Lois Lane vs. Wonder Woman By: Jumper Prime Disclaimer: All characters in this story are not mine, they are the property of DC Comics. I'm not making any money from this story so please don't sue me. Lois Lane sat on the couch in the apartment she shared with her husband, Clark Kent(a.k.a. Superman) reading a book, but she had been on the same page for the last hour. She just couldn't concentrate on the words on the page because her mind was occupied with something else. *I'll bet Clark's fucking that Amazon whore right now.* the plucky reporter thought to herself *If he were any other man I'd be furious, but he's not any other man. He's SUPERman. He's so strong he could shatter a stone column with a nervous twitch of his finger. It's only his incredible self-control and lifetime of practice controlling his strength that keeps him from destroying everything he touches. That control is stressed to its breaking point every time we have sex. I'm always satisfied afterwards, but I can see the fear in his eyes the whole time, the fear that his control will slip and he'll accidentally hurt me. He can't fuck me with even a fraction of his full strength because one unrestrained thrust would pulverize every bone in my body. An ordinary woman like me is a thousand times too weak to satisfy the Man of Steel. Not only is he super gentle with me, well, gentle for him, for me it feels like the definition of rough sex, he can't get any satisfaction from me, he can't risk cumming inside me, or even getting anywhere close to there because a single spurt of his Kryptonian ejaculation would blow me apart like a grenade in my womb. The list of women in the world strong enough to handle fucking Superman is pretty short, and Wonder Woman is one of them. I just wish he didn't have to use that whore to satisfy his super-libido. I'M his wife, dammit! I wish I was strong enough-* “To fuck big blue like Wonder babe does?” An annoying male voice suddenly said, completing Lois's private thought out loud. Lois dropped her book as she turned in surprise to see the owner of the voice. It was a floating midget in a purple suit and bowler hat. The reporter recognized him immediately, as he had bedeviled her husband on many an occasion. “Mr. Mxyzptlk!” Lois all but shouted “That's my name, babe, don't wear it out.” the fifth-dimensional imp responded as he tipped his purple bowler hat. “What are you doing here?” Lois asked, her mind racing as she tried to figure out a way to trick the imp into saying his own name backwards. “Well, believe it or not I'm actually here to help.” “Help? Don't make me laugh. Every time you show up you cause trouble and mischief, usually for Superman.” “True, true,” Mr. Mxyzptlk nodded. “And that's why I'm here to help this time. You see, causing so much trouble for big blue has caused me to accumulate a boatload of bad karma. Now, bad karma may not be much of a big deal for you three-dimensional folks, but for someone like me from the fifth dimension, well, it's a bit more concrete to us. So, to payoff all this bad karma, I want to do something to help you and big blue.” “And how do I know this isn't another of your tricks?” Lois looked at the imp with a suspicious look. “My solemn word?” Mr. Mxyzptlk answered as he held his hat over his chest. “Your word isn't worth much around here. Everyone who knows of you knows you're not to be trusted.” “Geez! You would spurn me when I want nothing more than to help your husband with the biggest problem he's got?” “You're going to make him immune to Kryptonite?” “KRYPTONITE!?!??! BWAHAHAHA!” Mxyzptlk laughed so hard he spun around in the air like a paddlewheel. “Kryptonite's easy for big blue to deal with. A little lead, minimum safe distance, hell, if he ever got hurt really bad in a superfight with someone like Doomsday or Darkseid, a kryptonite scalpel in the hands of a doctor might save his life. No babe, I'm talking about the fact that big blue can't properly sleep with his wife, he can only get satisfaction from his mistress. Even where I'm from that's just plain tragic. So, I was thinking that, assuming you were willing of course, I could fix it so your husband didn't need to go outside his marriage bed for sexual pleasure.” “And how EXACTLY do you plan to do this?” “Simple babe, I give YOU superpowers on par with big blue's. Imagine babe, you'll be as strong as he is, bullets and explosions will just tickle you. You'll be able to get hit by a speeding semi-truck and barely notice. I'll even throw in flight and super speed as a bonus. Don't forget that super breath is actually the result of super strong lungs, so you'll have that one too. You won't have to worry about Kryptonite, either. I'll even improve your body a bit, bigger, sexier muscles, bigger, firmer tits, slimmer waist, tighter butt. Basically, if we were to put you and Wonder babe on the same stage at a bikini contest, first prize'd probably come down to whose skin complexion, bathing suit, face, and hair the judges liked best. You know as well as I do that muscles turn big blue on. Probably cuz he knows it takes a strong woman to handle what he's packing in his super-shorts.” “What's the catch?” Lois asked. “I