Khali's Vacation, Part I By David E Khali was always a bad girl. Khali comes from a planet in another dimension where people are superhuman in comparison to humans on the Earth - a place called Tara. An average Taran man is perhaps 10,000 times stronger than his Earth counterpart. On Tara women are the physical superiors; they average 1/3 taller, 2 times as heavy and 9 times the strength of the males. Taran society being advanced and compassionate, the genders are equal by law. However, family liniage is through the Mother's line and most leaders in commerce and government are women. It is considered coloquial wisdom on Tara that men are intellectually as well as physically inferior to women. It is with this attitude that Khali became a manbeater, slowly progressing to serial killer and serious criminal. She was found by Taren court to be inhumane, uncompassionate and a liability to society. She was sentanced to banishment and after a last meal of junkfood (she had the Taran equivelant of Buritto's and soda) Khali was ejected into space in a dimension on the other side of the wormhole from Tara. With only the tube dress on her back and boots on her feet she was to be ejected into the zero gravity of space to die. Showing some compassion, and even more cynosism; not to mention complete disreguard for the patriachal weaklings of the earth, the police cruser LILITH's crew decided to, edject Khali into low earth orbit. Perhaps an attempt to show the men of the earth the error of thier ways. In the vacume of space Khali soon fell unconsious only to be pulled spiraling closer and closer to the earth by the planet's gravity. Still unconsious as Khali entered the atmousphere the friction of reentry started to heat her up to several thousand deegeres, to her the eqivalent of a baulmy summer day. She started to sweat profusely. Earth satalights tracked her as a UFO and for some odd reason she landed in the New Mexico desert USA about 30 miles east of the famous US airforce bace in Roswell. The men of the bace tracked what looked on screen to be a dense metiorite untill it impackted than sent a science crew with a millitary escort to recover the 7 and 1/2 foot lond 750 to 800 pound object. The landing sight looked typical of a metiorite with a 1/4 mile long 2 foot to 10 feet deep trench cut into the desert sand and turned to glass by friction, the OBJECT howerver was compleatly unexpected. what looked for all the world to be one of those hardbody fittness women, maybe a little more muscular but just as smooth. Oriental facial features and a deep bronze tan. The science teem aproched with caution, as the trench was still 1000's of degrees. Armored attack helocoptors and tanks hoovered and idled about 1/8th mile back. In a half-sleep Khali sturrs annoyed by the buzzing of the choppers and the feeling of sleeping in the dress panties and boots she had on for over a week. Khali pulls the calf high boots off her aching hot sweaty feet. The powerfull footsmell instantly overpowers the science teem even through their hostile environment sutes, first giving all the men painfull erections and than knocking them unconsious in about 3 seconds. Still in half-sleep Khali bothered by the buzzin of the chopers, wich remind her of the annoying Tarren moth from her home planet, slides off her ass and cunt perloined panties and by thier unearthly elastic waistband; slingshots them at the closest of the bothersome insects. The panties accelerate to 100's of miles per hour and tear through the powerull attack helocoptor like a bullet through a soap bouble, the unfortunate crew of the aircraft had notime to react but shamefully knew what hit them as the chopper exploded in flames. The panties by the way went into low earthorbit and were currenly being tracked by the millitary's of all major earth gorvrernments as a UFO. This Metiorite woman is not just a beautifull alien fantasy, she's a Deadly threat to SECURITY! The unconsious science teem is taken away by abulance and tanks are brought in to suround the Alien Superwoman, as Khali Becomes awakened by the explosion and the commotion around her. In confusion Khali sits up to face two tanks aproaching her, as three others aproach from behind, she dosent fully understand her predicament but the massive armored machines do lood formitable. Terrified over what hapened to their comrads in the helocoptor the tank crews dicide to shoot first ask questions later. the gunner of one of the tanks facing her takes aim with the .30 caliber machine gun on his terret, at the sitting superfemme. Powerfull titanium tiped armor peircing rounds peper Khali from the front like little grains of sand being blown gently over her chest and splayed crotch. Instead of being torn to hamburger the deadly rain of gunfire only teases Khali eroticly, annoying if annything because they are not anywere near forceful enough to get her off. OOOOOOOOOnnnnH! Khali moans. She wonders if these soldiers are trying to kill her or make her happy, It aperars though that thay are all only puny MEN, so how much dammang could their millitary technology do? Wanting more stimulation, Khali gets up and strides sexally towards the offending tank. Just then the tanks behind her start to fire their 30 cal machine guns at her back. some of the bullets hitting her in the ass and cunt lips. OOOOOOOOOOhhnn! She turns her head around and blows them a kiss, Remembering the Helicoptor she spits at one of the exposed gunners her spit misses him but hits the machine gun on his terett tearing it apart like wet paper, and sending the terrified soldier back into his turret locking the 2inch thick steel hatch behind him. Turning her attention back to the tank in front of her she walks up to it until her muscle