Strong Girl’s Charity Show The city of Madisonville was in dire straits because of all the damage that had been done from the last two super-villains to appear in town, The Maniac Muscle Master and Strange Girl. They needed as much as 500 million dollars to help rebuild most of the city, and while they already had over half of that already, they didn’t have any idea about how to raise the other 250 million. So they called Strong Girl to see if she had any ideas about how to raise the money and she said “What if I put on a charity strength show, the tickets could be about 25 dollars a piece, and it would be held over a three day period, and then we could sell videotapes of it for 10 dollars a piece, that should more than make up for it.” The mayor had agreed and they set up the performance for the next month. All they needed now was a place to hold this event, what they needed was a large enough place to hold at least 200,000 people at one time with a higher spot somewhere so that a stage could be set up and that is where Strong Girl would be performing her feats of strength. They had to make the stage large and strong in order to hold the enormous weights that she was planning to use. Later on, we find that the first 3 shows have been sold out and more than 15 million dollars have already been raised, in only the first 2 hours of ticket sales being open. The next four hours after that showed that Strong Girl was as high in demand as Rolling Stones tickets, the bottom line was that all 15 advertised shows were sold out within 8 hours of the opening and all in all over 150 million dollars had been made, not even including the scalpers, who had started charging as much as 500 dollars a ticket, over 250% of their original value, and the people that bought those were sure the show they would get would be more than worth it. So, to the day of the performance. The stage was huge and was covered with a huge black curtain, mainly to hide the enormous objects that Strong Girl was planning to demonstrate her power on. When she was ready she would show them feats of strength they had never seen before, even in fantasy cartoons and movies. The event started at 12:00PM and would be about 3 hrs. long. Strong Girl entered the stage to the song "Brickhouse" and began with some basic flexes, showing off her extreme muscularity. Her muscles were unbelievably pumped from the lifting she had done in preparation for this show and her muscles were bigger than ever before. Her thighs were 75 inches, her calves 52 inches, her waist 16 inches, chest 125 inches, forearms 32 inches, and her pride and joys, her biceps were 63 inches. All that on a 5'6 inch body, which makes her muscles seem even bigger. The crowd was almost orgasmic from the flexing, and they were waiting for more. The music stopped and she went over to the microphone at the foot of the stage. The black curtain was still up, but as soon as she said "Let the show begin!", it dropped to reveal a double decker bus, a seven foot tall, 6 foot wide granite rock, several huge barbells, and some containers with some of the hardest materials known to man. These included diamonds, titanium, reinforced steel ball bearings,and finally duranium, the strongest metal known to mankind. Strong Girl walked over to the bus, which weighed over 12 tons and said into the microphone, "this is probably the heaviest vehicle that can be found around Madisonville, but look how light it is to me." With that she put one hand under the frame and lifted it up on two wheels, then she walked her hands to the middle until she found a balance point. Then, with the upmost of ease, she proceeded to press the whole double decker over her head, with just one hand. She pressed it with one hand for fifty reps and even more astounding, she balanced the whole thing on her pinky finger, without even noticing the difference. She put it down as gentle as a feather and then went over to the barbells. She said into her personal mic that these were some of her personal barbells from home, they were reinforced lead and the lightest still weighed at least 2000 tons. She then picked up two of the larger ones, one in each hand saying, "these are 4000 tons apiece, six months ago these were hard to curl with both arms, but now watch." She started repping the big 4000 ton dumbells like they weighed 5 pounds to a normal female bodybuilder, but she was far from normal. Then she put those down and went over to the biggest barbell. She said "this barbell weighs 7500 tons, two months ago this was my max bench, now look at what I can do with it. She picked it up and started pressing it over her head with both her hands, after 50 reps of that she reversed her grip and curled it easily for another 50 reps. Obviously she was just getting warmed up, but the crowd needed to be cooled down, the crowd was 75% men and 100% of those men had already creamed themselves at least twice. The announcer, though, had said it was intermission, it would be 30 minutes before Strong Girl would continue. And the story will continue also...2B Continued