know there is one so don't try to trick me. Are you going to make Superman ordinary so the roles are reversed or are you going to give me the powers but not the ability to properly control them so I become a walking disaster area, leaving destruction wherever I go?” “Lois, you wound me! You think I would be so callous as to do either of those dirty tricks?” “Yes, I think that's your exact modus operandi.” “Maybe on any other day it might be, but for today only I'm offering you the above-mentioned superpowers with no detrimental effects to anyone else, plus as an extra bonus: pre-installed knowledge and skill which will allow you to control your new superpowers as though you'd had them for years. Every nuance explored, able to crush a steel bar in one hand while holding an egg in the other without so much as cracking it, able to fly circles around a pigeon, no worries about unintended takeoff or super breath discharge under normal circumstances.” Mr. Mxyzptlk took a gulp of air after his extreme run-on sentence. “AHA!!” Lois shouted. “There's the catch I was looking for: Under Normal Circumstances. So I'll have to worry about losing control under ABnormal circumstances. Nice try, Mixy.” “Oh, please! You are so suspicious, babe. Abnormal circumstances just means stuff that might cause big blue to lose control of his powers. Super-pollen making you sneeze, resulting in an uncommanded burst of super breath, psychic attack causing various problems with your equaleebrium, etcetera, etcetera. A good rule of thumb is that if it won't cause your husband to lose control of his powers, it won't cause you to lose control of yours, and not everything that affects big blue will necessarily affect you. So what do you say babe? This is a limited time offer, y'know.” “Assuming you're telling the truth, it is a very tempting offer,” Lois said as she rubbed her chin in thought, pacing back and forth on the floor in front of the couch. “However, if I refuse, you can't pay off your bad karma and so can't keep causing trouble here on Earth, which may be far more valuable to my husband than me getting superpowers.” “Very noble babe, but you're absolutely WRONG!!! Simply making the offer seriously is enough to pay off my bad karma. If you refuse, it's no skin off my schnoz. I wanted to help, but it's not my fault if you wouldn't let me. So either way, I get to do whatever I want here in the third dimension, assuming nobody makes me say my name backwards. The only question is whether or not you get some really nifty superpowers out of it or not. So babe, Final Answer time. After you give me your decision, I'm outta here with my bad karma paid off. Do you want the superpowers I've offered you, with all attached caveats and guarantees? Yes or No?” Lois stood staring at the fifth-dimensional imp for several heartbeats. She was a little worried that Mxyzptlk might be setting her up for a major prank or pulling a con game on her and had somehow managed to work in a loophole large enough to drive a truck through or been outright lying, but her reporter instincts told her that he was actually being serious for once, and if there was even a slight chance that everything Mr. Mxyzptlk had said was the truth, it was a once in a lifetime chance, and if it wasn't she couldn't stop him from doing whatever he wanted anyway. Lois made her decision. “Yes.” Lois said simply. “You won't regret it, babe,” Mr. Mxyzptlk grinned. “From now on, your life's gonna be positively SUPER.” Mr. Mxyzptlk disappeared with a popping sound, leaving Lois alone in the apartment once more. For a moment the reporter wondered if the imp had simply been messing with her head, offering her superpowers when he really had no intention at all of doing anything. That thought died a quick death moments later as Lois felt a warmth in her chest. She gasped in pleasure as her modest breasts began to grow and become firmer at the same time. As Lois's breasts grew, the hem of her blouse was pulled up, revealing her flat belly which quickly hardened into a rock-hard six-pack. She heard the sound of ripping fabric as her breasts continued to expand and realized that her bra had succumbed to their newfound power. Moments later, Lois grinned as her new super tits tore through her blouse, the expensive cloth no match for the softest parts of her body. She quickly turned towards a mirror as she felt the feeling of warmth now permeating her torso spread to her arms. Lois held her arms straight out to either side and then flexed a double-biceps pose. Her swelling biceps drew the fabric of her sleeves tight and continued to grow, it looked like a pair of balloons were inflating in her sleeves. It didn't take long before the fabric reached its limit and Lois's biceps ripped free of their confinement like a pair of muscle volcanoes. Lois flexed even harder and her softball-sized biceps peaked like those of a bodybuilder. She sighed in pleasure as the warm feeling spread below her waist, causing her buttocks to fill out with muscle, going from average to a butt most women would kill for. The warmth quickly spread down Lois's legs, causing her formerly slim thighs to swell with muscle, popping