The Night She Came by Jeremy Wilson
    It was a deep, dark July night, about 2 am. There were not many people standing around the city streets, the weather was slight rain with a couple of large gusts, about 30 miles an hour. Suddenly, there was a huge thunder-like roar, as an immense light covered the night sky over the city of Milwaukee. It looked as though a huge comet had hit Earth's Atmosphere at three times the speed of light and the burning that came from it ignited the sky for miles around. Unbelievably, the large comet shaped object  slowed as it descended. The people who were still up and those who were awakened from the strange lights saw what appeared to be landing gear, like out of a round rock-shaped craft. When the craft finally landed, there was a crowd of several hundred people gathered around it. Then a chunk of the rock-like outer casing shifted aside like a door and there was a silouette of an amazing figure in the doorway. It was female, definitely female, as she was turned to the side her huge, gravity defying breasts stuck out two feet in front of her. Her hair looked to be long and flowing ending just above her jutting, perfectly formed buttocks. Another thing that caught the attention of the on lookers was the fact that this woman was only 5 feet tall, but what caught the most attention of the onlookers was the fact that her muscles were so large that they put the largest male bodybuilder's on Earth to absolute shame. She then walked down the ramp with a sort of swagger, smirking at the amazed faces of the spectators and winking at a few of the more handsome men in the crowd. Her face was more beautiful than any actress or model on the planet, and several men went into orgasm at just seeing her in her full glory. She finally addressed the stunned spectators "My name is Sarafina, and I come from the planet Nartoz, where all women are rulers and warriors. The average woman on Nartoz has 100 times the strength of the strongest man on Earth and those in the elite warrior caste have at least 100 times that. My mission is come to Earth and to pick the ten most powerful Earthmen to take back to my home planet and cross breed our species. If you bring them here right now, there will not be much major destruction, but if you stall this will seem like child's play compared to what I really can do." With that she turned to the nearest car and with a slight look of boredom pressed down on the bonnet with a single index finger. Metal screamed and glass broke as the car was slowly being crushed through the pressure of one of Sarafina's fingers. It took her about one minute, of course she could have done it faster, but she wanted to give these pathetic Earthlings a show, and the car was as flat as a pancake. Then she picked up what was left of the car, which weighed 3 tons, and started to fold it in on itself, she folded it again and again until it was the size of an envelope. She then put the metal in between her huge breasts and flexed her beautiful bosoms. The metal screamed again but within seconds it was transformed from solid to liquid, then in short time to gas, such was the power of her pecs. Men who had not run away after her earlier strength feats were stuck there in lust and paralyzed with fear, they had both peed and cum in their pants, some with such frequency that now they were close to unconsciousness. She smiled to herself, thinking about how awesome she must be to these pathetic Earthmen, and she herself was not even the strongest on her planet. Even though, she was much more of a match for all the males of this planet put together. She broadcast this message to the people of Earth, "If you do not deliver the ten strongest men on Earth to me within the next 48 Earth hours, I will destroy one city at a time, starting with Milwaukee, then Chicago, and so on, until I get to Washington D.C., if the ten men are not given to me then I will destroy the entire Earth with my bare hands." To emphasize her point, her fist punched into the building she was standing next to, the building sagged to the side, but didn't fall, that is until she put her index finger against it and gave it a slight push. It fell over and there was dust everhywhere, which she blew, into the atmosphere with her super lungs. The governments of every single country was awed and within minutes put together all the information they could about the strongest men in the world, using powerlifting, weightlifting, and strong man competitions as their criteria. They picked out ten suitable candidates, five from the United States, three from Scandinavian countries, and two from the rest of Europe. They were presented to Sarafina in chains, the men averaged 6 foot 5 inches and weighed about 375 pounds apiece. It looked as though the men were resisting her pulling their chains, but even all of their strength put together were not enough to make her one arm shake even a little. She turned around and said, "If you want to fight me, this could be your fate." She took a three inch thick, 50 pound lead pipe and proceeded to bend it into a knot, which she then pulled apart like it was a piece of chewing gum. The men, now awed and afraid for their lives, went along without trying to resist, knowing it was useless against such an awesome physical specimen as her. She then looked toward those who had gathered around the area where she had her spaceship and said "Don't worry you pathetic weaklings, your goddess will return, and maybe I'll take you with me next." With that she blew them a kiss, with so much force that some of the ones in front were lifted off their feet and blew back a couple of yards, just from a kiss she blew. Then she entered her cruiser and shut the door behind her cargo. She lifted off, much to the relief of the people of Earth, although most of the men were disappointed that she was leaving. The end?