Khali's Vacation, Part II By David E Khali is now sure that this is a reward and not a punishment, or could being an indomitible dark goddess be the "too much of a good thing that is supposed to be HELL." Hell, Khali didn't know or care because he wasn't even done enjoying herself. After that good fart Khali realises she has to go to the "little girls room" than thinks hell this whole puny world has to take my shit! They're much too weak to have any choice in the matter. With that thought of absolute power arowsing her, Khali runs down one of the remaining now fleeing tanks. Barely making it "she has to go remember" Khali leaps onto the rear of the closest tank, squats griping her superhumanly strong toes into the armor covering the engine on the back of the still moving tank, A look of relief passes across her face as Khali starts to piss, the orange piss 1000s of degrees hot, denser than mercury and powerfully caustic. Khali's pee melts through several layers of thick armor to destroy the engine of the tank, stopping it dead. Khali moves to sit straddling the corner of the turret, then she pushes back with her feet and the thick armor crushes and deforms to the shape of her ass. The terified gunner sees this and almost pisses himself. Khali relaxes and lets herself shit, 10's of 1000's of degrees hot and denser than diamond, Khali's shit easily melts and cut's it's way into the turret, the heat from it inside the tank roasts the gunner and driver like chickens. When Khali's super sphicher cuts off the unearthly turd it melts through the remainder of the tank straight down into the earth at least 20 feet. Even a BAD GIRL has to whipe her ass, so Khali tears a thin 1/4 inch machinegun shield of the terret like toilet paper and wipes her ass and pussy, the weak steel tears and shreds in Khali's pubic hair leaving little rolled up balls of steel mashed into her pubic bush. When she wipes her ass her fingers accidentaly tear through the steel toilet paper Her shit tearing it as it sticks to it. Her gut empty Khali wonders were to get a good meal on this fragile little rock, with that thought she begins to jog chasing the fleeing armored division back to their base. Khali reached the gates of the military base quickly, her powerful legs carying her some 30 miles in less than 10 minutes. As she aproached the front gate she licked her full red lips since the men guarding the gate were even smaller and weaker looking than the cowardly worms hiding in those big tanks. The guards were mesmerised by Khali's height and muscular beauty, staring as if they had never seen a 7 foot oriental musclegoddess before. In fact as she strode confidently toward the gate to casually walk through the solid stainless steel bars like they were just a cobweb, the guards didn't even challange her right away, as they were too in shock. A little disappointed, Khali decided than it was her duty as a Bad Girl to start trouble. So Khali walked up to the booth on the other side of the gate and waited for the dumbfounded guard inside to act. As he did so by fumbling to escape though the back door of the booth, Khali just walks through the thin aluminum booth and grabs the helpless man, lifting him up to her face and begins to kiss and lick his face, being extremely carefull not to peel it off with her abrasive tongue. The man pulls out a GLOCK autopistol and holds it against her chest between her breasts, momentarily distracted and titalated by a chance to further terify the man, Khali puts her hand on top of the gun and smears the polycorbonate weapon across her breasts like chocholate syrup. Khali delights in the taste of the guards fearsweat as her gentlest licks and kisses bruise and welt the helpless man's face. Imagining the ways in which she might further terrify her victim before finishing him, Khali fails to notice more armed guards behind her, also flabbier and smaller than the soldiers earlier but somehow more courageous. One guard directly behind her holds an assault rifle to her ass, Khali is not only very tall but mostly legs, the other two try to grab her arms and free the booth guard. Khali reaches over and grabs the guard on her right by the back of the neck and locks him in a kiss, her powerful tongue severing his spine instantly; Khali gulps down his sweet blood and throws him aside like an empty container. The guard on her left steps back and takes aim with his rifle, Khali turns to him and gently blows sending him flying 100's of miles per hour into a building to go splat. Khali feels the sublime little flick of pointblank gunfire against her ass so she reaches behind herself to part her cheeks with her fingers, some of the 30 rounds delicately flick against her labia. Since they lack the power to get between them, most of the bullets just get caught in her pubic hair and tease her asshole. Speaking of which, Khali's swollen rosebud is starting to feel warm, not from the friction of highpower ammunition but from a hot stinky fart brewing inside, and why not release her goddess gas and put this so called guard in his place, pfisssssssssss, Khali's fart even feels warm to her, it' 1000's of degrees vaporise the steel assault rife half way back to the handle spraying its owner with hot molten balls of metal that burn his skin in 1000s of tiny spots causing him to scream like a frightened child, drop the remains of the rifle, and run away. To be continued... David is keen to get feedback about what you guys think of his stories, but wishes to keep his identity secret for the time being. So if you've got anything you want to say to him then email me at and I'll pass the message on to him. Thanks.