the seams on the miniskirt she was wearing, and her calves also grew some serious muscle. Lois moaned as her astounding growth finally came to an end. She felt incredible, powerful, indestructible. Every last tiny ache and pain she had learned to ignore throughout her life was completely gone, her body felt like it was weightless, she felt better than she had in her entire life. Lois had always wondered what it felt like to have the power of an earthbound goddess like Wonder Woman and Power Girl. Now she knew: It was a rush. Lois felt the urge to see her new body without her ruined blouse obscuring her view. She tore off her blouse with the same ease as tearing tissue paper and flexed as she admired her perfect body in the mirror. Her breasts were breathtaking, Lois estimated she was now a 40DD but her breasts didn't have even the most microscopic amount of sag. Her huge tits stood straight out from her chest, completely ignoring gravity. Her arms were muscular but not musclebound, obviously strong but still decidedly feminine, Lois's eyes lingered on her softball-sized biceps and she grinned as she thought about the power they now contained. Her gaze drifted down to her belly, once it had been merely trim but now it was armored with well-defined six-pack abs that were stronger than steel and there was no denying that she had a sexy hourglass figure. Lois couldn't deny that Mr. Mxyzptlk had at least told the truth about the enhancements to her looks. She was as big and sexy as Wonder Woman, any comparison of the amazing amazon's body with that of Lois would surely result in a dead heat. Lois took hold of a breast with each hand, testing the firmness and liking what she felt. “Mmmm,” Lois sighed in pleasure. “I am super sexy and smoking HOT! Just look at these muscles and tits. I can literally FEEL the power in my new superboobs!” Releasing her own breasts, Lois walked over to the couch, then reached down and effortlessly lifted the couch with one hand as though it was weightless while she flexed the other arm. “Oooh. I just can't wait to show Clark the new me,” Lois beamed as she gently put down the couch. “I wish I knew where he was right now.” Noticing something out of the corner of her eye, Lois glanced at the mirror and gasped at what she saw. Instead of her reflection, she saw an image of Superman and Wonder Woman having sex, both were completely naked except for the fact that Wonder Woman was still wearing her Amazon bracelets. Lois recognized the background, they were inside Superman's Fortress of Solitude. Lois wondered how she could be seeing this when a translucent image of Mr. Mxyzptlk tipping his hat to her momentarily appeared over the image of Superman and Wonder Woman fucking each other before the images vanished and the mirror went back to normal. “That little fifth-dimensional perv didn't leave after all,” Lois growled. “He was watching me the whole time I was checking out the new me, and I'll bet he's not done yet. Judging by that image he showed me, I'd guess he wants to see a super-catfight between me and Wonder Woman. Well, I suppose giving that imp a little thrill is worth these new powers he's given me. If Wonder Woman doesn't meekly back down when I crash the party, I'll kick her ass, and after all the stories I've written about her I know that Diana isn't likely to knuckle-under to anyone, even her lover's wife. Guess I should give Mixy a decent show.” Lois put her hands on her hips and spread her legs slightly, imitating the famous 'Power Stance' used by so many superheroines. “I've got to stop that Amazon harlot before she drains all the power out of Superman's cock,” Lois said in a tone much like the one her husband normally used when appearing as Superman. “This looks like a job for Super-Lois!” Lois floated an inch off the ground for a second, just to make sure Mxyzptlk really had given her the ability to fly, then dropped back to the floor and ran at normal speed towards the glass doors to the balcony. The doors were currently closed but Lois was in no mood to slow down to open them. Her breasts reached the doors first and smashed through the tempered glass like a pair of wrecking balls, the impact failing to cause them to compress in the slightest, closely followed by the rest of Lois's body finishing off the glass doors which were shattered into countless shards by the passage of the reporter's body. A normal person would have had to worry about being cut to ribbons by the razor sharp glass shards, but the only damage was to the skirt Lois was wearing. Her invulnerable body wasn't harmed in the least by the razor sharp glass. In fact, the shards that brushed across her breasts, particularly her nipples, actually felt good, like a light caress. Moments after crashing through the glass doors, Lois leaped off the balcony and flew through the air, quickly accelerating to super speed so as not to be noticed. Steadily gaining altitude and speed, Lois was out of the city and high in the sky in less than a minute, speeding south to Antarctica, where she knew the Fortress of Solitude was located. Sonic booms could be heard far below as she first broke the sound barrier, then went far