Khali's Vacation, Part III By David E Suddenly everyone started to retreat. "Aaww! What, no more fun?" said Khali aloud, beginning to chase the stragglers. Two of the soldiers ran to a black Jeep 4X4 and started the vehicle's engine as Khali approached. No sooner did the driver put the Jeep in gear and quickly accelerate, then Khali steps forward and brings her left foot up to waist level and slams it down into the trucks hood and cowl from the drivers side. The truck stops instantly as Khali's beautiful and incomprehensibly powerful foot tears through the hood and unibody of the truck, crushing the front drivers side all the way to the pavement. Khali continues, and walks through the unibody of the truck like it was wet tissue; the strong steel wrending, crushing and delicately sliding over and between Khali's inhumanly muscled calves and thighs as her feet and legs tear through the steel like toilet paper. When she reaches the cab she bends over and presses her diamond hard nipples against the roof, causing her breasts to tear easily through the steel. Her rude display causes the men inside to fire at her breasts with their automatic pistols. Khali quickly tears the remains of the roof off and crumples them up into a ball. Then, she throws the lump of metal aside making it land with a loud CLANG. Stepping forward (causing her pointed toes to slice through the dashboard), Khali stands between the men, grabing the passenger by his coller and pulling him up to face her. As he levels the gun at her face, Khali quickly leans forward to grab the gun between her full pouty lips. After trying to pull the gun out and failing, the man pulls the trigger The force of the gunshot feels like little more than the carbonation in soda to Khali, so she pretends by puffing her cheeks out. Then she begins to suck on the barrel, her full pouty lips severing through the side and barrel of the autopistol like overcooked pasta. Terrified, the wielder drops the remains of the weapon. Meanwile, behind her, the driver uses his autopistol to fire up at Khali's mesmerising ass and quimm from behind. Feeling the bullets from behind, Khali parts her nether lips and ass cheeks. The bullets seem only to get caught in Khali's superhuman pubic hair, although some do mange to teasingly flick against her asshole and up between her wet labia. After the driver's gun runs out of bullets, Khali flexes her ankle back seductively and grabs the pistol between her toes. Then, she proceeds to slowly crush it in half, making sure to hold her guncrushing foot right up to the man's face so he can see the indomitable might of just the feet of this dark goddess. Mesmerized by terror and lust, the driver doesn't even try to move as Khali reaches back with her hand and positions his head between her thighs. Then, in a gravely lusty tone, Khali turns to the passenger and says: "Tell me punny one, where are the flabby old men who give you your orders?" She pauses. "Tell me and you won't end up like this." Then, she ever so slightly flexes her thighs until the driver's head starts to make a groaning noise. Flashing a beautiful smile, Khali flexes harder and the man's head collapses like a overripe grape, splattering the passenger with gore. The passenger's last comprehensible words were to Khali as he told her how to find the command center and its war room. After that, he would do no more than babble like an idiot for the rest of his life. Khali tears the rest of the truck out of her way like wet toilet paper and, unchallenged, she begins to calmly make her way towards the command center. To be continued... David is keen to get feedback about what you guys think of his stories, but wishes to keep his identity secret for the time being. So if you've got anything you want to say to him then email me at and I'll pass the message on to him. Thanks.