By Larafan
Jen's wish is granted.


Jennifer Watson grunted from her supine position as she hoisted the bar holding 80lbs back onto the bench rack. Jennifer was bathed in sweat as she slowly sat up and saw that she was one of the last few people left in the health club weight room, as most of the patrons had left to try to beat the thunderstorm that was approaching outside.

Jennifer had joined the health club about a month ago in an effort to get into shape. Her boyfriend of the last two months had broken up with her after finding a "prettier girl". Not that Jennifer was ugly, mind you -- she was an attractive young girl of 23 with dirty blond hair and a cute face. However, her figure had somehow never developed like the other girls. She was convinced that her flat chest and lack of curves were the reasons that men never gave her a second glance. Now, since joining the gym, Jen was more determined than ever to build the body that she always dreamed about.

As Jen showered off, she again fantasized about having a supermodel model body that she could could show off. Jen also had another secret fantasy as well -- to not only be super desirable but also superpowerful! To become motivated during her workouts, Jennifer often
imagined that she was actually Supergirl lifting tons of weight rather than being plain, old Jennifer Watson stuggling through another set of 80lb bench presses. As her dual fantasies crept into her head during the shower, Jen's hand slowly found her pussy and she began to masterbate. As Jen imagined herself as an gorgeous, unstoppable superheroine, she began to approach orgasm. In the instance that Jen reached her climax, her screams off "YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!" were drowned out by the sound of lightning striking the building. In a nanosecond, the current from the lightning bolt found its way through the plumbing and sent Jen sprawling across the shower floor where she lay naked and unconscious......

"Uhhhhhhhh......wha....wha.....happened?" Jen said groggily as she awakened a couple of hours later in a vacant health club ladies shower room. As Jennifer rose to her feet, she tried to regain her senses as she made her way towards the dressing room. As she passed the bathroom mirrors, Jen glanced over and was transfixed at what she saw.

Jen stared in amazement at the reflection that stared back at her. Somehow, her face was now attached to the most perfect body she had ever seen!! Long, tan, toned legs ran up from the floor seemingly forever! She estimated she now stood at 5'10" -- six inches taller than her original height! Jen reached down to touch her thighs and slowly ran her hands up her curvaceous hips and seeming impossible waistline. Jen was overcome with glee when she finally reached the grand finale -- her new breasts! Where her 34A's once lived, now were the most quintessential pair of 36D breasts that anyone had ever seen! They were so full and pert and seemed to defy gravity as they hung proudly on her chest! Jennifer Watson once again scanned her new figure and prayed that this wasn't a dream!

As Jennifer busily got dressed she quickly found out that none of her clothes now fit her incredible figure. As Jen peaked out onto the vacant and dark health club floor, she flicked on the lights and spied a rack of workout clothes that the health club routinely had on sale. "Guess they won't mind if I borrow a little something," said Jen as she picked out a thong and a bright red tank top. The new clothes absolutely hugged her figure and outlined every curve in her body. The red tank top she picked out seemed to be screaming for mercy as it barely kept her newly enhanced bustline in check. As she looked at herself in the mirror, Jennifer thought that she was a goddess!!

As Jen prepared to find the exit and go home simply being appreciative of her new "gifts", her mind raced as to what could possibly have happened. She thought, "The last thing I remembered thinking about in the shower was that I wish I had a supermodel body. Now somehow, that lightning strike caused it to be a reality! Ha! Imagine that! All I did was wish that I was a gorgeous superheroine...and....then....." Jennifer suddenly froze in her tracks as suddenly realized the possible new developments that might have taken place. She hadn't even thought about it since she had awoken, but now she wondered if she had also been transformed into the superpowerful heroine she always had fantasized about.

Jen face beamed with glee as her mind raced at the possibility of this new body being infused with super-strength. Since she had awoken, Jen felt supremely confident and energized and though she knew that it was impossible, somehow she now also knew that within her little hardbody was a seething volcano of raw superhuman power!!

Jen sauntered over to a loaded weight bar and began counting the weight loaded on the bar. "Hmm....200...240....260....280....300....320....340lbs! Shouldn't be much of a problem for a supergirl" said Jen half-jokingly as she slowly wrapped her petite hands around the bar and closed her eyes. With a quick jerk of her hands, the massive weight bar leapt off the rack and over her head in one swift motion as if it was made of styroform. Jennifer's gorgeous eyes widened as she held the 320lb bar over her head with little effort. Jen became eupohoric as she marvelled at how light the weight felt, almost as if it weighed ounces!! With a show of arrogance, Jen quickly release her right hand and put it on her hip so that the entire bar was now supported by her lone slender left hand. Jen looked over at the mirrors stood there transfixed at the sight of this 5'10" 36-23-35 blonde bombshell with more strength than 100 men. Jen smiled a cheesecake heroine smile and then slowly lower the bar and began to curl it still with one arm.

"I can't believe this!!" Jen said as she could still feel no resistance after 20 reps. Taking the bar in both hands again, Jen quickly tied the entire bar into a knot with her super-strength and threw it to the floor. Jen giggled, wondering what how the morning shift would react if they knew that some "girl" somehow had turned one of their weight bars into a pretzel!

Jen was so pumped and turned on at this point by her newfound strength that she craved another demonstration of her might. Jennifer walked over to the Smith Machine and got a wild idea! "Let's see if EVERY part of my body is really superstrong!!" thought Jen as she stood on one side of the Smith Machine, stradding one of the vertical metal poles. Jen leaned up against the pole and wedged the Smith Machine upright between her two breasts. Jen than took both hands and placed them against the cotton fabric of her tank top on either sides of her breasts. Erotically, Jen closed her eyes began to slowly apply pressure and began to squeeze her bosoms together with her hands. The reinforced steel upright never stood a chance as Jen now wielded the power of a 10 hydrolic car compactors underneath her tiny shirt! Jen smiled as she heard the unmistakable sound of steel squealing in protest -- unabale to withstand the superhuman onslaught of the "softest" parts of her body! Jen cried out in ecstasy "Yes, Jen!! You are sooooooo strong!!" as her cleavage flattened the metal upright to a width of a quarter!!

Jen now began to realize the power that was now at her beck and call!! She felt so alive and powerful like there was nothing that she could not do. As Jen put her hands on her hips and struck the classic superheroine pose, she declared "World, say so long to meek little Jennifer Watson and say hello to SuperJen!!"