beyond, blazing through the sky at speeds no Earth-made aircraft had ever achieved and which could be matched by only a few metahumans. Within minutes, Lois was flying over Antarctica. Since telescopic vision wasn't included in the powers Mxyzptlk had given her, she decelerated rapidly and dove sharply so she would be able to see the landmarks she remembered from the last time Superman had taken her to his Fortress. After several more minutes of flying over Antarctica at subsonic speeds, Lois found her destination: Superman's Fortress of Solitude. Lois landed in front of the massive door and stood gazing at it. Thanks to her new invulnerability, she didn't even notice the sub-zero cold, despite being topless, barefoot, and only wearing a torn skirt and panties. Sometime back, Superman had given Lois a code that would open the doors to the Fortress, but the doors could also be opened without a code by someone with strength on par with his. The recently empowered reporter decided to brute-force it, the idea of forcing open those massive doors sent a wave of pleasure through her. Lois walked up to the giant doors and put her hands into the seam where they met. “Open Sesame.” Lois said and pushed against the doors. Every muscle in Lois's body flexed as she exerted her strength against the huge barrier. A grinding sound could be heard as she forced the doors apart until finally she had opened them wide enough that her arms were fully extended to either side. What she saw within was no big surprise. Wonder Woman, naked but for her bracelets, was on top of a totally naked Superman, moaning in pleasure. Lois crossed the distance between the doors and the two lovers in seconds. “Get the hell off my man, Wonder whore!” Lois shouted as she grabbed the Amazon by the arm and yanked her off of Superman, the amount of force Lois used sending Wonder Woman flying across the room, though the Amazon heroine landed on her feet. “Who dares!?” Diana growled, not at all pleased to be interrupted. “Lois!?” Superman gasped as he recognized his wife despite her recent changes. “This, this isn't what it looks like! It-” “Save it, Clark!” Lois responded. “I've known about you and Diana for a long time. I never said anything because I knew she was able to give you something I couldn't. You could fuck her without worrying about hurting her. I was too weak and fragile to handle even a fraction of your passion, but things have changed. Now I'm strong enough and tough enough to handle everything you can dish out.” “And how exactly did this occur?” Wonder Woman asked with a suspicious tone. “Believe it or not, Mxyzptlk needed to work off some bad karma and he decided to do it by making it possible for me to properly fuck my husband. Therefore, YOUR services will no longer be required.” “My SERVICES!?!?” Wonder Woman growled as she strode towards Lois. “I am not some cheap street whore. I am the princess of the Amazons. Superman and I don't just fuck, we make love.” Diana came right up in Lois's face, their bare breasts pressing against each other, both women's breasts only compressing slightly despite enough pressure being exerted between them to crush steel. “Not anymore,” Lois countered. “You're never fucking my husband ever again, and if you do, I will kick your ass until you understand the error of your ways.” “In your dreams,” Wonder Woman growled back. “You may have some amount of superhuman power, but I am the strongest woman on this planet and a skilled Amazon warrior. I will continue to fuck Superman today and in the future, and if you try to stop me, I will break you.” “I was hoping you were going to say that,” Lois smirked. “Time for your punishment, princess.” Lois took a step back and immediately slammed her fist into Wonder Woman's belly, bringing a grunt of pain from her. The impact of Lois's fist against the Amazon's steel hard abs sounded like a gun going off and sent Wonder Woman flying backwards, though she managed to stay vertical, her feet carving shallow grooves in the floor as she brought herself to a stop. “I have a confession to make,” Diana said as she calmly walked towards Lois. “For years I have fantasized about beating you bloody, crushing your bones, leaving you a broken lump of flesh, so that I could have more time with Superman, so that I could feel the power of his mighty cock more often. But that would not have been right, you were just a weak, defenseless mortal. To strike you even once would irrevocably stain my honor. But now things are different. Though you are obviously not as strong as I am, you have effectively challenged me and are strong enough that I can strike you without sullying my honor. And one other thing... THAT PUNCH WAS WEAK!” Without warning, Wonder Woman's fist lashed out and struck Lois in the face. The impact sounded like a cannon firing and sent the superhuman reporter flying backwards through the gap between the open doors. Lois's uncontrolled flight continued for twenty more yards before she came back to the ground and her forward momentum plus her invulnerable body resulted in the creation of a shallow 30 yard long trench carved through the icy ground. Diana walked confidently through