hard abdoman is touching the fromt of it, its cool and arousing. The tankdriver pushes his sticks forward to try to run her down, But Khali can bearely feel any resistance against her as the 2000 horsepower machine is helpless to move her. Next Khalli pushes forward by flexing her inhumanly powefull calves. The tank is easily pushed back. What a weak machine, thinks Khali, squating down and pressing her diamond hard nipples against the cool steel armor. she presses her breasts firmly against the front of the tank and the armor surrenders spliting open the 3 inch thick steel, grabing the ends of the hole with her hands Khali easaly rips the front of the mighty war machine open to reveal the terified man who is its driver, built like Dalph Ludgrin, he appears as a weak sickly boy to Khali's evil dark eyes. "Stay away from me you sick bitch" yells the terrified man reaching for a 9 milimetre automatic pistol. Easily overpowering the man Khali grabs him by the scruff of the neck and begins to painfully and dominantly kiss him, not allowing him to breathe and breaking his teeth and jaw with her inhumanly strong lips and tounge. The taste of her victems blood and his pitifull strougles fire khali with dark passion. She grabs his hands from their clubsy fumbles and presses them against her swolen gravity defying breasts. her nipples instanly rip through the earthmans weak hands the rest of wich are ground to paste between her palms and brests. Getting ready to rip the drivers head off with just her tounge, Khali is interrupted as the guner brings the terett around to slam its foot around 10 foot long barrel int the side of Khali's head, riping her out of the front of the tank and putting the driver out of his missery as his body is litteraly juced between Kali's super legs and the hard steel armor structure of the tank. As the main gun takes aim, Khali looks up and teasingly says, "So ya wanna play rough now?" None of the other tanks crews wanted to fire their mainguns for fear of killing their comrad in the disabled tank. Khali leaps up and grabs the disabled tanks maingun with both hands and jams it to her chest between her huge breasts. "Go ahead and fire, whats the matter, chicken; afraid your big gun will blow up in your face" says Khali tauntingly. It's true the gunner was afraid after seeing Khali's extreme exehibitions of physical strength allready. Insted the gunner try's to shake her off with the terrets position motors, but the barrel cannot move traped between Khalli's indomitable breasts. "ok my move than!" say's Khali as she presses her breasts together with her hands slowely errotily crushing the end of the barred shut. Khali then leaps up to the terret stratleing the ruened barrel, the gunner still working the helpless motors to try to throw her off, the barrel rises up to meet Khali's hot crotch; it's coolness exhights her so she flexes her superhuman thighs to grip the barrel tightly crushing it against her hot sex like soft wet clay, Than she pumps her pelvis back and forth in sex motion, the infuman force of Khali's lower body on the hard gunbarrel tears the comparatively softer terett armor open and apart, revealing her terrified next victem the gunner. "looks like you'r fucked with your own dick" says Khali as she tears the remainder of the 2inch thick terret apant and grabs the gunner by his shirt." The gunner jams his automatic pistol to Khali's brest and pulls the trigger, the gun explodes breaking his hand and causing him to cry out. "You like these breasts, don't you." says Khali mockinly, "how about this," she says as she grabs the man behind the head and forces his mouth onto one of her harder then steel niples. first he bites down with all his strength but than she wiggles her breast and shatters his teeth, starting to feel good she presses just a little harder splattering his skull over her indomitable brest, These weak men are fun, but a little disappointing she thinks as she looks over her sholder at the other tanks with a smoldering look in her eyes, and says "looks like your too friends have had it, what are you waiting for, WORMS!" No sooner a maingun goes of sending a heavy depleted unainium shell rocketing at 1000's of feet per second at her upturned ass. The explosion completely destroys the remains of the tank beneeth her and splatters moltent urainiun up into Khali's asshole and vagina, sending her into a rocking orgasm. When the smoke clears Khali is still lying on the parched earth on her hands and knees rubing her clitoris and pinching a nipple jutteing her ass and vulva at the remaining tanks. That one tank moves closer and fires agine, with similer results. The tank comes closer still to the spasming superwoman and points it's main gun's barrel point blank up against Khali's ass, still working her fingers in and out of herself Khali looks back over her wide athletic shoulder and hautaly says, "so you like my ASS dont you" the thought of what she was about to do was titalating and the gas pressue in her bowels felt good too. NNNNNNNNNNNh! "this is gona be rude, The proceeds of the junk food super were going to be devistating, as she orgasms Khali farts forcerully. The guns barrell is blown open cracking all the way back to the turret which is also broken and deformed by the explosion, three feet of gun barrel are simply melted off the end moltent and dripping like a wax candle. "Kiss my ass puny earthmen," Khali screams rolling around on the ground and laughing uncontrollably. To be continued... David is keen to get feedback about what you guys think of his stories, but wishes to keep his identity secret for the time being. So if you've got anything you want to say to him then email me at and I'll pass the message on to him. Thanks.