Ultrafemme: The Ultimate Test By Jeremy Wilson rvdfan315@charter.net, with regards to Anterion Julia really tests her new powers Dr. Julia had awakened to a new world of possibilities, she knew she had more power than she could possibly measure with regular weights, seeing as though she could lift a washer and dryer above her head with absolute ease. She could perform 200 pushups in just under 30 seconds, which would mean she could do just over 6 a second and she wasn’t even tired after all those pushups. Then she saw the steel door that was about 5 inches thick and weighed about 250 pounds, she smiled at the new challenge, thinking it could be the hardest thing she would have had to do since she gained her new strength. Feeling the cold steel in her hands brought a sense of thrill and anticipation, she took a firm grip, took a deep breath and proceeded to tear the steel of its hinges like it was a tissue. Then with a renewed sense of realization she started twisting and turning the door as though it was a piece of paper, before finally crumpling it up in her hands until it was the size of a tennis ball. Then she squeezed the ball of metal until it was steaming, ready to melt, and finally the ball was nothing. Her powerful grip squeezed it out of existence. This was almost easy to her, like it took about as much effort as tying her shoe laces. This was amazing to her, she absolutely loved the feeling of the power she had in her little body. She knew she needed even bigger challenges though, she looked outside to see her big SUV, a 1998 Dodge Ram, which was about 3 tons of heavy steel. Julia knew that the steel of the door was somewhat tougher than the steel that car manufacturers use, but up to now she had never lifted anything heavier than 1000 pounds, here was something that weighed 6000 pounds, a very big step up in her opinion. So, she ran downstairs and out the door, not her full speed but faster than the human eye could follow. She reached her car in less than 5 seconds, even though the car was on the far side of the lot, over two blocks walking distance. She stepped up confidently to her big truck and said "Here goes nothing." With that she bent down and took one side in both her hands, with the ease of some of her other feats of strength she knew she could at least get one side off the ground, but she didn't know how far she could go after that. So without second guessing herself, she proceeded to lift the huge truck off the ground. Now on two wheels and being suspended in the air with her two hands the truck was groaning with the strain of trying to stay together. It was so easy for Julia, it made her smile to know that this 3 ton truck was close to weightless to her new strength. She took one hand off and was effectively holding half the trucks weight in one hand, not even noticing the difference in how much it weighed. Then she had an idea, "could I press it over my head, can I get the whole 3 tons straight up?" She looked around again, and when she was confident the coast was clear, she lifted the truck higher. She proceeded to hold it on two wheels with one hand and started walking her hands to the inside until finally she found the balance point. Then, with an explosion of unbelievable strength, she lifted it straight over her head, almost as easy as any feat she had done before. "6000 pounds, shoot, this feels more like 60 to me, am I really that strong." So she found a more viable balance point and gripped the undercarriage even tighter with her left hand, and with that hand she proceeded to take the whole weight of the truck and pressed it once more with her 'weaker' hand. She was straining, but not as much as she should have, 3 tons overhead with one hand and she only had to try a tiny bit, like 20 percent of her total strength was being tested. Julia decided to drive home, even though she knew she could go faster than any car known to man, because she needed to think about how to test her strength further. She also wanted to get some more strength from the formula, which she kept in a vial in her refrigerator. She knew she was possibly stronger than anything on the planet, but the fact that she had to strain to press her truck overhead with one hand had stuck in her craw. She wanted to be stronger than that, so much stronger that she would be able to do 5 of her trucks in each hand. So when she found the vial she immediately emptied its contents into her mouth. Then she started shaking, her eyes were closed and she felt a little sick to her stomach. This was strange, she didn't feel this bad after first taking the formula. After 5 minutes of this strange feeling, she felt something else, a tingling in her muscles. Now she could feel almost an electric surge that sent more and more power through her body. Not only did she feel stronger, she certainly looked it as her muscles gained more size, she wasn't that muscular before, only possessing the size of a medium fitness competitor, but now she could have contended for the Miss Olympia. Her muscles were so large and pumped that they exploded out of her lab coat, her arms looking like they could bench an elephant, but the truth was, she probably could have done that before taking this batch of the formula. Now she probably could bench three in each hand. Perhaps more, the formula was an extreme strength multiplier and she was damn strong after the first treatment, so now she could be hundreds, maybe thousands of times stronger than that. Julia’s only problem would be how to test that strength, she knew her truck was next to nothing to her old strength, but it was the heaviest object that she possessed. Unless, she thought, you count my house. Then she shouted, the house! It must have weighed many times what her truck weighed, her fantastic mind estimated that it had to weigh at least 1,000 tons, over 300 times what her truck weighed when she lifted it with one hand like it was nothing. Now this could be a challenge, she thought, the thing is how do I do it without getting noticed. She looked around outside her window to see if anybody was outside and when she was confident that no one was in the neighborhood, she went outside, slowly and carefully, not wanting to attract any attention to herself. She looked around one last time and bent down, she dug her fingers into the bricks in her house, awed at how easily they went through, and with one last deep breath, she stood up. With absolutely no effort at all she found that she had broken the house from its foundation and was holding the 1,000 ton house off the ground. This was nothing she thought to herself, how strong am I really, this house is so darn light that I could balance it on a finger. Which is exactly the next thing she did, she found the point of balance that supported all 1000 tons and pushed her pinky finger through the wood, concrete, and metal, when it was wedged in about ¼ of an inch, she lifted the house over her head with just her pinky and again hardly felt the weight of it on her finger. Now this was too much for her, the house was about the heaviest thing she owned, it was 2 million pounds and it was weightless to her pinky. This made her tingle all over, and she felt a heat rise from in between her legs. She had orgasmed after watching herself complete this impossible feat of strength. She knew this was as close to Nirvana as she could get, getting stronger and stronger until she could get so strong that she could lift a planet. That thought made her orgasm again, and then she rested the house down in its foundation. She was breathing huskily and said to herself "I know what I have to do now." .......... What will she test her strength on now, how strong will she get, is she going to get any more muscular? These questions will be answered when I get around to answering them, mwaahaahaahaa!!! To be continued