the doors of the Fortress and walked towards the spot where she had knocked Lois to. Despite being totally naked, the Amazon champion didn't feel the slightest discomfort from the extreme cold. As she approached the start of the trench, Wonder Woman saw Lois standing up and walking towards her. The remnants of the reporter's skirt had been destroyed by her rough contact with the ground, as had her panties, leaving her completely naked, but you couldn't tell that from her body language. Just like Wonder Woman, Lois walked like a superheroine in full costume. It was quite a sight, two breathtakingly beautiful women standing naked in an environment so cold it would freeze an unprotected mortal solid in seconds but neither so much as shivered. They cautiously circled each other, looking for openings to attack. “Last chance to give up, Lois,” Wonder Woman said calmly. “I'm stronger than you and tougher than you. Your punch was nothing compared to mine. I'm going to kick your ass and then fuck your husband hard.” “My first punch was my idea of a superhuman slap in the face,” Lois responded confidently. “From here on out I'm going full force, and I'm going to enjoy taking you down.” Lois charged and punched Diana in the face, snapping her head back. Diana responded with a punch to the gut, making Lois groan in pain but she retaliated by driving a fist into each of the Amazon's full breasts, driving her backwards with a grunt. Wonder Woman flew through the air straight at Lois like a missile, slamming into her fists first and throwing her backwards into a nearby ice mountain. Lois's body smashed a large crater into the side of the mountain but she was moving again in an instant, rolling away just in time to avoid a punch aimed at her head, which instead sent shockwaves and cracks throughout the giant block of ice. Flying in the air, Lois caught a giant ice boulder that had broken off from the damaged ice mountain and threw it at her opponent. Wonder Woman shattered the flying boulder into small shards of ice with a single punch. But the boulder was just a distraction, as Lois had flown right behind it and moments after Wonder Woman shattered it, the Amazon was struck in her belly by a flying kick powerful enough to level a skyscraper, sending her flying backwards into and through another ice outcropping, shattering it. Both women met in the air and traded blows again and again. Each individual blow could completely demolish a car and could be heard from miles away, even without super hearing, but neither woman's body broke. Their steel-hard muscles were like armor but even the strongest armor could be bent and broken with enough force over a long enough period of time. Indestructible abs were hit again and again with enough force to destroy almost anything, gradually weakening them. Breasts firm enough to deform steel were hit again and again, gradually making them more sensitive to pain. All the while the collateral damage from the epic battle accumulated, turning the Antarctic landscape into something that resembled a well-used bombing range. Lois managed to get above Wonder Woman and slammed her joined fists into the Amazon's back with an overhead smash, sending her into the ground hard enough to make a crater. As Lois dove down on her to follow-up, Wonder Woman sprang to her feet and the reporter's hands with her own. They struggled, each pitting her raw strength against that of the other. Both women's muscles flexed hard, showing their awesome power as the two feminine titans strove to overpower the other. “I can feel you getting weaker, Diana,” Lois said through clenched teeth. “Your muscles are softening and losing strength, but mine are still hard and powerful. You can't win.” “You're delusional,” Wonder Woman countered through equally clenched teeth. “My muscles are never soft. I am the mightiest amazon who has ever lived.” “Yeah, well, I'm not an Amazon, and I'm stronger than you!” Lois drove her knee into Diana's abdomen hard, causing her to cry out in pain. Lois took advantage of the momentary lapse in her opponent's concentration brought about by her hit and pushed hard, causing Wonder Woman to start to fall backwards as she let go of her hands and Lois clamped her powerful legs onto Diana's torso and squeezed with all her might. “Urgh!” Wonder Woman groaned in pain as she struggled to free herself from Lois's vise-like legs while lying on the ground. “Give up...” Lois grunted out while keeping up the pressure. “You can't win.” “Hera... give me strength!” Diana groaned out a prayer as she put all her strength into trying to pry the superpowered reporter's legs apart. “Your goddess can only help you so much, then you're mine.” Finding limited success in her effort to pry Lois's legs apart, Wonder Woman decided to try another tactic and put all her strength and flight power into rolling over and succeeded, driving the reporter's head through a block of ice. As her head shattered the ice block, the pressure Lois's legs were exerting on her opponent's torso lessened for a moment. That moment was all Wonder Woman needed to get free and roll away from Lois. She slowly got to her feet, favoring her ribs which had