Formula 145

Dr. Emil Lassiter had finally done it!! After years of pain-staking research in his secuded, government lab, he had finally made strides in his efforts of synthesizing a formula that would finally produce the ultimate warrior for the government. This super soldier serum was called Formula 145 and was now ready for testing on the two handpicked volunteers of the project: Sgt. Mason Briggs and Cpr. Emily Chandler.

Since the formula was untested, it was long ago decided to test both a male and female subject with the formula. For a year and a half now, both Mason and Emily, since being selected, had been kept under guarded lock and key at the facility, closely monitored and observed by a team of scientists and military personnel. Unbeknownst to both Mason and Emily, the head of the project, General Nathan Baldwin, had his own agenda on the fates of both of these soldiers following the completion of the human test phase...

Thursday morning, a group of military advisors and scientists gathered in the lab to witness the first field test of Formula 145. According to Dr. Lassiter's calculations, once injected with only 10ml of the Formula 145, both subjects could anticipate a 150% increase in speed and nearly a 200% increase in strength. Additional improvements to the subjects' earing, eyesight, and immune systems would also be recognized. As a result, the subjects would be roughly 3 times as strong as their average counterparts without any additional muscle mass. Formula 145 was designed to compress and compact the muscle tissue without the need of substantially increasing size.

As a hush gathered over the room, both Mason and Emily were injected with the drug and then rushed over to the training facility. After going through a series of strenuous physical and mental tests, the results of the drug came back with some surprising results.

It was found that Sgt. Briggs had achieved a 412% improvement in reaction times and speed while posting an astonishing 855% increase in strength, as evidenced by his astonishing 1,680 lb bench press. Similarly, his eyesight and hearing had also improved dramatically. Curiously, even his IQ was now 46 pts higher than it had been previously.

Cpr. Chandler, however, did not realize the same dramatic results. Emily posted a minimal increase in speed and a DECREASE in strength. No other improvements to her senses or IQ were measured either. It was evident from the tests that Formula 145 while being successful on the male body was completely ineffective on the female body.

General Baldwin hardly cared about the failure of the serum on females. He only had agreed to a female test subject at the strong recommendation of the scientific staff. Coming from the "old school", General Baldwin did not feel there was a place for women in the military anyway. All he cared about was his new weapon with which he could assemble an unstoppable army of supersoldiers to do his bidding. Now all he had to do is get the formula into mass production and tie up all his loose ends by liquidating both test subjects!! After taking both Mason and Emily back to their rooms, General Baldwin waited until that night to carry out his plans of eliminating them.

That night in her room, Emily sobbed over the disappointment of the tests. She felt useless as she could only sit back and marvel at Mason's incredible strength. Unknown to anyone else, Emily had often fantasized about being strong -- stronger than anyone on the planet. Now this possible dream had crushed any hopes she had of fulfilling that dream.

As Mason was sleeping soundly in his cell, two guards quietly entered his chamber and fired two fatal shots to his head. The sound of the gunshots quickly awoke Emily who was sleeping in her nearby cell. As Emily stood and saw the two guards standing over Mason's lifeless body. As she let out a scream, the guards turned and her and grinned. They slowly walked out of Mason's cell and walked silently through the deserted corrider towards Emily's cell.

Emily began to realize what was unfolding and became panicked. She quickly moved to the back of her cell and began to panic as the guards approached closer. Emily's heart quickened its pace as she began to feel a rush of adrenaline. She bent over in anguish as an incredible pain quickly shot like electricity throughout her body and then subsided without explanation. Emily suddenly felt more alive than she had ever been, almost as if her body had suddenly been jumpstarted with a surge of energy.

Emily's fascination suddenly was interrupted as the two guards entered her cell. Emily stood transfixed in fear as she begged them to not shoot her. "Sorry, bitch!!" replied one of the guards. "I guess they thought there was no sense in keeping your weak ass around!"
With that, Emily closed her eyes and readied herself for the killing blow. Two shots rang out from the soldiers' weapons and struck Emily squarely in the chest. However, instead of falling to the floor, Emily still stood with her eyes now open wondering how the soldiers could have missed at such close range.

"What the fuck?" hollered one of the soldiers as he couldn't believe what had just happened. One of the soldiers quickly fired off eight more shots that peppered Emily from her head to her midsection. In each instance, the bullets ricocheted off Emily as if hitting a steel wall. Both the soldiers, deciding not to take any chances, quickly ran from the cell and locked it behind them.

After the first two shots were fired, Emily simply thought the bullets had luckily missed her. However, the followup shots confirmed that somehow Emily was now impervious to bullets. Emily quickly surmised that Dr Lassiter's serum had taken a while longer to take effect on her body but now she had undergone some sort of transformation that included enhanced invulnerability. Cpr. Chandler breathed nervously as she caressed her well-toned body, still finding it hard to believe that her lithe, 35-23-24 figure had just stopped an onslaught of bullets without even the slightest scratch. Emily became aroused as she thought back that the bullets felt like raindrops as they bounced off her body.

Emily knew that Dr Lassiter had never foreseen such an increase in the body's durability as a result of the serum. She therefore became excited at the prospects of how powerful she might be now. Since experiencing the sharp pain before, she felt incredibly energized. She knew at this point she was far stronger and faster than before, and she couldn't wait to test herself. Emily quickly walked over to the reinforced titanium cell bars and wrapped her petite hands slowly around two of the bars. She wondered if she was strong enough to bend the bars enough to squeeze her body through...

As Emily slowly began to apply pressure, she eyes snapped opened as she was rewarded with the sound of the titanium bars squealing in protest as they tried in vain to resist Emily's newfound strength. Emily savored her strength as she pulled the bars apart as if they were taffy. It was so easy!!! As Emily took a step back, she marvelled at her handiwork. As this point, she purred like a tigress and proceeded to grab the locking frame of the cell door. Without the slightest hint of effort, Emily yanked the cell door completely off the frame as the titanium bolts and hinges did not provide any resistance to her superstrength.

As Emily took a step into the corridor, her super-enhanced hearing detected the sound of troops mobilizing and making their way towards her. Emily beaming with newfound confidence stood defiantly alone with her hands on her hips and shouted, "Hey, boys!! Come and get me!!"

To be continued?