his arms around her. To his surprise, the woman just stood steadfast with her arms crossed and didn't seem to struggle a bit.

"Bitch? BITCH? Is that what you just called me?" Jen asked?

Mike stepped right up to Jen and looked her in the eye and said "No, honey. I called you a FUCKING bitch!"

Jen at that point had had enough! She knew that she could probably wipe these guys off the face of the planet with just a fraction of her strength, but she then thought that she could use these guys to test her powers and teach them a lesson they would never forget!

"OK, if that's how you want it to be......" Jen responded as she suddenly stuck out her ample chest firmly. The man holding her fought back with all his strength but it was of little use as Jen's ultrapowerful bosoms easily broke his grip. She then reached out like a tigress and grabbed one of the men by the shirt and lifted him over her head in one swift motion. Jen stood there beaming triumphant as she held the 220 lbs man at bay with her lone slender arm. "Anyone else got any bright ideas?" Jen mocked as put her other hand on her hip.

"You bitch!" said Mike as he reared back and swung at Jen with a blow that would've caved in the side of most people's face. Jennifer saw the man's punch coming in almost slow motion and, in the blink of an eye, took her hand off her hip and caught Mike's punch in mid air right before it connected with her beautiful face. Mike stuggled to realese he hand from Jen's grip and stood there in disbelief as his hand was now swallowed up by this soft feminine hand. Jen looked sweetly at Mike and said "Sugar, you just made a big mistake!!" Jen then slowly began to apply pressure to Mike's hand. Mike winced in pain and began to scream as the audible pops of bones breaking could be heard from the seemingly slight pressure that Jen was applying.

Bruno, the man that Jen had been holding aloft, suddenly became gripped with fear at the display of the strength of this superpowered goddess and accidently wet his pants. Jen being preoccupied with Mike did not notice the original scent but suddenly stopped the tortuous squeezing of Mike's hand to look up and see urine trickling down her arm.

"Gross!!!" screamed Jen as she became horrified by Bruno's lack of bodily control. "Get away from me!" Jen pronounced as she reached back with her right arm and hurled Bruno the length of the parking lot. In his prime, John Elway could not have thrown a football farther than Jen just hurled a 220 lbs man. As Bruno hit the ground with a sickening thud, Jen turned her attention back to Mike and simply said, "One down, two to go.....".

Jen now began to again apply pressure to Mike's hand, this time harder. Mike again screamed in agony as the bones in his hands were not just broken but pulverized by the tons of pressure that Jen's tiny feminine hand was exerting. Jen savoured the power she now held over these men, and it made her want to demonstrate her strength to them even more.

"Well, Mike....." she said as she released his mangled hand. "I think you've learned an important lesson tonight in underestimating the power of a woman! Now kiss off...." said Jen as she took a deep breath that cause her fantasic chest to rise and swell. Jen then blew Mike a kiss with the force of a Category 5 hurricane that swept him up and sailed him across the parking lot under the force of a 200mph blast of wind from Jen's perfect mouth.

As Mike lay dead and motionless on the other side of the parking lot, Jen twirled around to face Buddy and smiled. "I just love being super!!" beamed Jen as Buddy suddenly pulled out his revolver and had it pointed at her. Jen's newfound discoveries of her constantly evolving superhuman abilities reassured her with confidence that this "toy" of Buddy's was no threat to even scratch her super-enhanced body!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Buddy quickly emptied four rounds at the female dynamo and then stood there in disbelief as he saw each of the four bullets richochet off of Jen's steel-hard body as if they were raindrops. Jen giggled as she now saw that she was completely invulnerable to guns and probably most other weapons. Buddy became enraged and fired a fifth and final shot at Jen's head. As the smoked cleared, Buddy almost fainted at the sight of this beautiful blonde standing with her hands on her hips, smiled with a bullet caught in her perfect set of white teeth!

Jen surprised herself as she first saw the bullet and decided to catch it in her teeth in the course of a nanosecond. Jen glared at the cowering man and jokingly said "Ewwwwwwwwwww, that tastes terrible!" Jen then spit the bullet back at Buddy with three times the velocity of the original shot and all the accuracy of a professional marksman. The bullet struck Buddy's pistol, causing him to drop the gun and grab his hand in pain. As Buddy cowered at the newly empowered superwoman, Jen put her hands on her hips and seductively sauntered over to her SUV. As he watched her walk, Buddy could not believe that this woman, so sexy and feminine looking, just shrugged off five direct shots from his gun as if they were spitballs.

As Jen approached her vehicle, she turned to Buddy and smiled innocently as she bent down and grabbed the underside of the chasis in her firm grip. The hardened steel oozed from Jen's grip as if it were were a tube of toothpaste. Then, with a burst of titanic strength that belied her lithe figure, Jen effortlessly hoisted the Expedition over her head. "Can I offer you a lift?" Jen giggled as she made a show by dusting off her shoulder with her hand while still holding the SUV overhead with one lone slender hand. This was all that Buddy could take as he became practically catatonic over the limitless power that this young girl seemingly possessed.

"Well, you know I love this car, but I don't think I'll be requiring it anymore. If you want it, you can have it. Here, catch!!" With those words, Jen playfully tossed the multi-ton vehicle toward Buddy as if it was a softball. Unfortuantely for Buddy, Jen's aim was true as the SUV crashed into Buddy's less-than-super body and crushed him to death.

Jen looked around in almost disbelief at the sight of these three former assailants and the thought that she alone had mopped the floor with them without even trying. Jen beamed with pride as she knew that probably a thousand more men wouldn't have made a difference with her newfound powers. Jen looked down at her superpowerful body and began caressing her breasts with her hands, imagining that she was exerting enough pressure to liquify solid steel in her delicate hands. As Jen closed her eyes and erotically became lost in her thoughts, all she could do was simply smile and whisper, "I think I'm gonna really enjoy being super..."