Susie Interrupts Practice by Jeremy Wilson The day was bright and the temperature was 75 degrees F and Susie, an 18 year old high school senior known for being a recluse and a hard studier (nerd) went out for a walk. She was 5’2 and weighed a skinny 105 pounds, her hair was a mousy brown and she wore glasses. But actually, no one knew the real Susie, because she kept her other life a secret, even to her best friends. She usually wore long sleeve shirts and sweaters, even in the summer in order to hide her frame. Instead of a weak, waifish physique everyone thought she had she possessed a very defined set of arms and legs, and also a very hard six pack. Her muscles weren’t very big, but what she could do with them can not be described by human thought. She didn’t want to show it because she thought everyone would think she was a freak, so she kept it a secret to her friends and everyone at school. At nights though, she was the mysterious Femme Felina, a super strong hero that fought crime, no matter how bad the situation her strength, agility and quickness always neutralized the threat. But now the situation was different, she was out in the open, and she was watching the offensive linemen of the local college team, the Compton State Jaguars, which is where she got her super name, practicing for their next game. Unfortunately for her, or them maybe, they saw her walking down the street opposite from where they were and their attention was caught. They saw something in her that told them she would put out for them, so they started shouting obscenities at her. She ignored them and kept walking, but they wouldn’t leave it alone. She turned to what looked to be the leader and said “really, you don’t want any of me, I’m not what I seem, but if you really want to find out, I’ll take you all on, 9 on one in a tackle football game, 4 linemen, 2 running backs, one tight-end, one quarterback, and two wide-outs against just me, how about it?” The players couldn’t believe their ears, here they were all over 6’3 and all over 300 pounds, the weakest of them could still bench 450 pounds, and here was this little waif of a girl was challenging them nine on one and was as confident as hell too. They agreed on one condition, if they beat her, which they were sure they would, she would have to be their sex slave for each of them for one day a piece. She didn’t even flinch when she said yes, and even winked at the spokesman of the group. She let them have the ball first, kicking the ball from her own 35 yard line. The ball went so far that it actually went through the opposite field goal post, which was over 75 yards away. Only Susie knew that she had used about 5% of her total leg strength while kicking the ball. The four lineman lined up close to each other and the size difference was striking. These were the biggest guys on the squad, each one was over 6’5 and weighed from 350 pounds to 425 pounds a piece. All four could bench over 550 pounds and were known as All-American lineman in their division. She didn’t know or care about their credentials and lined up against them as though she had all the advantages in height, weight and experience. The center snapped the ball to the quarterback, over 300 pounds himself, even though he was the smallest man there he was still huge when compared to a normal man. Susie broke through the two lineman in front of her with such speed and power that they were flat on their backs before the QB could even move back from the center. The quarterback handed the ball off to the 330 pound fullback who sought to plow little Susie over, but when the two met, both hit the ground, but only Susie got up. She had hit the fullback so hard that the breath was knocked out of him and the whiplash was so violent, he was given a grade 3 concussion, which knocked him straight out. The largest three lifted their fallen comrade and moved him to the far end of the field. Now they had to look at this small girl in a different way, she had actually taken out one of the best players on their team with nothing but a standard tackle. The second play went likewise, except when she sacked the QB, she let up a little and only knocked the wind out of him. The men were desperate now, knowing that this was no regular girl, so the four linemen teamed up on her all at once, and even though she could have broken free any time she wanted, she decided to humor the men who were holding her. The quarterback dropped back about 7 yards and waited for his wide receiver to get downfield. When he felt the time was right, he threw the ball as far and as hard as he could. Seeing this, little Susie threw all four lineman 15 feet away from her like they were stuffed animals and started running to where the 325 pound wide-out was standing. It all seemed so slow to her, but in actuality it couldn’t have taken her more than 3 seconds to head the 30 yards down field to where the receiver was standing. At the right moment, Susie intercepted the pass by jumping up over the receiver’s head and coming down with the ball. The 325 pound wide-out immediately jumped on the 105 pound Susie’s back, but not to the result he had expected. She started running towards the opposite end zone with that man on her back, not even noticing that he was there, not even showing any stride breaks. She was running slow for her for one reason and one reason only, she wanted the rest of the football team to pile on top of her. And they did until all 8 of the 300 pound plus men were hanging off of every body part they could grab a hold of. Still, she hardly even noticed the combined weight and effort that these guys were using to try and bring her down. She kept running until finally she had made a touchdown. The football players fell from her petite frame, but not before grabbing hold of her sweatshirt and pulling it from her body. It was at that point when the guys found what they were really up against. Her body had made the men gasp with its muscularity. The striations and veins were flowing over her small frame, and her six pack abs made them forget the pain and shame that they had endured up to that point. At that time they knew they had no chance against this girl. The leader surrendered for the group, telling her she had won, and she could have anything that she wanted. She said “I want you to stop harassing the girls and women that walk through this neighborhood, and if I hear that you have, I’ll make this little game look like a walk in the park, got it, wimps?” The men all nodded their heads, not being able to look into her eyes for the shame and grief they were feeling from the overwhelming defeat. Finally, as a way to make this day a day for the football players to remember forever, she went up to the goal posts and proceeded to pull it out of the ground. The whole structure weighed over 950 pounds and was made from aluminum and lead. She started bending it like a pretzel, until finally she had the shape of an S for Susie. She said “This is a reminder of what could happen to you the next time any of you acts up.” With that she left the devastated men to recover mentally and physically from the torture she had put them through. The End…for now.