Why is Everything so Soft? Part 2 By Jeremy Wilson rvdfan315@charter.net Super Kitty demonstrates her powers on some fantasy land evil doers While Tara Thurman was trying to figure out how to be a super heroine, the phone started to ring. That’s strange, she thought, I almost never get any phone calls. She picked it up to hear a strange shrieking and screaming and then the voice on the line said very shakily "you’ve got to help us, ogres and orcs have invaded our reality and have taken over the city." She didn’t recognize the voice, but she thought about it a while and said, that must have been the new mayor of the city, Seline Brazzini. My goodness, she thought, ogres?! Orcs??? What the heck is going on here, well, I guess Super Kitty will have to investigate. Tara clothed herself in her superhero costume and proceeded to run to downtown, where the city hall was, and apparently where these fantasy world creatures had attacked. It took her about thirty seconds to get there, even though she lived 12 miles from the downtown area. She stopped when she saw these 6 50 feet tall creatures that had green skin, huge fangs, brown vests and pants, and muscle all over their body. These were the ogres, each one weighing in excess of 100 tons and possessing the strength of 1,000 normal men. The orcs did not look as bad, being only 20 feet tall and 10 tons, but there were more of them, at least 10. They had bright yellow skin, fangs that in proportion were longer than the ogre’s, and wore dark green vests and black pants. They were also very muscular, but much more defined then the ogres. Their strength was actually even worse then the ogres, at 2,500 times that of a normal human, and it showed as they chucked cars around like they were balloons. Super Kitty made it just in time to catch a speeding car that was aimed right for her head, and put it down right where she was. Tara had tested her strength many times since she was transformed into her super powerful Super Kitty, her alter ego. She had found many, many things to test it on, but she have never faced a creature as powerful as the orcs or ogres. But she went ahead and called them out, and just like that all the destruction that the ogres and orcs were causing stopped. They all gathered in the center of the town over the ruins of what was the memorial park, 16 of the biggest, strongest and meanest creatures that this world has ever encountered, staring with glee at this small, waiflike girl in a cat outfit. Many of them were laughing and the ones who weren’t were grinning, showing their yellow and green teeth that were filled with another color, red, from all the people and animals that these evil creatures had consumed. Super Kitty was disgusted but at the same time she was outraged, she looked at the biggest ogre there and said "I challenge you, one on one, if you lose, each and everyone of you will be next, until all of you are completely and utterly destroyed, do I make myself clear." The biggest ogre said "My name is Guftor, I am the strongest of this group and it will be my honor to destroy you and eat your flesh." Tara just smiled and said "Well, big boy, you are going to be in for a surprise, I am going to kick your big butt all over the city." So they each got into fighting stances, the 50 foot tall ogre against the 5'2" college-coed-turned-superheroine. Tara knew something though that the ogre didn't, she could fly for short periods of time and her speed was well beyond that of the fastest vehicle on Earth. Guftor took the first swing, a slow, plodding blow with his right fist that Tara easily avoided. There was no turning back now, so she lept straight up in the air 50 feet and landed on top of his head. The ogre was totally dumbfounded and tried to swat at her above his head, but again she was too fast, she kept dodging his swinging fists and finally, when she was tired of it, hopped down to his 5 foot long, 2 foot wide nose and punched him one time on the forehead. This did not affect the ogre that much, but then he swung an open hand at the bug that had landed on his nose, Tara moved out of the way at the last moment and the ogre didn't have good reaction time, so he nailed himself in the head. This staggered him a lot more then Tara's punch, but that was her plan all along, she didn't hit him with all her power, she just wanted to annoy him enough to make him committ a mistake. At this point, Tara, knowing this would be the time to take advantage, flew down to his feet. She saw that his shoe laces were not tied tight, this made her smile, she knew just what to do. She untied the shoes while he was still recovering from the shot he gave himself, and then she tied them together with a double knot, she wasn't taking any precautions. So after she was finished tying, she ran out in front of the huge ogre, trying to get his attention, she waved her hands up at him and called him names, which enraged the ogre even more. She was running away, so the big ogre followed, but like Tara had planned, he tripped over his own feet and fell down face first to the ground. This knocked the giant ogre loopy, and his two front teeth were knocked from his mouth. Now it was time for Tara to take advantage of the situation and she did with pleasure. She went up to the huge head of the ogre, 10 feet tall, and 7-and-a-half feet wide, and started hammering his head with all her power. Guftor was moaning with pain as his jaw and temples were been hit again and again, about 20 hits per second. After about 5 minutes of this, his face was unrecognizable, it was all red and purple and it was bleeding profusely. He wanted to say he surrendered, but his mouth was so swollen up, that it came out as I srrrenbrr. She looked over at the other ogres and orcs and said "Anybody else." They all shook their heads no and turned around and opened up a dimensional portal. She said "Don’t forget your buddy here." With that she proceeded to lift the unconscious ogre, who weighed 150 tons, and through him at the other ogres so hard and so fast it knocked them through the other side of the portal. "Huh, well I don’t think we’ll see them again." She said with a small smile The End