taken the brunt of Lois's crushing leg-grip. Lois had a feral smile on her face as she noted her opponent's soft spot and knew that the battle would soon end. Lois charged forward and feinted at Wonder Woman's face. Wonder Woman fell for the feint and Lois drove her fist into the Amazon's unprotected belly. Already weakened from the battering they took throughout the battle, Diana's mighty abs gave way in the face of this punch and the air was driven from her lungs as she doubled over, only to be straightened out by an uppercut from Lois, followed by a straight punch to the face which put the Amazon on the snow-covered ground. Before Wonder Woman could recover, Lois sat her up and put her in a sleeper hold, her softball-sized bicep pressing hard against the Amazon's windpipe. Wonder Woman struggled to get free, but she was too drained from the long and debilitating fight and finally passed out after several minutes. Once Lois was sure Diana was out cold, she released the hold and allowed the Amazon to flop back to a prone position. Lois stood over her for several minutes, breathing hard from the grueling battle, until she had gotten her breathing under control. “I did it,” Lois whispered, then spoke louder. “I did it! I kicked Wonder Woman's ass! Now I've got a date with my husband's super cock.” Lois turned in the direction of the Fortress of Solitude to fly back to it and her husband but discovered that it was unnecessary as her husband was standing not ten feet away, still naked, his cock pointing straight at her. Lois estimated that it was eighteen inches long, bigger than she'd imagined her husband's full length to be, and felt herself grow wet at the thought of that monster inside her. “That's quite a weapon you've got there, Superman,” Lois grinned. “But don't worry. I'm sure I can contain its power so it won't hurt anyone when it goes off, but we must hurry.” “You're sure you can handle it?” Superman asked. “She was able to handle it on a regular basis,” Lois noted as she pointed at Wonder Woman's unconscious form. “And I just beat the crap out of her. Plus, I'm invulnerable and she actually isn't. If she failed to block a bullet with her bracelets, it could pierce her skin, but that same bullet would just bounce off mine.” “You mentioned that Mxyzptlk was responsible for your powers. Did he just tell you he'd made you invulnerable, or did you actually test it. That imp has a knack for playing tricks.” “Well, I didn't get anybody to actually shoot at me, but I did smash through our glass balcony door tits first and didn't get a scratch. Now are you gonna fuck me or not?” “If you think you're up to it after that brawl with Diana, then get ready.” Superman strode toward Lois as she flexed her awesome muscles, both with smiles on their faces, until he was within arm's reach and then reached out and grabbed his wife's full breasts, squeezing hard enough to crush steel. Lois moaned with pleasure as she was lifted into the air by her breasts. Lois and Superman gazed into each others' eyes and she made a slight nod. At this signal, the Man of Steel brought his wife down hard, impaling her with his massive shaft. Lois moaned in ecstasy as her pussy was filled by a massive Kryptonian cock. She gasped even louder when Superman slammed her into the ground hard enough to send shards of ice flying, driving all eighteen inches into her. Their lovemaking could be heard for miles around as the most powerful husband and wife in the world truly consummated their marriage at long last. By the time they were done, Superman had cum inside his wife at least three times and she had lost track of her own orgasms. During their lovemaking, Wonder Woman had awakened and became sad when she realized that Superman was fucking his wife so close to where she had been laying. She flew back to the Fortress of Solitude as quickly as she could manage, tears forming in her eyes as she thought about what had happened. She loved Superman but he loved Lois. He had only let her be his mistress because there was no way for his wife to satisfy him, but now that a certain annoying fifth dimensional imp had made Lois as strong as her, she doubted that Superman would ever agree to fuck her again. Diana was still crying when she reached the Fortress and cried the whole time she was getting dressed. She had dreamed of one day carrying Superman's child and now that dream was crushed. Once again fully clothed(well, some of her critics didn't consider her costume to qualify as fully clothed, but she did) Diana expanded her invisible jet from the compact-sized object it was when she wasn't using it, got in, and took off for home. Lois and Superman's cries of passion were still filling the valley as she flew out of range. And watching it all on a television attached to a VCR(or at least, that's what it looked like, who knows with fifth-dimensional technology) was Mr. Mxyzptlk, who was grinning from ear to ear and looking forward to showing the tape to his girlfriend Ms. Gsptlsnz. “Gsptlsnz is gonna find this tape very inspiring,” the imp grinned as he watched Lois and Superman's lovemaking with a voyeuristic smirk on his face. “I know I sure do.” The End